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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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to sing the ancient marshal out of it has made me physically very fit and mentally very strong. the mission is to serve the community, helping offers, cleaning up the streets and educate to young goals. 101 east beach. the kung fu nuns cap. men do on al jazeera, the an independent review says israel has failed to provide any evidence. so it's claims that some employees have been un agents for palestinian refugees involved and they have tons of 7 tomas. attach the head of the problem and this is live from the also coming up. dozens of students protested, supporting palestine of the rest of the universities in the us, as demonstrations for the move campuses, north korean leader kim jong,
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or the supervisor rock controls that simulate for shown young pools and you to a counter attack. no, if nobody's face lights, all going to realize that you guys so cold ever want above has been done and done on the slides to send the find them seekers to the 2nd, the 6 months off. the major western countries caught funding to the u. n. release and works agency because of his really allegations, some of his employees were members of him. off. i'm connected to the october 7th attacks, as well, has still failed to provide any evidence for the accusations. those are the findings of an independent report commissioned by the un unable, as the primary agency for palestinian refugees. many nations still haven't reinstated, they funding the spot as well as failure to provide evidence for its claims.
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gabriel and his on those sent the support from new york humanitarian organizations are bound by principles of neutrality and unrest has not only met but exceeded those principles. that according to a newly released $47.00 page independent report, which was commissioned by the un and led by former french foreign minister, catherine colona, in conjunction with 3 human rights investigative bodies from europe. over the findings of the review. all of that in rise in place of very significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the management principles of neutrality. i show you the property of a more definite system then although you are an organization, so addresses which is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult, a situation in which they operate and the uniqueness of the mission. the
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report was 9 weeks in the making and relied on hundreds of interviews and site visits including in gaza. it was commissioned by the secretary general antonio gutierrez after israel made unsubstantiated claims in january. the under employees were part of terrorist organizations. the regarding those claims, the final report says e's real has yet to provide supporting evidence of this unreal gives a full list of all its employees to relevant countries, including israel on a regular basis. these really government has not informed on right of any concerns related to any unreal staff based on the staff with since 2011 the report states. the report goes highlight 50 recommendations in areas on rep can improve, such as more international employees and management goals. more frequent updates to
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donor countries on neutrality issues and expanded community awareness. the report largely exxon rates unruh from any intentional and blatant acts of bias. but the damage from israel's claims has already been done. 16 countries suspended funding to unreal. and will a few of those have since resumed funding once again? unrest says they only have enough money to get through june gabriel's on to i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. the palestinian civil defense says it's on call the 283 bodies from the temporary burial size inside loss or hospital and con eunice and southern gaza. the site was built, one is very full. so surrounded the medical facility last month, they said some of the people were killed during the is really seizure on the hospital. us. i'm in an yeoman. hi miss. i came here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son, jim, and they told us there's a mass grave located here and every day i come here to identify the body. but
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unfortunately i haven't found my son's remains. one moment. c to any one who knows anything about my son wouldn't see me or informed the officials. i can no longer bear it. everyday. i come here in such a come 2 or 3 times. i searched for him in many places. that is really military has destroyed the majority of hospitals and gaza, only a few are able to offer some medical assistance for more than 2000000 people on the constant bombardment medical stuff and con units are trying to repair parts of the animal hospital that severely damaged by repeated as rarely, attacks and weeks long siege thought it was in report from the southern gaza fearing this cause of this will flow to ceiling. the walls of that i'm in the hospital of barely standing for dr. chrome and his teams. it's no reason to give up
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hope was ever to show it to the humble young and we're trying to get the hospital running with what is possible. and as you can see, think good. everyone is making a big effort to work together and given how much damage there is. again, if i'm on the how the problem is that something we are trying to get the beds now that so we can clean the automatic smoke and water and not all hospitals receive a special protection on the international load that status did not stop east by the troops from attacking this hospital with onto the latest surrounding to come down to interesting medical stuff. a spin out of service of a sense that is because of the behavior of the day is right on the hospice and they destroy anything in the hospital. really the said the loss as well as the, the development. now the health care facilities are slowly being brought back to life with one goal in mind to bring patients back. then it is urgent. there on
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viral infections and cases of money, christian among displaced and at least 10000 accounts that patients could only if not provided proper treatment of goals is 36 hospitals, only 10 aust told partially functional above the deputies. the son of a hospital is still intact. that means hope in arabic. something these medical workers have not forgotten. almost $500.00 medical workers have been killed inside the gauze trip since the talked of the will. putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands of displaced people in the south of garza relay on our campus. and we'll just say rough, rough palestine as many as strikes and central gods. i have killed at least for palestinians. an entire residential block was targeted. so the defense crow, so there are still people trapped onto the ruffles and of the southern city. over
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off of $26.00, people have died over the past 24 hours. as a stroll continues to bomb residential buildings. covering the outrage of israel's one, gaza, has ignited protests and the major universities in the u. s. students that jo, columbia, and new york universities have been holding system protests on campus, defying university officials, demands to vacate, well with a 100 students of interest and sofa heidi joe cost or has more, a gale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university administrators. police literally 47 protesters at you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday,
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protesting hills refusal to die best from military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale complicity in israel's genocide and gaza. meanwhile, administrators at columbia university in new york city, cancelled in person classes on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe. after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week. for us to to show yes we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about. the genocide that's happening that's happening congestive it should be the image itself. and the best thing in this, it just any time i would know some of the anti is real protesters, that colombia are jewish themselves. but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show
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a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new york city police try to temp down the fear. there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest or, or any of the columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus, president biden, to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college. i also don't understand what any student protest leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful. now. protests of spreading to still more schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian movement. heidi joe castro
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alda 0 washington the jewish holiday, if possible, it will begin on monday night. but this is not as riley say that children of a house to celebrate during the ongoing rule on the fatherhood reports from tennessee jewish people around the world. busy are marking the story of passover, the week long festival commemorates freedom, and is typically observed with the feast known as a cedar. to celebrate what jews believed was the liberation from biblical slavery. and with this year, celebrations are muted, overshadowed by his rules war and the captive still being held in gaza. doing these things because we do it for the people that cannot do it right now. if we do all the somebody, all just to see, these are all that we are doing. we do it for them for the day on this major
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jewish holiday with a focus on freedom menus really say that their traditional state or will have an empty chair at the table representing those who were killed on october, the 7th. and those were still being held captive in garza, such as those from could boots. they read one of the towns attacked by him this on october. the 7th. these is rallies are holding a cedar for their entire town in what's become known as hostage square in the heart of telling me that no, ma'am, we had a 100 people nodded. it's indescribable unbearable. and we are holding onto the hurt that our hostages will return. and it doesn't fall off the agenda and the old address is way these, all the people around the world understand that there are people whose freedom was taken away. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is still adamant that military and political pressure are the only ways the captives will be brought back on this pass
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over. say tonight, how hostages and how much does captivity stand before us? best suffering and the suffering of the families breaks on hogs and on the spring since i determination to attend them, we don't laptop even for a moment from the sacred task of bringing them home. we want them a bite. the of the, in a protest outside that's in your whose house demonstrators set fire to a symbolic state or table. it's the latest event in a series of protests calling for their loved ones released with nearly 200 days into the war. many's really said the government's promises are empty from the central jersey to tell a b. 2 a 44 year old father of 3 has died of gunshot wound, sustained from his riley fun in the city of jericho's. his death runs the number of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank to 487 since october 7th. at least 3
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other people have been injured by his already done fine and on the palestinian towns. and there are reports of ongoing models, annapolis off to israeli troops to him the city and took care of demonstrations and protested against germany support as well as a meeting between the german president and the mayor of assembled. police quickly intervene to stop the protest. but the mach supports a german president, frank volta stein maya, in a stumble to celebrate his country's history of diplomatic ties with took kia vivian george, something item more, nothing from zip system to board stock. or what do we in germany, celebrate the 75th birthday, about the republican a months time. we will do so in the knowledge of the millions and stories of tuckers, german immigrants, a product of our history. tied ones like his host assembles man showing him a train station with tucker's migrants. one set out to find work in germany. but as the pad we'll together inside an expedition the greeting outside. some
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protest as was anything but the genocidal criminal. gemini, came the sounds. motor a gemini, within minutes tucker's piece broke up, the protest gemini, a 2nd only to the united states in width and sales to israel. and at the international court of justice this month it defended those actions often. nicaragua argued it was facilitating genocide. and with this policy with them, so this past weekend in berlin to where pro palestinian sentiment and his rating support. sometimes class with sweets in the middle. a similar and germany's leaders now a parent away from home to the months of the data still ahead on now to 0 african leaders course move regional population and fighting groups that assignments and date my jerry and capsule.
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the had that we saw a vast improvement to the weather for north america at the beginning of the week. i'm not friend, remains as we move towards the mid week, lots of dry and settled weather for both of us and canada and the sky wind up in toronto so that people could enjoy the blooming of the cherry blossoms the but things are going to change. so monday, so sunshine, tuesday, we've got the couch coming back in with a chance of rain and we're going to see a temperature drop here from 14 degrees will be down to just 7 degrees on wednesday . the sunshine returns on the 1st day, the further east of this we'll see that rain, frail its way out across new york city. and washington dc with a bit of a wintery edge to the north of that for eastern parts of canada. but when much of
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the country it is sunshine and twice, sky is a bit of a wintry and wet mix starting to move into western parts of canada. however, on wednesday, but it is much wyatt to the south of that with lots of sunshine remaining for california that slots its way for the south is northern parts of mexico has we had to central america and the caribbean, the temperature in monterey, continuing to pick up so long as you twice story from much of mexico, much west west for the south of this, and for much of the caribbean and his fun your lot to wednesday. the team in the gaza strip is there is lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect
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that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere here at the listing, the best, the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out of the out of me, elizabeth put on them. and uh huh. i have a mind of on stories to sell a review into the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees as israel and has them to provide an evidence on what employees are members of them off and then link to the type of 7th of tax. many countries caught the funding to the agencies and those claims were made in january. the palestinian civil defense has uncovered 218
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parties from the temporary burial side inside loss of hospitals and con, june us. the site was built when it's ready for the surround with the medical facility last month. some of the victims of reports they can do in the us really sees on the hospice students at columbia university in new york has been told to stay at home as palestinians solid audi protest continue on campus demonstrations and support of gaza have brought many campuses with dozens of arrests, including it's ivy league school game, also being lead to come. jo loan has all of a scene of drills. so the nice thing was showing young is cooling a nuclear account attack involving multiple rocket launches. it comes a day off, the south korea said the north 5 short range missiles into the east sea. the missile flew around 300 kilometers from the strong young area splashing down east of the korean peninsula. this monk strong gang 2nd launch in less than a week that spring and do this kim, she's joining us from the south,
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korean capital sole. and the country is all totally false as joining the exercise since eunice. what do we know about the drills to simulate the so called usually a trigger system? yes, so we know that north korea husband aiming to make many of its newer a missiles, a nuclear capable and running on solid fuel, which is harder to detect ahead of time. in addition to mondays prob vacations, we did see north korea claim a solid field, intermediate range, hypersonic miss. so i last month, which analysts and sol say is still very much in the early stages. no, indeed. today, north korea confirmed that those presumed to short range ballistic missile is that sole and japan tokyo had fled on monday were the super large artillery that measuring $600.00 millimeters, they are cheaper than ballistic missiles to produce because of the technological
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advances. north korea has been able to have it is able to reach far distances of some 300 kilometers, which would put many of the key military assets in south korea within that range. now north korean state media said that this particular test was, as you noted, a drill to test the reliability of the command and control center of its nuclear force. dubbed the head, paula said that's in korean nuclear trigger. but south korea's joint chiefs of staff during a regular briefing today noted that north korea is not known to have actually achieve that capability to produce small, tactical nuclear warheads. and that is indeed north korea tries to send any of these are totally re in souls direction. that it would be interest stepped it by south korea is kill chain sisters. station use agency said it was a clear wanting to its enemies, eunice, wind at north korea, carry out these drugs
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a yeah, indeed. they said it was a clear warning and it also mentioned the crumbs on air base aerial drills. these are one of 2 major drills in the skies between south korea's or for us and us forces. and it has been ongoing, will run through friday, and it involves some $100.00 war planes including f, $35.00 still fighters, which kill me on, of course. so when asked what they think is the motivation behind this latest publication, this site that reason, but also noted the presumed postponement of a spies satellite launch that we've been watching here in south korea for 4 weeks. and in addition of the possibility of wanting to export some of this weapon, re, analysts and sol happened watching to see whether north korea could try to sell some of this weapon reach you. you run on top of the weaponry is already set to
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russia to fuel ukraine warrants. eunice, thank you for that. eunice, come joining of life and soul of these 2 is quake. so the magnitude of above 6 hit taiwan or the on tuesday, the well those 2 and thousands of smaller quakes with alt in the islands eastern county of while in series of officers. sharks followed, but only minor damage has been reported and no casualties. taiwan central, whether administration says the series of quakes which numbered at around a $180.00, was off the shocks from the logic. quick on april, said, the emergency plans have been activated in southern china. often, heavy rains caused severe flooding. more than a 100000 people have been moved to safety. if to some again, such reports dropped by torrential rains in southern china. this
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elderly man has to be carried to safety. emergency services, a looking for several people still missing after on seasonal rains, last spring, don't provence for days. the force of the flood waters took many by surprise, sweeping away cars, damaging roads and destroying crops, local se rain like this hasn't been seen in nearly a century. where the, everything's gone. all the seeds are gone. i lost a more than $13000.00. fields over that several heck says it's full flooded. the storms have already cause damage worse, almost $20000000.00, according to some estimates. one of the most densely populated provinces, one don't this home to many of china is factories. it sits on the pearl river delta, making it vulnerable to the rise and sea levels and climate change induced weather
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events which are happening more frequently. dozens of rivers, 1st thing their banks have forced a 110000 people to move to safety. so as i gave you, and i live here, it's all flooded. schools and businesses have closed in many cities as a brace for more powerful storms forecast for later this week. if this i'm getting food, i'll just 0 as you guys so cold lawanda both has been passed by parliament. prime minister officially soon access the 1st flights carrying asylum seekers to rolanda when leaving 10 to 12 weeks. the time is the central part of his government strategy to tackle a legal migration as being widely criticized by human rights groups. full brennan has moved from london. so there are still very many questions about how exactly it will work in his news conference. earlier on monday i really see not laid out some
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of the plans. he said the 1st flights should take off within 10 to 12 weeks. he says there are more than 2000 people. so 2000 detention center spaces. uh, being uh, per pad. there are extra staff being trained to act as escorts on those planes to rewind and there are certain plans that are still going to be finalized with. we're on that to make sure that the legal aspects are all tied up. but there are still questions exactly how many flights uh will be going, because there are on definitely going to be some legal challenges. never mind the political challenges we've had in the past week. and there is also the question of how big a did to parents. this will be to those people crossing the english channel that and that are a stretch of water from france. so the u. k, in their small bags will, is legislation which versus you and i can see this will be a deterrent. will it actually act in that way? the opening statements and the 1st ever trial of a former us president come out on the way in new york. on monday,
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the prosecution says the charges against donald trump amount to election fraud. but trump again claimed the trials as part of a political conspiracy. for instance, salumi has moved from new york in an historic 1st donald trump arrived at court for his criminal trial. he's accused of 34 accounts of falsifying business records in order to hide hush payments that were made to by the silence of an adult film actress who said she had a brief affair with him. the prosecution describe the case and their opening statement as election fraud, pure and simple evidence will show that this was not spin, said the prosecution. but a long running conspiracy to silence people who had something bad to say, the 1st witness allegedly had a hand in that conspiracy. tabloid publisher david pepper has admitted to working with trump to barry damaging news and the run up to the 2016 election, which he eventually won. so as trump's former lawyer,
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michael cohen paid the actors known as stormy daniels, $130000.00 and was later reimbursed by trump for what was recorded as legal fees. the defense pointing to cohen's history of lying on the stand argues there was no affair. and no attempt by donald trump to hide the payment. spoiler alert said the defense. there's nothing wrong with trying to influence and election. it's called democracy. and while the former president may be the one facing charges, he again attempted to put the us justice system on trial in the court of public opinion. these are all this is done as everybody knows it. being able to be in pennsylvania lots of other places, campaigning, and is very unfair. donald trump has said he wants to testify in this case, but on monday the judge warned if he does take the sand, the prosecution has
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a right to ask him about his other legal issues which otherwise would be off limits . the trial is expected to take about 6 weeks. kristin salumi, i'll just hear a new york to repeat that accused of spying for china had been arrested in germany . prosecutors at the trio driven citizens have been passing sensitive information to chinese intelligence, since at least to june, 2020 to one of the suspects had been repulsive. they had to go. the technology is with potential mother treat purposes. african leaders of a music and nigeria is capital. just discuss how to come back to tax by the gods. the un office of counterterrorism also took part along with representatives from the west, a, you and russia. it comes off to me. jazz government told us troops to leave accusing them of failing to prevent attacks off what address reports from the boucher african leaders say they see let down by the international community. because when the country suff and losses,
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they receive little or no help. we've got another thing that you want to mission continue to up. so in many also of dollars for this thing very and with this, the results. and that's actually the states or not gone to a minimum of resources to count the project. spread of federal is distinguished based on the african union says has allowed um, groups to stop in each themselves on the continent, making it one going to give says is the epi center of global terrorism and father dick's treatments or both of them by so look either and they, or she would have killed tens of thousands of people enforced millions from there once the that is chanel community. as the mora, i lived out of the dish to help in this case because it is outside mooney, north africa,
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money. that was the gas of patients really to governments in here we can approximate molly have ordered was to comes to leave the countries saying they


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