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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the business legions to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the on the, on the clock. this is in use on line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. 3 palestinians are killed in rafa as is ready. strikes continue to target and neighborhoods across the gaza strip. another 51 bodies recovered from mass graves on the grounds of knots. the hospital and con eunice cross border exchanges, a fire intensifying between these right between his run and the liberties on group . as part of the
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a sector of state that arrives in china to try and stabilize relations with its global life. and a new report says, nearly 300000000 people across the world are facing high levels of food and security. growing conflicts are a major cause of the crisis in full and the men, some is backed with also in the premier league title race sites, the rest chelsea 5 mills and these 3 points play at the top, 6 full games left in the season. the so it is $1000.00, gmc and we stopped this. these are in garza with these ready 5 of jets and tanks, bombarding the stripped from the and from the ground and attack on haines, in rough or in the south, killed at least 3 palestinians. and jabante, a refugee camp in the north, and the strike wounded at least 5 people, and 3 refugee camps in the central region, upper edge of the golgi. and on this route, being targeted again,
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civil defense team say another 51 bodies have been recovered from mass graves on the grounds of knots, a hospital in calling eunice. the remains of more than 300 people have been discovered since that today, these rated military withdrew from the southern city early of this month, leaving behind widespread destruction. and the un human rights commission of architect says he's horrified by the report. witnesses, a, some of the victims were killed during the full months siege. many were found with the hands found and appeared to have been shot execution style view. and it's cooling for, for an independent investigation given the prevailing climate. impunity, this should include international investigators, hospitals are entitled to very special protection under international humanitarian law. and that's b cleared the intentional killing of civilians, detainees and others who are of the come back is a war crime that's close to referenced right away in southern go. i was a honeymoon,
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just dining by for us the and how do you tell us more about the the graves that we'll be discussing? the as well for the 1st day in a row, defense civil defense, the crew members and paramedics at the courtyard of nasir hospital continue to unfold many of the tragedies that took place at the courtyard. no, not for hospital. linda is really military storm. and in the past months, the hospital was under military suits later on. and why this form leaving a trail of destruction, this facility, but also more shocking to many people who were buried at the courtyard of the hospital. where there, because of the great that they were done by this really military when it was searching for hostages bodies. but also for the many who were a respite it from the hospitals are, were shut out in execution side or by the quad. got theirs or by the many explosions that took place inside the hospital composite, and those are and buried. done. there's in a mass grave the 5th day, a vital role right now with more bodies be injured. 3 bodies have largely disease.
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what did a point of unable drove of nice their features, old family members cry and good morning parents and mother is and, and, and remaining family members are searching for the remains of their, of their family members who were killed inside the hospital in the past months for 70 days, some of the people have been searching only been able to recognize the remaining family members of from the clothes that they were were given the fact that the bodies are largely just see the inside of plastic bags just very who are fixing to comprehend happening a hot place this supposed to be a place of healing, but turn largely into a graveyard. something that is very consistent with the testimonies were heard of from medical to stop when the hospital was on their military stage, as well as consistent with the description of units of will describe, known as their hospitals. as being a large graveyard in the honey, all the while,
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the strike is go on bringing more hora, often more than 200 days before the that absolutely continues to cross the pound across the gauze and through. but just the more the evolving a story right now. there's really mandatory pulled out of from the north brain city of the tunnel and through was, is formed yesterday with the large number of the ground forces. this storm to city, both of the city, bit by and bit tunnel and right now an announcement by the military saying it withdrawal from the city, but leaving a trace of destruction to all remaining buildings, including the schools and remaining public facilities that infrastructure to the point the city turned into a waste plan b error. so i continue to just try to pound in the city of bait, the valley and your valley, a fountain, and the refugee itself targeting more residential homes. and under what facility is that right now, the vast majority of these facilities have been either destroyed or completely
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pushed out of service. but there talks about many people who were injured at a transferred to a nearby it, but privately owned the clinic and a preparation to be prepared to uh the baptist ali hospital in center part of guys overnight. a toxin robust city killed 3 people, a father and 2 of his son and other family members who are critically injured. all transferred to a nearby house, a death in a jar hospital or mid sized hospital that is large down and prepared to provide a medical attention to proper one whatsoever. how didn't find so that's a honey my move in a rougher in the southern does a full jump. he says it plans to resume cooperation with the human agency for palestinian refugees, early this week and independent review clip under was stuff of any links to how mass. oh, the october. the 7th. a tax speaking job 0, had the wrong flip was really said the agency was being attacked for political reasons and all the wise on the constant at the constant pressure constant cooling
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of this functioning, a constant administrative, a restaurant, and also constant, i would say sometimes. so social media, assassination and he says, definitely an impact on no style for you might also have seen over there now stuff today. so they have been opinion poured and also within the population in the west bank, i need no gaza. there was a deep anxiety. is that if the, the agency is a discount though, that would this would also put an end to 2 of the 2 state solution. i was, i just had to create a console last a week. and basically i told the member that the i talked to on hold while i have nothing to do, we sudden to try to issues. but in reality, the what keep it that the, by the objective to street, the police team in from the risk which is state use. these really mandatory,
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as long as the tax on what it says, a handful of targets in southern lebanon, at least 14 strikes, talk to positions between the board of tons of i to shop and run me a, b is really ministry, and principal, i have been exchanging far across the board a since october, the 7th, on tuesday and his reading strike killed 3 people, including a woman and a 12 year old girl. so let's bring in a 100. he joins us now from munger, unit in southern lebanon. and since i know the past 24 hours, i've seen an escalation inside here across the board with his beloved thing. it struck the 1st in sight as well since october. yes, very much an active front line, the loving on israel border in the past hour. israel carried out at least 14 air strikes, targeting what it says or has bullet positions into front line villages, the villages of either shop and drum. yes. so at least 14 air strikes. now they,
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this comes after a series of attacks by the lebanese armed group has ballade targeting is really military positions. and yesterday, as well as targeting, targeting, the deepest inside is really territory north of co, that's approximately 15 kilometers from the border. and it's statement, as well as said that, that the attack was in retaliation for the target, the killing of one of its members, an engineer, and it has the laws, air defense unit. so this was, has the law giving israel a message that there could be further escalation if these targeted assassinations continue. but what we've seen in recent weeks and months is that is really, really taking out and eliminating hezbollah fighters, field commanders. it's infrastructure along the border, has butler intern continuing to target is really military position. so this really is a part of a pattern of sporadic escalation that has still not lead to
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a wider war or a bigger war. most of the targets are military, but yesterday to lebanese civilians were killed, the woman and her child nearly 70 civilians have been killed. but like i mentioned, this is still very much confined to the border and confined to military targets. we toward the border region yesterday with un peacekeepers, along with the lebanese army to see the cost of this conflict. the signs of war are visible almost everywhere along lebanon's border with isabel. this is a front line where there's little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like him, us in casa, most of israel strikes have been focused on an area about 5 to 10 kilometers from the border. now we are crossing the montgomery. you can see that riley person positions from here, where i'm moving close to the blue line. and who knows when uh,
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sharing or i know, yes, like a is going to happens. we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, in southern lebanon, on their own patrol with lebanon's army. their mission is to ensure the area from the border to the latania river is free of arms and fighters outside the states control. we are here to support the levi nice army on the leave as they leave them these government to take control of the, of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, and despite thousands of strikes as well, has failed to push the groups fighters back the you enforce has repeatedly warrant that the danger of escalation is real. yeah, we're looking for the, you know, the people this is an air strikes. so we are looking for the this
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uh, how can we prevent this is collisions. so after this, moving at on, dealing with that searching for the police where we can have the same. few people remain here, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of war, official say, losses are already in the billions of dollars, although the concept is still large with contained and confined to the, for the region. as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then, because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve center for their eligibility to southern level, not more than 700 is really sad lists of into the l. x and most compound. unoccupied is drizzling. not muslims are allowed to visit the site for 4 hours every morning. security restrictions have been talking to the jewish on the day of
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passover. students across the us, universities continue to participate. israel's war and gaza under the streets of interested since friday, comments in solidarity with policy and have been set up and some of the top universities, students from massachusetts to california, according for institutions to comp ties with companies, the profit from israel's war on garza christmas and i me reports now from you. hundreds of students from new york university gathered in a park off campus to denounce israel's actions. and, and why use administrators? they say are suppressing voice is critical of israel. their angry police arrested over 100 protesters on monday night after students and teachers defied orders to leave a school, plaza, or face consequences. the arrested have been made the attempts to stifle the accept . the expression are ludicrous the antithetical to the goals of a university. and so number one,
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a think they need to stop suppressing the free conversation that's happening. that's clearly background of all the students and a lot of faculty on tuesday, pro palestinian actions and rallies sprung up at lower universities across the united states, including the university of michigan, the university of minnesota and the university of california berkeley at new york's columbia university. where the latest wave of protests began, students were camped out for a 7th street day a week that is seen hundreds of a rest there as well. we should also note that it's not just the police universities also suspended the students without any kind of due process. many of the students have been evicted from the dormitories don't mature is that they pay for something given just 15 minutes to gather their belongings. and so overall it's been a draconian punitive response to these protests and the situation that really doesn't, meredith, there's no justification for this when students are really just sitting on a lawn doing their homework. our students are demanding universities cut, financial ties with companies that profit from israel's occupation of palestine at
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n y u. that includes lockheed martin, us weapons manufacturer, whose weapons are used by the israeli military, general electric, which makes engines for the israeli military and caterpillar, the construction machinery giant, whose products are used in demolitions of palestinian homes. also, cisco, which supplies telecommunications networks for israel often in no legal settlements . many students are reluctant to be identified for fear of recriminations from universities who come under pressure from pro israel donors and politicians who claim the protests are anti semitic. demonstrators including some jewish students, deny accusations of anti semitism at new york university in columbia university. they even stopped to celebrate pass over. they blamed individuals who are affiliated with their movements for inflammatory language. new york's mayor says,
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a police presence is necessary to protect students against outside agitators. the people who come have nothing to do with the issue and they want to aggravate. but n y u students and faculty say that the demonstrations were peaceful until the police arrived. kristin salumi al jazeera new york to the student process, also being held in australia. dozens of students and teachers at the university of sydney, held demonstrations in solid time, say we part of the time. and they have also set up incumbent students according to israel to ended school on golf. now to u. k. ministers will present evidence to defend the government to the business and trade committee hearing on exports to israel. and let's go live straight away to san diego who's outside, westminster. and so you tell us more about why this hearing is being cooled and what we expect to hear from both sides as well.
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it's, it's becoming more of a process where the british export licenses the ons licenses to as well are coming on the increased scrutiny. not least because that was not less about was signed among them by a full month justices of a supreme court that questions. what's the use case ro is in this and a watch it, it can do to avoid any accusations of playing any pause in breaching international humanitarian law. and one of those justices and the signatures about left. so wasn't the presenting statements to the committee that is taking place. and he said basically that the 2 of the arguments hinge onto accounts whether it's house attaining on the looking at the findings. i'll be the provisional findings of the i c j that were made on the 26th of january. looking at how palestinians are
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a distinct group who are perfectly entitled to protection and also the scale of civilian lost, the damage that is also being done to civilian structure and others. in his words, evidence of a genocidal intent with regard to statements that had been made from members of the israeli government. and the facts and the circumstances which seemed to apply to what the guy c j have put in that provisional account. now that of course was counted of by lawyers, israel and so natasha, how store was a presenting, not argument, pretty questions on the close of bell, etc. all of that civilian count stating that out to a 3rd of the casualties could not be accounted full. and that, that doesn't seem to be any distinction between competence and civilians. but of course, while that is being acted out, it is you when know, started the assumption, the, the lawyer who has been the signature of atlanta saying that it is the un agencies
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that w h show that are looking at that. and that's the evidence that they're relying on . all right, sir, and what's the government being say about all of this as well, the government has been maintaining its stalls that what it has been doing has been perfectly legal and that it has been taking a look at those export licenses, but a high quote ruling on, on that earlier this week has seen that that has been evidence presented that david cameron, the foreign secretary, has renewed licenses. on the 8th of april a, there was a letter that stated that certainly the process is, could be improved. and that is suddenly being questioned by all the ministers of the government, stating that this certainly isn't any international consensus that such a careful look at these uh export licenses would indeed be able to prevent the u. k . from being drawn into accusations of paul taking in any potential breaches of
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international humanitarian law. i'm looking at countries such as this we, which have already suspended those export licenses. it is stressing that the u. k. would need to look more at what it is doing and how it is continuing to sell those licenses without breach those laws. no, right, we'll see how that hearing pounds out of the day goes on. thanks on you. as the us senate says, pos to $95000000000.00 package for a to you create in israel humanitarian relief garza, as well as a $1000000000.00 for security. and taiwan. part of that package is a provision that could lead to a nationwide bond on tick tock. my kinda reports from washington pose. know you guys appear to have it. the eyes do have it. and the motion is agreed to the legislation, receive support on both sides of the aisle, red bipartisan agreement on the hill. it provides $80000000000.00 and aid to
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ukraine and $26000000000.00 to israel amounts that were approved 2 months ago in a similar par in a package that did not have the tick tock provision. the chinese and social media company has to be done, defy, and congress for months, despite its wild popularity among american use, some of whom were protesting outside the senate against the measure. senators were pains to point out. it's not to talk itself that is the concern. raw, the chinese ownership of the congress is not acting to punish white dance tip top or any other individual company. convers is acting to prevent for an ad, the series from conducting espionage surveillance, blind operations, farming, vulnerable americans, our service men, and women, and our u. s. government personnel, currently the chinese communist party is able to gain unlimited access to the account information of tick tock users. if it's so choose, is else with the director of the f b, i added his voice to the tick tock, debate,
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tick, tock for us represents a national security concern. and the reason i'd say that is that tech talks parent company is beholden to. the chinese government and so when people, when americans stop and think about, how do they feel about the, the power, the access, the capability, the control of the tick tock has they need to be thinking about it in terms of how they feel about that same power access capability control in the hands of tech talks, parents in chinese government and ultimately in the chinese intelligence services. the chinese owners of tick tock company give a 9 months in which to sell the company. oh, it will be banned to the us president bite and can extend this period for 3 months if the wishes with an immediate fan no longer being contemplated. congress has ensured that does not become an issue in the november election by kind of i'll just
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sarah washington. the art sector of state has arrived in china on his 2nd visit in a year. this page in washington state to try and stabilize relations and see blink and we'll begin his visit by holding discussions with business need is in shanghai . he will then head to badging on friday for talks with the for a minister langley blinking is likely to meet present. she's in pain during his 3 day trip at some point. well, aging is also seeking the result. several other issues with the washington among them, the principal yard crisis in the united states. us officials accuse china refuting the problem. trinity reports from badging as the us secretary of state antony blinking isn't bulking on a 3 day visit to china, expecting some difficult conversations ahead. badging and washington say the trip is about strengthening dialogue and stabilizing the rookie bilateral relationship. but it comes as us politicians continue to take actions against trying to
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investigate is for the us house committee. have released a report accusing china of fueling americas fentanyl crisis by subsidizing the export of pre kosa chemicals. this is displayed badging, agreeing to crack down on the production of the synthetic or the ard since 20. 17 officials here has dismissed the claim. and some analysts say china is being used as a scape goat ahead of the move in the presidential election. it's easy to, and it makes sense for both democrats and republicans to agree on creating this image of china as being sent for the the only main issue to the problem rather than looking at what are the root causes of americans being such a bad drug users the us senate has also passed for an aid package which includes $8000000000.00 for the funding of ty wants military or red line issue for china. we tell our allies, we will stand with you. we tell our adversaries don't mess with us. the package
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would also force the sale of social media app take talk from its chinese owners, black dunce, within the next year, a move they doing has described as unfair, also high on entities, lincoln's agenda to ukraine. he wants to convince china to stop supporting moscow, and it's, we'll edit when it comes to russia's defense, industrial base, the primary contributor in this moment to that is trying to we c china turing machine tools, semi conductors other duties items. china denies this, saying it's partnership with russia has nothing to do with the invasion. if you crate track worry about any of flames fits mirroring others or shifting the blame is not the right way to resolve the ukraine. issue. thinking is also expected to raise discussions in the tensions in the south china sea. an aging industrial visit may not change the slight degree of mistrust between the 2 sides,
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but at least present disagreements. squad, just something katrina, you all to 0 agent is putting out to respond go to the us asia relations political unless he joins, not from type a russ relations. ag, shall we say, will this because it goes some way to think to create the most stable way forward in a time of just so many challenge as you said, there's so many challenges. it's hard to believe that one visit of about 3 days without actually a body more like 2 in a few hours. you do the agenda. the bilateral agenda is so $16.00, and additional items keep getting added to that agenda. and most of these items on the agenda, there's no consensus between the 2 side. so the bottom ministration. there, there, the kind of core principle when it comes to china seems to be that it's better to talk than not to talk. but do those talks ever really achieve anything substantive?
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i think we're going to see that the answer in the next couple of days is probably not right at very unlikely. they'll be any consensus on any of these issues. it's very hard to see how they can meet on anything. for example, on taiwan and a general us policy and the asian pacific as well. and taiwan, united states is obligated under a domestic law called the tired run relations acts to provide defensive weapons to try wrong. and we see that whether it was the trump administration or the body administration, united states will continue to do that. and china will be very angry about that. we also have the issue of the presidents ignore the ration here in taiwan on may 20th, and the us issuing a warning to china. don't do anything to raise tensions in the days leading up to that. an arbitration. of course, china is not gonna follow the us request. so if they decide to have a large scale military exercise timed around the day of the blogger ration, that wouldn't come as a surprise at all. i suppose the fact that the 2 sides of talking is in some ways,
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can be perceived as progress. oh, sometimes there is a little bit of progress. a clearly divided ministration had hoped for chinese cooperation on a list of issues, whether that's the fentanyl precursors, the increasing number of the legal emigration of the people from china entering over the southern us border. i ran some nuclear program, obviously russia and now more recently the dogs of war, but is trying to really get a cooperate just because the us asks to, to, probably not to china is going to cooperate on issues that are good for china's either domestic or foreign policies, ross, it's a perpetual cycle of jockeying for position as far as trade is concerned. whichever country you represent, there's a lot more at stake, a global trade as a whole. yeah, and we hear this does bust word that a lot of people in the united states. and recently, western europe are using this industrial over capacity that china has a lot of
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a production capabilities and they're dumping their goods at low prices in the united states or western europe. johnny, yellow and the treasury secretary raises issue when she was recently in china. and certainly will be working whether or not the secretary of state blinking also raises this issue. even though it's not really part of his portfolio. i really appreciate that. and russ feingold, speaking just at from taipei, thank you. thank you. and you crated and drained strikers, talking to the fuel in energy at dep owens, midland skin western russia. the strike cause the lodge 5, but the casualties have been reported. meanwhile, russia launched several missiles targeting ukraine. second largest city of khaki themselves. hit to residential area. damaging buildings and thousands of cost at least 6 people were injured. to venezuela, where the president nicholas missouri says he will allow the representative for the un human rights commission to, to resume operations in the country. missouri had ordered, don't you,
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and stopped and leave the country back. in february, the international criminal code is investigating the venezuelan president for alleged crimes against humanity. that's often more than $100.00 protesters were killed in 2017, but there is government is also being criticized for jailing. and that's going to opponents from 3. i'm on a point to go with. let's overcome our differences. i'm ready to receive the representative of the un high commissioner for human rights soon as always, the doors of the presidential palace are always open. this is the head here now to sierra, you're ready and present everything very easy arises for low income or unofficial visit to peace. bilateral relations will have enough that hey, wave is causing major disruptions across parts of asia. the region is heating out faster than any other place on this kind of a huge home uh from a sure. hey. hi tony. i see it leads to don't use to another when that's coming up with you on the
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had loaded the weather. been unsettled and cool. across europe, and despite it being spring, we have seen some winter weather about like in finance, capital, helsinki. we had heavy snow fall here on choose a southern areas. so up to 20 centimeters on more of knowing. there's more of that to come on when stay while the skies were white. there were red in athens, greece, thanks to this, the har sun being blown out of the north of africa by some very hot winds. now we still got areas of low pressure bringing some very wet weather across more eastern areas, central pots as well, which we, whether touching into the apps. it is looking rather unsettled across the mediterranean, some blast we winds blowing across the paces like sardine away. we have got those wind warnings out shop a showers as well for much of it to be behind that. however,
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the spain and portugal is dry and will it will cool down here though, as we go towards the end of the week. and there's a rain that continues for the low countries, some of that coming into person on the island of island. but the rain picks up across finland into some of the baltic states and also the balkans. but it is a story of heat here. you can see temperature is pushing up across eastern areas. we'll see 19 degrees celsius in moscow on thursday. the the other day you're watching out
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a 0 reminder about top stories this out. and it's really find a jet sometimes if embodying the strip from gaza strip from the end the ground. and you body reference the account in the notes and asked, right, we did at least 5 people. and 3 ref gmc and the central region have been talking to gain civil defense teams. the end of the 5140s have been recovered from a mass graves on the grounds of doctor hospital. in con, you just for the 350 discrepancy for united nations is calling for an investigation . he's ready mandatory as long as the time. so what it says, all his targets in southern lebanon, at least to 14 strikes, talk to positions between the board of tons of i to shop, and romeo, southern food and security around the world. just be listening for the 5th consecutive. yeah, that's according to the global report on food crises, it says growing conflicts of one of the main drivers of hunger for hundreds of millions of people calling baker looks at the country's most effective. as the
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agencies that monitor food and security are sounding the alarm, it's not only climate change, but the rapid spread of conflicts around the world that's causing widespread hunger . the global report on food crises shows that last year, nearly 282000000 people faced acute food insecurity, meaning their lives are in danger because they don't have enough to eat 700000 people. in 5 countries or territories were on the brink of famine, catastrophic hunger, almost all of them in gaza. the strips entire population of 2300000 people is classified as food and secure. that means they don't regularly have enough to eat. the report finds the years of fighting, and the democratic republic of congo have made it the country with the most food and secure people. nearly 26000000. and in sudan, one year of conflict has left more than 20000000 people facing hunger crisis. and that's well, a search in gang violence in just
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a few months in haiti has left half of the population without enough to eat, force displacement and hunger go hand in hand. more than 90000000 people are either displaced within their own countries, borders or have fled as refugees and asylum seekers. many due to hunger. this cross to call 2 minutes to don. now a correspondent here, but morgan is standing by 1st there and here. but we know there are millions facing food insecurity, and so you don g to the conflicts, but tell us just how severe it is of the let's put it in terms of numbers. now the united nations and of 8 agencies here in sedan, say that more than 20000000 people are facing food in security, and that's over 40 percent of the population. and within that, uh, 40 percent or 20000000, we're talking about 5000000 people were on the brink of famine, just one step away from solving to death. i'm in the region of the r 4 specifically north of the are for the 8 organization doctors without quotas,
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they at least 13 children died every single day due to malnutrition and diseases related to it. so the situation is quite severe, especially in areas where there is active fighting, such as the dar 4 region and the southern regions of cor, define and uh, north and south could define now many, many of those people who are facing for the security are trapped in areas where they not have access to the military assistance, including in the capital of to and where there is food available. there comes to issue of prices since the conflicts thought that many people have not been able to earn their incomes. so they cannot afford their daily meals and have to rely on assistance or on the community kitchens to be able to get at least one meal a day. so the situation is quite severe. millions in need of assistance and with fighting ongoing. many of them are unable to get to it, so people die many one step away from starvation. as you say, is there any glimpse of hope that those in need of food a can get
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a while sizing is still ongoing, both sides. this with the needs army, i'm the parent military, rapid support forces said they want to many parent assistance to reach those in need and that they could help them method to develop to deliver and mean it's aaron assistance to those in need. but on the ground, despite the fact that the turing 5 find is many terry, a declination of principal loss me on the ground, that is yet to manifesto even 11 months later, people still remain cuts off from the military and access community. terry and workers are still not allowed into many areas, especially in the dark for region with very little it's coming in through the border from across from chad. so millions people remain in need now both sides and not negotiating with each other. it's his hope that because he's on, so we'll start sometime in the coming 2 weeks. so at least allow for humanitarian assistance to come in. but for the time being, despite both sides, this with the needs army and the parent military, rapid support for this thing that they are committed to note delivering to mutare
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and assistance to those in need on the ground that's not happening. and people continue to suffer from food and security and continued to die from hunger in many parts of the country, including the capital, have to date a desperate situation, hey, but morgan thinks about to run the way the government is welcome to policy of a u. k. bill approving and controversial quantity port microns and references to the country. the government says the budget and plans are in place to receive the microphones a machine you just the government of rwanda has welcome to u. k. problem is decision because the decision is out of the partnerships signed by the 2 governments where the government of u. k. had requested lawanda to host the migrants to be for want of studied and found it was possible to host the migrants so that it becomes part of the solution of microbes from africa and the rest of the world. these migrants use risky child to get to europe, which can lead to their depths as we talk. now, i've heard news of migrant who died training across the seas. your so it is good
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news to hear that you case going to implement this good partnership, which is going to be a solution to the issue of migrants. let's statements all and we can speak to evict in nevada who jose, who is a chap person at the rewinding opposition. policy developments in liberty for old joins us now from godaddy. welcome to al dessert for 12. at 1st of all is rewind or a suitable destination for silence. because in your view we have a lack of already of, as you can see. so i will try and sort that out and come back to if it was a little bit later, no credit has sent a high level delegation to around the ravages prompting speculation of co operation between the 2 nations on the weapons programs. joan getting into around. i've known to have place ties and based on the international sections it just came as more from so it was a brief one liner on state media. north korea's minister for external economic
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affairs has left come young on tuesday for iran. you and jim, who is pelias minister for international trade? no, to have contributed to deepening economic ties with moscow in recent months. but north korea has not sent a high level official to e. ron, in 5 years. it's a relationship shrouded in secrecy. the 2 states are known to have collaborated on missiles as far back as the 1980s with the us intelligence report in 20. 19 noting a ron shall have 3 ballistic miss style was based on north korea's mid range, not on ballistic missile. now, driven by a common enemy in the us, now they have a shared tie in russia despite being under international sanctions. iranian drones and north korean ballistic missiles has helped fuel moscow's war on ukraine . the united states last week that it was, quote, incredibly concerned with the possibility iran and north korea we're cooperating on
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nuclear and ballistic missiles. now analysts here and sol suspect that north korea is footprints in recent years, has been limited to supporting, has been a lot and hum us. but many will be watching whether this economic delegation to iran could have implications on the military sector. just as come young's relations with moscow has rapidly developed in recent months is kim. i'll just, sarah. so let's give it another shot. now on the policy of a u. k. built to put migrants refugees to the country. we can speak to victoria and get a will who is a chat person, the rwandan opposition party at vic twice. so is rwanda seed will destination for asylum seekers? do you think? i think you can give me the box. that's the department of state. so that's the one that is the same, doesn't know to me, and that's why i'm the one bath safe and the 17 needs to be
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a while and enjoy and to buy a suitable suitcase from when you get into citizen while the payment to get it today. for the office, some fabulous was the cost way to destroy the government. we file expropriation, they added today and formulas and to the do not today yet to express them is a pretty cutting, but they are angry and they don't understand why our government doesn't want to assist them before receiving this. as soon as he gets from repay and instead of the, for the security, for example, for the security remains in the district and then the menu has a bar, does he need to go in there? why that we didn't name it. that's when the policy shows up. to date, what is it or produce? heating it one day, 2018. the program it was a short task of food on the corner. we controlled rhonda clouds approve. this is not a to z, and they that the has not
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a genetic employment opportunity for people. according to the one that measured that step is deep. 22 of the old people i the douglas and the one that from dogs to all the 5 digit over to those that are produced. and they were wondering where to run the government. we defined the, the job to offer to do that. okay, the so what you're saying or to are is it that it will be very difficult for these items because to arrive and rewind or, and try and build a new life to rehabilitate and to get work insightful. yes, this is a tool because a lot of promises to offer jobs about to do they want to see you has no job there. douglas. how rhonda, kind of where the government would you find that jump to does it people, when you land we the oh, how was the one that is a poor country. he, it's cardinal to improve the the live or those i city will see. cuz for me, i think that they got the, they 0 is just when they read company, why the,
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why do you mean, why did they really talk to error like those with trust fits is wonderful, but you say, okay, i, because i mean, you kind of government say this will act as a deterrent for migrants trying to get into view. okay. can you see it working from your perspective fair and could golly no, i don't think so. i share the costs and we see you monday nights, organization. and it also has been for the life of productions is a city was guess because when they place really be processed the he and the is, this is 64, the bank would be good to the pieces that this and to allow that to stay that you got any longer by any cuz they glen sweetie, be dismissed. what do you happen to to then? this is where i agree with the you case from a cold when it to the question before is before the photo bad visit introduced to the board agenda congress. okay. of a try,
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i appreciate your perspective. thanks very much. indeed that's required. thank you very much. thank you. thank you to iran president ever to him but easy has arrived in for like a lot of his attains at strengthening ties between the 2 countries. he will meet with president a regular with them single and they know great to a multi $1000000.00 pop punk built by and radian engineering company. ahead of his visits, tracy spent 3 days and focused on as part of his to south asia. no fernandez has moved from columbus as he is gone, dried into the reasons for his visit. having arrived at the month of the airport in the south east of the country. incidentally, that is very much the regions that will benefit most from the irrigation thoughts of this amount or project, the uranium present. and he's for long term count about press the button on the loan of that's a multi purpose development project. it will generate electricity as well. as provide integration to over 12 or 15000 heck says of land. later on,
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in the day he will be here in colombo, where he will be received by this election president with a formal god with god devona. that will be the thing of some of random's, of understanding and obviously before he leaves, that will be a joint statement as well. it has been a long a relationship. so they have both of the we have both as far as we have a refinery. that was mainly geared towards of a new noise, and it's been a long term relationship. and now with geo politics taking the center stage internationally. obviously, the, even in present coming to for a long term, even though this was a planned visit at the time when there's so much tension back home, shows the importance of that iran is placing on building ties and keeping them, claudio the us government has agreed to a nearly a $159000000.00 settlement for the sexual abuse victims of laurie nessa. it comes off to more than a 100 people accuse the f. b. i of mishandling allegations of sexual assault against the former team doctor of usa gymnastics. as far as serving more than
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a 100 years in prison facilities do female hey, wave is causing major disruptions across south and southeast asia. at least 5 people have died from heat stroke and bank the dish. thousands of schools have been closed and had been regular power outages. several people have also died from extreme heat in the philippines. and if it pains the scorching heat as far as some schools to suspend classes on wheeler reports from an in a series of looming water shortage, there's a moving power shortage, thousands of heck, there's a price feels are drying up. and it just last monday, 19 cars parked at the manila international airport was destroyed by fire. any additional investigation showed that it was caused by a grass fire. but one of the most effective really is the education sector. because schools have had to devise ways to educate children without sacrificing their
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health. and so some schools are now holding classes only very early in the morning, starting at 6 in the morning. and then late in the afternoon going into early evening, some schools have shortened class hours from 5 or 6 hours to just 3 hours a day. but with the education department is also done is authorized local governments and school administrators to suspend classes. once the heat index reaches 40 degrees celsius and that's what's happening today, as you can see here, this school is empty. uh, there are no classes here, but that's not to say that students are not burning because the school has switched to the online online mode of instruction. but parents are concerned because they think that this is not the most effective way for students to learn. and so the head here on out 0 dollars and something square that file series with the clippers in the and b j will be here with the best, the action, the
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business, latest, a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the, let's get off the floor now his joe nick, thank you. also have sent a powerful message to live, a pool, and much of the team, the premier li, title race kind of habits school twice as a thrust is oma club. chelsea 5 know to move 3 points clear at the top. david stakes has the action thing waiting for the account is the sun. so pretty impressive for games to go into to erase movements and is back with us. know they've reached out to the blocks against the inform chelsea side,
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the android trust sod settling the nerves after 4 minutes. but it was in the 2nd half that they really run away with it. and what made it to new, the full full mate. chelsea pool with chi habits i did at the time, the 8 minutes late to have a student number and then we also got his 2nd to the game to complete the 5. no ramps awesome those biggest ever with over chelsea. i think it's going to weigh so busy for the confidence for the believe that that we can do that. we can come to the stages against big teams and we got for form on wayne goes away. we've done it tonight, so enjoy it. and then there's a back to or tomorrow because we have a big one on sunday and we're gonna have to prepare really went to,
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to try to be the chelsea's a game on beaten lee run, ended in grateful fashion, to move it to you, push it to you know, refused to question his quite his character. i play football and i was in some similar situation. um with the good player to experience, but here i played with my own. i play, we will not be in your play with your know, but this, do they play on some part of the season? you know, some, this type of think on coming towards the race is still out of a hands, but the victory puts ospital. 3 points play and significantly boost a gold difference, which could prove crucial by next step. they faced talking to me in the northland adobe on sunday. they made stokes out as their home as well. let's take a closer look at the premier lee table. as you had that also now have a false face, the period go difference of 56 months. this he is still in control with 2 games in hand, while livable play the game in hand against evanson in the mozy site. that will be later on wednesday. yeah,
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on for us it's clear i'm solutions for you. i don't have to say that again and again again, it's really important like all the other games where as well but yeah, we know about the importance. definitely big day for, for me, i live in full play a hurry to leo. straight your now messages japanese team, yokohama s marie knows they're up against south korea's olson high in the, in the semi finals of the asian champions league. you can hama at home, but takes on time his olson lead one. now from the 1st like we're excited about this challenge. again, not every day you get to playing a, a semi final of a champions league game. so we're prepared for it. we've done a lot homework with fit. we're ready. and again, we're, we're excited for this challenge. well, the winter of that tie will face online in the final, the you a side last. the 2nd leg against a full time with is all hello. went through 5 full on aggregate,
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is the full time that elaine has reached the final, but they've never won the tournaments. they've been managed by former argentine a player and non crisper. since december. we were under adults and to the, to in quite a strong base on the same kind of thing. we are, we, we go, we go through and i think these display as the start to talk about them at the pace in amazing way. when of course, suppose for my origin, tina teammates call us to this has been hospitalized and borne aside as because of chest pains. the 40 year old form and mentions united, the bulk of juniors and events. his plan has been manager independent, a since august last year. who were made and hosp, so as a precaution, well undergoing tests organize the genes year is in germany. say they worried about the threats of a terrorist attack. have the confidence biggest football tournaments. they've set up a police, sent a needs to see if just a little bringing together german and international offices and intelligent
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services to collect information about security during the tournaments. germany will introduce temporary border controls for the competition you found. who is younger, fiduciary, who is the danger of a text is more likely than it has been for a long time. but you can prepare by being well informed. it's not just the police who it's further on state, national and international intelligence surfaces. all the information is linked here to note as early as possible if something is brewing. but sadly, no one can assure you, it's like nothing ever happens to me as a time overall world cup ski champion muscle hasha is coming out of retirement of to 5 years on switching nationality. the former australian race that will ski for the netherlands, his mother's country as he aims to qualify for the world cup circuit again, no word yet on whether they 2 time olympic gold medalist is talking the 2026 winter games in easily dallas mavericks have even dealt with
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a n b a playoff series with the la clippers of the waiting game to look at. don't chit chat such as 2.9. is this car using may? 23 is the my fleet. the clip is 96 to 93. it's $11.00 going into the game 3 on today. indiana paces also pull by way back into the series with the little keep bucks. pass down, see account, quoted. so she's 7 points. 11. rebounds are 6. this is as a snap 10 game post season, lose the street station by the 2018. find the full price is $125.00 box $1.00 oh $8.00. and the ministration symbols have gone to nothing up on the phoenix suns and that best of 7 series jayden mcdaniel full $25.00 points for 3 of best in the playoffs. a symbol stifle this sounds attacked 2 in one or 5 to 93. it symbols of only of a held a to nothing seriously. once before and the franchise history. and that was 20 years ago. i was trying to incorrect marcus join us says he still wants to play
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international cricket for his country beyond the t 20 woke up despite being dropped as a regular play by cricket, australia stowing this looks set to be picked up at the well company. western news on the united states and on wednesday he provided a glimpse of his best foam and indian permanently should be around to smash them between 124 runs of 63 bowls. please look now stupid joints to 6 for get wind of the 10 ice to pickings. that was the highest individual cool in an i p l chase. and if you thought that was impressive, take a look at so here tanya is late. this time, the deputy saw him a 450 foot, so 137 visa home run into the 2nd deck of the washington national stadium. as late judges, one for one. it was the 6 homer of the season in the hottest hits. it is true at almost $190.00 columbus has our right. that's very impressed is back to nick. so he's been easiest breakfast as a j. thanks about. so that's it for me. in the classes these uh, i will be back,
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i should my colleague laura was back and just met with more of the day. do so. see if it went to the devastation fun with dishes, usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation. they're leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid leasing king country. you have the problem to day, the rest of the work will have it tomorrow and they will have to learn from us. our address here is new series dying of life before land. 300 years ago, the found is the full season, the celebrated, the natural world in stages of the year. now his music has been re composed by alteration intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global
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climate emergency. culminating in a disturbing like performance in south korea. this nokia or of silver on al jazeera . and how believes that shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from the natural habitat. family groups separated an instance and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated they are how complex they are, and yet we put them into a gauge doctor. we should light the and keep them all their life. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking. that if i have a degree, if i look in the research institution or a university and best place to understand the books. and so if we don't continue
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with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. let us don't mean that we don't harm. we don't touch we do. we exploit the european union dues, an investigation and the discovery of mass graves in gaza as one of the 51 bodies are recovered from nasa hospital in connie and the, the more a kyle, this is alan's, is there a lie from doha? so coming up, free pala simians are killed in rough sizes, rarely stripes, continue to target neighborhoods across the cause of stress. cross border exchanges
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of fire intensified between as well. and the lebanese on foot has full on the.


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