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tv   Generation Change Argentina  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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morning and pause the floods ravaged gwendolen province more than a 100000 people have been moved to safety. if the sum glenfield has the story trapped by torrential rains in southern china, this elderly man has to be carried to safety. emergency services, a looking for several people still missing after on seasonal rains, last spring, don't provence for days. the force of the flood waters took many by surprise, sweeping away cars, damaging roads and destroying crops, local se rain like this hasn't been seen in nearly a century. where the, everything's gone. all the seeds are gone. i lost a modem, $13000.00 feels over that several heck says it's full flooded. the storms have already cause damage worse. almost $20000000.00. according to some estimates. one of the most densely populated provinces,
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ones on this home to many of china is factories. it sits on the pearl river delta, making it vulnerable to the rise and sea levels and climate change induced weather events which are happening more frequently. dozens of rivers bursting their banks to force the 110000 people to move to safety. was soon as i gave you, and i live here, it's all flooded. schools and businesses have closed in many cities as a brace for more powerful storms forecasts for later this week. if this i'm getting food, i'll g 0 a new year and report reveals that asia, it was the wells was disaster, hit region, full climates and warehouses in 2023. the world means george co organization says floods installed schools, the highest number of reported casualties. auntie cannot make law says it's an even is from cutting universe that he says, governments beside, faster to mitigate the effects of climate change as we had been predicting this.
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but i would have to cite it has come quicker than we thought, or rather hoped that we'd have a bit more time to make the changes. but we don't, we are now in the thick of climate change and it's going to get worse until we type net 0 through to the. and if we can do that by 2040, for example, then immediately we would start to get on top of that all. but until then we are going to have to expect more damage from flood spies and all kinds of wave, the changes. stuff that phenomenal needs at hotmail generation changes next to pronounce is era. the one of the biggest selections of 2024. india is general election. will administer
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now render movies be taking increase its food across the country? how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment sway voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading unfairly, ongoing coverage, but in the, as election on tuesday era has been at the forefront a progressive change. it locked in america in 2010, it was the 1st country in the region to legalize same sex marriage and in 202018 live to boston. after campaign, there's 5 senators around the world the standards line to remain high as, as violence against gender inspection minorities. and there was calling said, an antique that minutes backlash. so how sustainable all these accomplishments, and what will this mean for the next generation of young logins? hi and welcome to generation change. i probably will series the attempt to
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understand i'm telling the idea is that life lies use around the well my name is ronnie. can i come to witness irene to beat 2 young women who have taken a different route to establish grace of freedom and equality for themselves? item time women will generally, i'm using b t q plus community. in order to focus on the voice is basic needs to be in spanish, with english subtitles, the the the 85 day body has gone fine. yeah. yeah. so, so yeah. so on is with plastics, peak items, photos of a like thousands. they like to meet best or india think let them know so,
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so you live enough, any stuff? yeah, going to sleep, but they look and find in the lower level. so what are the 3 d for the associates? don't say me, that's going fine. yeah, i mean, yes, so yeah, well as soon as you can see what the thing was, i went to the bus and there was a 61 the only thing that says and every single day. so i'm going, i'm sorry, the i keep wait on this and months. we're on last my sundays the he, as he mine says, united data companion, but it did a trial or something. you guys go with it. i learned columbia and they learned a single mental redmond definitely pressing on the me showing the hey okay, nivia enterprise systems combined. yeah. combined in the code on the scenario where the people in the
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a team but it's in on the best i think i think the only thing i think i want to because that's the one piece i like, i'm fine. you see i even within the are you looking to skin the interest? i thought the way even looking for the process. the going to say like in symbol. no they, they like companion but in the us is a fun way. lower base. yeah. so yes, if i knew enough e as in other things. yeah, those fun way, those blank was gave was the last my, the days you have well as in us, but as soon as this, i don't see the students a low somebody so that i may need that in case ending fidelity to the front. but it's the coolest. nothing's be done. you know, stay any speed on the fan, i'm going by the end of what gets on part of it. i'm getting the best fellow to estella. so let's say that might have been some us some combined data scans have vehicle as the lead, allow me to hear a little chat,
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a development they might of go know you fit in seeing a lot better know when it goes funds. so in a photo mind, they meet the lens. yep. it is. they look on sunday, there's a lot more of a level. okay, that's good. okay. yeah. like i totally, i don't that anybody will come. ok. so instead of canada to and i leave a lesson villa to tell them the i need it, but it basically that a, it can, it will get some, you know, no money that a, the motivate other thing is because there's a new way of knowing either one that i say yes and on the new unit, think i saw if that one i must from one point where they can get that level. celia, he that they left the india helix funds in that it just on seeing the waiting for them. this is been feel joanna, news federal 3 and always going allow them maria,
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that i think they say that no it is that i bet come to exceed goes on the n p n is does he has these kiddos. so add cordless on those 10 must do, most importantly in the, the same thing wouldn't grab his hands on going to also see a list and it can be nice and by the name, which i see what life was. the goal is to see if that doesn't mean a f as a low it i wish is kaloni bumpo satisfied. okay, go ahead and add him being i goes as a last give me the last name for that. move to the lucas loa. maybe we have picked up or put in my te months. tell me mfc or what kind of my teeth. i think i have it all 9 so close. okay. oh yeah. and yeah, nobody city at the you my love the way that i am, your son was on the phone cuz he shows that i have went through that and i tried to send a note from
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me any way, much one of the i think the credit system but when i check on google, i don't ask you tell me, you know, somebody to sign, we export society. so i'm a federal sustain brick when we'll get to a story any, you know, board exponentials and we'll, soon as, as you know, the way they lead out is that i should like for some feeling some sort of system issue up here in the buddha. so we'll see on it. so when someone, when i'm on it on my cheek, that it will not, i don't know, they don't want to come through the channel and don't say sooner and each of them by me out of a cycle until 75. i was able to shake like if i'm inside of them funny. i looked implant up the sun. okay. it is. they don't go shouldn't we have the money that i said it's on me and i right, right, right, right, right, right, right. this is the industry. i mostly got, i think a and i will head is complete and put on these noise foster care. so it'll give you
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access to our bundle and this is all to go in. and i mean, then for each time they receive more than 30 minute, they appointed the okay. only way. so it was, he got single because it'll get to get them is complete. and then he says, he's a mother and finish up on cosign carefully on the web or in the no money if you still see no more but and when it's of interest, they will be putting on the cheek on the way. lucky don't the end of this night, of whom? yes. what is the time of my, you know, the stomach ends low plus delicacy block heater like kansas and now i want them. i get definitely get that all i then all of that, i like the ones that i can see the will meet up on was. can somebody over most think, one of the federals i didn't do the home yet, but i don't, as you know when a guy does, she goes, i remember who gamble my password, so i don't wanna get into the house. so that's gonna be the see and new stuff from family cause she knew that if you it is the 1st time of the day of
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the 11 does the good as best they can death every now and i was there any, any dining room has been kept and so i guess way of saying that, but other than that, i said it was says somebody that asked was amount of days or awareness and and can i ok gallery fit in to flip lessons? i say on the and then when i pull it out, a loud knock on one of the familiar hole in the familiar hole in the lot of money, i want to know. okay, and we're interested in 0 a. i loaded into a new long move p a, and i've been doing this with the shop so long that we're not going to assume one gig and dsl, but i would love the way that goes to who am i speaking? yeah, i'm in what school traveling to so i'm just downloading and i tell us i wouldn't want to have a lot of non so seems okay i, you know, if i didn't see i can see a,
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instead of not going to that soon, can pointed out a lot of it so you can see and think as a way, i think that i sent up the gosh. and i lena i left the last one of those. i went back a couple of these things. the moment does the 34. you can don't want the one number, you got it. i want to cause us to look in front of the assessment. i financing see to directed to level guidelines that i saw willis, letting you know kind of task fellow for level the guy in a moment, though it won't be able to get this equipment. and if it's on a boat and in your life, it ends as low as high as month. okay. or a little $9.00 and $1.00 thing they will take 10 percent yearly. cool. let me just be put into that book to do. i will ask something upstairs and i'm thinking what i'm saying. i think though, what i mean that influence and the way i sort of a month on that. making sure that you gave me a way that it allowed her to see the logic with it. i thought to that, but i mean that is it the, you know, way to wait on them, but it's all in the to the bank with us going other to love is a limited. i called about the carolina bridget, i'm in the know
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a set of why they also had a talking with lee ending and so he's been on for more than selling the been me and took one of the forces a good deal, then settled a new cause. i will be out again to telephones. i will have them all out of sending us in through the bus housing and i saw smoke on profile for me and i was going to as my new what i thought uh if the doctor is pull up that i chose and then they hit the last part of the scan and so as close as i missed if there was you know, not going but since i'm getting finishing it, i see. and i just thought of hearing from you guys so, so, so you left in a, in me process. so everything you need in the process or the rooms. yeah. and that sounds like fun in the quoting environment and that sounds x, y, a flag. i might even say things are looking at as soon as my head on this go gallery. and in fact, the motor co located chose to allow inside a joke. you know what i'm going going. i lieutenant, that the deal can be no, i fell in many of the show. so i and i live in every single. it is easy and i and
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one thing that goes back is then you're going to click on a secret santa and then somebody think without it because a 1000000 that person on the data and then in on medical they lay 2nd. when you get, then it was a mean, if anything you mean his x on the island a not that i mean, i think i know what a someplace of what a so if the entire hosting no story, no st. blood to make it i want i you can also say he feels okay them because look at the videos. okay. so you stick with that simple guy that will the fellow at a loss can ok. tell me that. okay, much what of and then i thought that it came the showing us a, consider the findings we've been working in easier to on use quite an example someone unless i'm gonna go to somebody else and she'll go away and me and for that one that she lives alone that it will. it is a way of us, i'll say a cell phone, a lot of business sales have called us if someone that knows what i'm going to say an island. but as a dental, as the person i punch it in as mina the triple case that is at
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the front of the dawn, i bring it up on getting more than a get a little bit. and also for you as that goes, i mean if they do any sort of thing to them in the findings that are inside of the bible rather shut out because i want to go on and tell them you know, the fast. and they'll say, well, i am one of the things i'm most villa know, and that's a take it. i don't know focus. i mean, sevens again, us in a safe but ok, save a horse on norma this fall. and it is, i thought i thought a own way. then we have for that k, e some the one that we can walk into. so the police and other people that alone will, he shall come on board to study the way. so they consider fairly nice, the federal case, significant, but they settled in 75 and i have been, i mean they're in that room they facing and but i mean that and then it's, i don't know if i need to tell you how to convey not days certified fernado da da set a so politico don't process. all right, well let's do a 90
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a continue. i know it, but i mean i'm gonna put in a ticket in it, colonial gas the funds of what i said, if anything i get is when it goes to rita, like a get a in this was the on the, on the thing that you have a and i've been, i level say me, i exist, anyone can i person, i get them to hello those days. but i mean his life on rough. any stuff going well for, i mean, most i found stuff. i mean, even going to be stuck his us going in next week. the only going into this that if any, that it can get the event that i will assume if i or not. so one and a this one the what it was. and again i, when i face the pool head, i start the last one, not only now what a lot about on is. okay. and it isn't, i hadn't think it then down life a stuff, the media. and now there's a couple of interview set up. one of them is that all the work i see on the site part of things. if anyone from discipline is waiting for a fund that can of a no contract, but the funds have a nice dental them using the sample up and they,
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they furnaces all came up on it. that it's been at the thought of seeing that having a lot of if both of them in the fall or the 11th doesn't, we need that little get go see i was going to get an e mail and if the soon and when i can and well, ma'am, for me, i had come out on board talking to me. i told them into somebody else. he could ok to send me an email as well. i said why don't gave the wrong one. so as long as i didn't call in on last night, if that were in, in part of it before, we busing our shop. i and no because they didn't, they wasn't skills. and those mean men base sending an e mail and i was going not have been, but i know some even panelists office told me it was bad. i finished. i don't mind doing coming up on friday. i think it was nice talking nice name any stairs on that is done with me. i know mine when i was the man lives in such protest, us get the answer. so what i asked them, that is that i was trying to move out and i saw it, but i thought i thought that i could i ok, how long would i be so, so i'm not, i think anyone that you know, see on that the only think that for you, for the only that going, but in any but the get the in the i lost is not going to proceed. yeah. it goes
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through wheel is not, i mean the only think i can get a stock if that, that always fun. no. for an theatre classes, we'll see i leslie, i am on someone else to log on in so many more in store or should i stay in the airport for the pick up? yes, but i think you have for me, because going great this, if i will also say how you'll get enough stuff to say in those. and i mean is, and is that something's going on and the, if the only thing that i'm still hearing daniel isn't gwen daniels, is getting ahead. some of them for the same, the system sort of any size almost a lot. so i mean these best, really, so it is only about is it so low. and so i, you know, certainly the same thing in and out of your boss or like all center as well, but i like went up and then we're going to pass i so i, but in the one of the boss, i'm not going to be on it you know, nobody's a guessing the other thing. okay. yeah, i left a report back in and walk in the feeder and to the high school when they got that r. yeah, they probably 6 because somebody asked on the inside almost
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a got them whenever i'm in the and also a local move in and see me. he was the one that i mean throwing up. we'll see you later. we are going by now the fed up with the comment that our, the best on us know and in the car, so not, i mean that there would be. so what are the kind of going, okay, it is. and again, i thought they had done since it was in the new orleans here in c plus and their birthday to see honest with a sounds like sally that, that but it's on us but process i guess i should be. i don't think i combine it as much as the email, but again, that will sync up as i said or not, i mean thought import upon that it will have them then i was if i can find, you know, got a letter a how long ago possible to get phones, he doesn't ever think there's any of that. that sounds like something they lost. got those they on in front of me and as soon as they come over, i think there's something like i and i put it on the government's asking the boss, i think it is something that i've been facade, lease, i think the ceiling e infiniti and the own by going to the rest, so i want to get this and take the fee ticket is 0. ok, the benefit. and what if you see if i left by laura say no, god, 3,
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simple see me. i know a that i've been through past that goes through with me. think are going to be, i'm in there in people are on the front of the in colors. i get that in for the for them. i think when i was, i think the navigate, it's all up allowed. i need a 4th by someone here. yeah, up alotta. it does. i'm, you know, there was a fight on going go while i'm going with the system. so there's a possible, a glass allow. so that the experience has gone into online and even if you have a waste of time as to service or an environmental issue, and i'm going to send you some things, the format that afternoon. it doesn't matter. let me try the time to come from work on see on it. the physical, the only thing on line was a continuous, any points can any. so i have what i was imposing. i thought that i'm see if someone is in the phone, says a lot of that i went to the side. it's the best as i stick out and focus. all right . the 1st one here at this the going has been took a wrong way to look at the same vehicle, and i started to get a salad instead of going to expect of an offense,
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unless somebody asked of english. we're gonna ask enter and fussing into plaza shows. and it's name wildlife bechtel white and tell him the one that is the one or what is the one in the room that is sitting on it or they came in, but a definitive assessment that's at the as gonna cut about 6 feet in seattle. i don't know if any of them hold. okay, so ok. i'm one of the day ones away. so what i was cool and i things in same way, like i said uh, go ahead and restart the one. no, i think i saw that is a plato call size in domino kind of l, as in thought, as i think the soonest either on the sign off on the one me fussing article and can stay for the 99.90 miles. and pretty much the same amount of time. let me physicals and it was, and i me, me for the in the room by the the it good. okay. yeah. let me focus on getting on
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the bus here. i see finished. okay. almost getting on the one and for sale does it does say on the status on your data. so if it's okay, again, deciding components, i don't know the certificate when cannot boil official gatos, it will not be in, okay, that i'm not going to know nothing with the process when these 2 young guys, you know, went on with him, i don't, especially on this either way, i said if you thought it was on via something out of me on the vehicle, then another call so he won't be in. i'm going to go on our back to right after you select by last and to concern guys. databases. a commerce denise on that's got a is yackino, brianna and so yeah. can can. and they said quite easily price. it's okay to say, and i finish that and i know what i asked a lot. i was the thought that i was the owner. sorry for the time has gone and it's only now to say the phone got an email in the front of the professional, the senior this as soon as i, as i said,
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all the one of the things that up and assuming with alyssa the, this is this is the fastest because the city is along with commercial assume doesn't get me further. they're struggling. i thought i saw the factors. that's the sort of the answer. so that's an issue as a sizable as online course or the data. ok. a good day and process. okay, so there's a lot of them and these are some of that about this. i don't want you going out of in the, in the say so. so don't know if they've been de leon know you're going in so many one of the of us on with i'm units are you who knew? i think that and we'd also by me and i thought a one of the possible unless the game bought the guidelines that i sent a letter about and you know, there's a money that i'm ok and i was looking at the email on, on family 0. gov main people at the and then then to say no money i make it is, has anyone toilet the? i love it and i'll see you. and one of the company i didn't think was at all, and he was the the on and let them see on the guys in. but in that as they say
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a lot, you get it. i said it goes up a flight and i'll get on better get a more like that in this as a family is the thing i get out of the dimple of the fact that i see a side of things going and then okay, and they know you know in that eco mode that i mean i've been, they'll said in that that amino moment sized me into but i for the, into a vice unless i allow that because i feel that the last care with i saw that although spanish a us and they're going to see if there's me as does and investment management, their rooms and you say ok 3 they think on anything i haven't seen and still verifying, show kind of thing the body and that is yes and like that. and here they thing is getting a survey. i've seen the stamps is active and i have been up. i haven't brought an expensive in the and when i asked him anything, i look at the signers, and especially in
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a black trash to see think it'll get the wayne info on sales at the moment. but politically, all i'm saying click on that it can listing in the note that i know that i sent them. i think you all are going to knock about going to the library. so i, when i find out i'm a guy can get, i'm gonna credit him if it costs all ensembles in inventory, but they gotta go as likely as i was there. but i guess i'll also say in those like on the s o meant by this ticket that he bought it and they're able to bump this either kick on the alonza is dependent on it. but if the, if the noise, think of the, if the best i am looking, i don't want to is i'm going to come and find out a 3 and are you all, can us get the games and the presenter and for him. oh yeah, so i've been out of golf book. danica was like wednesday, but i love this cnn on the gun that goes to point samples of the data and i'll go on it and as to what to bring in with that. i think it's i thought, oh cool as good as far as i said, i'm sorry, but i left the glass and it's the same because only i thought electronic think the
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prefer for me or if i still i don't get it is okay. well, i understand with the nurse over saturday. yeah. sort of thing. just the one that is anything i want to say looks at starting my emails from associates passing scan, but who knows if the ends on the nature of the face of the boss? i am looking for some of the bodies don't for going on. the side of a pillow thing for me, the little is that one does have a difficult that i was he thought it so, but i guess the, the for saving leaders and those are believers again staggering. nice the to the has go. there was a how long is okay, no, sir. i see the thing is the laptops are here. i mean i have their day for some way for the advice of the facial be a handling fee. there is a low fee for both the football, but it's like a good guy. yeah. look at best to say in. okay, good. good. almost for you in the middle of it down for you know, you know,
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it's on the way and look and find, ya know. and i know then for her to validate that if possible, just send me an email and let him funds that hello in a sense of how they've been started school. so have the ability to go on the other end of this. okay. nice. okay, but there's a validator, so it, it will. okay, but i me not being aware about the us and i mean on the can next or this kid has passed out a lot. so the 3 has, but i can't play up in that the total experience has shown the product of this sort of thing. okay, that's, that's the sort of fun. okay, so last of the volumes of how heavy it is after the rest of the vehicles on with the a service center to get a center. definitely uh let me see the best out in on the side of the tanis and the co sign for the data, the on name lackey chasing. my gosh,
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yes. that's the us and this episode of generation change. hey, in argentina, the a very low cartons and public confrontation, young people across the new k, a pushing that 40 on the line to for the attention of the issues that my so to that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. when every other route fails, die with action was to be left open for a democratic societies or one that allow for there to be no politician in this
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country. as i was shut down and honest people have generation changed. phone out is era. this business update is built by the city bank growth partner of on the dash before he is the
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this business uptake. this makes this try this exact proton of on the dashboard to use the the down or kyle. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes to 100 days of will is rel, shows no sign of ending the violence and garza. i made warnings about this plan for a ground invasion in rough or hundreds of students and academics were arrested in major us universities and protesting against as well as well on.


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