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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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the, the the flow on the bulk of this is the news life instead of coming up in the next 60 minutes. torture of the executors and buried alive because of civil defense officials present. evidence filed a mass graves when 8440. so being recovered. university protest against israel rock us. we're kicking off again across the united states. but i live in washington and new york for the latest. hey, to use way. is it a new transitional counsel? microsoft of gang violence for the prime minister to resign? i'm in for the rest, the dell is fighting to be ready for next one's friend show been. he's got off to
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a good start to ask the majority open beatings, 16 year old darwin blanche and straight fast went back to the 2nd one. the thanks for joining us. palestinian officials and gaza have been presenting evidence . they say proves the history. the ministry carried out torture and executions. in con eunice, it comes to the bodies recovered during the mass graves of gauze and maybe $400.00 bodies to be an exemption. 2 sides of the nasa and i'll ship a hospital compounds. if some glen fed reports. good, good. this is mother screams, are evidence the moments before her son's body was pulled from a mass grave at the mass of the hospital compound in hon. eunice, the doctor mohammed my are from guys of civil defense is showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies they found,
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and to answer for them. like that of her father's young girl is covered with her legs amputated, movies. and that is we found the body of it for a number of children. we have the question is why do we have children and most of graves, a child, a patient still in scrubs? a man with his hands tied a bullet to the head. in the past week, doctor mal hired and whose teams have gathered forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies, their report find signs of summary executions and physical torture. see about that just to get into again. it's not some bodies still have but can you law on them, which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment and then also hospital dental. it is, i believe it also has approximately 10 bodies were found with their hands tied. i mean each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried alive. but they're asking for an independent investigation to check their findings and document them. these really
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military dismissed accusations, it's forces buried bodies before they withdrew from the compound. as baseless is wally troops have pulled out of gauze as to main hospitals. and recent weeks, civil defense crews later dug up dozens of corpses from 2 mass graves and the l. schieffer. medical center in gaza city while at least 392 bodies were discovered in 3 different sites on the grounds of the na said hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. plunging their families in constant anguish. but by god, i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here in search to sit down. he went missing and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please. whoever knows any information about him. she told me. is he alive or was he taken by the is read news or anything to now the us is joining calls from the you and the you, when demanding an explanation from israel, calling the discoveries deeply disturbing. if this i am again food alger 0
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for any of my colleague robert mathis and spoke with dr. muhammed down again, he's the heads of the monitoring and documenting unit to the civil defense department in gaza. and was one of the officials that have that press conference where the evidence was present as to the band with them if you have any during our work with the civil defense team in order to recover the bodies of vanessa hospital, we have found a mass graves within the medical complex one into more and one of the most of the complex civil teams have locked in order to recover rules, the bodies. most of them would decompose bodies and the occupation forces of change the shrouds and put them in plastic bags. we believe that those backs have accelerated, the decomposition of those bodies. we are also trying to documents all the evidence that shows that many copes is all parties have shown signs of torture, including hand coughing. some other bodies have shown signs of gunshot wounds. we have observed that they were corpse, is completely dismember. we also found the bodies of women, young people,
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and the elderly in the area around the medical complex. somebody's were found with no clothes. well, some of the body shows that they were being treated at the hospital. one of the bodies to be uncovered was the receiving treatment. we are trying to establish will the evidence as to how those bodies have been buried. we have also noted that many bodies have been put in one back, which is in violation of the regulations that we have here. so can you tell me what efforts you and your team have made to record and preserve the evidence that you say that you found an a little from the south? we walk in extremely difficult and challenging conditions. this is due to the fact that we are lacking the necessary equipment to deal with. the bodies are maintained them. we use the available equipment that we have to recover the bodies. you have tried as much as possible not to open the bags in order to preserve the bodies until they move to a clean area. and we can document the evidence that shows signs of torture. and this in violation of international take note of all the evidence we can identify the problem started with the bodies. i'm documenting this in specialized reports.
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this can be used to help international committees in order to investigate the crimes committed by the occupation. first, with the evidence that you have managed to pull together, what do you do with it? how do you get it to? i'm independent team to be able to analyze it and the guy is doing it says, here's my left with a and we all ready and fully prepared in order to submit the full reports documented with all the photos and evidence that we have found above the body. so that we can publish them and submit them in arabic and english so that it can be a foundation for the work that can be conducted by international investigation. committees. we are ready and goals are to help that work in order to push the occupation forces to refrain from the crimes committed against the people of cause . during our work, we have found children in the mass graves. why are we finding children in my scrapes? this confirmed the number of children we have documented that a bite is more than 14000. are you concerned so that if an independent team is
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unable to get into gaza to be able to examine the evidence for themselves, that'd be evidence might become corrupted. it might become damaged, i'm therefore may become unusable if a case is to be brought to the site. i don't think so because we have made sure to document all the evidence that we have found so far. those bodies have been identified with a known or not tonight. we will accept all our efforts in order to maintain and preserve the evidence we found in order to present it to international and investigation committees on it. and we'll document it properly so that we can convey the message of the palestinian people to the wild. holistic a further look at the implications of this evidence. now when i am shy, boss who's professor of international lord middlesex university, london, he was the chairman of the you and commission of inquiry into because a conflict in 2014 and joins us now live from normandy. but he, thanks for your time. let me start by asking you, this won't kind and should the international community do with evidence of this kind as well. i think the 1st thing is that the evidence has to be really secured
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by forensic specialists. i saw a doctor al mayor's presentation and the evidence that they have collected. but they really need advice from forensics specialist about how to gather the evidence to ensure because we're, we're dealing with the crime scene here. and it has to be properly investigated. the question then is where it is and where does it go? does it go on the political level where i think we can reach conclusions and where in a way there's more flexibility or do we take it to a court? and that's the big question. because as i say, this may be, it appears to be evidence of serious international crimes being committed. we want to be able to get that evidence into court, given that it requires international expertise. will it be, do you think taken up by any independent international body? what are the challenges that as well, i'm sure there are a specialists who are,
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who are in a position to advise those who are on the ground and got so they may not be able to go there to supervisor, but they can give them the advice that they need, in order to a, gather the evidence. it may involve, for example, saying to leave this on, touched, and to secure the crime side and to investigate it later. again, this is not something that i'm equipped, i'm an international lawyer. i don't know the details of this, but i know, and i need an expert to advise me on how to gather the evidence. of course, ultimately, that's evidence that's going to be useful if we can identify the perpetrators. and the problem here is whether we're dealing with a crime on a wide scale level one that is a mass crime or whether we're talking about isolated killing. so dr. romeros spoke about people whose lives were tied and would been executed with with bullets. so they have this obviously points to the summer to execute sion. the question is, was that carried on a mass scale or where the as the,
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where the we were the events of that rather morris related. so there's a something we can only tell when there's a full or exhumation, an investigation, again by people who are specialist at the field. and in addition, according to that report, according to the monitoring and documenting unit, the civil defense department that also bodies that have medical calculus still in the arms as well, with all sorts of implications. of course, when we think of mass graves, we think of acts of genocide committed to the likes of $72.00 in the 19 ninety's during the youngest law for how might this evidence be considered within the context of genocide claims being made against israel? of the in special court of justice. and i'm sure that that's a relevant piece of evidence that's going to be produced by the south africans in the case of the international court of justice. and eventually, if we ever get the case of the international criminal court as well, these are shocking, horrible things. and we know that historically,
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when we see scenes of mass graves conducted in this sort of context, that inevitably lurking within the graves. there are international crimes for crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity. putting them shape. it's very important to hear your thoughts on that many thanks. i. so now we're getting reports that say 8 people who work to secure a need help being killed and goes that let's go straight to power company who's in, who's in rafa to the south of the strip and timing quotes. are you hearing about these aid workers? yeah, same facts and they've at least 8 palestinians have been killed and that attacks that have targeted people who are responsible for securing a deliveries to the northern parts of the gaza strip. they have been hit near amelia junction and tell him how a neighbor who to us they are trying to secure the humanitarian chromeboys. now
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clearly this is not the early on the 1st attack. this has been carried out that games 8 work as the ministry has no records in tracking, not only 8 workers, but only 8 c k as well, except for areas in the territory. now we have been also observing a slight increase in terms of the numbers of humanitarian folks that are allowed to get into the northern parts of the gaza strip. now, in order these trucks to, in order to get to the know their part of the territory, they must be secured in order to not be booted by hungry citizens in the north. as recently, the united nations have been distributing guides in such areas alongside with different chargeable organizations for desperate concepts who have been really cut off from humanitarian supplies over the course of the past few months spots this attack is a new one that had been cleared up within the past couple of hours as the, the palestinians have been organizing on a pair of committees that could be responsible for securing aid off to the repeated
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a tax on police cause and vehicles. they were, as they were trying to secure the deliveries of such a huge to the, to the another at pots of the church rate. and the aim of these attacks is to create systematically, a state of carriers among the residents in the north. i don't know what to guarantee that time and still ongoing that on the ground among the residents. indeed. now they're positive because of strep, ontario thoughts, 2 or more deaths and rough uh, head of, uh, highly anticipated is already sold a southern goza. yes. um, we have been recording since that out of his day. you more attacks on wifi district court earlier, a palestinians have to report a coupon to now we have been hearing a contest and buzzing of the military. drones in the central areas. we can visibly old zack to drones hovering into central areas since the last couple of hours thought clearly of the attacks according to what this has happened really and widely target said specifically in the i'm as
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a rock refugee campbell with and what i'll call area, which is now considered to be the focus of the minute you confrontations with how much flight is on its way to susan. as a result of these attacks to destruction have been really inflected to the neighborhoods that tweed, it contains residence, as, according to god's health ministry. at least for the palestinians have to within the past 24 hours, our new entries included some medical solutions have been arriving to unlocks the hospital in the middle area alongside to allow me to come facility in that area. specifically in large of the search increase of attacks on these parts of the gaza strip as a part of the ministry campaigns that the ministry had the nouns regarding within the past couple of hours in the mid the regions of the gaza strip reporting from rafa to recovery say thank you for the well feed programs directory and gaza is wonderful. they fully fleshed is really ministry, a salt,
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a rafa will cope thousands that we have really concerns about any kind of in cushion interest to the, to displace hundreds of thousands of people. i've just driven through uh con eunice to get here um from one side of the gaza strip to the other and seen the level of destruction across the us on eunice. if that happens, roughly tens of thousands of people will die. if that happens in rafa. hundreds of thousands of people will be displaced again, more misery, more needs the we will need to have to try and resolve an mc residential bite and then other will leaders have released a joint statement, coolants the release of israeli hostages being held and gaza like on his other white house with more or less and might view as president joining forces with other well leaders to put pressure precisely on a mass. what else does this statement say?
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while it is intended to put pressure to bear on him must to release the captive as saying that if he must release the captives being held in gaza and listen to and would allow the opening up of the gossip full more humanitarian supplies to go in the letter was signed by 18 countries including the united states, but interestingly enough makes no reference to the palestinian prisoners being held . and he's ready to help the negotiations that have been under way scented on some form of swap. they swap up captives for palestinians being held in his rate he chose. but this letter by the 18 countries refers only to the captives being held by a mouse and does not go any further at that. so while this may be seemed to be putting pressure on him us, it also may be seen as being an attempt to cut through the very nature of the negotiations that have been going on by removing the clothes, insisting that palestinian prisoners get released from the negotiation table,
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i'm like, how is this the got extremely grim evidence for mass graves and gall is being received the in washington? is it likely to make a difference what it doesn't appear so because the immediately action of the white house, the national security advisor in the white house came some 24 hours ago in which jake sullivan said that these reports were disturbing, that they would be finding out what was going on and they would be seeking answers from the is re lease. now, as i said, that was a day ago. the has to be no further update from the white house in terms of any possible is rate the response with regard to those grades. similarly with the state department, the initial reaction from the state department for us that word as well. uh, disturbing, saying that it was still attempting to find out exactly the full details of what happened with regard to those res. similarly, this being very little from the state department,
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taking its reaction further to that initial reaction to the reports of those mess waves. my kind of money. thanks. i so it's just over a week since the students at columbia university began that process demanding the university comp ties with israel and accept no further funding from these traded government students at harvard georgetown, mit and most recently, george washington university on demanding the same protest. have spread across the united states to campuses in several different states and could be michigan, texas and california. hundreds of students are gathering at george washington university in the us capital to show solidarity. testing is in gaza. students from georgetown university of most across the u. s. capital to the income limits at george washington university, across the united states, students that demanding the universities comp financial times of this route, and divest from companies they say, enable on goes up to correspondence
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a covering the products as across the u. s. product go hey, this standing by for us at george washington university in washington, d. c. but 1st to john henry and who's at columbia university in new york. and joe, and i understand formula the reporting that negotiations underway at the moment. is there any sense the university will capitulate or compromise with the protests as demands with the universities in a tough spot? as you said, the student is or demanding the investment from anything that enables the war in gaza. they also want to amnesty for the students who are protesting. but meanwhile, billionaire donors to these universities including robert craft, the owner of the new england patriots football team, he said he's going to stop investing and he's not the only one. and what that means is that puts pressure on, on the university from the other side, from people who want these pro, chests to stop in that present. a really interesting scenario here over night,
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somebody planted a c of is really flags here. those were not here yesterday. and if you look up beyond those flags, you see those blue sheets. those are going to be filled for the graduation ceremony here at columbia on may 15th. and if the students haven't moved by then walk with me this way and, and let me just show you those seats are facing this encampment about 80 tenser. so hundreds of students who have occupied this space in the center of the university. right now there's a midnight deadline to night, that's about 4 am g m t that from the university present it to leave this spot. negotiations continue though, and we're told they'll probably go on into the night. so there might be an extension of that day. but nobody really knows how this is going to end, and it's important to other universities. what happens here because this is where
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it all started, this is the epicenter. it was in 1968 during the vietnam or protest at that university president lost his job. this one is hoping not to do the same, so there are negotiations going on very intense. something might happen by midnight and something might not. but these protests continue to grow around the country and there's certainly not stopping here where it all started. yeah, important lessons perhaps from history that many thanks to that john. let's go from new york now to washington, dc and potty call. hey, and who's the george washington university in the us capital say party. i understand, as we'd be reporting added to a student, some to universities in the capsule of now joint forces, george washington university in georgetown. how would i getting that message across well, actually it's all 8 universities that are here in the metropolitan area, maryland's included a value jet, which is the university for mostly
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a hearing impaired students. so a wide swath of different students here, but i want to just get out of the way real quick and show you what's going on. there's this popped up this morning because they said what happened in new york that they wanted to send the same message. so they've got about a dozen or so tense. they've got a change for a bathroom. they've got food coming in, and they say that they are stage. now when it introduce you to the as mean, she is one of the student organizers. and we know that you're calling for the universities to invest from israel. i've got those, these universities have all my, what are your other domains are dead? demands are obviously, like you said, divest from any companies that sell weapons or technology to design and stage, but also to drop low charges against students who spoke up or students weren't pro palestine. many of us in the m. b. s shape the all across the d. m. v are
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facing repression and charges and hearings from our universities for simply protesting. and even some students were docs and put in their faces were put on trucks. and not that that was done exclusively by the university, but the university kind of mac manufacturers consent for that when they don't create a space where students can speak freely and can express their pro palestinian stands for cities to that be. and what are the universities are universities out of israel as well as cut all trips to israel, including birthright trips, and study abroad programs and cut all ties. so if you're going to be in docs, that's when your identity is put on the internet and you're harassed. i noticed you're heading out masks for audience, can you just explain what it's been like to be a pro posted in protest or what are the risk and why, where the man? yeah, so not all protesters very masks,
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but many do just because of the heavy um targeting and the heavy dark thing like you said, against us. like i mentioned, those students face was put on a truck, you know, multiple students. so this kind of heavy doxy is very dangerous for us because designers are violent zionism creates a violent culture, so we do it to protect ourselves. and of course, especially at higher risk actions like this one. this is something we've never done before. we've never done an encampment in a d. m b school at least within my lifetime. so we want to make sure that we are protected while still using our voice has been expressing our demands gives me. thank you so much for speaking with al jerry. no, sir, i appreciate it. have a good day. uh, one of the things i should point out is the students do expect that the police are going to intervene today. i've been told by the police that they're the district police are in fact a bass. we not far from here, so we're going to stay on the scene and keep you posted. but a lot of the students say they're willing to get arrested just like so many other
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students. how many hundreds of other students across america, or a potty? many thanks for the update, the particular haine in washington dc. and so the and among students in the us is now spreading to europe, students as the sole bone university empower. so being demonstrating of solidarity would palestinians, police dispersed the protest, those who choose presidents and money on my home. all collusion with israel home was to bring a major speech on your p and security of the university. and probably testing support of palestinians also held in italy and bologna and malone. so this days demonstration is coincided with celebrations, marketing. the country's liberation from fascism in 1945 because already for c is have arrested 3 palestinian children at the jello zone and refugee camp which is normal from oliver. the occupied westbank. the children, ranging from ages 10 to 13 for rest and new a school run by the un. this for any military can be seen forcing the children to
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board military vehicles. and also on the outside west bank, a funeral has been held for posting an teenager who was killed by his ready forces . mon is carried the body of 16 year old college to the man a route through the streets of janine. he was shouting the chest touring and it's ready rate and ramada, $8500.00 palestinians have been killed in milk. but westbank since the real cause that because of the war and guns was led to renewed calls to boy cost this way. the products for you is products to use of o it's international sanctions to be imposed in order. the pressure is route to end this occupation. but for many in the occupied westbank, israel strangle hold them. the economy is a major obstacle for the boy movement. either abraham has moved from bethlehem a living old occupied land settlement enough that we doesn't want to buy the occupiers products known as the youngest member of the palestinian boy. what's
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campaign? she says it's a way of resisting the occupation. as i know about that, i am aware that as far as controls our lives and our economy of it's our electricity, water and fuel are from them. so we can totally bike up. but even if i inflect 35 percent losses on them, it's the least. i could do this route controls that economy kind of cities are left with little to no free choice since the world goes up activist worldwide renewed pools for both quotes and sanctions against israel, arguing the best known, violent approved play to me to room in, in the upper side in south africa. this libyan advert equates buying from companies that support is rules with funding the genocide against palestinians. that has cost brands such as k, f, c, and starbucks. at home, decent worked with campaigns, encouraged palestinians to support their national products,
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such as this 4 year old. so the 1st 3 in middle of the occupied with been competing with international brands was difficult. it's owners say what sales were most recent soon there. so that would make its way to shops in jordan with book what's called our strong dramatically this id. these really offer it is complicate our process. they impose high taxes and delay the input from exports. they don't want the palestinians to be independent or to have an industrial economy. the only wants us to be work as independent as if the market palestinians do not control the borders that have to suffer is really restrictions on palestinian imports, exports and foreign currency. a more than a decade ago, a group of young men opened the 1st palestinian mushroom company to challenge is really domination of the market. a few years later, they were forced to shop the home. it wasn't to the consumers starting to not being published in mushrooms more than is reading mushrooms that we started taking
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a percentage of the market. and we started getting the instructions, including on holding up. our inputs did not work a to us, but with the holding of inputs for all materials in the port, which is, you know, it's the only way we can get things in one week with not really hold on anymore. but this is where the authorities have little control over at home made products like these. this is a local initiative to support small skin projects making had made so craft, intrude. for many boards. the thing is where the product also gives people the opportunity to support small project. any money that does not go to israel, they say, well instead health support a palestinian comedy, survived the difficult economy conditions that he just needed the occupied to us to bang you without his ears to ahead find out what one of at least most famous cities is still going to come down with a number of his day visitors and a leap to remember to show you the well it's a long guess to have a ski jump,
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but also explain why this doesn't to officially couch that's coming up as far as for the color i would like you most. i was pushing across iran, heading towards the kind of stein northern positive focused on the coast by the flooding as we go through the next couple of days. there's a good deal across or across the right and financially. low few shala's just around of that western side of saudi arabia. so become a little more widespread as we go through search day one or 2 shows to up towards the black sea. we had a few showers for the the cost of wednesday night going on into with the state just around that eastern side of the mad. it's broken, the hate and gaza. 24 celsius here. over the next couple of days. it should stay
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loud. she drives mostly dry to across northern parts of africa. well one or 2 shows just around the world in areas of algae area into tennis. yeah. that's now pushing back for the south was clearing away from that eastern side of the mediterranean storm. sent me a possibility just around the hall, right. as per usual, good scuffling of showers across the west africa. now they're tending to drift by the northwest as the seasonal rains should do mind to the seizure ways not quite as wide spread across central positive africa as they should be. the heavy examples will continue in 2 times. in a good pot of can you're seeing more for heavy showers just around those flat hit pos and that wet weather pushing further north the it's been a full for an, a progressive change. you're locked in america. this time the slides remain high as the violence against gender and sexual minority. i've come to windows irene,
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2 young women who have taken different routes to establish greater freedom and equality. welcome to generation change. as level series attempts to understand, i'm telling you is that mobilize youth around the world, generation change on our era examination being active, today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe the setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic and a supporter of international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis or climate. revolutionary boucher 0. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just say raise their mind of a top stories this out. i'm assuming officials and guys of been presenting evidence . they say proves these really ministry carried out torture and executions. in con eunice, that comes and buildings recovered and the mass graves have caused almost $400.00 bodies have now been examined, 2 sides of the mass. so without ship a hospitals. they say the military has low and small strikes against civilians and central and southern gaza. at least 8 palestinians were killed in rafa on wednesday night. from my guessing reports, 88 workers have been killed in the past couple of hours. students and faculty members from universities across the united states, a continuing to protest and support of pilots time demanding the universities
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current. financial ties with this roland divest from companies they say, enable, who own garza? so he has full data transitional governing council after months of guiding violence which forced prime minister ariel on re to resign. the survey was meant to take place in the presidential policy, but it was moved to the outskirts of the capital of port footprints after police were unable to gain control of the area around the compound. criminal gangs control around 80 percent of the city were covering developments that for us from mexico city is all correspond emanuel, the follow model. what is this transitional counsel hoping to achieve, given all of the challenges before it, the good to be with you need? first of all, the latest images that we're seeing out of poor to print suggest that there is still a large security force presence outside on the streets and for the prints. we recently spoke to our contact there on the ground,
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who said that earlier in the day there was active shooting, gang members shooting in the direction of the national policy. also suggested that there are casualties were working right now to try to independently verify how many people may have been killed in that finding that took place in the early hours of thursday. as this transitional counsel in haiti was being sworn in now, there is a lot riding on the backs of his transitional counsel, not least, of which is retaining control over the situation. in haiti, a worsening spiral of violence that's really gripped the country over the course of the last few months. one of the 1st orders of business was naming an interim prime ministers now that the former prime minister ariella enrique, who had announced that he was going to resign a month ago has step down to make way for new leadership. that new intern pregnant administer is michelle petrik web. back. where is a former finance minister for a former prime minister aria laundry. the focus right now is regaining control over
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the security situation in haiti. this is not an easy task for this transitional counsel who, which we should mentioned. it's been over a month at this point, since caribbean and latin american leaders had met to discuss the creation, the formation of this transitional counsel early now seem to be sworn in. so it's not only about this counsel swearing in a new and from prime minister and, and regaining control over the situation when it comes to security. the transitional counsel is also task with reading the country for national elections, essentially establishing a new legislative assembly and effectively rebuilding the country's judicial institution. so again, not an easy task, especially considering this dire security situation playing out and have you know, an easy task in the model drop i live in mexico city may. thanks for that. well, let's look into this in more detail now with the that's includes polluted. he's the editor in chief of hazy week. the joins us live from a puerto prints, a viable and welcome to you. different what we've just heard from our corresponding
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matter about the, the opposite as in violence on the day in which this transitional counsel is being sworn in. how hopefully you, this will bring about any kind of flossing stability. as i said, good question. everybody, you're asking data, so that's what's going to be next is that it doesn't really help. and everybody here is that going to bring back security industries. it's hard to go in certain areas of town right now, especially downtown, and other parts of sort of the suburbs, etc. we cannot go out of the city by the road and without going through those territories. and we, we cannot go out of the country by mere board that has been shut down since the beginning of march. so now we're all waiting to see if this is going to be the solution. and there's a lot of homes, but it's a, it's a whole difficult stuff. they are really realistic in some ways. we don't hold for much, but we hopes to for change is
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a good direction. i would say here in the meeting that we really, we still feel the same people in our it's the same old positions that are sharing power right now, but now they are sharing in a very you a national union and, and committee deadline that was put in place this morning where i was and in the, the, the, the was a, with all the ambassadors are all in different countries here in, in, in haiti. and it was, it was something to see still, like i said, because usually the special union hospital. so, i mean, is that the better way to get you to rush because it's all the gangs are going to show on, given a combination of factors, let alone in the games. i mean, how fragile is space, transitional counsel itself. i understand that being several names withdrawn from the original list of to safety concerns, even some ethical issues. it doesn't sound like the basis of
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a stable secure organization is exactly. it is no women that already like involved in that cancel. let the another question that people have the asking the task and what's, what's the representation? where is the representation for the women, there's only one that cannot vote and, and the others, all the old man that were part of the old political leads the most. and we'll see if that can do something, but at least it's, it's of, it's about, it's a plan to get out of a situation where we are now. there's more than half of the population of the country that suffers from malnutrition right now, because of that situation. and border friends because of the economy solving for more than a month and a half and probably more than 3 years or do you think anything out everything that happened. so now we're all waiting to see if the police can have and been
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provisioned, be the equipment and has better plans to attack and re gain control, especially of parts of the town that, that me and the last. how when you're going to do that, are they going to be, is it going to be there real cowardly? that's what we're all right for. is it overly optimistic to just simply assume that these powerful gains that you'd have had an i am grateful, a capital, a poor. the principal just simply of operates into the background, you know and, and, and made the forest might not be the only answer. and people start dining about may be inspiring or getting fire insurance from south africa and have it reconciliation is to step in this the past 2 more secure border prints. uh we, we literally right now we didn't even have the government to control the country that was really stable. now we're getting to that. it isn't going to be stable in kindergarten. any question, but we're getting. those both are to that is
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a police 1st going to be able to get them out. probably not all of them. and probably this is still gonna take a long time. it's not probably equip, if it will have the help that they would need. that's in code politic. i just, i mean, chief of haiti weekly money. thanks for joining us on how to do that. so it's least famous city event is trying a new scheme to reduce over crowding. it's charging $5.00 for those who want to visit on busy days. the taxes, the 1st name is kind of the wealth, but no. everyone's happy. as sonya gallagher reports, it's a world famous up and one to build on a lagoon. and a 16, desperate to stay afloat under the pressure of mass tourism that is, has loan welcomed the flood of visitors that comes to its shows. but the passage of time and the crowds have taken the tow in a bit to control the damage to this unesco wells. heritage sites. a solution in the form of an entrance fee,
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a little more than $5.00 to stem the tide of tourists. system is very important because a, we are finding a new balance between the residents of a community and the day 3. first. anyone wanting to pay a visit to the floating city on such and busy days will need to download a queue. all code total numbers will be limited. reservations are meant to be made online, but there are boots for those who don't have a smartphone. with the live local study in venice, you don't need to pay. don't do those who have hotel reservations raged on to 14 inspectors patrolling the main entrance points of the city on the account for those you've avoided paying the fee which can assign between 50 and 300 dollars and it hasn't gone down well with some tourists when the pretty bad a to the private person on the budget to come here for an hour or 2 and enjoy the city. surely, a shame service already for you to come to the country to visit
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a city in the city. your venice itself has only $50000.00 residents, but it welcomes $13000000.00 visitors a year. 2 thirds of them come just for the day. the effects that tours of has on the city has long been a source of frustration for its inhabitants. cruise ships with band of to one calculated into a dog really for those who had been campaigning for years over the damage they close to the lagoon. but it is also naturally of would have been put on the unesco world heritage in danger list. that's the un body said the city was addressing the problems of mess tourism of a tourist destinations. we'll be looking closely at the scheme if it's success. it could be replicated elsewhere. but when it kept, but she knew venice is famous, florian cafe can set, she backs the teen dollars. that might not dis, wait too many from visiting san diego. i'll just sarah. so ahead on that,
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which is 0. taking the fast lane to a bigger global market share, chinese comment if i drew showcase the latest models that the paging motion will hear from voss alone. a head coach caught chubby next door to his shop, hutto and decision to stay. the spanish chimes, the business latest is brought to you by pegasus. i live slowly on one of your this makes modern plates.
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the business latest is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads. the old science courses over tons. the 2020 right conviction of the full monty would produce a harvey weinstein. the court ruled that the trial judge should not have let women
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unrelated to the charge is testified weinstein assaulted them, prosecute as a promise to seek a re trial. weinstein is imprisoned in new york. he's expected to remain behind us because of a 16 year prison time 100 down in california 2 years ago as it is showing when a human being o as in as early seventies. now as i've been in jail for, for 4 years, because something i didn't do and what was done was done in proper. and that's a really think about where we all were 4 years ago. we were locked down the cove and think about how much life has passed and he's missed all of that and he's got little kids. okay, this type of support now his file name. thank you so much. robin adel has gotten off to a comfortable start at the major and open as he continues his push to be ready for next month's french open to beat 16 year old darwin blanche in straight sets on wednesday, and it outside, he'd only play at rolling girls if he's ready freezing doubts over his
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participation. he'd already won 3 of his 14 friends, open title for the time his opponents lunch was born. the dow has only played 5 competitive vouchers this year, but he's through here to breaks in 1st that allowed him to win 61. another straightforward 2nd set as he won the match and just so for an hour up next for the 5 time winner of this event is out seminar, the heat loss to inverse loan at last week was very not for me. you know, off the how the things develop to the last few years. it'd be the end that they had the chance to, to be on board the, on this uh, amazing custodian with, you know, conditional support the throughout the means a lot to me and also a just trying to enjoy every moment on the tomorrow. one more day of practice here that for tomorrow again. so that makes me feel a great a on the women's tour world number 3 cocoa golf east, into the 3rd round at the majority,
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open the 20 year old american trash dutch veteran a rancho roost. 616 love claiming 1st her 1st double bag will victory of her career . the reigning us open champion, the temperature is 51 minutes to sales a when will face ukraine? yes, my liver pull manager here in clamp has apologized the fans after they separate a major blow in the primary leak title brace. they're beaten to know at everton and mercy side, darby, which means they remain is 2nd 3 points. the high leaders are so for every 10 it's a huge win which puts from a point where relegation places is the 1st time across as separate as feedback. but even part past the last time with the mirror, everything's force which entail an occurrence are so managers with how hard it is. well, just for games left for liverpool, we're still in the title fight, but they have matches to city bearing down on them. now just a point behind with 2 games in hand,
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city play at brighton later. i understand that it's part of the business side of it . i don't know why i have to answer these questions. all right, so you can read the table. so is that i'd say now we have said fully in all that, so we need to crisis at c d and asthma and we need to in football games because if they still have no losing all the games and redo of of the did tonight. yeah. nothing changed a mansion, so united font from behind twice checking united for to this with the goals in this one to see a side is safe pressure offers your air can have for now. but united the legend, real ferdinand says, winning a trophy has to be his priority. it really depends on the season finishes? no. i think he's going back to last season and the way the season finish last year of a soft domestic. and i was the, i'm looking for to the new season. every 10 hawes is to my that there can be many reasons injuries. the phones applies and whatnot,
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but it just hasn't gone that while it's here that's been huge amounts of injuries, but we need to stay there with that same finish in a little bit state and what it is now i think sort of manage it to really gotten better for the, for them to color easy thought for next year when the effects out. that'd be glad. i think he's been in the class. so i thought it was as a whole follows him for years. yeah. so he knows that to get to the finals that we need. and with this one big news in spain, where chevy has you turned in decide to stay on as bar. sloane i had coach, he had said he was stepping way of the end of the season. but will now see the end of his contract in june 2025 are sir. currently, 2nd in league 11 points behind round jared. of the issue and part of the in the group being so good. right? very nice. so the decision would benefit the club in all aspects, but right now circumstances have changed. so i continue here with the utmost happiness on you, is willing to keep working and building
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a winning project at the hot now. and then each has football president has told l g 0 that they are a sleeping giant. and his name's house, woke up in 2038 or under 20 three's play their 1st ever asian cub court a final later just to wins away from a place of the olympics. tom sidelined reports, this is the norm and history was made for indonesia and football. defense of growth and attendance records here in bo. huh. they've been rewarded with the 1st evan. look out, game in the under $23.00. 18. come. it's just the thoughts of a number of names the countries football president eric to his wanted to achieve since he took over in february last year and a nice yeah. football, football, football, football, he is being the main thing. and the only supports the new nation that the beloved, you know, doesn't mean basketball, fully bloated them follow, but football is become come to. so if you look at the book and so a lot of indonesia, we are one of the biggest police in into work. so i think we have
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a big put in zillow, but again, we are slipping. julian, so we need to wake up to hear a noise, but success doesn't happen over night. he became the owner of a bankrupt into milan, and back in 2013 staples. 60 a 10 you followed. on monday, they were crowned serial champions for the 2nd time and 4 years after my presidency, they have list on performance because during my times, i am more info on restructuring surfing the cloud from bankruptcy into an easier analysis to games away from qualifying for the olympics. for the 1st time in $68.00 is that on it will go to the under $23.00 agent come find list, and the window of the 3rd place playoffs to be in the caught the 5. no, they said they didn't come through. but again, you kind of stuff, do you things if we do have a positive though all intake? i think it's a good thing for us so far. i think and michelle, we have 21 at let's it's
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a football can put olympic. i think we said the biggest continuum of indonesia and never had to here says the success of the walk up and catch all his pipe. the wait for other regents in agent to host future will cups and that will be their room when they begin the bidding process. the 23rd t h. like certainly we're bidding woke up for the next one week. so our lia, but our good friends with family for themselves, also beating that we feel okay. instead of the competing, then we support saudis. maybe the next time we might also have different dennis 2020 champions, self career will be a spent test on 1st day. but indonesia are expected to bring in more wrinkled crowds. this they hope to continue to explore new territory. tom size and how to 0 . the mind me, he'd have leveled their playoff series against the boston celtics, with an impressive 111 to a 101. when in getting to tyler here, ro contributing 6 of my enemies and franchise records. 23 is free pointers on the
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9th here is going 24 points as well as the board meeting one for bam. at a bio hist for 21. points himself along with henry bounce in 3 is on the saturday. well the night and it tell is also in its post season and rainy stanley cup champions vegas school. the nights are to nothing out in their playoff series against the dallas stars spanked to a 31 when in game 2 on wednesday in dallas, the series to actually hit the defending champions against the hot season in western conference. right now. the number one sees the dallas stars are the team in trouble as series to las vegas for getting free on saturday. and we'll finish some incredible pictures from the mountains of iceland, japanese escape jumper. roy you called the ashi has unofficially broken the record for the longest jump going to champions fluids. distance of 291 meters reach with fees around
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a 170 kilometers an hour and the air for around 8 seconds. it was 37.5 meters further than the official records, but because it was not under competition conditions each on things f i as governing body will not recognize it. okay, that is all used for the extraordinary distance. extraordinary bravery. thank you for for the before we go, nearly 300 electric vehicle models are on display of the paging motor. sho, china dominates the global market for battery powered costs and the countries brands of expanding overseas. katrina, you as well from aging of the theme of disuse aging. also show is new here. new cars and many chinese also makers believe that this here is one blood chinese vehicles was to dominate the global market. so the sooner the chinese automotive companies are increasing their investment, research and development, so that we are able to produce cheaper and back to vehicles. that all the new
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people could afford to drive or china is already the world's biggest producer of costs and leads the battery powered industry. 60 percent of the world's electric vehicles for ease of sold and china. earlier this year. horton grant, brand b y d, or the tesla is the world's biggest selling e v maker dozens of new electric vehicle models of being unveiled, hey, over the next days, an emphasis on all sufficient intelligence driving and smart connect. competition in china is increasingly fees with new players entering the market in recent months, including home appliance branch, show me that well, china is producing more vehicles. it's slowing. economy means they're all fuel sales, then hoped for one day they seem to enter the future. the domestic demand for new energy vehicles is insufficient to absorb to every increase in production as well. so this car manufacturers must pay attention to the overseas market. this has full
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some brands such as near to expand in europe and then the least. the 27 percent tariffs have prevented chinese also makers from entering the us market. washington is under pressure to band them completely with some american politicians cooling twenties caused a threat to the us, auto industry and national security. during the visit to china, this week, us secretary of state anthony blinking raised concerns about china's trade policies on what the bought in the industry should close non market practices. it's a queues, china of over capacity in several green industries and flooding the global market with an sally subsidized quotes, china has dismissed the criticism, saying the us is trying to cook it's development and suppressed its industries. katrina, you out a 0 meeting. the ok you up today, that's it for me. the bulk of this new use, our serial vanya will be in the chat room, just a moments time with much for today's news,
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bye to you for watching the bungalow scale to growth has destroyed many. the cities, water buckets in a race against india, assuming water shortage, an engineer turn the water conservation is, takes on 6 once it was one lake at the time. catching the rate in india. that takes a lot, a witness documentary on a just to get a unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government from time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere.
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why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era . you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days, resident of the coming to the death and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian camera mind call lead, hama,
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who films and strikes that to thousands of lives. including his own garza, the last picture on, on the tortured, executed, and buried alive guns. as civil defense officials present, the evidence founded mass graves were nearly 400 bodies have been recovered the several of any age group. they have you with us. this is houses your lives from the also coming up in the program university protests against israel's war on guns are


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