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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the 200 days of war. is rout shows, no sign of ending the devastation of gaza as more people are killed across the street. the play you're watching l j 0 line from jo. how with me for the back to go also ahead . police in the us arrest dozens of students as protests against the war on guys. i got a scene at universities across the country, anger in argentina, teachers and students demonstrate against funding cuts to public education. and 5
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people drowned making the perilous journey to the u. k. just hours after the government passed the law to send migraines to one. thank you for joining us is 23, g m t, and tuesday, mox, 200. a. since these are a launch, it's war on garza. the unrelenting attack sky by is really forces see no sign of a beating. almost half the strips population is now seeking refuge in ra, find the south ways or as ami is threatening to launch a ground defensive. more than $34000.00 palestinians have been killed since october, the 7th. the war has xbox global outrage and israel stands accused of committing genocide and human rights abuses. diary capitalism begins. i coverage with this report from rafa in southern gas of the 200 days since as well began to
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genocide have caused by its own slate shows new signs of lifting up. and again, it's women and children who all the victims. spite was just 7 years old when the messiah struck. is mobile now left without this on the be? we were inside the house and suddenly the house break suggested everywhere. we kept looking for a smile, but he wasn't in the house and he was an industry which might have disappeared. he was not even in the houses of our neighbors. finally, we found dish miles body. it was more than 20 meters away from the last. these very only gave the and wanting to is that to wait this positive big law here in the know during causes trip somebody this morning, do not mess up any more to people left hanging on to life. here.
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we're in a very dire situation. i'm too exhausted. i walked all the way from home on foot. i can't continue like this. what happens happens so it's in a love and others are being forced to leave any way they can hoping to find safety in devalue refugee, come lives, destroyed entries, families, but to pause as well. stands accused of genocide that the international court of justice, the court has already ordered israel to guarantee the safety of civilians on over the isabel continues to ignore $200.00 days into its will and gone to our capacity . oh, just a rough, rough off palestine or protests against the war on guys i have taken hold at a number of top us universities including gail columbia. mit and harvard demonstrations in support of palestine have grown since friday. hundreds of
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students have been arrested since then, but many more have continued to set up and conference. the white house says it's monitoring the situation of college campuses close. i'll just hear it's christine, send him a report, some new students and faculty from new york university. you have continued with their demonstrations throughout the day. they moved to this park off campus after $133.00 of them were arrested on monday nights on campus. the university, shutting down the demonstration saying it was disruptive and dangerous claims that the students and faculty denied. and as news of their arrest have spread. so have demonstrations on other college campuses all across the country. police moved in after dark to arrest demonstrators at new york university. over 100 students and teachers defined orders to leave a school plaza for face consequences. there were arrest that, you know,
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university to dozens of them. these students and others across the country coming out in protest of israel's devastating war on gaza and in solid arity with columbia university students. they are the so called gaza solidarity encampment has been redirected after the school called in police to arrest more than 100 students and dismantle it. last week. all columbia's faculty joined protesters to condemn the move initiated by the university president who cancelled in person classes monday. to address security concerns to say right please. to pick up peaceful protesters on our campus goes on to the board just for pleasure, devices, and dangerous. they are outrage not only by the arrest,
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but also by president in the mountain. the new ship peaks testimony before congress, while conservative representatives called for shift beach resignation for not doing more to crack down on demonstrators. the school senate, consisting of students, faculty and administrators is expected to vote to censure her as early as wednesday . very important for faculty in the university in the way that our president before student demonstrators, including jewish students, demonstrators deny accusations of anti semitism at columbia university. they even stopped their protests to celebrate the 1st night of passover. they described their movement as peaceful and blame any antagonistic inflammatory statements or actions on outside or from california to state polytechnic university on the west coast to
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the massachusetts institute of technology and emerson. college on the east, the demands for school leaders are the same. we want emerson college number one, call for an immediate cease fire and gaza. number 2 to disclose all financial investments and zionist organizations, number 3, to divest from those organizations. number 4, to drop all charges against students for disciplinary actions, attempts to silence the movement only amplifying it's called christian salumi. algae or new york protests have also being held in tennessee where pressure is mounting on these trails. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, relatives of captives in the supporters tape the mouse with the message to 100 days . and nothing's changed. talks and free and captives housing guys that have sold as israel has refused to accept dependency. syiaa. and my brother in law
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secondary doesn't and we don't read 130 more people too much needs to be. and we need to have in defending the country need to or the head of the united nations agency for palestinian refugee says they are signs that more age is getting into the gaza strip. bought in a briefing at un headquarters in new york city plaza. really said a lot more is needed to meet the needs of the people given names on the records. felipe plaza really is that you in headquarters in new york, taking part in various meetings. and a briefing with journal is here. he said there are signs of more aid getting in to gaza. he said, is real is allowing on average about $200.00 trucks per day this month in to the besieged strip. and it on monday it reach 316. good news. yes.
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but that's still well below the $5.00 to $600.00 trucks per day. they were entering garza before october 7th. so this a positive development. but the results so here now that we are getting towards so warmer susan's savant. uh oh, new possible uh, has the outbreak of especially in the south. so with the garbage connection has become a priority for our colleagues to prevent a disease outbreak. but i have also been reminded about the deep anxiety prevailing in this house. so the about the, the possible looming upcoming military offensive. israel's war on guys are, continues to be the most deadly humanitarian mission in u. n. history. last week alone to more unreal staff were killed due to is rarely
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bombardment, bringing the total to a 180 gabriel's on to i'll just say to at the united nations in new york. a funeral has been held for a palestinian man kills by is really forces in jericho. the 44 year old was a father of 3 on his desk brings the number of policy and scales any occupied westbank since october, the 7th, to 487. another 3 people were injured by his really gun fi during raids on refugee camps in jericho. on tuesday morning, lebanese state media has reported a woman and her 12 year old niece were among 3 people killed in. and these really s like 6 others were reportedly wounded when a home in her nina, near the border with israel was hit. these are the military and has for a lot have been firing at each other across the border since october of the cross border are fighting between is right and the lebanese on group has been growing in
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intensity. is the space tens of thousands of people on both sides of the border and left a trail of damage. alda 0 is dana holder has been on a patrol with you and peacekeepers. the signs of war are visible almost everywhere, along 11 on sport or with isabel. this is a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like him, us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border. now we are crossing the montgomery. you can see it is riley present position from here, where i'm moving close to the blue line. and who knows when uh, sharing or i know, yes, like a is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force in southern loveland, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from
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the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the levi nice army on the leave as they leave them these government to take control of the, of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes as well, has failed to push the groups fighters back the you enforce has repeatedly warrant that the danger of escalation is real. yeah, we're looking for the, you know, the people this is an air strikes so we're looking for the this. busy how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this, uh, moving it on, dealing with the searching for the police where we can have the same. few people
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remain here, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war, official say losses are already in the billions of dollars. although the conference is filled, large and contained and confined to the board of regents has been lost as the conflict won't. and until there is a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then, because israel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their eligibility to southern lebanon, to a policy and human rights organization of hockey is taking the u. k. government to quote in london over its alms x for 2. israel lawyers for the group are accusing israel, violating international law in gaza. then in march reports the case for a while hock is intended primarily to prevent the british government from allowing further west themselves to israel. lawyers acting on behalf of the group in court
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list and some of the consequences. all these ready minutes is a sofa and gaza, more than 34000. that's me. if i'm in conditions and widespread child mountain nutrition, development the legal advisor for the global league and acts, and that what told us the government had only of the last minute requested that these proceedings continue for many months. and that some of the hearings be held in secret night as close proceedings. we've only learned in the recent days that the government has decided that needs to enter these close material proceedings. and we just see this as more evidence that the government is not taking this seriously enough. they could have raised the issue months ago, and they haven't done so and will be arguing, stay that this needs to proceed as quickly as possible. and that these kinds of delays are not acceptable lawyers from the british government and quote on you the further delays were necessary to allow for an expected decision by law. cameron griffin's foreign 6th street about possible violations of international human rights law. and the effect that could have on the british government's decision to
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continue with lessons transfers. the members of the opposition party here in britain labor. they say any such delays are inappropriate and unacceptable. justice needs to be done that needs to be done now. and the government has an absolute eugene my view to beat sleep on the spot in to have complete and full disclosure. and to deal with these matters now uh frankly, uh you know, trying to delay the market till december is not good enough and certainly not. what we would expect from a government, the judge in this area acknowledged beside me, there was no end in sight yet for the conflict and gauze that he said that at least the open here ends involving non classified information, should happen as soon as possible to them of out 0 on the still ahead on. ouch is 0. the gloves come off 4 years after the pandemic want vaccine collaboration. drug companies slug it out over a future profits and a mountain of waste couches, via in india, spewing toxic waste across the capital,
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and endangering the house of fast the the hello level its on southern once again, just around the great lakes that go this area cloud sliding out, so if i central canada down through the midwest using the east with the head of new york 18 celsius of 22. therefore they say what the weather? pushing across that northeast and cooling a cooling up in toronto. just 9 degrees celsius for custom. shala's for wednesday, just around oklahoma a little further south as well. sliding down towards the pallets of texas and those showers will ram pump will cease in the lobby. storms bay, kyle fund, re down pool is a possibility. maybe the or too late. i mixed in here as well. so looking
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a little lively winfrey weather back across the rockies and up towards the northwest is a little cold. so i little in the down side the just around washington state, the west and palms of kind of that sort of a south it as long as you drive, that's the case across the good part of mexico. the dry weather coming down into west central america. scattering the showers still some the high temperatures down towards the southern parts of central america show us the to into cuba. expand the other party, seeing the which is whether here as we go on through wednesday to make a shipping logic drive eastern positive catch is a bit away. whether if you go one through thursday and the east and the islands allows you said that the devastation bundle. dish is usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation. then leaving on
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a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapidly sinking country. because of the problem today, the rest of the work will have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land the, the the welcome back, a recap of our top stories on how to 0 tuesday march to 100 days since it's a long chase for on guy's side, with no sign of the attacks of bathing, almost half the streets population has sought refuge in rom sign. the software is there, as all me is threatening to file defensive within $34000.00 palestinians. have been killed since october. the 7th protests over the war and guys are have sprayed to
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a number of top us universities, including the columbia, mit and homage hundreds assuming something arrested since friday. the white house says it's monitoring the situation closely and protests and also being held in tennessee with pressure as mounting money as well as prime minister benjamin miss. now, relatives of captives held in gaza and their supporters tape the mouse with the message 200 days and nothing's changed. and out of wells news now tens of thousands of protesters are riling and when is iris and across knowledge in tina against government budget costs to education students and staff from $73.00 public universities have joined the marches. present having a has been slashing state spending as a country struggles with the cost of living crisis. argentina is annually. inflation currently stands at 290 percent and poverty levels. and now at 60 percent, 3 symbol has more from the march and what his tires were here in the center of one
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of the site is not far away from the presidential pilots. and there's thousands and thousands of people that have taken to the streets to defend public education in argentine. now there's fact to be sued and some stuff from over 60 public key verse to be in the country seems very early this year. the statute of the university is in one aside, as have been warning the government, but they do not have enough funds to cover their operation since taking office heavy enemy. they has not increased the funding of public universities in argentina . and this is a major concern for many of the people that are currently here. argentina has over 60 public universities in this country. they depend on the national budget. and as i said before, the budget that the financing has not increased since have yet to be late to conflict in december last year. in spite of the storing information in the country
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estimated at almost 300 for vendors in the past year relay address, the nation on monday evening, he said that the economic situation in the country, if it really didn't, because he prided himself from the budget code that he has carried out that has given argentina, the effects of budget surplus seems at 6000 a day. let's not forget that. due to congress promising to implement of terry t measures me. they said also on monday said he will continue with a child. because arguing tina right now, there's no space for gradualism because of the economic situation in the country. however, when you talk to people here and you see people here, they say that they would continue on the street defending public education, defending the right to an education and defending their future finish trouble. i just see the site is at least 5 people, including a child have died while trying to cross the english channel from france to repay the boat they were on had been carrying more than
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a 100 would be refugees and migrants. the accident happened hours after the u. k. problem in past the controversial plan to send migrants and refugees to wanda for processing harry fossett reports from london, us in the i was off to britain post a bill designed to the, to these genies for the fullest boat squared gun an action in the english channel. despite the calm conditions it already been a deadly day. at dawn, a small and sizable packed with a 112 migrants and refugees set off from this beach in front. official say it had assigned bank close to show 5 people including a young girl, died in the crush and confusion even after that the boat pressed on a 2nd said that so the $257.00 people who were in the thing he stayed on board preferred not to be rescued, they managed to start the engine again and decided to carry onto its great britain to make on the surveillance of the navy. the town smith said britain, its latest get tough legislation, notwithstanding, was responsible,
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is only big for the british of paying us stop them, but they welcome them. there is a problem at this level. i'm sorry, when they can have a bank account, they are given work without an employment contract. it's the economy in england. overnight, the british government had finally forced through controversial legislation, allowing it to begin deporting asylum seekers to rwanda. now considered by law, a safe destination to meet the act will prevent people abusing the law by using false human rights claims to blog removals. and it makes clear that you take parliament suffers. last year the supreme court derailed the government's plans by saying default, the safety and rwanda could not be guaranteed refugee charities and un buddies and now accusing britain of shaking its duties. this new legislation seriously hinders the rule of law in the u. k. and it sets a perilous precedence globally, the governing conservatives trading in the poles and seeking a vote when a head of an election likely in the autumn. and since the 1st flights tawanda will
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stop by the end of july, there are questions about the implementation of all this. the individual legal challenges against deportation that have bound to come, whether risky, so not go get his projected regular rhythm of several people. taishan flights. a month and then if he does, will they do what he's banking on? will they did tell people from making the crossings in the 1st place. the evidence of his 1st day since the bill passed? is it the motivation to get to britain is sofa undimmed, despite the dangers of these genies and the fright of deportation at the other end? how ruthless it, i'll just be around london. and back in 2020 in the race to create a vaccine for cove and 19 many drug companies said they wouldn't pursue legal battles with their rivals in the interest of getting shots out to the world or 4 years later. that's all changed and all sorts of a who discovered what have begun the us. so i'm a sort of coal company madana, assuming german drug, make a biotech in london. sy court calling. baker has more on what's at stake. many of
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the concepts that made coping 19 vaccines possible were around long before 2020. but 3 innovations that year helped develop the drugs for decades, scientists wanted to make a new class of vaccine that we use short length of genetic code instead of bits of inactive virus, messenger r, and they are so called m r. and a would trick the body to make pieces of a virus which would then teach the immune system to defeat it. such a vaccine would be accurate, adjustable and safe. but early versions produced allergic reactions find just realized that could be avoided by replacing one chemical with another. it was the discovery that with later when a nobel prize, both modernity and fines or biotech licensed. that was step one, but i'm renee is fragile and it falls apart easily. so the companies built tiny capitals of step molecules to deliver that was step 2. they then have to choose the best part of the coping 19 virus to target. and me during i had researched another
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respiratory disease called mergers and they identified the spike protein which grabs onto human cells. they say pfizer biotech copied that approach to both companies deny any wrong doing and save their discoveries, come from their own research. mcdonough says it doesn't want to stop phases. vaccine once royalties from shots that were sold in wealthy countries after march 2022. and that's potentially a lot of money. both companies cope in 19 jobs are sold for more than $100.00 per dose. 5 users generated nearly $38000000000.00 in 2022 and $11000000000.00 the following year in the same period. but during those generated $18000000000.00 annually, $7000000000.00. the next the players are working said field, of course they're working based on the same state of the art. so i'll just say the documents articles, and then at some point they may come up with some of the technology. and then it's
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the question, who has a file for the 1st, who has the ip and is able to enforce, is as low as that against others. one of the big future targets of m r and a vaccine technology is a vaccine for the flu. a market that's expected to more than double. over the next decade. charlie angela has more from the high court in london on the battle between pfizer and madonna. as the case has opened in london, the 1st part will focus on the technical aspects of the patient. the 2nd part is focused on a promise that was made and that is quite unusual in the world of patients investigation in 2020, when the world was anxious to be waiting for a coated 19 vaccine in pharma companies are rushing to produce one magenta pledge to waive any rights defeats investigation saying that the priority was to find the companies to deliver the vaccine to the well, not to make money in march 2022 when it was obvious that size it by own tex
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vaccines was going to far out strip the done is in terms of sales, done amends is that pledge and it's for us to this period that they are seeking damages. now it's expected in this trial, that size of biotech will argue that considering the wealth, how stupid noise ation didn't declared the end to the global health emergency until march 2023 medina had no right to amends that pledge when it did and that will cannot seats damages this trial is expected to run for the next 20 days, and we can expect a verdict in mid may and well, it is obviously a legal battle. it is in many ways possible. it's about recognizing which company will be the lead to an m o n a technology going forward, which will be even more lucrative in the future. try to on to that, out is there a giant landfill on the outskirts of india's capital has caught fire unleashing a toxic cloud of smoke across new delhi. and why local authorities say they've
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managed to contain the blaze? it's a smoke that is raising growing house concerns hash in mind. the buyer has the details . one of indiana's largest mountains of rubbish is on fire. the landfill is the size of 40 football fields and the 65 meters tools. it's called fly on sunday, as temperatures for a pharmacy say the blaze is now under control. but the residents in densely populated areas of new delhi concerned about its toxic clouds of smoke. the rise of building and none of us are able to step out of the houses, the condition is so bad that children end up crying. this isn't the 1st time a landfill has cooled fire during a heat wave and the thick layer of smoke is causing breathing problems which we use 10 to 12 extinguishes and the situation is now under control of smoke issue will also be result soon. the landfills reach capacity in 2002,
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yet waste has continued to bile up polluting via and putting people lives in danger of pharmacies and the mounting pressure to find a permanent solution to india as waste problems in the gas, i'm going to use the landfills produce gas which induced as fire, but any kind of what metal or what waste, which has been suppressed for too long, has the potential to generate sheets, which in turn leads to fuming gas that causes fire to break out. the routing bahati a genetic policies dispensing itself from the crisis. blaming the states lead to was counting j. indian cities done more than $60000000.00 tons of waste each year environment of this war and of a national capacitor. we have, the situation remains, are resolved. i should mind, but entre 0 the latest rhonda view and.


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