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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 3:30am-4:01am AST

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as we have not suffered to scientology use, thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say, no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful. you hear the story on talk to how does era rasa in southern goals. so the last refuge but 1500000 palestinians sheltering in fear of it is really ground invasion for us and european allies of all opposed. so with this real push ahead, regardless what will be the consequences, this is inside story. the
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hello again on james bay's riley is that unity among israel's opponents and allies . but that's the case regarding opposition to prime minister benjamin netanyahu has plans to invite the city of ruffled in casa, often more than 6 months of brutal will. 1.5000000 people are living in dog conditions at the southern end of the strip. most of being force that by is really a tax which continue and what's meant to be a place of refuge despite world wide opposition from israel's allies, its opponents and the united nations. nothing. yahoo says the bible plans for a major ground defensive and roughly have been drawn up with a date already set. so will he go ahead? what will be the political implications of israel going against the advice of the us? it's main, back out and supplier of weapons and for the palestinians, could this be the worst scenario? yes. looming catastrophe. officer a catalogue of hara. we'll discuss all of this with a panel of guests in a moment. but 1st, this report from sent him on a most of causes population is crammed. is the southern city over off
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they live under constant is really bombardment. the latest ways of attacks of killed dozens of people. but as these really army prepares for a major ground defensive, many fear things are about to get a lot worse. hold onto the model we are definitely terrified to a for say he isn't afraid is like, so is nowhere for us to go type in the i need to, we are scared. if an invasion takes place and dropped off, where can we go? we are more than 20 people. i really dream about going back to my home. i wish i can go back to my apartment even if it is rubble. now. he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, an attack on or off is essential to achieve his war, aim of destroying, come off. he says nothing will prevent it from going ahead. and we will complete the illumination of the mazda battalions, including in rough up there is no force in the well, that will stop us. but the 1500000 displace palestinians are taking refuge there.
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they have nowhere else to go. and you and his warning to the ground, a soul would result in major civilian casualties. a grounds the intervention in gaza. the in the rough uh, with the, the categories sticks that's we all know would be a humanitarian catastrophe. and so i believe this is time to make sure that's what we have been saying. since the beginning you many thaddeus ceasefire takes place even the us israel. staunchest ally has urgent not to go ahead with the offensive. in the 1st instance, it's imperative that people are able to get out of the way of a venue conflict. and doing that, getting people out of harm's way, is a monumental task for which we get to see a plan and not only getting them out of harm's way, making sure that they can be supported with matters transit systems. these really government finalized his plans in march,
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but still hasn't ordered the attack. in the meantime, the bombing continues and all the people of rasa can do is wait and hope to survive . defense and bought an owl to 0 for inside story. the, well now let's discuss this with, i guess today, clued to a fil, isn't that a ball out in central garza, she's an economic justice officer at hong spam who specializes in supporting women that businesses and youth entrepreneurship. in durham in the u. k. robot guys to pin fold. electra and peace and security at durham university's research focuses on his riley for an unsecure with the policy on his should my honda is actually in the city of rafa. he's the spokesman in gaza for the international committee of the red cross. glad to have you all with us. so let me start with you issue. i'm you of the, in rafa and your organization is the guardians of the rules of all the the, the geneva convention. so tell me, what does international humanitarian law say about the possibility of
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a large scale military offensive in a place that so packed with people. hello, james, and thank you for having me. there was a, for a big, clear civilian lives and infrastructure must be protected. no matter what happens from what we have been witnessing and drop off with the large waves of displacement that has been ongoing for months. and many families have been on the move and been displaced for an average of 5 times for family. now they faced the evidence of the reality of the patient or a rough idea to see or see the dimensions, the medium, the risk process. once it's enough, the community and part of the confidence that any possible scenario, a mess of minutes, everyone ration and blah blah, given the situation of the densely populated areas here to be nothing but carnage.
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and just to be clear for is what is the noise that we're hearing above you? i'm assuming that the drone distribution is what people in the different areas across the guns this term here. most of the day clued, tell us more about the, the life of ordinary people in rafa and elsewhere in gaza. you represent aux them. but i know you are a mother of a young child yourself. how difficult is things right now uh, thank you for hosting me today um for this program and thank you for olds giving attention to go because i should always be on cause of the situation is really easy for us to think. the human story and situation is so very difficult. no not entered garza despise the international and cold from the organizations and a human trailer getting station. just kill
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a detrimental regardless telling the situation is ready to best teaching. everyone here is a free all of any expected minutes repression and dropbox because this for sure with the, the, his mentor and situation in a more difficult situation. dropbox is very crowded up to the dns. real point is right in crowd. they do tend so make shift counts where people are trying to find safe schultz or there. so any military offensive on the part where it really makes things more difficult, we don't expect to to have, and we'll, uh, actually, but tuition of the video from uh, from blah, blah, blah. we really expect that to the human jury's situation will get more difficult because we expect the closure of border and we only have one line of it which is causing border. and despite this, does intern go as well, is not,
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you know, it's not at all to respond to the needs of those internally displaced people in there since you are didn't go strip a for sure. as a mom of the, my person that lives in it's really hard when you're going to be your default, any aspect of minutes where you operations in any area. and that's one of the, the why, but also a mental area or in the area. and the girl house rep it's oh is put us in a situation where we cannot really find any to see anywhere. roberts, is it a case of if there is a rough or offensive or when there is a rough or offensive? because prime minister netanyahu still talking about total victory, he says the date is already been said, although he hasn't told us what it is, of course. well, this is the question on everyone's minds and that's and you all himself has been talking about draft for offensive for a very, very long time now. and nothing is materialized. have you asked me this week and a half or 2 weeks ago? i would have said to you that this is
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a basically upload that netanyahu was trying to use this as tool as leverage and the tools in concepts to try and basically reach an agreement with a mouse that would see the return of hostages and some kind of a temporary or last in the seas for now and the exchange between israel and the run and it to play subsequently is a game changer and leaves. the said i would question why? well, because nothing yahoos retaliation israel's retaliation against iranian attack and was relative the light to basically one of the craft and defense system was destroyed from what we can tell same fall. and that was basically and it didn't reach a threshold to isolate israel from his international partners he'd be arguing against the escalation. the problem that's in yahoo, that has is an internal one having a piece he's in josh, no partners. he is annoyed the far right. members of his coalition on whom he is relied for his device, you have national security minister, it's them all bank vill tweeting on x very fast enough. the type one would lose the
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translates to we called a static in hebrew. so nothing yahoo is now under pressure to demonstrate is focused credentials into a peas, his coalition allies. so i think the danger of the rasa offensive is now more substantial. then we have had spent very long time in the previous weeks. hey, show me your organization, the i, c r c. we mentioned how it governs the laws of war, but it's also a humanitarian organization. what would it mean if an offensive was carried out in rafa given this is i believe a normally about $270000.00 people. and now they're all about one point. $5000000.00 and the price is completely swelled. tell us a bit about the humanitarian situation. on the grounds, if i can add a 2nd part to my question, rafa is very limited aid coming into gaza, but he's one of the entry points faith that makes it even worse. isn't that the?
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yes, absolutely. now considering that there is approximately $1300000.00 people living on 20 percent only of the total spaces, the gaza strip, totally disconnected from the, the basic services. and for example, uh, 900 people type only access to one. that's fine. and an average person has up a has access to only 3 liters of water per day. 2 of them are not suitable for human consumption. this is a basic examples of how people suffer under in human conditions as a result of the ongoing complex. now, there are several challenges that are facing human italian workers, including the national committee through its process, which is the lack of our absence of security guarantees that are crucial and necessary for achieving meaningful. you're going to kind of response from the ground despite old that we are trying to maximize that. we're going to tell you that response. however, this will not change the reality on the ground as long as there are still a t, as in the ground and the and the are not these uh any time soon. the situation
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worse is by the clock, by the fort, by, by, by the hour. and uh, there is already unlimited space 40 minute time workers to work. now, if things escalate for the drop off crossing this space will spring or making any possible human incentive response. definitely meaningless on the ground . we are trying to as hard as possible. but this is not an environment, a document attorney is kind of bored. keep that i, i'm going to move on actually. and also include a, a follow up question now. um, if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? is actually nowhere on the says the big, the question that we hear every day from any male living it goes on like of during this, any offensive operations manager, reparation the any area i'm together strep. where to go? i'm actually people have no place to go. and each one of those golfing people,
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actually it's a case has to be displaced for at least one or 2 times and through the sports. and so this moment we don't have like, 5th shoulders to hold those. i to be in the governance structure during the 80 and expect to defensive mandatory operation involves people will by nowhere to go. and this is just like colored, well, is there a possibility? is there a possibility collude with childhood some say that people might be forced out of the gaza strip is that's a possibility. we have been hearing about this since the beginning of the war, but what i think is the people in gauze i will not actually find this solution is really good for them to leave the people here. how to lift their houses in the gather in garza until this moment. they wait every day in order to
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listen about any news or to earn about any updates and then a solution that are being done and then confident in egypt turned on every words in order to hear about the possibility to return to their houses, leaving gods of course it is not easy for those people actually. and if we talk about being on the edge of the causal strip and this is the southern point of the, the gaza strip. roberts, it's on the edge of egyptian territory. what i know because egypt remains a country with a peace treaty with this route, what do you think egypt is making of the prospect of this offensive? well, egypt is very much, he gains this offensive taking place. and this is exactly why as a bite and ministration is max, anything so much pressure because they getting pressure from the partners in the world. countries like egypt and saudi arabia. i know this effect pressure is route to reach us east by as soon as possible. the egypt, as you say, there is a border,
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an issue here as well as egypt explicitly has rolled out the reset thing of palestinians. refugees within the sun, i've been anxious to add. instead, there's been all sorts of talk about israel, for example, trying to reset with them elsewhere. but this is a key point to friction between the, by the end of this ration and these rarely, goldman, israel maintains, from what we've heard from leaks the recycling or the 1.5 and give or take siblings within wrap up. we'll take them around 4 weeks. the us disagrees vehemently and think this will take around 4 months and actually doing something like what is real? proposes this mass, a very rapid receptive and to avoid humanitarian crisis. well, actually only make a few minutes airing process more lightly. and significantly worse because you will be moving people with that infrastructure without planning, you'll be moving them at a very, very, very own planned way. and as some of my colleagues here were mentioned, these are people who've been rooted on multiple occasions. so all of that was race,
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the fireman and disease would actually be exacerbated by a rock bed on the front of the occupation. so pickup on that point, if you kind of hisham and legally on the international humanitarian law, is there a way israel could do this? or does it amount to force displacement, which is in itself international illegal on the international. i totally understand stability parts to the complex plane, ensure the protection of the videos and they have absolutely access to everything necessary for survival, including health care in terms of displacement. beeping must be sure that they can be moved safe people in one area another that families, one company cannot or does not get separated from their loved ones. and it has to
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be time the amount that they cannot be misplaced. so it's no more important than ever that the international community must be dealt with more responsibilities to it's, there's more pressure to put this lecture to an end. and uh, there's no way that people in jobs i can continue living like this. it has been almost 200 days now and they have been through a lot collude. we've got lots of comments from members of the international community who are telling israel notes to carry out a rough operation. the un secretary general set an operation and rough it would compound the humanitarian catastrophe. the us secretary of state tony blinking said that would be terrible consequences for civilians. how seriously do people that in gaza take these comments from these international figures when the war now is coming out to a 7th month and yeah, so you've got the us warning of this. but at the same time, the us giving $26000000000.00 in the last few days to israel. the
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people peopling does actually. so the listening to the other to, to the ext are the rules declarations say and comment his phone, social media. i don't see any xbox administrative phrase it is because well, do the really so far, is that a t v p? is that the invest printing human story and situation? and for us to talk sure is thomas, how says both things. it's donna, are thomas no access to clean war to try know access to the last 4 to be used, new access to enough to do the has says to me is really cool. so people are living in tents. no, we are in some up. so people are, are, are, be for the actually, it's time those to so people are only thinking of how the reality about what they are suffering from the trying to,
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to hear something used between times and the other another. but the actually future they actually see, or i mean that's booked administrative gratian. because as you have mentioned, they don't have a place to go. they have no work. there is no safe shelters in garza, can you find them or even any place, no place in golf? that you see because people have really experiences with be displaced from one place to another place. the robots, we, we've heard tough woods from the bite and administration before towards the ness and yahoo government and nothing. yahoo really hasn't listened on many occasions, but it is worth noting there was another development in the last few hours. it looks like the us that could just state and t blinking is going to sanction under what's known as the lease. he knows one particular unit of the is riley miller tray . do you think that will get israel is attention? it's not related to the, to the possibility of offensive and wrap up,
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but do you think it could become linked? and yeah, just to give some context. the view is what we're talking about here is the net sahu to battalion. now this was a pioneering tale and set so far the idea of leadership, because it's specifically 6 to integrate and strictly both adults ultra orthodox is released into the army, many of whom wouldn't normally serve in the military. so it's a strictly religious unit. now the problem here is that this unit has been subject to a significant i'm building obligations of human rights abuses long before the current military campaign, including the death of a 1778 year old, outstanding american in 2022 who was basically an adult. and by the group i'm left to die at so these right government will say, look, there's no truth these obligations. but we do know that that battalion was moved out of the west bank. add on to the quite to get around heights border as whether
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there's a connection that is very much an open question, but it is now 5 to the in the goals and strengthens paul's, the military operations at the moment. will this effect as well as military behavior is campaign? no, we're talking about 1000 people here. this is not a significant assign should, but israel leaders are indeed incense by this. they all us, this been end of a wedge and who knows what is opens up and it is indeed a new press. and so on the one hand you have the volume is basically trying to use carrot and sticky. on the one hand, you have that $26000000000.00 a package at that was used to support these for on the show us support for as well . on the other hand, you have new precedence like this sanctioning amendments of the all idea. so is this or not can itself, that will be a game changing? nobody's at the start of increased us public pressure against israel. i don't. yes . sure. i'm let me take you back to where you are. where are we talking about that over crowded city of rafa. now one of the things we've seen in over 6 months is the
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collapse of the medical system across the gaza strip. and we saw that hospitals were, are deliberately targeted by israel. i'll shift in garza city, not so hospital and con eunice the most well known, but so many hospitals targeted. how worried all you about the hospitals where you are in rafa. if they work just to, to, to face does the same thing because they seem to be among the many functioning medical facilities. and the whole goal is to strict, now you pronounced the committee. if the red cross have warrant says the star and the early stage of this conflict about impacting the health care system in gaza, which has been heavily impacted by 16 years long restrictions on the move with the people and the after hospitals have come to rubbish. following the military operations, conducting insight investigations around them, it leaves only not that the entire health care system in gases. now is the last.
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and there's only one thing that is capable of providing advanced health care service. and that is be gone. so you to be and, and you've got the eunice where a surgical team i see are see doctors, nurses, surgeons work since last november, and deliver your plan on average of once the urgency needed surgeries and databases, the oxy or c, it's that it's most top priority to keep providing support what this left from a healthcare specific goals district. but there is no health entity can, can absorb the influx of patients either in rough or or 10 units. and if the scenario of the military operations conducted hospitals have been reading on. but those have been working non stop for 6 months in town and health care system, gals, or whatever is left of it is on the seas. doctors themselves and medical staff have either been killed, detained, or lost, a dear friend or, or something that is
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a valuable to in their lives. yet they continue to work. however, they cannot continue working like this for ever. i mean, collude like me show all of you as somebody with i think demonstrates this. these are pictures of a young baby in the rafa. the baby was saved from the womb of her mother who was dying from head injuries and an emergency since air inspection was performed in rafa. uh the woman died that says did her husband as did that 3 year old other daughter um it just shows the a pulling situation facing women and children and gaza. does it no said shocking statistic. i softened unicef every 10 minutes. one child is killed or injured in casa a we have a, we have actually many of the old folks to try. she just told us and, and because of the trip, i'm always in like in, like any call fixed around the rules live in the children and old was the,
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the high surprise. i'm doing this for a very big number of women and children were killed actually with no, uh, actually with no lemme to a change for a recipe thing for children all the time. they are expressed to the on the danger they are the are the are the child's whenever they hear any pumping or showing around them. for my son, for his hubbub all the time, i'm trying to keep him calm, trying to convince him that there is nothing risky around us. but the reality is that our children didn't actually grow up in an environment like the children needs to grow up in the pro attractive environment, safety environment. and that's totally o. p, actually in and drop off is one of many of his, till we have had him together strep to chewing this escalation. and it's, it's,
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it's well, 3, any charge a, d, c, and that's how long it's poured out of there. and it's really difficult to see and to think of how, how will the future of these k, p will be without his mother or his father. so claims, and with this really charging the story, staying with you, conclude and not as a official from aux, from a mazda. what would be your message to leaders around the world who have power here? what would be your message to the, to the is really leaders at this moment as they contemplate a full on offensive into rafa. mine that my message is rainy uh, of having any military operation in the hall with will actually put civilians integrated debilitating situation. the civilians should be proactive. that's
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why i coal i own my own personal lives as mom i called for immediate permanency file because we manage of income. so we use windows people. we use our blocks once we lose or comedy the 1st we lose, or bro clinics and everyone we know income so. so an immediate permanency is for you for sure with this because this actually should and this fee, or this little child, p as in call. huh. no. okay, thank you very much to all 3 guess today. hello, joy phil, rob guys. pin followed on hitch in the honda. you'll find comprehensive coverage of the war on cause or from our teams base that are included in rafa itself. and there's more context analysis on mobile app and on our website, which is there a dot com. if you have comments on today's discussion, go to our facebook page. let's facebook dot com, forward slash 8 inside story or find this on x. we are at asia inside story for me,
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james, based on the team here and go, ha, please stay safe bye for now. the the latest news, as it breaks, the doctors will say to witness the feelings, knew exactly where to with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place also was had a city in part on the road, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another. on counting the cost, germany is being gauging with china on trade. why consul in breakup with badging? materials? currency has rebounded all the economic reforms working and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has close action on sustainability
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council, the cost on alice's era. a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex, so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. hard, huge, i mean to be used as the i, r c suffered casualties. we have not something to say. tyler sees, thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double stand to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era, you will cekada a duty in a grove using for the p, use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients,
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visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest the, the hello i'm fully back to the window high with a look at our main stories on algae 0. i review into the u. n. agency for palestinian refugee says israel has not provided evidence. it's employees are members of hamas and are linked to the october 7th attacks. those are the finding of an independent reports commissioned by the un on right is a primary agency for palestinian refugees, and many nations have still not reinstated the funding. despite is ralph's failure to provide evidence for his claims and guys are the powers senior.


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