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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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between them is uh and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners, and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, the, for an independent review. it says israel has failed to provide any evidence for its claims that some employees of the un agency for palestinian refugees were involved in the to the 7th from us attacks the hello. i'm elizabeth donovan. this is allen to 0. i live from jo. how so coming off? dozens of students protested, supposing palestine or rest of the universities in the us as demonstration spread
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to move campuses as riley settlers target to target the occupied westbank for that . a full palestinians dare say that is rarely met. the tree is helping them. no, if nobody dislikes are going to rolanda and the u. k. so cold lawanda bill has been paul saucers upon this and double down on his pledge to send some asylum seekers to east africa. the mom's office on western countries caught funding to the u. n. release and works agency because of as really allegations. some of his employees were members of him, off him, connected to the october 7th. the tax is around has failed to provide any evidence for the accusations. those are the findings of an independent report commissioned by the you when on what is the primary agency for palestinian refugees? many nations still haven't reinstated, as best funding. gabriel and his on those times this report from new york's
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a few mandatory and organizations are bound by principles of neutrality and unrest has not only met but exceeded those principles. that according to a newly released $47.00 page independent report, which was commissioned by the un and led by former french foreign minister, catherine colona, in conjunction with 3 human rights investigative bodies from europe. over the findings of the review. all of that in rise in place of very significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the management principles of neutrality. i show you the property of a more developed system then all the you in organizations or addresses which is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult. a situation in which they operate and the uniqueness of
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the mission. the report was 9 weeks and the making and relied on hundreds of interviews and site visits including in gaza. it was commissioned by the secretary general antonio gutierrez after israel made unsubstantiated claims in january. that henri employees were part of terrorist organizations, the regarding those claims. the final report says, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this. unreal gives a full list of all its employees to relevant countries, including israel, on a regular basis. these really government has not informed of any concerns related to any unreal staff based on the staff with since 2011 the report states. the report goes, highlight 50 recommendations in areas on rep can improve, such as more international employees and management goals, more frequent updates to donor countries on neutrality issues and expanded
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community awareness. the report largely exxon rates on right from any intentional and blatant acts of bias. but the damage from israel's claims has already been done . 16 countries suspended funding to unreal. and will a few of those have since resumed funding once again? unrest says they only have enough money to get through june gabriel's onto elders either at the united nations in new york. the 283 bodies have so far being recovered from the mass grave inside loss of hospital and calling eunice and southern gaza is ready for the surround to the medical facility. last month. the pals to the and civil defense says some of the victims were killed during the is really siege on the hospital. did you pain? i'm in the norman. hi, miss. i came here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son, jim, and they told us there's a mass grave located here. and every day i come here to identify the body. but unfortunately, i haven't found my son's remains the
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hook, the any one who knows anything about my son wouldn't see me or informed the officials . i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here in such a come 2 or 3 times. i searched for him in many places. as ready as tripe, some central guns. i have killed at least for palestinians. an entire residential block was targeted. civil defense closed. so there were still people trapped under the level. under the southern city of about 526 people have been killed over the past 24 hours. as israel continues to tom residential buildings. that is where the military has destroyed or by the damage, the majority of hospitals and gaza. only a few are able to offer some medical assistance for more than 2000000 people on the constant bombardment, medical staff in con units of tron to repair parts of the alamo hospital. that was severely damaged by repeated this ready attacks and weeks long siege dot a couple of the reports from southern gaza hearing this cause of this will flow
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to ceiling. the roles of the hospital all fairly standing for dr. chrome and his teams. it's no reason to give up hope was about to share it with him the on the phone, we're trying to get the hospital running with what is possible. and as you can see, think good. everyone is making a big effort to work together and given how much damage there is in the house, was that silver we're trying to get the beds now it's so we can clean all night smoke and water and not hospitals receive a special protection on the international lo, that status did not stop east by the troops from attacking this hospital with all the latest surrounding the compound interest in medical stuff spent out of surface of a sense that is because of the behavior of the husband that they destroy anything in the hospital. really the said the loss as well as the,
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the development. now the health care facilities are slowly being brought back to life. with one goal in mind to bring patients back. the need is urgent. there on viral infections and cases among christian among displaced at least 10000 accounts that patients could only if not provided proper treatment of cause is 36 hospitals . only 10 are still partially functional. above the deputies, the son of a hospital is still intact. it means hope, an arabic, something resubmitted coworkers have not forgotten. almost $500.00 medical workers have been killed inside the gauze trip since the talked of the will. putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands of displaced people in the south of garza relay on our campus. and we'll just say rough rough
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talestine role now tre. jet as well as one, gaza, has ignited protests and major universities. the u. s. students at yale, columbia, and new york universities have been holding southern protests on campus. the following officials demands to stop more than a 100 students have interest in sofa hydro cost drawer it has more. a gale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university administrators. police literally 47 protesters at you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday, protesting hills refusal to die best from military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale complicity in israel's genocide and gaza.
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meanwhile, administrators at columbia university in new york city, cancelled in person classes on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe. after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week. time for us to, to show us we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about the doing the site that's happening. that's happening in does that it should be the image itself . and the best thing in this, it just in a time is now some of the anti is real protesters, that colombia are jewish themselves. but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new
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york city police tried to temp down the fear. there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest or, or any other columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus, president biden, to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college. i also don't understand what the problem spinning student protest leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful now. protest spreading to still more schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian move. and heidi jo. castro alger 0, washington. and in the last few hours, police officers have cleared out the new york university protest of the hundreds of
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demonstrates as the 5 warnings and refused to leave. i'm guessing, report, students and faculty were detained. a new york place folks. those instead of arrests were made off the university of police to enforce trespassing violations that spring and how he got the wheels sooty and associated professor at the department of middle east. and as long as the studies at new york university, and she's joining us live from new york, thank you very much for your time. i understand that you're actually somewhere outside a police station waiting for one of your colleagues to be released. can you tell us what happened to the product test is? sure, yeah, thanks for having us. i'm waiting actually for many colleagues, many students to be released and i am outside of the police station since i'm so as of this morning is about 4 or 4 30 am a number of students started there encampment in protest of what's been happening in palestine, but also in support of sort of pro palestine rights and freedom of speech, freedom of expression as well as in solidarity with other students at columbia and
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elsewhere across the country. and so they set up tents and camp meant, and as soon as they started of camp security tried to block that off already and also called them the n y p d. and then um, eventually the m r p these kind of backed away and the students remain there all day peacefully protesting, chanting and so on. and you know, supporters came at this point, there was a barricade that was set up between the students and uh, and sort of just space kind of outside of campus if you want. but, and why you is a very urban campus. there is no inside them outside, but in any case the students were there all day. um uh those that were in kind of an encampment and then those that were also sort of protesting from across the street. and it was peaceful, there's no one was hurt and nothing happened. but i or, you know,
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i think both the new york um, the new york university campus uh, security guards uh, just would not sort of allow for a lot of movement and would not back down to essentially uh, brought in the n y p d. yeah, the n y u has said that following a breach, and the barrier says shop at google plaza, the head of and while use global campus safety said that, you know, the one safety requirement we made was that no additional protest is, could end to go plaza. so was the problem that the university had that they just didn't want people from outside the university to join those protests them and what, what, what did they tell you about why they've arrested students and faculty? yeah, i mean, they didn't want anybody not, not just people from outside of the university, but they wouldn't allow extra students for extra faculty to actually come on to the plaza as well. so i think, you know, they were telling us that the concern was for people that were beyond and why you,
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but they wouldn't even let people from and where you, you kind of joined the peaceful protesters on the plaza. and so eventually when the police, when they finally brought the police and later in the evening around, i'm going to say like 7, 38 pm or so they charged us was press pass. and even though we are and where you, faculty members and then why your students, i don't know how we trespass on our own campus, but that was the sort of charge against us. and they brought in hundreds of, of policemen and riot gear. uh, to uh, to, to stop the encampment. it certainly seems like a very bizarre charge for the reason that you just mentioned. i was, i wonder if there are other protests against other issues at n y u. if there's a similar response to the one that we've seen, what's been and what's been your experience in the american universities of showing solid actually with palestinians. so i bring it and where you for almost 20 years.
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and i can, you know, i've seen a number of protests happening. i don't think i have ever seen anything of a crack down of this nature and such kind of, you know, over the top. she wants a sort of response on the part of the campus security. and then on the part of n, y, p d, and i think is this reflective of the attempt across the country to sort of crack down on what is being called new pro palestine speech. right? so yes, this is pro power assignments is also obviously kind of trying to raise awareness of what was happening in palestine. but it's also the question of academic freedom, opinions, expressions as well as the students together are particularly on ones on the template. so i think what we've seen over the last few weeks, the last few months was really very, very large crackdowns on, on students. and in this space, also students and faculty who towards me were meeting spencer. again, peaceful protests have got the way of sooty of new york university. thank you so much for joining us on this important issue and really appreciate it. thank you.
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up to the head on algebra. north korean leader kim jong supervisors of rock controls that simulates well shown. yeah. and cause a new clear counter attack the hello that. let's have a look at the weather across the middle east of the next few days. and we're expecting to see the mercury rise across many areas. certainly across the live band . we'll see them pick up towards the mid thirty's, across pots of syria jumped to is set to increase here in dough. how could talk? it is the logic twice. story from much of the gulf, but also a bit of a when the story was a shamal expected to kick up some dust and effective visibility. it does remain
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long as you drive across much of the region as we go into wednesday. but heavy rain is still expected to flood its way east across iran. attempt is here below the average. it is feeling a lot cooler. in contrast to that northern parts of africa, we'll see the sheets continue to build. that's the case in egypt. if you have a look at the temperature and kyra will be up to $42.00 degrees celsius. we've also got a bit of a windy situation moving from libya across to the east. we have what warnings out for those winds. we could see some sand storms as well as a weather weather coming in behind that for the likes of cheer. news here is what is well across that central band of africa, the rain stretching all the way from gap on through to kenya and tons of new. we have a warning for some strong winds here. but to the south of this, it's very quiet and hot picture. the unique perspective that plays students up does told the palestinians
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to go to on heard voices through humor. i to highlight absurdities, inconsistency upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really a lot about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or the the, to what challenges they are from the elizabeth put on them. and uh huh. reminder of on top stories, the saw a view into the un agencies, the palestinian refugee says israel has provided evidence on what employees of
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members are from us, and then link to the october 7th attacks. any countries cut the funds into the agency when israel made those claims in january the palestinian civil defense as on call the 283 bodies from the temporary burials size and size, and also hospital and con eunice. the size was built on the 25th of surrounded the medical facility last month. some of the victims sort of push the couch to and fitness rarely, seizure on the hospital. and students at columbia university, new york has been told to stay at home as palestinian solid algae protests. continue on campus demonstrations and support from casa, have brought many campuses with thousands of arrests, including an ivy league school. jail of the 44 year old father of 3 has died of gunshot wounds from his riley find in the city of jericho. his death depends the number of palestinians killed of the occupied bus back to 487 since october 7th. at
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least 3 other people have been injured buys rarely gone fine on the palestinian towns. and there are reports of ongoing volumes in nablus, off to is riley troops, storm the city, and the village of book of east of them a lot has been subjected to numerous attacks. the mass, as is rarely settlers living and legal outposts to starting fires to try full cell palestinians. they've torched farms and homes at least 3 times this year. the same personality has moved from blue to kind the occupied westbank. the win is really settlers come down the hill from their trailers. soldiers waiting nearby block the only road in and out of the settlers set fire to palestinian property soldiers shoot, tear gas at people trying to defend themselves. maneuvers that seem choreographed our citizen here on a scream and for help. and the ottoman stopped us from the, from the beginning to come in and tell them, and they leave the step. let us do exactly what they plan for them to do,
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which is actually booked fly out in the houses of our citizens on top of them and everything is vacant. so they're, they're coming in, they're setting fires to bales of hay. they're stealing sheets, the injuring animals. what's the point they are getting actually attacks and everything, not only the end the month, even, but these even the stones, even the houses, even the people that can everything investment. i don't know. there is no reason for them. this is, i'm just this. what's going on. so far? 3 times this year. settlers have started fires, trying to force people off their land. readers, rustling livestock setting. barnes alert, seems straight out of an old movie. but is the owners of this form on the edge of work? i leave, the mayor says the village could be overrun, is really sightless, came down from an outpost on a hill overlooking the farm and tried to set fire to the far into the animals. it is still feel the heat rising from these mountains of ash that were bales of hay feed for the animals. the people here have been trying to put this fire out for
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hours, but smoke is still rising. is really, is often target the guard dogs 1st. this one was badly maimed in the last attack, but his back in his usual place watching over the fly, around 70 to 80 settlers in a few dozen soldiers, all the community of thousands hostage, some here say the worst part is. many of the residents are american citizens, different places like newer, chicago and philadelphia, the just as government. i mean i'm, i want to talk about my fits a victim of their back to us. they don't have boss. i wish we have a beast with that. as riley with i'm out of town with a human at the and what happens to us in here and guys law strep and west bank. it's on the we wouldn't even be. so what i want to kick nobody's off was mayor says he met us secretary of state anthony, blinking last year. promises to try to stop similar attacks were holler. i am an
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american citizen. i blame the american administration to this story. so while the israelis leave them with damaged homes, ruins businesses, their leaders look the other way. leaving them just broken zane bus route of the old to 0 bertha the occupied westbank color start. ok, so called vermont. the bill has been posted by parliament prime minister, where she soon acts as the 1st flights carrying asylum seekers to lawanda will leave in 10 to 12 weeks. the plan is the central part of his government strategy to tackle legal migration as being one be criticized by human rights groups, who brandon reports in the u. k is handed hundreds of millions of dollars to france for coastal security and police patrols. you have the small boats containing refugees in microns keep coming. on 2 years after former prime minister bar, as johnson's government 1st announced a highly contentious plan to send refugees to rolanda. not
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a single plane has taken off a frustrated rash. you see, not cold time on the object is enough. is it no, no more prevarication. no more delay. no us no bots. these lights on going to roll into a long day of parliamentary ping pong ensued the upper chain. but trying to amend the bill. the government using its majority in the lower chain, but to block any, an oil changes. it went on until after midnight, when the loads finally capitulated the old bitch reluctantly. we will this week have a little that provides for the offshore processing and supplement of asylum seekers . in rwanda, its benefits remain to be seen. its costs will be measured fairly in money, but in principles, the based a bit of a 4th victory for the government then, but real questions remains. what exactly will the flight start to take off and how many refugee migrants will actually be on them? and the biggest question of all, will it really act as
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a deterrent for those seeking to make the crossing from france to the u. k. in small boats? the government wants the 1st round of flights to deposit in 10 to 12 weeks. the campaign is not yet ready to give up. for a stop, there is a very strong prospect of so the legal challenges we are often rule, still a rule of little country here in britain. and then secondly, the government con, concern that it is found in a line to upright. those slides, this rewind the control vesee fall from being result, poll brennan, l g 0 central london to mexico. now, with 2 most men and deceptive the convoy of a leading presidential candidate during the campaign stop on sunday. the tube believed to have ties to the civil law, a drug cartel, and demanded a commitment to tackle the rising violet and some of the southern states of chow foss. mine while dropping the report from the incident that's raised concerns over the influence of criminal gangs on the upcoming polls in june. attends
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interaction in mexico's g up of state. while on the campaign trail cloud yesterday involved mexico's leading presidential candidate was stopped by mass man. leave to be linked to this in a lower cartel. they requested government intervention to put an end to the violence plaguing southern mexico. the truth is, we few helped us, you know, a hot as a community because the government has never done anything for these lands. mexico's g up of state which borders guatemala and believes has seen violence spiral as the rivals in a low and holistic oh, new generation cartels wage. a war for territory and mexican states like he offers the spillover from violence, has led to the internal displacement of thousands of people. as cartels seek greater control for drug routes, weapons smuggling and human traffic. the men in the video see the form part of the
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self defense force. experts say the events of sunday could be seen as an example of how criminal groups in the region seek to influence and manipulate mexican politicians ahead of the upcoming election by a criminal group of stopping the con, by of the very likely next president of mexico. and making demands, i'm on camera with media from me is something that talks about the increasing of raising us off from the groups that are very, very aware of the kind of card up the street evening. please let me the federal government during a press conference on monday, the mexican president under this manuel lopez over does or down place the events of sunday in chiapas saying it appear to be staged the as word pro already. yes, it is very probable that it staged highly probable because if someone has a complaint is why would they cover they face and besides they name to be peaceful?
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yeah, but it gives you a couple just mexican presidential candidates. that would be a shame bomb confirmed the incident on sunday, but also downplayed the significance describing the interaction with the masked man as quote, very strange policy experts born that criminal organizations are adopting increasingly assertive strategists and their involvement with mexican elections. however, when avenues for dialogue with the state run out, its violence that emerges as the prevailing means of communication. bandwidth up a little al, jazeera, mexico city, echo those police have recapture the and actually to of the los lobos gang, visio call on people. police that he escaped from prison in january. he's accused of threatening to kill the attorney general among other crimes. hills go in later come young learn has of a seen a drill, simulating walked. young. young is cooling. a new kid counter attack involving multiple rocket launches. that comes a day off, the south korea's had been notified short range missiles and to the east. see the
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missiles flew around 300 kilometers from the fuel and gang area splashing down east of the korean peninsula. this monk strong gang 2nd launch in less than a week. eunice kim has moved from sol. we know north korean leader time zone and has been trying to make all kinds of missiles i are declared capable and run on solid fuel. and indeed, north korea confirming today that the suspect is short range, ballistic missiles that tokyo and so head flag on monday were indeed these are super large artillery. they measure some $600.00 millimeters and are cheaper to produce, then show a short range ballistic missiles. but because of the technological progress that north korea has been able to gain, are able to travel long distances, some 300 kilometers, which technically theoretically, would put many of south korea's military targets within range. now in a fairly lengthy post date media case,
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cna said the rocket launchers were part of its drill to test the reliability of its command and control center of its nuclear force, the dog, the heck policy or nuclear trigger in korean. but south korea's joint chiefs of staff asked about this development today, pushed back and said that north korea is not known to have a reach the capability to produce small size, tactical nuclear weapons. and that if they try to send any of these are tillery in south korea, is way they would be interested. emergency plans are being activated in southern china, off to heavy rains, cause severe flooding. more than a 100000 people have a move to safety. if to some getting federal polls dropped by torrential rains in southern china, this elderly man has to be carried to safety. emergency services, a looking for several people still missing after seasonal rains last spring, don't provence for days. the force of the flood waters took many by surprise,
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sweeping away cars damaging roads and just.


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