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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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on gaza for going on in. definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the 200 days of all israel shows no signs of ending the violence with ongoing strikes across the gauzy street. the cloud. so robin watching all just 7, like my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 30 minutes. police in new york or a small student's cadet makes the latest tactics to suppress demonstrations and supports of palestinians of the universe. storms, bonds of southern china with heavy rain full associates on tens of thousands of people told to liza homes and the humans climate agencies as asia. it was how does it find the effects of table warming last year? and it was of serious repercussions if it's left unchecked.
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the welcome to the probably only beginning garza where it's being $200.00 days since israel's will began. these really all me has killed at least 34183 palestinian since october. the 7th, meanwhile, strikes in dalton, the re seller, and continue across garza and the central parts of the strait refugee comes have been under relentless attack for days in the knolls, the neighborhoods of a should jr. and as a tune in kansas city with targeted and further south is really gung bite side of con eunice. honey. my mood shows us now from rafa in southern gauze. just bring us up to speed honey away. we should be focusing all retention on the ongoing bombardment body is ready to use both day and night
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of the yes. well, this really ears tries continues to pound across the gauze from merely concentrated right now in the central area and the northern part of the gaza strip. we're looking at these print neighborhoods of gaza city on further to the northern part is a little bit la city on the western part of the tunnel and city just causing a further civilian casualties and a great deal of destruction. so far. the past 24 hours have what's the in the these really is tracks on our dealers showing killing at least 4334 people, mostly women and children and double the number of injury is transferred to hospitals that are really exhausted within sufficient medical to stop and inability to provide any medical treatment whatsoever through injuries, arriving on middle and saving life is really monetary continue to make life very difficult for palestinians across the guthrie mainly for the 1500000 display of
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palestinian across the gauze. the 3rd and drop off, mainly or up to here who are right now with the deep living with a deep sense of shattered safety and security in light of the growing afraid of expanding the military and the grunted vision to the city. it has been 200 days so far and is really military has equally bomb the everything all means of life have been destroyed all social service. that'd been unlimited. the entire golf strip just turn into a larger, into an area that is largely a waste land that is becoming uninhabitable very soon. indeed, that's why it needs a but what day it is coming in honey as well. so far, the number of of 80 trucks that have been allowed, then the amount of a destructive being allowed into the gaza strip does not live ok, do respond to the emergency event, the need to create it on the ground by the ongoing contents. bombing campaign will
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look at at least a 100 trucks of from brother, across thing, and same exact number of from car mobil. sally, and only have of this amount is going for the private commercial sector. we will look at the amount and the numbers of, of, of a to try to get in. that is not nearly enough. we're looking at about really fab and going on in the northern part, despite the increase of a flow and the know the 5 people are still struggling. no medical supplies, no proper food supplies. in fact, what the gaza strip needs right now is barely constant, efficient and smooth flow over human at 3 and 8, or at least 500 a trucks to be able to combat the spread of the difficult conditions. with along the spirit of infectious diseases and mountain nutrition that is causing another layer of a problem and misery for people. honey, my mood that for us in the southern gaza. thank you. so the us as well and as well . again, this is plans to move palestinians out of rafa. international um is now growing as
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the as riley military prepares for a ground defensive in the southern garza city. now rights groups have one to catastrophic humanitarian consequences. we don't want to see um, palestinians evacuated from or off site unless it is to return to their homes. and we have made that quite clear to the government of israel that we don't think there is any effective way to, to evacuate 1400000 palestinians. there's no way to conduct an operation and raso that would not lead to inordinate civilian harm and would severely hamper the delivery of humanitarian assistance. and that's to the point that we continue to make to them. so this cost over to stephanie, exactly what corresponds isn't occupied east jerusalem. so start warning from the us over rasa. the question, as well as well, listen, while this has been the us administration's position when alone, when it comes to the file, which is they are against a large scale offensive and recent weeks. the language is change somewhat to say
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that, you know, they would support what they call a limited targeted operation. how would you carry that out in a tiny area that is so densely populated with the internally displaced is incredibly difficult. uh so, you know, even though the americans are in agreement with these ratings that they do need to go into the fight in some form is rob leads that around 4 main battalions of how mass remain operating there. they also believe that it's where a lot of the remaining captives are being held. so it's something that is around this. been incredibly staunch about that. they do want to do it well. so interesting me during the tensions the escalation with iran, the americans were putting a lot of pressure on this government, not to retaliate, no to escalate the situation. and many analysts were saying at the time that there is some form of a deal to the fact that israel only responded in that much more measured way than what they really wanted. they would have gotten some form of green light for that
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offer offensive. what form i want, the invitations are on that. now we've seen some leaks coming out in the media that give a better picture a clearer picture, perhaps if they're accurate about what that may look like. in stephanie there's talk about construction of 10, some of the displaced that's good to cause controversy to of the well, this is part of these leak. so basically got one, the american media talking about specifics, talking about the fact that these really is, would be moving civilians are taking about $3.00 to $4.00 weeks to calling eunice to areas around hong unit. and that then that the operation and also would last around 6 weeks and that's quoting named egyptian officials. an interesting me just in the last couple of hours, the associated process is talking about the satellite imagery that it is verified as looked at that shows the construction of tests happening in around the con eunice area. and they're again quoting unnamed official sizing, that is actually the objections that are carrying this out. now,
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if one of this is true, let's say, would be interesting because if you have the objections on the ground in that off at the junction intelligence specifically has a longstanding relationship with how fast they are negotiators. they are mediators, they have been for years and that would take away the fact a v is really a presence on the ground is going to be usually controversial. whatever happens controversial, complicated, more than that. and i think we have to remind you also of just how terrified palestinians are we have been displaced again and again, who are now sheltering in the alpha, which is relatively comb or compared to the rest of the strip 1400000 people and they're terrified about what is constantly in the news about this moving offensive, which now seems to be perhaps the media reports are correct, taking some form of shape, but it will be weeks in the make a stephanie decade that for us i'll correspond to then occupied east jerusalem. that's the goal, is that civil defense team say that they've covered $310.00 bodies or mass graves
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on the grounds of the nozzler house. blink on eunice, 3 separate graves were discovered in the southern city on monday. witnesses say that some of the victims were killed during these by the siege on the hospital. many were found with the hands bound and the page have been shot execution style. these way the army has killed nitty 34200 palestinians since october. the 7th. israel has failed to provide any evidence of his accusations of employees of the you and agency, full palestinian refugees have links to homeless or they'll tell you about substance attack. those of the findings of an independent report commissioned by the united nations. many countries still haven't reinstated funding to the agency after suspending contributions when israel may be accusations back in january. gabriel is on the house move from new york. humanitarian organizations are bound by principles of neutrality, and unrest has not only met but exceeded those principles. that according to
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a newly released $47.00 page independent report, which was commissioned by the un and led by former french foreign minister, catherine colona. in conjunction with 3 human rights investigative bodies from europe over the findings of the review. all of that in rise in place of very significant number of negations and procedures to ensure compliance with the management principles of neutrality. i show you the property of a more definite system, then all the un organizations on addresses which is a necessity, considering the very difficult environment, complex and difficult, a situation in which they operate and the this uniqueness of the mission. the report was 9 weeks in the making and relied on hundreds of interviews and site visits including in gaza. it was commissioned by the secretary general antonio gutierrez after israel made unsubstantiated claims in january. that henri employees
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were part of terrorist organizations regarding those claims. the final report says, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this unread gives a full list of all its employees to relevant countries, including israel, on a regular basis. these really government has not informed on right of any concerns related to any unreal staff based on the staff with since 2011 the report states. the report goes highlight 50 recommendations in areas on rep can improve, such as more international employees and management goals. more frequent updates to donor countries on neutrality issues and expanded community awareness. the report largely exxon rates audra from any intentional and blatant acts of bias. but the damage from israel's claims has already been done. 16 countries suspended funding
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to unreal. and will a few of those have since resumed funding once again? unrest says they only have enough money to get through june gabriel's on though, i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. so there's really try and strike has killed at least one person and something level. these try cause a vehicle in the time, is that on a is where the media of it pulled, the target was a has blah man. but now these really ministry on has blown, had been exchanging, knit 85 across the board, a sense of tell you, but there's going outrage about israel's war on gauze or not splunk protests at major universities in the us. students at yale, columbia, and new york university. have been holding sits in protests on campus to define demands to solve more than a 100 students have interested. so from heidi joe castro reports a gayle university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and
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university administrators. police literally 47 protesters at you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday, protesting niels refusal to the best for military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale completed in israel's genocide and gaza. me, well, administrators at columbia university in new york city, cancelled in person classes. on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week. time for us to to show that yes we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about the genocide that's happening. that's happening again. does that it should be, it should start investing in this interest. genocide is no
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separating so some of the anti israel protesters at columbia are jewish themselves, but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new york city police tried to temp down the fear. there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest or, or any of the columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus, president biden, to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college campus. that's why i set up. i also
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don't understand any student protests leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful. now, protests of spreading to still more schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian movement. heidi joe castro alger 0, washington still had handled out to 0. noah's no box. these slides all going to rolanda. the case cycle rwanda bill has been passed up to the prime minister double down on this pledge to send asylum seekers to east africa. also north korean leader kim jong and supervisors, real kit drills it stimulates what film young calls the nuclear counter attack. this stories after the break, the
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hello, they will head down on the to his trailer and just a moment the bus to southeast asia. and from the satellite dimensions, you can see the cloud length stick across southern parts of the region. and that's where we're going to see the heavy rain over the next few days with buss of heavy rain for bonia and some heavy showers coming in to southern parts of the phillipines. it remains very wet for much of indonesia as we go wednesday into thursday. but for the know, for indo, china is a story of excessive heat. we've got warnings out for thailand as well as vietnam. so lots of hot and humid conditions. if you look at hot, you mean, we can see the temperature well above the average about 4 degrees celsius taking us through to friday. now when he williams has been knocked out of the southeast corner of a stray thanks to a weak cold front that swept its way across tasmania, bringing some showers here, cold conditions attempt just have come down in late melvin. and that trend will
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continue to sydney as we go into those ages $22.00 degrees celsius, the but it allows the dry and settled picture for much of the country. just a few showers coming in to the north. and we'll see some showers coming in to new zealand with heavier rain expected for western parts of the south island on thursday. and that 2 of them, or the it's been a full for an, a progressive change. you're locked in america. this time the slides remain high, active violence against gender and sexual minority. i've come to one or 2 young women who have taken place and it works to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generation change as level series attempts to understand. i'm telling you, i think that may apply, use around the world, generation change on out you 0 the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about to watch, you'll just bear with me. so he'll run the reminder of all the top stories is really strikes, and all tillery selling continue across concepts in central parts of the scrape. refugee camps have been under relentless attack. these really all man has killed at least 34183 palestinian since october. the 2nd students at columbia university in new york have been told to stay at home. well tell us to be in some of our deep purchase, continue on campus demonstrations and support of garza have brought many us universities with schools of students, arrested and independent review all the you and agencies,
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all palestinian refugees of israel has not to provide evidence the underwater employees on members of some us, many countries cut that funding to israel made the accusations in january. how soon brought it is a professor of international size that council university joins has got here on site kentucky with us. let's just talk about the law report that has with operated globally. now. there will be capitals around the world, reassessing the relationship with this u. n. agency, notably israel, undoubtedly the united states, surely. yeah, you know, when this world came up with this accusation in january, the united states was very quick to calling everyone to spend funding of the, you know, a, but we know we have to take this into a, into a, we have to put it in the context in the united states, actually they have a negative position visa v then or why? even before october 7th,
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we remember from tom's era and he was talking about the funding on our wise if and our way something and like an obstacle. and then in the road to peace. so it is what it is actually came up with this exposition because they want to deprive them the 500 well, the ability to deliver a to the amount of scene, especially in northern part of, of gaza. and so we kind of descent, this is so i would say is there's really predisposition to dehumanized on or why it hasn't been on. it's also sort of defend chasing the acknowledgement that our group of people that require help you take that age away. that who does help them, they become a known unwanted. and i think that is a psychological and a conversation here was never about trying to wipe away palestinians and palestine as a name, as a group is exactly what i wanted to say is a systematic effort on the bottom of this way. the government tightened the pump,
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even with american administration to a, to the fund to another one. secondly, and they, they want to normalize the issue of refugees. because 11 of the main arguments over this way, the government over the last would say 20 years. and that there is no solution to that is very complex, as long as the fifty's case is still on and under way of solving resolving this problem is by having the fiji civil and wherever they are right now. and what keeps their issue on the existence of an hour. so i would say the executive p dates in october 7th, this predisposition. this is a negative attitude toward the this, the united nations agency. and just see what happens suddenly as we, as we follow the full out of this particular report has some very thank you to know screen me that kim jones has ever seen a drill simulate single, appealing, young is calling a nuclear, a counter attack involving multiple bucket launches it comes a day off the south. chris said that the knoll,
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5 short range missiles into the east and see you this kim has moved from so is in a pretty lengthy state media post north korea confirm that the suspect is short range, ballistic missile. so in tokyo, flat on monday, we're in fun fact or part of a wider military exercise of its nuclear forces, command and control system. the heck pasa, which in korean means nuclear trigger. now the so called super large artillery rockets, which were a part or a cheaper version of ballistic missiles and casey and they said they carry dummy nuclear warheads and precisely hit an island target some 350 kilometers away. winning the praise of leader came down in that nuclear counter attack exercise is said was in response to ongoing large scale ariel trolls between south korean and us forces. those military concurred without reason, but added
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a couple more possible motivations. one tilt teddy someplace that unity and it's also meant to fill a gap for mr. light spice. that's a lot long while serving as a performance test for a super large rocket launchers and north korea, which is to expose the supposed person edit. it remains unclear whether north korea has achieved the capability to mass produce, minutes arise, nuclear warheads. your career has not conducted a nuclear test in 7 years under intense international pressure. but some analysts are floating the possibility of the resumption of testing to create leverage ahead of the us presidential elections in november, unit skim. oh, the 0. so a kind of system to the european union member of parliament has been arrested on suspicion of an especially severe case of spying for china. the suspect works for the far right whole tenants, if a germany party,
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but he's accused of giving the chinese intelligent service information about negotiations and decisions in the european parliament. 3 of the people have also been arrested for spying for china basing has rejected the espionage claims. as a hype, dominic cane reply joins us now from valid and dominic, well, whether it's hypo, no, it's, it is pretty serious. what more do we know about these arrests? this will certainly that's the view being put across by the federal pharmacies. it is a very serious thing indeed. and the fact of on german democracy is what the interior minister, nancy faith has said. if it has proves to be what they are, foreigners think it is. well, what we know initially this 1st it was this particular arrest about the member of part of the european pearlman's assistant, somebody in his 1st seas bone, a chinese national, who took on german nationality has been working for it is reported working for the man who is the lead candidates for the alternative for germany in the coming
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european elections, this mind dividing his time between brussels and tristan, which is a tiny logical because that's what the jenny that many of them is that the are being problem. it will make once, twice, 3 times a month. the suggestion being that the individual concerned passed on information about parliamentary debates and that sort of thing to the chinese security services, but also was monitoring chinese dissidents in this country. the other arrests were made over the weekend that involves 3 other individuals. again, suspected of working for the chinese intelligence security services. in this instance passing on forms of ministry technology. and that sort of thing. the connection between them is that they are all supposedly have been working for the chinese security services, but no one sofa has directly linked the full with each of the 3. yes. those who are the rest of the over the weekend. but this specific assistant for the i have to member the european palm with no direct connection between the 4 so far at least
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because the impact of this is the fallout, isn't that dominic? it has a full lot within germany, and then there will be european capitals all watching what's going on invalid. and indeed, the other thing to say here is that the, for the i have to for the offensive for germany policy, this is particularly bad news, particularly so because the person, the man, this chinese national chapman, chinese national, was working for himself at the moment, find himself in broiled in a row about suggestions that he may have taken money from a particularly pro russian news network, the voice of europe. that's refuted by the mind concerned mister dr. dr. cost, but certainly it's a problem for him. and for his policy, his policy says that the reports of the rest of this individual, very worrying disconcerting. we know the chinese government has said no, these allegations are all a hype,
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designed to home china. but from the european perspective, it's particularly concerning to the fault that people with access to sensitive information of the european parliament wilkinson all manner of people, not just members of the palm and facts, but the policies, and indeed the european union as an institution itself. some of that came that for us invalid. thanks very much. at least 5 people, including a child of donald while i'm trying to close the english channel, the full body, which has been carrying more than a 100 people in the jessica jew to watch with our t say was crowd panic. the french goes, god is still conducting search and rescue operations. now the u. k. apartment has passed the circles are one, develop move welcomed by kick. only 5 minutes service. you see like says the 1st flight is coming asylum. see, it goes to the one that will lead within 3 months full. brandon, possible from london. the u. k is handled hundreds of millions of dollars to france
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for coastal security and police patrols. yet the small boats containing refugees in migrants keep coming. on 2 years after former prime minister boris johnson's government 1st announced a highly contentious plan to send refugees to rolanda. but a single plane has taken off a frustrated rash. you see, not cold time on the object is enough. is it now? no more prevarication? no more delay. no us no bots. these lights on going to roll into a long day of parliamentary ping pong ensued the upper chain. but trying to amend the bill. the government using its majority in the lower chain, but to block any, an oil changes. it went on until after midnight, when the loads finally capitulated the old bitch reluctantly. we will this week have a little that provides for the offshore processing and supplement of asylum seekers . in rwanda, its benefits remained to be seen. its costs will be measured, certainly in money, but in principles,
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the based presently for the victory for the government then. but real questions remain, what exactly will the flight start to take off, and how many refugee migrants will actually be on them? and the biggest question of school will it really act as a deterrent for those seeking to make the crossing from france. so the u. k. in small boats, the government wants the 1st round of flights to deposit in 10 to 12 weeks. the campaign is not yet ready to give up. for a stop, there is a very strong prospect of so the legal challenges we are often rule, still a rule of little country here in britain. and then secondly, the government comp concern that it is found in a line to upright. those slides, this rewind the control the see, fall from being result, poll brennan, which is 0 central london. china was issued as high as storm warning and positive floods ravaged gwendolen province. more than
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a 100000 people have been moved to safety. if this and when salt has the story trapped by torrential rains in southern china, this elderly man has to be carried to safety. emergency services are looking for several people still missing. after on seasonal rains, last spring, don't provence for days. the force of the flood waters took many by surprise, sweeping away cars, damaging roads and destroying crops, local se rain like this hasn't been seen in nearly a century. where the, everything's gone. all the seeds are gone. i lost a modem, $13000.00, fields over that several heck says it's full flooded. the storms have already cause damage was almost $20000000.00. according to some estimates. one of the most densely populated provinces, ones on this home to many of china is factories. it sits on the pearl river delta


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