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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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is of oregon, these helicopters flying over the ridge spring something and they didn't even see the care for 2 women fought for justice against some of the most powerful forces in the world. the people vs agents, orange analogies, 0 the the hello, i'm tell mccrae, this is the news on line from coming off in the next 60 minutes. an independent review says, israel has sofa filed to provide any evidence for its claims that you in relief, agency work is involved in the all type of student to mazda attacks. for us, president wise, in on the widening student protests against, as well as war and casa cooling them, anti semitic,
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the number of bodies found in mass graves continues to rise and con eunice and casa following. the withdrawal of the is ready. i'll be there to the full, the president's and then you your quote for the 1st day of one of the most high profile of criminal cases and us history. the israel has yet to provide evidence of its claims. a number of you in relation works agency employees were members of him boss and had any connections to the october 7th, a tex. those are the findings of an independent report commission by the you in from a former french foreign minister. since the accusations were made in january, many countries cops the funding, including the u. s. germany and the in your houses here, as gabriella ellis on the i sent us this report from new york. are you mandatory?
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and organizations are bound by principles of neutrality and unrest. has not only met but exceeded those principles that according to a newly released $47.00 page independent report, which was commissioned by the un and led by former french foreign minister, catherine colona, in conjunction with 3 human rights investigative bodies from europe over the findings of the review all of that in rise in place of verse, significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the humanities and principles of neutrality. actually had property of a more definite system. then, although you are an organization, so addresses which is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult, a situation in which they operate and uh, the, this uniqueness of the mission. the report was 9 weeks in the making and relied on
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hundreds of interviews and site visits including in gaza. it was commissioned by the secretary general antonio gutierrez after israel made unsubstantiated claims in january. the under employees were part of terrorist organizations regarding those claims. the final report says, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this. unreal gives a full list of all its employees to relevant countries, including israel, on a regular basis. these really government has not informed of any concerns related to any unreal staff based on the staff with since 2011 the report states. the report goes highlight 50 recommendations in areas on rec, can improve such as more international employees and management goals. more frequent updates to toner countries on neutrality issues and expanded community awareness. the report largely exxon rates on right from any intentional and blatant
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acts of bias. but the damage from israel's claims has already been done. 16 countries suspended funding to unreal and will a few of those have since resumed funding once again. unrest says they only have enough money to get through june gabriel's onto elders either at the united nations in new york. students at the iowa columbia and new york universities have been holding assist and protests on campus against as well as for on gaza, define university officials to mom's to vacate the more than 100 students have been arrested. how does your test drive has more a gale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university administrators.
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police literally 47 protesters at you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday, protesting hills refusal to die best from military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale complicity in israel's genocide and gaza. meanwhile, administrators at columbia university in new york city cancelled in person classes on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe. after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week. as a jew, i no longer feel welcome on campus. i no longer feel safe on campus. i no longer feel that i belong some of the anti israel. protesters at columbia are jewish themselves, but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety videos on social media. like this one apparently show a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new york city police try to temp down the fear,
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there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest or, or any of the columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel as protesters have returned to campus safety, it has to be a cost you don't get to pick and choose to serve safety. and this new diversity is absolutely responsible for the violence that continues to be committed against us, including the $100.00 of us progress, which has to be present invited to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college the. that's why i said, i also don't understand what any student protest leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful now. protest spreading to still more schools with
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students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian movement. heidi joe castro alger 0. washington jeffrey sachs is director of the center for sustainable development at columbia university. he says the power of young people in shaping politics. the significant young people in the united states are a guest at what israel has been doing and by large margins, according to the opinion surveys a want israel to stop this war. want the united states to stop being complicit in this war and have a great sympathy with what's happening to the people of gaza, to the people of palestine more generally. this is shocking the politicians because the politicians who are much, much older, are basically with careers. i heavily influenced by these real lobby,
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which is very powerful in the united states. it's been safe for them all along a to side with israel, basically no matter what. and the young people are saying, no, it's not safe for you politically. it's not right for you politically. it's not right for the united states to behave this way. so this is what is on nerving the white house and not nerving the congress because they're on the other side. and young people, it by a significant margin, according to the opinion surveys is just absolutely very unhappy with this war and want the united states not to be complicit, that it will take out. so now in the palestinian civil defences, it has uncovered 293 bodies from a temporary burial size inside as a hospital and con eunice, the burial site was built when is ready for the surround to the medical facility. last month they said some of the people were killed during the is rarely sage on the hospital. did you pain?
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i'm in the norman. hi, miss. i came here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son, jim, and they told us there's a mass grave located here and every day i come here to identify the body. but unfortunately, i haven't found my sons remains the hook, the any one who knows anything about my son wouldn't see me or informed the officials . i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here in such a come 2 or 3 times. i searched for him in many places. meanwhile, medical stuff and con units are trying to repair parts of the alamo hospital. it was severely damaged by repeated is riley attacks and weeks long, siege terracon, but was a report from southern gaza. hearing this cause of this will flow to ceiling, the walls of the hospital, all fairly standing for dr. chrome and his teams. it's no reason to give up hope was ever to show him the full we're trying to get the hospital running with what is
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possible. and as you can see, think good. everyone is making a big effort to work together and given how much damage there is. again, if i'm on the how the problem is that something we are trying to get the beds now that so we can clean the automatic smoke and water and not hospitals receive a special protection on the international load. that status did not stop east by the troops from attacking this hospital with onto the latest surrounding to come down to interesting medical stuff. a spin out of service of a sense that is because of the behavior of the day is right on the hospice. and they destroy anything in the hospital. really the said the loss, as well as the, the development. now the health care facilities are slowly being brought back to mice with one goal in mind to bring patients back. then it is urgent. there on
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viral infections and cases of money, christian among displaced and at least 10000 accounts that patients could only if not provided proper. the treatment of goals has 36 hospitals. only 10 are still partially functional. above the deputies, the son of a hospital is still intact. that means hope an arabic, something resubmitted coworkers have not forgotten. almost $500.00 medical workers have been killed inside the gauze trip since the talked of the will. putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands of displaced people in the south of garza relay on our campus in which is a rough, rough palestine is rarely strikes and central gauze. i have killed at least for palestinians and ty, residential block. this time because there's a civil defense cruise, se they, as 2 people trapped onto the rubble in the southern city of ralph of 26. people have died of the past 24 hours as rarely as drawings hit more residential buildings
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. the head of israel's military intelligence has resigned. he says he accepts responsibility for the lapse and security that leads to the attack by mos on southern as ro on october. the 7th major general her on her leave is the 1st thing you official to quits in the wake of the attack, which killed 1139 people. stephanie decker reports from occupied east jerusalem as the intelligence director it under my come on, did not so still its task. i have carried that black day with me ever since those words written in a resignation letter or by the head of israel's military intelligence. i heard on her leave, i had already taken full responsibility publicly 10 days after how mass fighters carried out their surprise ambush on southern israel. but he stayed on you to the war and goes off with the conflict now and its 7th month. he is the 1st senior,
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is there any officials to resign? israel had received intelligence warnings up to a year before october. the 7th that have mass was planning, and a soon, even in the days leading up to the attack reports through just allies and members of israel submitted to intelligence. warranty of unusual activity and goza, old were ignored. the army was cool by surprise. it was hours before proper response was organized, and israel sense of security was shaken to its core opposition leader. yeah, lucky it has welcome to leave as decision saying, it was justified in hon. and the prime minister netanyahu should do the same. there is one line that was directed is directed to uh, the prime minister. he says, authority comes ways, responsibility and now is the highest authority. and he never took
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responsibility. so actually, mr. holly wanted to set kind of a personal message to nick anyhow. uh, to tell him if i can do it, you also should do it. the head of israel's internal intelligence, fission. but and the army chief have taken responsibility for stating to prevent the attack by him as the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has note that in your home and teens, that now is not the time that he is willing to answer tough questions, but not before the war in garza is over. there has been increasing calls for him to resign, but that's something the prime minister seems unwilling to listen to many is ready to accuse him of prolonging this war because once the war is over, so too will be his political career. stephanie decker all g 0. it occupied east jerusalem us secretary of state and state blinking says washington will have more to say in the coming days about human rights violations committed by these early
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military and cancer. but blinking denied the us has double standards when it comes to israel. john henry and has moved from the state department in washington. a new u. s. report found that in 2023 is real. committed, serious human rights violations. many of them in gaza. the state department's 2023 country report on human rights practices found that both them off and israel committed human rights violations, including arbitrary or unlawful killings. disappearances of individuals, tortured or cruel, and inhuman prison conditions. widespread civilian deaths and violence against journalists, secretary of state entity blinking was at the state department here to announce that report. he was asked if the us has a double standard when it comes to israel. do we have a double sent? the answer is no. as this report makes clear, in general, as we're looking at the human rights and the condition of human rights around the
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world, we apply the same standard to everyone. and that doesn't change whether the country in question is an adversary, a competitor, a friend, or an ally blinking referred to the late he act. that's a lot of it for bids. u. s. military aid from being used to violate human rights. he didn't specifically mentioned in his really unit called the nets, a hoot that's an ultra orthodox unit that has been accused of violations. but there are reports that the us is considering sanctioning that unit, which would mean denying them access to us weapons in the future. blinking said, in the coming days, we'll have more to say on that. john henry and l g 0, the state department. literally i spoke to sultan about accounts, who is a professor of public policy at home. i've been calling for university. he says, washington occasionally talks tough to create a smoke screen because only enables as rails rights violations. the whole world has seized up the standard over the last 6 months or so. it's very,
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very clear. the issue is, it's not just about technology where the preachers of human rights has a have been happening is what are you going to do about it as united states? it's the strongest country. it's the strongest ally of the, of israel. and i think what's happening now is they're trying to provide the smoke stream by highlighting a number of infringement. for example, this investigation against the i've, i've talked to the oaks unit a few days ago. they talked about these extreme a set. there's a few names that they will sanction is on. that's not the solution. that's not enough. and i think that i states and bank and understands very well that that's not the officer as well is not a, a country of a tribal country or a country that has no central command. everything that goes on in is out is, is a control center. the, it has
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a very clear line of command and all the decisions are made with the great consciousness of, of what's happening, what, what is this a consequence? you're sticking with the us. we're saying in racing now is huge processes breakout of the number of top level universities. yeah. j o n y u and come to columbia to name a few best putting huge pressure on the white house on, on blinking. we heard from a jeffrey 6 earlier saying that this is shocking. older pop up, all the politicians who just didn't see this coming, this backlash from young people against israel is actions in gaza. what sort of effect do you think that that is going to have on us policy? or do you think that will just continue turning a blind eye to that? i think that has to take it seriously. many of those young people are from you voting for the 1st time, and they can have an influence, and it's not just about to add their origins, whether they have some muslims, many of them are doing to young men and women who uh,
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did testing. what did they see on databases? and this is the generation that has direct a been a bitch to, to communicate directly with each other. this is the generation that has the ability to see what's going on in god's own social media. and i don't think they can take them like to they have to, to, to take it seriously. and of course, the universities of always be the places where the ideas 1st arise, an ideal disease, develop and protest and so on. so as a quite important thing to have happened, the jewish holiday, if possible, if it began on monday nights. but this year, some is rarely cited dial tone, but how to celebrate during the ongoing war on gaza, home to salute the poles from tele face. jewish people around the world are marketing the story of passover, the week long festival commemorates freedom, and is typically observed with the feast known as a cedar. to celebrate what jews believed was the liberation from biblical slavery.
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and with this year, celebrations are muted, overshadowed by his rules war and the captive still being held in gaza. doing these things because we do it for the people that cannot do it right now. if we do all of the, some of these are all that we are doing for them on this major jewish holiday with a focus on freedom menus really say that their traditional theater will have an empty chair at the table representing those who were killed on october the 7th and those were still being held captive in garza, such as those from could boots. they read one of the towns attacked by him this on october. the 7th. these is rallies are holding a state or for their entire town in what's become known as hostage square in the
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heart of telling me that no, ma'am, we had a 100 people nodded. it's indescribable unbearable. and we are holding onto the hurt that our hostages will return, and it doesn't fall off the agenda. and the old address is way these, all the people around the world understand that there are people whose freedom was taken away. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is still adamant that military and political pressure are the only ways the captives will be brought back on this pass over. say tonight, how hostages and how much does captivity stand before us? best suffering and the suffering of the families breaks on hogs and on the spring since i determination to attend them, we don't like talking even for a moment from the sacred task of bringing them home to see what i'm about. to protest outside that's in your whose house demonstrators set fire to a symbolic state or table. it's the latest event in a series of protests calling for their loved ones released with nearly 200 days
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into the war minis. rallies said the government's promises are empty from the central route and just eat all televi. 2 but there's plenty more heat here on this is ella, including the indian prime minister, who is accused of heights speech just days out. the india kicks off of the 6 week general elections and looking to meant relations around the president begins a 3 day visit, focused on following an exchange of strikes along the border in january. the . well, donald trump has pleaded not guilty to old charges on the opening day of his 1st criminal trial in new york. prosecute decide the form of us president legally concealed payments made to an adult film actress to hide. and the 5th trumpet says
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he's the victim of political persecution, as he makes another run for the white house this year. this is the case. nobody wanted to bring it to the right. just as the last case that back it goes back many, many years, 2015 before that changed to bookkeeping which is minus the terms of all of our on that's going on our side. this is a christian salumi has moved from outside the courts in new york. this is stuart criminal trial of a former you as president dod underway with the prosecution. and the defense presenting an overview of their cases, an opening statement. the prosecution argues that this is a case of election prod,
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pure and simple. they say that the payments made to the adult film actors known as stormy daniels were hidden and improperly documented as legal fees in order to cover up with. they describe as a long standing conspiracy to very bad news about been candidate donald trump. this was in the run up to the 2016 election. the defense, on the other hand, argues that donald trump never had an affair with this woman. she never tried to cover up the payments they point to key witnesses in this case as a on trustworthy people who have lied on the stand before. now, all of that will be dealt into with witnesses going forward. in a case that's expected to take about 6 weeks, one question that still has yet to be answered is whether or not donald trump
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himself will take this down to testify. he said that he wants to do so, but the judge warned him before opening arguments, that if he does, then prosecutors can ask him about other legal issues he'd had that would otherwise be off limits in this case. for now, donald trump is choosing to make his case outside of court in the court of public opinion. person salumi al jazeera, new york. the india is prime minister in arrange remote. he's been accused of hide speech for comments he made about muslims and election fairly on sunday. nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to cause pellets during the 6 weeks. the version which dotted on friday. the indian government has failed to give visas to l. just various correspondents to come of the story with a full covering the election from outside the country. i'm
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a homage reports just these into news elections, prime minister, and that into more the schools to control the c is addressing supporters in registered state, easy 5 to muslims. us can please take this robot thing to see if the opposition congress bought the game to paula. again, mostly i'm sort of fuss strikes to induce us. it's got a got to be on about it. this is the earlier government said the muslims will have the rights over the results of the country. is part of the main use of this means they will gather all the wealth and give it to the people who have more children. they will distribute among the info, traitors. do you think your hodgin monday should be distributed to the info traitors? do you accept that? no, no, they come. i've got the position, sees moody's comments disgraceful about the effect of the people realize that really shows the communist party and take all your wisdom, give it to the slaves that exist. and it could let me know a few of which normally
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a civilized election commission, which is a law and one we can do that was preaching like maybe a 1000000000 indians eligible to cause products in the bottom entry elections. active, you see bodies trying to do, but both the tension from the re, issues he has promised jobs and prosperity in the 2014 election again in 2019 and now to tom's out over in the spacing the worst unemployment rate. since in the last 45 years since coming to paula in 2014 mostly has been accused in claiming religious tensions between majority induced and muslims who are come for about 14 percent of the population attacks and violence targeting mostly properties and religious sites of increase the size of the most name rhetoric. most incidence happens in the states headed by the
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governing, but at the genetic apache, in a beat to china moody and his bodies dominance in these elections, dads and so forth. position parties of united the former college and booting we continue until the june defies. tends them having to pay just the lowest plan to sell a head here on al jazeera, including no with no bots. these slides aren't going to realign, the british prime minister doubles down on his page to seem to sign them so it gets to rolanda the, the hello there. it's allows me settled story across australia as high pressure. it remains in charge, given things as long as the dry and sony. few showers however, will continue to create things, coastal areas of new south wales as well as queensland and the top and, but it is
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a very dry picture of course, west in pots of australia, we had a weak cold from its gonna move its way towards the southeast corner as we go tuesday into wednesday to bring some of that rain to her box. drop the temperature down here. we could see some of that rain moving into melbourne, but we'll see the temperature decline as we go tuesday into wednesday. just touching the mid teens, there was some drizzle and a breezy, often noon on 1st day. not temperatures have been unusually low in using what it needs for march, but april has seen the rooms come back in christ church. we'll see the mercury rise to 21 degrees celsius there on wednesday. some lovely fine and settled weather here . but it's somebody. flo will bring the rain into western parts of the south island by the mid week. and heavy rain continues across southern parts of southeast asia with some pretty heavy bus of rain in borneo on wednesday. but it remains a luxury dry and very hot picture for thailand as well as vietnam on wednesday.
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the. and so, how is your vacation in this, the shelves, the chest? wow. the 300 years ago they found these, the full season, the celebrated, the natural world and stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating,
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and it is still being like the full months in south korea, this nokia or of so on al jazeera the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories, the ssl review into the human agency for palestinian refugees is israel has not provided evidence its employees and members of the mouse and the link to the october 7th attacks and many countries comp they have funding to owner. since those claims were made in january, the palestinian civil defense is it has uncovered the 283 bodies from
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a temporary burial size inside the hospital and con eunice, the burial site was built when is ready forces surround to the medical facility last month they say some of the people were killed during these ready? sage on the hospital credit has ended for the day and donald trump's criminal trial . but for me, you as president is accused of falsifying business records by concealing payments to an adult film. actress he has pleaded not guilty. a ticket as president richard type one has visited a rock in the 1st trip to the country by turkish leave it in 13 years. is his relations with the rock at entering and you buy is off to the 9th is agreed to co operate on security result voided disputes and boost economic ties. but mood of the heat has moved from baghdad. it's just finished a visit to the rock by a to push the doses 2011. the rocky play minnesota, how much she had a suit. anything,
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relations between the 2 neighbors is entering gives you the phase of the old. when they did, i had him. we have signed an agreement that provides a long roadmap for strategic cooperation in all areas. this agreement to create a permanent joint committees for security, energy on the economy. we have signed more than 24 memorandum of understanding in a variety of fields. of all the signs should will to the sources priority for a rock wind border security comes 1st for that once more access to flows for its 2 major went on cut out once health removing good. good. this time super, it's just flight of from the board of stopping attacks from p. c. k. fighters based any rock was the type of president type as the ones as you and the separatist. the group is designated a tourist organization by 2 key in the united states. and the p n. union drug nick, the total level,
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one of the most important items is security and cooperation. in the fight against tara, we discussed common steps that we can take against the tara organization, p k. k. and it's extensions hoping targeting took yeah, from iraq soil and i welcomed the p k. k, the declared as a band group and expressed a strong belief that the p k case presents in a rocky territory with a as soon as possible to my colleagues in it. new york is in this, in between them is good. this region, hope the visit can pave the way for resumption of oil exports through the cookie hunt by applying which has been shut down since march last year. the lucky government has opposed to the loan designated to them is good decision to explore to all through its lands without without the consent of 30 years of disputes over water. and buddha security is the ones that visit is seen as the beginning of a new chapter and just with the cooperation between the 2 countries. but what
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happened was, i was busy at a brother, rodney and president abraham ray. so he is on the 3 day visit the pockets don aimed at improving relations between the 2 countries. tension surged in january of to an exchange of strikes along the port of of both countries now seem determined to move on has come out of how to explains from is on the box. the rainy and bridget entered ivy and it's i'm about to a guard of on speaking of the newest gun friendship. raymond. ac stressed the need for cooperation to address read. does it go to the challenges motivated or to shred of them, or what is it about, you know, these countries have a number of common position? i mean, but only, for example, on both countries are determined to fight against terrorism, against organized crime, against narcotics, and against the different forms of insecurity which endangered our 2 countries at the same time, the forehead spark environment address. your body should have said the relationship
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or the rooted in history, culture and religion is, can we the lot we have had a very candid dialogue between 2 neighbors and discussed our relations from religion to culture, diplomacy and economy, including security. let me reiterate. we don't just have 76 years of relations with around dicing back to the bus and focused on these relations of centuries old there to kind a number of agreements in energy bar to management. then to go to d. n. race. he announced brands to increase trade with focused on from $3.00 to $10000000000.00 a bug. it's done already. it has or did reviewed on for a gas pipeline, but the project has been stored since 2017 because of un sanctions on to her on washington dent. it's now involved with similar major if it went ahead that to later that phone common ground on palestine board the board and independent palestinian state and condemn the on going genocide in god. yeah. i'm i like that i
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just the, uh, it's not me about british prime minister she so next is the 1st flights caring asylum seekers to were wanting to believe in 10 to 12 weeks. the plan is the central part of his government strategy to tackle leak and migration is a widely criticized by human rights groups and close to political deadlock. parliament is debating this game and what the government does, i think will be the last stage and a long running bass. so enough is enough, no more prevarication, no more delay. parliament would set that tonight and vote no matter how late it goes. notice nobody. these lights on going to roll into the success of this. the terrace doesn't rest on one slide alone. it rests on the relentless, continual process of successfully and permanently removing people to rolanda with
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a regular rhythm of multiple flights every month over the summer and beyond. until the votes all stopped. pull brendan has moved from london as well. what's at stake here is the government's whole migration or immigration policy. richardson, i set out 5 key principles and, and keep promises to the electors. especially important because we are in a general election. yeah. this year i'm one of those 5 promises was to stop the boats. the small boats inflatables that have been crossing the narrow stretch of the english channel from the northern french coast to southern england. i'm one of the key things he believes will stop the votes, is the deterrent effect of when immigrants arrive here telling them that they will not be able to claim asylum here in the u. k. that they will be sent to the african country of rwanda. where even if they are granted asylum and their asylum claims are accepted, they will not pretend to be okay. they will stay in rwanda or will be distributed
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somewhere else in that area. basically to do away with the prospect up and coming here to the u. k. it's, here's a controversial human rights and opposition groups are a pulled 5 is it's effectively britain offshore and it's, it's a refugee responsibilities. but the problem is to the, determined to push it through. he wants to appear to be strong. he's not going to back down. he's not willing to compromise, even on what appeared to be fairly sensible compromises that the lords have tried to introduce to this legislation. the impression seems to be that he wants to be strong on this. and he's going to push this through using the government's majority in the commons. so essentially choice the, almost the lords and push this through into legislation. but it's going to be a long night because the lord's on not compromising leon emoralez a british political consultants and come and ties it. he says the focus on immigration is a disparate, if it, by the prime minister to show up support ahead of elections as the governing conservatives, trial, and opinion impulse. i think that it is
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a particularly controversial divisive policy. the government are trying to implement and i think that there is a question of festival, about the morality of it. as he said, a pretty is a country that has a long history of taking refugees and showing that i are integrated into society. i catch for this doesn't seem to be a deposit from that convention, but then there was also the practical component of this policy. but i think we also had to look at criticizes the cost of how much it's taken to get to the point a loan, which i think is that isn't really the number 10 numbers you soon or i think the final is about who is actually act as a deterrent uninstall, the boat's as rich, easy that case, hoping it will be a question mark over that because the author is we simply don't know that yet. i think there is a risk of government. i was looking at this relying divides as sort of
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a silver bullet to what this legislation is and it will fall off. it does not necessarily mean that legal immigration to the u. k is going to stall. so i think that has to be more interested in the terrans. would you see that you've been seeing his political detroit in many ways, but it is a bit of a blowing bad because we don't know whether this is going to have been tentative that immigration illegal immigration is one of the biggest topics in domestic policies in the u. k, right now the conservative government meaningful maybe policy is a not particularly popular. and i think what we're seeing is trying to do in the page to reverse the polls, the how to deal with this land policy way out ahead. what would you see that is trying to do is make a narrow election focus on one issue in particular. i seems to be that immigration is going to be that issue. he's trying to draw the binding lines between the conservatives,
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between label that's why is the topic of legal immigration. i missed a lot of the pub is social to it, but the general election length of this year potentially meals, of whether or not this is enough time for various you sit at the point to this website is working. i am stopping the bible remains to be seen. african leaders have been meeting in nigeria is capital to discuss wise to jointly combat attacks by the groups. the un office of counterterrorism also took part along with representatives from the us a, you and russia. it comes off to initiate as governments told us, troops to leave, accusing them of filing to prevent attacks. and interest reports from a boucher african leaders say the let down by the international community. because when the country suff and losses, they receive little or no help. you cannot understand that you want to mission, continue to up. so every year, many also of dollars for this thing very with this,
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the results. and that's actually going to states or not gone to a minimum of resources to count the private spread of federal distinguished bases. the african union says has allowed um, groups to establish themselves on the continent. making one to give says is the epi center of global terrorism involvement extremes. both are by so a guide and they offshoot, have killed tens of thousands of people and forced millions from there. once. that is chanel community. as the mora, i lived out of the dish to help in this case because it is outside mooney, north africa, money. that was the gas of patients, military governments in here working across. and molly have ordered west coast to leave. the countries seem to have done enough to protect them against attacks that you and that meets the secure, to cause
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a strategy to secure this region 11 years ago has failed. today. luckily, we see an absence of states in areas with tears and flourishes. the, well, i'll talk you later, the f itself, the strategy, have not come at the scale or at the pace that was sold by this is rising property, inequality and neglect. happy enabled groups to recruit fighters and sees control it. many regions organizers him to act up to come one approach to curbing attacks. we must show strategically that's what's up a g i ship by an applicant on needs assessment. aligning our content to those inputs with the clinton is prior to the recent statistics to follows by, of course in africa is escalate. the united fisher says it's causing terrorism related to that's why they quoted globally in frontier 22 percent jump about the previous years. records and the most documented in 7 years,
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countries of this number. but the 2 countries didn't attend the meeting. they are on day used on she's imposed of them and if it goes in 20212222. it's not clear how in the opposite resolution has meant that this high level meeting could impact these countries already going it alone in the walk, asked on groups how many degrees. obviously, the 3 people accused of spying for china have been arrested in germany. prosecutors said the trio of german citizens has been passing sensitive information to chinese intelligence since at least june 2020 to one of the suspects, named as thomas has been ver, pointedly handing other technologies with potential military purposes. the 3 german citizens also accused of exposing a laser to china, which is prohibited under european regulations, but still
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a hit here on al jazeera rushing to save lives in southern china as of taurus, he's one of a once in a century flooding. and if i try it rolls through a town in canada engulfed in flames.
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the of the equator was president, has one version of support for a raft of security measures. according to italy, results from the electro council. now the plans presented in a referendum aimed at cuban gang violence. teresa by reports from durronda in the
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south of the country, quarter them being daddy, as well as his wife and 4 children, 5 months ago. when a criminal group attacked, he's home by mistake and killed them. the children were between the ages of 7 and 6 months old quarter, any sangree and one security forces to put an end to violence in his country. some people tell me that it seems nothing happened to me, but i'm keeping it inside. i'm devastated. i'd try every day. not to go mad. on sunday, if we're dorians headed to the post of bolton, a referendum to the side, the country's future people have to mark with a yes or no 11 questions. you can see them right here. 5 of them are meant to respond to countries constitution. i'm the mostly related to the current security situation, whether people would like to see the military to patrol with the police. also, for example,
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is allowing criminals to be expedited to other countries. the majority of the population voted yes to all of the security questions. a lindsey mendoza says the situation needs to change good by you just on the to the side of the countries destroyed because of criminal groups. now that know bowers in power. maybe we can see something change. the results are seen as a sign of support for president, many and noble at hard line security plan to fight against criminal organizations that have taken control over large parts of the country. in january, the government declared a state of emergency and deployed the military on the streets and inside prisons that had become operating centers for drug guns. on the day of the referendum at prison warden, west killed in a restaurant showing just how difficult battling gangs continues to be. for many, no voice trying to imitate the security plan of
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a set of other precedents. maggie will kaylee. he managed to reduce gun related violence in his country by the end of the say, there was a difference with kelly 8th. i mean i, the kelly was a man had some type of context with the criminal groups. he recognized the territory that did not happen here. yet, but the response to that for now, people want government tax and against the criminal groups that most of them say has them living in constant fear? it is symbol i'll just see to be done. it was, or it could, it was police have re kind of, should the allegedly, to of los lobos gang for refill court on pico police. he escaped from prison in january. pico is accused of threatening to kill the attorney general among other crimes and mexico. miles to individuals intercepted the convoy of a front fronting presidential candidate during your campaign stop on sunday. the
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man believes to have ties to this in the low accounts held demand is a commitment to tackle the escalating balance in the southern state of chip aust, if she wins the upcoming elections in june from mexico city of ruffled reports on the incident, this rising concerns on the influence of criminal gangs on the pulse. a tense interaction in mexico's g up of state. while on the campaign trail cloud yesterday involved mexico's leading presidential candidates was stopped by mass man leave to be linked to the single low of cartel. when they requested government intervention to put an end to the violence plaguing southern mexico. the truth is, we few helped us, you know, a hot as a community because the government has never done anything for these lands. mexico's g up of state which borders guatemala and police has seen violence spiral as the rival signal, low and holistic oh,
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new generation cartels wage. a war for territory and mexican states like he offers the spillover from violence, has led to the internal displacement of thousands of people as cartels seeking greater control for drugs, weapons smuggling and human traffic in the men in the video see the form part of the self defense force experts say the events of sunday could be seen as an example of how criminal groups in the region seek to influence and manipulate mexican politicians ahead of the upcoming election by a criminal group of stopping the con, by of the very likely next president of mexico and making demands, i'm on camera with media presence, is something that talks about the increasing a business optimal brooks that are very, very aware of the kind of car that happens sheets evening beside me. the federal government during a press conference on monday, mexican president under this month with no physical evidence or down place. the
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events of sunday in chiapas was saying it appeared to be staged. d is work pretty well. yes, it is very probable that it staged highly probable because if someone has a complaint is why would they cover they face and besides they name to be peaceful? yeah, 100 isn't couple. just mexican presidential candidate that would be a shame bomb confirmed the incident on sunday, but also down play the significance describing the interaction with the masked men as quote, very strange policy. expert warren, that criminal organizations are adopting increasingly assertive strategies and their involvement with mexican elections. however, when avenues for dialogue with the state run out, its violence that emerges as the prevailing means of communication. with little al jazeera mexican city, emergency plants have been neg devices in southern china, opposite heavy ryan's course of a flooding. more than 100000 people have been moved to safety. scientists say
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climate change is making weather events like this more intense and unpredictable. it doesn't include reports dropped by torrential rains in southern china. this elderly man has to be carried to safety. emergency services, a looking for several people still missing after seasonal rains last spring, don't provence for days. the force of the flood waters took many by surprise, sweeping away cars, damaging roads and destroying crops, local se rain like this hasn't been seen in nearly a century. where the, everything's gone, all the seeds are gone. i lost a more than $13000.00. feels over that several heck says full flooded or the storms have already caused damage was almost $20000000.00. according to some estimates, one of the most densely populated provinces,
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ones on this home to many of china is factories. it sits on the pearl river delta, making it vulnerable to the rise and sea levels and climate change induced weather events which are happening more frequently. dozens of rivers bursting their banks to force the 110000 people to move to safety. was soon as i gave you. and i live here, it's all flooded. schools and businesses have closed in many cities as a brace for more powerful storms. forecasts for later this week do some good food, audra 0. so for russia and neighboring catholics, donna also struggling with some of the west floods in history. fast melting snow and heavy ryan safe cause many rivers to bridge the bangs. hundreds of thousands of people have been evacuated, dozens of gas wells and rushes on. vic region also experiencing disruptions. you're the shape of all of
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a has moved from mosca. the gas pro has suspended load onto doesn't gas wells do the floods in the or, and bug region. they say they manage to save the infrastructure that and have they know, taking the precautionary measures. a bigger damage to the facilities could have been done prior to the floods. the monitors have made a had a couple of flights over the production and transportation facilities to assess what needed to be done during the flood period. they say all the wells in the flood zone, all protected by a single level security system, no destruction of the gas facilities, and note oil and wholesale lakes have been detected. that, of course, has say they motivate performance of each well. also the floods along escape all that is required, but the general sentiment is that it wanting to fax, the whole gas industry in the country, the russian southern euros on the northern catholic stones have seen the west lawns in tech caves, sizes of homes have been completely flooded and destroyed by the rules have the damage has yet to best,
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but it's clear that tens of thousands of people have lost that homes and businesses as well as farms within life. stalled. many are unhappy about the way the source has has been handling the situation. the water level in the ition river in kazakhstan keeps rising, it has reached a ton need to knock while the water level in the you roll, right? but in the orange region is a jumping right now. some sources, road the floods in rushes, cool gun region, had affected you ran your wells and environment list via the the uranium could end up in the top bull river. but this information hasn't been officially, can find you lash above all of the outer 0 mosca. the investigation is underway in the canadian city of london of to try and called 5 emergency cruise thing to witnesses for cooling them, to the same, to try and eventually came to a complete stop and find find is able to put out the plies. no one was inch, it's police are investigating the situation and why it took,
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try and conduct is so long to notice the flights. but i said, for me, tell me the price of this news my colleagues fully invested, but will be here in just a moment with much more of today's news. the team in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively please humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look
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at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation. then living on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid leasing king country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us. our address here is new series dying of life before land. these are the mythologies on the drum as they used to march 3, d o t before dawn box with an increase. it's really been a cheap precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives, costing begins instead of traditional decorations, the street cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and towards will for is the city often defies the seasonal. we used to belong on the street box right now that it's easy to move around. i
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think i would say more could be different and exploring. going to change the situation and not listen. we have 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year a false. and besides with those hungry and suffering in gaza. the an independent review says, israel has so far fails to provide any evidence for his claims that some employees of the you in agency palestinian refugees way involved in the october 7th attacks. by the way you're watching now to 0 live from to for the facts. also i had the number of bodies found in mass graves continued to rise in con eunice,


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