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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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by russian full season of leave and then the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. the . the hello, i'm not matheson, this is the news i live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. pressuring netanyahu protests in west jerusalem after, how much reduces a video of it is brand new cancer, multiple in size and southern jobs on the costs are. we're going to be live with our correspondent. in rafa dozens more bodies are finding jobs, those mass graves,
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the u. e u joins b u n. and calling for an independent investigation. the non protests installed at attitude, we thought as the news spread across campuses in the us, the latest at the university of texas in austin. and i'm far as small with this board as ralph and i doubt voice his doubts, he'll be fit enough to play apt friendship. and we'll hear from the 22 time grand slam champion on why he's worried about his chances of making it to the next big tournaments. the, we're going to begin in west jerusalem, where scuffles are broken out between police and protesters have gathered outside the residence of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they're demanding the nothing else who does more to secure the release of the remaining hostages in gaza. that administration has gathered following the release of
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a video by how much of a captive hash go about pulling. it was taken during the music festival of israel on october the separately so to get more but i corresponded and occupied east jerusalem bonnet. smith. what's in this video was prompted to protest back a so this is a 3 minute long video of 23 year old schoolbook pulling a he's been now set on the video has been held captive a nearly 200 days, which means it's a fairly recently made video, we're now just over $200.00 days mocking the stats of uh, from october the 7th. now he was this ray that was happening just a on the other side of the gauze. a sense, really. and he was one of the people. it was violently taken captive, he'd gone to shelter and how much finances throwing grenades into the shelter, which resulted in him having one of his is left to having his left hand blowing off . and we see in the video that he, that they use just as
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a stump at the end of his on that wary walk. but how does last time? it is notable because it was video circulating around october the 7th show at the time when he was taken captive, it shows the injury shows him being thrown into the back of a pickup with other people. his parents have been very active since october the 7th, with the hostage families calling for the some to be released in the video says, you know, the benjamin netanyahu is not doing anything to get his house and he should do more . remember that these people, these companies are not able to speak freely, of course that well they kind of kindled say's kindly controlled by home us. but at least for his parents, signs of the son is alive. and that was really mentioning before abandoned with their happiness couples in west jerusalem, where protest is demanding that nothing yahoo and the coalition do more to bring out the captive. just what more do we know about what's been going on there? a lot of video coincides and i'm,
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it says delete. it's released by how much you probably deliberately, to coincide with the jewish festival of the pass over the holiday of the passover. i mean the run up to pass over. there's been increasing protests from hostage families, relatives of the captives who complaining that the government has not been doing enough us. forgotten about them hasn't done enough to work on a ceasefire with hamas. and so this is feed, this video is released is adding fuel to this complaints by the families that being forgotten about with remembering that benjamin netanyahu was said, one of the reasons he's gonna go ahead with this. rafa operation is because he hasn't yet released all the captives. all these other objective stopping him, us and targeting. how much the senior leadership, one of those reasons why the rougher operation in some shape or form will probably go ahead brighten and thanks a lot. that's bernard. smith and occupied east jerusalem. and we're going to be multiple air strikes in the rough. i in southern garza, in the past,
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are one of the strikes had a house and you have an account coming one person and wondering several others as they were rushed to hospital another strike it a building near a un clinic. we're going to go to the topic about resume. there's life on us in rough talk us through these later strikes 1st of all, to the yes, rough uh the military in fact had to get to 2 locations and rough one was on a great quote for a month. i think it's that is that jason, 2 schools on a make shift shelters were palestinians are taking refuge in i'm the other one has talked to the residential house in you're not refugee camp for apple use one, palestinian has their report of killed with a number of injuries that have resulted down the these injuries have been transferred to oak away to hospital here to receive medical treatment. as in fox, we have been touring among the injuries. we can see that they have been minor, re in judge and, and their legs and their heads. and even in the backs of the result of that is very
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bombardment that has been carried out without any prior warnings that box the realities that we have been reporting about, ongoing positive military, drones and palestinians as they have been ceiling the buzzing of the military. drones intensively the believe that there will be completely on us that will be carried out within the coming hours. and that was practically had happened in an area that is supposed to be as a refuge and a safe zone for guns and spot years and lights of the own building repeat to the statements and threats by the is really mandatory regarding the potential military . encouraging for rough, like we can clearly record to the police side of attacks on that very densely populated areas. palestinians are completely, are confused. we're next to go specifically that all the parts of the gaza strip had been on the wide, unrelenting military attack from atlanta and also from sea in these areas. we're getting of course conflicting reports about what the conflicting speculation that least about for it to be any eventually a sold on the roof or might look like. and i think the last estimate then what
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about one point? 5000000 people still in the office? i know that number changes all the time, but describe to us what people there are telling you about how the fate and how they're feeling in the face of the potential of motor tax. well in fact, what we have been doing conversation with people here in rough i district and on daily basis as they are asking about the latest developments on the ground. they're really worried and confused regarding that of dissipated military and cogent that been put on what they use with the military. but within political and military, childrens have been repeat repeatedly saying about they are really determined to stop the manager encouraging a refund, or a 2 men to totally eliminate to the best of you is remaining for how much movements here in rough i thought people are really wondering when a daily basis, like where is the place that where should go next the specifically that the vast majority of areas i'd like to ruffle um the military had to pray to them that he is
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the reality here. and some of them have been saying that we have new, any other place to go, we're going to stay in rough off, no matter what was the cut, what would be the coast? and that is completely completely terrifying that people have been moved to believe, to, to seek refuge and roughly in order to be a week away from departments. and right now, roof is the next target. so palestinians believe that the, the justification of safety has been a trap for them as they have been even killed in areas that designated to be as a saves or not. they are asking for an immediate c supply that can really help to mitigate the human to terms and conditions from side to from the all behind. it can bring a full session for military acts in the territory on this to the blood shifts. of course multiple areas and the goal of this track, this topic combo was, i'm talking to us from the roof. i totally thank you very much. indeed. we're going into national calls for an investigation into mass graves that will be discovered in southern gaza. the european union is not joined the united nations in demanding an independent pro on whitening state another 51 bodies were fine with the grounds
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of a hospitalized con eunice. more than 300 have been discovered since saturday, of the art gravely concerned by the, by the revolt. a discovery of most grace in the found you nice. i mean, i'll, she follows to be told the something that forces us to call for an independent investigation of all the suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that is why it's important to have independent investigation and to insure the accountability we want to give you a look at all she for hospital were some of the mass graves were funds not satellite images show. the hospital complex in northern guys have before is really forces besieged to combine. this is an image of the all she the hospital at the beginning of april, after is ready for us is entered and occupied the coil and fired for 2 weeks to mass. graves were assigned to the hospital grounds for where gaza civil defense
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authorities have been recovering. the bodies of those who were killed. daniela is a senior lecturer. i've nothing a law school. he was among the academics invited by human rights organizations to discuss the special russell tours, guys on genocide report at the un human rights council. he says, systematic crimes of already been committed in guns are on a higher risk scale. we are witnessing reports by a most the police city of crazy, both human rights organizations, media outlets documenting your relevance list targeting of cdns or otherwise protected by students of at least 2518 work or something to the, to the office of the call the national you mind study and affairs accounts for a 190 out workers queued since the beginning of these media company. so. ready it's true that there being no concrete results all existing investigations,
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but we don't know if nothing is happened because the international court was a really investigating pro level international crimes by both parties to this conflict. and the persecutor of the international court is made clearly multiple locations so that the court easy investigating also probable crimes committed by these really are me a so there is a distinct likely that's august we're on. so are you mean and event for he's right leaders. but let me stress that the are longer overdue. the injustice then system of the crime. so, and i've already been come meet the don't know, re fi cook's k as these must weeks demonstrate. so. so the international community should the pressure immediate to august warrants to try to prevent the continuation of these crimes
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a stranger. and as mohammed color has been reporting in the war on gaza, but now he's covering a personal tragedy. his mother was killed by his very forces when they rated, i'll shoot for hospital in march. further comm reports remembering happier times. how much correct here with his mother 9 that was in that you know, most especially felt them on when is really forces withdrew from our chief a hospital after a 2 weeks each. he finally learned her face according this what and this will from the in some women had told me that they saw my mother here asking for how many times when i got here i found a buddy. i knew immediately, even before it recognizes that it was my mother. i went close uh and i saw her lying. the covet as if she was sleeping. it was as if she was to sleep at home. so i said, wake up ma'am. i'm here cuz i haven't used witnesses say these really army killed people who are sheltering at the hospital. and so this one, remember seeing name is body legit. lemme just put them in and it was arrested
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early in the day by is ready forces for interrogation. they released me in the evening. i'm on my way back. i still have body was already wearing my on the wire, and i also, these really soul just allow me to go home and put on my clothes. he refused and said, do you want to lose your life like this woman? i refused to leave guys a city with that in the habit who was covering the war. she was one of thousands who took refuge and you guys as big as hospital complex, hoping to escape the relentless is really a tax goodness the i was all fully. but the how i wished i could see her when she was looking for me to hook up to take her with me away from danger. and that was her face was unrecognizable. and that's how cool people told me she was executed by these randy ministry heads that they should have helped. i don't, i was the only son. it was so hard for me to see how like this. now on the hand that has left his memories of his mother and questions about who if anyone will be held accountable for killing her for the car,
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which is 0. so these are the army says as long as at least to 40 air strikes on what it claims or has ball the targets in southern lebanon. it's the largest number of the strikes carried out in a single day. since the cost bought a conflict began when his father opened up a fund to help it's all i homeless and gaza in october on tuesday. as of all the last, it's deepest strike into israel. then a quarter has been the following developments from us. i own in the southern level, the 11 on israel border remains very much an active front line. these increase the tax and recent days, part of a pattern of sporadic escalation yesterday has block carried out. its deepest strike inside is really territory. since it opened the front to help relieve it to ally, how much in gaza on in october, it hits it's really military positions in arcada, just north of elk are some 15 kilometers from the border. and that statement, the arm group said that this was in response for israel targeting one of its
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members. there was a target to the assassination, yet another target through this estimation on tuesday. so hezbollah, trying to send the message to the israelis that expect further escalations. if these targeted assassinations continue, what we've been seeing really in recent months is as well carrying out these drones strikes, taking out the field commanders fighters has all those infrastructure. well, the actual group, jewish voice for peace, has been protesting outside the new york homeless senate majority leader, chuck schuler. it's calling for an end to us support for israel as war on guys. several processors arrested officer types of blocks. nearby street. the jewish american group describes yourself as m p. zion, and it's called the president providing support for israel, shameful, of all of us that use that i know and love my family and friends are all horrified by what the bite and administration is doing. and so i worry that using
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a lot of support juice tend to be active and to be the people who go out and drive people to the pools. and actually i've done pull up serving before, but i'm, i'm going to find it very, very hard to fill in that oval for bite. and non protests against is, is one guys are growing. the universities across the u. s. based of pictures and university of texas in austin, hundreds of students gathered on the account. there's that there's a heavy security process there. some of those things have been witness to universities in new york, california, minnesota, and connecticut. for instance, one of the reports from columbia university in new york demonstrations continue on the campus of columbia university behind me, behind the gates, outside the gates. you can see a heavy police presence barricade setup to keep people from entering the campus who don't have authorization to be there. and off to the side, you might see in here
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a few demonstrators in common solidarity with the students in the south and to who have been holding this thing have been holding these demonstrations despite intense pressure from the university to leave last night at midnight, they were faced with a request to demand by the administration to leave the campus, negotiations took place that's been extended for 48 hours. now there's still a threat that they could be evicted from the campus, especially given the pressure that is coming from government officials in washington dc. and from the as really prime minister himself who just put out a video condemning the campus actions across the united states as anti semitic. the demonstrators here, however say this is not about anti semitism. they are fighting for a ceasefire. calling for cease fires. and for the rights of palestinians to be
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respected as well as for the universities to die. best of their interest in israel, which are supporting more presents olivia houses. there are new york, rebecca causes a professor of history, new york university and president of the a new wide chapter of a u. p. that's the american association of university professors. she's joining us from new york. very good to have you with a scientist on the you. what are some of the protests that we're having your university? what was a life when you were there? the protest. thank you for having me. first of the protested n. y, you were peaceful, energetic, loud, and quite magnificent. the students were exemplary in their discipline and exemplary and keeping on message. and which is about the criticism of his early states ongoing genocide and gaza. and the demand for divestment from israel and the closing of n, y used tells each campus we were hearing
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a increase of report about the police being called the efforts to try to contain what was going on by the university president at columbia. what was the situation with the protest square for you wherever the police called there and what happened if and when they arrived, as the police were called by our university president to and it was they who escalated the situation into a violent assault. and prior to the police arriving, the students had set up and the dekalb ment at 4 am on a plaza outside of the business school at n, y, u, n. n y, you as an open campus. and so there's very little long or campus space for encampments. so the students chose their spot. within a very short time, the university had barricaded the plaza and was sealed it
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off from a entry or exit by anybody who was already on the plaza. eventually they allowed students to get off the plaza to go use the facilities, and they allowed faculty new faculty to come on to help mediate the process. as a consequence of the use of the universities barricading of the plaza, the sidewalk on the side of the plaza became very, very crowded and very compressed with large numbers of sympathetic protesters who were mostly n y u students, and faculty who wanted to come off to the plaza, they were denied entry and the situation became quite, quite compressed and quite difficult to manage. at which point then the university claimed that in order to protect students,
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they were going to uh send in the n y p d, the new york police department in full right, junior, did the police give any indication of what charges if any of the protesters were facing and why and legal times why they felt that the police had the right to remove those protesters as well. the university gave them the right side by calling the protesters. now trust passers. even though everybody on that plaza to are due to the best of our knowledge was uh and why you id holders almost all of them students who pay tuition dollars and therefore who have and the rest of us faculty who work at n y, you who have every right to be on our campus and all of a sudden we were turned into trust passers and and, and the and d. d was sent in,
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in order to remove us as if we were trespassing on somebody else's property or on. oh, we were on our own campus on the us universities particularly have a long and many would say proud history of protest by students over many decades. have you ever experienced anything like this previously? you know, why was a student at columbia way back when, during the divest, from south africa, our campaigns were on and those were quite contentious. and of course, quite uh, quite a confrontational, nothing like this, in my experience of, from when i was a student all the way through now i've been at n, y, u for 29 years. so there have been a number of protests. there been a number of kind of confrontations that have been dealt with by university in
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ways that stress, that we are not a violent institution. we're not an institution that uses violence to put down protests, but we are other that we shouldn't be an institution that uses our words. and our reason to uh, to, to talk things through. i mean, worldwide protests and demonstrations almost become a, did a good part of, of student life. and that is, of course, something that is embedded within student life in the united states as well. are you at this point, any concerned in any way about the level of free speech that might be available to students in the future? i do us universities and colleges a very concerned. i am the president of the n y u a u p chapter. we just held on april the 17th, the national day of action with over a 110 university campuses involved. and all of them were launched activities that were aimed at trying to ensure that the assault on
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higher education in terms of assaults on critical race theory. gender studies on pro palestinian speech on diversity and all of the other ways in which higher education is now thoroughly under assault. these activities were all aimed at shining a light on this and trying to start a start the long road of a fight back. right? yeah, sure. do i? yeah, i'm personally very concerned and we at a u. p are very concerned and the faculty for justice in palestine at n y, u is phenomenally concerned as well. we really appreciate your being with us rebecca call. thank you very much indeed for your time. thanks to our protests against the war and guys, i gave him a mention that american universities us president joe biden signed off on a phone on a package that includes $26000000000.00 and assistance for israel. mike kinda says more from washington dc. the president biden described the foreign aid package as
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a victory for the us. and for the world, he reiterate to what he called his on clad support of israel. always make sure these are a has what it needs to defend itself against iran and chairs. to support with this, a united states can help replenish the israel's air defense and fraud. other critical events. so rand can never carry out to destruction. and intended was its attack 10 days ago. about the same time, this bill significantly significantly increases humanitarian assistance or shiny to the innocent people of gods are suffering badly or suffering. the consequences for the mass starts. and we've been working intently for months to get as much a to guys as possible. the president said that the a to ukraine was also an important signal to the us as allies in the to. this is a historical moment. and the last 2 years we've helped beautify strength to expand
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nato. imagine if instead we had fail, which failed to step up now and support and cray, all those gauge would have begun. no rabble. cohesion of data would have been weekend and our national security would have been undermined without any question. the department of defense has already drawing up an inventory of what will be sent to ukraine and to israel. and president biden says, the equipment will be on its way in a matter of hours. my kind of, i'll just sierra washington, the green drones of the time or facilities of western russia, striking on energy jap, holding the small lensky region, caused a large fire. but there were no reports of casualties. officials reported another attack targeting facilities for the size and the pets. and in ukraine, at least to 6 people were injured in a rush,
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an attack on the eastern. so if you've called case ms. alice, at a residential area, damaging buildings and dozens of cars. you know, i stream heat wave is scorching parts of south. i'm southeast asia in the philippines. it's forecast to drag on for weeks and it's good for schools to suspend in person classes. and that's raising concerns in the country with the quality of education is among the worst in the region. barnaby low reports for manila, andrea fall does hasn't been to school for days assignment. instead she's taking classes online. her school is closed, as are thousands of others across the philippines during a heat wave. this lasted weeks. the government has given administrators permission to suspend classes when to forecast it's 40 degrees celsius. parents say it's good to have the option to learn online and, but it isn't ideal. it's what's the benefit of the fed them that we can up to choose either online or modular. but for me, learning needs
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a face to face interaction. so i prefer face to face learning for her. andrea agrees, but it also says she finds it unbearable to sit in a classroom for hours. it's the smelling because sometimes when i'm in school and sticking in the social, i sometimes skipped my new speed. it's threatening to worse and already poor quality of learning. i'm on feel it through the school children study, but the world back last year found almost all the 10 year olds couldn't read simple tech. there are many pupils who were promot at the next level of the grade levels, but we found out that they are non readers or they could hardly, right? maybe because they are using 5 left or cellphone. they are only using their fingers . so when you ask them to write me, could not that the government had told the return to class of learning would bridge the gap. but the time of change is slowing efforts. will schools here in the
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philippines had been taking measures to cope with the heat. the education department has decided to take a more concrete step. it's ordered public schools to gradually return to the old academic calendar where students take a break during the hottest months of march to me by 2028 instead of june to july when type ones and once in rains are frequent. education isn't the only sector effected. on monday, 19 cars parked many of us, the airport were destroyed. what's believe to be a grass fired power plants are going offline, and water reservoirs are drain up. and the damage to every culture, exacerbated by drought caused by the new weather pattern, is estimated at nearly $70000000.00. find it below al jazeera, many la. the still ahead on, i'll just say to more turbulence for boeing as the company reports a huge loss is after a series of safety issues, food and security, worse and last year, primarily due to the conflicts in gaza and sit on. we're going to have the details
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on landmark reports uninstalled to your problem. i. everybody knows which the final of the agent champions late for the 1st time. he's 34 years. this is coming up later on in the program. the had a lot of there, it's a story of heat and strong winds across the north of advocate, and some of those conditions are pushing across into the event and the middle east . so we're seeing temperature as a cit, while above the average for the likes of 11 on and syria over the next few days. it is looking at most settled across the gulf as we go into friday. the west, the weather starts to push its way across eastern parts of iran, leaving behind some sunshine in the west. we are set to see the showers pickup across the western pots of saudi arabia and the week. now in contrast to this has
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been boned right across the north as africa for places like libya. and the strong winds have kicked up this the hard just turning the skies red. the we could see for the sand storms in the days ahead for libya as well as egypt, thanks to the very strong winds. the weather does start to creep its way from west to east, from morocco, across algeria, and to new seal on thursday in for friday. but it is a launch the hot picture across the north of africa. so much west across that central band. you seemed very heavy rain caused devastating flooding across central parts of kenya as more rain to come here and for times and you with a wind warning for coastal areas and it stria and hotter for the south. actually weather the hey listings in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be
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questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listening, that's the latest news. as a boeing a military response to a situation we mean from nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full series of lima and, and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you want to know just a reminder about top. so is this our process of gather that inside the residence of is really prime minister, demanding that he does more to secure the police of remaining hostages and gas demonstrations of gathered following the loose of a video by how much of a captive? how should go about pulling the 2nd during the music fest israel on october. the 2nd it'll be multiple air strikes in the off in southern garza, one of the strikes of the house and the up an account shinning. one person including several others because of a rush, the hospital, another state started fate of building your un since b, u and the u. n. i'm calling for an independent investigation officer of another 51 bodies were recovered from mass graves. the remains of more than 300 people have
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been fined in the grounds of naso hospitalized con. eunice is really military's responded, saying one of those graves was done by the people of gas or not in the past. are the un headquarters in new york? obviously it is gabriel. i was on the off to follow him hoc deputies folks patterson, for the secretary general, for his reaction to the discovery of mass graves and also an all shape of hospitals in garza. here's that exchange. there was another mass graves discovered at nasser . hospital 51 people. this now brings it up to more than 300. that if palestinians that have been pulled from mass graves at the 2 largest hospitals, an e u spokesperson today called for an independent investigation. volker turk is called for an independent investigation. yesterday a step step was asked about it. he called for an independent investigation. my question is, what's next? when will we see this happen? first, we'll have to see what kind of investigations are plan but,
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but our calls as used as you yourself know, did have been made and, and they stand um, uh, at this point. uh uh, there are many entities on the ground including the world health organization. the trash committee and the red cross and the opposite of high commission for human rights. uh uh, and uh and uh they can follow up on any rights violations that may have occurred at the grounds of hospitals. a but an independent, effective, and transparent investigation into the deaf ad nasir and i'll ship a hospitals must be conducted. the world health organization has repeated. it's called for a hospitals, health workers, patients and civilians to be be protected to have their basic human rights respected. uh and as plans are reportedly being made for potentially further fighting, we ask that all parties continue to work to keep hospital safe. can i have a couple of follow ups please for hon. um,
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are any of the u. n. h agencies that are working in guys are right now, admittedly under very difficult conditions equipped to investigate mass graves. i don't believe that the situation on the ground is conducive to investigations at this point. uh again uh there needs to be a halt of fighting, and this is something we've called for repeatedly. okay, if i made another one, if you don't mind, because it's very important is for an independent investigation to take place. wouldn't need permission from israel for any of this goes across our work for any investigations to be effective. all of the parties in the area of that control access and sufficient to conduct the investigation would need to agree to it. so he's real would have to agree to allowing any independent investigators and that seems to pose a very large problem, considering that israel is accused of perpetrating these crimes. how are they then
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going to agree to allowing and investigators to independent investigators that seems like it puts the un in a very, for lack of a better word, difficult position on. how are you going to get an independent investigation then? well, again, this is something that's been true across the board with our investigations. there's always difficulties in terms of places where conflict has occurred to get the access we need, but ultimately for any investigation to be meaningful. you need that access. okay, i want to get view some pictures we've just gotten from jerusalem. these i pod on play are set to show crowds outside uh the i believe it maybe the home of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who, being gathering to protest, demanding that the is very cool, that i shouldn't let them. yeah. who's collection for brings the captives currently being held and goes back to israel. i believe we understand that may have been a card carrying the far right. member of benjamin. nothing. yeah. who's correlation is not to bring the vehicle as early as
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a minister for national security who has been pushing for greater is really action . military action in the guys are whoops. as though the car had been surrounded as it was passing through the crowd. i want to get more from our correspondence in occupied easters and barnet smith, the banner of the pictures that were sitting at the moment, are a somewhat k i was at. can you tell us any more about what's been going on the world? one of the happened was that was a protest outside the official residence or prime minister benjamin netanyahu in west jerusalem. and this protest together mentioned because of the release of a video from homicide, one of the captives printing trails. oh gosh, goldberg, paul in his parents have been really one of the main very vocal in the gym calling for the release of that sort of goals and calling for a deal to be done to get the captives out of what we understand this happened is
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that it's all up and get a default on national security administer, who's going to a synagogue not far from the prime minister's official residence. and he was seen by the crowd who chased after him in his car and they shouted, shame on you, ben. give a, he's, he's not seen as being particularly sympathetic to the cause of the hawk's use. he's more interested in prosecuting the war and guys and continuing the war in gauze. and so there's no loved loss really between thing to be and some of the hostage kept to families. so that's what's been going on is there's been a lot of pressure on benjamin netanyahu. in recent weeks, in recent months, has been building over the last few days because of the failure to read, to get the remaining a 120 of captives out of gaza. is one of the reasons of course, why haven't gotten yard, says he's going to be he's insisting on prosecute sickness, a ground offensive, some sort of offensive and rough uh to he says,
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secure the release of the remaining hostages, as well as target how much i see leadership on the right, remaining full battalions, the the burner just briefly give us some indication of what that was in that video that was released by homeless of the captive. that you were referring to there, which has prompted this latest round of protests. ok, so this was the 3 minute video is the 2nd captive video we've had in the last couple of weeks. this one was 3 minutes long show 23 year old hersh goldberg, paul, in his saying he'd been held captive for nearly 200 days. that means the video is quite recent because we're just over the 200 day mock of conflict in hate in it. he criticizes benjamin netanyahu for failing to do enough to get the captives out. of course we know people apparently these videos are not at liberty to speak freely whatever they come or kind of say's catholic controlled by homeless. but phase
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parents at least enormous relief that they've seen that son. because the last time he was seen was on video from october, the 7th. he was a no but music festival. and he was seen being taken captive. he was sheltering. and how about sizes of agents for the shelter? and eventually these people were forced down to the shelter. a hush lost his left hand in the grenade attack. he was bundled into a pickup truck and taken away to gauze. and so he looked very by the way, he ended up the time. and there's a lot of concern about the stage of his health, but he is alive, although he says he's not had any access to medications. need medications, he's been in underground. how is he describes it? and the other 200 things. burnett, thanks very much indeed. by his way of talking to us from walter buddies to reasons . okay. boeing is reporting more than $350000000.00 losses for the 1st 3 months of this year. the companies also spend any $4000000000.00 more than it generation. it comes as the us airplane maker is under growing screws, the name of dawning,
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the safety of its plains, is being investigated over a series of incidents, including a blow out of a door on a 737 max jet in january, ceo david cole says it's focusing on addressing manufacturing issues and not profits. reynolds takes a look at how the airplane maker flew into trouble of the 6 government safety investigations of boeing or underway, including approve of why and how a door plug section of a boeing 737 max blew out shortly after take off in january in 20182019 boeing 737 max airliners crash and indonesia, n t z o p a killing 346 people at a recent hearing safety experts told congress the flooding public is in danger. the manufacturing conditions that led to the 2737 match disasters also led to the alaskan accident blow out accident. and these conditions continue. hundreds of
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people died and there's been no justice unless action is taken and leaders are held accountable. every person stepping a boarding, boeing airplane, is a risk. aviation safety experts say boeing's upper level management prioritizes speed of delivering its products over safety. really what's needed is the cultural change starting from the top with executives who don't just focus on spreadsheets and stock returns. but actually go and visit the factories and talk with people for decades. boeing was a symbol of us engineering and technological superiority. analysts say that change when the ceo and other top jobs were filled by executives trained in business management, not engineering fully needs and aerospace engineer who understands production, who understands the challenges. we understand it's important. so safety, one thing that, that really is important to, to realize here is that the volume is not a service company. uh it's, it's
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a company that builds things on which lives depend on their product. boeing says it is cooperating and is committed to safety and transparency. the stop matters. everything matters. every detail that a ceo, dave calhoun, who made $33000000.00 in salary and bonuses in 2023. we'll step down from boeing at the end of this year. meanwhile, a poll earlier this month showed a majority of americans are willing to pay extra for tickets if it means avoiding flying on a boeing rob reynolds, l. g 0. los angeles. got experts here. this isn't aviation. i see joining us from here in doha. good to have you with us. we had enrolled support the safety expert saying that the flying public is in danger. the people are prepared to pay extra just to not fly on board. and i would imagine that so much of flying nowadays is based on the passengers trust. is there any indication that people are actually
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changing their behavior to avoid boeing? to be honest. no. and that is because it has always been the case and come ashore ideas and the passengers are predominantly driven by the same price that they all but from headlines. and i will also add that there is absolutely no logic at this stage. but passengers to be thinking that they need to consider avoiding entire buying costs probably make more than just the trouble. 737 max, which causes had to very troubled recent history. and it's really at the crisis the heart of the crisis. here. there are thousands of thousands of in service boeing at cross around the world. that performance operate beyond expectations and meet with global safety standards. but that doesn't, of course, take away from the fact that boeing is in crisis right now in this fast quotesoft funding through almost $4000000000.00 us dollars because they have been forced to
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slow down the rate of production of the troubled 737 max. while they comply with various investigations, to figure out the quality control issues that we now know this across has. how big a gulf is there between boeing and is manufacturing process for particularly say the 7 to 7 months that you were talking about. but also the potential buyers of a craft itself. one would imagine that is going to be a huge hurdle, far boeing to try to overcome. i absolutely look wearing completely new territory with boeing now. and this was started at the beginning of the year without that loss guidelines blow out. incident, barring itself has any tunnel hotline where employees can pick up the phone and make corrupt pull about something safety or quality related. and the reason i'm mentioning this is because in this pass code test that hotline has seen a 500 percent increase in cost from stall voice and back concerns of the quality of production. we know most of it to do with the 737 max compared to this time last
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year. so we know that now even the systematic, the changes are expected because stall are aware of the shortcomings. and the company, of course, in the leadership, admitting that mistakes, knowing that this talk up on any longer l on customers are not happy and the buying public a know that's not just assuming and on the 737 months. but as we mentioned, oh yeah, that has been the men's reputation damage to boeing as a whole. and i would like to, as i said, some of that is, is not quite justified. and i want to ask you just very briefly, because i'm afraid we've only got about 3045 seconds left, but i do one of the key elements of this was we're changing management. but all of a sudden the business managers in charge of all those and engineers, do you think that one of the ways i boarding is going to have to get run? this is by changing the management and bringing more engineers back. as i say, we've only got about 40 seconds and right absolutely. days, calhoun, the current chief executive, will be out by the end of the year and put buttons, direction going forward with this focus on safety that it,
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oh so desperately needs. it needs to be somebody with an engineering background, the industry is looking around. now there are a few kind of just lined up, but i expect we'll know more about that over the coming months. kinda as much as we appreciate your points of view on this and thank you so much for joining us. global food and security has gotten worse for the 5th consecutive year. the global report on food crises says funding comes like so. one of the main causes of hunger for hundreds of millions of people calling baker looks at the worst state countries. as the agencies that monitor food and security are sounding the alarm, it's not only climate change, but the rapid spread of conflicts around the world that's causing widespread hunger . the global report on food crises shows that last year, nearly 282000000 people faced acute food in security. that means their lives are in danger because they don't have enough to eat 700000 people in 5 countries or territories. on the brink of famine,
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catastrophic hunger and almost all of them are in gaza. the strips entire population of 2300000 people is now classified as food in secure. that means they regularly don't have enough to eat. the report also finds the years of fighting in the democratic republic of congo have made if the country with the most food and secure people, that's nearly 26000000. and then sedan a year of conflict on top of those that were already ongoing, has less more than $20000000.00 people facing hunger crisis. a search and gang violence in haiti has left half of the population without enough to eat in just a few months. force displacement and hunger go hand in hand, and more than 90000000 people are either displaced within their own countries, borders or have fled as refugees and asylum seekers and many are due to hunger as well. i'm address is in lagos and nigeria,
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one of the problems that nigeria is facing is food prices, which are going up, what's driving that several factors, in fact uh, 1st of all, the conflict has been raising in nigeria, and several pots will not go to, for example, in the face of the country, the ballpark. i mean, so it just has been on 40 the last 15 years. it has pushed millions of people from that homes, 2500000 to and a half 1000000 people have been forced from their homes over the last 15 years. and of course, if you calculate the feeder but the income for this country is like a comfortable chart and is your country something like type region. you're talking about gold on 20000000 people who are put in secure, go to try it again. country that just pricing on what the problems related to climate change. the production level of that is soul, soul, soul diminished. over the past 2 is simply because of climate change. i mean, i did it, certainly both part i'm that's fulfilling in the crisis. we also have the tip not being and of course,
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the operation of games in the northwest of the country have central parts of magic to set up post hundreds of charges. so she shut their homes and do not in millions upon them as access to that problem. that's not just adding to the problem. and then recently in the last one or 2 months, or seeing how they local currency assume interest in terms of value as a result, neighboring countries, people from neighboring countries like major chart and even though slot back. as far as picking up on a certain molly, re look on my kitchen, i did a full, full stop. and as a result, we experienced in short digits in various parts of the country, not just push the price is a full stop. so far, far beyond the reach of ordinary and ideas, and this is to remember, this is a countries why more than half the population leaves for less than $2.00 a day. so that's a crisis point that we're reaching right now. and this is not the one the period of this problem. the lynn period is about to start in the next one or 2 weeks. and this could last up till the time. the 1st called is harvested from the farm. is
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expected to be a very dangerous situation for many families here. imagine you probably just like us an idea. i mean, thank you very much indeed a hi, it's time for the sports and here's barbara. we're all the thank you so much. 22 time grand slam champion rap at dallas, so he's not sure if he'll be able to play in next month's friendship. in the 37 year old spaniard says he's far from being in top form is he prepares to play 16 year old darwin blanch of the madrid opened on thursday, and it out spent almost old last year out of action with a hip entry ccnp. let us have what you see most of what partnership with it. if it's possible, it will happen and if it's not possible, it won't. i'm not going to play in paris if i'm like, i am today is today i was in paris so i would not go awesome the quotes. this is the reality. oh, and you play in paris, if i feel i am in a competitive level, it's not. i think it makes no sense for time. grand slam champion, naomi. all sockeye has reached the 2nd rounds in mature ends in japanese form a roll. number one,
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chris passed the belgian qualifier. greet minute in straight sets. this is those office 1st went on places 2022 after missing last season. after giving birth to her daughter after japan, where yokohama f marino's have reached the final invasion champions league, and managed by the former liberal pool and australia, player harry, q, yokohama, where gold. down after the 1st flag against south korea's son hagen die, they fall back to witness 132, which made it $33.00 on gets they had a man sent off an extra time that went to penalties and they want to shoot out 5 for it's the 1st time they reach the final since 1990, they'll face are still have sent a powerful message delivered pool and manchester city and the premier league title race. i have her it score twice as a thrash. chelsea 5 now to move 3 points clear at the top. favorite stokes has the
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action. the thing waiting for the account is pretty impressive. who games to go with the types of arrangements and is back with us know they've reached out to the blue. it's against the inform chelsea side, the android trust sod settling the nerves after 4 minutes. but it was in the 2nd half that they really run away with it. and what made it to new, the full full mate, chelsea pool with chi habits i did at the time, the 8 minutes late to have a student number. and then we also got his 2nd to the game to complete the 5. no ramps awesome. those biggest ever with over chelsea. i think it's going to weigh so busy for the confidence for the believe that that we can do that. we can come to the
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stages against big teams and we got for form on wayne goes away. we've done it tonight. so enjoy it, and then there's a back door tomorrow because we have a big one on sunday and we're gonna have to prepare really went to, to try to be the chelsea's. a game of beaten lee run ended in grateful fashion, to move it to a push it to, you know, refused to question his quite his character. i play football and i was in some similar situation and we'd be good player to experience. but here i played with my own, i play, we will not be in your play with your know about this to they play on some part of the season. you know, some, this type of think on coming to race is still out of a hands, but the victory puts off a little 3 points play and significantly boost a gold difference which could prove crucial by next step by size talking to me in the north london darby on sunday. that stokes, i'll just say we're home. let's look at the primary league table. as you heard, there are still now have
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a vastly superior goal difference. so 56 manchester city are still in control with 2 games in hand, while liver to play their game and hand against ever 10 and the mercy side, darby later on. yeah, one for us. it's clear solutions for you. i don't have to say that again. and again, again, it's really important like all the other games where as well, but yeah, we know about the importance. definitely a co op is stepping down at the end of the season and there are reports oliver pool are set to talk with a far north manager arnie slot. he got his dutch club to their 1st title in 6 years last year. the currently 2nd and have just won the debt a live golf seo, greg norman has denied reports. they offered warning mcelroy, more than $800000000.00 to join the tour. the 4 time major champion has been one of the biggest critics of the saudi arabian back series,
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but norman's side of the door is always open. live. never put an offer to him. we didn't need to make a comment about this. this is just typical white noise that gets out there in the industry. if roy he was willing to sit down, have a conversation with us, would we be happy to sit down with him? 100 percent. okay, and that is all you support for now by t rob 5. thank you very much. indeed, i want to bring you some pictures from los angeles and the university of california was student protesters have set up an account with which they are now calling the a gas out solidarity zone in what's known as alumni park at the university pro palestinian students will be setting up time during conference and occupying buildings at more campuses across the us to protest about israel's war. on garza, there's a lot of pictures from there and you can see many of the students have been trying to think of what there is to say calling alumni pocket guides of solidarity zone their how long we saw pictures of the police flashing with the students and we
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understand coming up multiple arrests during that as well. we're going to be back in a couple of minutes. tom's going to have more on these stories, stay with us and all the unique perspectives. why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what this is where the
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tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even have this is the most important point and bushy poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on how to do these off choose solutions that gives us know for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number, think about it as a person yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, like at least in my life, i noticed as we want we want to break because the women in my country then that's when they come out to us. we are nothing either all or to we are human beings and deserves to be treated in equally we are okay and therefore the steps
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are officers whatever has been done before can be done even better as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see, the vision is keywords you to the pressuring netanyahu protest in west jerusalem off to have mos release as a video of in this friday captive the, until mccrae, this is, i will just say we're live from our house. so coming up multiple is trucks on southern gaza, at least one person has been killed and destroyed, kind of fun and galvan to can thousands more bodies are found and causes mass


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