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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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the, the one l g 0, the 3 palestinians account and offer as is rarely strikes target neighborhoods across the gaza strip. the hello, i'm elizabeth autumn and this is alan does. here on live from doha is are coming out the protest condemning israel is wall and gaza spread across american universities. the us senate gives a final approval for a $95000000.00 aid package to as well. you crate anti one plus giovanni and president of and i invite you see arrives in sri lanka on an official visit to boost by bachelor relations. we have
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a live off days. the will begin in gaza where at least 3 palestinians have been killed. and this really strikes that hit a residential building and rough or maybe 1500000 people are seeking refuge in the southern city. where as well as to what thing to launch a ground defensive and central garza for others, were killed when it was ready. bomb targeted, a group of people and on the side of refugee camp on tuesday, the camp has been on the continued attacks for days. meanwhile, heavy shelling was supposedly baton of owls way to the injured rush to unlock the whole special thought. a couple was in has this report from alpha and southern gaza . a spite was just 7 years old when the messiah struck. is mother now left without this on the be
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we were inside the house and suddenly the house break suggested everywhere we kept looking for a smile, but he wasn't in the house and he was an industry which might have disappeared. he was not even in the houses of our neighbors. finally, we found dish males body. it was more than 20 meters away from the blow off. these ready only gave it and wanting to evacuate this positive. they came out here in the northern cause this trip. somebody this morning still not mess. have any more to people left hanging on to life here. we're in a very dire situation. i'm too exhausted. i walked all the way from home on foot. i can't continue like this. what happens happens? so it's in a less and others are being forced to leave any way they can hoping to find safety into value, which you to come lives destroyed,
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increase families, but to parts. as well stands accused of genocide that the international court of justice, the court has already ordered as well to guarantee the safety of civilians on over the israel continues to ignore the 200 they use into its will and gone to our capacity. oh, just a rough, rough off power steering is good. well correspondent, honey maxima with he's joining us live from java with 3 people were killed of a nice and in his riley strike on yet another residential building hanging. and that was only one of the deadly bombings of civilians. yes, so it's really yours trice, continue to pound across the gaza strip, causing further civilian casualties and leaving a trace of destruction. not only do the target of residential homes, but deepening the destruction of the vicinity of we've re targeted house causing further internal displacement for an already traumatized,
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displace population period, overcrowded robot city, where 1500000 people have been in during this intense bombing campaign for the past 200 days, the 3 people that be reported killed in this residential home with several other injuries reported to the hospital for the potter with busy of the hospitalized injuries, arriving with little medical intervention available to save lives. so the likelihood the number is going to increase is very high right now, given the shortage of medical supplies, then sufficient medical staff, these health facilities across from the city have been operational at the lowest capacity possible. and then is that right refuge account? that's another refugee camp that has been targeted relentlessly within the past couple weeks. and since the beginning of the, the intense bombing company and across the gaza strip, 5 people reported from one family were old show during inside a residential homes. meanwhile, there's been a military continue to
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a target more public facilities and more residential homes in there, but, and also in the central part of the central, the res refugee comp. i'm working on expanding on the road that has constructed connecting the eastern part with the western part and effectively cutting off the northern part of the gas trip with the, from the central area and the southern part of this trip separately. that's really monetary continues to attack and city of atlanta and giving people as little as 5 minutes to evacuated, their residential homes. totally find themselves caught in the line of fires, of the artillery showing in the ears price. honey. thank you very much for that. that is, honey must move with the latest live and good offer. but you and human rights chief says he is horrified by the reports of mass graves and gaza. at least 310 bodies have been discovered on the grounds of naso hospital and con eunice and southern gaza. witnesses say some of the victims were killed during the as riley siege of
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the hospital. but one is quoting for a saw an independent investigation. given the prevailing climate of impunity, this should include international investigators. the hospitals are entitled to very special protection under international humanitarian law. and that's the clear, the intentional killing of civilians, detainees and others who are of the combat is a war crime. the head of the u. n agency for palestinian refugee says there are signs that more weight is getting into the gaza strip. behind a briefing at un headquarters in new york city plaza and he said a lot more is required to meet the needs of people. gave her that is on the reports, felipe plaza really is at un headquarters in new york, taking part in various meetings. and a briefing with journal is here. he said there are signs of more aid getting in to gaza. he said is real is allowing on average about $200.00 trucks per day this
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month in to the besieged strip. and it on monday it reach 316. good news. yes. but that's still well below the $5.00 to $600.00 trucks per day. they were entering garza before october 7th. so this a positive development. but the results, so here now that we are getting towards so warmer season, vault the new possible has the outbreak, especially in the south. so with the garbage collection has become a priority for our colleagues to prevent a disease outbreak. but i have also been reminded about the deep anxiety prevailing in this house. so the about the, the possible looming upcoming mandatory of tennessee for israel's war on
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gods or continues to be the most deadly humanitarian mission in u. n. history. last week alone to more unreal staff were killed due to his rarely bombardment, bringing the total to a 180 gabriel's on to i'll just say to at the united nations in new york of the number of protests and solid as he would palestine at us universities as growling students from massachusetts to california, calling for institutions to come ties with companies that profit from as well as one gaza. kristin salumi reports from new york. hundreds of students from new york university gathered in a park off campus to denounce israel's actions. and, and why use administrators? they say, are suppressing voice is critical of israel. their angry police arrested over 100 protesters on monday night after students and teachers defied orders to leave a school plaza, or face consequences. the arrest that have been made. the attempts to stifle the
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accept the expression are ludicrous there instead of going to the goals of a university. and so number one, i think they need to stop suppressing the free conversation that's happening. that's clearly backed right of all the students and a lot of faculty on tuesday, pro palestinian actions and rallies sprung up at lower universities across the united states, including the university of michigan, the university of minnesota and the university of california berkeley at new york's columbia university where this latest wave of protest began, students were camped out for a 7th street day a week that has seen hundreds of arrests there as well. we should also note that it's not just the police universities also suspended the students without any kind of due process. many of the students have been evicted from the dormitories don't mature is that they pay for something given just 15 minutes to gather their belongings. and so overall it's been a draconian punitive response to these protests and
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a situation that really doesn't meredith. there's no justification for this when the students are really just sitting on a lawn doing their homework. the students are demanding universities cut, financial ties with companies that profit from israel's occupation of palestine at n y u. that includes lockheed martin the us weapons manufacturer, who's weapons are used by the israeli military, general electric, which makes engines for the israeli military and caterpillar, the construction machinery giant, whose products are used in demolitions of palestinian homes. also, cisco, which supplies telecommunications networks for israel often in illegal settlements . many students are reluctant to be identified for fear of recriminations from universities who come under pressure from pro israel donors and politicians who claim the protests are anti semitic. demonstrators including some jewish students, deny accusations of anti semitism. at new york university and columbia university.
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they even stopped to celebrate pass over. they blamed individuals who are affiliated with their movements for inflammatory language. new york's marriage says a police presence is necessary to protect students against outside agitators. there are people who come have nothing to do with the issue and they want to aggravate. but n y u students and faculty say that the demonstrations were peaceful until the police arrived. kristin salumi alger 0 new york liberty stage media is reporting a woman and had 12 year old niece are among 3 people killed and is ready strike 6 of those were wounded. the attack dog at the home and heading and southern devon on the intensity of cross border flashing between his road and lebanese with hezbollah, has been rising as displaced tens of thousands of people on both sides of the border and left a trade of damage. the st. ahold of has been on patrol with un peacekeepers in
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southern lebanon, and the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border with isabel. this is a front line where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like him, us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border. now we are crossing who am i going to see these riley person positions here, where i'm moving close to the blue line. and who knows when uh, shirley know, i know yes, like a is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern lebanon, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the lead on the side of me on the leave as they
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leave. i'm these government to take control of the, of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation. and despite the thousands of strikes as well, has failed to push the groups fighters back, the u. n. force has repeatedly warrant that the danger of escalation is real. of the. yeah, we're looking for the, you know, the, the food this isn't air strikes. so we are looking for the this uh, how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this moving at, on dealing with that searching for the people, it's very, we can have the same. few people remain here. nearly 100000 up in these have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war,
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official say, losses are already in the billions of dollars. although the concept is still largely contained and confined to the border region, as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their eligibility to southern lebanon. the russia has lost several missiles targeting ukraine, 2nd largest city cod case. the missiles has a residential area, damaging several buildings and thousands of cause. at least 2 people are injured, that's all he say, and investigation is underway to recreate the strike as a war crime in the us senate has pos and $95000000000.00 package providing a to your credit and as well to monitor. and really for garza,
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as well as $8000000.00 for security in taiwan pasha, that package is a provision that could lead to a nationwide band on tick tock. my kind of reports from washington. those know guys appear to have it. the eyes do have it. and the motion is agreed to the legislation, receive support on both sides of the aisle read bipartisan agreement on the hill. it provides $80000000000.00 and aid to ukraine and $26000000000.00 to israel amounts that were approved 2 months ago in a similar par in a package that did not have the tick tock provision. but chinese and social media company has to be done to fi and congress for months, despite its wild popularity among american use, some of whom were protesting outside the senate against the measure. senators were pains to point out. it's not to talk itself that is the concern raw the chinese ownership of the congress is not acting to punish white dance tip top or any other individual company. congress is acting to prevent for an ad the series from
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conducting espionage, surveillance, blind operations, farming vulnerable americans, our service men, and women, and our u. s. government personnel. currently, the chinese communist party is able to gain unlimited access to the account information of tick tock users. if it's so choose, is else with the director of the f b, i added his voice to the tick tock, debate, tick, tock for us represents a national security concern. and the reason i say that is that tech tax parent company, is beholden to the chinese government. and so when people, when americans stop and think about, how do they feel about the, the power, the access, the capability, the control, the tick tock has they need to be thinking about it in terms of how they feel about that same power access capability control in the hands of tech talks, parents in chinese government and ultimately in the chinese intelligence services.
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the chinese elements of tick tock had been given 9 months in which to sell the company. oh, it will be banned to the us. president biden can expend this period for 3 months if he wishes with an immediate band no longer being contemplated. congress has ensured that does not become an issue in the november election by kinda, i'll just say era. washington. the still ahead on al jazeera, the protests, an argentine as teachers and students administrators against funding comes to public education. the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes? witnessing yahoo is trying to stay indefinitely as 5 minutes to the know the state possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh
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and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners, and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, there was the time to be direct. the creation of the humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do, adoptive, it was a policy that we have. it was from us, particularly from the city upfront on algebra examining, being proactive. today's headlines, i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to inform that inspired to options await us in the immediate future. quite a crisis or planet revolution on alger 0,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just say off of me elizabeth, put on and don't have a mind to of on top stories. the phone. at least 3 palestinians have been killed in this way the strikes, but has a residential building in delphi. adam central gaza is ready for a once again, shelving an area close to the on the site on the refugee camp a day after kenning for people. their protests over the one gosh, i have spread to a number of top you as soon as these including j o columbia, mit and how that hundreds of students have been
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a rest of since friday. the white house says it's monitoring the situation closely, and there has been more cost for the exchange of 5 between as well. and lebanese group has a woman and a 12 year old child for among 3 people killed. and then this way, the s drive on southern 11 on tuesday. protests have been housing, tennessee for pressure as mounting on his way. the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, relatives of captives and the support has typed them now. so the message to 100 days and nothing has changed, talks on free and captives held them, garza had strolled with as well, refusing to accept a permanency fund a my brother in law there, there doesn't. and we don't read 130 more people too much needs to be in. we need to have in defending the country need
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the around president. but i see is arrived in sri lanka on a visit time. that's strengthening times between the countries is expected to hold talks with st on come president around in looks on the thing that i see with little create a multi $1000000.00 power plant built by ronnie and experts. a head of his was a 23 long could be around in president wilson pockets on, on a 3 day tore as part of his south agent tool. that's big, not to me now fernandez, just joining us live from the capital colombo. so talk us through what price these plans i'm in now. of the president's eyes, a will be going 1st to that multi $1000000.00 power integration project called the amount or project he arrived in the country a short while ago in the month of the effort,
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which is the airport to the south east of the country. and that is the area that will actually benefit in terms of navigation and agriculture through a view my project, which the even in government pledged as far back as 2007. obviously the project is a week behind time, but sanctions against iran logistics. all of that sort of came together to sort of push back the delivery time and stuff like that. so that is one of the main things . he will also then come to colombo, where he will sit down with his counterpart present from the vicar missing her. that are a number of agreements between both governments that are due to be signed and then there will be a joint statement towards the end of the day. now bear in mind that this, this trip had been planned a while ago in conjunction with the low intend opening of the vehicle malia project for the fact. uh yeah, that he is here with everything that's going on is quite significant portion of that. and even though you say the project was pledged in 2007,
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it began in 2011 on the iranian development assistance of $500000000.00. why is around interested in sri lanka? a well it on and for a long time, go back a long, long time it on this been one of shalanda sort of key markets fixing on t a. we have been buying uranium oil for no long time. the countries on the or refinery was provided with support from the radians, but obviously things have taken on a sort of a new light in kind of world politics. and there's a lot happening on the sort of geo political chessboard. now, in terms of, if you look at this project though, and you look at some of the other massive investments that countries have put into for a long this one doesn't really have a sort of a v c pro city in terms of, of various things like sort of paybacks in terms of
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a lot of other strings attached, but obviously it on also a conscious all the way the sort of global winds are blowing. so very much wanting to be part of action. and that seems to be one thing that is brought president abraham ro hazy, a tool. sure lanka, even though it was present at especially tens time back home. no, thank you very much for that. been house and, and is live in colombo. the u. s. government has agreed to a 139000000 and all the settlement for the sex abuse evictions of larry nasa. it comes off to more than a 100 people accuse the f. b. i of mishandling allegations of sexual assault against the full team doctor of usa gymnastics, and also a 7 more than a 100 years in prison for assaulting female athletes. or when is waiting as president? it says he the now the you when's human vice agency to resume operations? but no dates has been set. nicholas,
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my doodle ordered you and human rights workers to leave the country. in february, the international criminal court is investigating whether to offer alleged crimes against humanity. that's over the death of more than a 100 protest, as in 2017, as governments also being criticized for jaden political opponents. now tens of thousands of origin tenants have protested against government education cuts and went to side us and all the cities. presidents, how the internet has been slashing state spending as the country struggles with the cost of living crisis and high inflation. today's, the boy reports from one of the demonstrations thousands of people carrying books took over, but that's how the module in front of the presidential palace. they say public education is at risk, and that's why they want the government of libertarian president. have you had any like to know they'll be here to defend the land. the guy that you said, dean of the university of window site is middle school age. education is
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a constitutional rights, and it's the job of the states to promote public education and high level education . it provides the opportunity and is at the center of any type of development is a video at the university of when a site is free and is considered to be among the top universities in the world. people say it's a matter of national pride, faculty, students, and staff diversity have all come here to defend public education, but it's over 60 public universities in argentina and maybe been on the national body. a spot seems probably going to be late to corporate funding for the university of north increase. in spite of storing installation, government officials accuse universities will be regularities and one to carry out an audit. and, but he may have the billing address, the nation and monday, saying he will continue with his austerity to plan, to jumpstart the economy. plus i don't hold any of the envelope,
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but on what we now when we took off is that situation is so serious. it's argentine that has no time for gradualism. and that's why we implemented the most ambitious chuck plan. and now we history. but people here same really is making a mistake when i was studying during the dictatorship, in the 19 seventy's, the military close to my university. and i defend the university of winner site is because it is the best we have in education and education that has provided an opportunity to, to a higher education, to millions of people in the country. they showed up on the streets in times of need to tell the government the budget cuts need to happen somewhere else very so we'll just see that when a site is produced, lee might have lifted a man to safety off to a nearby building called find a local media film, the rescue includes capital, the man said to be in good health at the local hospital,
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more than 10 fine engines to attend to the scene. the quote is unknown. that so for me, elizabeth put on him whether was next the inside story exam, as the resignation of israel's military intelligence cheese. thank you for watching the hello. we got more rain in the full cost of parts of the middle east. we could say one or 2 lobby showers into iran, lousy troy across the arabian peninsula. lo possibility of the old sha, just picking up the wrong, the southern end of the website. let's say we are looking at more in the way of, uh, west the weather coming through here. we have, of course, has some recent loving smile when setting up that just around the eastern side of saudi arabia, pushing down to us here in casa, hopefully easing off a little as we go on into thursday, but sent me on the room. so i backed that $37.00 celsius its hall,
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so still across parts of the east and met guys i could touch a blistering uh t. 9 degrees and well above the seasonal average rig of 10 degrees or so above where we should be at the moment. we have got a few showers into that, the west, the side of the key. i just sliding across the bus for us. got a little bit of whether to just around the central parts of the mediterranean then, and that's gonna bring some showers into a good positive tissue slipping further east, colorado or if you to celsius, a hot, solely wind. that's similar to that. the one that we've been talking about around the east and may not quite as hot as we got it for you 1st i still halting off and plenty of showers right across the west africa pushing into central parts of nigeria. the euro 2020, full res, getting closer. great. savings away. you good now to the euro,
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early the adults to get up to 3 month free subscription or reset top pool experience the greatest fulton event jump the exclusive b b. the of the 1st seniors really official, has resigned over how mazda is october attack. the military intelligence chief took responsibility for major security failures. message does extend during israel's war on gaza. and could it be the 1st step towards accountability? this is inside storage. the


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