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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the protests against israel's war on gaza spread further. and us universities. hundreds of students and academics are arrested. the hello, i'm around to my z. this is alger 0, live from dell halls, are coming up on the program. we want answers,
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we want to understand exactly what happened. us drawings calls from the you and the united nations demanding an explanation as move bodies are found in mass graves and gaza. a series of as rainy as strikes hit residential areas and roughly in southern gaza, killing 6 people. rescue is a searching for survivors. and there's been a forklift, succeeds in athens, this cause of death from this, the heart of pay the acropolis orange the a week off. the students at columbia university in new york stepped up the campaign in support of palestine protests against israel as well and gaza spread to campuses across the united states. police and campus security arrested dozens of those who refuse to leave. i was early at the white house at president jo, fight and supports free speech and non discrimination at universities were send
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sending me freaking out coverage for us from columbia university in new york at columbia university officials facing mounting criticism from all sides over its handling of student demonstrators, prominent republican politicians after meeting with some jewish students on campus called on the university president to resign. as colombia has allow these lawless agitators and radicals to take over. the virus of anti semitism is spread across other campuses by some count as many as 200 universities have a similar form of protest right now. students who faced arrest in suspension say they're the ones who need protection. many are afraid to show their face. there's definitely a fear of, you know, being attacked and the risk of like losing career opportunities and stuff, which is really a shame that people willing to, you know, advocate for human rights are smeared in such a way. nevertheless, they are vowing to continue their encampment. the student organizers say they have
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3 demands for the university. number one, disclose their investments in israel, number 2, divest from them. and number 3, provide amnesty for students who have been suspended. they say they won't leave the grounds until that happens. many have compared their actions to what happened on campus in 1968, when columbia students held students to demand and to the universities connection to the vietnam war. and were arrested sparking nationwide demonstrations credited with us as eventually withdrawal from the war. and the students do have the support of many jewish students and faculty. and i do not feel that this project is anti semitic in any way. i do feel that the students are highly critical of israeli politics. and i do not believe that that is inherently anti semitic at all. and i do not feel threatened as a jewish faculty member in any way, by what's happening here on this campus,
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except by the arrest of many of our students. the university has warned students to take down their and cabin by friday morning, or based on specified consequences. kristen salumi out 0 new york lodge police force was also deployed in austin, texas. the that was scuffles as police and state troopers trying to disperse the crowds. at least 34 people were arrested off to the university of texas. as the protests was, unauthorized hundreds of students has been arrested in the us since friday. jeremy syria is a professor of global leadership history and public policy university of texas. he says the crack down on these protests is only strengthening so in a dire see, similar to the anti war movement of the 19 sixty's. and the irony is that this kind of behavior by the police only increases the resolve of students. i cannot tell you how many students more than 15 to 20 that i spoke with,
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who i saw at this event. some of my students, i know were students who are apathetic or may have even been favorable to the israeli side in the arguments. and they see the police acting this way. and it leads them to become more radical. and this is the story of the 19 sixty's and our society were replying that when the police attack students in this way, it makes other students sympathized with those were attacked. not the attackers. i believe that university presidents, including my own at the university of texas, are afraid they are afraid that they are going to be criticized and condemned by politicians by the governor of texas by members of congress. they're, they're afraid they're going to be condemned for allowing anti semitism and i'm against anti semitism to one jewish myself. so i think anti semitism is horrible when there has been too much of it. but this, the presidents are over reacting. and what they're doing is they're creating an environment in which no one is allowed to say anything that sounds critical in any
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way of israel or any other topic. and they're making it impossible for students to express themselves. well, hundreds of students, how to assess it at the university of southern california. all these areas of rub reynolds was there is police arrested protest as here on the university of southern california campus, one by one protesting students are being hand tough with plastic zip ties. and led away by los angeles police officers taken under arrest to a van parked on the campus grounds. there were originally dozens of students here who formed a kind of ring in the center of this grassy area. they said that even though they were warned, they would be arrested. they were going to stand their ground. so they stayed in the police moved in, formed a ring around them, and then one by one called them over and they were arrested there. they did not resist arrest,
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we did not see any violence on the part of the police towards them. but i want to emphasize as well that prior to these arrests, this invest in this protest against the war against garza and demanding dies despot of the university's ties. complete suffering of ties with any is really entities was entirely peaceful. there were no scuffles amongst students, those students were being harassed, they were simply making a protest with chance and, and slogans, and so forth. now the university is decided that that is unacceptable. so these students are being arrested. what happens to them afterwards and what happens on this campus and other campuses across the united states in the days to come,
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remains to be seen. but for many of the protesters we spoke through today, they say they're going to stick, stand their ground, continue their approaches until their demands are met. rob reynolds, l g, 0, los angeles, a israel as long as the series of as strikes and rough and southern gaza. at least 6 palestinians have been killed. several wounded, a tax targeted 3 homes and agricultural lands in different areas of a southern city. one of the strikes that house sheltering dispos people in the oven that comes on wednesday. honey, my hood is in rough, un joins us now. tell us more about what's been happening. of the yes, but more death and destruction and over not a tops across over crowded, roughly 50 aware 1500000 displaced palestinians have been filtering and this small sliver of land in the southern part of the gaza strip one residential home in the
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site central southern part of the city was destroyed with 3 people reported. killed right away and several other injuries and one more residential home to the eastern part of the city. and 2 people initially were reported as of early hour of this morning. a 3rd person who was transferred to the hospital come to his one and just died because of this severe bleeding that he had for the past hours. also, there were looking at a surgery in the attack of drones. as of the past couple hours were 2 people at least and what looks like a target. it's killing one in western part of the city and the other one in for the eastern part of rough i city they were killed. but when, when i go in and attack a joint fired missiles, both of them and what seems to be a half an hour, a part of from each other. meanwhile, in the central area, these really military continues to pound across this particular area, just deepening the shutter sense of safety. people were told to evacuated, to the southern part of why the area between the hours you can and why does that
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because it is safe for them to avoid being bon only to find themselves right now. hot in line of fire of unpredictable bonds for people reported killed that why the because that and more of injury is reported from the se, dot com, then the surrounding it refugee. it comes of the central area including theater. bella city again. another area though is larger, designated as a safe area for evacuating display families to move to the tragedies. keep on folding. the destruction is over whelming, over. everywhere you go. see rubble filled the road and more destruction become visible right here in the city of rough anymore. thank you very much. i meanwhile, the white house is described reports of madison, grazing gauze or is deeply disturbing. on wednesday, another 51 bodies were found in the grounds of a hospital in hong eunice. within 300 has been discovered since that today. us
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national security advisor jake sullivan says washington wants the answers comes off to the european union backs are un cole for an independent investigation. how does your culture has more in this from washington to us national security advisor jake sullivan had sharp words about reports of the mass graves discovered in gaza? well, those reports were deeply disturbing. we have been in touch at multiple levels with the israeli government. we want answers, we want to understand exactly what happened. you've seen some public commentary from the adf on that, but we want to know the specifics of what the circumstances of this were. and we want to see this thoroughly and transparently investigated so that the whole world can have a comprehensive answer and we, the united states can as well, i can't speak beyond that because of course, we're in the early days of fully understanding what happened. what's been missing from the us response is any call for an independent investigation into the mass graves. that is in contrast to the u. n. and to the you that have both said,
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there must be an independent investigation. not just one conducted by israel alone . we are gravely concerned by the, by the report, the discovery of most grace in the county. you need, i mean i'll, she follow speed will be something that forces us to call for an independent investigation of all the suspicions and all the circumstances. because indeed it to create the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed. that is why it's important to have independent investigation and to ensure the accountability of the u. s. has emphasized that answers are needed from israel. but on wednesday, president joe biden sign into law yet another us aid package to the is rarely military. heidi jo, castro alger 0, washington to the any laboratory and reconstruction coordinates of goals or is told the security council that irreversible steps need to be taken to facilitate on hand the delivery of more aide into the strip. so good call goes as dress,
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it's the quality of that humanitarian assistance needs to be improved. just as gabriel, as all know, has worn this now from new york to meet the mens. a new united nations lead mechanism for monitoring aid routes in the gaza will be operational in a matter of days. secret colleague the you in the senior, humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator forgot to said that initially, the mechanism will monitor aid routes via cyprus and jordan. and shortly after begin monitoring aid entering through egypt, ivan formed the government of israel on the operational ization of the mechanism. as per the resolution, a database and notification system will go online for old cargo destined for garza alarm supply routes. the approval for the placement of international monitors of crossings inspection and supply points has been requested from relevant authorities, verification and monitoring inside guys i will commence as soon as possible. it's
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been over 200 days since israel's war on guys or began some council members said it's regrettable. it is taking so long and we have to discussing access to basic needs. basic human needs such as access to food as well. and sanitation colleague said she expects is real to help facilitate the new aid routes . but the reality on the ground water right now is to these much different. it remains extremely difficult to secure a safe and unimpeded access for command sharing movements to northern gaza. odor reports that as of today, more than one 3rd of admissions to the north and april were denied, were impeded by his really authorities. secret cock also said that the next step may be for aid trucks to be inspected on the palestinian side of the rock of border . that would be a major change from how it's done now,
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but it's unclear how it would be implemented. if israel would be involved or is real, would even agree to it cause also said that her office in gaza should be operational in the next few weeks. gabriel's on to how does it in the united nations in new york? is there any troops of jocelyn killed a teenager in the occupied westbank? the palace of the ministry of health at 16 year old harlot drives them on a root cause. chelsea is a chest during a raid in ramallah. the number of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank since october 7th now stands at 489 scuffles of broken out between police and protest as outside the residents of these right. in 5 minutes, throw off the last release, a video of the captive. they demanded nothing young. do want to secure the release of the remaining captives in gaza. police as close it is ready, national security minister. it's him up and give it has cost through the crowd. why it please? for then deployed is,
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protest is march towards government buildings. demonstrations erupted off the last one is the video of 23 year old hash called the poland, who has taken from a music festival in israel, on october 7th, a sign in smith's house. the details 1st go book poland has spent almost 200 days detained, a multi described as an underground house. this is him on october 7th, left on covet in a bag right now, getting into a pickup truck. come and did buy him a spices that overrun the music festival in southern israel. gold book, poland, and others had run to a shelter. eventually they were forced out thrown on to a pickup truck and driven to gauze. goldberg, pulling out his lead time blown off by a grenade. his parents have been pushing for a deal to get them released and were here today with a plea to all of the leaders of the parties would be negotiating to do that. includes the car, egypt, the united states, from us and israel,
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the brave leaning seize this moment and get a deal done. the release of the video prompted protests by relatives of the captives outside the official residents, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say that government isn't doing enough to release the 133 is really still being held in gaza. and when fall, right, security minister, if not, then give a left to nearby, send a gold. he was heckled with shouts of shame on you. the 2 is accused of prioritizing the war against thomas. over the rescue of captain thomas will likely have catholic time, the release of this video to add to the pressure on benjamin netanyahu as he presses on with these plans to launch a military operation. in rafa, it's a reminder that he's really captives will be as much in the line of fire as a modem, one and a half 1000000 palestinians sheltering the border with egypt. bonus with islanders era. you don't keep bodies, jerusalem,
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a lot small. so to bring you on the program this toby inside. so boeing is a company reports huge. it also has officers series of safety issues. we'll have that story and everything else. the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult the moment is this for prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to the know the to stay forcibly out of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry partners, and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, the latest news as a story. israel vowing a military response for situation. we mean fund nationwide with detailed coverage.
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it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full series of the band and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. now is the time to be directed to the creation of the humanitarian crisis? is a tactic we do not is it was a policy that we have the was from us, particularly the city upfront on out of there the, the the
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how can not you without is there a reminder of the top stories now? protests against israel's will on gauze or intensifying and university campuses across america. the demonstration started from columbia university in new york last week. police on campus security, arrested thousands of people who refused to leave. meanwhile, at least 6 palestinians have been killed. the several wounded and as rainy strikes, targeting different parts of rough uh the tax had homes in agricultural lands in the southern gaza. and then elsewhere in the occupied. westbank is waiting troops of shots and killed a teenager. the balance of the ministry of health said the 16 year old was chosen a chest and a raid and a model number of palestinians killed in the occupied westbank since october 7th. now stands at $488.00 and all the news shots have been fired. they have these national palace, owls before presidential transitions. harmony is set to take place. the complex and the capital force of friends has come under
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a piece of fire from armed gangs and recent days, who control much of the city can you just say talks of his political future and this includes them at least 21 people have died off for a boat count if your pen migraines capsized off the coast of jupiter sea migrants were trying to reach him and 23 people are still missing. comes just 2 weeks off to another migrant boat capsized in the area, killing $38.00. and then it's an easy, the coast guard is recovered. the bodies of these 14 people off the coast of java. so as he said, the bodies have been washing up on the island since friday. on tuesday. the coast guards are come between the 2 bodies of the cities in coasts for the north country is a key departure point from like winds and refugees of trying to reach europe. boeing is reporting more than $350000000.00 in last. as for the 1st 3 months of this year, the usaa across manufacture is currently on the investigation of
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a series of safety incidents. they include the blow out of a panel on a 737 max and january chief executive it dave colors admitted that the company was in a tough moment. we'll says that the focus was on the manufacturing problems. no, it's revenue. attics, but takes a look at boeing's troubles, of the 6 government safety investigations of building a craft underway, including a pro of why and how adults like fiction of a boeing 737 max blew out. she want to be asked to take off in january, in 20182019. boeing 737 mex. a line is crest and indonesia and your killing 346 people. as a recent hearing safety experts told congress, the flying public is in danger. the manufacturing conditions the let's the to $737.00 max disasters also led to the alaskan accident blow out accident. and these
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conditions continue. hundreds of people died and there's been no justice unless action is taken and leaders are held accountable. every person stepping a boarding, boeing airplane, is a risk aviation safety expense, say boeing's up level management, prioritize the speed of delivering its products of a safety. really what's needed is the cultural change starting from the top with executives who don't just focus on spreadsheets and stock returns. but actually go and visit the factories and talk with people for decades. buying was a symbol of us engineering and technology close appear your receipt. and let's say event changed with the c e. o and other top jobs were filled by executives trained in business management and notes engineering fully needs in aerospace engineer who understands production, who understands the challenges, we understand it's important. so safety. 0, one thing that the really is important to to realize here is that the volume is not a service company, is it's
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a company that builds things on which lives depend on their product. boeing saves it is cooperating, and is committed to safety and transparency. the stop matters. everything matters. as every detail dies. see, oh, dave told her to night. sushi $3000000.00 in celery and bonuses in 2023. i will step down at the end of the series. meanwhile, a poll earlier this month showed a majority of americans are willing to pay extra for tickets if it means avoiding flying on a boeing at like speed, which is 0. a grand jury in the state of arizona or is invited several advisors, a former president, donald trump, are accused of attempting to use a se collectors to overtime his 2020 election laws to joe biden. indictment alleges defendants including lawyer, rudy giuliani and chief of stock soft lock meadows submitted false documents to congress,
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declaring trumps of victory in arizona. a charge with 9 counts each of conspiracy, ford, and forgery. now thousands of people have been forced to free the homes due to severe flooding and tenure. the floods of civil lodged in time neighborhoods in the capital of my road being displaced, moving 11000 households, weeks of heavy rain full coming off 2 months of drought. we left millions of people also facing hung up. we've been seeing extraordinary scenes across the skies of athens, which turned a bright orange off to counts of dust, flew in from his heart, does it? the greek government has now issued health warnings to those with on the line health problems. so he gave good explains apocalyptic scenes over the acropolis as dust from the heart. accumulated india, it cost a shroud of athens, turning the skies an orange hue, to reducing visibility and prompting will socrates to sound the alarm?
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we have to be careful to not breeze, so it's air right. and we have to stay home. many took the advice to stay in doors, it was time to come to have useful area. i felt discomfort. i tried to deal with it by staying in the house so that it didn't affect my health for the others marveled at the spectacle 8th and everything was all in china. it's really felt like we witnessed the hara we were waiting for camels to post by the semester. this cloudy orange tinted hayes is a frequent phenomenon did usually happens in spring and autumn. low mutual logical systems and strong winds transferred dust loads from the hard. does it sitting the skies bringing with it the risk of coming wildfire as i'm seasonal for this time of the year, but a devastating hazard in a country that experience has major blazes every year. but there is one positive
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outcome of this dusty display. the clouds act as a new tree into the oceans, feeding tonton and fueling the growth of lorraine micro organisms forming the basis of an intricate, essential food web. sonya jago, which is era of european parliament, has approved a proposal that would buy the single use plastic packaging condiments from fast food restaurants, bin plastic bags for groceries, and many cosmetic bottles in hotels would all be found on the vessel set to come into effect in 2030, if ratified by e. u. member states, a salary wildlife export. so trying to rescue around a $140.00 wales, stranded in west and australia, full pulse of pilot wells stock in the shallow waters of an estry in an area that is very popular with tourist folding chairs have been pouring water all over the wells and then attempt to try and save them $26.00 of those wells have already done . i thought well that's it for myself. but of course as much one use on
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a website out as their adult calm. another full bulletin coming up as well in about 25 minutes time with my colleague laura kyle. she'll be here with more of the day's news. of course, we'll bring you over a test on those protests that have been taking place in american universities against the wall in gauze inside story program, the the hello, the weather is now lottie, set favor across the arabian peninsula, happy the when starting to east down as well, it will still be a little breezy for somebody. secrecy, essentially drive that will be some lifted dustin, some particular course, southern parts of the peninsula. as we go through 1st, i hope across the golfing. so you could scattering a shout was coming in here. they shows running back into afghanistan to coast. the flooding here,
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concerns remain in place as we go on into friday. wanted to shout was to just along the red sea coast of the arabian peninsula, america picking up to around 40 degrees celsius. could be hotter than that in gaza on this day. already. hot and sticky day a horrible day in store, i'm afraid. is it going for the evening into the overnight period? one or 2 showers, just cracking off here as well? it will freshen things up, cause what around 25 celsius the friday and your dry weather. elsewhere across the region, maybe one or 2 showers up towards the black sea. what is to show as a possibility to just around northern parts of morocco, northern areas of out jerry us to work halting car for the sales just the he does. he's a little as we go through friday. if the testing sites still something of an issue here at that stage. may mon, across the west africa, the seasonal range continue to trip. know the
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the hello and welcome to the program. i'm happy to jump from hunger around the world has reached alarming levels. that's according to a new report on global food and security for the 5th year. acute food and security


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