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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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and the will, as we can do as many people as possible, no matter how much they know about a given crises. so issue the smell of that is all over power. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do the . ready the one, the bulk of this is a news life from tow coming up in the next 60 minutes torture to execute it and buried alive because of civil defense officials present evidence found of mass graves when the 440. so being recovered as protest, crow around the world, the us president and other world leaders really statements appealing for the release of captives held in guns and the anger and us universities against the as
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well as long cause us press to your protests are held in france and easily unimportant and full suffer a major step back in the premier league title race at you know, the fee to advertise means they remain 3 points behind leaders, arsenal, and are in danger for leasing. second place to land cities. and later on the welcome to the program, palestinian officials and guns that have been presenting evidence base say previously is trading below treat carried out torture and executions. in con eunice, it comes from bodies recovered in the mass graves of gaza, maybe 400 bodies. it would be an exempt from 2 sites, so the nasa and i'll ship a hospital compounds well, yeah. and i called a rob memphis and spoke to talk to my how many again, he's the head of the monitoring and documenting units at the civil defense department in gaza. and was one of the officials of that press conference where the evidence was presented. a lot of them in the band with them if you have any during
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our work with the civil defense team in order to recover the bodies of vanessa hospital, we have found a mass graves within the medical complex one into more. and one of the most of the complex civil teams have locked in order to recover rules the bodies. most of them would decompose bodies and the occupation forces have changed the shrouds and put them in plastic bags. we believe that those backs have accelerated, the decomposition of those bodies. we are also trying to documents on the evidence that shows that many copes is all parties have shown signs of torture, including handcuffing. some other bodies have shown signs of gunshot wounds. we have observed that they were corpses completely dismember. we also found the bodies of women, young people, and the elderly in the area around the medical complex. somebody's were found with no clothes, while some of the body shows that they were being treated at the hospital. one of the bodies to be uncovered was the receiving treatment. we're trying to establish will the evidence as to how those bodies have been buried. we have also noted that many bodies have inputs in one back, which is in violation of the regulations that we have here. so can you tell me what
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efforts you and your team have made to record and preserve the evidence that you say that you found? and nothing a little from the se we bought can extremely difficult and challenging conditions. this is due to the fact that we are lacking the necessary equipment to deal with the bodies on maintain them. we use the available equipment that we have to recover the bodies. you have tried as much as possible not to open the bags in order to preserve the bodies until they move to a clean area. and the we can document the evidence that shows signs of torture. and this in violation of international law. taking notes of all the evidence, we can identify the problem concern with the bodies. i'm documenting this in specialized reports. this can be used to help international committees in order to investigate the crimes committed by the occupation 1st, with the evidence that you have managed to pull together, what do you do with it? how do you get it to? i'm independent team to be able to analyze it. the says,
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here's my left with a and we already and fully prepared in order to submit the full reports documented with all the photos and evidence that we have found above the body so that we can publish them and submit them in arabic and english. so that it can be a foundation for the work that can be conducted by international investigation. committees, we already and goals are to help that work in order to push the occupation forces to refrain from the crimes committed against the people of calls. during our work, we have found children in the mass graves. why are we finding children in mass graves? this confirmed the number of children we have documented that of thought it is more than 14000. are you concerned, sir, that if an independent team is unable to get into gaza, to be able to examine the evidence for themselves, that'd be evidence might become corrupted. it might become damaged, i'm therefore may become unusable if a case is to be brought to the site. i don't think so because we have made sure to document all the evidence that we have found so far. those bodies have been
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identified with a note or not tonight. we will accept all our efforts in order to maintain and preserve the evidence we found in order to present it to international and investigation committees and will documents it properly so that we can convey the message of the palestinian people to the wild. let's go to target as a now who joins us live from rough i and southern gauze ontario. the evidence went into a substantial detail to could see the main findings. how does it impact the well generally the investigations that have been made by the civil defense. it crews in the gaza strip off site recovering the more the over over $300.00 bodies in the grades in the, in the art of an officer hospital had been showing the multiple conclusions. representative that the use of those bodies have been buried to us at least 20 of them, according to the civil defense crews have been buried as they were alive an opera fully. so do you lose a did bodies have been receiving treatment and them so hospital as they have been
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also receiving different kinds of a bit of coca, i'm the same time. there is a bus. the majority of these bodies have been completely and partially decomposed as this reflects what was going on inside the medical facility, as the military has to and the entire hospital into a minute to face for the is very so just on the ground that but also there the investigations have finalized that the there are 2 bodies that are not yet recovered. i'm at your cooling for further, also international appearing off of risk of responsibility for these but decide about this client. but i get the hands of these ready ministry keeps preventing investigation. teams from out from approved to get into the gaza strip and the investigation will be published later in arabic ads in english in order to show the world about what was happening in about the medical facility. but yet they are another important fact that we need to is tristan, is that there was, there's
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a great deal of shock and even frustration among the families of those who managed to identify their, their beloved ones, the bodies, while doors to families who didn't know who do not know anything about the, the face of their loved ones with their relatives will have been taken from nasir hospital and from other parts of the city. all cartoonist has a positive is very ministry encouraging the so the reality on the ground is that the entire goal is this trip has tend to be a graveyard, especially that there are still hundreds of people are under the rubble of their destroyed houses as they are not receiving to now any kind of breast cute operations by the civil defense cruise due to the lack of essential equipments and at the same time, due to the ongoing compartments by the occupation forces on the grounds, tearing many thanks to validate time it was in the in reference, southern gaza for jeffrey robinson is an international lawyer and full united nations war crimes judge. he says that needs to be
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a fully independent inquiry into these mass graves as we now have. but many forensic doctors who have have be rather grievously task of combing through mess graves and examining victims is to establish how they died. and that is what is now central to get to the bottom of this true process. it's a crime against humanity, and that must be e and pendant inquiry or the israel does not accept independence when 7, the aid workers were to buy drones. the other day, they simply set the to be shows responsible and said it was a tragedy in boston to try to be. it was a cry of crime, a man slaughter by negligence, that budget because these really,
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governments will not allow any prosecution or any independent inquiry. and the real question, not guessing a t human experience for isaac adult is and a prosecutor will judge with a need to national reputation. uh, even to guys, i mean, the caring account, the head of the international criminal court prosecution was not allowed. being to guys, so i think this is the point did, which america has to say about got a number of eminent prosecutors, experts. i'm sure it couldn't go to teen together. indeed, we'll have to insist because this is caused upgrade aging into that community. it will have to insist on a truly independent investigation,
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independent of those the have mass oak already is and the is re to the government. they have to have the ability to question those is really offices in the vicinity to establish how this hara came about. and who is responsible that is only the questions being off by the european union, by governments around what can only be answered by any inquiry, retreated into painting to both sides. but because the skis, a crime begins to energy, it requires a full and independent and transparent investigation as well. what cabinet has been holding these things to discuss? the ministry is next moves in gaza. let's go straight to one correspondence and no
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2 bodies, theresa limbo and a smith and but before we get onto what the, what cabinet may or may not have decided any reaction from the israeli government and ministry of the evidence coming out of those mass graves and goes no reaction yet need for those specific allegations made against these riley village. we've asked them for a response from this morning. they did say a couple of days ago in response to similar allegations that would quite as detailed as that happened today. but in those a couple of days ago, they told us that the allegations, the israel buried bobby's with baseless and on found it. they said that hey, i had examined some previously battery bodies to see if they were res riley. hostages and any examinations account out respectfully, all maintaining the dignity of the deceased name about a given as we said, the start of the war cabinet is me thing. do you have any indication whether we will know anything more about plans over rough or
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a was a couple of things on the wall cabinets agenda is meeting today at some stage. this a, the renew suggesting of a renewed push for tools with home us on an exchange of captives as well once told, a 133 out as soon as possible. let us talk to previously broken down over on the part assistant assistance by how mass that does a full cease fire. i'm not comes this meeting today at the same time is the us $7.17 and other countries also launched is joining to appeal to how much to release all the remaining hostages. we see, and the problem is an immediate, prolonged si, fi in response to about how much that is sticking to its the mountains. but it was a total si, fi withdrawal of israeli forces out. it says the us really needs to force israel to end. it's aggression, i mean it's a of a subject on the that will happen. his agenda is rafa. the military says it's ready
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to go in whenever the cabinet set a date, it says it will evacuate. first of all, those 1000000 plus the palestinians. sheltering in raft, where it says a $150000.00 of already left. it says once it gets the order, the rest of those people will be evacuated. but that will take several weeks. the suggestion and the last couple of days from these really military is that there isn't going to be on whole out major ground invasion. it won't go, but it will be more gradual, perhaps in response to be enormous pressure from the us. i know that countries that shouldn't be any ground invasion and rough right, but at many sites so that bonus smith and occupied history, slip president job i didn't another world lead is have released a joint statement cooling for the release of concepts still being held in gaza. from old light speak to a correspondent, mike, kind of, he's at the white house and mike, you as president, clearly joining forces with other leaders to put pressure on from us. what else
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does this statement say as well, interesting, that the statement has been formally issued by the white house here the us along with 17 of the countries demanding that time boss, immediately released those captives being held in gaza, saying as well that this would allow humanitarian aid to flo increasingly into gaza . and this in a way attempting to ratchet up the pressure on him, us to release the captives to conclude these ongoing, very difficult negotiations. but interestingly enough, the statement makes no reference whatsoever to the component to release of palestinian prison is being held is re the presence the negotiations that have been going back and forth deal with essentially an exchange of the captives pull a palestinian present is being held and his re details, this statement from the 18 nations appears to try to short cut this cuts across the
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negotiations that were based on a deal. and rob the just insist outright that a must release the captives with no at any form of the world. if you want to put it that way from the other side, i my given these extremely green findings from these mass graves in gaza, all these findings is this the evidence why they make any difference there? how the white house as well, the white house, the national security adviser issue, the statement yesterday, it was speaking at the news conference said that these reports were disturbing. he also said that the white house had been in contact with israel to find out the circumstances of these mass graves. this was the statement that also came from the state department. but those statements were made more than 20 hours ago, as yes it would appear that has been nothing else said that by the white house on the matter or indeed, the state department, which may perhaps indicate that they have the nothing from israel at this
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particular point in time, it seems that us is attempting almost to back away from the mess. great issue at this particular point, rather lifting israel do whatever speaking that is about it. so this is something that is likely to record up even more criticism of the, by the net ministration. given the fact that they will protest set universities across the country because of his unbridled and unqualified support for israel. my kind of the white house, many sites. so there's my kind of just mentioned that universities across the united states, students have been gathering identity month colleges comp times with this. well, the way for protests against ex has one guy's a spreading remote protest popping up on campuses in different states. because the students in columbia university in new york began for testing students at the university of texas in austin, or the latest to add their voices demanding the university accepts no funding for
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me as well. to, let's go live to john hadron who's outside columbia university in new york. and so john, despite these arrest, we seeing these protests continue to grow day in and day out. can you give me a sense of what is like that? that's true. i mean, yesterday at the university of texas at austin that has the university of southern california, they were arrest at princeton and students that had camped out there. and that's near here in here at the columbia. the epicenter of this protest movements, and they've got a deadline having a hit midnight on thursday local time. it's about 4 greenwich meantime. when the university of press, the university president minuchi has ordered them to leave, they have a tent camp inside there. we were able to show it to you yesterday, but today they are not letting us inside as of yet we hope to get in later to take another look for those students are camped out in the center of the university on
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a grassy knoll. and they've got 10 sepp about 80 of them and they're hundreds of students out there. they made some demands yesterday. they said they want the university to disclose all of its investments and to dive asked of the military investments in anything that might benefit israel or israel's warren gaza. and they want amnesty for the students who have been protesting. and that's important because some of the students who have been, they've been arrested, some of them has been suspended, and there been threats of expulsion here at princeton and elsewhere. so they've got demands, they want the university to meet and those talks are going on and they might go on past midnight here at columbia. but this isn't going to stop even if their demands are met. the students across the nation, as you can see, are continuing those protests and that movement is only growing. jones, you get a sense, it's a rhetoric coming from the white house is perhaps softening giving the scale all these demonstrations, these protests of different universities. like only
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a few days ago, white house said this, calling these protests, blatant antique semitic rhetoric. do you think killed the white house was prepared to change his tune on the, how it perceives these process? well i think it's president binding doesn't change his tune on this particular subject. it's going to hurt him badly in november. i spend some time in, in dearborn michigan has a large arabic muscle american population. and the voters i spoke to there is that they simply can't vote for biden. if he does not initiate a ceasefire in guys. and they, of course, we all ask them, well, doesn't that mean you're assisting donald trump? they said it doesn't matter if you're not with this on this one issue. we're not with you. and the president has seen his poll numbers hurt with young americans. we particularly liberal americans with muslim and arab americans and even with some jewish voters who sympathize with the pro palestinian movement. so the white house is clearly trying to thread as central passed through this just as the university
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president behind me is trying to do the same thing and just put this into context. and she had about 100 students arrested last thursday in the middle of the square. they just came back and reoccupied the square. in 1968, another university president here in the columbia do the same thing during the vietnam protest, cleared out a bunch of students violently in that case. and that was the end of a stormy tenure for that particular present in this prison. and was worried about the same thing and at the white house present, inviting as his own worries and november he's up for re election again. you have certainly lessons from the past edge on a joint venture. the new york. thank you. is there is armies also carrying out operations along the border with 11 on as being several strikes, targeting areas, in the villages of all my all shop and the core. i'm us in southern lebanon. so now hold up as more from much, are you in the board with the as well is becoming
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a higher intensity conflict along the lab and on israel border a different phase. so we are seeing an intensification of the fighting from both sides. israel carrying out the numerous air strikes on what it calls hezbollah targets along the border, saying that it is taking out a weapons to pose and going after after fighters at the same time hezbollah to increasing the tempo of its operations. no longer just targeting along the border on tuesday, they targeted deep inside as well some 15 kilometers north of the city of echo that is a coastal city. yes, but the target was a military base, but it is an area where there are still civilian civilians have to take shelter in bunkers. so both sides really sending messages to each other hezbollah saying that it is ready to escalate. if israel continues, you know, to, to, to escalate on this side of the board are going after it's fighters and it's field commanders and targets it assassinations. what this role once is for hezbollah to
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pull back? it's once a has bullfighters to pull back from the border, but despite the thousands of strikes, hezbollah is still along the border, launching attacks from the border. so are we going to see a further escalation as each side tries to get a better, better position on the bargaining table? but what is clear is that this is going to remain an active front line. as long as the war on garza continues, because as well as says there will be no help to the fighting until there is a permanent ceasefire in gaza center for their elders either. so their loved or not is there any forces have shot and killed a teenager? and the occupied westbank, the postilion ministry of health says 16 year old colored by, you'd still them on our route. were shopped in the chest, during a raid and ramallah, the number of palestinians kills and be able to fight westbank since october. the 7th now stands at $288.00 on cause it has led to renew calls to boy called is there any products for you? is palestinians have urged international sanctions to be impose in order to
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pressure israel to end this occupation. but for those then the occupied westbank is real, strangle hold on the economy is a major obstacle for the boy couldn't move, would need. abraham has the support for bethlehem, a living old occupied land settlement up that we doesn't want to buy the occupiers products known as the youngest member of the palestinian boy, which campaign she says, it's a way of resisting the occupation. as i know about that, i am aware that as far as controls our lives and our economy of it's our electricity, water, and fuel our from them. so we can totally bike up. but even if i inflect 35 percent losses on them, it's the least. i could do as really controls that economy kind of city is, are left with little to no free choice. since the world goes up activist worldwide renewed pools for both quotes and sanctions against israel. arguing the
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best known violence approved play to meet to room in, in the upper side in south africa. this libyan advert equates buying from companies that support is rules with funding the genocide against palestinians. that has cost brands such as k, f, c, and starbucks. at home, decent booklet campaigns, encouraged palestinians to support their national product, such as this 4 year old. so the 1st 3 and then most of the occupied with competing with international brands was difficult. it's owners say what sales were boosted recently, soon there. so that would make its way to shops in jordan with book what's called our strong genetic this id. these really offer to complicate our process. they impose high taxes and delay the inputs and exports. they don't want the palestinians to be independent or to have an industrial economy. the only wants us to be work as independent as if the market palestinians do not control the borders
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that have to suffer is really restrictions on palestinian imports, exports, and foreign currency. a more than a decade ago, a group of young men opened the 1st palestinian mushroom company to challenge is read the domination of the market. a few years later, they were forced to shop the home. it wasn't until the consumers stopped in demanding policy and mushrooms more than is really mushrooms that we started taking a percentage off the market. and that's we started getting the instructions, including on holding up our imports. it did not work it to us, but with the holding of inputs for all materials in the port, which is, you know, it's the only way we can get things in when we could not to really hold on anymore . but this is where the authorities have little control over at home made products like these. this is a local initiative to support small skin projects making head me to craft, intrude. for many boys, the thing is way the products also gives people the opportunity to support small
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project. any money that does not go to israel, they say, well instead help support a palestinian comedy survived the difficult economy conditions that he just eat on the okay. if i do a spring, what else is there a still ahead? find out what one of italy's most famous cities is doing to cut down on the number of it's dave visits us. plus we have a big within the field, but again, we have slipping, julian, so we need to wake up as an easy, a choice of place to be a lympics. it's football president tells out just about plan was to one day host the world, the the hello. we have yet more, very heavy rain coming in across. so i know them pops off south america. you can see the seasonal showers, see the pop comb, clap,
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bringing some really big down. pause in further south like a little bit of weather here. we've got a cold front just the show running to was re i but with hard pressure been charged at eastern side of the south america. not too bad. the hard to slip, a little further east woods. and that will allow me one second weather to come back in across southeast there was a for sale, live the showers pushing across the modem. areas of origin taina. and as we go on into friday, big down pools coming in here, that could cause some localized flooding when a service at around 19 celsius with some really heavy showers coming through. as we go on through friday into saturday. any showers to across northern possible sale out towards venezuela, columbia. some went weather to into panama, line of west to weather that just around the southern areas of central america. still seeing some rudy heavy rain around hispaniola might catch a shout down to was barbados. bound towards trinidad over the next couple of days. but the west, the weather will be across a central passed by the north,
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very wet weather gathering across the central areas of the us. i mean coming widespread for friday the days, but it must tease old drum as they used to march through the old city before dawn box with an increase is ready military precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations. the street of pals, class cods, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will for is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use of the law on the street right now that it's easy to move around. i think i would say because the difference in exploring goal is to change the
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situation and not listen. we have 70 percent more business people here, say the heart of the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about queue with, i was just there, here's their mind about top stories this now, and i'll send you the officials and guys of being presenting evidence. they say proves the australian ministry carried out torture and executions. in con eunice, it comes from bodies recovered in the mass. graves of gauze of almost $400.00 bodies,
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have now be named seems to sign. so the messa l shift hospitals. these are the army as long small strikes against civilians in central and southern govern. police 8 palestinians were killed and rough on wednesday nights to children. women with the students gathering in universities across the united states, once again to protest against israel is more on the professors and police also clashed to the university of texas in austin with 34 people with it. all right, well let's look at that story in more detail. now i'm joined by somebody. i met a seasoned assistant professor at northwestern university. here in cas, i will welcome to you so why so, so you haven't taken the depths of tens of thousands of civilians in gauze for us now for students on university campuses in america to be shining, a light on how american universities make my money. and so i think students in america were protesting from day one. so we,
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we need to remember that on october, 8th, or october 7th, even students on us campuses came out. uh, and there are thousands i think the, the difference here in this moment is what they did was they camped and they said the ground. and so what we're seeing as a global attention sort of shifting and changing and sort of highlighting these campuses is because they're doing something that is put in for it against university policy. and so the universities have brought in the police and i think even the national guard, and so that's what i think the, the see change here. but from day one they were calling for divestment. they were calling for academic boycott economics for taught. and so, you know, you, you've seen, i think as this genocide has continued, also more people have come into the fold. you saw so a process in cities,
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a lot of those were organized by the same students. so i, i think it would be maybe a mistake to say, you know, this is, this is just now, this is one of those. i think we see this every few weeks since i got them focusing on the funding across the nation is one thing, but how would you quantify, how did you, how would you describe the potential influence the likes of arms manufacturers, companies like pop cards. caterpillar said, invested in some american universities and also israel. what sort of influence they put on these particular institutions? so, uh, we arms uh, fox are huge. uh, influenced by them. their thoughts have been going up with what's going on and uh, divesting from armies, manufacturers, sons a huge signal to those companies, to the american governments that you can't, you can't keep doing this. i would say that it's um,
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it's important not to try to quantify, in a sense of, well, if we are able to divest from hewlett packard, palestine will be free. right? that's not how it would work, right? is the ideas, these are pressure points if uh, if the columbus students are successful and able to and being able to uh, put a restriction on columbia university to uh, to say that we will only the we will only invest in socially responsible investments. we will only, we will not invest in companies dealing with israel, if the financial managers, that colombia are and get that sort of advice. and that's how they invest. that sends a signal to all the other universities. it's certainly a signal to the world that this can continue. and so you saw this in the south africa case in the south africa moment in 1984, 1985 when columbia did that. and then you know, it took another 10 years for a part time to uninstall,
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so i forgot to probably take even longer because it's so entrenched, you talk about divestment, tell me what's the impact this impact is that like they have on the institutions themselves. and we were talking about substantial amounts of money that if these demonstrations protest saw successful, no longer be that potentially, you know, i think in terms of, you know, that we're talking about maybe $1520000000.00 the columbia invest in these particular companies from the columbus perspective, we can move those, come those investments to uh, you know, some company that invests in organic products or some social sponsible company. so i think from a, from the university, if we're talking about divesting from farms manufacturers and you taking that money and investing it in companies that are not arms manufacturers, that that's not a cost to the university. and i think where the university gets all afraid is when donors say, you know,
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we're going to pull out our money. right. and because the university is ultimately, are captured by these trustees and some of the, you know, the rich us trust 3. so if someone like bill lockman donates $10000000.00 a year to harvard university and says, i'm not going to donate anymore harvard products. but if somebody who me says, i'm not going to donate my, you know, 5 dollars have to donate. nobody says anything quite so much, so i'm as good to have you. thank you and nobody's haiti has sworn and a new transitional government and south to most of the gang violence which force the prime minister ariel on re to resign. this where begin was meant to take place of the presidential palace, but haitian police can gain control of the territory which surrounds the palace. instead, the sermon he took place on the outskirts of the haitian capital criminal gangs control around 80 percent of the haitian capital port to prince. so take you to
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india now where the 2nd of the 7 phase general elections will take place on friday . the issue of citizenship is critical in constituencies, constituencies go into the polls in the northeast in the state of asylum, the b. j. p. government has passed a controversial low based on religion. the indian government has failed to give visas 2 houses. here is correspondents to cover the story. therefore, covering the election from outside of the country and local century for ports. for more than a decade now, lots come on monday that has been fighting to prove he's an engine citizen. the daily bridge worker was declared to 4 know by 5, you know, in india, as northeastern state, or for some in 2016 since then. he's been for years and detention and his country on base monday in since he was born in the state. and he's not an undocumented immigrant tablets with a woman up on more than we've heard. there was something called the citizen amendment act, which is supposed to help us,
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but i don't understand what the c a is. one thing is certain i was born in a some my father and grandfather have documents here. on monday lives among nearly 2000000 people in the some who are being excluded from a national register of citizens updated in 2019. the bgp says he can get an indian citizenship to recently enacted controversial know that sets of religion as a criterion. the citizenship amendment lo will see, provides a fast track to naturalization for seeks policies. in news, jane's buddhist and christians who fled have gone to some foundation and focused on this for 2014. but it excludes muslims from these countries, citizenship and this is a controversial issues as it seemed race of migrations of both hindus and muslims.
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it's now dividing voltage on it's make and religious grounds. as far as the minority, most slim community is concerned. it's in know that if they have been creating a narrative and narrative is this that day on not part of the indies, enough culture, it is good. lot of political, right zation. when you see it from the perspective of electronic dynamics, how much more than 4 years after the bins of approval and part of the government has implemented just ahead of this is general election. the problem is to move and the body is seeking a system. the passage of the low let a violent protest in 2019 with critics saying it on the mind india, secular identity, most of them. so what are the low combined with the proposed citizenship registry could be used to talk with them. do you think anyone was good? we have echoes of being in a country where everything's clean. is the measure that the like bark is done like
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i've gotten some like burning love this. i don't think so. that's it is very clear . he knows my, they have some really just after us. it is mostly but such and listen minorities within most the majority nations face persecution to especially a neighboring country is like a furnace dawn and focused on but they won't be able to apply for citizenship. and now many fear india status as a secure list, aid will be put to test under this low on the consumption leave. on to see the i don't mind that we are covering the election from outside the country because the indian government has not gone to the visas to i would just say it was jealous. so it's an easy, famous city of venice is trying a new scheme to reduce over crowding is charging $5.00 for those who want to visit the busy days. the tax is the 1st of its kind of the well not everyone is happy. sonya has more it's a well famous oven one to build on a lagoon and
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a 16 desperate to stay afloat under the pressure of mass tourism. that is, has loan welcomed the flood of visitors that comes to its shows. but the passage of time and the crowds have taken the toe in a bit to control the damage to this unesco wells. heritage sites. the solution in the form of an entrance fee a little more than $5.00 to stem the tide of tourists system is very important because uh we are finding a new balance between the residents of the community and the dates, repairs. anyone wanting to pay a visit to the floating city on such and busy days will need to download a queue. all code total numbers will be limited. reservations are meant to be made online, but there are boots for those who don't have a smartphone. if you live local study in venice, you don't need to pay to do those who have hotel reservations raged on to 14
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inspectors patrolling the main entrance points to the city on the lookout for those you've avoided paying the fee which can assign between $50.00 and $300.00 and it hasn't gone down well with some tourists when the pretty body to the private person on a low budget to come here for an hour or 2 and enjoy the city. surely a shame source already for you to come to the country to visit a city in the city. your venice itself has only $50000.00 residents, but it welcomes $30000000.00 visitors a year. 2 sets of them come just for the day. the effects that tourism has on the city has long been a source of frustration for its inhabitants. cruise ships with band of to one calculated into a dog relief for those who had been campaigning for years over the damage they close to the lagoon. let us also naturally have already been put on the eunice, the will heritage in danger list. as a human body set,
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the city was addressing the problems of mass tourism of a tourist destinations will be looking closely at the scheme if its success. it could be replicated elsewhere, but when it kept what she knew of venice is famous, florian cafe can set you back $13.00. it might not dissuade too many for visiting san diego. i'll just era. all right, well joined the boss to is a co founder and member of we are here venice as an engineer whose mission this event is to remain a living city. she joins us on, surprisingly, perhaps from venice, a warm welcome to you also. i'm sure many of us have paid things like taurus tax when checking into hotels and places like i'm so them power. so boss a loner, what's the difference here? this is a system. it's trying to intercept people that are coming to visit spanish without taking accommodation in vanessa. so maybe saying an unregulated tourist apartments
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. so it's, it's a, it's a tax on a trip is to come to venice. so, so you're essentially saying there are other ways to potentially raise money, but would have a greater impact my point of view comes from, i'm talking to a my, a very personal point of view. my son's girlfriend has been given a job. she's a student and she's been given the job of being as a top pick controller. so the visitors and i look at her and i think there's so much pressure of things. but the banners municipality defendants government could do with the time of a pass the night. she could be trained to be in a museum guide. oh, it's
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a visa to enhance been passed in full people who come to venice. and then more people would buy tickets to the museums and maybe enjoy the real culture of badness rather than buying a ticket. and then trying to say on the suit that they might need. royal jack? yes. right i, it's just, it's my, it's my understanding. sorry, it's my understanding that given the full, full sheer numbers of the passing through such an important historical center as vanish as something potentially needs to be done to the limit numbers, i'm paying $5.00 remains entrance. ready me, sorry, go ahead. i would be this task. i would be the fast to say fender speeds to limit the number of people. but i, i can't imagine that this quite complicated to execute. i'm question the both instruments also in terms of individual rights is the right solution
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to, to manage the numbers. and they could impose the actual limit on the numbers. and they could also, interestingly sell banners with more residence. spanish is a city no housing policy. if the i'm all registered, yeah. local businesses wouldn't have to. it wouldn't have to change to, to mass tours. they'd be doing other things. and then this wouldn't be the type of destination that people come to put just a few hours. oh, if they came for just a few hours, they'd be coming with something much more specific in my writing to just go up the street. right to buy a can drink and i understand some locals of even describe this tax is like paying to get into a st paul chain to most of joining us in venice. thank you. so ahead and i'll just say we're getting on the fast lane to a big
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a global market share. chinese com manufacturers showcase the latest models to the paging martisha and to leap, to remember or show you the wells longest ever scrooge on, but also explain why it doesn't officially count as coming up as far as for the business latest sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the right time for support. now his power names. thank you so much. let me pull manager youre gonna comp has apologize defense after they suffered a major blow in their primarily titled race. they were beaten to know at ever to
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numerous side darby, which means they remain. second, 3 points behind leaders are some forever. 10 is a huge win, which puts them 8 point clear up the road is some places. it's 1st time the club has suffered a defeat at good us in part. in fact, the last time, liberal were beaten, their advertising score was 10 k health and the current arsenal manager. account. ours have test or just 4 games left for liquor pool. we're still in the title fight, but they have manchester city bearing down on them now. just to point behind with 2 games and hand city play brighton later, and i understand it's part of the business side of it. i don't know why i have to answer these questions. all right, so you can read the table. so is that i'd say now we have so fully in all that so we need to cries is at cd in osman. and we need to in football games because if they still have not losing all the games and redo of of the did tonight. yeah, nothing changed manchester united font from behind twice to beat sheffield,
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united florentine bruno fernandez with the pick of the goals. and this one's a c side. move up to 6. pressure off, manage your air tank had for now, but you're not in a legend. real furden and says winning a trophy has to be his priority. it really depends on the season finishes. now i think if we go back to the last season and the way the season finish last year of a sort semester, because i'm looking for to the new season every 10 of the month that there could be many reasons. injuries. the phones applies and whatnot. but it just hasn't gone well. this here has been huge amounts of injuries, but we need to stay there with that same finish. and i loved best state and what it is now, i think sort of manage it to really govern. but for the, for them to color easy thought for next year when the effects out. that'd be great . i think you've been in the class. so i find those as a whole follows and for you is yeah. so, you know, you have to get to the findings that we need and when this one and friends parasite
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is your man, or on the brink of the lead on title kelly in a box, a sport twice, and a for one. when over laurie a 2nd place, monica, then when they're getting to prolong things for at least one more round of matches p. if she are 11 points clear with oregon flat and big news in spain were shabby. has you turned it and decided to stay on as barcelona had coach, she had said he was stepping away at the end of the season, but will now see at the end of his contract in june 2025, martha are currently 2nd in the league 11. points behind to ground, the dread of the issue and for the in the loop you in. so good, right. then i thought the decision would benefit the clubbing, all aspects, but right now circumstances have changed. so i continue here with the utmost happiness on you. is willing to keep working and building a winning project at the or indonesia as a football president has told algae 0 that they are a sleeping giant as they aim to. how's the world cup in 20? 38. they're under 20 three's play. they're a 1st ever asian cub quarter final,
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later, just to winds away from a place at the olympics. tom size land reports. this is the moment history was made for indonesia and football. defense of broken attendance records here in bo ha, they've been rewarded with the 1st evan. look out, game in the under $23.00. 18. come. it's just this thoughts of a number of things. the countries football president eric to his wanted to achieve . since he took over in february last year in a nice yeah, football, football, football, football, he is being the main thing. and the only supports the new nation that the beloved, you know, doesn't mean best of low, fully loaded them follow. but football is become called to, so if you look at the fucking so often division, we are one of the biggest police in into work. so i think we have a big put in zillow, but again, we have slipping, julian, so we need to wake up to hear noise, but success doesn't happen over night. he became the owner of
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a bankrupt into my line back in 2013. the stable 60 at 10 you followed. on monday they would crowd serial champions for the 2nd time in 4 years off of my presidency, they have less don't performance because during my times, i am more info on the substituting surfing the flap from bankruptcy into an easier analysis to gains away from qualifying for the olympics for the 1st time in 68 is that on it will go to the under 23 asian come find list, and the when the 3rd place playoffs to be in the caught, the final they said didn't come through. but again, you kind of stuff you things if we, if possible. i think i think it's a good thing for us so far. i think in this year we have 21 at let's it's a football can olympic i thing we said of the biggest continuum of introducing ever had to here says the success of the walk up and catch all his pipe . the wait for other regents in agent to host mutual cups and that will be there
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right when they begin the bidding process for 2038 like solely we're bidding woke up for the next one week. so our lia, but our good friends with family for themselves also beating that we feel ok instead of become the thing, then we support saudis. maybe the next time we might also have different tennis 2020 champions. south korea will be a spent test on thursday, but indonesia are expected to bring in more wrinkled crowds as they hoped to continue to explore new territory tom size and how to 0. and my me, he'd have leveled their playoff series against the boston celtics, with an impressive 111 to a 101. when in getting to that with here, what contributing is 6 of mine was franchise a record 233 corners on the 9th here was going 24 points as well as 14 assessed and including this one for bam. i'm bio, he scored 21 points himself along with attend rebounds. game 3 is on saturday in
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miami. elsewhere. shay guild. joseph, as alexander had a great night as he helped the oklahoma city center east pass in new orleans, pelicans, a 100 and 24th to 92. that gives the founder a to nothing lead and their western conference playoff series. they'll just alexander's going to 33 points. fits 1st on fast and a post season game for him. be on hbo is also in it's a post season and raining standing come champions. the vegas golden nights are to nothing up in their playoff series. again, since dallas stars, thanks to a $31.00, went and game 2 on wednesday. and i have been jo, jo, jonathan, march of salt and jack a goal with the goal. the series actually pitts, the defending champions against the top seats in the western conference. but right now, the number one seed in teams who is in trouble, as is always moved to las vegas for getting 3 on saturday. and we'll finish with
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some incredible pictures from the mountains of iceland, japanese whiskey jumper roy you could be, ah, she has unofficially broken the record for the longest jump feeling for champions fluids just as it 291 meters reaching space of around a 107 kilometers an hour. it was in the air for around a 2nd. it was 37.5 meters further than the official world records. because this was not under competition conditions, ski jump things f i s governing role body will not recognize it. all right, and that is all you support for now back to you need. so it is quite a lead for many things for them. but before we go, nearly 300 electric vehicle models are on display. the paging mode to show china dominates the global market for battery powered cars and the countries brands are expanding overseas. katrina, u, as more than paging of the theme of disuse aging also show is new here. new cars and many chinese also makers believe that this year is the one with chinese
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vehicles was to dominate the global market sold while the sooner and chinese automotive companies are increasing their investment research and development. so that we are able to produce cheaper and back to vehicles. that all the new people could afford to drive or china is already the world's biggest producer of cost and leads the battery powered industry. 60 percent of the world's electric vehicles for ease us sold and china earlier this year. horton grand brand b y d or the tesla is the world's biggest selling e. v maker dozens of new electric vehicle models of being in sales. hey over the next few days. and the emphasis on also visual intelligence, driving and smart connect, competition in china is increasingly fees with new players entering the market in recent months, including home appliance branch, show me that well, china is producing more vehicles. it's slowing. economy means they're all fuel sales and hoped for one day that you know, until the future,
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the domestic demand for new energy vehicles is being sufficient to absorb, to every increase in production as well. so this car manufacturers must pay attention to the overseas market. this has full some brands such as near to expand in europe and them at least the 27 percent tariffs have prevented chinese also makers from entering the us market. washington is under pressure to band them completely. with some american politicians calling twenties cause a threat to the us, auto industry and national security. during a visit to china this week, us secretary of state anthony blinking raised concerns about china's trade policies . on what the bought in the industry should close non market practices. it's a cute china of over capacity in several green industries and flooding the global market with on sally subsidized quotes. china has dismissed the criticism, saying the us is trying to cook it's development and suppressed industries. katrina you out
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a 0 speaking the like i said from main the bucket for this news. i'll be back in a moment with much more of the day's news. thanks for watching the unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have the site and any of the medical workforce has been so and about each other for discussion and for such a long time on hud voices, tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote. for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? read the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, one of the biggest elections of 2024 india is general election. will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic
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uncertainty and you've some employment suite both just in case state and will the media be able to come of a freebie unfairly. ongoing coverage in the selections on out is the era devastation bundle. dish is usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation. then living on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change in a rapid lease thinking country. you have the problem today, the rest of the work will have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land or here's from, i'll just say around on the go and need tonight. out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from alpha 0 new at you'll see that the tortured, executed and buried alive because the civil defense officials present evidence found a mass graves. when 8400 bodies have been, we covered the funny bulk of this is i'll just say what life instead of also coming up as part of tests grow and israel, the us and other world leaders release the statements appealing for the release of


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