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tv   Dystopia of Seoul  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 8:30am-9:01am AST

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is causing breathing problems which we use $10.00 to $12.00 extinguishes and the situation is now under control of smoke issue will also be result soon. the landfill reached capacity in 2002, yet waste has continued to bile up polluting via and putting people lives in danger of pharmacies and the mounting pressure to find a permanent solution to india is waste problems in the gas. i'm going to the the landfills produced gas, which induced as fire, and you kind of what metal or what waste, which has been suppressed for too long, has the potential to generate sheets, which in turn leads to a fuming gas that causes fire to break out. the routing bahati of jeanette apologies, dispensing itself from the crisis planning the states lead to was counting j. indian cities done more than $60000000.00 tons of waste each year environment of this war and of a national capacitor. if we, if the situation remains are resolved,
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i should mind mulanda 0. the latest round of you and negotiations on a trade he's a control. plastic production is on the way and canada campaign to say plastic is choking our planet and the cooling for a wild one. battle eagle single use item such as straws cops, bottles and bags. indonesia as one of the wills worst, plastic produces jessica washington reports from an overflowing landfill sites. south of jakarta. indonesia is one of the wills that talk contributors of plastic waste, accounting for around $7800000.00 tons of plastic waste each year. and it's at locations like width in depth. ok on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scales of what environmental groups, quote, a plastic waste crisis in engine asia. bring up some photos of the color, plastic either so much plastic waste here. you can find all kinds of plastic, oh,
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plastic bags and others. you can see those in the piles of the days of being here for many years. i know what you're looking at now is not a landfill, but of all the overflow from the nearby to buy a landfill. now the garbage that has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. and then this is just one of many landfills around the country that have reached or exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. the most common plastic pollution in indonesia are single use sashes, which environmental group say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and also promoting recycling among many communities. indonesia has also expressed support for the global plastics, tracy, which is being discussed in canada this week. it has also expressed its views that
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some countries may need it technological and financial support to ensure the smooth implementation of such an agreement. jessica washington, which is 0 demo. indonesia. the sophia of soul is coming up next. the hall choose solutions that gives us know for a future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number. think about it as a person yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life and at least in my life, those stages we want we want to operate because the women and my country, they're not sweet to us. we are not denies all of who we are. a few men being done,
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deserves to be treated in the footsteps. our ancestors, whatever has been done before, can be done even better as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see, the vision is keywords you to the this is a part of the 4 seasons. a famous piece of music composed by antonio. it'd be faulty 300 years ago. the book today, people are starting to wonder if our spring summer autumn and winter will continue to exist because of climate change is how grateful for to who knows you give helpful. but will you put means your and toting to coding, to go to
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a little cool and i'm not on speakerphone. don't want me on what can convince you can go to them and i took the toyota on his own. it'll warning you say song one journey off was on points. you go buttons, he's on, you can go to one meter on which he'll climate scientists are studying, whether we're reaching a tipping point, which will change or seasons forever. but this film is about a different unusual exercise. combining the vault is famous music with weather data and expressing climate change in musical form for different parts of the world. 2 the
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the on to and you'll be ball the, the pick, the screen in an update the way the flowing streams and 1st song at a time when the seasons were predictable. the, [000:00:00;00] the, this is how artificial intelligence has recompose to be valid. this spring in a much less positive version of the 4 seasons. 2 by just how good and then to go month was only doing then because of people turn it on to create it can go back to god that are going to cut on yours was that he minus all to tell you so. so i'm
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gonna go somewhere little bit opening up. i know i'll be able to take i agree, and that's how can you tell me what you know say so wait a minute, i'm going to test tables and today i'm hoping i need the the we've all the compose the 4 seasons for only stream instruments a hey, i has recompose the 4 movements using common data projected for the year 2050 and has added percussion and bras instruments. lucky what did you find to use? how can that kind of code a catch or to turn it on? let me type it. all right, that was on the think of it in the day people who are able to and then click on the homepage will go headphone back will have good thing going to talk about in the past. the new
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a i versions include one for the south korean capital solar total cobra total says they could take a single comes on that because according to count got some modal conduct. similar to this to do, we get law gauge when the shape of the home, say the reviews home with a was a high 6 to 0 to coming up with a cone community till some intricate cool. yeah, this is an issue that is important to me and course i'm very all as excited to play with the with young on 10 in finance team dealing with that even to young is a talented korean violinist and will be the solo is in the performance of the soul 2054 seasons. tom deals with that one to go and get it done. one could time the whole thing. all right, and then we have man, like you and just the little hectic room runs along when she gets them, when they all think they pay
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a part of the musical score a compose by a i is called the on certain 4 seasons the project to recompose it brought together data scientists, composers, developers, and musicians. you put the cable in, the little tentative, easy going on a few by the going, this has to do with a thought of the plan. so you can you tell what's going on it, it's going to put you on the pass, can put it into the the project, use climate modeling data from the into governmental panel on climate change, or worst case scenario are the same as having. so has to be a window finally on the take on a window to when it comes,
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we'll use cable coupon i the by the english. so you tell you, tell you as you go hello by the project for it. use different versions for 14 separate locations, including venice. the mall, these south hollow, brennan, cape town, and solar. using each cities projected climate situation. pay touch home by stepped in in it the low low i'm dying of the sun is going on and window at times. the thought of having to be thought of, i'm probably within the eclipse and it has the money to me to live on the with the same. i did something with the putting go knowledge on it. so people to m. k told her lunch on jekyll custodial. we me both does happen and it, good to me. it comes with the english to comes way down the list and it became probably that, that it would the wheel on. i think h always, you know, either to cut them in your signature isn't that isn't much and talk to me of how come talk when uh to mind less. and then the data scientist realized that the
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damage to different countries was not necessarily in proportion to their greenhouse gas emissions. take all my spinning by side, and i got some gift tickets cutting out to go with them. and a hunting of duties had done crew and how one could pass with them when they sometimes taken hold on. cool. good ending woods on the hill comes with the people in town. well, are you coming to town? i guess i went through my job was the car, the one done meal cutting, you know the guitar super going to me on the not get them when the owner has to go, but not a cruise on. so i think the 33 korean positions from different groups came together to form of project orchestra to play the on certain 4 seasons composed by a i 1st holy the base started rehearsing for performance plan for september 2022.
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the spring in the fall of this person is bright and energetic. but the 2050 a version is very different. and this orient teaching position. the building also thinking monday, sunday to everybody is i wanna know how long it took on you. what did i find that i needed to quote, the go over again? sound good and then pulled it up and now come into google to do more to get the hang on it. get kind of get like a difficult to the temple you'll probably get to get us getting them back for the night is for it. yeah, so basically, yeah, that's fine. yeah, yeah, 90 percent of the again. and again, i know this is weird, this music's feels weird, but like, i think we still decide, i think like,
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play like one musically i think for like the 1st minute wayne mean less concert master just yeah. i think, yeah, we can just make what freezing, you know, all the, all the, you know, musical things. so apply. okay. maybe the felt like alien music. i felt like something from another planet because you can think she killed or choose how to cool. uh huh. it's always been a really to a point on this and then to understand why those for 2050 version of spring is so down beat. you have to look at korea
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industrial history. the republic of korea is the world 10 largest economy today. it was built during a period of profit growth in the 2nd half of the 20th century centers, also known as the miracle on the 100 river of the. but it was based on the large scale use of fossil fuels, which emitted large quantities of greenhouse gases. when an agreement to reduce greenhouse gas was concluded in killed to japan, in 1997, korea was excluded us. it was considered a developing country level to try me too, because you're probably on the way to, to who don't want to visit those 150. the want also to, to still not on to the tires on a lot of the, on your old as want to reschedule. so many of the 1200 will include on it chasing in which you can put it off and leaving a little closer to where you don't know carolina's calling. so what do you all push
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a button on the call gets a bottle and get you going to get a hold of somebody at all because that's what we should think of causing. is it chasing english? well, how young the iep? because i'm not doing a lot of, i mean we need one point is gonna deal with a c q armstrong at all. why don't you lose weight? goes is going to lie there, which a little floating on your on, on the shirts, on the inquiry as john coronado electric incoming wisdom, he thought a wonderful show solo violinist m g o one of to know more about korea, greenhouse gas emissions. so she met 20 times from the presidential commission on 2015 cardboard. and the charlie the they met at the solar power plants built in 1913 if you still use cold, but it's now converted to liquefied natural gas l n g. the south korea still mainly generates electricity by
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conventional thermal means pulling it out until she got was it? it goes to pitcher they want. what do you know that you have them on sure. putting them them, causing us to get them in there. the curious greenhouse gas emissions rules in line with the growth of the economy toward the down unit, which one month funds on the traveling. the bill always goes visually had. another thing to do is when you move, we don't run on it in terms of equation number to assume something on the one x, x present computers the with souls, greenhouse gas emissions, sol high, the certain for season sounds very different from the policy the orchestra was ready for the concert performance. april to fit
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a length, a tall, fail on taking on the circle, looking down, creating gum and what they did, cuz it's different. and i didn't know that often hold on for the trouble always to ended up the last to no one quite knew how the audience would react to the new version. the key. i'm going to email you 0. thank
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you that i mean go the project orchestra 1st. perform the on certain 4 seasons in september 2022 the but the summer it was a terrible time for whether in sol as the effects of climate change hits south korea unexpectedly hard. the, the, the torrential rains cause heavy floating across the city on the 8th of august, 4th, and especially the wealthy come them, district experience is highest when full for 80 years
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over $100.00 millimeters of rain per our records it in some areas some reports say us many of 19 people were killed. $3000.00 vehicles were flooded and the damage was estimated to have costs around a $100000000.00 us dollars. and you guys are getting as long as your folder is full number on the punch it is on how to throw on it. somebody possibly be immediate or what home tumor and people need a full blown go should on calling for the own bull and the pets hushing me. the don't the one data, of course quicker the, the chance this aware that this kind of major natural disaster will be more frequent in the future. st. jude telling you it doesn't saying this isn't good and you've done triples and turned it on you to assemble in your unit or
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putting you and help you out and build them up. total weights on monday either was or i'll get them it. yeah, ship to top post and this is going to be on the 3rd question for all the people with what is all to you to clean detail as young men cause i'm to jo town going to announce hobbled on because your logo get the mail from you you may assume eagle hans high school send to them because i'm going to get a quote that over with sale. come on, come, you know kind of vehicle. they just took what you thought i one wish do you wish a customer humble. now get the unit when she goes the material that you got and couldn't hear the music and i might get them tons of what about when he got kind of on eat off also? sonya coming. so really what do you like to on that kind of? so he pulled the double cable space and made on the less than a month later. another climate disaster stopped korea. typhon he num, nor chief the whole of the south east asia region in late august and saturday,
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the korean peninsula for 3 days in early september, the relentless rain caused flooding 2 dangerous levels. again, what did that i've been going and younger followed and then i didn't get any day or to go and none of i thought you might. if i came in this spot to point out what to do and then hung don't up phone to play during the 13 guy single. come to the scene, go to kaiser court and you know, i said no, no, no, that sounds good. i guess i me on, come on, come here, i'm here. it's all take it all my most between giga, somebody, i'll get into the puddled ching, by the studio. tiffany english one, and there's a one unit on posterior and i'll get the most kings i come. you'll come to me and just posting that, i'll get that push the the, the changes in solos,
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whether in the past 50 years have had an impact on the home. the 1st from 100 though, most of the we also heard don't e mail the years ago, and can we move on to the ones that go through the code? and he told me that i need to mine towed a deal with him or is it only done in the nails patrol to hold it in that area? we sell things on young people. how cool behind them with this key to put some i as i am the single expose candidate once a month and it's going down there and doing it. so you don't need to be an inventory because the one, it's hard to vpn tunnel therapy. it's only, i think i'm going to the, to the hunting escape of them. and so it's on the autumn years and, and trying to think them to, to do it over into you enough to, to, to explain it to go to england and what them to my teeth,
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what help on this used to be where the hun river froze, but not anymore. the thompson island has also felt the effect of climate change. thompson is close to the general public nature reserve and birds century, including for endangered species. dr. agent on this is comes on to check on the parts of the seal. he's at the movie that's all about the place to kind of sort of was kind of this to the
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thompson was devastated by the floods and covered in mud and garbage. birds lost their nest in the heavy rain and struggle to breed the following year. in the living, it is a precedent that is the call to turn on the the, the, the, what the official really cool listening to this one which gets a to pick us of surplus angle, many different orders and kind of put the code in the, the problem with it is welcome to who i know who locate you. i'm going to sit in the portal. when that is all i'm worth and said it is true, but it wasn't for you. it's awful under the thought of it was such as you bubble pretty open it just because of the ones that are sent to we're almost finished up
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here, but i want to, i'm going to connect them to the old scenario. pleasure and what's happened. but on the simple go through to learn real well, if you don't have something in the cuban, i don't, i'm kinda worth education around you to move in with the tour. it was only about another conference i was able to go out to be on the search and for seasons was composed by artificial intelligence. but there's an argument, though we are the ones responsible for the new, the scope and version of the music. and go ahead, go, go ahead and engage the super easy one, an income to buy the going to get the full in guntee toyota cost to pull cars. here there is a canada looking on ingle in gunny it's amy. cool. you
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muggy, when i get i'm seeing i get, i'm looking through the and i'm in the in god knows that he's gonna hang out in the, [000:00:00;00] the key to
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the as the pay made on the case. or i'm wondering what's the approval hold and get that will stuff in the pipe was put on the phone, but i'm formally 2 homes. have an realtor that wasn't clear to grace hammer. you talk it over. i'm a god, i'm the doctor now who's in those? and could see the soon as you get the federal good, i got the we are you the somebody will so tentative us who say to
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me my or the middle of the 100. so i sit on the, in the system to the style, the little for me, soon gabriel put a lot of prolong pollution policy. the region and thought people don't okay with the creative people with homes. are they a bit more to one's on to the control module? the without a huge changes in human behavior, there's a strong possibility that we will lose the 4 annual seasons that we're used to and that the phone is bright and expressed in music will no longer reflect the weather. the world will experience by the year 2015 the that the
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a certain this will be in the vision express by the a version of the 4 seasons will become reality. the clock is ticking, we're running out of the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition. populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is coal bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain, and how would they govern the dreams in the usa of electric, s, u,
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v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candle is workers all just the risk new series dying are beyond the all n h a world winning document trees from around the world which is 0. the 3 palestinians account and dropped the as is rarely strikes target neighborhoods across the gaza strip. the no, i'm elizabeth put on them and this is alan to 0 and live from doha is, are coming out the protest condemning israel is wall and


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