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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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implies use around the wild generation change on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the color, the nor a kyle. this is the news our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes to 100 days of war. israel shows no sign of ending the violence in gaza. and it warnings about his plan for a ground offensive and rough on the students and academics and talks in dozens of arrest that made to us universities are protesting against as well as will only garza 5 people drowned as they tried to make the way across the english channel all is off, the u. k. parliament pos is
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a controversial know to send some of my friends and refugees to rolanda storms box of southern china, tens of thousands of people who moved from that homes and sports into have won the italian study at high school. they beat rivals ac milan to one to claim the charge fee for the 20th time in that history the, it's $13.00 gmc and we begin in gulf. so which is in is $200.00. the day of israel is will move them 34183 palestinians have been killed since october the 7th. and there are no signs of the bottles ending. and the central parts of the strip is really strikes. talk to the threat refugee, come the wounded with rush to all acts, the hospital for treatment areas in the north end to the south of also being hit.
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meanwhile, castle has confirmed it is still involved in mediation efforts to reach a cease fire. despite attempts to undermine the process, the, the, i that we assessing our role as the, as mediators. we need serious commitment by all the sites to reach a deal. and secondly, attacking the mediator does not show commitment, does not show seriousness and does show a lack of enthusiasm and positively engaging in the mediation process. and this is what we are getting at right now, especially from the godaddy account to fox and those ministers. i've made these claims to end discounts, like the only way to guarantee the security of the peoples on both sides of the only way to and the mascot and the bloodshed that is taking place right now in the, in the residence. and without the belief in the 4th a set itself, i feel that it would be very difficult for the mediators to accomplish a doubt. or you answers the incessant attacks of damaged or destroyed 60 percent of
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homes and garza and devastated the health care system is also warns the entire population is facing acute food shortages because he monetary and age has been reduced to a trickle and the office of an escalation in violence, israel says it plans to relocate civilians from buffer the full it's ground offensive us. i'm the you and have one to against this move. 1.5000000 displays palestinians sheltering in the southern setting. hello correspondent, honey. my flood is in rafa in southern garza and honey, 200 days of will on to 1000000 people crammed into this tiny patch of land and the strikes a still continuing. wow. yes, it's all, it seems to be increasing and. and then city on a scale and magnitude, a level of destruction right now in the part of the golf. afraid we're not all
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leaders. tungsten are dealers feeling an ongoing errors traction, say, surely hours of this day, but also evacuation orders. sharp evacuation order is by the is really military order and people charge late to evacuate baseline city all the way through the central part of the city. right now it's habit of just calling further in terms of displacement for people. whoever are ready traumatized app and we're ready and moving from one place to another, leaving the horror of the boxes and the intense affairs strikes since the initial weeks of this genocide of war in the center of the area. the reports of more air strikes, then gun boats of firing shows at the close the road at the western part of the central area on the hon units and drop off the city. but in the central air itself, the refuge account. and this is a quite shocking because we're seeing this refugee accounts being targeted repeatedly, almost an every day. there is at least one residential home being targeted and
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destroyed out. of course that is causing further civilian casualties and destruction. not only to the targeted homes, but also the vicinity of these homes as causing further in terms of displacement for palestinians in the central area. meanwhile, is really mandatory, is sort of imposing a military is these on the eastern part of the city of han you into the preventing people from going back to inspect their homes and to check is there anything to salvage of, from the destruction and the discharge fonts? despite the fact, it is really military and now that had completed military operations in the city of han, eunice. okay, honey la winfrey is the latest, the, from rasa on the situation across the goals of strep. thanks very much, honey. well, the us has wound the israel against his plans to move palestinians out of rafa. international alarm is growing as the as riley, military prepared for ground defensive in the southern kansas city rights,
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groups of one of catastrophic humanitarian consequences. we don't want to see palestinians evacuated from rasa unless it is to return to their homes. and we have made that quite clear to the government of israel, that we don't think there's any effective way to, to evacuate 1400000 palestinians. there's no way to conduct an operation and raso that would not lead to inordinate civilian harm. it would severely hamper the delivery of humanitarian assistance. and that's the, the point that we continue to make to them. well, that's bringing all white house correspondent now. kennedy, how can she joins us from the white house company? why is the us holding so firmly onto this position? and yeah, there are really 2 big issues for the united states. and it has repeatedly tried to in 2 different virtual meetings with is really officials tried to present
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alternatives to this ground operation for these 2 reasons. the 1st big but there are big concerns about even if the is rarely are able to do successfully back. you ations, there will still be remaining civilians in the city, and that is the concern for the united states. but as the secretary state saying on friday. but the president has been very clear, president 5 and saying that the united states simply cannot support a major military operation in rafa. even if there are in the united states, as has been very clear, as israel has said, that it is going to evacuate civilians along with the united states in egypt to support them in 10 cities in con eunice. but there will not be a building by the united states to support this. so that's the 1st reason. the 2nd reason is the issue of aid. there is the majority of
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a coming in through 2 crossings in the area near rafa. and there are you in agencies and other agencies that are base their operating there if there were a ground operation that was, we know from the, as really is happening for duration of about 6 weeks. this would allow for a disruption of major impact that would essentially disrupt this uh, a distribution and have devastating consequences for the people that are living in dogs. and so as a result, the united states is vehemently oppose to this brand operation and is continuing to work for the as rarely to try and discourage it. okay, company money. thanks for bringing us to view the us from the white house in washington dc. what else get more on this potential ground offensive on rough with on correspondents in occupied east jerusalem fund. it's smith, but it's what more can you tell us about these reports of 10 springs desktop in rough?
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uh what was nothing official from these riley military. we just note in these riley media has been reporting in the last few days, really in the last couple of weeks that the defense ministry is over 10000 tents and is in the market for 30000 more. and the, the, the government has been talking about setting up these few monetary and islands as it goes ahead with this rough or offensive. because despite the enormous pressure they've heard back from the us, i'm from other countries on as well. not to launch a rafa offensive these rarely, miller, these are the government to said is determined to do so. the fact is for these rarely company have achieved his objectives, yet in god there is objectives of dismantling destroying thomas and releasing all the captives on particular them. at last the question of the captives, there's enormous pressure on the government to do that. and those protests have been ramping up over the last few months and weeks as more and more people than
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mine. the government does more to release the captain. so domestically, there's a lot of pressure on his radio to do more. how much these main leadership is still haven't been taken out by his role hasn't been targeted by, has been found by his role, believed to be hiding in tunnels on the right foot. and benjamin netanyahu particularly determined to target the how much leadership they haven't done, not yet. that is why the government says it's going to go ahead with a rough rough operation. we just know, don't know yet what form it will take. and that's okay. but as many thanks for the update on what we do now, so far as best joining us from occupied east jerusalem. the o garza civil defense teams say they've recovered 17 more parties from mass graves found on the grounds of national hospital and con eunice. witnesses say some of the victims were killed, join me his way. the siege on the hospital for a 110 bodies have been found so far. they know how in is space. so therefore,
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i'll hot custom independent posted invites organization based in the occupied westbank. and she joins us now from romantic. this to have you with this book festival. can you tell us about these mass greys who is buried in them? and when perhaps when they buried a thank you very much for having me the, the disturbing the discovery of these maps grades and not successful. and before that my space which we discovered and she felt hospital strong evidence of all crimes. and of course, the genocide which is being perpetrated against the palestinian people and gaza by israel, a genocide which has now been ongoing for $200.00 days, initial thoughts from northside hospital. it shows that some of the bodies of the killed people have their homes tied behind the back and some of the bodies, the women, and tell us thing, and people who are elderly as well. and the key thing get from what you asked, that was what can we tell you? the issues that we have at the moment in gaza is access to the site. and not just
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for organizations like a hawk, an independent humanized organizations or people who should be best to get to these master trustees that we'll see. instead, we're mainly seeing families of the deceased. oh families desperately looking for other members of the families of the loved ones, often using bad, bad hands to date, into these most grades and time, fine, just to trace those people. so access is the key thing here. um, some of the testimonies got, we did manage to gather from the hospital, not from mazda hospital, showed that one of the family member was desperately trying to find is to trace of his uncle. she said that he found his son both, but even if he could find a body pot and um, or like that, they could at least take that. i'm very him. so the able to sleep at night. that's what he told us, which shows how dire the situation is on the grounds. most of the information i will guessing at the moment is from incredibly great. i will send you
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a general list to reporting these terrific trustees on the grounds. and also being taught by isabel, but what we need and what the monitoring for is a prep tag forensic investigation. and we need a puppet investigative mechanism. what does that? so you and commission of inquiry, and of course, in addition to the office for the prosecute, prosecute to the international criminal court to have full and i'm restricted access to the gods district as a whole. and of course sites such as these my scrapes that we've seen without such an independent investigation. a kind of the discovery of these mass graves be added in any way to the case of genocide against israel. of course, as i said before, these are stopped examples that identified as being committed. i'm one of the key things that we need to address is that the law that genocide is being committed against the public posting and people in gaza as well. and truly even sounded
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a long time ago about human rights experts by genocide experts and it's january the world quotes. the international court of justice said that genocide is supposedly being committed in gaza. this means that there are very clear and serious obligations on state. so, but by the genocide convention, to use every single means possible, the prevent it protects the pups relation from the kind of genocide. unfortunately, what we're seeing is the opposite. we'll see many said states including the u. k. gemini, and of course the united states actually continue. ready to supply as well, with arms as it can, it sees atrocity crimes. what evidence is that the israel was responsible for the deaths and the bearing of these people that have been found in the mass graves for right now? oh, the main thing that we can rely on is i witness testimonies. and she saw
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a lot of people that said that they sold the people who used to buy the siege, but she felt hospital which rushed to 2 weeks except that people with someone else . what executed doing not speech right now. if you have an independent investigation. if we actually have access to the site, we can do a full investigation into what happens given that there is no access to goals or at the moment, what is the, the next thing that needs to happen right now? right now we demand an immediate and to the ongoing genocide on israel, out of the international court of justice, how old it needs to unconditionally allow a fuel and lots of medical supplies, which the sites and there was enough evidence from what was seeing on the ground from what's being documented by journalist, i'm from eye witness testimonies. i'm in the evidence given presented at the international court of justice. but the state to best buy the general
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a convention to spot that complicity to invest implicity and as well. but i'm going genocide in gaza and to stop providing israel with on the military support. okay, zayna henry from i'll hack. that's an independent palestinian rights organization. many thanks. taking the time to join us here on alex's era. thank you very much known as rainy drugs strike has killed at least one person in southern lebanon. strike has a vehicle in the town as a herani is where the media report, the target was. hezbollah number is remote and has black. i've been exchanging the daily font across the border since october, across 4 to 5, same between as well. and 11 each group has been, has been growing in intensity, is displaced tens of thousands of people on both sides of the folder. they know how to join un peacekeeping troops, touring southern lebanon to see the cost of the war. the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border with isabel. this is
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a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help its ally home us in garza, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border now we are crossing the color. you can see these riley person positions from here where i'm moving close to the blue line. and who knows when uh, sharing or i know yes like is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern lebanon, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the levi nice army on the leave as they leave them these government to take control of the,
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of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes, israel has failed to push the groups fighters back the you enforce has repeatedly warrant that the danger of escalation is real. of the. yeah, we're looking for the, you know, the, the food this isn't our strength. so we're looking for the, this uh, how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this, moving at, on, dealing with that searching for the people, it's very, we can have the same. few people remain here, nearly 100000 up in these have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war, official say, losses are already in the billions of dollars, although the concept is still largely contained and confined to the border region.
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as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their eligibility to southern level, not as punch. most of the head hair on this news, including a constitutional to why the old position in toko is denouncing changes to the country supreme. no, no, it's currently the kim, jonah and supervisors won't get drills stimulating what shown young caused a nuclear account to attack. the bulk of being to lift the defending m b, a champions to a to nothing lead and the payoff that's coming up with 2 in schools. the at least 5 people, including a child have died, was trying to cross the english channel from phones to the u. k as full boats, they will all have been kinda moving
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a 100 would be refugees and migrants. i just bought a full it's volunteer but it's kind of several people to show was french will. thirty's say they rescued. at least 47 people as well. it does also happen just alice. obviously you can call them as possible so called rolanda bill. how's the government's controversial plan to process something like grants and refugees of show i speak to how a full sized o correspondence. now in london hiring festival, tell us the circumstances that we know to be surrounding the death of these 5 people in the channel today. yes, it's a pretty terrible incident that took place just very close to the french show line very soon after this, but packed full of people. it's usually densely packed, small boat, french authorities say a $112.00 people. during these initial moments,
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there was some kind of a crush on board. and 5 people died as a result among them. a young girl really server old, so kind of father having watched her die and, and she is on the beach shortly off towards purchase. already saying that 47 were rescued from the boat from the sea around dissipated some 50 wants to continue the journey on to the u. k. on the night of last school, it's a speed gives you a sense of ation desperation. there is to make these journeys in the face of such danger. this was on a calm day when there were a number of saki inches from the french coast line. the prime minister receives to not being honest about this, in relation to the passage of the bill. of the night and he said that the recruits of his more tragic death. so the channel this morning. i think it's a reminder of why offline is so important because there's
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a certain elements of compression about everything that we're doing in which he means trying to stop these dnas and destroy the business model is that his government puts it off the people smugglers. how would this be the opposite views of the rest of the g tassel charity here and then you case which says it rather than pursue headline grabbing hostile policies such as the rolanda plan. the u. k. government should instead be seeking to ensure that they're safe and legal routes and better systems for dealing with the side of applications that are currently in place. okay, how are full? so it brings the license lines that from london on controversial rolanda feel that go past and the last few hours last night. thanks very much. sorry. oh no screen anita kim jong and has a seen a drills simulation will be on young is cooling a nuclear account to attack involving multiple rocket launches. it comes a day of to south korea, said it's never fun. short range missiles of the east coast of the peninsula,
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and it's kim has more from so in a pretty lengthy state, media posts north korea confirm that the suspect is short range, ballistic missile soul and tokyo flag on monday were in fact a part of a wider military exercise of its nuclear forces, command and control system, the heck pasa, which in korean means nuclear trigger. now the so called super large artillery rockets, which were a part or a cheaper version of ballistic missiles and casey and they said they carry dummy nuclear warheads and precisely hit an island target some 350 kilometers away. winning the praise of leader came down in that nuclear counter attack exercise. it said was in response to ongoing large scale aerial drills between south korean and us forces, solos, military concurred with that reason, but added a couple more possible motivations. one tell me,
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tell you some place that you and it in. it's also meant to fill a gap for mr. light spice. that's a lot long. while serving as a performance test for a super large rocket launchers at the north korea, which is to expose of the supposed person edit, it remains unclear whether north korea has achieved the capability to mass produce, minutes arise, nuclear warheads, your career has not conducted a nuclear test in 7 years under intense international pressure. but some analysts are floating the possibility of the resumption of testing to create leverage ahead of the us presidential elections in november, unit skim. oh, the 0. so millions of people in southern china on high and the tosh, the government issued its highest storm warning down pools triggered flooding, and glendon provence forcing moving a 100000 people from the homes. at least 4 people have died and 10, i'm missing. katrina,
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you reports the car and building debris swept away by afflicted with a young one southern china. 300 soldiers had been sent to rescue people stranded their after powerful student slipped through the region. heavy rain damaged roads and triggered land slides, cutting off the towns, water and electricity supplies. in the megacity of jen, jen, 17000000 residents have been advised to stay home. authorities issued a red alert, highest warning officer streets can be of incentive flooded schools and businesses have been shot and some public transportation suspended elsewhere and come, don't provence. the rain has east and people are assessing the damage. flooded fields are all that's left of hong jingle and sponge like i used to plan right here, but now it's all flooded. flooded beyond repair. he says he genuine was among the
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hardest hit days of heavy rain caused nearby rivers to burst their backs. forcing kim and his neighbors to take shelter under an overpass with the few possessions they have left within 110000 people has been relocated since the weekend. parts of in the north and going down are also under water rescue. teams are scouring the city, searching for the 38000 people, still stranded, dozens for injured and needed to be left at the hospital. the neighboring provinces of funky young c and who 9 are also on high alert. scientists, a climate change has cost seasonal stones to worse and, and to rise earlier with asia, one of the regions most affected by global warming, katrina, you all to 0 all time now for the weather, his car, us or hello, that will stop by looking at the satellite image for south asia, and you can see some dense shuttle clouds moving across central to eastern parts of
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india. now those have brought to some intense thunderstorms to areas. but on wednesday we go west of the weather in the very northeast. some of that rain folding heavy across the northern pots of me in law, but behind that, it isn't much to why a story, certainly for bangladesh we've had hot and she minutes conditions here with excessive heat sets. continue of the next few days. we have had read warnings out for westbank goals, the temperature and cold casa, picking up into the early forty's. as long as you drive across the north of india, it will be some way to weather starting to work its way from. i've gone this down into west and pots of pockets done as we go into the latter part of the week. now, heavy rain has been affecting southern parts of china, causing devastating flooding. now there's more of that that's set to come back in on thursday to areas such as one don't problems. and glenn g, you can see the very heavy falls that that's likely to west than the flooding that has been affecting the south of china. so then also this is a much dry and whole to picture $29.00 degrees celsius,
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the invasion with lots of sunshine pushing across the korean peninsula. so the head here on out is era. the hundreds of students and academics are arrested in major us universities of protesting against israel's full on casa realm, insurance class over here, are you sending them, gets a big award for his stunning season, so far as coming up with chose in schools the devastation bundle. dish is usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation the leaving on a freedom just life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid lease thinking country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us,
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which is here is new series dying of life before land. on counting, the cost germany is being gauging with china on trade. why consul in breakup with badging? materials? currency has rebounded all the economic reforms working and we speak to the president of the un general assembly about has called action on sustainability council. the costs on alice's era power defines how well we live. here we make the rule, not the people empower, investigate, exposure and questions. they use them to be just of our around, but the analogy they're the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the annual. what's your knowledge? is there a has reminder of on top stories best? it's been 200 days since, as well as will ongoing so big. and the central parts of the strip is there any strikes touches on this or a refugee come. the wounded with rush to all acts, the hospital for treatments is where the army has killed at least 34183 palestinians. since october, the 7th garza civil defense team say they have a cup of dustin's pool bodies from mass graves on the grounds. if not the hospitality con units $310.00 bodies have been found. the sofa witnesses say some of the victims were killed during the as rainy sage on the hospice home. and the respondents just pressing ahead with this time send to find them, see because to the one that says that least 5 people, including a child around trying to make the dangerous crossing from fonts, mc k,
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u n. and your pin council have us be okay to drop the scheme. a growing outrage of israel's war on dogs or as fox protests at major universities in the us. students at yale, columbia, and new york university. i've been holding stitch in protest on campus, defying demons to stop well than a 100 students have been arrested so far. how to do castro reports yale university in connecticut has become another flash point in the conflict between pro palestinian demonstrators and university administrators. police literally 47 protesters at you on monday morning. the demonstrators have been camped at a university plaza since friday, protesting hills refusal to die best for military weapons manufacturers. the protesters claim that makes yale complicity in israel's genocide and gaza
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the well administrators at columbia university in new york city cancelled in person classes. on monday, citing some jewish students complaints that they felt unsafe. after more than a 100 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested last week time for us to to show yes we, we, we want to be visible versus something about what we're asking about. the genocide that's happening. that's happening again. does that it should be, it should start investing in this at your soonest time. i would know some of the anti israel protesters at columbia are jewish themselves, but a school affiliated rabbi over the weekend urged your students to return home for their own safety. the videos on social media like this one apparently show a protester calling on the armed wing of him off to target jewish students. but new
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york city police tried to temp down the fear. there's been no credible threats to any particular group or individual coming from this protest going on or any of the columbia, as president says, the university is adding more than a 100 additional safety personnel. as protesters have returned to campus, president biden, to address the continuing university protests on monday. you submitted protests on college also, don't understand what the student protest leaders denied charges of anti semitism. and so the demonstrators have been peaceful now. protests of spreading to still more schools with students at n y u n. m. i t being the latest to join the pro palestinian movement. heidi joe castro alger 0, washington. a funeral has been held for a palestinian mine who died of wounds from is rarely gone far in jericho. but 44 year old was a father,
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a free his desk brings the number of kind of simians killed in the occupied westbank. since october, the 7th to 487, the free people were injured by his randy gun foncher in wage on the rest of the g comes in jericho on tuesday morning. the noise evasion says fighting over disputed area in northern ethiopia has displaced more than 50000 people. levels live, will regional groups sufficing for control of riah altima to in the southern to gray. the dispute in the district was under the guise control and totally outbreak of the war in 2020. it was and seized by on the heart of forces from the neighboring region. the group backs the government's drawing. it's to you will against to grind a for a cheese, samuel got to to if you, if you and john left and he joins us now live from addis ababa a summer can shed some light for us on why these particular classes of breaking out . now 18 months of to
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a piece still ends at the fighting or well this her line stuck type being claimed by that's a grand and as well as them are, as, as you mation they be not war. uh for the last 4 years that grands are feeling that so with the peace process going on between the job and government and that you've had left that to drive people's liberation fund. there's a feeling that they might, the governments might side against them with an old ongoing war that's been happening and i'm hot out for the last year. and both sides have claimed it since it's the federalism was started in ethiopia and which the government that then government decided that this dispute that lands belonged to the to guy region. what um, how does have the claim that the previous government, which is donated by 2 grants was against them and they cited with their own people, which are the grants and the um, horror of full sense was supposed to withdrawal when they,
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according to the peace deal with them has never agreed with the peace process. they've been asking the jump and government to be part of the peace process. and the government decided to negotiate with a t p and left to them harnessed, never accepted the principle of, uh, what was signed, decide not because and they thrown in kenya. so 50000 people have been displaced, won't help those civilians access a well, that's a very high number, but considering that the war and that's a great region. so do use minnesota people outside of displeased and thousands that's us operating from simon's 50000 seems to be a small number. but the reality is 50000 is a big number that you end up saying there are in need of they need support and on the width, but gwendoline resources that's coming to the un. uh, they're going to have a tough time and they took and government has yet respond. but again,
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this country has been a war for the last 4 years. and many victims and the millions have been for use us that we've got and this odds to the pain of the legacy of the conflict that'd be gone 4 years ago, samuel guess if you're joining us back from adis oliver, thanks very much. so the name is rhonda view and negotiations on the tree to control plastic production is underway and kind of a campaign to say plastic is choking all planets on. the cooling for a world wide bind on all single use items such as stools, cops, bottles and bags. bonds, the petrochemical industry, and oil and gas expos is pushing back on the environment as to net clock explains yes, plastic is everywhere from the claims we where to how food is packaged and even the micro plastics found in the deepest part of our oceans view and says $400000000.00
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tons of plastic waste is produced every year. about less than 10 percent is recycled and $14000000.00 tons ends up in the world's waterways. yeah. after yeah. after yeah. then those the health impacts for every living thing, including us or what do you think about it every single day? we're in contact with plastic and it's of every single setting and all daily lives . so you know where, where in plastic with breathing plastic with eating plastic. now what the licensed research just showing is that, that's possibly can breastmilk, that's tough to can percentage. so it's become this completely inescapable toxic problem that impacting every single pass. and even if you have the best intentions to avoid using plastics and you'll someone who chooses the lifestyle while you try to avoid it, it's simply not possible to avoid the health impacts of plastics at this stage. do not have a shift scale of single use. plastics is mind bugging. type things. containers 11 and 20. 22. as estimate to the world. use one point. 5 trillion. single use prostate buffalo,
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some cups. think of it one point. 5 trillion one yet. use ones just chucked away, but remember not all plastic is bad. here's the u. n's in a and us and we all understand by the way that we need plastic. we needed in light of vehicles of foster trains lighter in windmills in shipping. so this is not a sort of antique plastic treaty, but it is very much an end to plastic in the environment treaty. and we need to understand the most of that which ends up in the environment to single use and shortly. so now there's a big push out the towards to radically and definitively count back on the amount of plastic reduced in the 1st place, the funds on single use plastics and so many different kinds of things. the plastics would be one of the key things that the treaty can do from writing a transition to reuse for pat and refill. essentially trying to transition us to a kind of safer more secular economy would be an ultimate goal of the tracy. and that's really at the core of how the treaty is being designed at the moment. but
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not everybody agrees. plastics and made from petra chemicals and oil and gas explorers attending the tools. say we should focus more on recycling and eliminating waste and curbing production. it looks that to be a bruising week of negotiations in the effort to clean up plastic pollution before we head to the final round of talks. in november. a lens vision is one of the wells west, plastic polluters out as it was jessica washington reports from one overflowing landfill site. south of to casa indonesia is one of the wills that talk contributors of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons of plastic waste each year. and it's at locations like width in depth. ok. on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scales of what environmental groups, quote, a plastic waste crisis in engine asia. by the time for us to go up or speak other so much plastic waste here. you can find all kinds of plastic. oh, plastic bags and others,
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you can see those in the piles of the days of being here for many years. i know what you're looking at now is not a landfill, but of all the overflow from the nearby to buy you landfill. now the garbage that has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. and then this is just one of many landfills around the country that have reached or exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. the most common plastic pollution entities are all single use sashes, which environmental groups say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and also promoting recycling among the many communities entities. it has also expressed support for the global plastics, tracy,
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which is being discussed in canada this week. it is also expressed it's fuse that some countries may need it. technological and financial support to ensure the smooth, the implementation of such an agreement. jessica washington, which is 0 demo, indonesia. so it has on out, is there a oldest bold until when a heated midland abi it's exciting? monday, the 20th league,
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i told him coming up with joe in scores the the now back in 2020, in the race to create
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a vaccine for cove. at 19 many drug companies that they wouldn't pursue legal bottles with their rifles in the interest of guessing shots out to the world. 4 years later lawsuit save a who discovered was have begun us pharmaceutical company mcdonough has sued and gem and drug make a biotech of a some of the technologies that made the shots possible. posit complaints as being hud and dungeons high court. colin baker has more on what's at stake. many of the concepts that made cobit 19 vaccines possible were around long before 2020, but 3 innovations that year helped develop the drugs. for decades, scientists wanted to make a new class of vaccine that would use short length of genetic code instead of bits of an active virus, messenger r, and they are so called m r. and a would trick the body to make pieces of a virus which would then teach the immune system to defeat it. such a vaccine would be accurate, adjustable and safe. but early versions produced allergic reactions find just realized that could be avoided by replacing one chemical with another. it was
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a discovery that with later when a nobel prize, both modernity and fines or biotech licensed. that was step one, but i'm renee is fragile and it falls apart easily. so the companies built tiny capitals of that molecules to deliver. that was step 2. they then had to choose the best part of the coping 19 virus to target. and madonna had researched another respiratory disease called mirrors and they identified the spike protein which grabs onto human cells. they say pfizer biotech copied that approach to both companies deny any wrongdoing and save their discoveries, come from their own research. during a says, it doesn't want to stop phases, vaccine once royalties from shots that were sold in wealthy countries after march 2022, and that's potentially a lot of money. both companies, cobit 19 jobs, are sold for more than $100.00 per dose. 5 users generated nearly
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$38000000000.20 and $11000000000.00 the following year in the same period. but during those generated $18000000000.00 annually, $7000000000.00 the next the same as what you say fields. of course they're working based on the same state of the arts on published data, documents, articles, and then at some point they may come up with some of the technology. and then it's the question, who has a file for the 1st, who has the ip and is able to enforce the 1st was that against others? one of the big future targets of m. r in a vaccine technology is in fact seen for the flu. a market that's expected to more than double over the next decade. across the phone didn't charlie angela joins us now live from outside the high court in london. so charlie, the case has opened. what makes this one different from all the bottles that
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mcdonough was fighting in the us and germany the well, the 1st part will be broadly similar. we'll focus on the technical aspects of those patients. and i've just come from inside the court with lawyers representing sides of by on tech are all doing that them. and that keep molecular biologists took an inventive step as they quoted beyond what mcdonough had already hated to. because without an inventive step, but the, just to see if the vaccine could be put into question. but how this case is going to differ. it's going to come in the 2nd part because it's a focus less on the peyton and move on a promise of promise that was made in 2020, when the world was anxiously waiting for a cove at 19 vaccine. a promise made by madonna who was a head in the m o r and a game at that point. and they said that they would waive any rights to future disaggregation because the priority that was guessing vaccine out to the world, it was not making money. so they said, but in march 2022,
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when the sales of the size of vaccine began far out, stripping the sales of the done vaccine. they amended that pledge and it's so the period off to that that they are now seeking damages from size of. now, size is all going well the, the world health organization didn't declared in the global house emergency until march 2023. so magenta had no rights to amend the pledge when it did and it says that no compensation is due, but the case has begun. it's now going to go to 20 days, so we can expect a verdict in mid may and well, it's just one of the many legal battles. it's happening is actually really appeal a battle. because what's important here is which company comes out is being seen as the leader in the field of m r renee, which is already generated billions of dollars if he's had a movie by lucrative going forward. no. okay, charlie, many things or brands that i just bought from outside the high court in london? the schedule is for now on his day. laura, thank you very much. well,
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was stopped and it's the intimate on have one the city i title for the 20th time. they wrapped it up with a victory over the city rivals a see. david stokes reports the name of the such a dominant season. this was the perfect way to get the job done into a 20th century outside till sealed by victory over the arch rivals, milan, the team with which they share a city and the stadium. the sunset ro was lit up with fireworks as friends setup right to the trophy. when few had predicted the start of the campaign into new or when would give them an insurmountable 17 point leda ac. and they went ahead 3, francesco, a chevy. the
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rock has to room added the 2nd after the break, the a little closer with the carrier to more he gave milan some how pulling a go back with 10 minutes left tempers got the better of some players in the added time, resulting in 3 right cards before in to eventually go over the line with 5 games despite yeah, that's the odd. yeah, they don't. the last, once in the lake this season, conceding just 18 goes to send me on the inside gate. this is the survey outside. so as a manager, having one, it has a player with left seo, 24 years ago, give audio quinn dv that a computer for media you. we showed this when with all the interest family. i think about the players management, our president. and of course, all of our fans is going to need to meet the photos and says 20 if title and some a 2nd start on that jersey. rubbing something, the williams of milan who remain on 19 events just remain way out in front with
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a wrinkled, 36 titles. but right now that down it's 3rd place, 22 points behind the new champions. david stokes, which is era. meanwhile, it's at least 2006 woke up when and captain sab, you're kind of at a, has been hired by relegation, threatened duty, and as a, as a new coach, they want to place above. the dropped sign was 6 months is left and his contract runs until the end of the season. it's kind of arrows the 1st coaching job instead of having previously spent time with clubs in china and the middle east. english permanently lead as also have a chance to pull away and the type of race later as they play. chelsea went on choose day, would seen and take a 3 point lead over level pool and a full point need of a month to city who have played one game less. and then also i didn't, you went to your matches and to, and you bring in the margins has more than a smaller. and that's the only thing that we can do at the moment, because this thing not to now, we're hands on the eval to try to the tomorrow night. and that from really well try to in the game. and if we do that,
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and that pressure will increase pressure offline as president wants sundays, l class occurred to be replayed if it's found that his team had a goal. this allowed incorrectly also repeating 32 by rail madrid on sunday. they mean the amount for the tape schools and you said the call to be ruled out by vale, even though the pits of cross the line from the port has requested old footage and old year of the discipline bolts be analyzed. last night, a trial lead as rail, but 11 points in the standing around. see, i love what i see so as well after we analyze it. if we can determine a mistake has been made, which we think they did a, we will pursue any measures we deem necessary to reverse the situations, including judicial actions. if it can be confirmed, it was a legal goal, which we think it was. we will go further and demand a replay of the game. i mean that the man who is called the winner for rail and no cost to coach it. belgium has been awarded the wealth breakthrough of the prize at
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the maurice world sports towards the 20 year old england player has had an outstanding 1st season at rail. so joining from verse if don't scoring 21 goals and old competitions based targeting most success over the coming months. yeah, it's been a bit of a bit of a crazy wait, really. i'm so tired to be honest. so excuse me. if i look at it, um, but yeah, it's, uh, it's been a model a few days and yeah, i'm really proud to, to, when they would, like i said, and, you know, hopefully keep making more memories around madrid and with thing live in the future . really, you know, are still in with a chance of us to, with madrid and obviously the arise england. so think success would be all 3 but um yeah, it takes a lot of um, work in a lot of sacrifice and hopefully we can pick it up the main prize of the night when to tennis and one of the joke of it, she was named sportsman of the for reco 18 5th time of $23.00. it's a full grandson's last year. well, spanish football, i tunnel metate picked up the prize for sports,
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one of the and well team of the air on behalf of the spanish women's national team, who crowned well champions in 2023 stat of us anti doping agency has demanded an investigation into how a group of chinese swimmers were able to take pots in the tokyo olympics, despite 23 positive tests. the world anti doping agency can find a new york times report that the soon as had tested positive for hop medication months before the games in july 2021. what is said is accepted. china is explanation that this one is it opens staying at the same hotel with traces of the drug, the front of the kitchen, and the, the positive tests will result the food contamination and not deliberate doping spots. critics, including you saw the, you saw the chief travis, ty, got all the sites as void. he's accused while to recover up something they strongly deny. at the end of the day, quite nicely to look at the system and are just, you know, frustrated and upset that you know about the number of athletes at this level
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contest, positive for a substance like this. and the way it has been described. you can have the, you know, state security, you know, create this excuse, and then that gets signed off on by the global regulator. so while we really appreciate, want to open it up and provide some information about their, the process. it was, it was really, unfortunately very unsatisfying and actually opened up a whole load of questions about the situation that need to be i'm still need to be answered in and actually investigated athletes or, or calling for you know, a review and investigation and they should have as much certainty as they possibly can have that the gains are going to be fair and i can be claimed and that they should be able to focus on their training to be prepared when parents comes along of just a few short months. the defending champion, done but not gets, have taken it to nothing serious lead over the los angeles lakers and the n b a playoffs and a game that had a wild finish to it. michael puts a genius,
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3 points over the minute and a 15 seconds after the clock tied it up in $95.00 points, a piece. the teams traded book kits before jamal murray stepped soon with a jump at the plaza to c. o one o one to 99, when to the not get to rallied from 20 points down in this game. the new mix also still in the philadelphia 76 is late in the game. don't types of a 10. so hit think go ahead. 3 points with the team seconds left for the house to take a to nothing leads in this series. the calculators are a bit more convincing in the when of the magic cleveland never trial, donovan mitchell was 23 points and 8 rebounds, and then 9686. when which gives the cab the 10. nothing lead and the best of 7 series scores. 23 and that is all your support for now. we'll have more free later laura and see you later. thanks very much. i a new un report travails that asia was it was most dissolves to hit region from climate and with
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a hasn't in 2023. the what would be to a logical organizations as plants and storms cause the highest number of reports of casualties and economic losses. but it's a name and as professor of sustainability it costs and university. he says, governments must act foster to mitigate the effects of climate change. we have been predicting this, but i would have to cite it has come quicker than we thought or rather hoped that we'd have a bit more time to make the changes. but we don't, we are now in the thick of climate change and it's going to get worse until we take net 0 through to the end. if we can do that by 2040, for example, then immediately we would start to get on top of that all. but until then we are going to have to expect more damage from flood spies and all kinds of way
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that changes. i'll be back in a moment with more of the base. the one of the biggest selections of 2024 in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment suede boots as in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote reading? i'm fairly ongoing coverage in the selections on out. is there a unique perspective? why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying, any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government? from time on hub voices? tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live?
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read the public house. we get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, 300 years ago, the found is the full season the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing like the full months in south korea. this no pure of soul on al jazeera you 8th, a year or 2020 full res, getting closer. great savings away youth squad now to the euro, early the adults to get up to 3 month free subscription or free set, top full experience. the great is supposed to give a jump,
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the exclusive b b the 200 days of war. israel shows no sign of ending the bonds and gone. so i made warnings of balance as planned for a ground offensive. and rough uh the head of them are a kyle, this is out to 0, live from doe ha. also coming up the students and academics to talk to them. dustin is of a rest. major us universities are protesting against israel's war on concept


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