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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the, the the hello and the clock, mississippi is on line from dallas that cut me off for the next 60 minutes. the european union tools for an independent investigation in the discovery of mass graves and gas furnace. another 5140 to recovered from nasa hospital call unit 3, palestinians are killed in rockford and is ready strides. continue to target and neighborhoods across the goal is to strip cross border exchanges of fire intensify between israel and the liberties on group husband la palestinian solidarity protest spread across the us universities. most students are arrested for the opposition to israel's war on guns and support. also pull away in the premier lead time to raise
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sights rush, chelsea 5 now lose 3 points. clear at the top of the standings with full bangs. less than 6 the . so we begin this news in dogs the way it is rarely fighter jets and tanks of them finding the strip from the, from the ground. the health industry says at least 79 people have been killed at 86 injured in the past 24 hours. the roof and union is calling for an independent investigation into mass graves found net to hospitals and garza the uses. it's gravely concerned that civil defense teams recovered another 51 bodies from the ground of nasa hospital. the remains of more than 300 people have been discovered since saturday witness. ready say some of the victims were killed during the 4 months age. many were found with the hands bound and appeared to have been shot
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execution style. israel's attacks across the strip of continuing into barley, a refugee camp in the north, and asked right wounded, at least 5 people, and 3 refugee camps in the central region. i'll put ridge on the godaddy and i'm just sort of being targeted. yes, a to all right, 1st up, let's speak to honey. my mood. who's in rafa in the southern gaza and how do you just tell us more about these graves and more remains being found? the yes, the for the past 5 days, the civil defense group, paramedics, are searching and recovering more body than despotic river court. the court of nasir hospital believe they were killed and buried during the when the hospital was under. these really military see, according to eye witness in the area who tested by the facilities really monitor a that's a great and got nearby cemetery and did bugging out digging out bodies of,
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of palestinians who are better than this cemetery early or when the hospital was a storm searching for a for hostages bodies, but at the same time it, it, it killed other people at the courtyard of the hartford whether it are the patients or the injuries from inside the facility itself and buried them in and, and along with the bodies that were pulled out of from that, that's a creative cemetery and this one huge mass of grapes so far for the 5th, big about $50.00 to $70.00 bodies each day. we're looking at the close do of the $300.00 more than a $300.00 bodies have been recovered. bodies of women and children, elderly and also patients that injure, who believe do work, drugs out of the hospital and were shot and killed and execution is side. and the reason we, we say this is because doctors, paramedics and civil defense, the crew found medical bandages. and cafeteria still at the top of the bodies of people who identify were patients and injuries inside the hospital. the scenes,
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all of the crying parents and family members is searching for the remaining bodies of their relatives and loved ones and family members dominating the scene. right now, it's not the corner hospital. some families have been searching for the past 7 days for the remains of their sons and found themselves inside the mass of great. as we tool kit, how do we can hear these really mean that you drains above you tell us more about that than the ongoing strikes are. yeah, it's the quite intimidated got out as we speak. i believe the drawing just fired a missile and we don't know, it was part of it. we could hear the sound, the bus sounds not only the drum, but also the missile that was fired. and this has been going on for hours right now since early hours this morning, almost at every report. we could hear that clearly,
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and it's been quite dominating for people here in dropbox. see the old very crowded up. i did it with 1500000 displays palestinian 3 people were killed in overnight at the top of the city here and a residential home and other were critically injured. all the transfer then my job has to be felt. but defense from the area. i mean, they were looking at all refuge account equal to got being bombarded relentlessly by here and by land and by the gun both at the coast, the road. just preventing people from moving it from the central area on the southern part of district where more people at least 5 people reported go to from one family. it more residential buildings destroyed and severely damaged public facilities, including the schools that are privately owned educational institutions. and public educational facilities bills have been destroyed. how do you believe that that. busy into about with you as things develop money. let me die in a rough in solving with your opinion,
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his bicycle from the you and the human rights chief of elk, a tug for an independent investigation and to the hundreds of parties discovered at the hospitals destroyed. and is there any military operations of the art gravely concerned by the, by the result, the discovery of most grace in the found you nice. i mean, i'll, she follows to be told the something that the forces us to quote for an independent investigation of older suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that is why it's important to have independent investigation and to ensure the accountability amongst students is now live from london. the. what do we think the impact of this demand for an independent investigation on israel might be? well miss, i've reached out to the v is ready for that straight to find out whether they be pad to facilitate independent investigators. i've not heard back from them. i also reached out to these really prime ministers office for
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a response or comment on this to me on from the european union, no response of the last arrows. so historically they've not been into the aspect about independent investigators operating inside goals and what they've off inside is that because they're ongoing ministry opperation that would be too dangerous for that to happen. the mechanics for the twin full system on for an independent investigation on said, reaching out to the spokes bus and you decide from that piece of stand of the set. this was often the requirement that you you made. they would like to see independent investigations of any number of issues, but they didn't have a specific body in mind that would carry those out. they did points as the comments yesterday from joseph, but l, the senior diplomats, in your opinion, the speaking therapy in parliament, in which he talked about that well, central kitchen strike several weeks ago in which is rather acknowledged responsibility, acknowledged it was a grave arrow and he said it raised questions as to how often that had happened before without that being the intent spotlight placed on his rail in relation to other events. next, i'm going to leave it there for a moment. thanks
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a lot of the mazda in london. jeremy says it plans to resume cooperation with the un agency for palestinian refugees badly this week. and independent review split under west off of many links to have mass. so the all type of the 7 to tech is speaking to out to 0. the head of and run, philippe, let's at any so the agency was being attacked for political reasons. why is on the constant attack constant pressure constant call of this functioning, a constant administrative uh, restaurant. and also constant. i would say sometimes the social media assassination and the says definitely an impact on l. stuff. or you might also have seen over there now stuff today. so they have been an opinion for and also within the population into with mike and, you know, gaza, there is a, a deep anxiety is that if the, the agency is
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a discount of the do, this would also put an end to the 2 state solution. i was just say pretty comfortably last week. and basically i told the member that the i talked to on want have nothing to do. we started to try to, to issues. but in reality, that motivated by the objective of the street. but the but his team and from the risk just stages with his rarely ministry, as long as the tie some what it says, all hezbollah targets in southern lebanon, at least 40 strikes of targeted areas along the lebanese border with his ro is really ministry, and has blah, it'd been exchanging a fire across the board a since october the 7th on tuesday. and it's really straight killed. 3 people, including a woman, and a 12 year old girl, said a hold or is pulling developments from that much of you in southern lebanon, a beloved on israel. the border remains an active front line in recent days. there has been an increase in attacks, part of
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a pattern of sporadic escalation in the span of just a few minutes as well carried out at least 14 air strikes, targeting what it says or has bullet positions and 2 villages along the border. this follows a series of attacks carried out by the lebanese armed group targeting military positions along the border. hezbollah also struck it's carried out in attack. its deepest strike inside is really territory on tuesday, targeting military positions north of occur, that's approximately 15 kilometers from the border. it said that attack was in response to the killing of one of its members in a target to the assassination. so a warning from huntsville are telling these rallies, expect further escalation if these targeted assassinations continue. the so the situation remains vala tile precarious. but it's still very much limited to the border area and to military targets. even though 2 more lebanese civilians were killed. late on tuesday, a woman and
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a child nearly 70 civilians have been killed in this ongoing conflict. so, so far it hasn't led to a this, this escalation hasn't led to a wider war, but a bigger war can not be ruled out there. osha, 0, march. how you and southern up and on more than 700 is really such lives have been to the i'll acts of most compound and occupied east jerusalem. non muslims are allowed to visit the site for 4 hours every morning. security restrictions have being tightened for the jewish on the day of passive. the us extra estates has arrived at china on his 2nd visit to the staging and washington seek to stabilize relations and to the blank can will begin his visits by holding discussions with business leaders in shanghai. he'll then had to page in on friday for thoughts with the for administer whiteley us concerns on chinese
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trade practices in china. support for russia are expected to talk to each end of aging, is also seeking to result several other issues with washington. among them, the fentanyl, if you're in crisis in the united states, u. s. officials accuse china refuting the problem. trinity reports from the agent in the us, secretary of state antony blinking isn't bulking on a 3 day visit to china, expecting some difficult conversations ahead. badging and washington say the trip is about strengthening dialogue and stabilizing the rocky bilateral relationship. but it comes as you, as politicians, continue to take actions against china. investigators for the us house committee, have released a report accusing china of fueling americas fentanyl crisis by subsidizing the export of pre kosa chemicals. this is displayed badging, agreeing to crack down on the production of the synthetic art period since 2017 officials here has dismissed the claim. and some analysts say china is being used
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as a scape goat ahead of the move in the presidential election. it's easy to, and it makes sense for both democrats and republicans to agree on creating this image of china as being sent for the, the, the only main issue to the problem rather than looking at what are the root causes of americans being such a bad drug users, the us senate has also passed a for an aid package, which includes $8000000000.00 for the funding of tie, once military or red line issue for china. we tell our allies, we will stand with you. we tell our adversaries don't mess with us. the package would also force the sale of social media app take talk from its chinese owners bite dance within the next year. a move they doing has described as on fact also high on actually gives agenda to ukraine. he wants to convince china to stop supporting moscow, and it's we'll edit when it comes to rushes defense industrial base,
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the primary contributor in this moment to that is trying to we c china turing machine tools, semi conductors other dual use items. the china denies this saying its partnership with russia has nothing to do with the invasion of ukraine. sure, i worry about fanny, the flames smearing others or shifting the blame is not the right way to resolve the ukraine. issue. thinking is also expected to raise discussions in the other tensions in the south china sea and aging industrial. his visit may not change the slight degree of mistrust between the 2 sides. but that these present disagreements squire is just something katrina, you all to 0. all right, let's take this, i'm gonna show you who's the director of the china africa initiative at the london school of economics doing this now from madrid. chevy, welcome to out to 0. tell us more about blinking priorities here and how they're
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likely to be received by china. as i saw a report, it has just outlines or there are 4 key areas. i think section lincoln will highlight. he's trying to tread. the 1st one is that the us seriously considers financial sanctions of chinese banks that are engaged in supporting rushes of military industrial complex. to is that the us, we opened the 301 trade investigations this time on chinese to steal a little bit of our ship building and the logistics sectors. so the trade tire of stuff that you what you pulses are trainings good faces for the escalation. the 3rd is all to do with so over capacity issue which uh, separately yeah. how distressed. uh, which paging that temperature blink who is likely to continue to pressure, try to, to contained over capacity in green economy, particularly easy. so solar d, c, make cetera. the sectors that the u. s. also sees this vital to his domestic
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economy and the last point is obviously on the high one with the on, depending on, you know, if you ration of the incoming time on president a dr. light change of the us. uh, its uh, this is part of the broader effort by sector should blink into pre apps. any potential escalations or the tight and straight right is a great deal to talk about in a very short amount of time and how to see really isn't it, how the 2 countries can meet in the middle, given that the so far a problem pretty much all those issues, i mean, i don't think the 2 sides are likely to to i agree um, any of the of for you shoes mation and the fewer to a certified separately bring could visit to china this time. he's got a full ostrich know as well. and he's our center, the includes our financial sanctions, trade sanctions, tarps and the military returns. i don't think any of those policy tools are likely to be well received by b. j, likely r i g c 962 to send an email as visit
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a couple of weeks ago on normally things you can dismiss the proposition to ask china to contain the industrial over capacity. but she also invited the russian foreign minister, a sturdy live trough, 2 bits of aging and meet with the chinese president on a separate she yelling slots last day there and very mind deception young. and despite her full long visit to china for 5 days that she didn't get to meet with the present and she so i think the result is probably more likely to result in some more anger and the frustration on both sides. right. what about the financial systems and the positioning of the us stolen you on or so the financial sanctions has long been considered as a technician nuclear option, but nonetheless, i don't think 80 so told a surprise by badging as you've based on look at. it's all badging saw policy
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options in recent months of china had been offloading the us treasury. so somewhere under $800000000000.00 representing a over 40 percent dropped from the start of the war. and ukraine, china has been heavily buying gold. and if you were to look at the banks that are specifically involved in clearing a china roster trade, a lot of tomorrow regional. there are new and some of them are even created for the purpose of clearing china russian trade. so either way, by doing has been preparing for the sol potential financial sanctions on chinese banks. and if it were to happen. but i do want to make sure that the major stayed on, the chinese banks are going to be isolated from the risk. and so i think even though this might sound of the told to the chinese financial sector, it may not be surprising as many think you mentioned taiwan and such a key issue. but is it the case of the 2 sides really just took turn around and just re emphasizing solidifying that positions on it. we're not really expecting to
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get any further with trying to negotiate something that both accept to buy it fully agreed on the taiwan issue. i mean, the most recent call between our presidents biden and she present, she hasn't made clear that the 2 risks are surrounding china's piece and development cannot be tolerated when he comes to peace. he refers to the external support of taiwan independence and on development. he referred to the different logical sanctions on chinese companies, so that points directly to the point of tension over taiwan from badging perspective. so basically wants to contain any writing sentiments over time. why need dependence of on the south to the island from us this perspective, i think the us does want to maintain the status overs and how would straight because it is fundamentally in the us is national, huge stress. he's the world war over taiwan. the global summit,
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conductors industry would be designated, and if you were to look at the most advanced of ship products in the world today, those are most advanced chips that the ice phones are going to use. that you guys currently produce a 0 off shore. so it will be the us as interest to maintain the status quo, but that means the by the administration needs to be so accomplished to go through the same time away and do the self contained the independence sentiment gonna come by the time is leadership and all the other hand is obviously to send out the message of the teachers to badging. surely, just great to your perspective, appreciate that. thanks a lot. show you from elsie, the ukrainian drain strike has talked to the fuel in energy depot instruments in western russia. the strong cause the launch fi, but no casualties have been reported. meanwhile, russia launch several missiles targeting ukraine, 2nd largest city of khaki, miss allstate, a residential area,
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damaging buildings and thousands of calls. at least at least 6 people were injured from. the philippines is sweltering. the heat way that's full cost allows for a few more weeks with temperatures rise, even higher. thousands of schools have been suspended in person classes and uh, now teaching online. it's problem to concern the quality of education. already one of the worse and the world could further deteriorate barnaby low. as this report now from manila, andrea full does hasn't been to school for days. assignment. instead, she's taking classes online for school is closed, as are thousands of others across the philippines during a heat wave that's lasted weeks. the government has given administrators permission to suspend classes when to forecast it's 40 degrees celsius. parents say it's good to have the option to learn online and, but it isn't ideal. that's what's the benefit of the fed them that we can up to choose either online or modular. but for me, learning needs
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a face to face interaction. so i prefer face to face learning for her what andrea agrees, but it also says she finds it unbearable to sit in the classroom for hours. it's the smelling because sometimes when i'm in school and sticking in the social, i sometimes get my new speed. it's threatening to words and already poor quality of learning. i'm on filipino school children, a study, but the world back last year found almost all the 10 year olds couldn't read simple tech. there are many pupils who were promot at the next level of the grade level. but we found out that they are non readers or they could hardly, right? maybe because they are using i've left or cellphone. they are only using their fingers. so when you asked them to write me, could not. the government had told the return to the classroom learning would bridge the gap, but the climate change is slowing efforts. will schools here in the philippines
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have been taking measures to cope with the heat. education department has decided to take a more concrete step. it's ordered public schools to gradually return to the old academic calendar where students take a break during the hottest months of march to me by 2028 instead of june to july when type ones and once in rains are frequent. education isn't the only sector effected. on monday, 19 cars parked many of us, the airport were destroyed. what's believe to be a grass fired power plants are going offline, and water reservoirs are drain up, and the damage to agriculture, exacerbated by drought caused by the new weather pattern, is estimated at nearly $70000000.00. find it below al jazeera, many la, the best thing of violence in india is northeast in state of money per, is interrupting voting. as a result, just days into the 6 week price as some posting stations. and having to rerun the 1st round of, i think the indian government has failed to get visas. 12 to 0. it's correspondence
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to cover the story that full we're covering the election from outside the country. his how does that mohammed warranty is patrol the streets of villages in money? poor state. it's been like the since may last year when ethnic violence broke out between the minority cookie and the majority made the communities so the patient has been sitting for years escalated code proposed extending state benefits, granted to the 2 keys to meet these. this one is something we can said a separate me decision. we'd be the only sort of thing seems we can all go to in far and they're going to come to healy area. i think there that would be the only sort of thing more than $200.00 people have been killed. the violence us
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butterflies, many parts of the region this highway should be full of traffic. it connects many, put me on my trade is struggling to keep their businesses open alive. i eat. i'm what i'm company man. now, what i don't really know when there was no conflict, we could go to them on and on was to me and my to buy goods and sell them here. now that become good, there anymore, become good. any products for me and my exposure to interrupted voting, independent mentoring elections, which started on friday polling stations. what bundling and voting machines damage the government has bring to position the but the, this election is not between the b p and the congress party is between those who talk and breaking up money for and those who want to keep money for united. the congress part to talk subdivision wherever they go. why the positioning to see the government is responsible. but don't worry about violence. let's take a bite,
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let's say they got that one, but this violence is a creation of the government. this is the handiwork. more particularly the state government, including with the central government, they have deliberately not ending this violent tone, but the 2nd phase of voting in money pulled will start on friday for votes. this one is for piece 3, come to the state and them. and i just need just a reminder of indian governments is not in the ground to visas throughout the zeros john list that we're covering the election from outside the country. some of the weather now has car. hello there. it's a story of heat and strong winds across the north of africa, and some of those conditions are pushing across into the event and the middle east . so we're seeing temperature is a sit while above the average for the likes of 11 on and syria over the next few days. it is looking at most settled across the gulf as we go into friday. the width
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of weather starts to push its way across eastern parts of iran, leaving behind some sunshine in the west. we are set to see the showers pickup across the western pots of saudi arabia and the week. now, in contrast to this has been boned. why across the north of africa for places like libya and the strong winds have kicked up the hard dust, turning the skies red the we could see for the sand storms in the days ahead. for libya as well as egypt, thanks to the very strong winds. and what weather does start to creep its way from west to east, from morocco, across algeria, and to newsheel on thursday into friday, but it is a laundry hot picture across the north of africa. so i'm not sure what to across that central band. he seems very heavy rain caused devastating flooding across central pots of kenya is more rain to come here and for tons in the with the wind warning for coastal areas and it stria and hotter for the south. actually, weather is still a head hearing out 0 and the report says,
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nearly 300000000 people across the world are facing high levels of food and secured brain. conflicts are a major cause of the christ and around the president is ensure lanka to a no grades of multi $1000000.00 hydro power without support coming up to will have from the former level class. he's now aiming to reach the final of the asian champions league. that's coming up with the humanity is open the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south. crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on just wait for euro 2024 is getting closer.
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great savings away. you subscribe now to the euro early, but adults to get up to 3 month free subscription or free set, top full experience. the great piece supposed to give a jump, the, exclusively on the the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of thing you're watching out is there a reminder about the top stories? is that o d u n d u n?
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according for an independent investigation officer and civil defense beings recovered another 5140 strong match, craving dogs, a mazda, 300, have been discovered, say, fall in the grounds of knots. the whole springs hung eunice is really fine to jets and tank so bombarding the strip from the, from the ground to body risk to come to know and that strike we did at least 5 people. and 3 refugee comes in, the central region of being targeted game is really ministry is lots to types and what it says, all his thoughts, how it gets in southern lebanon, at least, 40 strong to talk the positions between the board have tons of i to shop and from the southern food and security around the world has got was for the 5th consecutive year. that's according to the global report on fruit food crises. it says growing complex and one of the main drivers of hunger for hundreds of millions of people
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calling baker looks at the country's best effect. as the agencies that monitor food and security are sounding the alarm, it's not only climate change, but the rapid spread of conflicts around the world that's causing widespread hunger . the global report on food crises shows that last year, nearly 282000000 people faced acute food in security. that means their lives are in danger because they don't have enough to eat 700000 people in 5 countries or territories. on the brink of famine, catastrophic hunger and almost all of them are in gaza. the strips entire population of 2300000 people is now classified as food in secure. that means they regularly don't have enough to eat. the report also finds the years of fighting in the democratic republic of congo, have made it the country with the most food and secure people. that's nearly 26000000. and in sudan, a year of conflict on top of those that were already ongoing,
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has less more than $20000000.00 people facing hunger crisis. a search and gang violence in haiti has left half of the population without enough to eat in just a few months. force displacement and hunger go hand in hand and more than 90000000 people are either displaced within their own countries, borders or have fled as refugees and asylum seekers and many are due to hunger as we have it to correspondence covering the story i'm address is dining by for us and like us, but 1st let's go to call to him to have a morgan and a but we know that there are millions facing this food and security is who don to to the conference, but just tell us describe for us how bided. well, what the report means on the ground is that they are millions and millions of people in the capital one or 2 and elsewhere in other places, such as are 4 and the cords of finding the southern parts of the country. unable to
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access food, the the, the 8 organization doctors without borders the in north star for a loan. 13 children die every single day as a result of hunger or hungary related diseases. and that's just in a single state. rather in a single 50, in the state of north star for out of an entire western region in sedan. so the situation is quite a dire now when there is food available, there comes the issue of the ability to purchase it because of the conflict. many people have lost their means to income, so many people are unable to afford food on a daily basis. and that is one of the reasons why there is such a high number of people facing food is security in the capital costume and elsewhere. many people say that they do not have even access to even a single meal a day, and they rely on music kitchens or on 8 organizations. but because of ongoing conflicts and restriction to 8 agencies ability to access places, many people cannot get food for themselves. and for their families. so what hope is
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that for those that really need this to date, they'll actually get it well, both were in parties, disability army and the parent made it through rapid support forces said that the ones to allow communitarian assistance to those in need, especially in the areas of control now on the grounds that is not happening despite the fact that both signed what's known as the declaration of principles. last may the, for the city of kent desk that would allow for military assistance to reach if there was a need for our, for region, for example. uh, very little aid was able to come in during the month of march for the 1st time in months. and that's not enough for the entirety of the region where millions are in need of humanitarian assistance in the capital. how too many people have gone for months and months without humanitarian assistance. and they say that where they are located, it's very hard to get food. so despite the fact that both were inside, say that they want to allows me to turn to assistance because of the ongoing
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fighting of ongoing violence and inability by means hearing aids agencies to be able to come in. it doesn't look like they, and many people would be able to get any kind of relief anytime soon. hey, beth, thanks for that. have a morgan in call team from through done, we go to 290 to lagos. in fact, i'm going to address this dining by the and say you have a big issue of rising food prices. what's driving them off of what basically several factors make a festival. remember nigeria has been going through, i mean, so just see for the last 15 years of the volts out on me. so i just say in the northeast of the country and then over the past 8 to 10 years, we've seen the rise of banditry as well. as tip not being seen, the northwest of the country, of central parts of nigeria, those 2 complex how full stuff really is a promise of their problem lines. and of course, sadly these are the areas why most of the grains of cereals are being produced in nigeria. apart from that, uh, the recent evaluation of a local currency,
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but neither does most on what the value, which means that it's cheaper to buy, not judy and full stop and foot and products from this country. so neighboring countries, i've been reading that getting markets to buy food stuff across the border with them, and that's created to show it to just unfold many families who cannot afford uh, 3 meals a day. this is a warning thing. remember because of the bottom inside just as well as the finest in the north west of the country and north central parts of that. julia millions of people inside 5 to 10000000 people. i estimate it to be relying on food aid. they're not technicians over the past 2 years has reduced the amount of 48 it's given to these people. so it's a warning situation in all cases in nigeria indeed. so how are people typing with these challenges in is government helping it's, it's difficult, difficult go to any family. uh you, you the, they tell you that they're cutting down costs by that they mean they have to make
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tough decisions to reduce the amount of food they take in a day. we met the family just a short while ago such as they used to feed 4 times a day. now they hardly pay twice a day, which is very difficult for middle income families. yeah. imagine, and we're not talking about the rest of the population or the larger part of the pump, not different population. hold on 60 percent, rely on less than $2.00 a day. so those people can only imagine what they're going through at the moment. what they're seeing over the past 2 months or so. the government busing is born green resolved to try to help the most vulnerable, i mean the citizens, but unfortunately such as not near enough to help those people. so it's a difficult situation right across night, you know, people are making difficult choices on the situation. it's only getting bad because we haven't reached the lead period yet. when the people planted that little, they have in store waiting for the range. and then the crop is not yet mature enough for them to have a stick. yeah, the,
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the problems i'm gonna address and they go through know your thank you there ons, president, abraham are you see has arrived in sri lanka visit ange. it's strengthening ties between the 2 countries. he's meeting a prison to run a little bit of the machine gun and it will gracie, a multi $1000000.00 pop punk built by underwriting engineering company. the head of this visit tracy spent 3 days in flux done as part of his to of south asia. though for 9, this is more not from columbus or he is gone dried into the reasons for his visits . having arrived at the month of the airport in the southeast of the country, incidentally, that is very much the region that will benefit most from the irrigation thoughts of this amount or project, the uranium present. and he's for lunch and count about press the button on the loan of that a multi purpose development project. it will generate electricity, as well as provide integration to over 12 or 15000 hicks as of land later
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on in the day. he will be here in colombo, where he will be received by the selected president with a former. 4 with god devona, that will be the thing of some randoms of understanding. and obviously before he leaves, that will be a joint statement as well. it has been a long a relationship. they have both the t, we have both as far as we have a refinery that was mainly geared towards of a new noise. and it's been a long term relationship. and now with geo politics taking center stage internationally. obviously, the, even in present coming to for a long term, even though this was a planned visit at a time when there's so much tension back home, shows the importance uh, that even is placing on building ties and keeping them cold. you know, if career has since a high level delegation to iran, dr. visit is prompting speculation of co operation between the 2 nations on their weapons programs. if you don't get an answer on the need to have close ties and
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based on the international sanctions, it's kim has more now from so it was a brief one liner on state media. north korea's minister for external economic affairs has left come young on tuesday for iran. you and jim who is pelias minister for international trade. no to have contributed to deepening economic ties with moscow in recent months. but north korea has not sent a high level official to e. ron in 5 years. it's a relationship shrouded in secrecy. the 2 states are known to have collaborated on missiles as far back as the 1980s with a u. s. intelligence report in 2019 noting a ron shall have 3 ballistic miss style was based on north korea's mid range, not on ballistic missile. now driven by a common enemy in the us. now they have a shared tie in russia. despite being under international sanctions. iranian
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drones and north korean ballistic missiles has helped fuel moscow's war on ukraine . the united states last week that it was, quote, incredibly concerned with the possibility iran and north korea. we're cooperating on nuclear and ballistic missiles. now analysts here in sol suspect that north korea is footprint in recent years has been limited to supporting, has been a lot and hum us. but many will be watching whether this economic delegation to iran could have implications on the military sector. just as come young's relations with moscow has rapidly developed in recent months. it is kim, i'll just sarah. so let us speak now to about so slightly. who's a senior research fellow with the center for middle east at strategic studies, joints, not from tyrone fi sky, but 1st of all, let's just talk about the visit to sri lanka with iran already has trade relations . and i guess it's because it is,
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is more about keeping those relations well or is that right make uh, you know, the visit this call is important because in the wake of the failure to revive the next day or did you run is trying to find alternatives to its options in economics fail, most of specifically in the region 9 among asian countries. that's why the, the ongoing was it by you written president, to sure long call is important where he in icu rate it a 500000000 dollar hydro power plant. and this kind of pays the way it to somehow compensate the, the, you know, a complex complex. so these, the run has found and it's trans relations with foreign countries within the context of the nuclear deal is not working. so that's why i think from an economic perspective, as well as, let's say, a political perspective, this is a path towards, you know, evaluating installation as well, right? all the, many opportunities for trade to try and avoid the,
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the sanctions to try and circumvent the effects of the sanctions at least. and you know, one point is that, and that's the number of the countries i've been the under the sanctions by the us as much as this number increases. i think this also increases the child support them in order to cooperate together to work together. if you look at ron's relations with russia and the way you, cuz the, you know, on president of sciences, i guess moscow, you are seeing that the volume trade between the run in the country has a, you know, with miss a significant increase. and this is subject to other countries as well, who have been to some extent or it kind of strange the pressure by the rest. this somehow may be a crate to, uh, you know, park the uh, difficulties for those content countries including you run by the, in some ways it has also, you know,
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create an opportunity for them to find ways to work together. okay. moving on to north korea. we just had a how north korea has sent a delegation to a ron raising questions in certain cultures about potential weapons programs, cooperation. what do you make of that to you know, this is quite a rare public visit by cory and officials to run in the past years. but these 2 countries share one thing coming in, that's the tense relations with the united states and the rest or the to put it precisely these 2 countries for long years have been facing the economic completely called pressure of sanctions. uh for a long time. and you running those korea are part of a broader front comprised of eastern powers, including china and russia, which rivals the rest the front. so this is quite meaningful in that context. but
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the current delegation is led by an economic official. i'm. this somehow indicates that you run a north korea as this has been case with the russia or to some extent that china are trying to use this, you know, a similar enemy as a factor pushing them to toward more economic cooperation. but to the capabilities that exist in the run in north korea, uh, which is, you know, military capabilities and the missile field and the, also the next activities, somehow, you know, attracted the attention by the international media to this ongoing visit about, you know, because there are in a comp, which stands, i guess the rest. this is quite meaningful. i guess, the backdrop of the ongoing development in the middle east or the tensions that exist between east on the west, globally. so that's, this is part of the original and international and dynamics them,
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which we have been with this thing in the past years. all right, i boss, thanks for that up as as loudly that a senior research fellow with the center for middle east strategic studies. thank as a sort of head here now is, is there another huge who bought it from sure. hey, i'm funny, as a lease and dodges to another when it's coming up in sports,
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which are the how do i go more now on the demonstrations by students that us universities who are continuing to protest against israel as well and got hundreds of students of be
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interested since friday conference and some a diety with palestinians have been set up and some of the top colleges, students from massachusetts to come fornia, according for institutions to talk ties with companies of profit from israel's ball and gaza. christmas leave me reports now from new york. hundreds of students from new york university gathered in a park off campus to denounce israel's actions. and, and why use administrators? they say are suppressing voice is critical of israel. their angry police arrested over 100 protesters on monday night after students and teachers defied orders to leave a school plaza or face consequences. the arrest that have been made. the attempts to stifle the accept, the expression are ludicrous. they're interested to go to the goals of a university. and so number one, i think they need to stop suppressing the free conversation that's happening.
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that's clearly backed right of all the students and a lot of faculty on tuesday, pro palestinian actions and rallies sprung up at lower universities across the united states, including the university of michigan, the university of minnesota and the university of california berkeley at new york's columbia university where the latest wave of protests began, students were kept out for a 7th street day a week that is seen hundreds of arrests there as well. we should also note that it's not just the police universities also suspended the students without any kind of due process. many of the students have been evicted from the dormitories dormitories that they pay for something given just 15 minutes to gather their belongings. and so overall it's been a draconian punitive response to these protests and the situation that really doesn't, meredith, there's no justification for this when the students are really just sitting on a lawn, doing their homework. students are demanding universities cut, financial ties with companies that profit from israel's occupation of palestine at
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n y u. that includes lockheed martin, us weapons manufacturer, who's weapons are used by the israeli military, general electric, which makes engines for the israeli military and caterpillar, the construction machinery giant, whose products are used in demolitions of palestinian homes. also, cisco, which supplies telecommunications networks for israel often in illegal settlements . many students are reluctant to be identified for fear of recriminations from universities who come under pressure from pro israel donors and politicians who claim the protests are anti semitic. demonstrators including some jewish students, deny accusations of anti semitism at new york university in columbia university. they even stopped to celebrate passover, they blamed individuals who are affiliated with their movements for inflammatory language. new york's mayor says,
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a police presence is necessary to protect students against outside agitators. there are people who come have nothing to do with the issue and they want to aggravate. but n y u students and faculty say that the demonstrations were peaceful until the police arrived. christian salumi alger 0 new york. the student processor also being held in australia, dozens of students and teachers at the university of sydney, held demonstrations in solidarity with palestine. they've also set up incumbents students the courtney for is realty, and it's for on the go. right. tons of talk is a school district make. thank you. but stop in japan. why you come home a f marie nice have reached the final of the asian champions league. they were gold down off to the 1st like again south chris olson high and died. but they full back to when 3 to it's tickets of penalties. and they won the shoots out of 5 for the 1st time. they've reached the final since 1990 yacoma managed by the full mountain typical and australia. play
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a harry to and now face outline in the final the you are you side last. the 2nd, like against full time with is al. hello for went through 5 full on advocates. it's a full time that elaine have reached the final, but they've never won the tournament. it's been managed by a former awesome teen up plant at a non cris suppose since november. one of course was for my origin tina teammates call us to this has been hospitalized and for the site is because of the chest pain . the 40 year old former months to united book continues and event as play has been manager independent a since august last year. also have sent a powerful message to live in pool and much city in the premier league title rice high habits school twice as a thrust. chelsea 5 know 2 or 3 points. claire at the top, david stokes has the engine thing waiting for the account. it's pretty impressive who games to go with the to to race. momentum is back with us.
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know they reached out to the blocks against the inform chelsea side, the android trust sod settling the nerves after 4 minutes. but it within the 2nd half that they really run away with it. then what made it to new, the full full but chelsea pool with card habits added to the the to make minutes late to have a student know. but then we also got his 2nd to the game to complete the 5 know routes. awesome. the biggest ever with over chelsea. i think it's going to weigh so busy for the confidence for the believe that that we can do that. we can come to this, this. ready is i can, is big teams and we got for from wayne goes away. we've done it tonight. so enjoy it. and then there's a back door tomorrow because we have
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a big one on sunday. and we're going to have super bed really went to, to try to be the chelsea's a game of beaten lee run ended in grateful fashion. and the rich, you put your to, you know, refuse to question his quite his character. i played football and i was in some similar situation and we'd be good player to experience. but here i play with my own. i play, we will not be in your play with your know about this to they play and see some part of the season. you know, some, this type of thing coming to race is still active at hens, but the victory puts us know, 3 points to play and significantly boost that goal difference, which could prove crucial by next step by face turning them in the northland adobe on sunday. they would stokes out just their home, was taking place to look at the premier league table as you had that also now have a vastly superior goal difference of 56 months. does he have still in control with 2 games in hand while living full play?
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the game in hand against edison in the mozy side don't be later implemented you, you can call the stepping down at the end of the season. there are reports, live was set to open tools with funding or the manager on the slopes. he guided the dutch club to the 1st title in 6 years last year, and the currently 2nd in the just one, the dunce cop, organize the gene zeroes in germany. say they worried about the threats of a terrorist attack of the confidence biggest football tournaments. they've set up a police sense any of the city of just total bringing together german and international offices and intelligence services to collect information about security during the tournament. germany will introduce temporary border controls for the competition you found was younger. fiduciary who missed the danger of a text is more likely than it has been for a long time. but you can prepare by being well informed. it's not just the police who it's further on, state, national and international intelligence surfaces. all the information is linked here to note as early as possible if something is brewing. but sadly,
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no one can assure you that nothing will ever happens to me for a time. i real well coach ski jump him. also hasha is coming out of warranty retirements of to 5 days and switching nationality. the former austrian race so will ski for the netherlands, his mother's country as he aims to qualify for a walk up circuit again. the word yet on whether the 2 time olympic gold medalist is targeting the 2026 when the games in italy the dallas mavericks of even the n b, a payoff suit series with the late clip as of the winning game to look at onto chad to 32.9 to say uncompromising may 23 as a map speak to christmas 96. so 92311 thing is gain 3 on today the indiana pacers inside pulls the way back is best series with the movies. the fox, costco comes requoted such a $7.00 rebounds is fix the system as a snap. 10 games has seized losing street station box to 2018 final school pace is
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125 fox, one away. the administration symbols have gone to nothing up on the phoenix suns in the best of 7 series. jason mcdaniels school 25 points for career best in the playoffs. as the temple stifled the sons attacked to in one and 5 to 93 temple, so that the f a help a to nothing seriously. once before and the franchise history. and that was 20 years ago. and take a look at say here tony's laces. time run the japanese, so hit the bull, 450 feet or $137.00 maces into the 2nd deck who washington national stadium, as is lisa, just one full one. it was his 6 homer of the season in the hottest head of his 3 at almost a 190 kilometers per hour. all right, that is all useful. no, no, far we'll have. we'll see later next day. thanks about it. thanks very much. that's it for me. nick's office these up, i will be back in a couple minutes and i'll have another half hour
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a few as we'll see you then the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even half. this is not important which of these are going to and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just awesome. upfront on out there and devastation bundle dishes usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation then living on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapid lease thinking country. you have the problem today. the rest of the work
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will have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land. these are the mythologies or the drum is. they used to march through the old city before dawn box with an increase is really military precedence. it's too dangerous . as daylight arrives at, austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the street club carts, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tory for is the cities often defies the seasonal rate. used to be lost on the street. right now look, it's easy to move around. the law could be different. and it's warren go to change the situation and now we have 70 percent more business people here say the heart of
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the month is even more significant. this year, a foster emphasized with those hungry and suffering in gone to the european union tools run independent investigation into the discovery of mass graves and gaza is another $51.00 point. he's a recovered from nasa hospital in con unit the, at 11 o'clock. this is out to 0 and live from doha. also coming up is really all me continues to follow me. the gaza strip. health industry says at least 79 people have been killed and 86 aged in the past 24 are across the board to exchanges a foreigner intensify between it's relative the liberties on group as part of the


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