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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 24, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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that has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the pressuring netanyahu protest in west jerusalem off the mos release has a video of in this friday captive the . i'm told mccrae, this is l. just. they're alive from the hospital. so coming up, multiple is trunks on southern guns, or at least one person has been killed and destroy kind of fun and galvan to can thousands more bodies are found and causes mass graves. the you joins the, you with and cooling for an independent investigation.
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in protest and solidarity with palestinians critical skepticism. the us, the latest at the university of texas in austin, the we begin in west jerusalem, where protests have gathered, demanding prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government do more to secure the release of the remaining captives and gallons of the demons. traces gathered outside in yahoo's residence with scuffles broke out between police and protesters . ron police, we've been deployed as i march towards the government buildings, approaches erupt in the following the release of a video to buy a mazda of the captive. here she called the poland, who was taken from the music festival in his royal on october, the 7th, a customer on all of us its uh go to our correspondent who is an occupied east, jerusalem, penn, and smith and bennett. can you just explain exactly what is going on in this video
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that has prompted these protests? well, this was the 2nd video. this been release of this month of a cap to one of the 133 companies believe to be being held in gaza by how my son and other groups based. it was a 23 year old school bud paula. and he was a, it says in this video that he's been held for nearly 200 days on the ground. that means if it was fairly recent, because we've only just been knocking just over $200.00 days of the since october, the 7th. and in this video, you accuse is benjamin netanyahu of not doing enough to free the captives? remember, of course the people who apparently these videos are not free to say what they want . will they say, is that catholic controlled by the how much fights those who are keeping them? they say well they can and cannot say, but least by his parents. it's his 1st proof of life of the some since october,
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the 7th. and then there was video of him shown to be being thrown into the back of a pickup truck by how much fighters after he was forced on it with others full sounds of a shelter by grenades. and one of these grenades blue offers a lifetime and we can see the video of his stomach buzz left on the end of his own boy's last time lost in, in infinity. as we mentioned, there have been scuffles as purchased as the mom to come and do more to secure the release of these captains and the loss that also has is that escalated someone a way to escalate it to a couple of hours ago when the news 1st broke of this video being released there, a fairly regular protest. now from some of the men, some of the relatives of the comped is being held and gone through a twos benjamin and you know, i'm not doing enough. i'm not tonight was given you mentioned by the release of this video and more people gathered outside the prime minister's official residence
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in west jerusalem. it happened at the time as well. the far right national security minister didn't up and there was seen going into a nearby synagogue. and so the crowds that have rushed towards him tried to surround his car and shouted shame on you, a bank of a cuz he too was accused like netanyahu. i'd be more interested in prosecuting the war and guys are and getting home us and getting a deal to get the kept his ounce about is what happened this evening. we understand bank of is managed to escape and we understand now it is beginning to calm down a bit that okay, thanks so much for that up. that has been it smith for us the occupied east jerusalem or they have a multiple list strikes. and ross are in southern gauze of one of the strikes hit the house and the opposite can killing one person and wounding several others as they were rushed to hospital. another strike has a building near you in clinic. talk about him saying this update from the community
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hospital and profit with many of the injured have been taken. following the most recent says, ready, it strikes to hit the something that says a or as not sold in a rough or b is very minute tree attack. so the goal is a strip has completely rammed up as a residential house was completely destroyed in the refuge account as it calculated right now, the injuries are receiving right now. it's treatments in a way to hospitalized the boss majority of casualties amongst abilities. now, this is the area where the materials or jobs this population have been told to stay and to remain done, who would have to guarantee the own safety pump. what we can clearly record an exam . when does the past couple of weeks is please search it is better yet. tax from that very densely populated area in light of the anticipated meditation cogent that will be carried out by the is very ministry within the coming days. that is the situation right now with the ground is kind of sitting here like have no where left to go. topic of a zoom out just a rough, rough protest point. there are growing international calls for an investigation
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into mess cries that have been discovered in southern guns or the european union has now joined the united nations and demanding an independent pride on wednesday. and now the 51 bodies were found in the grounds of a hospital and con eunice within 300 have been discovered since the day we are gravely concerned by the, by the report, the discovery of most grace in the founding unique. i mean, i'll, she follows to be told the something that forces us to call for an independent investigation of all the suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that's why it's important to have independent investigation and to ensure the accountability of us luigi danielle is a senior lecture at nothing in law school. he was among the academics invited by human rights organizations to discuss the special russell to those guys of genocide
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report at the you in the human rights council. he says, systematic crimes have already been committed in causal on a risk scale. we are witnessing reports by a most the police city of crazy, bold human rights organizations, media outlets documenting the relevant less targeting of cdns or otherwise protected by students of at least $15018.00 workers and being to you the, the, the off piece of the coordination of do you mind is that enough fair secans for a $190.00 out workers queued since the beginning of these media campaign. so. ready it's true that there being no concrete results of existing investigations, but we don't know if nothing is happened because the international court was already investigating pro level international crimes by both parties to these
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conflicts. and the prosecutor of the international court has made clearing multiple locations. so that the court easy investigating also probable crimes committed by these really are me. so there is a distinct likely that's august world. and so our event event for you as a leader. so, but let me stress that they are longer overdue. the injustice then system of the crime, so, and already been completed on their re fi, cook's k as these must grace demonstrate. so. so the international community should the pressure immediate to august wants to try to prevent the continuation of these crimes palestinian journalists moments. kirk here has been reporting on the war on gaza. the now he's covering a personal tragedy. his mother was killed by his ready forces when they've rated ellis chief of hospital in march. for the a car has more remembering happier times. how much correct here with his mother
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9 that was in that you know, most especially felt them on when his really forces withdrew from our chief a hospital after a 2 weeks each. he finally learned her face, according this one and the from the in some women had told me that they saw my mother here asking for how many times when i got here i found a buddy. i knew immediately, even before it recognizes that it was my mother. i went closer and i saw her lying . the covet as if she was sleeping. it was as if she was a sleep at home. so i said, wake up, ma'am. i'm here cuz i haven't used witnesses say these really army killed people who were sheltering at the hospital. and so this one, remember seeing name is body legit. lemme just plug them in and it was arrested early in the day by is ready forces for interrogation. they released me in the evening. i'm on my way back. i still have body. i was already wearing my on the wire and i also, these really soul just allow me to go home and put on my clothes. he refused and
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said, do you want to lose your life like this woman? time, i refused to leave guys a city with that in the habit who was covering the war. she was one of thousands who took refuge and your guys as big as hospital complex, hoping to escape the relentless is really a tax goodness the i don't fully but the how i wished i could see her when she was looking for me to hook up to take her with me away from danger and that was her face was unrecognizable and that's how cool people told me she was executed by these randy ministry heads that they should have helped me. i was the only son. it was so hard for me to see how like this now on the hand that has left his memories of his mother and questions about who if anyone will be held accountable for killing her for the car, which is 0. these riley, um, it says it has launched at least 40 as drugs. some water claims that his blood targets in southern living on is the largest number of strikes carried out on
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a single day since the cross border complex began with his blot opened up a front to help him to allow moss and guns or in october on tuesday, his blot launched its deepest striking to israel to protest against, as well as war on guys are a growing at universities right across the us. these are pictures from the university of texas in austin, where hundreds of students gathered on the campus. there was a heavy security presence that some of the things had been witness to universities in new york, california, minnesota, and connecticut. kristen salumi reports from columbia university in new york. demonstrations continue on the campus of columbia university, behind me, behind the gates outside the gates, you can see a heavy police presence barricade setup to keep people from entering the campus who don't have authorization to be there. and off to the side, you might see in here a few demonstrators in common solidarity with the students in the south and 2 who
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have been holding this thing has been holding these demonstrations despite intense pressure from the university to leave last night at midnight, they were faced with a request to demand by the administration to leave the campus, negotiations took place that's been extended for 48 hours. now there's still a threat that they could be evicted from the campus, especially given the pressure that is coming from government officials in washington dc. and from the is really prime minister himself who just put out a video condemning the campus actions across the united states as anti semitic. the demonstrators here, however say this is not about anti semitism. they are fighting for a ceasefire. calling for cease fires. and for the rights of palestinians to be respected as well as for the universities to die. best of their interest in israel,
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which are supporting more presents the houses. there are new york. 1 over because a professor of history at new york university, she says, attempts to still be empty, will protest, unprecedented. why was a student at columbia way back when, during the divest, from south africa, our campaigns were on and those were quite contentious. and of course, quite quite a confrontational, nothing like this, in my experience of, from when i was a student all the way through now i've been at n, y, u, for 29 years. of there has been a number of protests, there's been a number of count of confrontations that have been dealt with by university in ways that stress, that we are not a violent institution. we are not an institution that uses violence to put down protests,
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but we are other that we should be an institution that uses our words. and our reason to uh, to, to talk things through. i am the president of the n y u a u p chapter we just held on april the 17th, the national day of action with over a 110 university campuses involved. and all of them were launched activities that were aimed at trying to ensure that the assault on higher education in terms of assaults on critical race theory, gender studies on pro palestinian speech on diversity and all of the other ways in which higher education is now thoroughly under a so all of these activities were all aimed at shining a light on this and trying to start a start the long road of a fight back. so yes, i yeah, i'm personally very concerned and we at a u. p. are very concerned and the faculty for justice in palestine at n, y,
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u is phenomenally concerned as well with the anti roll group of jewish voice for peace has been protesting outside the new, your kind of senate majority leader, chuck schumer, it's cooling for an end to us the 4th as well as for on guns. several protests arrested after trying to blogs, nearby straits. the jewish american group describes itself as an, as n t scientist in his school presidential binding support that this ro, shameful for all this, to choose the i know and love, my family and friends are all horrified by what the binding administration is doing . and so i worry that he's saying a lot of support, jews tend to be active this and to be the people who go out and drive people to the polls. and actually i've done pull up serving before, but i'm, i'm going to find it very, very hard to fill in that oval for biden. so, well, protest against the will wrong cause
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a guy momentum at american universities. us president joe biden has signed off on a for an aide package that includes $26000000000.00 and assistance is around like kind of has more from washington dc. the president biden described the foreign aid package as a victory for the us. and for the world, he reiterate to what he called his on clad support of israel. always make sure these are a has what it needs to defend itself against iran and chairs to support. with this say the united states can help replenish the israel's air defense. and fried out are critical so that so rand can never carry out to destruction. and intended was its attack 10 days ago. about the same time this bill significantly significantly increases humanitarian assistance or shiny to the innocent people of cause are suffering badly or suffering. the consequences for the mass starts and we've been working intently for months to get as much
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a to guys as possible. the president said that the a to ukraine was also an important signal to the us as allies in the to. this is a historical moment. and the last 2 years we've helped unify strength to expand nato. imaginative is that we had fail, which failed to step up now and support ukraine. all those gauge would have begun. no rabble. cohesion of data would have been weekend. and our national security would have been undermined without any question. the department of defense has already drawing up an inventory of what will be sent to ukraine and to israel. and president biden says, the equipment will be on its way in a matter of hours. my kind of, i'll just say era washington, but there's still plenty of hit here on al jazeera, including more turbulence. but boeing as the company reports, huge losses up to a series of safety issues flipped exceeds in athens, as clouds of dust from the higher it is a turn, the sky orange,
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the hello, its remaining robert chevy across north western part. so if you see this area of low cloud, the gray cloud here coming across east as go through the some areas of england just running down into the low country, the area of light pressure just sliding its way across. northern germany for denmark, couple of areas of low pressure to the south and east of that's as well. so it's cold across the northwest, but it says what will i be towards the eastern side of here. but we'll see those type of just picking up as we go on through the next couple of days. but as a cloud on the right in between, somebody whether this, that in place just around the low countries around denmark's to what level the, just the coast cities, the side of england, the where to where the also coming into island this, we go on into a friday, twice,
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thoughts of the day across the north west, but the shot was to gather quite quickly. one or 2 of them. wintry and nature went separately by causing the problem. some when she showers to just around the house could scattering the showers across from the spanish northern cause of the italy some. what's the weather coming into northern spain and portugal. i'm very wet weather. will the weather is that the most go 21 degree celsius. the temperature is still on the rise here at time. it is high enough to across the northeast of africa, car right at 40 celsius, one or 2 showers across out to you area. and to show us from west africa, you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress. and remember, it's
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a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest the the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories this our protest as have gather them with arisen demanding. the israeli prime minister does more to secure the release of the remaining costs, which isn't gas on the demonstrations gathered. following the release of a video by a mazda of the captive fish gold, poland who was taken during the music festival and israel on october. the 7th had been mostly strikes and rougher and southern guns. one of the strikes of the
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house and the open, the can killing one person and wounding several others as they were rushed to hospital. another strong can't building you in clinic, the you and you in calling for an independent investigation officer. and on the 51 bodies were discovered from mess, grades, the remains of more than 300 people have been found on the grounds of dest, hostetler, con eunice. these ready military has responded saying one of those cries was dug upon the people of concept to other news now, and boeing is reporting more than $350000000.00 losses for the 1st 3 months of this year. the company also spent nearly full $1000000000.00 more than a generation. it comes as the usa upon make. it is on the growing screws in a regarding the safety of its plains is being investigated of a series of incidents including the blow out of the door. when a 737, next g, as in january c, r, david calhoun says it's focusing on addressing manufacturing issues and not profits
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. for reynolds takes a look at how the applied make a flew into trouble. 6 government safety investigations of both wing are under way, including a probe of why and how a door plug section of a boeing 737 max blew out shortly after take off in january in 20182019 boeing 737 max airliners crash and indonesia, n t, z o p, a killing 346 people at a reason, hearing safety experts told congress, the flooding public is in danger. the manufacturing conditions, the let's the 2737 match disasters also led to the alaskan accident blow out accident. and these conditions continue. hundreds of people died and there's been no justice unless action is taken and leaders are held accountable. every person stepping a boarding, boeing airplane, is a risk. aviation safety experts say boeing's upper level management prioritizes
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speed of delivering its products over safety. really what's needed is the cultural change starting from the top with executives who don't just focus on spreadsheets and stock returns. but actually go and visit the factories and talk with people for decades. boeing was a symbol of us engineering and technological superiority. analysts say that change when the ceo and other top jobs were filled by executives trained in business management, not engineering fully needs in aerospace engineer who understands production, who understands the challenges, we understand it's important. so safety. 0, one thing that the really is important to to realize here is that the volume is not a service company, is it's a company that builds things on which lives depend on their product. boeing says it is cooperating and is committed to safety and transparency. the stock matters. everything matters. every day. ceo
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dave calhoun who made $33000000.00 in salary and bonuses in 2023. we'll step down from boeing at the end of this year. meanwhile, a poll earlier this month showed a majority of americans are willing to pay extra for tickets if it means avoiding flying on a boeing rob reynolds, l. g 0. los angeles, global food and security has gone with for the 5th consecutive year. their level report on the 3rd crisis is splitting complex. uh, one of the main causes of hunger for hundreds of millions of people killed by account, looks at the west hits countries. as the agencies that monitor food and security are sounding the alarm, it's not only climate change, but the rapid spread of conflicts around the world that's causing widespread hunger . the global report on food crises shows that last year, nearly 282000000 people faced acute food in security. that means their
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lives are in danger because they don't have enough to eat 700000 people in 5 countries or territories. on the brink of famine, catastrophic hunger and almost all of them are in gaza. the stripped entire population of 2300000 people is now classified as food in secure. that means they regularly don't have enough to eat. the report also finds that years of fighting in the democratic republic of congo have made it the country with the most food and secure people. that's nearly 26000000. and in sudan, a year of conflict on top of those that were already ongoing, has less, more than $20000000.00 people facing hunger crisis. a search and gang violence in haiti has left half of the population without enough to eat in just a few months. force displacement and hunger go hand in hand and more than 90000000 people are either displaced within their own countries,
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borders or have fled as refugees and asylum seekers and many are due to hunger. and the address is in la garza and has this report on the food and security facing nigeria. ended snipers the conflicts i've been raising in nigeria and several pods from nigeria, for example in the office of the country, the boat caught on me. so it just has been on for the last 15 years. and as i pushed millions of people from that homes, 2.5000002 and a half 1000000 people have been forced from their homes over the last 15 years. and of course, if you calculate the figure that encompasses countries like comfortable charges you uh, countries of the electronic region, you're talking about golden, $10000000.00 people who are full in secure go to try it again. country that just place me on lots of problems related to climate change, the production level of food, that is soul soul. so diminished over the past 2 is simply because of the climate
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change. i mean, i did it sort only before, i'm just feeling the crisis. we also have the kid not being and of course, the operation of games in the northwest of the country have central parts of magic to set up post hundreds of charges. so shipping from their homes and do not in millions of farmers access to that problem is not just adding to the problem. and then recently, in the last one or 2 months, we're seeing how the local currency has diminished in terms of value as a result. neighboring countries, people from neighboring countries like major charts and even though swap back as far as uh, book, an approximately molly raid local markets. and i did apple watch stuff. and as a result, we experience in shortages in various parts of the country that just push the prices of which stuff so far, far beyond the reach of ordinary nigeria. and this is our country. remember, this is a country why more than half the population leaves on less than $2.00 a day. so that's a crisis point that we're reaching right now. and this is not the one period of this problem. uh, the lien period is about to start in the next one or 2 weeks and this could last up
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till the time. the 1st call is harvested from the farm. that is expected to be a very dangerous situation for many families here. imagine in an extreme heat, wave of scorching positive south and southeast asia in the philippines is forecast to drag on for weeks and has full schools to suspend in person classes. bound to be live reports from manila to andrea full does. hasn't been to school for days. assignment instead she's taking classes online for school is closed, as are thousands of others across the philippines during a heat wave that's lasted weeks. the government has given administrators permission to suspend classes when to forecast it's 40 degrees celsius. parents say it's good to have the option to learn online and, but it isn't ideal. it's what's the benefit of the fed them that we can up to choose either online or modular. but for me, learning needs
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a face to face interaction. so i prefer face to face learning for her. andrea agrees, but it also says she finds it unbearable to sit in a classroom for hours. it's the smiling because sometimes when i'm in school and sticking in the social, i sometimes skipped my new speed. it's threatening to words and already poor quality of learning. i'm on feel it through the school children a study, but the world back last year found almost all 10 year olds couldn't read simple tech. there are many pupils who were promot at the next level of the grade level, but we found out that they are non readers or they could hardly, right? maybe because they are using 5 left or cell phone. they are only using their fingers. so when you asked them to write me, could not that the government had told the return to class of learning would bridge the gap. but the time of change is slowing efforts. will schools here in the
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philippines had been taking measures to cope with the heat. the education department has decided to take a more concrete step. it's ordered public schools to gradually return to the old academic calendar where students take a break during the hottest months of march to me by 2028 instead of june to july when type ones and once in rains are frequent. education isn't the only sector effected on monday, 19 cars park that many of us airport were destroyed. what's believe to be a gas fired power plants are going offline, in water reservoirs are drain up, and the damage to agriculture, exacerbated by drought caused by the new weather pattern, is estimated at nearly $70000000.00. finally, below al jazeera, many of the people living in athens have seen the sky to an orange. it was caused by clouds of dust from this a hard visit which blew in from northern africa. so in your geico reports apocalyptic scenes.


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