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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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a business like this, this world to you while i guess is a line supply on one of your this makes modern plates, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use of a line from coming up in the next 60 minutes to 100 days of war. is roll shows no signs of ending the violence and gods are as more people are killed across the street, the palestinian demonstrations of spreading across universities and the us police arrest and thousands of students were on patrol with you in peace keepers and southern living on is the sons of war continue to build and 5 people around trying to get to the u. k. just hours after laura's past that was in migrants and refugees
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to rhonda and sport arsenal and go 3 points clear at the top of the premier league in some dramatic style. a record breaking victory against chelsea as they put 5 high stairs london rivals to make the 5th titles plus the is arouse war on guns, a is. and it's 200 today with no sign of an into the unrelenting attacks carried out by as rarely forces most half the strips population as in bravo. we is ready for us as a threatening to launch a catastrophic offensive least $34183.00 palestinians had been killed since october . the 7th. that's how i can boys in has this report from rafa and southern gaza the 200 days since as well began to
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genocide of cause lights on slate, shows new signs of lifting up. and again, it's women and children who all the victims. spite was just 7 years old when the messiah struck. is mobile, now left without this on the be? we were inside the house and suddenly the house breaks, gassett everywhere. we kept looking for a smile, but he wasn't in the house and he was in the street. she might have disappeared. he was not even in the houses of our neighbors. finally, we found dish miles body. she flew a long distance ripples and 20 meters. these ready only gave the and wanting to is that to wait this positive, they come out here in the know during causes trip somebody this morning. do not mess have any more to people left hanging on to life here. we're in
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a very dire situation. i'm too exhausted. i walked all the way from home on foot. i can't continue like this. what happens happens so it's in a less and others are being forced to leave any way they can hoping to find safety into value. refugee come lives destroyed, increase families, but to pause. as well stands accused of genocide at the international court of justice. the court has already ordered as well to guarantee the safety of civilians on over the israel continues to ignore 200 days into its will. in gauze to our capacity. oh, just a rough, rough off palestine civil defense team. so they have are kind of a dozen small bodies from mass scribes in the grounds of nesa hospital and con units in southern gaza. 310 bodies have been found. so far witnesses say some of the victims were killed during the is ready, sage of the hospital,
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civil defense official, say hundreds more, buried in the medical complex. and the human is cooling for an independent investigation. will protest against israel's war on guns or gaining momentum universities across the united states, police and by dozens of a risk. yale and broken off and then cabinets and new york university presents telling me is lot for us at new york university now. and kristen just to get through what's been happening to over the last few hours or so and, and just how much more meant them is now behind these protest as well. demonstrations are continuing of by n y u students, off campus here in a nearby park. ever since. 133 students and faculty members were arrested last evening on campus. and since those arrest they've come backed out, the crowd has only gotten larger. here with n y
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u students and at other campuses as well, and we're seeing more and more schools take up this cause and emulate the encampments that started last week at columbia university. places like a mit the massachusetts institute of technology, university of pittsburgh, uh michigan, minnesota schools around the country now starting demonstrations of their own. this crowd gathered here because of type security on the campus. continuing an attempt to tap down the police, have set a barricades at the school, is not allowing anyone on the campus. they've actually built a wall around the plaza where students were sleeping last night. that is why they are now for us to be here in a public park. the police moved in after dark to a rest,
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demonstrators at new york university were over 100 students, and teachers defied orders to leave a school plaza for face consequences. there were arrests at yale university to dozens of them, the students and others across the country coming out in protest of israel's devastating war on gaza and in solid arity with columbia university students. they are the so called gaza solidarity encampment has been redirected after the school called in police to arrest more than 100 students and dismantle it. last week. all columbia's faculty joined protesters to condemn the move initiated by the university president who cancelled in person classes monday. to address security concerns to say right please to
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pick up peaceful protesters on our campus. we've gone to the board for portion devices and dangerous. they are outreach not only by the arrest, but also by president in the mountain, the new ship peaks testimony before congress. while conservative representatives called pacific beach resignation for not doing more to crack down on demonstrators, the school senate, consisting of students, faculty and administrators is expected to vote to censure her as early as wednesday, very important for faculty and the university in the way that our president did not before students, demonstrators, including jewish student demonstrators deny accusations of anti semitism. at columbia university. they even stopped their per tests to celebrate the 1st night
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of passover. they described their movement as peaceful and blame any antagonistic inflammatory statements or actions on outsiders. from california to state polytechnic university on the west coast to the massachusetts institute of technology and emerson. college on the east. the demands for school leaders are the same. we want emerson college number one call for an immediate cease fire and gaza . number 2, to disclose all financial investments and zionist organizations, number 3, to divest from those organizations. number 4, to drop all charges against students for disciplinary actions. attempts to silence the movement only amplifying it's called. now the mayor of new york city today said that police, when they arrived at the n y u campus based on hostile environment with threats and items being thrown at that me, you said one police officer was hitting the head with an object. now students here
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slightly denied that there was any hostility coming from students or near the student protest, and they're backed up by faculty members as well. who said that it was when police arrive, that the situation escalated. okay, thanks so much for all of that. that's kristen salumi for us. there we go to university. as the head, all the human agency for palestinian refugees is there, assigns them why it is getting into the gaza strip. but in a briefing at you in headquarters in new york, felipe less of renee said a lot more is needed to meet the needs of the people. gabriel alexander has more. lee plaza really is at un headquarters in new york, taking part in various meetings. and a briefing with journal is here. he said there are signs of more aid getting in to gaza. he said, is real, is allowing on average about $200.00 trucks per day. this month into the besieged strip. and then on monday it reach 316. good news. yes. but that's
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still well below the $5.00 to $600.00 trucks per day. they were entering garza before october 7th. so this a positive development. but the results, so the now that we are getting towards so warmer season, vault the new possible has so outbreak of especially in the south. so with the garbage connection has become a priority for our colleagues to prevent a disease outbreak that have also been reminded about the deep anxiety prevailing in this house. so the about the, the possible looming upcoming military offensive, israel's war on gods are continues to be the most deadly humanitarian mission in u. n. history. last week alone to more unreal staff were killed due to is rarely
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bombardment. bringing the total to a $180.00 gabriel's on to l, just either at united nations in new york. a 7 each time media has reported a woman and a 12 year old niece. what among 3 people killed and is really s tri state media? since 6 of those we went to twin a home and in the near the border with israel was his, these really military and has the law had been firing at each other across the board since october. what we're finding is this place tens of thousands of people on both sides of the boat and left a trail of damage design a hold. a has been on patrol with you in peace keepers. the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border with isabel. this is a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help its ally from us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from
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the border now we are crossing mount cover because it is rarely press 4 see shown from here where our moving uh goes through the blue line. and who knows when uh, shelling or i know, yes, like a is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern lebanon, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the levi nice army on the leave as they leave them these government to take control of the, of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes as well, has failed to push the groups fighters back the you enforce has repeatedly warrant
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that the danger of escalation is real. yeah, we're looking for the, you know, the people out this is an air strikes. so we're looking for the this the how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this, uh, moving it on, dealing with the searching for the police very we can help. busy a few people remain here, nearly 100000 up in these have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war, official say losses are already in the billions of dollars. although the cost of this film large was contained and confined to the boarder regence, as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because israel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their elders either. so
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there's nothing on as well. joining us now is, luciano is a car, he's an associate professor of golfs politics and catholic university's a golf study since and thanks again for being with us. if we can talk about rough up and israel's potential plans to start a ground defense of that, we've been talking about this for quite some time. but it feels with recent developments that could be imminent. how concerned are you that they could actually be looked into to push into rough? uh yeah, imminently. well, we have been talking about them that we said that this would happen and they probably, we didn't know how and when, and on, despite the fact that the united states keep saying that they don't want this to happen, that there are a lot of pressure from in the community, you know, you mentioned that the same the, this operation will create a lot of problems that will be uh, must have cost frontage because there's no way that you can start on operation. and without the entering and the see that the,
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this over the crowd is over the crowd of people, 1300000, it's leaving there at, in, not very good condition. so yeah. how, how they're going to do that. we see that they are preparing the something in order to have operate. part of the police on know for this is impulse went to move all these properties in order to start the operation. i'm to separate cbs from how most people, but this is almost impossible. how do i do that without getting people in the me the, in, in the, in between a so, i mean, the, somebody likely that this person can happen without a must have and you must have, you mentioned this and, and we've seen it for quite some time. now that the us is and, and others of push back against as well, morning and not to do this. what else can i do at this point in time to ensure that as well doesn't actually go ahead with the ground defense is, is basically, i mean, because at the same time, the by then the, from the people from the us on industry. so a lot of times don't do that. this sentence happens, us approved to be $6000000000.00 with 80 boats again 16 so
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that support of keeping the, the, the support they meet the support and financial support, the specialist in there. so again, we are discussing whether or not the, this is going on where the actions are going, that they are pretty different on, despite the fact that people professing that us feel policy. so i'm seeing that us are support developing strongly say that despite the fact that they don't want cbs to be killed they, we continue supporting this, right. so what's seeking us and it's on the always receiving. okay. never people. i'm impressed. so by the end of the day, we can continue be so by some because we have the funds to do. yeah. so at this point in time, you think that there's nothing that the us can do will will be prepared to do to actually self as well if they do and dates will be the one i don't think that us wants to do anything. i mean, i've list by the ministration a, i think the moving from this harsh,
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the scores of this increase in to some actions you will take a little before, i always end up leaving the other products that they are taking place in the, in the us, which is, doesn't help even the pricing of the time university i worried about showing some assign the file i'll be sent me. these are the easiest creating problems between the, the, it'll get hold on, edit as well. so we see a lot of people progressing, but you see a lot of people that they are protesting against the process. and so they say she was about to not, i think within the united states. that's what, yeah, we'll have to leave a day of it as always, we really do appreciate your time. thank you so much. i or what's other news now 5 people have died while trying to cross the english channel from from so the u. k. the boat they were on had been carrying more than $100.00 would be refugees and migrants. the accident happened just hours of to the u. k. problem in the past and you lot to process migrants and refugees and for one to have a full so it has moved from london and leo's off to britain post a bill designed to do to these genies photo forests, boat squared. again,
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an action in the english channel, despite the comm conditions, it had already been a deadly day. at dawn, a small and feasible packed with a 112 migrants and refugees set off from this beach in front. official say it had assigned bank close to show 5 people including the young girl, died in the crush and confusion even after that the boat pressed on a 2nd set. so the 257 people who were in the thing he stayed on board, preferring not to be rescued. they managed to stop the engine again and decided to carry onto its great britain. on the surveillance of the navy. the town smith said britain, its latest get tough legislation not withstanding, was responsible. the only big, the british of paying us. i stop them, but they welcome them. there is a problem at this level. i'm sorry, when they can have a bank account, they have given work without an employment contract. it's the economy in england. overnight, the british government had finally forced through controversial legislation, allowing it to begin deporting asylum seekers to rwanda. now considered by law,
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a safe destination to meet the act will prevent people abusing the little by using false human rights claims to block removals. and it makes clear that you take parliament is suffering from last year. the supreme court derailed the government's plans by saying default, the safety and rwanda could not be guaranteed refugee charities and un buddies and now accusing britain of shaking its duties. this new legislation seriously hinders the rule of law in the u. k. and it sets a powerless precedence globally, the governing conservatives trading in the poles and seeking a vote when a head of an election likely in the autumn, insists the 1st flights tawanda will start by the end of july. there are questions about the implementation of all this, the individual legal challenges against deportation that have bound to come, whether originally so not cool, got his projected regular rhythm of several people, taishan slides a month. and then if he does, will they do what he's banking on?
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will they did tell people from making the crossings in the 1st place. the evidence of his 1st day since the bill passed is that the motivation to get to britain is sofa undimmed. despite the dangers of these genies, and the sight of people, taishan at the other end are useless. it, i'll just be around london. back in 2020, in the rise to create a vaccine for carpet 19 many drug companies said they wouldn't this through legal battles with their bibles and the interest of getting shots out to the world for 4 years later. that's all changed and little so it's sort of who discovered what have begun. the us pharmaceutical company, magenta is so in gym and truck megabyte, and tick, and london's high cost. call them back. it has more on what is at stake. as many of the concepts that made cobit 19 vaccines possible were around long before 2020, but 3 innovations that year helped develop the drugs for decades, scientists wanted to make a new class of vaccine that we use short length of genetic code instead of bits of
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an active virus messenger r, and they are so called m r and a would trick the body to make pieces of a virus which would then teach the immune system to defeat it. such a vaccine would be accurate, adjustable and safe. but early versions produced allergic reactions find just realized that could be avoided by replacing one chemical with another. it was a discovery that with later when a nobel prize, both modernity and fines or biotech licensed. that was step one, but i'm renee is fragile and it falls apart easily. so the companies built tiny capitals of step molecules to deliver that was step 2. they then have to choose the best part of the coping 19 virus to target. and madonna had researched another respiratory disease called nurse, and they identified the spike protein which grabs onto human cells. they say pfizer biotech copied that approach to both companies deny any wrong doing and save their discoveries, come from their own research. during a says, it doesn't want to stop phases,
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vaccine once royalties from shots that were sold in wealthy countries after march 2022, and that's potentially a lot of money. both companies, cobit 19 jobs, are sold for more than $100.00 per dose. 5 users generated nearly $38000000000.20 and $11000000000.00 the following year in the same period. but during those generated $18000000000.00 annually, $7000000000.00. the next all the players are working said field, of course they're working based on the same state of the arts on published data, documents, articles, and then at some point they may come up with some of the technology. and then it's the question, who has a file for the 1st, who has the ip and is able to enforce the 1st was that against others? one of the big future targets of m. r in a vaccine technology is in fact seen for the flu. a market that's expected to more
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than double over the next decade. but for more on this, we're joined now by kevin newton, who is a lawyer in the h. b, a patent lawyer and intellectual property rights law. semi joins us from chicago. thanks very much for being with us here on al jazeera. this will, can you just give us a, an idea of exactly what is at stake here? i mean, is this just the legal wrangling between pharmaceutical johns, which i've already made billions of dollars from the spec, saying, well, true, but they've also invested millions of dollars to get to the vaccine. i think that's probably what they would tell you. it is very much for conventional law patton lawsuit, which as your reporter said, who discovered it 1st to fall in pen application for it 1st. we'll decide who is entitled to the royalties for this. and i'll mention that both companies have said, i mean majority since the plaintiff have said that they're not seeking an injunction to the power low case in the united states. they're not asking anybody to stop making the vaccine. they're just saying how to do a portion the,
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the value of that. and the reality is that they think they're entitled to, okay, it goes into this trial and in the stronger position as well. it's interesting because i looked at the 2 european paths on the us patent lawyer, but i looked at the 2 european pads. interestingly, they have one of that is to the, the change in the actual structure of the molecule to make it less immune and genic . so that you didn't have the negative reaction. the other is to the vaccine itself . interestingly, it wasn't earlier application and earlier pen it doesn't mention sars co be to mention to other related ones. so be interesting to see, since every time you put your patent that risk by going into a court room, you can, they can be invalidated and then you don't have a path. so i think that i would say that i can kind of kept it, but i'd say they both have something for tips that risk here. okay. well, what makes this trial is kind of different from the other battles that maternity was finding. as you mentioned in the us as, as well as germany, but i think there's different patton law in different countries,
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similar but different. and so we'll see how it plays out in the u. k. you can win an u. s. and losing the u. k or vice versa, right? so it's just a global, it's a global sort of a of a work to try to figure out who deserves to get the royalties in agent any shares diction. because clearly, as i said, if you went in the u. s. c o u. s. sales or world to you could lose in the u. k. and not getting anywhere else, no sales. okay. i say, do you have any idea when we might actually expect a verdict here and in this trial and, and what would it mean for those companies going forward as well? obviously if, if uh, the, during the, when they'd be entitled to money in royalties from, from pfizer by on biotech. and so i think that i think it's supposed to be $28.00 days or something like that. mm hm. that the trial is going to last. the, the way these trials work, then the court has to come to a judgement. that judgement can be appealed. and so typically it takes a long time. is that law, it's probably to them while to get here to the trial,
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and then they'll be some time thereafter. i would surprise me if we really had an answer until maybe next year, but this depends on each country is judicial system, so it may be longer or shorter. so if i one thing i will mention, one thing i will mention is that you're being panned office that the granted depend that became the ones that issue has what's called an opposition going on. and, and one of the paths that i'm not sure which one i'm under as last that and it's 8 is also on appeal. and the 2nd one is just going in that proceeding. so there are many layers of the way this can shake out, having something to do with the trial, but these other, these other for that will look into the validity of the pat. okay, well, have to wait and see. thanks so much kevin. uh, we really do appreciate that kevin newnan aloria in the h. b. thanks so much. well, so hit hit on al jazeera kohls for what, what band on or singles use plastic items a growing louder will tell you why. and laser and sport the vic, sclerosis,
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keeping nation the league flight of sanction coming to the the it's hello, we got more snow in the full cost coast pots of here, but still looking around the wintry, just around the alpine regions and seen some snow recently just around the both estates that's moving this way, the north with little spattering of state and snow to nc positive, gemini down to a southern parts of the country. winfrey and all 5 of tools that are used to sort of frost. which is that normally when there's always gonna be a cheddie direction and it's got to feel it will roll over over the next couple of days, even though the temperature is nothing but london getting up to around 12 celsius won't even be that in paris. the show is extend that way down across it's lisa, what's the weather that just around? central parts of the med moving further east was flushing at the last,
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but he down towards the southeast corner 18 celsius. the in a book arrest. notice move on to the weather. coming back in across the northwest, if you have some showers to to know the spite at we'll say into portugal the what the weather that we do have around central pa, somebody's training will continue. that will bring some what the weather down across multiple into tennessee at the northwest corner of libya as well. because the temperature of the car we got the storm once again, just across the harbor that $42.00 celsius and car on wednesday. and we're going to get down to real 38 as we go one in 2 thirds, they must go to 2 in aaa, but most show us the frontier. yeah. the, the latest news, as it breaks, the doctors who say the witness, the killing, knew exactly where to with detailed coverage. everyone is telling us they do
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not recognize their houses. they do not recognize their areas from the hall to the story. these attacks are taking place also was had a city and are on the roads, making it very dangerous for them to commute from one place to another devastation, bundle dishes, usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world, to displacement. if you look at tucker safety, it's unbelievable desperation then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapidly sinking country. we have the problem today. the rest of the work will have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here as new series dying of life before land. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the cell. it's been $200.00 times have as well as for on garza and there's been no lit up in his role strikes on the strip women and children among the dead out for an attack and bad law here in northern cause of these for any army has killed moments 34000 palestinians since october, the 7th protest against his roused war on cancer and canyon. by mentioned that the universities across the united states police have made thousands of a risk of all columbia university is now extended remote learning. and 5 people have done tried to cross the english channel from, from the u. k. the votes they will own, had been carrying more than 100 refugees in microns. the accident happened just hours off to the u. k. problem it pos and you long to process migrants and refugees
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in rwanda as well, thousands of protest as a rallying an argentine is capital against comes to the education budget. students and staff from 73 public universities have joined them onto photo cities. presidents have you, emily has been slashing state spending as the countries struggles with the cost of living crosses. june team is annual inflation currently sends it to a 190 percent in poverty levels. and now it's 60 percent off on all of this. today's about it joins us now. live from bonus isn't today. so can you just give us a rundown? what is happening, where you are, how large of these process? well, there's thousands and thousands of people that haven't come here. we're not far away from the presidential palace. people are still arriving. they're carrying books. this say that this is a symbol of them defending public education in the country. we have seen fact to do
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. we have seen students, we have seen staff from at least over 60 universities, public university in the country. what people are telling us is that seems very early this year. the faculty has been warning the government that they are out of do not have enough funds to cover the cost. mostly because students have yet to be late to come through. the funds have not increased 2 sides of the solar installations in the country. and that's why we are asking the government for much more funds. the public university for many people in argentina is not only free from where no winners have come from. and that's why people are telling us the people here are swimming. yeah. and we, we, the current governmental company, i'm really glad you just said when he took off these things that he was going to implement almost every 2 measures, lift the subsidies on electricity, on water,
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on transport, among other things. it's a matter of major concern. however, it's not just the economic situation that people here, but also of course, the current situation of universities, public universities in the country today. so you, you mentioned the pride of people there, but also as we saw the, the yang that i feel what is the impact likely to be on the lives presidency of the. well, this is a very big test for have you had a may, as he continues on incrementing austerity plans in this country that he says are going to jumpstart argentina's economy. the main priority for the government has now been reducing the debt to say that 0 deficit. he addressed the nation on monday evening, where he said that the costs are going to continue by the public cuts are going to continue. he says that he knows that many people in argentina are struggling, but that's right now in this country. there's no time for gradualism. however, what you see, the in fact about teas message has on the population relate,
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continues to have strong support among. he's very similar, many people in argentina, however, when you're here and you see the thousands of people that have come out, not totally to defense, public education, they say that public education in this country is a matter of death. we think it's a right to education and it is also a right to a better future. like i think so much to that. so they support for us. the in the scientists totally in pays have approved a controversial new constitution that could extend the nice thing by don this, these 6 decade hold on pallet and definitely support of the site would tend to go into a pile of entry democracy. but the opposition is cooling for protest legislative elections due to be held next week. nicholas hawk has the date house. it is a small newspaper in togo, is standing up to the most powerful dennis dean africa. the leasing bay family has governed to go for 61 years. members of parliament voted on a new constitution on friday,
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while the tax has not been made. public journal is joel, this is who says it would allow president phone yes and be to stay in the office in . definitely let's get rid of for guessing. be peacefully says when headline free political prisoners and give us back, our right to protest says that they're active defined into the country that does not tolerate the set slips that goes to the federal. i am talking to you with a few in the pit of my stomach. we are working on the restraint and substance of ship, but we have to keep going into the tooth. a dma guessing they came to power in a coo in 1963 and ruled with an iron fist. thousands of dances would follow him around in portraits of him and his son fell. were plastered everywhere when they died in 2005, both took over and introduced a multi party system of governance. simple additions welcomed the latest
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constitutional amendments which include the president being elected not by the people but by m p's and the removal of limits on terms across the priest. what's new is more accountability, more stability, and more representation. and the system enables a permanent dialogue between players, the changes come as to release prepared to vote for new members of parliament and the opposition fears. this will provide the legal framework for guessing by the clean power. it's not a big democracy. eh, election to go? is it kind of tools to keep the fall off fund eva is taught the it's the way. yeah . according to countries, while the united states says it's concerning, the constitutional amendments were made without public consultation. the west african body echo as has yet to comment, but there is rising criticism within to go against a family that for generations has rob people of their voices. nicholas hawk elgin 0
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. so let's just round to view in negotiations on the treaty to control plastic production is underway in canada campaign to say plastic is choking. our plan is in a cooling for a world wide band on no single use item such as strolls, comp, specials and bags. but the pitcher chemical industry and oil and gas explore has a pushing back of arm and it is in the clock explains yes, plastic is everywhere from the claims we where to how food is packaged. and even the micro plastics found in the deepest part of our oceans view and says $400000000.00 tons of plastic waste is produced every year. about less than 10 percent is recycled and $14000000.00 tons ends up in the world's waterways. yeah. after yeah. after yeah, then those the health impacts for every living thing, including us or what do you think about it every single day? we're in contact with plastic and it's of every single setting and all daily lives . so you know where,
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where in plastic with breathing plastic with eating plastic. now what the licensed research just showing is that, that's possibly can breastmilk, that's tough to can percentage. so it's become this completely inescapable toxic problem that impacting every single pass. and even if you have the best intentions to avoid using plastics and you'll someone who chooses the lifestyle while you try to avoid it, it's simply not possible to avoid the health impacts of plastics at this stage. do not have a shift scale of single use. plastics is mind boggling. type things. containers 11 and 2022. as estimate to the world. use one point. 5 trillion. single use prostate buffalo, some cups. think of it 1.5 trillion one yet. use ones just chucked away, but remember not all plastic is bad. here's the u n's in a and us and we all understand by the way that we need plastic. we needed in light of vehicles of foster trains that are lighter in windmills in shipping. so this is
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not a sort of antique plastic treaty, but it is very much an engine plastic in the environment treaty. and we need to understand the most of that which ends up in the environment to single use and shortly. so now there's a big push out the towards the radically and definitively count back on the amount of plastic reduced in the 1st place. the funds on single use tactics. so many different kinds of things. the plastics would be one of the key things that the treaty can do from writing a transition to reuse for pat and refill. essentially trying to transition us to a kind of safer more secular economy would be an ultimate goal of the tracy. and that's really at the core of how the treaty is being designed at the moment. but not everybody agrees. plastics and made from petra chemicals and oil and gas explorers attending the tools. say we should focus more on recycling and eliminating waste been could be production. it looks that to be a bruising week of negotiations in the effort to clean up plastic pollution before
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we head to the final round of talks in november. what's more on this diana cohen joins us now. she's co founder and ceo of plastic pollution coalition. she joins us from los angeles, who thank you very much for being here. we're just seeing the scale of the problem and we know that there was the solution out there to ban the use of single use plastics. but how achievable would that actually pay to have a world wide band on single use plastic? well, it's absolutely achievable and we can look back in time and see when we didn't use plastics for everything. the problem with plastic is, well that it became so you've been with us and that somebody thought it was a good idea to use it to package the majority of our food beverages, beauty products, health care products, etc. and then with this single use mindset, but the truth is it's, it's a material that's as was said earlier, 99 percent of the plastic is made from petra cannibals and fossil fuels. that's gas,
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oil cool. and it drives the climate crisis and it also poisons people side of the entire chain of that poisons people and poisons some plastic poisons, people and world leaders are becoming aware of that. and we need to ensure that they transport size people and not profit. yes, it was obviously hit the, the available pushback from pitcher chemical and oil and gas exporters. so how do you pressure them to get on board with this change or do you just trying to ignore them completely and forge ahead? well, i mean, you know, if you were going to go up against them, that's assist efficiency, end task because they controlled the majority of energy on the planet that we live on, you know, but the truth is that as all this research continues to come out and we, as fosdick pollution coalition, or turning 15 this year. so we've been working on this for 15 years. what we need is a globally ratified the treaty, because the petrochemical industry sees plastic is a plan b,
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as people make commitments around the world to die best from dependents on fossil fuels and move towards solar and wind. and frankly, you know, less less impactful materials because the problem with plastics is the solution that's always been marketed to us is this idea that we can recycle our way out of the problem. and now realizing that plastics were never designed to be recycled, we, as you mentioned, your organization has been doing this for 15 years. people have been talking about this for decades. it seems like there's been very little progress in that time. how frustrating is it that you, it said that i guess the slow pace of change that, that you've been seeing. i don't sign the pace slow at all and it took her, it took about 8 years to get the public to understand that it's not literal rubbish . waste and garbage, it's plastic and it's plastic pollution, so that to actually gone quite quickly and i'm very pleased with what's happening. i'm very pleased and our organization of the global grader break free from plastic
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movement. we are all very pleased to see this in the public discourse to see more and more information or reports coming out about the truth of recycling that is missed. see that just recycling better is not going to get us the planet out of out of the problem. and to understand that this impacts human health and animal health and every living thing on the planet. every day multiple times with is the responsibility ultimately lies. is this basically going to be up to governments to legislate against this? i think it's a mixture, it's a mixture of government's policy and legislation, much of which we've helped pass and we continue to support. but it's also going to come from holding corporations and companies on the petrochemical on, you know, industry on plastic industries, accountable and responsible, and then big corporations to continue to choose, to use that infrastructure of single use plastic to deliver their products to the
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public. they are going to need to change and we're seeing policy that will will enforce that and will i have them will have to leave. i'm pretty, i'm really, i'm really hope to hear about actually, well that is fantastic to hear. and we really do appreciate your time, diana cohen, co founder and ceo of plastic pollution coalition. thanks so much for being with us . i have also a huge hit on images here, a mountain of waste, and indeed as capital catches fire, skewing toxic smoke and endangering the health of thousands and in support. us government. finally, finalizes, a multi $1000000.00 settlement for the 6 abuse victims of larry nessa, the this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of bangladesh
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before he is the
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this business uptake. these me, roy thought of on the dashboard to use the assistance to where you are paying union member of parliament has been arrested on suspicion of will prosecute the se in is an especially severe a case of spying to china. the suspect works for the final right alternative to the gym and he positive. he's accused of giving the chinese intelligence service information about negotiations and decisions in the european parliament. the 3 of the people have also been the risk of just buying for china. by shooting has rejected the espionage claims, as a hype on this on this boat now, who as far as tom, thank you. so much arsenal has shown their up for the title fight with their biggest effort victory against chelsea. as they went, 3 points clear at the top of the primary league, the colors have to side started the match level on points with liverpool and one
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point about matchers through city. they were quick to get off or mark here land or to start making it one know 4 minutes. 21, making chelsea and beaten an 8 league matches nicholas jackson. lucky not to see a card for this challenge, but it didn't affect the gunners. the 2nd half brought about 4 goals, and this was the 13 minutes high average score twice against his full club. so to go a ben wight also scored twice, only he knows that this was supposed to be across or no, i never before have our most board 5 bills against chelsea. our record races even reports that have a fight to go all the way to the end 5. now this house matches united boss eric 10 hugs says the negative comments after their nerve e. s a cup, somebody final went against carpentry or disgrace. the team were criticized after letting a 3 now leave flip to the 2nd tier side for eventually winning the match on penalties,
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nodded face rival city and the final on may 25th and a repeat of last year's final for united lost a football proposal about results and we made it to the final and we discussed it not only by discipline and but also the also the organs and not just and then in 20 minutes control, also head back look 32 or 33. we got, if i look in the clear penalties was very good. the lane have reached the sea champ, is like funnel for the 1st time in 8 years after they beat. oh, how 5 for an hour. good. aside from the way beat allow for 2 in the 1st flight and the savvy giants record, 34 match winning run. all the allows come back started and the 4th minute here is reading that is made at one meal from the spot. 8 minutes later island equalize to brazilian defender eric to restore the to go as get lead. falling on the sorry that
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made it an interesting 2nd half east courts, the savvy pro league leaders to make it to one island had 2 goals. just allows that they held on to see on the night. the victory overall is turning customer side in for their 1st champ, usually trying been 21 years. but please either yokohama fm or saying in the final in italy and timberland have won the serial title for the 20th time. they wrapped it up with a victory over their city rivals a seat. david stokes reports after such a dominant season. this was the perfect way to get the jump done into a 20th century outside till sealed by victory over the arch rivals, milan, the team with which they share
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a city and the stadium. the sunset ro was lit up with fireworks as friends setup right to the trophy. when few had predicted the start of the campaign into new or when would give them an insurmountable 17 point leader of the ac. and they went ahead through francesco, a chevy the rock, as tim added the 2nd after the break to edge them a little closer. but the carrier to more he gave milan some hug pulling and go back with 10 minutes less 10 foot. it's got the better of some players and added time resulting in 3 right cards before in to eventually go over the line with 5 games to spat. yeah, that's the odd. yeah, they don't. the last one. it's in the make this season, conceding just 18 goes to send me on the inside gate. this is the survey outside. so as a manager, having one it has a prior we'd left c o 24 years ago. give audio quin dv that
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a going to tap on the we showed this when with all the into assembly. i think about the players management our president. and of course, all of our stands you're going to see me before and says 20 if title and for the 2nd star on that jersey. rubbing something the williams of milan who remain on 19 events this remain way out in front with the reco. 36 titles, but right now that down it's a good place. 22 points behind the new champions. david stokes, which is 0. the system cricket now and mark is storing is smashed a century is a luck. and i was super jones beat the chinese super kings. and the indian primary league, the super kings, gave themselves a good chance as a 610 for, for, for 2 raj guy was finished on a 108 nato. as soon as was in c per form, he scored the 2nd to 20100 at his rear. this 6, the biggest of them all is the hit on on being 100 and 24th, when by 6 wickets. it was their 5th when from
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a match. i'm still going on then the after making has come back in barcelona. ross in adel continues his build up to the french open in the 1st round in madrid on wednesday, and it's against a 16 year old. the dow is in the spanish capital warming up with his coat. she's one of records 5 times here. after 3 months out of action, the 37 year old last and around the $32.00 in barstow. i am his 1st round opponent . here is american darwin. blanche blanche is 21 years younger than a doubt. the dell had already once free french open titles. by the time he was born, of the us government has agreed nearly a $139000000.00 settlement for the sexual abuse victims of larry. nicer comes after more than a 100 people accuse the f. b, i have missed handling allegations of sexual assaults against a former team doctor of usa, gymnastics. the justice department's internal investigation found that between
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20152016 f b i. agents had knowledge of allegations against us or, but took no action, allowing him to pray on more victims for over a year. now, sir, a serving more than a 100 years in prison for assaulting female athletes, including olympic metal winning, gymnast. i'm deeply grateful. accountability with the justice department has been a long time and come by their failures allowed over a 100 children to continue being abused. and it is right in just the measure of accountability has come. but i think it's also important to recognize that this is the 1st step, the failures that we see happening with the f b i and the justice department really are just a blunt, a picture of what's happening all over the country to survivors that don't have press coverage or the head of us sent to jo being has demanded an investigation into how groups of chinese swimmers were able to take part in the tokyo olympics. spike 23 positive tests rolled down to doping. ac confirmed in new york times report that the swimmers had tested positive for heart medication months before the games in july 2021. what is that? it had accepted china's explanation that the swimmers had all been staying at the
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same hotel were traces of the drug were found in the kitchen, and that the positive tests were result of food contamination and not deliberate doping. for credits, including you saw the cheese travers tigers aren't satisfied. he's accused water as a cover up something they strongly deny. the end of the day, clean athletes look at the system and they're just, you know, frustrated and upset that you know about the number of athletes at this level. contest, positive for substance like this. and the way it has been described. you can have the, you know, state security, you know, create this excuse, and then that gets signed off on by the global regulator. so while you know, really appreciate, want to open it up and provide some information about their, the process. i, it was, it was really, unfortunately, very unsatisfying. and i actually opened up a whole load of questions about the situation that need to be, i'm still need to be answered in and actually investigated athletes or,
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or calling for you know, a review and investigation. and i should have as much certainty as i possibly can have, that the gains are going to be fair. and i can be claimed and that they should be able to focus on their training to be prepared when parents comes along of just a few short months, sparrows mer. and high dog goes, says the river sun will be safe to swim in by the end of june, and will be ready to host the olympic opening ceremony. a month later, fleets from $205.00 countries will sail down the river and 80 boats on the 26th of july and a ceremony that will last 4 hours. but security concerns as well as a rivers failure to pass house inspections has thrown down over the venue with the start of friends, tablet as an alternative. okay, that is all you support for now, back to you, but in thanks so much for joining landfill on the outskirts of india's capital, as quote, fine unleashing and talks, a cloud of smoke across new daily. i'm all local authority sites i had managed to
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contain the place. it's the smoke that is rising to growing health concerns hush m o. r has more one of indiana's largest mountains of rubbish is on fire. the landfill is the size of 40 football fields and is 65 meters tools. it's called fly on sunday as tempo chose for. for pharmacy, say the blaze is now under control, but the residents in density populated areas of new delhi concerned about its toxic allows of smoke. the rise of booting and none of us are able to step out of the houses. the condition is so bad that children end up crying. this isn't the 1st time a landfill has cooled fire during a heat wave. and the thick layer of smoke is causing breathing problems which we use $10.00 to $12.00 extinguishes and the situation is now under control of smoke
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issue will also be result soon. the landfill reached capacity in 2002, yet waste has continued to bile up polluting via and putting people lives in danger . the authorities on the mounting pressure to find a permanent solution to india's waste problems in the gas, i'm going to use the landfills, produce gas, which induced as fire, but any kind of what metal or what waste, which has been suppressed for too long, has the potential to generate sheet, which in turn leads to fuming gas that causes fire to break out. the routing bahati of jeanette apologies, dispensing itself from the crisis planning the states lead to was counting j. indian cities done more than $60000000.00 tons of waste each year. environment of this war and of a national capacitor if we, if this situation remains, are resolved, i should mind, but i'll just do that. so for me, tell me cry for this news of it. i will be back in just
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a moment with much more of the guys use to start with us. the guns july 2014. as is where the force is bombarded, the gaza strip for 50 days. resident of the coming to the depth and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian camera mancha lead, hama who films and strikes the 2 thousands of lives, including its own garza, the last picture on the 0 to the latest news as a story. israel vowing a military response for situation remain fund nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals,
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rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full series of levi and, and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid lease thinking country. we have the problem today, the rest of the work will have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life. before land to understand the world, we must experience life through not designs, discover the stories, forgotten. we sent
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a note in the past due to the voices drowned out by the stove and read the witness documentary. we done veiled the truth and changed it to 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this is the new sound. a line from coming up in the next 60 minutes, 200 days of war. israel shows no sign of entering the devastation of gaza. is more people are killed right across the street. police in the us,


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