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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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the $1.00 oh $1.00 east. all now to 0. the to 100 days of boys shows no sign of ending the violence in gulls or despite warnings about his plan for the offensive on rough uh the god. so rahman, you're watching old, is there a license? uh huh. coming up in the next tough out, the hundreds of students and academics are arrested in major us the universities for protesting against israel's war on cause of noah's no box. the slides aren't going to realign the u. k. prime minister presses ahead with they plan to devote asylum seekers to, to one, to an assistant, to
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a european union member of parliament as being arrested on suspicion of spying the china, the welcome to the rug and we'd be getting calls. so whereas being $200.00 days of israel's will, more than $34000.00 palestinians have been killed since october the 7th. and there were no signs of violence ending in the central parts of the street. but if he comes, have been under relentless undocked, hillary attacks for days in the know the neighborhoods of i should. yeah. and also to main goal is the city with targets is unfair. the south is right in the gun, but it's fine. a con eunice view and says the incessant attacks of damaged or destroyed 60 percent of items in gaza. and denver stage of the health care system is also will. and that the entire population is facing acute food shortages because the amount of terry aid has been reduced to a trickle. and that also is
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a side of the violence as well says a plans to relocate civilians from rafa before its ground defensive. the us on the u. n. a volunteer gains to move. 1.5000000 displays to palestinians a sheltering in the southern ceci honey. my boot is in rock before us in the southern gauze of 200 days of war. on 2000000 people cramped into a tiny patch of land and the strikes continue, honey yes, so and the fact of the matter right now there is a deepening shatter of sense of safety going on right now, given the, the growing a news going around of these really military planning of relocating people i've been shouldering and dropbox city 1500000 displays palestinian since the initial weeks of this genocide of work. but given past experience of largely misleading, confusing and contradictory narrative about evacuation zones, people here are not really trusting these really plans right now that there are
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safe zone and just reply into that advice is unequivocal. lead, stating, there is no safe zone in a war zone. and in the past, we've seen how these designated supposedly saved zones were relentlessly targeted by land. eric and, and the just the past few hours of the central area has been a major side of relentless areas, talks mainly and did it. but after the an example of how these really military it, they gave it misleading narrative of both saved zone there. but it has been designated as a safe area for evacuating displays families of from the northern part, then golf and city to evacuate to, to avoid being bombed and killed. and only do get bogged and killed in a go in for further internal displacement that has been going on for the past 6 months. reports of injuries uh transferred to a lot to the hospital area or ours, the bridge cabin further to the western part of the central area where more people
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have been reported, either killed or critically injured, arriving to a lot to the hospital and really exhausted over whelmed health facility in the central area, meanwhile, is really military. it could go on a constant or tell her you're still a firing artillery, sitting at the eastern part of her newness to the preventing people from going back on back then to check their residential blocks and residential homes in the eastern part of the city and a separate a tax gun boats had been firing a heavy machine guns at the close the road connecting robust and han you and his city as its mold written discoveries of mass graves. yes, this is the 3rd day in a row now and more. a tragedy is keep on holding it from nasir hospitalized right now on this day. the 3rd day in the role of discovering boss,
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a great weekend would safely say that it's very consistent with the description of a graphic description of fact by medical staff and evacuated, who managed to leave, not their hospitals within the past week. so before it is really military ended, the met the, this, the, the military operations, the courtyard of the hospital, descriptions of horror and masculine, gonna re. a as not their hospital to the point, the entire hospital turn to from the place of healing into a massive graveyard and a graveyard for children and women and evacuated inside the hospital today. so far, 35 bodies had been retrieved from yet another mass. the grave at the courtyard of the hospital, we were told by civil defense for member that there's still more bodies are being the 3 of these are the bodies of women and children. medical to stop injuries and patients who work inside the hospital. and the reason we know they were injuries and patients because they have these medical badges and cafeteria is still attached
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to their body than they believe do wear as they were arrested by it from the hospital. they were killed and buried in this, not the grave and attempt to conceal the crime committed at the hospital. this is not the 1st time we're seeing the master caribbean discovered in fox and within the past 10 days. this is number 4, the number 4, and the total number of master grab the bins is covered in the and tanya ernest hadn't gotten through this, you have a hospital. and for the northern part of the check point setup bite is really minutes. are you at the entrance of the city of la, moved the forest in rockford and southern garza, thank steve as high as well and as well against as funds to move palestinians out of rafa. international alarm is growing as the as mainly ministry of the past 3 ground defensive in the southern garza city rights groups of one to catastrophic humanitarian consequences. we don't want to see palestinians evacuated from rasa unless it is to return to their homes. and we have made that
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quite clear to the government of israel, that we don't think there's any effective way to, to evacuate 1400000 palestinians. there's no way to conduct an operation and raso that would not lead to inordinate civilian harm. it would severely hamper the delivery of humanitarian assistance. and that's to the point that we continue to make to them. so think definitely selling developments for us and walk you part east jerusalem. this has been the us administration's position long when it comes to the file, which is they are against a large scale offensive and recent weeks the language is change somewhat to say that you know, they would support what they call a limited targeted operation. how would you carry that out in a tiny area that is so densely populated with internally displaced is incredibly difficult. so, you know, even though the americans are in agreement with these radios, that they do need to go into the white in some form is, are all believes that around 4 main battalions of how mass remain operating there.
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they also believe that it's where a lot of the remaining captives are being held. so it was something that is around this been incredibly staunch about that. they do want to do also interesting me during the tensions the escalation with iran, the americans are putting a lot of pressure on this government not to retaliate, no to escalate the situation and many on the list. so we're saying at the time that there is some form of a deal to the fact that israel only responded in a much more measured way than what they really wanted. they would have gotten some form of green light for the alpha offensive. what form i want, the invitations are on that. now we've seen some leaks coming out in the media that give a better picture a clearer picture, perhaps if they're accurate about what that may look like. because all the foreign ministry spokesman, the detail in salary held a media briefing into how short time ago he spoke about cause role as a mediation between his relevance from us. he says the talking, the mediator doesn't help cease fire assets regarding the,
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the assessment that is being undertaking right now. uh, on the, on the mediation that has been playing this as a prime minister. that has made it very clear in his the statements during the uh, best uh, conference you, uh, you mentioned i thought is undergoing any assessment of uh, of withdrawal as the mediator. this has to do with a lot of elements, including the campaigns against the my country and uh, you know, and baggage media outlets. and the buyback is, officials that attacking our country and sold as mediation and, and using all this false information to justify such and such attacks. those who are making these claim, either within the, of the government or, or outside the, the guy, the government, out in the collecting information that they know is there to guiding our role and how we conducted our mediation throughout the, the, is,
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and our humanity. and all in the, in the event that has been, i always over the scene by the international community. we had, we had the press patient with such statements, especially when they come out of officials who are part of the establishment and understand exactly what they all and what they've got like a uh, coordination with the interaction with you has been over the mediation and or about it, it's a humanitarian level, and that that is one of the reasons why we, i, that we assessing our role as the, as mediators. we need serious commitment by all sides to reach a deal. and secondly, attacking the mediator does not show commitment, does not show seriousness and does show a lack of enthusiasm and positively engaging in the mediation process. and this is what we are getting at right now, especially from a lift gate, the count to fox. and this will serve as a bank who's out because already foreign ministry for us was that, that briefing into how i said it does seem that the categories must have felt very
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annoyed about the way they all being perceived and felt that they needed to clarify that position as a negotiate from what that entails, as well as their opinion about this potential rough operation by the israelis. and absolutely, it's very clear that they've got the res, upset and frustrated at some of those statements that have been made. they say that they are lawyers, they say that they are tech and got this role as a mediator. and the very, yeah, i'm very keen to point out that what cuts that are has been doing in terms of mediation at the spokesman has says that a 109 captives are returned to their families reduced because of mediation. so the only 7 days of calm that this rule has seen was because of mediation, and posting and prisoners were released because of mediation. so they have very frustrated, they're upset at those comments and pointed directly at some members of these ready
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government. and those statements made in the media bags got those or the questioning, got those intentions around and changed that media and thought this is that they are concerned with finding a solution. and they want the serious commitment from both sides a to a to come to a compromised. and this will now as for that oppression and rough that there is a post to that to say it will lead to for my new charity. and catastrophe also says that the impact, any tools when negotiations taking place. and the real being from this briefing has been that there's complete frustration and how they're feeling, the 5 those comments made against got that. but also the fact that the top of really stalled those parties are not present at the moment, the totes are not ongoing. and they're asking for both sides to show serious commitment and calling for an end to this for the for stuff in the whole. thank you
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to go. yeah, that's right about as well as well. and also his spot protests at major universities across the us. students at yale, columbia, and new york university have been holding sit in protests on campus to find ones to stop more than a 100 students. so be interested so far. how did you construct, how's the story? yale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university administrators. police literally 47 protesters at you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday, protesting niels refusal to the best for military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale completed in israel's genocide and gaza.
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me, well, administrators at columbia university in new york city, cancelled in person classes. on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week. time for us to, to show with that. yes we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about. the genocide that's happening. that's happening again. does that it should be, it should stop. and the best thing in this genocide is now some of the anti israel protesters that colombia are jewish themselves, but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new york city police tried to temp down the fear. there's been no credible threats to
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any particular group or individual coming from this protest or, or any of the columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus, president biden, to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college. that's why i don't understand what student protest leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful now. protests of spreading to still more schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian movement. heidi joe castro alger 0, washington that is very dry and strong because kills at least one person in southern level. let us try cuz i have a call in the town as
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a honey. is there any media reports that the target was like? has been on the as right in the military and has been a been exchanging the day the 5 across the boat since october still a has his all out as a north korean leader kim jong woods, supervisors role kit drills, simulate signal. tell me young goals a nuclear accounts are the devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tack of safety, it's unbelievable desperation, then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapidly sinking country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and as of tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, address areas, new series, dying of life before land or illegal goals. mind reckoning the
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survival of the brazilian, amazon sienna, monique people, the forest and the planets ecosystem. with a counter offensive is underway. as the tribal chief has to europe's gold club, the corridors of power not to seek help to demand the world, the warnings of its indigenous people. holding up the sky. a witness documentary on the jersey though, this is the 1st to decide that we see in the field. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers have been using the
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book about keywords. you know, just bear with me, so he'll run, nevermind to of all adults will resist being $200.00 days since as well as will on dollars that began is rarely as strikes. not hillary shelving continue across concepts and central parts of this trip if you can. so i've been under relentless attack. these really all mean has killed at least 34183 palestinians since october, the 7th students at columbia university in new york. so being told to stay home well, call us today and solidarity protests continue on campus demonstrations and supports of garza abrupt many us universities with schools of students. the rest at least 5 people, including a child have been killed while trying to cross the english channel into the u. k. the small but they all have been covering more than a 100 passengers signed to emergency services rescued. 47 people,
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all 50. all fits are right on board the boats and continued the journey. now the disaster happened dallas, after the british parliament passed the so called one develops the government's controversial plan to process asylum seekers off. show how you force it to the correspondents in london sunday by 1st henry as the spring and now the summer it comes leaving where expecting more of these trouble crossings and this is sadly what can happen. and indeed, the weather conditions apparently very good compared to be speaking. so these crossings expected that that would be many single tiniest ones launched this month this tuesday. and this is the results already uh, from, from one such costing more than a 100 and a 112 people reported on board the small open top vessel. the sheer congestion
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crowding crowning and people onto this boat is apparently what accounts as of the fi fatalities, including a 7 year old go up. they were crushed in both the french cars. got a police holding a panic, a crowd panic on board. so other people recovered from the water nearby, little at 47 people rescued frontier with already say and some 50 remaining on the boat because they still wanted to finish the crossing and get here to british soil, a sense of the motivation, even desperation i people to complete these voyages this year already there had been $6000.00 such arrivals that is up about 25 percent on the same period. last year there was a very high number of arrivals at the weekend as well. more than 700 people coming to britain. the home secretary james cleverly has put out a statement saying that these tragedies have to stop by will not accept the status quote, which costs so many lives,
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endorsing the voting through of the night of the government's plan as being an opposite reaction from the refugee council a charity here in the u. k, which is said also that this was a tragedy. but it, it is what needs to answer such tragedies is a much more safe and legal way for science. he goes to reach britain rather than what it calls headline. grabbing on hostile legislation a little closer to a will focus now on as you say, how the public in the u. k. react to this bill is a great deal of opposition, but criticism has come from beyond that message board as well. yes indeed, does being criticism from a number of cultures including from the united nations in terms of the un high commission, is for both refugees and human rights saying that refugee protection protection of human rights could be endangered by this, this method of dealing with
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a shot and see, it goes offshoring them essentially, our lease to a number of them to rwanda. the government sees it as a deterrent policy. also from the you repeat the counselor here, a private, which is the main european human rights study of which britain is a member. also cooling on the government to re thing can and withdrawal based legislation, but it is being something that has been a priority full this conservative government for 2 years now. since it was originally announced, it was challenged successfully in the courts. the supreme court last november rule that we're one to could not be judged as a safe place or the, the future on the side of a solid. and so you can sense that could be guaranteed in terms of that not potentially being sent back to the countries of origin and potential persecution. the and so the government's introduced this legislation,
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which essentially legislates that rwanda is a safe country with some monitoring of that. as well, and that is what is being challenged by both the opposition, the main opposition party here, i'm just being challenged in the house of lords, the opera house of parliament over many weeks. now essentially what happens overnight was that the government said it would sit until it paused. and so the commons kept rejecting the, the amendments to the house of lords put back into the house of lords eventually run out of steam and had to accept that the commons elected chamber of parliament had pre evidence of the legislation would have to go through the question was exactly when the slides will start, the government says within 10 to 12 weeks and then all the tyrants, do they work in the governments to terms in terms of trying to stem the tide of people coming across the channel fully up to thanks very much hi,
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full. so the force in london assistant to the european union member of parliament has been arrested on suspicion of and especially severe case, spying the china, the suspect was full, the fall of rights alternative to germany policy. he's accused of giving the chinese intelligence service information about negotiations on decisions into european parliament. so, you know, the people have wholesale interests for spying, for china. aging has rejected espionage claims. as a hype, dominant cane has most invalid the facts of the case in so far as we knows them all. that's the individual, a german citizen who originally was a chinese national, have been working for the lead to count. as i said, the alternative for germany policy in the european parliament and brussels, but also interesting why this individual was arrested amount in his thirty's. what we know is that it is alleged that he has passed on information from the european permanent sensitive information of what is being talked about some european palm,
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but also accused of monitoring and legally chinese dissidence in this country was interesting is the fact that over the course of monday, we also heard that 3 other individuals in germany had been arrested again. the suspicion being that they had passed on sensitive information to the chinese authorities. in the case of the 3, it rested on monday, unrelated to the specific individual, the assistant for the member of parliament in brussels. this was military information sensitive, military, great information being passed on as not the case so far at least as well as we are aware regarding the amount arrested interest. and the reaction to it is very interesting. the chinese government dismissing it as a height to try to attack china. the german government in the form of the interior administer saying represents a serious attack on german democracy. and we are wait to hear more information about what has happened. donat cane al jazeera bullen will screen me to kim jong
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and has ever seen a drill simulate single peeling young is pulling a nuclear account to attack, involving multiple rocket launches, units kim has moved in. so in a pretty lengthy state media, post north korea confirm that the suspect is short range, ballistic missile. so in tokyo flat on monday, we're in fun fact or part of a wider military exercise of its nuclear forces, command and control system. the heck pasa, which in korean means nuclear trigger. now the so called super large artillery rockets, which were a part or a cheaper version of ballistic missiles and casey and they said they carry dummy nuclear warheads and precisely hit an island target some 350 kilometers away. winning the praise of leader came down in that nuclear counter attack exercise is said was in response to ongoing large scale aerial drills between south korean and us forces, solos, military concurred with that reason, but added
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a couple more possible motivations. one tilt teddy someplace that unity and it's also meant to fill a gap for mr. light spice. that's a lot long, while serving as a performance test for a super large rocket launchers and north korea, which is to expose the spokes person edit. it remains unclear whether north korea has achieved the capability to mass produce miniaturize nuclear warheads. your career has not conducted a nuclear test and it's 7 years under intense international pressure. but some analysts are floating the possibility of the resumption of testing to create leverage ahead of the us presidential elections in november units kim was a 0. so a couple of those stories on our website at all, just the top comes website, it's on sale. top story obviously is still $200.00 days of israel's war on dollars . and the anticipation of came in to taxpayers riley's into a rafa. we will continue to monitor what happens in garza here on out. the inside
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story is next tuesday the the hi lo they. let's have a look at the weather full costs for east asia. and we've seen torrential rain cause devastating flooding across southern pots of china. now the good news is on wednesday, that band of heavy rain has shifted its way for the south has to be hong kong, as well as taiwan, seeing the west of that wet weather. but it is going to return for areas like $1.00 and when she, when we did see those devastating floods isn't very heavy rain with some models of showing up to $213.00 millimeters of rain over 3 days. so that funding is set to weston. now before that line of heavy rain, you can see it move its way east across japan,
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leaving behind sonia skies of the korean peninsula and northern parts of china. aging is seen, attempt to sit while above the average. it should be around $21.00, but width $29.00 degrees celsius, with sunshine through to friday. and sunshine is a dominant feature full south asia. we have seen some pretty ferocious thunder storms across pots of india, and we could see more of those to get close. eastern areas will be heat of the day, some of the stones for the likes of westbank gold because we have a red warning out for the heat to the temperature in co caught up pushing up into the early forty's. and that heat extends to bundle dish as well as southern india on thursday. the the killing of i'll just return it is shooting of the hawks. it was not an isolated event. it's highlighted the whole question of press freedom of turn in a skilled one doing their job. they were certainly aiming in the direction of the terms of the 0 world looks at the number of journalist skills into occupied
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palestinian territories, which has increased dramatically during the war on god and at the providence of holding anyone accountable for their desk shooting. the messenger one o 20, a, rasa in southern gauze, or the last refuge, but 1500000 palestinians sheltering in fear of it is really ground invasion for us and european allies of all opposed to willis ro push ahead, regardless of what will be the consequences this is inside score the hello.


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