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tv   Witness Dead Lakes Alive  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 6:30am-7:00am AST

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a and refill essentially trying to transition us to a kind of safe and more secular economy would be an ultimate goal of the treaty. and that's really at the core of how the treaty is being designed at the moment. but not everybody agrees. plastics and made from petra, chemicals and oil and gas exporters attending the tools. say we should focus more on recycling and eliminating waste than could be production and looks at to be a bruising week of negotiations in the effort to clean up plastic pollution before we head to the final round of talks in november a dr gland for on the outskirts of india's capital has caught fire, releasing a toxic cloud of smoke across new denny. i shall know who bought our reports. one of indiana's largest mountains of rubbish is on fire. the landfill is the size of 40 football fields and the 65 meters to it's called fly on sunday. as temperatures for pharmacies say the blaze is now under control.
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but the residents in densely populated areas of new delhi concerned about it's toxic, loud of smoke. the rise of building and none of us are able to step out of the houses. the condition is so bad that children ends up crying. this isn't the 1st time a landfill has cooled fire during a heat wave, and the thick layer of smoke is causing breathing problems which we use 10 to 12 extinguishes and the situation is now under control. smoke issue will also be result soon. the landfill reached capacity in 2002, yet waste has continued to bile up polluting via and putting people lives in danger . as a pharmacies are on the mounting pressure to find a permanent solution to india as waste problems. in the gas, i'm going to the the landfills produce gas which induced as fire, but any kind of what metal or what waste, which has been suppressed for too long,
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has the potential to generate sheet, which in turn leads to fuming gas that causes fire to break out the routing, bahati of jeanette apologies, dispensing itself from the crisis planning the states lead to was counting j. indian cities done more than $60000000.00 tons of waste each year environment of this war and of a national capacitor. if we, if this situation remains, are resolved. ashley, my apologies here. so that's, that's a man, as it was put on him, witness is coming up. next. the knowledge is with
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the value is that lake city, you know, it was mixed. it did not know those. so many legs to be buddies, be as destroyed. we have a huge water crisis, one sites. another phase who's pollution because that brings us these, whose population. and on the 1st couple quick updates from bank a little with dense, smoke continues to cloud, the billing to lick and the city offices of 5 who called yesterday it's known for it's a toxic pollutants. and full of clothes on the adjoining buddha now has become the common currency, the lake on fire, plains, reading on the
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see if you see league city league there are a lot of interest in implants, sewage on the phone, all the coloring and dating plants. so many others, we did it with them leaving it is what we agreed quickly. we should not just to do a visual vision at ritual change. we should not blame anyone like governments or anything you. it's like me, god puts, i don't think this didn't really put as much as you would, your drive and sweep, you know, each other. we should bring up to governments that we want dyslexia. we want to change the
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size, those within the uh, but it gets you gotta think of it. don't, you know, if we've got to get to the live on site that you do now i'm back. i'm going to look in and look at her. yeah. and the daughter was allowed. oh, who loves us? i don't know. i was wondering what is the now we got a lot and you that i like the color, my yellow, the one thought i would love it isn't even the bill. i don't want to do that. and then our love the armoire, do our during the summer. and i mean, i'm the person the, you know, the one the i'm going to you the body. the 2nd one will be in the collision. right? yeah. go, are you the little button?
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yeah, a lot of on the oh yeah, i'm getting the on the yeah them stuff work much better margot. yeah. i big movie and mark people in the lot number was you guy, you can uh for the you can get a little while ago, but what all you got from the new minutes. what are some of the user then go to that you can get it doesn't here though you got the new test you'll see on this list. pin number on the completely does and there's like there's real life and it's you got a lot. i the like i got one that's i've done that. so this leg got to be solved right here. the 1st step is like a full of gun page building the dump into another thing is that we, i think the p s. i'm clean. i know that it was all this way, just the
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last 3 for the i all did you know the thing like that are lot of people, you know, there is you netflix, you know, various method my method these like we have the cleaning good. we have good thing, what do i go ahead and give us a date for that? all 3 of us will be the just, if we don't the fill up basically what's the new address? there is no life. there is no economic environment going up. city will become a doodle address is the, it's by no. okay, so much thank you so much for that in writing. and so now i'm going to show you a quick me, and i'm going to share you. my presentation site is
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a 2016. i spent more time on research studying abroad lakes, wasting lakes consulting experts and meeting google, google, and youtube bava and all these things. i use them. and 2017. i did one leg 36, it goes 2018. i did one link and i got 201992 looks like 16 and 3. it goes to $1020.00 o already in our completion to is up for links and another 2 legs. i'm working on it this year. i know 6 next. so all the dream is $41.00 expect on 20. if i know not jim on possible licks, we want to do a unit and we wanted to have my surplus watching my country, my nation. that is the dream. no, thank you. you don't lose the job isn't martin is here that no help isn't martin period. not all
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day when laura holland, when he's at up in the summer, but the family and so forth. margaret in it all the good luck. is there any challenging, like getting up going from the appropriate authorities, designing them, getting the funds and then getting a deposit and next to follow those, what they want to do next i was united. i'm expecting georgias means to get filled up those links to the biggest challenging if likes to be able to do an attack. if there is no more test, nobody we can follow to these kind of things. the last one, no one is the holidays we are watching. yes. on this lick. all we are doing are the
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same thing currently. so while you defining more of this lick, we can now one cause it, well, why do we have our drawings and a huge one. he has been invested here and we all about like this. the only one was about all the tax and to jersey based on from the labels continuously. we are working on high pressure to use that i need to probably to complete this by the name to this. like we already know me. definitely just august or september, october the with our huge things. so i don't want to miss that off. i don't think the clothes. oh no, no, no. really label. you can have a drug as low as well,
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and i usually want to go for 5 months and get them within the owner. i can put somebody in law. i'm fixing are they still get really there? what does it do? my legal letter. it says, yeah, they feel is more of a drop box. one of the, the lot is a nickel is you can indeed legal of actually lick supposed to be like want her body is supposed to be on somebody. it does not mean that we will up and make a big deposit into closing the lake. i don't think it is. it goes, it goes up tomorrow. it can become big complication. so you can go those are i live. i still find that very good one in the news on the over the gold and all the all the lines are down. one of them giving money all ok. they're giving me a pleasure to get but not in the cost of wonder colors are going to baby to the like. so i in the system that i built them doesn't know,
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i'm ready. it's going to be far as the one place that, that one of the ones that have to meet all your units that are, you know, i'm going to give them we talked about how the new a back on monday. and then even when the global, your front, the, i get those in the, in 1000, they would order their new or back of the if you can at the point that we can see is it get it a little peg. oh, the make single where you don't get me for the the 1st one of which i do the most. i've been caustic area. no replied to a segregate. we don't possible so such everything yeah, in this and we are feeling good this. we put the one letter of that one plan,
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so i wonder if that one last time for that is not to expose those unless there is no close to a month that you start like large off the legs. i those, those things are people a lot of goodness to me, this is that is of ongoing put designs on different non technical don't. what uh, the thousands of got use the risk jump in very lose you. how do we lose you? how you doing to understand that? i always have to get another no, i use it. the other one that is the only thing that is a fact to say and for this it goes, i have to compromise when they got the davis end of them using their legs. and all the samples belongs to the gun and it
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is a hi. is this to demolition what we were lot set back because what is it? why is that? is this k montgomery and be does i know they've got to be some religion that anything can happen. we don't know actually as of now, what would in course meant that clear, you man named lexa. if we have not broken any templates on anything, it is a 1st phenomena. i also don't have any experience about it. maybe people may go and greet people may go upset, and not only that you've missed off my project. all the, you know, we ended up having a discussion with the local community at all levels spoken with them. i, we told them that this is going to be done with this model or what's know, in terms of these ice, we have taking this land back i, if you can, once the lot of what does is that instead, what does i'm there,
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bring all the legal activities even to go for the simple they used to use for the legal activities. well, you said the reason you brought to see like a 4 box of the day is this all the stuff wasn't worth it. that is that okay. let me look. oh wow. when it comes to mix, you have to be for like happy man, humbly man, you know, saying don't the retail on time. what there was situation required to be how to change. and we have to act on to see that, you know, gang started for gas, that we should become a gang stuff then will it be clear, the,
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the right thing. but the model is the model of the wonderful the bundle, like it will not be all right, but the point does, you know, no i, you know, i but even a lot the just even the stuff with money today. little non amazing guys. no later, no, nothing was the other day. you have the you know. right. yeah. yeah. with the,
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with the mortgage in there somewhere around corporate care, the quarter. that's the no, no, not a problem. not or not on the law. i won't be in tomorrow to 3rd part of the day. i wouldn't. oh no, no, no, no. yeah, no, no. the numbers are within the give them a little huh. yeah, i just want to know, i thought you said a lot in doing the credit card on the 19th shown on when would you like me to come over to you one point dental. okay. the, the internet did not get outlook on the lot. got you one that did that. oh yea. yeah. there are no gaudy. ah, yeah. we added the month to month. right?
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yeah. i don't knock a gym to what's gonna then wouldn't bundle deluxe. and when i looked into and collect the service and maybe not conflict with ring, what's on us, easy way is the rest of the car to the point. it's acting like a move to act. any stairs, or government deluxe, certain thrill unit sooner than the agents in the skip was to do that in their mind . but it, so what some, i don't know, i gotta be through is just in the, you know, look at a school, i was gonna get a little blue book a couple months ago. think modern and new edition and gloves going to go to school . and then again, i'm going to do now when i, you know, when i'm, you know, yeah, and the name of the mother that can be the you what the yellow bucks, what the short you can barely short the company that you what the mileage and again you want to get killed psyched then, and now it's a model on the more than
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a lot. so surely. and you get a good day that my lab on the needed one that i need one. the other thing, the more thing that they thought i didn't want them but, but there, but not for them that maybe they act based on that one does a lot of the late it get it done up and find them on a minute. need to kind of that might have been the last it's not there like a one man show help and deal people with the one in very good you nation until this aborted, they helped me. there was standing with me in all the aspect subsequently did take it off this thing. i vision in addition to yes, back to the of the people who is backing me up is why like the last 2 years. you know this nic assistant. the
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does the or you can say whether it's but on the other to the other day, i thought you're going to give you a are doing better i'm doing, but the late getting better. i'm getting the, i'm just plain go to have to be as not doing with the bad intentions. we're not doing with the anything that the hopefully to the you know, who the speciality. we are doing it because this temple is not late and there is no start unit. there is no unique, full size happening because of that, i'm done with this and you. so you have to you me power. you also left me. i'm
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doing cause me because that is you because of the 10 minutes i'm not getting it, but i'm not gonna be able to close to a check. so i got that. usually i've had them all know they would have definitely got the the,
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the, the i'm not afraid of. i'm not upset because i'm not doing anything. my player got confirmed with them. i'm done one of the thing. it's all more do them to do to them. i just bought it in time for the very last, already one. when i'm using the soviet know why i put some of the do more to make another to do more because then
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what is the bill up and close it up next to this one thing you see, god, nature is one on and off really quick to the normal investment normal in the name of god, knowing that and with that and can. ready we are doing today, nature switch out, all the gods. we are playing them that please fill up the slick using what that would work. we have done the need to walk up and dealing with there is no full for the, there is no value for this. lik, there is no value part of my work. i mean, as i'm saying, is that good money? yeah,
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nobody can fill up the like only we can construct the nick, we can the grid this took to only nick feeling jobbies made to so i see september and october will fill up the slick and once it gets pulled up the next 3 to 4 years i don't have any way to the
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re news. my life really is live life. i mean the connect each of the different awesome, very happy the
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get you got to open the shop. that's what you want to know. do you? nobody does that. you'll notice the are you doing good? i'm good. i like the man of your local. are you able to do this? but if i you the ones we don't know i'm old. i don't know what to say the figured out of the explain to me how to explain what reason why i taught the gave me not just the only 3 dates. well why? because i didn't know what bill is going to be help 6 feet then next month. to no problem 5, you know,
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like i'm just going to the judge, father, all ecology, and then not be much the person and, but collision because of desktop do what does this lake water holding capacity instead of about 11 like 50000 cubic metropolis, which can cat does more than those so when do you really just bored? was no which can you not be the main source of drinking water? so i don't think the place that is way in those guys and the very much connected with with that me just because no we what card we switch these to get to be fight. we to dig lot of calculated risk. but the end of the day, this is be, these are the,
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in a post colonial with this cause of european imperialism. run the nowhere more. so then in the democratic republic of congo, wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial. yet instant insights through the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriarch committed to come under a witness present. this is come, go on a jersey the these cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person yourself in that person. shares so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women and my country
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deadlocks we want. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are false. that's our officers claim that has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear. devastation bundle dishes, usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation. then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid lease thinking country. we have the problem today. the rest of the work will have it tomorrow and they will have to learn from us,
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which is here is new series dying of life before land. the $200.00 days of israel shows no sign of ending the devastation of gaza. as more people are killed across the street, the head of the problem in this is alex is the one live from doha, is coming up, protest, partridge, universities across the us against the wall and gaza added solidarity with students arrested at columbia university. the us senate gives a final approval for a 90.


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