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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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yeah, and i'm science and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of the police and california cracked down student is demonstrating against israel is wrong, cause that is campus protests spread the flow. i'm sorry, i'm the y z. this is alger 0 life from dow hole, so coming up on the program, the white house joins calls from you, you and you, and demanding an explanation from mass graves found in gauze, a series of his radio strikes hit residential areas and rough and southern gaza rescue a search for saliva is, is ongoing israel tempers flare outside the home of these writing prime minister
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off to mass release is a video of a 23 year old is right and captive the hello and welcome to the program a week off the students at columbia university in new york stepped up the campaign in support of palestine protest against israel's war on gauze of sprite to college campuses. across the united states, hundreds of students held a city and that the university of southern california, police and campus security arrested dozens of those who refused to leave. hours earlier in the white house at president joe biden supports free speech and non discrimination at universities. address areas, reynolds was there, is the police moved into clear out, protest is at the university of southern california over here now look, the police are chasing some of the students now in that direction. let's
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move over in that area. show you what's going on. the police have literally surrounded students on all sides of this grassy quadrangle in the center of the us see campus previously there was a just hours of peaceful protests, no violence on the part of the students whatsoever. as far as i could see. now the police are almost rounded themselves by shouting and changing the somebody throwing something the
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now the students are throwing water on the i don't see anybody taken into custody, but there are all the leak. you have their zip ties that the now there is one person who spends apparently and talk the letter way. why the a role spoke to jody on the professor flor usc, and he was saying that anti semitism shouldn't be weaponized. and we have lots of juries and muslims, and palestinian and catholic. i am privacy to intergenerational coming together. the everybody should hate anti semitism and fight anti semitism, but be opposed to israel slaughter and gaza. that it's,
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that the union is said that it may possibly be genocide does not, does not mean that you're anti submitted and the need to stop allowing people to weaponized anti semitism against real valid protests. now there is christian salumi has moved from the columbia university in new york. what the student demonstrations began last week. the columbia university officials facing mounting criticism from all sides over its handling of student demonstrators. prominent republican politicians after meeting with some jewish students on campus called on the university president to resign as colombia has allowed these lawless agitators and radicals to take over. the virus of anti semitism is spread across other campuses by some counts as many as 200 universities have a similar form or protest right now. students who faced arrest in suspension say
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they're the ones who need protection. many are afraid to show their face. there's definitely a fear of, you know, being attacked and, and the risk of like losing career opportunities and stuff, which is really a shame that people willing to, you know, advocate for human rights are smeared in such a way. nevertheless, they are vowing to continue their encampment. student organizers say they have 3 demands for the university. number one, disclose their investments in israel, number 2, divest from them. and number 3, provide amnesty for students who have been suspended. they say they won't leave the grounds until that happens. many have compared their actions to what happened on campus in 1968, when columbia students held students to demand and to the universities connection to the vietnam war. and were arrested sparking nationwide demonstrations credited with us as eventually withdrawal from the war. and the students do have the support of many jewish students and faculty,
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and i do not feel that this project is anti semitic in any way. i do feel that the students are highly critical of israeli politics. and i do not believe that that is inherently anti semitic at all. and i do not feel threatened as a jewish faculty member in any way, by what's happening here on this campus, except by the arrest of many of our students. the university has warned students to take down there and cabman by friday morning, or based on specified consequences. christian. so the me, i'll just hear of new york. right as well. the other colleges in the us as well. there's been a launch police force deployed in austin, texas. the there was news in the state troop is going to despise crowds. several people were arrested at university of texas. they said that the protest was an authorized hundreds of students interested in the us since friday. jeremy sir, is
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a professor of global leadership history and public policy, and he says that the crackdown is threatened. strengthening solidarity among the protest is similar to the anti war movement of the 19 sixty's. the irony is that this kind of behavior by the police only increases the resolve of students. i cannot tell you how many students more than 15 to 20 that i spoke with, who i saw at this event. some of my students, i know were students who are apathetic or may have even been favorable to the israeli side in the arguments. and they see the police acting this way. and it leads them to become more radical. and this is the story of the 19 sixty's and our society were replying that when the police attack students in this way, it makes other students sympathized with those were attacked. not the attackers. i believe that university presidents, including my own at the university of texas, are afraid they are afraid that they are going to be criticized and condemned by politicians by the governor of texas by members of congress. they're,
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they're afraid they're going to be condemned for allowing anti semitism and i'm against anti semitism to on jewish myself. so i think anti semitism is horrible when there has been too much of it. but this, the presidents are over reacting. and what they're doing is they're creating an environment in which no one is allowed to say anything that sounds critical in any way of israel or any other topic. and they're making it impossible for students to express themselves. and we want to move on to our top story. the sound of the white house is described reports of mass graves and goes, there is deeply disturbing european union and the united nations have joined international calls for an independent, proven to what's happened on wednesday. now the 51 bodies were found in the grounds of a hospital in hong eunice move in 300 bodies have been discovered since not today. hospitals of course have protection under international law, but they faced heavy bombardment since israel's war on guns has started in october
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. the us national security advisor jake sullivan says washington once own says, i need your counselor has more in this from washington to us national security advisor jake sullivan had sharp words about reports of the mass graves discovered in gaza. well, those reports were deeply disturbing. we have been in touch at multiple levels with the israeli government. we want answers, we want to understand exactly what happened. you've seen some public commentary from the adf on that, but we want to know the specifics of what the circumstances of this were. and we want to see this thoroughly and transparently investigated so that the whole world can have a comprehensive answer and we, the united states can as well, i can't speak beyond that because of course, we're in the early days of fully understanding what happened. what's been missing from the us response is any call for an independent investigation into the mass graves. that is in contrast to the u. n. and to the you that have both said, there must be an independent investigation. not just one conducted by israel alone
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. we are gravely concerned by the, by the report, the discovery of most grace in the founding needs. i mean, i'll, she follow speed, obviously something that the forces us to call for an independent investigation of older suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that is why it's important to have independent investigation and to ensure the accountability of the u. s. has emphasized that answers are needed from israel. but on wednesday, president joe biden signed into law yet another us aid package to the is rarely military. heidi jo castro, alger 0, washington, or palestinian john list mohammed creek air has been reporting on the war on gaza. but he's now covering a personal tragedy. his mother was killed by is riley forces when they rage at the i'll shift the hospital in march for the
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a connor puts on this. and remembering happier times, how much correct here with his mother 9 that was in that you know, most especially felt them on when is really forces withdrew from our chief a hospital after a 2 weeks each. he finally learned her face according this what and what kind of so from the in some women had told me that they saw my mother here asking for help when the time, when i got here i found a buddy. i knew immediately, even before it recognizes that it was my mother. i went close uh and i saw her lying. the covet as if she was sleeping. it was as if she was a sleep at home. so i said, wake up ma'am. i'm here. the witnesses say these ready army killed people who were sheltering at the hospital. and so this one, remember seeing name is body legit. lemme just put them in and it was arrested early in the day advise ready forces for interrogation. they released me in the evening and the monthly, but i still have body was already wearing my on the wire. and i also these really
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sold to allow me to go home and put on my clothes. he refused and said, do you want to lose your life? like this woman, i refused to leave guys a city without in the habit who was covering the war. she was one of thousands who took refuge and you guys as big as hospital complex, hoping to escape the relentless is really a tax goodness the i don't fully but the how i wished i could see her when she was looking for me to hook up to take her with me away from danger and that was you. her face was unrecognizable and that's how cool people told me she was executed by these randy ministry heads that they should have helped. i was the only son. it was so hard for me to see how like this. now on the hand that has left his memories of his mother and questions about who if anyone will be held accountable for killing her. for the car, which is 0 and have been or as rainy as strikes and rough in southern gauze, one of the strikes had a house in the oven account,
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ending at least one pass and in wounding several others. they rushed to hospital and now the strike hit a building near a un clinic. i was just there as tarik, i assume was at the quite the hospital when the injured before and he sent us this reports as more sold in rough or the is very minute tree attack. so the goal is a strip has completely rammed up as a residential house was completely destroyed in the refuge account as it calculated right now, the injuries are receiving right now treatments in a way to hospital as the boss majority of casualties amongst abilities. now, this is the area where the majority of jobs, this population has been told to stay and to remain done would have to guarantee the own safety pump. we can clearly record an exam. when does the past couple of weeks is play such a feasible yet tax ones that very densely populated area in light of the anticipated meditation cogent that will be carried out by the is very minute treat within the coming days. that is the situation right now with the ground,
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this kind of city, you know, where left to go start of a zoom out, just a rough, rough kind of story and i didn't from i think it is a james base, spoke to you and seeing if you minutes having and reconstruction coordinator for gaza. sigrid colleague, she spoke to us about the humanitarian situation in rough. uh, let me ask you about the city of rough. uh, the very southern end of the cause. this trip on the border with egypt, normal population $270000.00 people. now more than 5 times that number, living there about 1500000 palestinians. what are the conditions that like now a well overcrowding thought of people daytime either looking for food or trying to find water or perhaps go to the sea to wash themselves or their clothes. um, every week you go or every 2 weeks i've been to see uh an increased number of tents . the roads are as a result also uh,
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blocked. people are just desperately trying to get by. you know, i, i, i imagine at the moment, if you're in garza as many policies and guys have told me when i'm living, we feel like zombies were just trying to get through the day and the day is spent on trying to get the food queuing for water, and if you're very lucky, maybe once a week or once a month starting to get a very low line to get a very limited amount of cash that you actually need to buy anything else. so life has been up ended and prospects are very, very agreeing, or we can catch the full interview with sigrid kong on saturday. that's it. 2030 gmc on the al jazeera, she'll be speaking to us about the humanitarian conditions in gaza as the war continues. is much more still ahead for you on the program. a heat wave is sweeping, finally, dash will have report for you from also a forklift pick scenes and ends as out of the dumpster mess the har of paint feet
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across this orange, the hello stone clouds, all gathering now with cross the great plains of the us every crowd is moving out of the way quite to weather coming in for a time along the eastern seaboard. but areas of low pressure will run the way across the west and pa, sorry, but the rock is not the middle system. developing severe storms here through west last day and friday and they become more widespread as we go 12 volts the we can, as you can see right across the plains, the plains sink some heavy down, pulls right down into the deep south. further east. it is generally settled and sunny, but these showers could cause some flooding. we could say that your tune 8 are
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right in that winds also picking up as well as increasing winds could. and how is the far risk down towards the southwest. scattering of wintry, shy with me, while i live with a rocky this, i'm gonna go ahead, pushing right up towards the northwest. meanwhile, we have got to good scattering a shower as a rule out across central areas of the caribbean. still some heavy down poles that into hispaniola, that eastern side of the caribbean, generally set fast, but we could catch a shower to just type it towards barbados. truly that maybe seeing a shower as it goes through friday. and also i noticed a little more in the way of showering right across southern parts of central america, of the devastation, finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tack of safety, it's unbelievable desperation. then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change in
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a rapidly sinking country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and as of tomorrow. and they will have to learn from us address areas, new series, dying us life before land the . the welcome back to of out is there. i looked at the main stories now. and then more protests against israel's war and gaza on college campuses across the united states . these officials from university of southern california, a security and police, a caring for testers. the goals have been sporadic scuffles with the police and dozens has been detained. meanwhile,
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the white house is described reports of mass graves in cause. there is deeply disturbing us national security advisor jake sullivans, as washington wants, answers from israel, the you and you animals, a quote for an independent pro. and then a series of asteroids and rough line, southern goals are in the house, and the you have an account and a building, the un clinic, at least one person was killed and several others wounded. as well as have been following developments in the occupied westbank was writing troops of shots and killed a teenager. the policy, the ministry of how said a 16 year old holland drive. so i'm on a route, was shot in the chest during a raid in ramallah. the number of palestinians killed in the area since october 7th now stands at $488.00. been scuffles between police and protest is outside the residence of these riding prime minister of to have last released a video of a hostage. they demanded that benjamin netanyahu would do more to secure the release of the remaining captives in gaza. denise is quoted as writing national
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security minister. it's him on vandevere. it has cost through the crowd, right? police within deployed is protest as march towards government buildings, demonstrations iraq's it off to have last released a video of 23 year old hush. goldberg, poland, who was taken from a music festival in israel on october 7th. but smith has the details for us. whose goal book, poland has spent almost 200 days detained, a multi described as an underground. how visits him on october 7th, left um covered in a bag. no. getting into a pickup truck. uh commented by how much spices is that over run the music festival in southern israel, gold book, poland, and others had run to a shelter eventually they were forced out thrown on to a pickup truck and driven to gauze. goldberg poland. had his left hand blowing off by a grenade, his parents have been pushing for a deal to get them released and were here today with a plea to all of the leaders of the parties would be negotiating today. that
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includes a car, egypt, the united states, from us and israel, be brave leaning, seize this moment and get a deal done. the release of the video public protests by relatives of the captives outside the official residents, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say that government isn't doing enough to release the $130.00 threes rate is still being held in gaza. and when fall right, security, administer it my think of a left a nearby synagogue. he was heckled with shouts of shame on you. he too, is accused of prioritizing the war against thomas over the rescue of captives as will likely of catholic time. the release of this video to add to the pressure on benjamin netanyahu as he presses on with these plans to launch a military operation. in rafa, it's a reminder that he's really captives will be as much in the line of fire as the
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modem. one and a half 1000000 palestinians sheltering the border with egypt. bernard smith islanders era, you don't keep bodies, jerusalem. the outgoing is report singles and $350000000.00 in law says for the 1st 3 months of this year, company also spent any $4000000000.00 more than it generated is comes as he was playing a play makers on declaring scrutiny regarding the safety of its plains, being investigated over a series of incidents, including the blow out of the door and a 737 max jet in january, ceo david color. and it says it's focusing on addressing manufacturing issues. no profits runs president. a ryan rice is used to state visit to sure. lancaster showcases countries achievements and developments and technology. are you seeing oh, great to the hydro power project and said threats and sanctions will not stop iran from accomplishing its goals? he's the 1st iranian needed to visit the island nation since 9 with medina is jada
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in 2008. now fernandez reports on this from columbus. a 21 gun salute. a minute you got to go new and pumpkin patch into that can be really and president abraham, re easy to say, look, a extensive security was in place. some of these host one taking any chances. riley's bus stop. the launch of the memorial project, which he's country his build, you read and engineers have to redirect to reverse caused by 120 degrees from the central highlands to the dry zone in the southeast. so its water could be used to generate electricity and called to thousands of picked as of land and she loved to is grateful. so what is common? we thought we should spend that we all the country that belong put this out at that time. and so i now want to establish its own identity and its own independence. president dry easy praise,
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the 2 countries commitment to achieving that goes and use the opportunity to criticize the cottonwood or the one chair is almost sort of the dominant system in the world is trying to co us all of the countries into believing that without that presence without sad participation and without the knowledge, it is not possible to realize developmental progress along. we believe these words are rooted in colonization arrogance and an unfair system. and we typically reject body charges. the 2 liters signed agreements covering corporation in culture, education, media, and tourism rises visit to colombo officer trip to his slumber bud comes at the critical time back home and he runs friends and foes are watching closely unless he has said an opportunity for sure lanka to showcase it's known or lined approach, which has been questioned recently. this comes months and months of to stray long cop gain, some sort of negative publicity from its decision to the light naval vessel. as to
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that, i'd see under to come out of the us fleet as a media bracing both leaders spoke about easy is going guys. an emotional gracie accuse the un human rights groups and the international community of failing to prevent crimes against humanity, saying it was only in savage for the atrocities the future. herancha has rolled out the red carpet for the radian presents a web that abraham res, he decided to come here, why pensions are running high in the me least. i'm in the say, his visit highlights relaunch, has increasing geopolitical importance. fernandez audra 0 colombo, scorching heat wave has swept through pots of south and southeast asia, including bangladesh. millions of people have been affected right across the country. schools have been close, at least 5 people has died of heat stroke. kind of the challenge that reports on this now from dot com which is recorded his heart is temperature in decades.
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bangladesh has a record at a temper joseph, 40 degrees celsius and above for weeks, with no signs of the heat wave is going to end. the high levels of humanity in tucker are making it worse. some of the city is richard driver of having to find innovative ways to cope. i'll put this on to keep cool. it's 2 whole top side. i kind of ferrets, and this quote and scoffed. does not seem to help them much. this provides me with some shade from the sun. the hottest temperature recorded this month was 42.6 degrees celsius in the west of the country. although it's monsoon season, no rain has fallen yet, and rivers are drying up. as study by the agriculture research institute has found harvest are smaller due to the heat stress on plants and increase demand for radiation. the city of the climate change does have an impact. the temperatures are increasing globally. our study shows
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a gradual increase in temperature seemed bangladesh. but this year we haven't seen the usual monsoon rates in april. we started a dock as record at its highest temperature in decades with a mockery rising to 40.6 degrees celsius mitchell, i just won the extreme heat may linger until may. a 3rd is of ox hospitalization. products to be prepared as number of patient is increasing with symptoms, arranging from feverish headaches, vomiting and diarrhea. wetlands and trays are disappearing as industrial growth accelerates, and people in urban areas of feeling the heat, even more comfortable to monitor phones. and that condition is very high right now and there is a shortage. there is not enough stock on hand, so the price is also increasing invoice and study the world material logical organization noted heat waves across asia were becoming more severe. and one that the combined with melting play shares, the regions,
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future water security is under threat. it will bank study in 2021 estimated heat waves could cause a 10 to 15 percent decrease in rise. see of the staple crop in bangladesh where they're going to try to collect if there's any crisis anywhere in the country, we can manage the situation. so far, we're in control, but we don't have control over the nature and we just have to accept it. scientists saved, unusual weather. presidents continue that could disrupt the livelihoods of thousands of farmers, can reach out to the obviously the doc of thousands of people have been forced to free that homes due to severe flooding in kenya, floods of submerged and tying neighborhoods in the capital. i wrote being despised, move and 11000 households, weeks of heavy rain full coming off 2 months of drought, and now left millions of facing hunger, neighboring countries all preparing for similar heavy rains as well. elsewhere there's been a wildfire in western cuba and that poses a significant threat to one of the islands. 9 tourist destinations would play
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started on monday and then spread quickly through pine forest south as the real results have been y'all as well. no fi fi does it managed to contain 90 percent of the fi of concerns remain is it continues to bind in some remote parts of the anesco world heritage site. no casualties have been reported investigations into the close of the pfizer on going. now people in athens have seen the sky ton orange because of cause of dusts from this hard does it, which flew in from north africa, san diego explained apocalyptic scenes over the acropolis. as dust from the heart, accumulated india, it cost a shroud of athens, turning the skies an orange hue, reducing visibility and prompting will socrates to sound the alarm? we have to be careful to not a breeze such air, right? and we have to stay home. many took the advice to stay in doors,
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it was time to come have these 40 a. i felt discomfort. i tried to deal with it by staying in the house so that it didn't affect my health for the others mobile at the spectacle. hey then everything was orange. it's really felt like we witnessed the hara we were waiting for the camel's to post by this. and this. this cloudy orange tinted haze is a frequent phenomenon. did usually happens in spring and autumn, low mutual logical systems, and strong winds transfer does fluids from the hard? does it sending the skies, bringing with it the risk of coming wildfire as seasonal. so this time of the year, but a devastating has it in a country that experience has major blazes every year. but there is one positive outcome of this dusty display. the clouds act as a new tree into the oceans, feeding tonton and fueling the growth of lorene micro.


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