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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the the challenges with the independent reviews is as well as you to provide any evidence for its claims that work is from the you ins, relief agency, palestine were involved in the on top of 17 mazda tax, the potomac hi, this is l. just every line from door how also coming up as well as intelligence chief becomes the 1st senior official to resign, taking responsibility for failure to stop the october 7th tax.
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that includes the donald trump will have the license from the 1st is a criminal trial for the former us presidents warnings of a once in a century. floods in southern china, about 80000 people have been moved to safety. the review of the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees is found that as row has yet to provide supporting evidence on the tank is ations or employees. a members of him off and linked to the october 7th, the tax on israel over at the findings of the review. all of that in rise in place, a very significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the humanities and principles of neutrality. so i show you property of a lot of systems on all the you are an organization. so addresses which
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is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult a situation which sale price and the uniqueness of the mission. there's always room for improvement. well, since the claim was made in january, many countries costs the funding to and including the biggest fund is the u. s. to many and the as you under a suppose 5900000 people across 5 territories of gaza. they occupied with bank living on children and cereals and providing the basic necessities of life from food to schools, and even infrastructure and refugee camps. but from on all of this, we joined now by francisco ven easy, who is the united nation special russell to own the occupied palestinian territories. she is an elevation, egypt, northern sanaa, and to joins us now. thank you very much for being with us here on the al jazeera
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once again. first of all, we're getting to the issue of neutrality that the report rise. but can we begin with your reaction to the revelation that israel hasn't provided any evidence? so father, the employees were involved in a mazda attack, a thank you tom. yes indeed. once again, we have the someone say, don't forget to take the commission was investigated. the israel's obligation saying that those obligations are not supported by evidence are on substantiate. and the i'm not surprised because i remember since my past we've gone wrong, and these are not changed since 2011 and law has provided the list of stuff. so then there's a contracted by the agency every rank it really at least once, it's not twice a year to be as well. and since 2011, there was never
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a complaint that anyone was associated a fee to, to any proof of that might be per guys. they told him that he forced to talk on that has recognized it. and right has that a significant number of mckinney smith procedures to ensure compliance for new trying to keep reading, writing, try in principles. and in fact, when it comes to new trying to get you to have a system which is more advanced than not either seen in or un entities, meaning tone is took israel's claims at face value when they were put out there and they pulled the funding. well, just what does that specifically tell you about those countries in the way that they have acted since basically the beginning of this for, you know, how do you type in any time or prior to the 26th of january? i would say just after the after the responsible because it's clear that unlock provides a lifeline for financing and richard cheese in not trusting god in countries that
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are going through a massive strive or massive challenges to $911.00 and cdo. and of course, the gas, i know the situation does are, is a really big box on the 26th of january, the international court of justice issued for additional measures recommending and the delivery of humanitarian aid, which was equal to the policy and, and also everyone knows everyone else is around the 1st and foremost, what is the only one who has the capacity to receive it to distribute flips because it makes infrastructure because of the distribution system because of its trust. and no, i mean, i mean, not a store. i can tell you, i can tell you not seeing the number, i can absorb the capacity all need that is needed and it be stored here. what i'm tired of calling you just is responsible. it's also a breach, a breach with the, the measures or their and by the international court of justice. mm hm. as we have
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saying, what impact do you think that this report is actually going to have any, will any donors who have suspended funding, for example, actually go about restoring it? they don't have to restore the funding, have to restore the funding. this is an obligation, you know, i'm lot of will paste as well. i wish i had the crystal tom. i don't, the must. first of all because he's a subsidiary body of the general assembly. he stimulated out the system exist is also true. and because of the schools and to kind of be big and chosen, you know, these countries are, i'm happy with iraq for whatever reason, the, the way the, the legal and not whole way to fix the matter is to go to the general assembly and have another resolution past which either the forms, either review or this month, that i don't know until that point on one represent
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a responsibility of the domestic community toward the financing and refugees. and today, more than as well. thank you so much. we really do appreciate your time. we'll have to leave it there. that is francisco companies of united nation special rep for total in the occupied palestinian territories. thanks again for being with us here on al jazeera cable sales and bar code is professor of public policy. it has not been can reset university, joins us once again. here. first of all, what do you think the purpose of this report is? doesn't actually serves a purpose or while it has served in the sense that uh it took the secretary general of the hook in the teeth. he did his best and his his follow the bro kotik line. however, i think it was really unnecessary and should not have happened in this particular time. you know, if you look into the details of the report, the investigators, the academics went up into this, they come from the scandinavian countries. they could not make it together. so they
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based it on their visits to underwater operations in georgia and 11 is not even in city. yeah. and they may have interviewed the aid workers within does, but it was detached, totally from the context that 3 living at the moment. and it has served the purpose of distracting, i think attention a gain of, of what's going on in gaza to some extent and from the, with israel that you can without reading and evidence. you can get an investigation going. i don't have to have is the other way around. it's impossible. i mean, if, if we're saying that this policy is, was something you investigated, everybody would come to you and say, well, what is the evidence where we suspect that this has happened? you need to prove more before we even think about doing an investigation. so i think by doing that, i'm just guessing that you've a kind of serve that agenda somehow. but what really worries me is the, is the at the, the fact they focused specifically on you try to g,
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detached from the other principles of humanity intervention, which includes very importantly, independence. you menissi an impact strategy. you might have to means you have to protect people 1st. so you cannot just go there and i want to be neutral. i am working with an echo system which would allow me to protect these people, which has never been the case in to and then because of the policy use. and i need to do it independently of all sides, including israel. now they could not do anything independently of results. they could not get in any fluid in their guys without it's reliant on his own. so to come at the end of this and say on average, there are $27.00 claims of infringement of to try to mostly on social media per year. and under, while we chose 13000 people. yeah. is that rich and keeping in mind that the work is employed by an or what are also recipients of a well known what was not created purely as a who maternity agency. right,
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which is a n work organization, is there to provide people with livelihoods up against is where the work as well as you can see it to just very briefly. what difference do you think that this report is actually going to make it? if any, do you think that any of the donors that pulled the funding suspended the funding or actually kind of restored any time? so i doubted. i think those who pulled out the book for political reasons and those sort of still didn't have it ready to start and the ones who are still out of the game. and then i'd like you to come back because of this report that i'd like you to come back until they've seen on the dismantled. i think they very much agree with this room on the is a problem for the is there a solution of the 1st the new question because it codes the identity of the palestinians. it's holes the fact that there are so many, many in refugees or have the right to to return. they're not going off for it because of its effectiveness as, as an agency. yeah. or because of the pictures on social media, by solving stuff, they've got enough for it because it is a quote,
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identity of supposed to refugee the 2nd will have to leave it there. but as a result, and we really do appreciate your time and inside and sort of this, thank you. as well as early as strikes and central dogs. i have killed at least 8 palestinians and have injured more than 60 palestinians have reported intense bombardments in the area in mids and is ready operation. and overreach can an entire residential block was target is in the southern city of for off of $26.00. people have died over the past 24 hours as ready as drawings. it more residential buildings of more and this erica bozer and joins us now live from bra for in the south. and so he just took us through the most recent strikes in the last few hours or so. yes, in fact, and within the past couple of hours, we clearly see that they use recommended tree had activated a gun. there met a tree activities in the northern parts of the gaza strip invite tunnel in town. as the author, lori, as the author of units alongside with many treat,
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texas taught it to advance deeper into the up in areas in by tunnel in town. as the troops on the ground have been using military quite cool to drones, in order to attack an open fire on residents who are taking shelter evacuation since it's in the western part of the town. the eye witnesses have been describing the situation to be really difficult, as there is any going bombardments in the entire area of the relatively inmate loudly as well. there are more strikes. this is really here to call does have been whole bring in a very low altitude, opening fire against residential houses without any casualties being reported till now. but what we can see is that these many ministry has been gradually escalating their military attacks in the middle area, specifically that the fight thing is imagined and even ongoing in the vicinity of the corey to that is what it has recently established as these. but the military has been using intensify upon order to destroy residential houses along side with
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the agriculture or farm. that's the one, the facility on to post parts of the roads in order to guaranteed that the entire area will be clouded from any threat to any power sending existence from that side . but yet to now palestinians here in the south, are really terrified from the fact that they might be under more attacks within the coming. that was specifically that most hovering of these really surveillance of drones could be clearly overheads in many areas in the west. and even in the eastern side of roof, our district in the past, off of the territory, integrity are also reports of the military operation in the car. it will sit right in the north and south of the gaza strip. do you have any more details about the exactly what is happening there will be is really ministry has announced that they are launching new duration in the middle area in order to a secure then you corey door that they have recently established that completely
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supplies the gaza. strip into 2 parts and other parts of the southern part, which is close to named serene junction. now the main, the main goal for the is very military establishment. so that's a career doors to take full control over the movements of palestinians between the north and the south, and the same time to be as keep basis for future operations could be launched later as the minister, as the ministry had established to military comp. so one on, so i had, you know, then the 2nd one on the rashid road as they are trying to take control over the 2 main linking roads between different areas and the gaza strip by witnesses. and people have been saying that some button and did not stop even since the end of the previous cooperation in the know that part of us are rocked refugee camp as they focused on these attacks have been carried out. a has been completely de directed to the eastern part of dairy by and even the bridge refuge account. okay, thank you so much for that update its terracon. it was in for us that and rough uh,
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as the head of the, as well as military intelligence, has resigned, accepting responsibility for the lamps and security that leads to the tank by him, also in southern israel. on october, the 7th, major general her on helena is the 1st senior government figures a quiz in the wake of the attack, which killed 1139 people. he says there was a failure of his ready intelligence and his cold for an investigation. specifically, dick has more now from occupied east jerusalem. why? it's been accepted by the minister of defense. he remains in his position until they can replace him in terms of for now, not that much suspected that at some point, senior leaders will be accepting responsibility. in fact, most of them did an in the optimal of october. the 7th. he said he accepted responsibility. the head of the shouldn't batch, that's the internal security forces. they are said they accepted responsibility for the failings. also, the head of the army chief of stalls said that they also failed in preventing
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october. the 7th, the main person we haven't heard from is these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and you've had, you talked about fallout, you've had some finger pointing today. well sir, from the leader of the opposition? yeah. le pete. welcoming this resignation saying it was the honorable and justifiable thing to do, and that prime minister benjamin netanyahu should be doing the same. this was a catch of scott catastrophic failure. on the intelligence level and military level . there were warnings up to a year before this attack, a blueprint even given to israel that have mass seems to have executed almost down to every line, even in the days ahead. they were warnings from its allies that have mass was moving in unusual ways and then the ministry took hours really to organize themselves. the kibbutz is left to their own devices. so it was a massive failure of the biggest in israel's history when it comes to an s and yahoo. what he says, he says he will answer tough questions, but now is all the time. and that he'll do so after the war is over. but just
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briefly, a lot of criticism also on the prime minister from his radius who say he was in charge, he's the ultimate one responsible he should resign and that he is prolonging this war only for his own political survival. us give us a head here on the elders era. no, if nobody dislikes all going to roland. the british prime minister doubles down on his pledge to send the asylum seekers to refund and lighting up the night. a freight train rolls through a town in canada engulfed in flames. the the demand for low price clovis is accelerating that high speed is absolutely great is by 2030. the industry will expand by an additional 60 percent. i'll just do a, takes a detailed look at dispose of fashion. we can look at those one, our video is admitted to exposing the human and environmental costs
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play with the company. give free wants to choose dean ever since. then on data on the boss fashion, all knowledge is here. so how is your vacation in this a shelf? the chest? wow. the on counting the cost germany is been gauging with china or trays. why? consul in breakup with badging by jerry as comments he has, we're bound to the all the economic reforms working and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has called action on sustain instead of counting the cost on al jazeera,
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the, the, the, you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories, the salad review into the human agency, the palestinian refugees. and ruth says israel has no provided evidence. it's employees and members of mosse and linked to the october 7th attacks. and many countries have kept their funding to enroll, since those claims were made in january. the head of, as well as military intelligence, has resigned, saying he takes responsibility for the lapse and security that leads to the mazda attack on october. the 7th by general, her on her leave is the 1st senior official to quiz. the students at columbia university in new york have been told to stay at home as pellets, simeon sold their already purchased continue on campus. the several student groups
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including jewish voice, but pace has been protest smoothly to visit these links to these riley states. since this type demonstrations and support of palestine have rocks university campuses with the thousands of a risk ivy league school, you can go to all the world news now making statements and the 1st system in the and donald trump's 1st criminal trial. i have now wrapped up for the day, prosecutor say, the former us president a legally conceal payments made to an adult film actress to hide and the fear trump has pleaded not guilty to the charges and says he is the victim of political persecution. as he makes another run for the white house to see him, christened salumi has moved from outside the court in new york. this is stuart criminal trial of a former you as president dod underway with the prosecution. and the defense presenting an overview of their cases in opening statement. the prosecution argues
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that this is a case of election fraud, pure and simple. they say that the payments made to the adult film actors known as stormy daniels were hidden and improperly documented as legal fees in order to cover up with they describe as a long standing conspiracy to bury the bad news about then candidate donald trump. this was in the run up to the 2016 election. the defense, on the other hand, argues that donald trump never had an affair with this woman. she never tried to cover up the payments. they point to key witnesses in this case as on trustworthy people who have lied on the stand before. now, all of that will be dealt into with witnesses going forward. in a case that's expected to take about 6 weeks. one question that still has yet to be
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answered is whether or not donald trump himself will take the stand to testify. he said that he wants to do so, but the judge warned him before opening arguments, that if he does, then prosecutors can ask him about other legal issues he'd had that would otherwise be off limits in this case. for now, donald trump is choosing to make his case outside of court in the court of public opinion. prison salumi al jazeera, new york, spanish prime minister, she so next is the 1st flights carrying asylum seekers to were wonderful leave in 10 to 12 weeks. the plan is the central part of is government strategy to tackle legal migration is a widely criticized by human rights groups and as they to a political deadlock polymer, this debating this game. and once the government is high, think will be the last stage in a long running battle. enough is enough,
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no more prevarication, no more delay paul them. and what's that tonight? and vote no matter how late it goes. no. is no box based lights on going to rolanda . on the success of vista, terence doesn't rest on one flight alone. it rests on the relentless, continual process of successfully. i'm permanently removing people to rolanda with a regular rhythm of multiple flights every month over the summer. and beyond, until the votes all stopped. well, pull brendan has more now from london. well, what's at stake here is the government's whole migration or immigration policy. richard soon i set out 5 key principles and, and keep promises to the electors. especially important because we are in a general election. yeah. this year i'm one of those 5 promises was to stop the boats. the small boats,
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inflatables that have been crossing the narrow stretch of the english channel from the northern french coast to southern england. i'm one of the key things he believes will stop the votes, is the deterrent effect of when immigrants arrive here telling them that they will not be able to claim asylum here in the u. k. that they will be sent to the african country of rwanda. where even if they are granted asylum and their asylum claims are accepted, they will not pretend to the u. k, they will stay in rewind, or will be distributed somewhere else in that area, basically is to do away with the prospect of been coming here to the u. k. it's, here's a controversial human rights and opposition groups uphold 5 is it's effectively britain offshore and it's, it's a refugee responsibilities. but the problem is to the determine to push it through . he wants to appear to be strong. he's not going to back down. he's not willing to compromise, even on what appeared to be fairly sensible compromises that the lords have tried to introduce to this legislation. the impression seems to be that he wants to be
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strong on this. and he's going to push this through using the government's majority in the commons. so essentially twisty all of the lords and push this through into legislation. but it's going to be a long night because the lords on not compromising all 3 people accused of spying for china have been arrested in germany. prosecute just at the tree of gym and citizens has been causing sensitive information to chinese intelligence. since at least june 2020 to one of the suspects named as thomas i had been reportedly handing technologies with potential military purposes. the 3 german citizens that also accused of exposing a laser to china, which is prohibited under european regulations to emergency plans have been activated in southern china, up to heavy ryans cold, severe flooding. more than 100000 people have been moved to safety. scientists, climate change is making weather events like this one more intense and
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unpredictable. it doesn't gain food. reports dropped by torrential rains in southern china. this elderly man has to be carried to safety. emergency services, a looking for several people still missing after on seasonal rains. last spring, don't provence for days. the force of the flood waters took many by surprise, sweeping away cars, damaging roads and destroying crops, local se rain like this hasn't been seen in nearly a century. where the, everything's gone, all the seeds are gone. i lost a modem, $13000.00, fields over that several heck says it's full flooded. the storms have already cause damage was almost $20000000.00, according to some estimates. one of the most densely populated provinces, one don't this home to many of china is factories. it sits on the pearl river delta,
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making it vulnerable to the rise and sea levels and climate change induced weather events which are happening more frequently. dozens of rivers, 1st thing their banks have forced a 110000 people to move to safety. so as i gave you, and i live here, it's all flooded. the schools and businesses have closed in many cities as they brace for more powerful storms forecasts for later this week. if this i'm getting food, audra 0 people in the canadian city of london were presented with a live show that engulf the 9th sky on sunday night. but it wasn't by design. the train engulfed in flames and barrels through the city. as witnesses, cold, local fire departments. we're trying to eventually come to a complete stop and farm and remove most of the cargo that was flammable. the police are investigating this situation and why it took,
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try and conduct is so long to even notice the flames. the okay, well that's over me. tell me, cry for the moment. you can find much more information on our website. i'll just here comes. the news continues here at the counseling the cost of next to stay with us. the i had a lot of the weather's been feeding. robert, chilly across parts of europe, especially across more northern and central areas. we've had some cold air blowing down. know can temperatures below the average of cost pots of scandinavia for places like sweden. we're also watching some areas of low pressure. one of those will continue to bring some western wintry weather to places like switzerland, austria, as well as northern parts of italy, as well as the blustery winds across the mediterranean. we have had some warnings
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for cases like sardinia as well as the city and some of the greek islands as well will feel force of those wins. another area of low pressure will bring some west of weather to the balkans, and another area will continue to bring wintery weather across the baltic states. now they tend to march together as we go into wednesday. so we'll see what the weather for the low countries. what are some heavy rain coming in the poland, and whether you can see moves its way across southern parts of it to be as we go into wednesday. but it does remain launch the dry for the north west versus the island of island as well as will portugal and spain. well, we'll see the temperature continued to rise over the next few days. not just be here, but across the western areas. if we look at the 3 day for anchor will be well above the average through to 1st day. the latest news, as it breaks, the doctors will say the witness. the feelings knew exactly where to with detailed
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coverage. everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the stores. these attacks are taking place also was had a city and are on the road, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another or the kind of them and they're gonna put on. and this is counting the cost on algebra you . we can look at the world of business and economics this week. germany is re engaging with china and trade despite the east flexing as much as with aging. so why consulate breakup with the agents.


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