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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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more significant this year, a foster emphasized with those hungry and suffering in gaza. the an independent review says israel has sofa fails to provide any evidence for his claims that some employees of the un agency for palestinian refugees were involved in the october 7th attacks by the are you watching now to 0 live from to for the back to or also i had the number of bodies found, the mask raise continued to rise in hon. eunice, gaza following the withdrawal of these really on the day, the us president weighs in on the whitening student protests against is rosabelle on gaza. over a 100 protesters have been arrested sofa and
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the former president is in a new york court for the 1st day, or one of the most high or fox criminal cases in us history. the thank you very much for joining us. months after major west, some countries caught funding to the u. n. release and works agency because of his really allegation. some of its employees were members of him, off and connected to the october 7th. the tax. israel has still failed to provide any evidence for the accusations. those are the findings of an independent report commissioned by the un from francis, from a foreign minister on why is the primary agency for the support of palestinian refugees and many nations are still not reinstated that funding. despite israel failure to provide evidence, void screens. i'll just here as gabriel is on to report some neil. a few mandatory
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and organizations are bound by principles of neutrality and unrest has not only met but exceeded those principles. that according to a newly released $47.00 page independent report, which was commissioned by the un and led by former french foreign minister, catherine colona, in conjunction with 3 human rights investigative bodies from europe. over the findings of the review. all of that in rise and place, a very significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the management principles of neutrality. i show you the property of a lot of systems on all the you in organizations or addresses which is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult situation in which they operate and the uniqueness of the mission. the report was 9 weeks in the making and relied on hundreds of
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interviews and site visits including in gaza. it was commissioned by the secretary general antonio gutierrez after israel made unsubstantiated claims in january. the under employees were part of terrorist organizations. the regarding those claims, the final report says, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this. unreal gives a full list of all its employees to relevant countries, including israel, on a regular basis. these really government has not informed and run of any concerns related to any unreal staff based on the staff with since 2011 the report states. the report goes highlight 50 recommendations in areas on rep can improve, such as more international employees and management goals. more frequent updates to donor countries on neutrality issues and expanded community awareness. the report
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largely exxon rates audra from any intentional and blatant acts of bias. but the damage from israel's claims has already been done. 16 countries suspended funding to unreal. and will a few of those have since resumed funding once again, henri says they only have enough money to get through june gabriel's on to i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. well from on this we're not joined by michael link, who's a former un special rapid tool for human rights in the occupied palestinian territories. these currently professor emeritus of law at western university in ontario, canada. thank you so much for joining us, mr. lee. what is your reaction 1st to this revelation that israel hasn't given any evidence that one right employees were involved in the october 7th attacks? are you at all surprised? i am not. i've been closely following what many countries upset and also what many organizations have said. since these allegations 1st came to light at the end of
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january 2 months ago, and we waited and waited and waited for more substantiation coming from israel. and none has been forthcoming. my own country, canada resumed its funding of under on, in early march, stating that it had received no substantiation from israel with respect to its allegations. that 12 employees were involved in the october 7th of taxes. and i think that was a contributing reason as to why they decided was trying to resume funding. and i'm hoping other countries that have stopped funding, including germany and the united kingdom will do so as well. right. and add a little bit more on, on canada. and the reason is why they decided to resume funding. it was one of the countries, as you said, that restored funding in, in march, which is suspended in the wake of these really allegations um they restored the funding. why do you think the government, the canadian government backed draft essentially?
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what are the other reasons for that? well, this besides the fact that no evidence was given to them as a said, they recognize the dire humanitarian situation. and because of that was going on, they recognize the fact that it was unreal. more than any other agency that alone has a capacity for delivering humanitarian aids in the in guise of where the need was was tremendous. and interesting enough also, when the announcement was made on the 8th of march by our minister of international development. he said that the united states itself had approached him to urge canada to restore funding, even though the united states has not restored funding itself and is likely to do so at least for the next year or so. all of those reasons were cited by candidates for, for doing us. and i think they're all substantial. and i now we know from the corner report that kind of was, it was in the right with respect to returning the funding. right. and what about internal canadian politics? work with those all to what play in the decision to restore funding. certainly it
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was, you know, we had strong statements being made in february and already marked by a number of humanitarian organizations asking canada to restore the funding by canadian unions. and particularly by leading canadian muslim organizations, muslims now make up a good 5 percent of the canadian population. they, uh, their numbers are represented in parliament. their numbers are represented particularly in the liberal party congress, the governing party in, in canada. and i know that they were making strong statements to the government with them the liberal party caucus about the resumption of a funding to unreal mister link. do you think this report ultimately serves a purpose, the color on a report? what difference is it going to make was donors who suspended the funding and haven't restored it yet, like the u. k. for example. well, the resume funding because of this report as a result of it as well. i think the financial district board, remember we're expecting one more report coming from the united nations fairly soon,
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but you know, this report, i think it's, the findings are on a salable, israel's had weeks and weeks and weeks. that's at least 2 months now, to be able to substantiate the location is that it made in january to the governments. i cut off the funding, and most of them said, you know, there was, there was no other way. all the cations weren't met. it's going to be, i think, much harder for israel to continue. it's a tax on unreal stating that the organization is a mass front. that the, the textbooks that the under produced as board schools are white with, with anti semitism. when you can only cry was so many times i think and believes that i think by now press one to of countries now having to climb down the ladder they. they walked up with respect to the leading of the for us sitting of these ready uh allegations were now in a position to be able to say, israel's israel's obligations and the future should always be taken with
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a cake of salt. mr. bank. thank you very much. for talking to us, michael link for you and special rapid tour for human rights in the occupied palestinian territories. joining us today from london, ontario, and canada. i thank you very much for your time, sir. thank you. time guys, i meanwhile the policy and civil defense is it's on coverage. 283 bodies from a temporary burial side inside nasa hospital and con units in the south. the burial side was built when he's really forces around to the medical facility last month. they said some of the people were killed during these really siege on the hospital . does he pain? i'm in the norman. hi, miss. i came here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son, jim, and they told us there's a mass grave located here and every day i come here to identify the body. but unfortunately i haven't found my son's remains. c to any one who knows anything about my son wouldn't see me or informed the
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officials. i can no longer bear it. everyday. i come here in such a come 2 or 3 times. i searched for him in many places. his radio strikes in central guys. i have killed at least a full palestinians. an entire residential block was targeted. civil defense schools say there. so people trapped on to the level and the southern city of rock by 26 people have died over the past 24 hours as ease radio strikes. it small residential buildings, a growing outrage. it is rouse war on guys in the united states as ignited protests in the countries. major universities, students at yale, columbia, and new york university have been holding sit in protests on campus defying university officials, demands to vacate more than a 100 students have been arrested so far. how does your costs are reports? a gale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university
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administrators. police literally 47 protesters at you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday, protesting hills refusal to die best for military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale complicity in israel's genocide and gaza the well administrators at columbia university in new york city cancelled in person classes. on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe. after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week time for us to to show yes we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about. the genocide that's happening. that's happening again. does that it should be, it should start investing in this interest anytime i would know
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some of the anti israel protesters at columbia are jewish themselves, but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend, or do or students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new york city police tried to temp down the fear. there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest going on or any of the columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus, president biden, to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college. that's why i
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don't understand what student protests leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful now. protests of spreading to still more schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian move. and heidi jo. castro alger 0. washington one from on this story. when are joined by a mine a bid, who's the director of advocacy at the us campaign for promising advice to join just in washington dc. you mind good to have you with us on al jazeera, the protest in support of policy means in gaza, has been going on since the war started. but why are these big named colleges cracking down more aggressively on the demonstrations now, why have the tension seemingly bubbled over? i mean, the specific moments and time feels like i really historic use uprising against us fund a genocide. and we can't forget that students have always been at the forefront of social movements. they were the foundation for the civil rights movements here in
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america, the anti war movements during vietnam, the vietnam war, and the divestment movement, apartheid south africa, the movement itself is groping and strengthening. it's able to actually shift political will towards the policy needs and people and is able to have and build a momentum. it needs to be able to build out the empathy. and this specific moment in time, what we've seen in columbia and yale has actually been able to raise that. i'm but the, and i'm, and the through, i'm the large, large magnitude and it's been actually proving to work. and so far as being able to convince the american public and the american people that it is something that they should be carrying about. and we've just watched how these sorts of movements specifically other civil rights movements have been stifled by law enforcement and other large institutions. and we're watching that all unfold in this exact moment. we are at present bite and say that these protests are on tie. so medic, jewish students on some of the campuses have said they don't feel safe, a lot of these concerns legitimate. and then quite frankly, the accusations of anti says that the anti semitism are disingenuous and
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a disruption and completely ignore the countless brave anti zionist jewish students and faculty that have joined us movement. they have been a big part of the movement for the last 6 and a half months. for the last few years we've been calling for the end of the occupation to say such as such a destruction from it all and is not necessary. a to pollute filler of the moment at all. that is something about the movement itself, the post a new movement itself has actually stood out against any form of discrimination. and the hate is not welcome across the movement, right? but i just wanted to come back to my initial question, which was, why are we seeing of these colleges now? these universities clocking down more on these protests a few years ago of us universities bolstered their diversity, their equity and inclusion programs and know and, and you know, uh, this happened uh, also in the wake of the black lives matter protest movement. why has that now change? do you think? and i think we're watching how the student movements are actually challenging the side of school. and when that happens,
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people aren't necessarily fond of it. and this specific moment. so these students are set up these counseling cause tempting camp months, have really challenging ministrations. weighs many of these universities for months of put out pro israel sentiments and has actually completely erased the policy and people in the community. and i think right now people are kind of sick of seeing at, specifically, administration are sick of seeing the movement presence across these campuses, universities, as i try and they're trying to use these tactics of oppression to suppress the movement. i got and it's in 6 and a half months of the student. activism has been prime and it's been one of the biggest reasons behind why the movement has been as strong as it is. and it's just another opportunity for people to crack down on it. do you think the movement has the potential to grow even more? as you mentioned, the war and in vietnam ignited a protest movement that helped define a generation and accelerated the withdrawal of us troops from, from southeast asia, could, could the war and gas i do the same thing. do you think it has could have an impact on, on politics in the upcoming election in the us?
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yes, absolutely. students has been at the forefront of this move my. they are really behind why this movie has been a strong and efficient as it can be. why people have been able to shift their political opinion. oftentimes, we know that these large groups of students can actually create waves of change they have in the past. they continue to do so on right now in this specific moment when it comes to the costs and the moment continue. and doing so, when we're watching that on full, the more power that a movement is able to have, the more likely it has to be suppressed and disrupted. and that's what we're watching. that's why law enforcement is being called on the students. why they're being, you know, detained, why they're being on housed. i mean, students have actually been literally have their items thrown out, you know, within minutes of being released from, from, from jails here in new york city. and it's a reminder to us that again, the strongly at the moment becomes the more likely it is for these moments to be disrupted. i mean, the student movement specifically is coming forth with clear demands columbia, for instance, came forth with an idea around the fact that the school needed to divest from
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israel's soap. it was investing in, you know, any sort of capital gains with the state of israel. if it was investing through studying abroad programs, whatever it may be, those sorts of partnerships needed to, and this is a student, this is a movement in this particular moment that is coming forth of cleared amounts and knows what it wants and knows what it needs. and know how to uphold the costs and in people's demand that are being asked for and has been asked for. for the last 6 and a half months. again, we watched hundreds of people come forth in the last week. know, thousands of people on faculty that have come forward, and these people are putting everything on the line. they're compromising everything. they have scholarships, housing, their academic degrees, and they're making it known to the public right now that they're not going to stop regardless of the consequences. ok, thank you so much for talking to us about this. you mind a bit director of advocacy at the us campaign for palestinian writes. thank you for your time. thank a and see a head on algae 0. no with no box based lights on going to roland
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the u. k. so called wanda, bail has been passed after the prime minister double down on the spreadsheet, just sent aside and secrecy software. the had that we saw a vast improvement to the weather for north america at the beginning of the week. i'm not friend, remains as we move towards the mid week, lots of dry and settled weather for both of us and canada and the skies dried up in toronto so that people could enjoy the blooming of the cherry blossoms there. but things are going to change. so monday, so sunshine, tuesday, we've got the couch coming back in with a chance of rain and we're going to see a temperature drop here from 14 degrees will be down to just 7 degrees on wednesday . the sunshine returns on the 1st day, the further east of this will see that rain,
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frail its way out across new york city, and washington d. c, with a bit of a wintery edge to the north of that for eastern parts of canada. but when much of the country, it is sunshine and twice, sky is a bit of a wintry and wet mix, starting to move into the western parts of canada. however, on wednesday, but it is much wyatt to the south of that with lots of sunshine remaining for california that slots its way for the south is northern parts of mexico has we had to central america in the caribbean, the temperature in monterey continuing to pick up the laundry, twice, story from much of mexico, much west. so for the south of this and for much of the carrier being and his spend your lot to wednesday, the lower scale to growth has destroyed many the cities. what about the in a race against india is booming water shortage. an engineer,
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tons of water conservation is, takes on 6 once it was one lake at the time catching the rate in india. that takes a lot, a witness documentary on that just so you know, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back and recap of our top stories on how to 0 review into the un agency for palestinian refugee says israel has not provided evidence that centuries and members on from us. and are linked to the october 7th of tax. many countries kept
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their funding to own wrong. when those claims were made in january. students at columbia university in new york has been told to stay at home as honestly and solidarity coaches continue on campus demonstrations. it's affordable to people of guys have gone to university campuses with dozens of arrest at ivy league schools, including any policy and civil defend says it has uncovered $283.00 bodies from a temporary burial site inside nasa hospital. in con eunice, the burial site was built when these really forces surrounded the medical facility last month. they say some of the people were killed during these really seized on the hospital in southern gas. all these really military has ruined the majority of hospitals in gaza. only a small percentage are able to continue to offer some medical assistance for more than 2000000 people on the constant on by was meant to now efforts to bring some severely damaged hospitals back online medical staffing hon. units of trying to
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repair parts of the altima hospital that was severely damaged by repeated is really attacks and weeks long. siege target was only for some 7 gas fearing this cause of this will flow to ceiling. the walls of that i'm in the hospital of barely standing for dr. chrome and his teams. it's no reason to give up hope was the shock of humble young and we're trying to get the hospital running with what is possible. and as you can see, think good, everyone is making a big effort to work together and given how much damage there is. again, if i'm on the how the problem is that something we're trying to get the beds now that so we can clean all night smoke and water and not the hospital to receive a special protection on the international. lo, that status did not stop east by the troops from attacking this hospital with onto the latest surroundings. come down to interesting medical stuff,
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spend out of surface of a sense. the dentist, because of the behavior of the day is right on the hospice, and they destroy anything in the hospital. really the effect, the flaws as well as the, the device and now the health care facilities are slowly being brought back to life with one goal in mind to bring patients back. then it is urgent there on viral infections and cases among christian among displaced and at least 10000 accounts that patients could only if not provided proper treatment of cause is 36 hospitals, only 10 aust told partially functional above the deputies, the son of an i'm at a hospital is still intact. that means hope in our big something resubmitted, coworkers have not forgotten. almost $500.00 medical workers have been killed inside the gauze trip since the talked of the will. putting more pressure on health
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care system that tens of thousands of displaced people in the south of garza relay on our campus in which is a rough, rough off palestine restaurant throughout the world news now in the u. k. so called wanda bill has passed the british prime minister wishy so next is the 1st flights carrying aside and she goes to the stop and country will leave in 10 to 12 weeks. the brightness of the central part of us who knocks government strategy to tackle the legal and migration. it's been widely criticized by human rights groups and caused a political deadlock. that's bringing poll brandon life from london when members of the house of lords were debating the subjects full. it was a long and impassioned debate over this last tennis about the latest and what you've been hearing. the government forced the lords to sit late. it's past midnight's head, they would normally have long since gone home. but the prime minister wishes to nak
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was determined that there would be no further delays to this flagship piece of legislation that he's frankly staked his whole reputation on an since we're in a general election this year. he's hoping it will be a vote when a for him and the by staying strong, but he will actually get some credibility with the voters because of that. but the mood amongst the. busy old stuff, the of the house, the on the like, the task was pretty bits that towards the end, they feel that the proposed amendments would have improved this bill. a bill that they have described as bill judge. bradley drafted in appropriate and frankly illegal in both u. k and international law. so for the government to set it still determined that against any changes whatsoever, has left a bad taste in the amount of the lords. and although they have just in the last few minutes capitulated and decided not to try any further amendments, it's not going down well with the house. and so how will this plan to fly asylum
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seekers to one the work exact people as well? there are still very many questions about how exactly it will work in his news conference. earlier on monday, i really see not laid out some of the plans. he said the 1st flights should take off within 10 to 12 weeks. he says there are more than 2000 people. so the 2000 detention center spaces, uh, being uh, per pad. there are extra staff being trained to act as escorts on those planes to rewind and there are certain plans that are still going to be finalized with we're, i'm just to make sure that the legal aspects are all tied up. but there's still question exactly how many flights uh will be going, because that are on definitely going to be some legal challenges. never mind the political challenges we've had in the past week. and there is also the question of how big a deterrent this will be to those people crossing the english channel that narrow
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stretch of water from france. so the u. k. in the small that's will as legislation which versus you're not consist, will be a deterrent. will it actually act that way? thank you very much for that po brandon life for us there in london. that 3 people, the keys of spying for china have been arrested in germany. prosecutors said the tree of durham and citizens had been passing sensitive information to chinese intelligence since at least june 2022. 1 of the suspects, named as thomas r, had been reportedly handing over technologies with potential military purposes. the 3 german citizens also accuser exporting a laser of china, which is prohibited under european regulations in the us opening statements. and the 1st have a trial of a former president ha, got underway in new york. on monday, the prosecution says the charges against donald trump amount to election fraud, but trump again, claim to try was part of the political conspiracy to prevent him from campaigning
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for the presidential election. christian telling me to report some new york in in an historic 1st donald trump arrived at court for his criminal trial. he's accused of 34 accounts of falsifying business records in order to hide hush payments that were made to by the silence of an adult film actress who said she had a brief affair with him. the prosecution describe the case and the opening statement as election fraud, pure and simple evidence will show that this was not spin, said the prosecution. but a long running conspiracy to silence people who had something bad to say, the 1st witness allegedly had a hand in that conspiracy. tabloid publisher david pepper has admitted to working with trump to barry damaging news and the run up to the 2016 election, which he eventually won. so as trump's former lawyer, michael cohen paid the actors known as stormy daniels,
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$130000.00 and was later reimbursed by trump for what was recorded as legal fees. the defense pointing to cohen's history of lying on the stand argues there was no affair. and no attempt by donald trump to hide the payment. spoiler alert said the defense. there's nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. it's called democracy. and while the former president may be the one facing charges, he again attempted to put the us justice system on trial in the court of public opinion. these are all this is done as everybody knows it. being able to be in pennsylvania lots of other places, campaign, and is very unfair. donald trump has said he wants to testify in this case, but on monday the judge warned if he does take the stay on, the prosecution has the right to ask him about his other legal issues which


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