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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 2:31am-3:01am AST

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go see sions on a tree to control plastic production in canada is underway, and canada campaign is say, plastic is choking upon a tent or calling for a world wide band on all single use item such as straws cops, bottles and bags. indonesia is one of the world worst plastic polluters. jessica washington reports from an overflowing landfill site. south of jakarta. indonesia is one of the wills at top contributors of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons of plastic waste each year. and it's at locations like went in default on the outskirts of dakota, where you can see the scales of what environmental groups, quote, a plastic waste crisis in indonesia, by the time board. so the prospect of the so much plastic waste here. you can find all kinds of plastic. oh, plastic bags and others. you can see those in the piles up the days of being here for many years. i know what you're looking at now is not a landfill,
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but rather overflow from the nearby to buy a landfill. now the garbage that has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. and then this is just one of many landfills around the country that have reached or exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. the most common plastic pollution in indonesia are single use sashes, which environmental groups say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making these and such as reducing marine plastic waste and also promoting recycling among many communities. indonesia has also expressed support for the global plastics, tracy, which is being discussed in canada this week. it has also expressed its views that some countries may need it technological and financial support to ensure the smooth,
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the implementation of such an agreement. jessica washington, which is 0 demo indonesia, and that is in use or not on al jazeera to stay with us. i'll be back with more world headlines right after the documentary dying. stay with us on the the same day shift is delivered over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the
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the quest to be to, to of find, to months the among them to guy she asked me to, to do a good funds to talk to us toward isaac government
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and that's what i'm going to talk then tucked across the street. this is actors who to require even in on to into boy e to find you can get a stain on it. close to the i mean television perfectly. so would you not get the economic stuff month that way she can the boys today. she got them like the winds in springfield and beach by the category 5 bottles to west to me and wrapped from the climate change perspective. almost every climate came back from flooding. the site loans for droughts,
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it barks the bundle of dish and effect millions of people in the ditch and hands bundle dishes, usually in the top 5 countries as the most vulnerable country in the world. bangladesh has the largest delta in the world at the mouth of the highest mountains of the world. so we are in a very geographically and a very vulnerable position. though it seems sheltered. we are at the brunt of the psych loans and the floods, the one of the major consequences of human induced climate change if it continues at the rate it is going on. now is that many, many people around the world living in very vulnerable areas will become displaced . they would simply not be able to move where they're leaving the
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voice to and thoughts her voice, shut it up and see them perform calla quoting, see in go. so i'm going to see my mother. see, i'm ok. see barnett boy showed according to audrey to talk home, daughter i to the funny one, know it all funny. i've and even when it all body to a letter, i don't acknowledge you by the, to the revised quote i should of the by 2050. there will be, you know, 260000000 people who will be displaced due to climate change. but think of
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funded this, the data that we have $19000000.00 will be displaced alone, being by living around 2000 people every 24 hours arriving in taca city by foot by cycle by which up by the bus, by boat and the disappeared into december. so we have more than $200.00 slums in tucker city. and unfortunately, the limits of the human body, which is in the high 40 degrees centigrade or 50 degrees centigrade, are being reached. those who would like to work, they will have to come to tech. what they're facing, it's a big gate is leaving and precarious. looked at this if you look at tucker city, now it's unbelievable
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the shop outside of and t. why that disagree, but it's nationwide, but ty cardboard or to get in the the do you do that by you do dash and i get bought it. i land stay. they show up on the block. i'm 20 the for mission to find the n e y. gosh,
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who to go to avalon? same day. i'm not going to cost security. how much it costs? very low quality carfax, the guy i ever just need to know about, gosh, 2 degree i buy stuff is actually i shouldn't, but i'll try to put another that'll be the shop guys hiding costs. good. i can shop those. had been cost cutting, the mazda was running my line, god going to protect you from the us. clear to all imagine was we want to cause is to of them those who to levels quote, to buy a car. thank you. just one. i'm calling to the blue light, the one on my left leg. i need the
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just one. i'm kindly they don't do the minus. did they keys? good day? they'll come out on a cup, but i need that extra monday to but the, the, i'm gonna get, i'm gonna let him do it has a on a quest about this. so i guess good, i'm good, gosh, go down. what i'm because to go to show a goes to a the, whether they are internally displaced, people difficult, or refugees going across international borders are not recognized. display mach microns of climate refugees by the law. in bangladesh,
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what you're trying to do is to give them recognition as people who are being displaced by climate change and providing them with some assistance to dealing with the displacement, the middle of push to do. but let me see if i could think of that, what i guess couldn't say let about that i'm gonna have as good as it last night.
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the body is only kept them destroyed. well, no, the one that the toilet them on. uh, why is your address at the front desk with the uh is this, is that i send them to that in by monday. so didn't that ring and by day is it them, the part is no different. this is arlene is, are, would need maybe since bought them the show and like decision at the law not. and they need a deposit of i am going to do sort of income, right. but there's also 2 of them that the siding can do another federal knife pen can and cannot directly from the sort of us it didn't even was it gonna put us to the group cut up?
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it won't let it pass. the cool, dullest sized by the body, but on hold on this part by the usa automatically to the door. look at it. the guy most of us could, well i knew because the class, but i'm on that a and doing it in the god about. another thing is just i'm not tacit to otherwise. i'll be that the we use to get super psych loans in the past decade said king james of thousands of people, sometimes hundreds of thousands. that doesn't happen. and we've had super sight loans in the last few years with the debt store. it's been less than a 100 we have the best, the best site loan warning protection system in the for what we know by the minute we're there. we can warn about half
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a 1000000 people living in the cost of the so and we have tens of thousands of shelters around. cool, so they lose their lives. but they don't understand. i sent you the televisions out as to why more now is in the little lunch and we'll go get wiley is our gosh, this is chad young with a lot of our reports to times as industry that of course a condo was, i dont, buddy. so i sense in that as i shall have issues hard to do, i get up to do the transaction. right. i'm going to, we can look big as well as a condo unusual. look on the back, but it hasn't been detected. that's had it is a and e is a mother's head into using the, this is a country that you're fighting for every square inch of land. every one to stream
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in. what? because c, d r dogs, they just community initiated disaster risk reduction. they are taught how, how to deal with disaster in the navy and disaster. we come. so we'll get to be prepared for the, the people along the should have known about climate change for will over a decade. we have not been sitting idle. we have been figuring out what is going to do, which parts of the country are most likely to be impacted which parts of the population of going to be impacted. but the bottom of the issue is the land of solutions for climate change, not just the land of lever but people. so we are well on the way to finding ways to
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deal with the impacts of climate change is to cause a lot of harm. but we are finding solutions to that the the the the do to go over so we're not going to proceed. got to do. i did what kind of going on on it and do people milligram a digit?
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the current. what kind of de brewster or they're gonna, we're gonna, we're just going to cover them up by now. she gets to the corner. so like the do you have any kind of an amount of adaptations and you should because they're leaving on a freedom just life and death, which is like a very to 9 and they was dig what it was said. you shouldn't comes to depth and make the best the, or the,
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the, the, the, the, the team a, she's, you know that to get through the cycling. they needed the body to the other. the know that the kids are going easy. so going to the new, the new model. mm. trunk it down to the devil to go through 3 of them. i can go to them. no, no, no, don't let me am. i can go to the wrong because of the amount of shit of audio name. cuz they are showing it to like the dentist, you could well, normally, dixie, these are showing whether they came on solution to because it is in the future. but if there's, if somebody who has to know the version of windows, it should be able to give me. i want to keep it. there was nothing about it almost . i wasn't, i like, how would you mind one because it has already tied with the
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dizzy disorder. susanna, and yours are the, you know, the sort of the ones that are already taken out of the home of the. so it goes into the, with the bus that goes out. those are the so what it is, and these items are the pros. you knew these with the $10.00, but there's no the coverage. all right, so you are moody who is your name because or should go through? you're gonna find you if you ever and i, what about a little decided to the movement of these orders is so the, the, in me a very important we have to work with that because the other ones left behind the
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other replace of the active bowen and i think this is, this is part of understanding the community listening to the people hearing what the fee and also deeply listening to what the don't. because in the don't say is a be individually to follow or if a woman is strong. but how does that reflect? how can you utilize this if you do not have the black hole in the so the word needs to be done holistically. and the work needs to be done with the women to get because then the
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many of them don't want the doing with the organization the last much located around the screen $1000000000.00 of our own money to tackle climate change . knowing the country is doing anything near that. so we are way ahead of the rest of the world in terms of trying to figure out how to deal with the problem. because we have the problem today. the rest of the world, particularly the rich world, when have it tomorrow and day after tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us ultimately with the problem are the
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are the, the showing the bucket, spend a nip on the are facing climate change as individual countries but then again, solution lies in global movement. so we have to globalize our issues so that solutions are negotiating at global living. and in such negotiation, it is important that the men have their voice. children have their voice on the main domain name that solutions. we only partially solve the problem, the
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revisions i should, i vision in the and the quest take on the, the model of the product you the event, the go to manage, request time for sort of cost a lot of others. they turned hands. and additionally, char, from us in the past sunday, the key call will keep auto da 0, decided we should the sale in the door to see what we should go to. what did a quarter pay though? the
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then you start to, to any, to a different place. you do have certain emotion. the battery is which you have to really overcome. they do go through the sense sofa losing your belong, d, the and the poor. you are not only are you ignored, you don't have this trend. you don't have the confidence of being able to restock lice. the if you work with my groups, you will find that they don't want the force to say not all heading for you, or they want to stay where they are living and continue to be to stay where they're leaving or near,
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where they with the don't have the time the what do they care? what the best way to come come later is good. i do know how you do. i'm lucky for them. on the minutes of uh to the 1000 animals and the measure and having the chick throughout issue for the customer quite a bit. i'm gonna lose it and ask them for that. in addition to some of the that nothing was shut the time. no problem. what are some items we had?
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what do they tell me that it was shut that i sent on there friday was at the same time as a cut that i never do the same done. so then how do i see the progress on the, on the, the last time it coordinated cuz i was up with a new shot the, the bullshit that seemed a little bit slow today. bomb who you told me you will be getting the dr. young
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card, but i did i alone and carla w. bush 2, i know i'm a god does a toy. excellent. i love for shopping money. excellent. now let's go to bring it in late. the next couple of hours to the unit. we've covered the needs it needed that i will be doing the
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the 5 to 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the outer a big language world wide shaped. come out of ward for translation and international understanding. unknown. see is the opening of the nomination period
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for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the 200 days of war. israel shows no sign of ending the devastation of gaza as more people are killed across the street. the vouchers here alive from dell housing for the back table also ahead police in the us arrest dozens of students as protests against the war on guys. i got a scene at universities across the country.


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