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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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right and tapped on the new app from algae 0. nice at using. is it the tortured, executed and buried alive? because the civil defense officials present evidence found mass graves when $8400.00 bodies have been we covered the funny bulk of this. i'll just say what life instead of also coming up as protests grow and is around the us and other world leaders release the statements appealing for the release of captives captured by the angry us universities against israel. gaza spreads to europe. protests. i held it from italy and toasting to hate to his
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future will a new transitional counsel stem the gang products. the thanks for joining us. palestinian officials and gaza have been presenting evidence . they say proves the strain. the ministry carried out torture and executions, and con eunice, it comes from bodies recovered in the mass, graves of gauze, and $400.00 bodies. it'd be an exit from 2 sides of the not so, and i'll ship a hospital come pounds. why do you mind holding for matters and spoke with dr. muhammed alma, again, he's the head of the monitoring and documenting units at the civil defense department in gaza. and was one of the officials of that press conference where the evidence was presented to them. i'm and then with them, if you have any during our work with the civil defense team in order to recover the bodies of the not the hospital, we have found a mass graves within the medical complex one into more. and one of the,
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most of the complex civil teams have locked in order to recover all the bodies. most of them would decompose bodies and the occupation forces of change the shrouds and put them in plastic bags. we believe that those backs have accelerated, the decomposition of those bodies. we are also trying to document on the evidence that shows that many copes is all bodies have shown signs of torture, including handcuffing. some other bodies have shown signs of gunshot wounds. we have observed that they were corpses, completeness numbers. we also found the bodies of women, of young people and the elderly in the area around the medical complex. somebody's were found with no clothes. well, some of the body shows that they were being treated at the hospital that one of the bodies to be uncovered was receiving treatment. we are trying to establish will the evidence of the how those bodies have been buried. we have also noted that many bodies have been put in one back, which is in violation of the regulation is that we have here. so can you tell me what efforts you and your team have made to record and preserve the evidence that you say that you found the se we walk in extremely difficult on challenging
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conditions. this is due to the fact that we are lacking the necessary equipment to deal with the bodies on, maintains them. we use the available equipment that we have to recover the bodies. you have tried as much as possible not to open the bags in order to preserve the bodies until they move to a clean area. and we can document the evidence that shows signs of torture. and this in violation of international law. taking note of all the evidence, we can identify the problem started with the bodies. i'm documenting this in specialized report. this can be used to help international committees in order to investigate the crimes committed by the occupation 1st with the evidence that you have managed to pull together, what do you do with it? how do you get it to? i'm independent team to be able to analyze it. the g as my left with a cabin we already and fully prepared in order to submit a full reports documented with all the photos and the evidence that we have found above the body so that we can publish them and submit them in arabic and english.
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so that it can be a foundation for the work that can be conducted by international investigation. committees, we already and goals are to help that work in order to push the occupation forces to refrain from the crimes committed against the people of cause. during our work, we have found children in the mass graves. why are we finding children in mass graves? this confirms the number of children we have documented the site is more than 14000 . are you concerned so that if an independent team is unable to get into gaza to be able to examine the evidence for themselves, that the evidence might become corrupted, it might become damaged. i'm therefore may become unusable if a case is to be brought to the site. i don't think so because we have mutual to document all the evidence that we have found so far. those bodies have been identified with a note or not tonight. we will accept all our efforts in order to maintain and preserve the evidence we found in order to present it to international and investigation committees. and we'll document it properly so that we can convey the
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message of the palestinian people to the world. meanwhile, these writing ministry has launched more strikes against civilians in central and southern guns and at least a palestinians were killed in roswell, on wednesday nights to children. when long the dead health ministry set at least 43 promising units have been killed in the past 24 hours is where the forces of killed a more than 34000 palestinians since the war began. towering up, it was the joins us live now from rafa and southern gaza. and tara, what's the impact of all the findings regarding what was found to these mass graves having the in southern coast the, the will, in fact, the conclusions of the investigations being made by the civil defense thing because of strep, were really shocking for the majority of the families who managed to relatively identify the family members that will have been buried in the opposite. and also hospitalized truck is the main general sentiment. now that is revealing among old
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palestinians, specifically in light of the a massive number of bodies that have been recovered from that area. we're talking about over 300 bodies, have been recovered from the odds of the hospital. then, meanwhile, 20 of them, according to the investigation, have been buried alive as these bodies have been completely being constructed into plastic box. that's from the perspective of the civil defense. who's in the gaza strip. have accident rates at the process of the decomposition of the bodies as a part of the is what the ongoing assets to e face. all possible as evidence regarding the identification of those people. yet to the also the conclusion of the, of the investigation has review. that's a number of bodies belong to children, women, elderly people on some who have been receiving treatment in a nicer hospital as that really was completely just stopping for the majority of causes population after hearing from locals. in roughly about the discovery step in
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saying that we might really face similar scenarios if there's going to be further attacks admitted to encourage and here in rough off where they are least few remaining costs between sauce value functional and that scenario happen earlier in other parts of the gaza strip and come out at one hospital cuz she felt hospice about this might happen again if it's going to be an extension for the fighting to reach the last remaining area. but this is designated as a safe zone among palestinians. and tyra co, more strikes is rarely strikes on rafa. what more do we know about this latest assault? well, there is no in fact any of the top and strikes on the ground systems that our, the visit this morning. the a dozens of palestinians have to report it kills in multiple areas in the, in the north, in the middle area. and even strikes have been intensively records it in the middle area, specifically on the percentage of the co result where the is where the military has been. establishing military kick points on military comes along this new route that
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is dividing the gaza strip into 2 parts, spots in the south, tier 2. now the situation within the past hour, it sounds to be relatively calm, but the ongoing buzzing buzzing of the military. drones in rough or is actually indication among low codes here as every noise that it might be 5 attached would be carried out within the coming hours as the minister of health has to be. describing the situation in gauze hospital which are right not receiving the injuries specifically and unlocks the hospital and in i'm the to our hospital, they're both off to be completely deli. i'm at the deep shortage of medical supplies in both hospitals. and till now there was no, any kind of us clipping back a flight scene from the east valley side on the grounds, towering advertising life in rough. thank you. now, universities across the united states, students gathering again to the minds that colleges comp time so this around the
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wave of protests against israel's wall guys is spreading protests, popping up at campuses and different states. the week of the students at columbia university, new york began protesting students of the university of texas and austin, of the latest to have a voice is demanding that university accepts no funding for israel. let's go to life and i have to john henry and who is outside columbia university campus in new york. and john, despite these arrests, despite a very visible police presence that some of these campuses demonstrations to protest continue to grow. can you give us a sense of what it's like there, where you of the well here in columbia, where in many ways is all started. there's a midnight deadline that the university president, menu ship fee has set for the protesters inside the university to clear out a central square where they've set up test tents and begun to occupy that areas which cleared out once. when last week, a 100 students were arrested,
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but they just simply came back, set up the tents again. there was a deadline set for tuesday at midnight. now it's thursday at midnight local time. that's about 4 am granite meantime. so there's a confrontational attitude. the reason there's a confrontation that started here is that this university president went to congress, spoke to the republican leaders, who, who run the house of representatives and trying to appease them. their concerns were about anti semitism on on campuses. they put it and she tried to give them the answers that they wanted. wally, i'd have and their students here were very upset at that end about the university's refusal to divest from a investments in israel and in arms manufacturers, his weapons go to israel and that were in jobs. and so they, they began that occupation as kind of a way to push back on the administration. so now these talks are going on. but this could come to a head as soon as hours from now, when those,
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when that deadline strikes could be extended. but as you say it's, it's not going to stop here. it's not going to stop across the nation by all signs . more universities are joining in those protest. people were arrested overnight in austin, texas university of southern california and elsewhere. and the students insist that they're not going to leave behind me, and they're not going to leave across the country. john, many thanks to an engineer in new york. now the anger among students in the us is now spreading to europe. students of the so born university and parents have been demonstrating and solidarity. you would palestinians, police disperse, the protest, who's, who accused president, somebody collusion with israel. a chrome was delivering a major speech showing european security at the university protests. and suppose the product to me is what will so health in actually lonia and milan 1st days demonstration is coming sided with the celebration is about the country's liberation from fascism to 1945. what israel's armies also carrying
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out operations along the border with lebanon? being several, as strikes targeting areas in the villages of i'm, i'll shop on the core on southern lebanon, then hold a has more from iraq much i rude, near the border with his around is becoming a higher intensity conflict along the lab and on israel border a different phase, so we are seeing an intensification of the fighting from both sides israel carrying out the numerous air strikes on what it calls hezbollah targets along the border, saying that it is taking out a weapons, the pose, and going after after fighters at the same time, hezbollah to increasing the tempo of its operations. no longer just targeting along the border on tuesday, they targeted deep inside as well, some 15 kilometers north of the city of echo that is a coastal city. yes, the target was a military base,
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but it is an area where there are still civilian civilians have to take shelter in bunkers. so both sides really sending messages to each other hezbollah saying that it is ready to escalate. if israel continues, you know, to, to, to escalate on this side of the board or going after it's fighters and it's field commanders and targets it assassinations. what this role wants is for hezbollah to pull back at once. he has both fighters to pull back from the border, but despite the thousands of strikes, hezbollah is still along the border, launching attacks from the border. so are we going to see a further escalation as each side tries to get a better, better position on the bargaining table? but what is clear is that this is going to remain an active front line. as long as the war on garza continues, because as well as says there will be no help to the fighting until there is a permanent ceasefire in gaza center for their elders either. so their loved or not, a funeral has been held for palestinian teenager who was killed by as ready forces in the occupied westbank mode is carried the body of 16 your college solomon route,
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through the streets of geneva. give a shout in the chest showing in this way the rage and ramada, maybe 500 palestinians, have been killed and notified westbank since the war on cause it began the war and gauze as lead to renewed cause to boy called is there any products for you is published in units of us international sanctions to be impose and it was the pressure as well to end this occupation. but for many in the occupied westbank, israel strangle hold on the economy, is a major obstacle for the boy called movement need. abraham has the support from best man living or occupied land settlement up that we doesn't want to buy the occupiers products known as the youngest member of the palestinian boy. what's campaign? she says it's a way of resisting the occupation. as i know about that, i am aware that as far as controls our lives and our economy of it's our electricity, water and fuel are from them. so we can totally bike up. but even if i inflect 35
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percent losses on them, it's the least. i could do as, as, as really controls that economy. palestinians are left with little to no free choice. since the world goes up activist worldwide renewed pools for both quotes and sanctions against israel. arguing the best known violence approved play to major room in, in the upper side in south africa. this libyan advert equates buying from companies that support is rules with funding the genocide against palestinians. that has cost brands such as k, f, c, and starbucks at home. decent booked with campaigns, encouraged palestinians to support their national product, such as this 4 year old. so the factory and then most of the occupied with competing with international brands was difficult. it's owners say what sales were boosted recent soon there,
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so that would make its way to shops in jordan with book what's called our strong genetic this id. these really offer to complicate our process. they impose high taxes and delay the inputs and exports. they don't want the palestinians to be independent or to have an industrial economy. the only wants us to be work as independent as if the market palestinians do not control the borders that have to suffer is really restrictions on palestinian imports, exports, and foreign currency. a more than a decade ago, a group of young men opened the 1st palestinian mushroom company to challenge is really domination of the market. a few years later, they were forced to shop the home. it wasn't to the consumers stuttering, demanding, put us in mushrooms more than is reading mushrooms that we started taking a percentage off the market. and that's we started getting the instructions, including on holding up our imports. it did not work it to us, but with the holding of inputs for all materials in the port, which is, you know,
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it's the only way we can get things in when we could not really hold on anymore. but this is where the authorities have little control over at home made products like these. this is a local initiative to support small skin projects, making head me to craft, intrude for many boards. but the thing is way the product also gives people the opportunity to support small project. any money that does not go to israel, they say, well instead help support a palestinian. somebody survived the difficult economy conditions that he just eat on the okay. if i do a spring, so how do i find out what one of these most famous cities is doing to cut down the number of it's dave visitors plus getting on the fast lane to a bigger global market share chinese con manufacturer showcase the latest models of the aging, most of the,
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the, the hello partners warnings happened issued across central and southern, posit charnessa, yet more heavy right inside of the flooding they sent to us. and as we go through the next couple of days, here's the menu from that to a relatively stationary fund table. slip is why a little further north with this we go through the next couple of days. there's that heavy rain returning to southern positive china over the next 2 or 3 days, one or 2 supposed to be down toward hong kong, running through taiwan, could see another 100150, maybe $200.00 millimeters afraid on those not affected areas. take a look, assessed dice, more of the same move, very heavy, right? the allies in indicating the heavier rain coming back for that because more widespread through the coal. so fast a pushing on into sunday. nothing as well. a little further north is but some really heavy down pools here we really are looking at all full conditions as we go through the next day or so. most of that generally try up towards the korean
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peninsula and up towards japan. so let me try to a crossing though. china one or 2 showers, bring up just a round vietnam as we go through the next hour. so, scattering the shouts to it, to the philippines, and then the usual showers, the accost malaysia and indonesia, some showers to pushing across partners down into northwest india. but for the most part, the he wave continues. the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president joe find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, what we do it all just sarah is try to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, democracy or the
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you're watching out, is there a, is there a mindful top stories of this, our listing unit officials and guys that would be presenting evidence, they say proves this rating the tree covered up torch and executions. and con eunice that comes from bodies recovery within the mass graves of gaza, almost $400.00 bodies of now meanings, even from 2 sides of the nasa. and i'll shift a hospital was beside the army, is really small strikes against civilians and central and southern gaza. at least a palestinians were killed in rafa. on wednesday night 2 children were among the dead students, the gathering of universities across the united states. once again to protest
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against as well as for 1000 professors and police so fast to the university of texas and those details. so he has one in a new transitional counsel, often most of gun violence which forced upon minister heavy on re to resign. the swearing in was meant to take place on the presidential palace, but the haitian police couldn't gain control of a territory which surrounds the palace. this harmony instead took place on the outskirts of the haitian capital criminal gangs control around 80 percent of the haitian capital pool to print from all in less, less schedule corresponded my model. apollo and mexico city. uh so the hope is this where we get and if this transitional counsel will be a step towards stability, is that certainly the hope there is a lot riding on the shoulders of this transitional council in haiti, not least of which is regaining control over this file. it spiraling cycle of
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violence of the country is a witnessed over the course of the last few months. the 1st order of business of this transitional council was naming a new interim prime minister after the resignation of former prime minister arial henri, who had actually announced that he would be stepping down a month ago. which led to what many of described as a sort of political vacuum, even before his departure, allowing gains to sort of capitalize on their influence over entire swats of the city. at this point, gangs can all but control the entirety of the territory in haiti even now, just moments ago, we had spoken to a contact of ours in porter prince who told us that there was still gun fire being heard in downtown for the prince. that gaines were actively firing on the presidential palace there in puerto prints, are you in report from last month said that $1500.00 people have been killed in the country and just the 1st 3 months of the year. so this presidential council,
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this presidential transitional council in haiti, not only passed with curbing violence, they will be establishing a new legislative assembly for the country. they will be reading, hating for general elections and essentially our task with rebuilding the countries judicial institutions. this is no easy task. the influence that gains wield in haiti is formidable. and even the ceremony, the swearing in ceremony for that transitional counsel had to be changed at the last minute during the morning of thursday, due to that on fire, right. i assume is a lot to us. could just imagine these gangs in simply evaporating now, but the formation of the council itself. so as in being particularly easy to understand, several names have to be withdrawn out of safety fees, even some ethical shoes. how stable is this? as a bulky when it comes disability and have you, there are no guarantees and it has not been an easy task just simply to have the
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formation of this transitional counsel come to fruition. it has been a month now over a month now, since leaders from the caribbean and the land american region. i came together to announce that this transitional counsel to oversee elections, to oversee a presidential transition to name and the interim prime minister to curve violence . this was announced over a month ago, and we're only now seeing this take place. so again, regarding that political vacuum that was created following the announcement that the former prime minister arial henri was going to be stepping down a sort of caving to pressures from the gangs themselves. who sort of rally behind this banner of being against corruption and against corrupt politicians in haiti, all that did was sort of give them more influence, allows them to gain more territory in haiti. so there is a need a desperate need at this point for this transitional counsel to make decisions and
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to take action swiftly and right away. i know that i follow many thanks to the update. now new york's highest cost is over to the 2020 rape conviction of the former hollywood producer harvey weinstein. the court rules that the trial judge should not have let women unrelated to the charges testified of mine stay and assaulted them. prosecutors have promised to seek a re trial. weinstein is in prison in new york at the moment, and is not expected to be released. you will say, face is a prison time in california. it's least famous city or various is trying a new screen to reduce over crowding is charging $5.00 for those who want to visit on busy days. the tax is the 1st name is kind of the world, but not everyone's happy story. okay. i got reports. it's a well famous oven one to build on a lagoon and a city desperate to stay afloat under the pressure of mass tourism. venice has long
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welcomed the flood of visitors that comes to its shows, but the passage of time and the crowds have taken their toll in a bit to control the damage to this unesco wells. heritage sites. the solution in the form of an entrance fee a little more than $5.00 to stem the tide of tourists system is very important because a, we are finding a new balance between the residents of the community and the dates. we 1st, anyone wanting to pay a visit to the floating city on such and busy days will need to download a queue. all code. total numbers will be limited. reservations are meant to be made online, but there are booths for those who don't have a smartphone. if you live local study in venice, you don't need to pay to do those who have hotel reservations raged on to 14 inspectors patrolling the main entrance points of the city on the account for those have avoided paying the fee which can assign between $50.00 and $300.00 and it
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hasn't gone down well with some tourists when the pretty body to the private person on the budget to come here for an hour or 2 and enjoy the city. surely a shame already for you to come to the country to visit a city in the city. your venice itself has only $50000.00 residents, but it welcomes $13000000.00 visitors a year. 2 thirds of them come just for the day. the effects that tourism has on the city has long been a source of frustration for its inhabitants. cruise ships with band of to one calculated into adult really for those who had been campaigning for years over the damage they close to the lagoon. but it's also naturally of what have been put on the units, the world heritage in danger list. as the un body said, the city was addressing the problems of mess tourism of a tourist destinations will be looking closely at the scheme if its success. it
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could be replicated elsewhere, but when it kept it, she knew venice is famous. florian cafe can set you back $13.00. it might not dissuade too many for visiting sonia jago. i'll just sarah. and all the new south korea is recorded. a surprise rise in its 1st course, a g d p figures. growth was driven by strong small phone sales and private consumption is being seen as a welcome break for the use of fuel government, which is still under pressure due to high food prices and low approval ratings. unit kim has moved from sol to south korea's 1st quarter economic growth. nearly double projections coming in at 1.3 percent on quarter. this has left many scratching their heads as strong private consumption together with exports lead the forward momentum. this despite high food prices, exports were boosted by high demand for technology products like semi conductors.
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this is sorely needed. good news for president use on your bad are from his party's loss. and this month's problem entry elections and mid a cost of living crisis, even after the elections south koreans have been feeling. the pinch with the price of staples like cabbage is up 36 percent and see lead up 20 percent on month. headwinds to the economy remain with eyes squarely on the middle east. from don't tell you not, you don't have to list cuz the remain risks involving the middle east region and the politics exchange rates and oil prices are on an unstable 1st thing. so all of these internal and external economic factors will be reflected in the future economic outlook and in the south 3. and one has been one of the leading moves or is in the region, especially in mid spikes and geo political tension. asia's 4th largest economy is heavily relied on crude oil through the 4 moves as the middle east accounts for some 72 percent of its imports. regulators say it as a maintain
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a vigilant pastor, predicting price growth is becoming an ever more challenging business unit. skim. alda 0, so the $300.00 electric vehicle models are on display the aging motor. sho, china dominates the global market for battery powered cars and the countries brands of expanding overseas. katrina. you said some paging of the theme of disuse aging, also sure is new here. new cars and many chinese also make us believe that this here is one blood chinese vehicles was to dominate the global market. so the scenario chinese automotive companies are increasing their investment research and development, so that we are able to produce cheaper and back to vehicles. that all the new people could afford to drive. china is already the world's biggest producer of costs and leads the battery powered industry. 60 percent of the world's electric
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vehicles for ease of sold and china earlier this year. horton grant, brand b y d, or the tesla is the world's.


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