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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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that has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords, you do, the tortured, executed, and buried alive. does a civil defense officials presents evidence find a mass graves for nearly 400 bodies, been recovered? sofa the light from dell home. also coming up we want answers. we want to understand exactly what happened. the us joins calls from the you. i'm the you and demanding an explanation from israel's a box. the mass graves being discovered as protests,
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growing israel, the us and all the world leaders release of states appearing for the release of shopped, capture by how much dangling us your device that is against israel's wall. and gaza spreads to europe. protests are held in funds and it's on the the engagement with the palestinian. the civil defense team says evidence from mass graves in the grounds of naso hospitalized con. eunice shows the is really ami carried out summary executions. 392 bodies have been recovered so far, but they've not been able to identify 267 of them. at at least 20 people may have been buried alive at the medical complex. children were also among the bodies recovered. the team is accusing israel of committing crimes against humanity. meanwhile, international pressure is mounting and israel,
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after the discovery of the mass graves, us national security advisor, jake sullivan, says washington, once on says whitehouse says reports a boss, graves and gaza are deeply disturbing the you and the united nations. i've already called for an independent investigation mass graves have been discovered, i'll shape a hospital in kansas city as well as nasa hospital in the south. dr. muhammed, almo, okay, is the head of the monitoring documentary unit at the civil defense department in gaza. and he shares the evidence based funds from on covering the mass graves in con eunice, a lot of them in the band with them if you have any during our work with the civil defense team in order to recover the bodies at the nasa hospital, we have found mass graves within the medical complex, one in the morgue, and one of the north of the medical complex civil teams of worked in order to recover all the bodies. most of them with decomposed buddies and the occupation forces have changed the shrouds and put them in plastic bags. we believe that those
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bags have accelerated, the decomposition of those bodies. we're also trying to document all our evidence that showed many of the corpses of bodies have shown signs of torture, including hand coughing, some other bodies of showing signs of gunshot wounds. we have observed that they were corpses completely dismembered. we also found the bodies of women, young people, and the elderly in the area around the medical complex. somebody's was found with no clothes, while some other body showed that they were being treated at the hospital. one of the bodies we uncovered was receiving treatment. we're trying to establish all the evidence as to how these bodies have been buried. we also have noted that many bodies have been put in one bag, which is in violation to the regulations. we have the all concerns that as more bodies that are exempt from mass graves, the vital evidence may become contaminated on us to international has one. the lack of resources in the gaza strip and ongoing bombardment will hinder reference to
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collect evidence for the investigations later on. or there are 2 fundamental issue, one is dot and investigators, human rights investigator, now to investigate to is, i'm not being allowed into guns and not just for the past 6 months, but for years. uh and, and they're not allowed to go into guys now. and the other issue is that in god's that they'd just isn't the expertise the skills, as well as those resources by way of, of tools such as the ability to carry out dna tests, none of that is available. and to make matters worse, there is the constant bombardment that are happening day in day out, where the evidence of crimes committed yesterday may be destroyed in the bottom by demand. kyra dow today. so that is, that is really to try to the but there is something that can be done in the could
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be done immediately. and that is for a, a d, 's radio star. it is to allow independent investigators into guise at once, immediately after all, if they have nothing to hide, they have absolutely no reason to continue preventing independent investigators from going to goes up and. and secondly, of course uh to uh, to refrain from carry. now the kind of indiscriminate bombardments that make it very difficult or impossible to, uh, to work safely for rescue workers and, and, and for anyone. and the white house has described reports of mass graves in gaza as deeply disturbing and comes out to the european union box or un call for an independent investigation. us national security advisor jake sullivan, says washington, once officers those reports were deeply disturbing. we have
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been in touch at multiple levels with the israeli government. we want answers, we want to understand exactly what happened. you've seen some public commentary from the adf on that, but we want to know the specifics of what the circumstances of this were. and we want to see this thoroughly and transparently investigated so that the whole world can have a comprehensive answer and we, the united states can as well, i can't speak beyond that because of course, we're in the early days of fully understanding what happened. i'm going to go to a corresponding mike kind of who's in washington dc forest. so um jake sullivan saying that the same that the us has been in contact with israel about this is once onset from israel. it also wants to, to expand to investigation, but it has not said which other countries have side on the e. u. is that it should be an independent investigation. that's correct. yes. so what we've heard from the white house is what you heard that from the national security council advisor jake sullivan. as saying that this is disturbing,
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they are waiting for the details of what happened. the specific specifies to that they have on israel for an accounting of exactly what happened. that statement was some 20 hours ago, and as yet this be no further statements either from the white house or from the state department. so once again, it would appear given the absence of any statements in the last 20 hours, that nothing yet has been heard back from miss. well, we would assume that once the information is provided to the white house, so what the state department, then we will receive the details as to what israel says happens. and what the us i'm going response is going to be. yeah, mike and the job i have and another were late as of just for these the statement appearing for the release of capture captive captured by how much. what more do we know about that? yes, this is 18 countries including the us, which appear to be trying to step up pressure or from us in these ongoing attempts at negotiation of these countries issuing a joint statement,
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calling on him us to immediately release old captives being held in god. so there's no mention whatsoever off any come come attempt release of palestinian prison is being held in israel by the as ray, the government. but this is stepping on pressure on how much that would appear as these negotiations going forward. the statement says as well that the release of the captives would allow for a great influx of humanitarian aid into gaza. this is required in regard to this actually a central but looming behind all of this is ongoing concern about to is ray. the operation in a rough or in the soft, this would create a mess of issues within garza and would certainly be well any possibility of ongoing negotiation. mike, thanks very much. indeed, mike, kind of talking to us from washington dc. the 10s of thousands of palestinians displaced by israel's war on garza and not having to seek shelter,
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intends the coastal area west of dental ball. it has become crowded with people fleeing attacks in northern and central garza. so my heat is also making the living condition even worse with the attendance provided little production from rising temperatures view and is your monitoring and reconstruction coordinator for gaza as told the security council. but it reversible steps need to be taken to facilitate on hand the delivery of more aide into the strip signaling tag. also stress that the quality of that aid must be improved. i'll just need as gabriel, amazon does. but more from new york to meet the mens. a new united nations with mechanism for monitoring aid routes in the gaza will be operational in a matter of days. secret colleague the you in the senior, humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for guys. a said that initially the mechanism will monitor aid routes via cyprus and jordan. and shortly after short begin monitoring aid. entering through egypt,
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ivan formed the government of israel on the operationalization of the mechanism as per the resolution, a database and notification system will go online for old cargo destined for garza alarm supply routes. the approval for the placement of international monitors have crossings. inspection and supply points has been requested from relevant authorities, verification and monitoring inside guys i will commence as soon as possible. it's been over 200 days since israel's war on guys or began. some council members said it's regrettable, it is taking so long and we have to discuss the access to basic needs. basic human needs such as access to food as well. and sanitation, cogs said she expects is real to help facilitate the new aid routes. but the reality on the ground water right now is to these much different,
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it remains extremely difficult to secure a safe and unimpeded access for command sharing movements to northern gaza. odor reports that as of today, more than one 3rd of admissions to the north and april were denied, were impeded by israeli authorities. secret cock also said that the next step may be for aid trucks to be inspected on the palestinian side of the rock of border. that would be a major change from how it's done now, but it's unclear how it would be implemented. if israel would be involved or is real, would even agree to it cause also said that her office in gaza should be operational in the next few weeks. gabriel's on to how does it in, at the united nations in new york, which on, you know, sunset is a dollar on somebody who's a regional director for out of state. so the u. n. d p, that's the united nations development program. thank you very much indeed. for coming in, at some point, this conflict is going to be over,
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and garza is going to have to be rebuilt. i would imagine that given the scale of what we've seen, the level of destruction we've seen from the pictures over the last several months or so that job is enormous. first of all, where do you start? and 2nd, how do you pay for it? and who does that? of course, in a place where a place that's the last 25 percent of his gdc just 6 months of fighting just to compare. so then the last 25 percent of the to be in 140 are fighting ukraine, lost 15 percent of g d p and to use a fight. so this is a massive destruction, not just think us of the economy of the hold punched in the instate is destroyed, and therefore our work would cover the rebuilding of gaza. let's start with early recovery 1st to bring back hundreds of thousands of people to that. it shows the width for the vision of basic services, health, education, water, sanitation, energy, all of that, plus reviving the private sector,
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the jump creation. but moving the breeze, for example, that's the starting point. let me give you a number. we have today. 57000000 funds. offer up and degrees and gust compared to 1400000 in the 2014 was so moving that pretty you're recycling. get to using, get to the bins, is a tremendous effort, but it's an opportunity for young people to work. so we are preparing all these trucks of work in the basic services, in addition to the planning is under way for them. but at the defense level, in order to prep all of that, so that when there is a ceasefire, we don't spend 6 months of dining. we move in immediately, all the materials that i need to go. no, that's requires funding of course, and we are moving out on towards trying to mobilize the funding. we have very good signals from large number of countries. i am in the, i know we have very positive and constructive meetings with the authorities so i
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can only be optimistic because he cannot the 4th of the semester. can these situations is i, i know these are early days, but one would imagine that given the circumstances and given the fact that eventually the palestinians and museums will have to carry on a relationship in some form or another, it must be difficult to persuade potential donors to handle the cash, when there is still the risk that there is going to be some sort of conflict in the future. but how do you, how do you get over that? hardly being able to persuade people to put money into this 2 points. first of all, this is not the full reconstruction of gods. if, when the construction of everything that was destroyed would take decades and would take at least $50.00 to $40000000000.00, we cannot the us countries to pay for $30.00 to $40000000000.00. if there isn't a permanent piece that assures everyone to invest their money to. so this is an early the company programs for about $2000000000.00 that can assure dignified, temporarily shelter and basic services to hundreds of thousands of funds,
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then use it to a point where countries kind of thing that's risk, but not the fund, the risk of the construction. yep, that's one to quickly it's, it's designed to be a peace building exercise. this has to become a concert disability gets size. it has to be a signal to everyone that's only a press for this. and a piece for on this time is good for everyone. and that's a global public good, and the regional public good that's worth investing. and i want to ask you a very briefly and we're not just talking about guys at all. we're talking about the areas and the wider region. how do you see that working out? when, when we said 25 percent of funds spent in gdp, it covers east jerusalem and west, back to the west bank, the economy shots, it a good culture. trade tours in finance, banking autoland, the verge of collapse. so that's one. and also there is an impact across the agent that we are assessing and preparing some of the company programs to help westbank.
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of course, you guys already cover the westbank and funds, the overall recovery and the whole region of the situation. and other, although not it, we appreciate you being with us and thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. bye. thank you. still want to go back to tell the story the new days it was revealed by gods and civil defense officials about nice graves had a couple of things. joining us now live from that offer in the size to tell us how people there are reaction to what appears to be evidence that has been emerging from these nice graves. well generally there is a great deal of grief on frustration among those people who have been searching for the loved ones for more than 70 days after the civil defense cruise managed to generally recover a more then. so it's a more than $300.00. so that's the bodies from the eyes of a nicer hospital, as they are still some found is a really waiting to identify that the loved ones, if they are really among who is being buried, that spot,
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what have been really imagined from nasir hospitalized beyond just description due to the fact that the vast majority of bodies are it could not be really and easily identified due to the fact that they are sparsely decomposed. um they have been buried under really unknown circumstances. as the civil defense crews have been saying that at least 20 palestinians of those bodies have been buried alive and that sweetie. something completely just typing as families are still also reaching out, trying to reach to the beloved ones. but the idea is that they have been buried inside the yachts of the and also hospital is clear evidence that the military had been deliberately trying to eat face evidence that could be really reviewing the identity of those people as they are included, women, children, elderly people, alongside with warranted what have been receiving treatment in las or hospitals and all those will have been cost as a clue sign to being subjected to military investigations. but as we have been hearing from the families of the people who manage to find their beloved ones,
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they have been so happy that they managed to give them a pro power you off to long days of absence without knowing any information about the site. so now part, yet they have been really comfortable and they are trying as much as they can in order to help other families and to give them the psychological supposed about the, the findings of their beloved one in such areas. quite clearly, right now it's completely disturbing that disabled defense crews of whacking on a daily basis. but the other reality is that the majority of gauze houses have tend to be a great yards where there are still hundreds of people are still under the russell without receiving a new rescue operation. among the civil defense themes are due to the lack of equipment from a side on, from the other hand, it due to the ongoing military campaigns that imposes new threats on the level. several defense crews to recover more bodies from such areas that have been see, it's a full miniature confrontations between almost pointers and these really ministry
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talk thanks very much indeed. had a couple of them talking just roughly you sort of guys are still the head. don't all just 0 and i'm returning you at the beijing also. so which one is dominant? the electric vehicle industry is on display. that domain is being questioned, which accuses it, flooding the global market on the hello colonies. warnings happened issued across central and southern positive china for yet more heavy right inside the flooding they set to us. and as we go through the next couple of days, here's the menu from that to relatively stationary, fun tables. let me explain a little further north, which as we go through the next couple of days, there's that heavy rain returning to southern pots of china over the next 2 or 3
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days, one or 2. supposed to be down toward hong kong, running through taiwan, could see another 100150, maybe $200.00 millimeters afraid on those not affected areas. take a look, assessed dice more of the same move, very heavy, right? the allies in indicating the heavier rain coming back through that because more widespread through the coal. so fast a pushing on into sunday. nothing is well, a little further north is but some really heavy down pools. here we really are looking at all full conditions as we go through the next style. so most of that generally dried up towards the korean peninsula and up towards japan. so let me try to a crossing though. china, one or 2 showers bring up just around vietnam as we go through the next hour. so scattering of shouts to it, to the philippines, and then the usual showers, the across malaysia and indonesia, some showers to pushing across buckets, not at the north west india. but for the most part, the heat wave continues the
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300 years ago. the belt is the full season, the celebrated, the natural world, and stages of the, you know, his music has been re compose by onto efficient intelligence using projected 2050 weather data to reflect the global climate emergency culminating, and the disturbing like performance himself career dis, nokia or of solving on al jazeera the, [000:00:00;00] the
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reminder of the top. so is this guy's a civil defense officials have reveal the evidence, find a mass graves in the grounds of naso hospital in con eunice. they say it, it clearly indicates that these really ami carried out summary executions. 390. 2 bodies have been accomplished so far, but they've not been able to identify 267 divided administrations. demanding an explanation from israel off to the discovery of the mass graves in gaza. it's called the recovery of bodies of palestinians. deeply disturbing in you and the un are asking for an independent investigation. 18 countries, including the us, have called for the release of captives held in johnson joint statement. they said the release of the captives would bring. i'm immediate, i'm prolonged ceasefire. we're going to go to mom of a shot at his. i'll just say it is a senior political analyst is joining us not from month to get it back. and i was just looking through briefly the wording of the statement. our correspondence, mike kinda in washington dc,
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was making the point that no point does it mention any, make any reference to the release of palestinian prisoners being held in israel. what do you make of this? it doesn't make any mention of any of the underlying issues that have um you know, affected guys uh for the past uh, 67 months for the past 6 years. whether to just the genocide, the depth of destruction, the getting over tens of thousands, the, the, the, the creations. uh, nothing about the, how, the construction, nothing about the anything, to be honest. this seems to be, to me, a desperate to pretty much a ton of dysfunction. again, nothing about is the top locations. nothing about the ongoing times by his side
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too. they offer nothing about those, possibly your doctor patients, nothing about the siege and so forth. so this is, you know, a different amount, the chemistry, clearly a strong arm, the number of countries and decide they're asking for the reason i did the competition. why not the use of the cop peach complex? for god's sakes, i'm one of the people to kaiser. i mean, the something use you sense that there's some, you know, there's a bit of racism and all that. we could get into the 130. some is a doctors. but the files are kind of thing is who died never existed. well and thank you very much indeed. we're always going to be coming back to you over the next couple of vises. we delve more deeply into this, but for now, mom on bush auto, i'll just say to senior political analyst. thank you very much indeed. so when i reach out to students at columbia university in new york stepped up their con,
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painter and support. apollo starting protests against israel is water and gas. i have spread to campuses across the united states, police and campus security. a rest of dozens of those who refused to leave 1st. and so they made reports from columbia university in new columbia university officials spacing, mounting criticism from all sides over its handling of student demonstrators. prominent republican politicians after meeting with some jewish students on campus called on the university president to resign as colombia has allowed these lawless agitators and radicals to take over. the virus of anti semitism is spread across other campuses by some counts. as many as 200 universities have a similar form of protest right now. students who faced arrest in suspension say they're the ones who need protection. many are afraid to show their face. there's, there's definitely a fear of, you know, being attacked and the risk of like losing career opportunities and stuff,
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which is really a shame that people willing to, you know, advocate for human rights are smeared in such a way. nevertheless, they are vowing to continue their encampment. student organizers say they have 3 demands for the university. number one, disclose their investments, and israel number 2, divest from them. and number 3, provide amnesty for students who have been suspended. they say they won't leave the grounds until that happens. many have compared their actions to what happened on campus in 1968, when columbia students held students to demand and to the universities connection to the vietnam war. and were arrested sparking nationwide demonstrations credited with us as eventually withdrawal from the war. and the students do have the support of many jewish students and faculty. and i do not feel that this project is anti semitic in any way. i do feel that the students are highly critical of israeli
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politics. and i do not believe that that is inherently anti semitic at all. and i do not feel threatened as a jewish faculty member in any way, by what's happening here on this campus, except by the arrest of many of our students. the university has warned students to take down their and camp in by friday morning, or face on specified consequences. christian salumi alger 0 new york. the anger among students in the us as nice spreading to europe, students at the start button university and part of something demonstrating is solidarity with palestinians. police dispersed the protestors who attends presidency. my call of collusion with israel combs delivering a major speech on european security after university. i'm protests and supports of palestinians were also held in italy and belong ya and milan. first is demonstrations coincided with the celebrations of other countries liberation from fascism. in 1945,
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the members of haiti's transitional count, instead of being sworn in following the resignation of prime minister on re because those tasks with choosing a new prime minister and cabinets. gang violence has devastated the economy and social services on the brink of collapse. gang leaders say talks of, i hate his political future, must include them. south korea has recorded a surprise rise in his 1st quarter, g d, p figures. growth is driven by strong smartphone sales on private consumption is being seen as a welcome break for the units. so he'll grab a bunch, was still under pressure to, to high food prices and low approval ratings. units can, has more from so to south korea's 1st quarter economic growth, nearly double projections coming in at 1.3 percent on quarter. this has left many
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scratching their heads as strong private consumption together with exports lead the forward momentum. this despite high food prices, exports were boosted by high demand for technology products like semi conductors. this is sorely needed. good news for president use on your bad are from his party's loss and this month's problem entry elections and mid a cost of living crisis. even after the elections south koreans have been feeling. the pinch with the price of staples like cabbage is up. 36 percent and see lead up 20 percent on month. headwinds to the economy remain with eyes squarely on the middle east. from don't tell you not, you don't have to list cuz the remain risks involving the middle east region and the politics exchange rates and oil prices are on an unstable 1st thing. so all of these internal and external economic factors will be reflected in the future economic outlook and in the south 3. and one has been one of the leading moves or is in the region,
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especially in mid spikes. and geo political tension is just 4th largest economy is heavily relied on crude oil through the 4 moves as the middle east accounts for some 72 percent of its imports. regulators say it as a maintain a vigilant pastor. predicting price growth is becoming an ever more challenging business. you know, skim all to 0. so now beijing's also shows open diamonds showing 300 electric vehicles. china dominates the global market for battery powered costs, and it's expanding overseas between you reports from vision of the theme of disuse, aging, also sure is new era, new cars and many chinese also make us believe that this year is the one with chinese vehicles. will soon dominate the global market sold while the sooner and chinese automotive companies are increasing their investment research and
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development. so that we are able to produce cheaper and back to vehicles. that all the new people could afford to drive or china is already the world's biggest


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