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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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site w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the protest. and the us since in a dire to palestinians spread across the university campuses in texas, new york and los angeles as more risk. so make the problem. kerry jones to this is all just here a lot from day. also coming. whitehouse joins calls from the e u and the un demanding an explanation from mass graves found in cancer. multiple is ready as trucks hits residential areas in rafter and southern gaza. ask you a search for survivors. and the anger in israel tempers flare outside the movies.
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really prime minister of the m. s. release is a video 23 is very true. the week off the students at columbia university in new york 1st began that camp in support of protestant protest against as well as one goal, is to have spread to college campuses across the united states. the white house says present, joe biden supports free speech and non discrimination as universities. the most scuffles that move us to texas east and state to face trying to disperse the crowds. 100. the students have been arrested in the us since friday. but we have correspondents coming to protest from coast to coast on engine is funding by 1st at columbia and invest in new york . but 1st, let's go to the rentals who joins us from the university of southern california. so
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what, what's the latest? you can tell us from that will carry everything is pretty calm and peaceful right now. there are speakers making speeches of chance of folks for a group or perhaps a 1000 students. it's a little difficult to tell exactly how many i think the crowd as deb and flowed over the course of the last several hours. the students here are demanding several things including a stand in solidarity with palestinians and demanding freedom for palestine and to the occupation and to genocide in gaza, israel's, or on 1000. they're also more close to home calling for their university usc, which is a lead institution. people pay a lot of money to send their children here or, or,
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or students pay money themselves. either way, as the case may be, it's a very prestigious university and they want it to pop scroll ties with israel and to the new board members on the governing board of the colleges. universities who are involved in the defense industry in the united states that supplies israel with weapons and so forth. they want to cut off any study abroad, which is really a colleges or universities and they want in other words, a complete clean break between usc and any is rarely. so it's all been very peaceful. as i said, during my time here, observing this proud there been no constitutions were shouting matches between individual students or anything of that nature. but earlier, when students were trying to set up a chance in order to have
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a sort of camping protest 24 hours. uh, there were some discoveries, i guess you would call them as campus police were armed with the weapons, with the firearms and clubs and wearing helmets, did intervene. they tore down the tents. at least one student was detained. i'm told by protest organizers, but then released and a couple of people were roughed up, but there were no serious injuries. but of that, is there a, this is a situation which has been mirrored as we mentioned, gary around the country from coast to coast, where there have been other institutions and colleges. universities were, arrests have been made. and this is all lead to a full found debate over the right of freedom of speech on campus and universities which are dedicated to the gold fostering free inquiry of
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fostering a culture of, of discovery and learning and self expression. and now those same institutions are caught in across roads where there are instances where they cracked down on that very freedom of speech. and so that is reading a great deal of concern among students. and among a number of the professors here at usc and elsewhere. karen? okay, well thanks very much need for that. so let's go live now to john henge and who's at columbia university. your kitchen, can you give us a sense of what it's been like that with these process that will carry columbia has a long legacy of protests from the vietnam war? sure today, but there is a low at this center of this particular storm. it may be the epicenter,
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but look around. you've got students now putting on an extra layer after a warm day grows, a little chillier. today was a busy one here, the speaker of the us house of representatives. mike johnson came here and he spoke to jewish students into jammed these protests, the ones here and across the country. well, the students held a little news conference of their own. the protesters and they made some demands. they say they protesting the war and guys that were there also protesting their university. they want to know what the school to disclose where it's investing. it's money they want it to divest of all is really investments and they want to energy for all of the students that are out here and all of the other protesters. and that presumably includes the more than 100 who were arrested here last week. since then, the university is given them a new deadline of midnight local time on thursday as talks continue between the student protesters and the university. and as this wildfire approaches spreads
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across the country, but you can see how peaceful this is right now. one reason the university president might be looking for a way out of this conundrum is back in 1968 another columbia university president called in police. they violently cleared out student protesters, and that was the end of that presidency. stormy tenure to an engine assigned to. well, staying with this now. jeremy syria is a professor of global leadership, history and public policy at the university of texas. the joins is from austin, texas, welcome to the program. we understand that you witnessed 1st hand the student protest . can you tell us what actually happened a sure, so i was coming out of the class i had just taught and it is the history department on campus. and i saw a large group of students and not, not a very large group at about 200 students who had assembled on
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a grass lawn behind my building. it's what we call the south small. and it doesn't block any buildings. it's visible to many people, but it's an area that students often sit on to study and things of that sort. and these students were shouting, 3 pallets, side, uh, that's all they had, maybe one or 2 signs. they were saying nothing anti semitic. they were saying nothing that was threatening and as they were standing and shouting eye witness to the police of the state police, the campus police, the city police, an army of police, almost the size of the student group collecting themselves many were carrying guns . many were carrying rifles, and then within a few minutes, this group of police stormed into the student's crowd and started arresting students. the students were shouting free palestine. they were not threatening anyone. they were peaceful, they were loud, but they were peaceful and they were not anti semitic either. and the police just started attacking them and that led to more shouting more students that arrived
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when they saw this. and the situation became more violent, but it became more violent because the police had attacked the students, not the other way around. so what on university authority is making a whole this then, where is this actually heading as well? i believe that university presidents, including my own at the university of texas, are afraid they are afraid that they are going to be criticized and condemned by politicians by the governor of texas by members of congress. they're, they're afraid they're going to be condemned for allowing anti semitism and i'm against anti semitism to. i'm jewish myself. i think anti semitism is horrible and there has been too much of it. but this, the presidents are over reacting. and what they're doing is they're creating an environment in which no one is allowed to say anything that sounds critical in any way of israel or any other topic. and they're making it impossible for students to express themselves. i want students to express strong opinions. i want them to
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argue, i don't want them to say anything that's offensive to another group, and i don't want them to use violence, but we're, we're university. we should be encouraging free speech. presidents of universities now are afraid of free speech, and they're suppressing free speech, and that is terrible. we should not allow that to have given what you say then could this eventually lead to some kind of policy change when it comes to how institutions react to protests like this as well, i hope it will lead to some soul searching. i believe we had a policy until today at the university of texas and a policy. i think most major universities had, which is that peaceful protests were encouraged. that is actually what we should be about for some reason. we have a band in that policy. i would like to see us have a discussion about i'm returning to that policy and setting clear guidelines for that policy. i do fear there are some people who wants to limit free speech and limit protested universities. what is ironic is these are the same people who are a few years ago were saying we didn't have enough free speech. the same
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conservatives who said that we were doing too much work. diversity training are now the same. people who don't want real discussion of other issues and that's very dangerous. the lifeblood of intellectual work is debate and discussion. and from what you witness then 1st hand, how strong is the result of students? well, the only really is that this kind of behavior by the police only increases the resolve of students. i cannot tell you how many students more than 15 to 20 that i spoke with, who i saw at this event summer, from our students. i know we're students who are apathetic or may have even been favorable to the israeli side in the arguments. and they see the police acting this way. and it leads them to become more radical. and this is the story of the 19 sixty's in our society, replying that when the police attack students in this way, it makes other students sympathize with those who are attacked,
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not the attackers. professor jeremy syria, thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you for covering the story. the white house has described reports of mass graves in gauze as deeply disturbing the european union. 9 united nations have joined international calls for the independent pro into the situation of wednesday. another 51 bodies were found in the grounds of a hospital in con eunice. more than 300 had been discovered since saturday. hospitals have protection on the international vault has come on the heavy. it's very from bob. and since israel's war and going to be gotten to the us national security advisor, jake sullivan says washington, once ounces those reports were deeply disturbing. we have been in touch at multiple levels with the israeli government. we want answers, we want to understand exactly what happened. you've seen some public commentary from the adf on that, but we want to know the specifics of what the circumstances of this were. and we
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want to see this thoroughly and transparently investigated so that the whole world can have a comprehensive answer. and we, the united states can as well, i can't speak beyond that because of course, we're in the early days of fully understanding what happened. we are gravely concerned by the, by the report, the discovery of most grace in the founding unique. i mean, i'll, she follows to be told the something that the forces us to quote for an independent investigation of older suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that's why it's important to have independent investigation and to insure the accountability. of course now to hardy, jo castro, who joins us from washington dc hardy, some strong words that what can we make of what was said a terry absolutely. but if you'll notice that from the white house as national security advisor, jake sullivan, we never heard the word independent. that is,
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what is the major difference between the us as call for an investigation into the mass graves as compared to that of other were leaders and of the un high commissioner. in fact, the us deputy ambassador to the, to the un told out a 0 earlier that the united states is not ready to endorse an independent or push an independent investigation. but rather the u. s. would be talking to countries considerably with israel and looking at photographs. so there's still a lot of distance there between what the us is calling for and what many other where leaders are calling for. and as far as account ability, certainly we are still very far from that step. would indeed, i mean, will these woods be matched with action because these graves having known about for some time yeah, and it did take several days before the us. any spokes person came out as forcefully as jake sullivan did today, although i will note that us state department has been calling these reports
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disturbing since learning of them on monday. but then at the same time, just on this very day, you as president joe biden sign into law and additional u. s. military, a package to israel. so as far as condemnation, sure, there's more of that happening now in the us. as far as action. there's only action in support of israel in washington dc for us. the harvey. thank you. around you and headquarters in new york houses. here is gabriel. that is on the austin, on hawk deputies spokesperson for the secretary general about the possibility of an investigation into the mass graves discovered at nasa and i'll see for hospitals and goes up. well, this was their exchange, and there was another mass grave discovered at nasser hospital, 51 people. this now brings it up to more than 300. that if palestinians that have been pulled from mass graves at the 2 largest hospitals, in
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e u spokesperson today called for an independent investigation, volk or turk is called for an independent investigation. yesterday, a step step was asked about it. he called for an independent investigation. my question is, what's next? when will we see this happen? first, we'll have to see what kind of investigations are plan but, but our calls as used as you yourself know, did have been made and, and they stand um, uh, at this point. uh uh, there are many entities on the ground including the world health organization, the generic committee, and the red cross and offices, the high commission for human rights. uh oh. and uh and uh, they can follow up on any rights violations that may have occurred at the grounds of hospitals, a but an independent, effective, and transparent investigation to the desk. ad nasir and i'll ship a hospitals must be conducted. the world health organization has repeated it's called for a hospitals, health workers, patients and civilians to be be protected,
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to have their basic human rights respected. uh and as plans are reportedly being made for potentially further fighting, we ask that all parties continue to work to keep hospital safe. can i have a couple of follow ups please for hon. um, are any of the u. n. h agencies that are working in guys are right now, admittedly under very difficult conditions equipped to investigate mass graves. i don't believe that the situation on the ground is conducive to investigations at this point. uh again uh there needs to be a halt of fighting, and this is something we've called for repeatedly. okay, if i made another one, if you don't mind, because it's very important is or for an independent investigation to take place. wouldn't need permission from israel for any of this goes across our work for any investigations to be effective. all of the parties in the area,
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uh that control access uh sufficient to conduct the investigation would need to agree to it. so he's real would have to agree to allowing any independent investigators and that seems to pose a very large problem, considering that israel is accused of perpetrating these crimes. how are they then going to agree to allowing and investigators to independent investigators that seems like it puts the un in a very, for lack of a better word, difficult position on. how are you going to get an independent investigation then? well, again, this is something that's been true across the board with our investigations. there's always difficulties in terms of places where conflict has occurred to get the access we need, but ultimately for any investigation to be meaningful. you need that access of them in a series of as ready as strikes and wrath or in the southern gauze in the past few hours. one of the strikes to the house and the account kidding. at least one person winning several dollars. they were rushed to hospital and now the strike has
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a building there. are you in clinic houses here as tara, as it was at the 2, a 2 hospital in the engine room. attend you census this report has not sold in rough or the is very minute tree attacks. and the goal is the strip has completely rammed up as a residential house was completely destroyed in the refuge account as a clarity right now, the injuries are receiving right now, treatments in a way to hospitalized the vast majority of casualties amongst abilities. now, this is the area where the materials or jobs this population has been told to stay and to remain done what i'll do guarantee the own safety part. what we can clearly record in the past couple of weeks is play. search is very attached to that very densely populated area in light of the anticipated military and cogent that will be carried out by the is very minute treat within the coming days. that is the situation right now with the ground. this kind of city i was like have no where left to go. start of a zoom out just a rough,
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rough kind of sewing. so that head on al jazeera type it in. so it's a boeing, as the company reports, huge losses of to series of safety issues coming by these policies. i think to the streets of done just before investing news hello, stone clouds, all gathering now would cross the great plains of the us. every crowd is moving out of the way quite to weather coming in for a time along the eastern seaboard. but every to fly fresh that will run the way across the west and pa, sorry, but the rock is nasty little system developing severe storms here through with state and friday. and they become more widespread as we go on towards the weekend.
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as you can see right across the plains, the plains sinks and heavy down pulls right down into the deep south. further east, it is generally settled and sunny, but these showers could cause some flooding. we could say the alternate are right to him. that winds also picking up us while them is increasing, winds could and hauls the far risk down towards the southwest. scattering of wintry shared with me while i with a real case, it is somewhat cool. pushing right top towards the northwest. meanwhile, we have got to good scattering a shower as a rule article, central areas of the caribbean. still some heavy down pulls that into hispaniola that eastern side of the carrier being generally set fast, but we could catch a shout to just type of tools by bade us to do that. maybe seeing a shower as it goes through friday. and also i noticed a little more in the way of showering right across southern path of central america . the, you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p, use
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a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems, customer ridgecrest it's the the welcome back. her mind to about top stores beside protests against israel, osborne garza spread to college campuses across the united states. there was scuffle was the university of the texas state. truth instruction was best,
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the crowds functions of students. i'm interested in the us since the task has described reports of mass graves gone deeply disturbing us national security advisor jake solid sense washington. once on since the you and the you and have also independent pro series of air strikes and fast foot and southern garza house the cam and a building there you in clinic at least one person was killed and several others wounded scuffle. so broke it out between police and protest is outside the residence, so it's very prime minister. after him, us released a video of a hostage, they demanded that nothing else to do more to secure the release of the remaining captive income as it is to school to destroy any national security. administrative mob been this was called through the crowd, right? police within deployed has protests as much towards government buildings. the
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demonstrations are about $2.00 to have mass released a video of $23.00 of us. let's go. but conan was taken from a music festival in his rival taylor, the 7. bennett smith has the details. the 1st go book, poland has spent almost 200 days detained, a multi described as an underground house. this is him on october 7th, left um covered in a box without getting into a pickup truck come and did buy. how much spices that over run the music festival in southern israel, gold book, poland, and others had run to a shelter eventually they were forced out thrown on to a pickup truck and driven to gauze. goldberg, poland, had his left hand blowing off by a grenade. his parents have been pushing for a deal to get them released and were here today with a plea to all of the leaders of the parties would be negotiating to. that includes the car, egypt, the united states, from us and israel,
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the brave leaning seize this moment and get a deal done. the release of the video public protests by relatives of the captives outside the official residents, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say that government isn't doing enough to release the $133.00 is rate is still being held in gaza and when fall, right, security minister, if not, then give a left to nearby synagogue. he was heckled with shouts of shame on you. he too, is accused of prioritizing the war against thomas over the rescue of captives as will likely of catholic time. the release of this video to add to the pressure on benjamin netanyahu as he presses on with these plans to launch a military operation. in rafa, it's a reminder that he's really captives will be as much in the line of fire as the modem, one and a half 1000000 palestinians sheltering the border with egypt. a bonus. smith islanders era. you don't keep heidi's jerusalem. while protests against the wall
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and dogs, a game of mentonite american universities, us present joe biden to signed off in a for an aide package that includes $26000000000.00 and assistance for israel. martin honda as more from washington dc, president biden described the foreign aid package as a victory for the us. and for the world, can you reiterate to what he called is on clad support of israel. always make sure these are has what it needs to defend itself against iran and chairs to support with the say the united states going to help replenish the israel's air defense and fraud. other critical sense. so rand can never carry out to destruction. and intended was its attack 10 days ago. about the same time this bill significantly significantly increases humanitarian assistance or sending to the innocent people have cause are suffering badly or suffering. the consequences for the mass starts
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and we've been working intently for months to get as much a to guys as possible. the president said that the a to ukraine was also an important signal to the us as allies in they to is a historical moment. and the last 2 years we've helped unify strength to expand nato . imagine if instead we had failed. we had failed to step up now and support ukraine. all those gauge would have begun. no rabble. cohesion of data would have been weekend and our national security would have been undermined without any question. the department of defense has already drawing up an inventory of what will be sent to ukraine and to israel. and president biden says, your equipment will be on its way in a matter of hours. my kind of, i'll just the era washington ukrainian drones have attacked oil facilities in western russia. let's try con, energy that and this is my end screech and cause the launch fight. but there were no reports of casualties and other attack reports of detox facilities for the south
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in the pets and inside ukraine. at least 6 people were injured in the russian attack. on the eastern city of hopkins solves hits a residential area of damaging buildings and thousands of cause. but i'm not sure. and you kind of agreed to exchange almost 50 children in a deal with broken by countertops sion whole bar as well. it's been a long process, the thoughts about a year ago when cuts off 5 minutes, 10 minutes of fun in the 1st step, and how much of it on the outside he visited russia and ukraine. and he was asked by the ukraine is to mediate the family reunification process. and ever since, because all these have been in touch with the russians and the ukrainians, 20 families arrived here in the house. part of that political process is quite a significant step forward. as a categories, say, today was a milestone for us the some of the ition process which started to last year. today
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we had to 20 families, adding fi families from both c cream. i'm not sure with a high a presentation from both governance as well. we hope to upscale this process and to continue all you hopefully taught that this could be a starting point to bring the equations and the russians, the total quantity. so when we started this discussion, we agreed that we will start a humanitarian discussion of focus very much on humanitarian matters. and then from there we can discuss all the portfolios as well. and obviously the humanitarian and the political offsetting, much intertwined. so we're hopeful that this will open also more of a news in the future. but it's far from over the ukranian say that i'm more than 20 thousands of children who are productive by the russians claims dismissed by the
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russians. jose, this is paul to invest ukrainian and weston propaganda to discredit the rushes. and this is why the katara is hoping to try to continue the mediation spots of a confidence building measures that could eventually pay the way for both the political talks between the ukrainians and russians. to put an end to the config that spots it 2 years ago, possibly. but i was just the right go ha. boeing is reporting more than $350000000.00 in losses for the 1st 3 months of this year. the company also spent $94000000000.00 more than it generated comes as a us to f. i'm x rays on the growing scrutiny regarding the safety of its buttons is being investigated over series of incidents and then the blow out of it on a $77.00 match jetting, generate seo. david coffins says it's focusing on the dressing manufacturing issues and not profits.


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