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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the warring goal is to change the situation and not listen. we have 70 percent more business. people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa, the european union tools run independent investigation into the discovery of mass graves and gaza is another $51.00 point. he is recovered from nasa hospital and con unit the on the conferences out 0 and life from doha also coming up is really army continues to palm. the gaza strip. health industry says at least 79 people have been killed and 86 injured in the past. 24, our cross border exchanges of foreigner intensify between israel and the liberties
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on group is by listing. in some a diety, protest spread across us universities. more students are arrested for the opposition to israel's war on guns. so we begin and goes away, is rarely fight the jets and times the bone bonding district from the air and from the ground. the health industry says at least 79 people have been killed in 86 injured in the past 24 hours. the european union is calling for an independent investigation into the mass graves found, the 2 hospitals in garza, the uses is gravely consign this civil defense teams recovered another 51 bodies from the grounds of nasa hospital. the remains of more than $300.00 people have been discovered since saturday witnesses, a sum of the victims were killed during the full month's siege,
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and many were found with a hands bound and appeared to be in shots execution style as well as rails attacks across the strip of continuing into probably a refugee camp in the north and that strike we did at least 5 people, and 3 refugee camps in the central region. outage of mcguckie and mr. wright, i been talking to yesterday to the ministry of health and golf is warding of the risk of an epidemic jew to the sewage and in the streets. and among the tents. many displays pellets to me is do not have access to clean safe water to drink. let's cause now to rafa live target, resume standing by for us the in the south as it goes the strip. so tell us more festival tack if you would about for the remains be discovered in mass graves. well, near distressing seems have been really imagined from announcer hospital again for the 3rd day in the road. as the efforts are still ongoing by the civil defense
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cruise, along with a medical. why? because in order to recover more bodies that be buried in dpi and besides, as the efforts did not stop, in fact, were at least 51 palestinian today being recovered from the graveyards of the last or hospital in the city of con you, it is now what is happening that was completely ident aside black, specifically that those people who have been really killed and buried that where elderly were elderly people, children, women. and if you are also included in the include that wanted people who are also a being completely hand cofton with their hands being tied towards the back, which gives a clear indication that within days when existence in that hospital they have been investigating residents. i written since have been reporting off to their withdrawal from an officer hospital about mass killing process being really carried out by the ministry in the back area. while the united nation white's office has been calling for an independent,
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transparent investigation regarding the mass great spot from the east. very sorry to have been saying that these claims are on found that it means that they are joining and all the way to say that they are not responsible for beginning or the burial of those people. but we kind of cloud, everything in by that the ministry has a freight that i'm not sure hospital destroying a number of its medical facilities and turning into the entire the, into a grave for palestinians who have been arrested as they have been also subjected to investigation. and there is also more evidence have been really imagined as they, i know it's, it's was not the only incident that had taken place for these by the military. the whole had been buried in good residents in the jobs of a ship, a hospital alongside with come on at one hospital in the fall north of the gaza strip. as these areas have been turning to from being a complete healing and treatment place into a graveyard. for displaced people and tell us more tar could be worried about the ongoing strikes within the last
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couple of hours we have been a really records inc. i please have jamila to a textbook to now, there is there any lead top regarding and then on the ground as we can clearly upset that can be a solvent parts of the city of con eunice. they use what it meant that we had targeted a group of palestinians in the last, the area where one palestinian has been killed with dozens of injuries, have been transferred to a europe and hospital to receive medical treatment. but yet, so the focus has been very much within the past 24 hours on the middle area where the confrontations are still raging. and the eastern part of darren is by the has also the military had targeted a most and almost a ross, a refuge account, bottom side with a number of residential houses. while people are really sleep from roughly partially to the middle areas in light of the projected on onto painted ministry and cogent hit a rough spot. in fact, they are escaping from bottom into another. in other parts of the gaza strip work completely, we can say that within the past 24 hours,
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at least 79 palestinians have been killed. as people are completely lost. the sense of safety as these very minutes right now was operating in an area. so they have a break today before, but no late talk till now in bombardments from land even old from sea tart. thanks for that update to target resume the in reference of him does a or whether it's rarely, military is known as the wave of attack. so what it says, it has below targets and southern level, and the defense minister us kalonde says it is the largest number of strikes in a single say the least 40 strikes of targeted a range of areas along the lebanese border with his ro. is there any minute train, blah, it'd been exchanging fire across the board a since october the 7th. so the holder is funding developments from larger you, in southern lebanon. the 11 on israel border remains very much an active front line . these increase the tax and recent days, part of a pattern of sporadic escalation yesterday has block carried out. its deepest
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strike inside is really territory, since it opened the front to help relieve it to ally. how much in gaza on in october, it hits it's really military positions in arcada, just north of elk are some 15 kilometers from the border. and that statement, the arm group said that this was in response for israel targeting one of its members. there was a target to the assassination yet another target through this estimation on tuesday . so hezbollah, trying to send the message to the israelis that expect further escalations if these targeted assassinations continue. what we've been seeing really in recent months is as well carrying out these drones strikes, taking out the field commanders fighters has all those infrastructure for more than 700 is ready, set the lives of in to the likes of most compound, unoccupied, east jerusalem, non muslims are allowed to visit the site for 4 hours every morning. security restrictions have been taken to the jewish clinic of pol server as
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the the us extra estate has arrived in china or on his 2nd visit to the yeah, the staging in washington seek to stabilize relations. us concerns on chinese trade practices in china. support for russia are expected to talk the agenda, other issues or the find some if you're in crisis in the united states. u. s. officials accuse china refuting the problem. katrina, you reports now from day to the us secretary of state antony blinking isn't bulking on a 3 day visit to china, expecting some difficult conversations ahead. badging and washington say the trip is about strengthening dialogue and stabilizing the rocky bilateral relationship. but it comes as you, as politicians continue to take actions against china. investigators for the us house committee, have released a report accusing china of fueling americas fentanyl crisis by subsidizing the
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export of pre caustic chemicals. this is displayed badging, agreeing to crack down on the production of the synthetic art period since 2017 officials here has dismissed the claim. and some analysts say china is being used as a scape goat ahead of the move in the presidential election. it's easy to, and it makes sense for both democrats and republicans to agree on creating this image of china as being sent for the, the, the only main issue to the problem rather than looking at what are the root causes of americans being such a bad drug users, the us senate has also passed a for an aid package, which includes $8000000000.00 for the funding of tie once military, a red line issue for china. we tell our allies, we will stand with you. we tell our adversaries don't mess with us. the package would also force the sale of social media app, tick tock from its chinese on his bike dance. within the next year,
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i moved aging as described as on staff. also high on actually gives agenda to ukraine. he wants to convince china to stop supporting moscow, and it's, we'll edit when it comes to russia's defense, industrial base. the primary contributor in this moment to that is china. we see china showing machine tools, semi conductors other duties items. china denies this, saying it's partnership with russia has nothing to do with the invasion of ukraine track. worry about funny the flames. smearing others or shifting the blame is not the right way to resolve the ukraine. issue. thinking is also expected to raise discussions in the tensions from the south china sea and aging industrial whose visit may not change the slight degree of mistrust between the 2 sides, but that at least presents disagreements. squad,
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just katrina you all to 0 agent there owns presidents ever to him. right. you see has arrived in sri lanka on a visit aimed at strengthening ties between the 2 countries. he's meeting president randall and we could have missing a, an old or anything, a multi $1000000.00 pos on built by underwriting. an engineering company, had a vist, visits, rice who spent 3 days and focused on as part of his to of south asia. north korea has sense of high level delegation to a ron rev is it is prompting speculation of cooperation between the 2 nations on the weapons programs showing you. i enter on the night to have place ties in place around the international sanctions. this kim has more from so and it was a brief one liner on state media. north korea's minister for external economic affairs has left come young on tuesday for iran. you and jim, who is pelias minister for international trade? no, to have contributed to deepening economic ties with moscow in recent months. but north
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korea has not sent a high level official to e. ron in 5 years, it's a relationship shrouded in secrecy. the 2 states are known to have collaborated on missiles as far back as the 1980s with the us intelligence report in 20. 19 noting a ron shall have 3 ballistic miss style was based on north korea's mid range, not on ballistic missile. now, driven by a common enemy in the us, now they have a shared tie in russia despite being under international sanctions. iranian drones and north korean ballistic missiles has helped fuel moscow's war on ukraine . the united states last week that it was, quote, incredibly concerned with the possibility iran and north korea we're cooperating on nuclear and ballistic missiles. now analysts here and sole suspect that north korea is footprints in recent years has been limited to supporting, has been
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a lot and hum us. but many will be watching whether this economic delegation to iran could have implications on the military sector. just as come young's relations with moscow has rapidly developed in recent months. it is kim, i'll just sarah. so that's the 5 ends in india is northeast and state of mind of hers interrupting the parliamentary elections. some polling stations having to re run the 1st round of 18 just days into the 6 week process. the indian government has failed to give jesus to out stairs correspondence to cover the story full with covering the election from outside the country. so mohammed has this, a warranty is patrol the streets of villages in money for state. it's been like the since may last year when ethnic violence broke out between the minority khaki and the majority made the communities. so the tension has been
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sitting for years, escalated up to a quote, proposed extending state benefits, granted to the 2 keys to meet these. this one is something we can said a separate me decision. we'd be the only sort of thing seems we can all go to in far and they're gonna come to healy area. i think there that would be the only sort of more than $200.00 people that have been killed. the violence us butterflies, many parts of the region this highway should be full of traffic. it connects. many, put me on my trade is struggling to keep their businesses open alive. i eat, i'm put, i'm from payment now. what i don't really know when there was no conflict, we could go to mona town on which to me and my to buy goods and sell them. you know, now that become good there anymore. become good. any products for me and my exposure to interrupted voting independent entry elections,
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which started on friday polling stations were bundle lights and voting machines damage the government husband to position the but the, this election is not between the b p and the congress party is between those who talk and breaking up money for, and those who want to keep money for united to the congress part to talk subdivision wherever they go. why the position to see the government is responsible . but don't worry about a violent roof. let's take a bite. let's say they got that one, but this violence is a creation of the government. this is the handiwork, more particularly the state government colluding with the central government. they have deliberately not ending this violent tone, but the 2nd phase of voting in money pulled will start on friday or vote. this one is for piece 3 attempt to this, the hands him, him just need just to emphasize,
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the indian government says no to ground diseases throughout his or his journalist. so we're covering the indeed election from outside the country. i still ahead here and algebra. the report says nearly 300000000 people across the world are facing by levels of food and security. growing conflicts are a major goals. crisis the the hello there, it's a story of scorching heat from much of south asia with heat wave warnings out for parts of india as well as bangladesh. what remains very hot and humid. we've had a nation wide heat wave declared with temperatures picking rights up in the capital . vaca schools have been closed. people have been told to stay out of the sun and you can see the temperature is going to sit around 40 degrees celsius of the next
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few days. so well above the average will see those hot and humid conditions continuing. and the heat remains across eastern parts of india with red warnings and paste the west. bengal amber looks out stretching old way from the hot zone to under pradesh. it is gonna be very hot across most central areas, but we could see some heath of the day thunder storms across many areas for the winter weather, however, we have to head for the west across afghanistan and pakistan will see the rain pickup. of course, the west and areas of pockets dawn on friday and heavy rain is a story once again to southern pots of china and areas it for devastating flooding . like g one done, you can see that rain running its way for the spring heavy falls to tie one. it will start to push its way into southern parts of depend on friday, but it looks funny and dry and took care.
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okay, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened 75 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis. haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the in the the, again, you're watching out 0 reminder of our top story is this uh, and the you, the, you and the cooling for an independent investigation. often civil defense teams were
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covered. another $51.00 bodies from a mass grave and goes up more than $315.00 discovered so far in the ground to invest a hospital in conkiness is ratified of jets and types of from bonding the strip from the, from the ground to bali, a reference you can know that strike wounded at least 5 people in the street, refugee camps in the central region talk. this is really military source attack. so what it says, a handful of targets and southern 11. and it is the biggest number of strikes in a day. the at least 40 strikes, targeted positions between to 4 to tom, to the shop. and remember, now street is across us, universities are continuing to protest against as well as for on guns. hundreds of students interest it's friday, and comments in solidarity with pilots begins to be set up. and some of the top colleges, students from massachusetts to california, the cooling for institutions to cut ties with companies of profit from israel's for
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ongoing. so this goes to new york christmas to lead me. is that and chris and 1st out, what is the latest the yes, well, demonstrators remain counts on the main law of columbia university. behind me, you can see the very heavy police presence surrounding the campus. barricades have been set up. no one who is not enrolled in the school or a faculty member is being allowed on the campus. and columbia has given the demonstrators 48 hours to clear their encampment and were told that the negotiations and discussions between the administration and the demonstrators are ongoing. but the demonstrators have agreed that anyone not affiliated with the school knows non students will be allowed to participate in their demonstration going forward. we have seen a lot of demonstrators come in since at the to show their support for the demonstrators,
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but they have been gathering outside the campus at this stage. they've also agreed to a base fire safety rules on campus and prohibit harassing or discriminatory language . this follows a what was a midnight deadline given by the university president to evacuate the camp last night. very tense moments on campus, the president said at that time, alternative measures would be considered to clear the campus if they did not leave . but again, after some negotiations, that deadline has been extended for 48 hours. and what happens, kristen, to those students who are arrested of the well, when the police move in on a demonstration, as they did here last week or at n y u. a couple days ago, they treat them like a prisoner or any other suspect in criminal. protesters are
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a hand with their hands behind their back. they're taken to a police, usually on a bus or a van where they are booked. and that typically include having your fingerprint, so you get a much shot taken and waiting through the night for a summons to appear for a cattle later day than most of the students. and i talked to said that they spent the night in the police custody before being released. they're being charged with the crime of trust house. and given that this university is private property, now columbia for its part, has also suspended the students that were arrested. many of them and many were kicked out of their dorms with very little notice order to clear out their belongings. and how did they react to accusations of anti semitism?
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yeah, that's been a big concern here at columbia and at other demonstrations i did speak to some jewish students here who said that they felt very threatened here on campus. they don't feel safe, sunset that they'd been harassed in a few even physically assaulted. but the demonstrators say that is not what they are about. they are not anti semitic. they are focused on calling for a ceasefire. and for the rights of the palestinian people to be respected. uh, they say that those who speak out otherwise room use harassing language don't represent the movements uh may not even be part of the columbia university. can you nitty i that's the same argument i've heard from demonstrators at n, y u, as well. of course, the many jewish students are also taking part in these demonstrations. in fact, they've had passed over celebrations in the middle of the in cabin here, just as they did at n y u a l squared the cities. all right, that's
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a picture. new york christian silly be the. thank you. the burden security around the world is got was for the 5th consecutive yet. that's according to the global report on food crises. it says growing conflict. so one of the main drivers of hunger for millions, hundreds of millions of people, i call him back and look. so the country is most effective, us. the agencies that monitor food in security are sounding the alarm. it's not only climate change, but the rapid spread of conflicts around the world that's causing widespread hunger . the global report on food crises shows that last year, nearly 282000000 people faced acute food in security. that means their lives are in danger because they don't have enough to eat 700000 people in 5
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countries or territories on the brink of famine, catastrophic hunger. and almost all of them are in gaza. the strips entire population of 2300000 people is now classified as food in secure. that means they regularly don't have enough to eat. the report also finds the years of fighting in the democratic republic of congo, have made it the country with the most food and secure people. that's nearly 26000000. and then sedan a year of conflict on top of those that were already ongoing, has less more than $20000000.00 people facing hunger crisis. a search and gang violence in haiti has left half of the population without enough to eat in just a few months. force displacement and hunger go hand in hand and more than 90000000 people are either displaced within their own countries, borders or have fled as refugees and asylum seekers and many are due to hunger. as the former leader of no 9 as democratic union, his parties,
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the period code of allegations of stuart sick offensive jeffrey donaldson was forced to resign in ma chelsea. he was charged with rape grace and decency, and indeed the sold. he did not use the applications. his wife was their faces, charges of aging, and the best thing for in his wayland, president nicholas missouri, says he will allow the representative for the you and schumann writes commissioner to resume operations in the country. but darrow had ordered all un stuff to leave the country in february. the international criminal court is investigating the venezuelan president for alleged crimes against humanity that's often more than 100 protesters were killed in 2017. but there is, governments has also been criticized with training political opponents. the philippines is sweltering in a heat wave that's full cost of loss for a few more weeks with temperatures rising, even thousands of schools have been suspended. you have suspended in person process is res concern that the quality of education already one of the west and the world
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could further deteriorate on below. is this report now from minute? andrea full does hasn't been to school for days assignment. instead she's taking classes online. her school is closed, as are thousands of others across the philippines during a heat wave. this lasted weeks. the government has given administrators permission to suspend classes when to forecast it's 40 degrees celsius. parents say it's good to have the option to learn online and, but it isn't ideal. it's what's the benefit of the fed them that we can up to choose either online or modular. but for me, learning needs a face to face interaction. so i prefer face to face learning for her what andrea agrees, but also says she finds it unbearable to sit in a classroom for hours. it's the smelling because sometimes when i'm in school and sticking in the social,
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i sometimes get my new speed. it's threatening to whereas in the already poor quality of learning, i'm on filipino school children, a study, but the world back last year found almost all 10 year olds couldn't read simple tech. there are many pupils who were promoted to the next level of the grade level, but we found out that they are non readers or they could hardly, right? maybe because they are using 5 left or cellphone. they are only using their fingers . so when you asked them to write me, could not the government had told the return to the classroom learning would bridge the gap. but the climate change is slowing efforts. will schools here in the philippines have been taking measures to cope with the heat. education department has decided to take a more concrete step. it's ordered public schools to gradually return to the old academic calendar where students take a break during the hottest months of march to me by 2028 instead of june to july when type ones and once in rains are frequent. education isn't the only sector
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effected. on monday, 19 cars parked many of us, the airport were destroyed. what's believe to be a grass fired power plants are going offline, and water reservoirs are drain up, and the damage to agriculture, exacerbated by drought caused by the new weather pattern, is estimated at nearly $70000000.00. find it below al jazeera mendoza and a severe heat wave is also hit bangladesh, affecting millions of people right across the country. schools a shock than at least 5 people have died. if he struck, dock has recorded it's hold his temperature in decades. time to challenge your reports now from the capital. a bunch of the shows record at a temperate joseph 40 degrees celsius and above 4 weeks with no signs of the heat wave is going to end. the high levels of humidity in tucker or making it worse. some of the city is richer drivers are having to find innovative ways to cope. i'll
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put this on to keep cool. it's 2 whole top side. i kind of ferrets. and this quote and stuff does not seem to help much. this provides me with some shade from the sun . the hottest temperature recorded this month was 42.6 degrees celsius in the west of the country. although it's monsoon season, no rain has fallen yet, and rivers are drying up. as study by the agriculture research institute has found, harvest are smaller due to the heat stress on plants and increase demand for radiation. the, the city of the climate change does have an impact. the temperatures are increasing globally. our study shows a gradual increase in temperature seemed bangladesh of this year. we haven't seen the usual monsoon rates in april. we study doc as record at its highest temperature in decades with the mockery rising to 40.6 degrees celsius mitchell. i just won the extreme heat may linger until may. a 3rd is of ox,
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hospitals and clinics to be prepared as number of patient is increasing with symptoms ranging from feverish headaches, vomiting and diarrhea.


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