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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the eyes of palestinian capital might include homage who films and strikes that 2 thousands of lives including its own garza, the last picture. oh no, just a. the tortured executed and buried alive guns as civil defense officials present. the evidence found at mass graves were nearly $400.00 bodies have been recovered. the several of any 8 it's good to have you with us. this is house, is your lives from bill also coming up in the program, university protests against israel's war on guns are kicking off again across the united states, the de human,
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the occupied west bank. and i'll be telling you about tele simeon initiatives toward part is where the products and support local one. and haiti swears in a new transitional tells months of gang related violence in the hearts of account. the palestinian officials and gaza had been presenting evidence that they say proves the is really military carried out torture and summary executions in hon. eunice. this comes from bodies were covered in the mass graves of gaza. nearly 400 bodies have been exude from sites that both be nicer and i'll shift hospital compounds, sorry, cobbler zoom reports from rough in southern gaza. you get this mother's creams evidence the moments before as sounds body
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was pulled from a mass grave at the north or hospital come down in con eunice. they took them home with them. how young from gauze of civil defense as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies, the fount i'm to, um, support them. like that of how the affairs, a young girl discovered with her legs amputated with a novice, we found the body of it for number of children. we have the question is why do we have children and must graves child patient is still in his crops, a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's w as teams have got that forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to, to see about the new test. you know, again, it's not somebody still had the controller on them, which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment. and then also hospital dental is i believe and also had us in approximately 10 bodies were found with their hands tied. i mean
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each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried alive. so they are asking for an independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the military dismissed accusations its forces buried bodies before the winter to come to compound. as baseless isabel, troops have pulled out of gauze to main hospitals. in recent weeks, civil defense crews lights had dug up doses of corpses from 2 mass graves and the she felt medical center in gauze of 6 a while at least 392 buddies wed discovered in 3 different sites on the grounds of another hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. lunging if somebody is in constant english, the by god, i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here and search since the day he went missing. and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me,
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is he alive or was he taking by the is read news or anything? now the u. s. is joining quotes from the union on the you and demanding an explanation from israel cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing goal is a civil defense has asked for an independent investigation, conducts a delegation, specializing forensic analysis. since most of going as facilities have been destroyed, they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during, as well as raging loss or hospital. i'm to give the families of those being killed . the answers they were looking for. tarry cup as the out, just the euro. roughly. how this time is bringing tarik live. now topic. we're getting reports that 8 palestinians work to facilitate a deliveries have been killed in gaza. what are you hearing about this a yes, again, a tax on
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a work is in this time that tech has been carried out on the malia neighbor at amelia junction and telling how a neighborhood were at least 8 palestinians have for report of killed. they have been hits directly without any, probably a warning as they are working in order to facilitate the process of a deliveries to people and warehouses in the another and parts of the territory now, which was mentioning that the isabel has systematically in the course of the past few months, being targeting and not only 8 c cuz but people who are working on securing aids to be delivered to late, to distributed, to hundreds of palestinians. families in the north of the church. we, those people have been lot was widely cut off from basic humanitarian life saving supplies. and off to the east. by the minutes we started to relatively allow for a deliveries to reach to the north people to start to, to loot the humanitarian truck. so due to the unprecedented rates of famine on, on tongue that completely looms among through so as in spot later,
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no cause assaulted to organize a, let's say few teams in order to secure the deliveries of 8 supplies. and those people have been working to execute these 8 supplies have been also attacked multiple times a by that is where the ministry on do is have, has been killed, have been transferred to uh, who are up hospital to be lights up for passport burial. yeah, tarik, you've started referencing this, but there is a pattern this been established over the last few months of a deliveries and people who take part in them being targeted by the is really military or that's definitely right means that the these wait a minute you had previously talk to the world central, catching cold voice in the middle areas of they'd charge me as to what whacking an order to distribute aid supplies among desperate goals and not only in the north, but here also in the southern part that they have been responsible for distributing
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more than $40000000.00 neil a during a the conflicts on the ground says october the 7th. and so gladly what is happening on the ground is just overly just the delay of a deliverance. but also systematic targeting full of people who are working in order to help these aids, to get to the hands of the needs, the people under the same time as well from the all the habits keeps going with the fact that they are working on increasing the capacitive, i guarantee the flexibility of the smoothness of a deliveries to the notes that are in the box of the gaza strip. 5 guns people are watching or securing 8 have been killed. it's very limited number of a humanitarian comb. boys are getting in facts to another part of the goal is disturbing. even here in the south. as we have been hearing from sources and rough crossing only and best cases, 176 humanitarian, a trucks can get into the gaza strip. as there is a great restriction being imposed on a deliveries as some of the a trucks that get into the gaza strip really ruins because of the long time being,
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being waiting when they get the chance slide for mandatory truck. that is the reality on the ground. a cheek is being attacked. age was alongside on the part of being targeted, as there was no new sense of, of protection for who's working with the ground to help to mitigate the humanitarian crisis. the target was who i'm reporting from inside gaza. thank you for your reporting there. and meanwhile, israel's war cabinet has been holding meetings to discuss the military's next move in gaza. the world phone program director in the gaza strip has warned. ringback that a full military assault on the rasa in the south would kill thousands of people that we have really concerns about any kind of in cushion interests or so to displace hundreds of thousands of people. i've just driven through uh con eunice to get here . um, from one side of the gaza strip to the other and seen the level of destruction across
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the us on eunice. if that happens, roughly tens of thousands of people will die. if that happens in rafa, hundreds of thousands of people will be displaced again, more misery, more needs the we will need to have to try and resolve and meet earlier the deputy chairman for hamas and gaza. fairly low high. i spoke to al jazeera, he says that the group is still open for negotiations, but a condition is the withdrawal of his really forces from gaza national the fall of the we are engaging, serious in earnest negotiations. in our stance is firm and true. we seek to reach a permanent ceasefire and incomplete withdrawal of israel's occupying forces from the entire gaza strip and then move towards the serious and real swap deal to which we would release all is really we hold captive including the living ones and the bodies of those killed in exchange, the agreement will be made through these tens, hundreds and thousands of posting and prisoners from is really jail. it's just over
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a week since students at columbia university in the us begin their protest demanding that their university cut ties with israel and accept no further funding from the is really government. well, students at harvard georgetown mit and most recently, george washington university are demanding the same thing. now, protests have spread across the united states to campuses in several different states that includes michigan, texas and california. the under the students are gathering at george washington university in the us capital to show solidarity with palestinians in gaza. and students from georgetown university have marched across the city to join them at the encampment. at george washington university. recovering all of his petty co hate is standing by for us in washington dc. first. so let's go to john hildreth engine at columbia university in new york. so john, there's a midnight local time deadline for protesters to leaving campus near you. i mean,
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clearly they're not, they have left yet. do you know if the protest as they're intend to abide by that deadline? well, in a word 0. know, we talk to one of the approaches leaders and just a few minutes ago when he said they're not even worried about the deadline. he said they're negotiating their terms. they want disclosure of the university's investments. they want them to the best from anything in israel and anything that helps the wage, the war and guys are like, manufacturers of weaponry. and they want amnesty for all of these students that you see out here. and you can tell, just by looking at those tens are getting packed up at those people are not leaving all of their bags and everything are remaining there. they don't appear likely to leave right now and remember, they've been pushed out before they set up camp. once again, they had a deadline of tuesday at midnight. now they've got
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a deadline and thursday at midnight, and those talks continued. so the students here say they are going to remain. what we're wondering is what happens at 12 o'clock? does the university extend that at that time? or do they call in the police as they have done once before last thursday, arresting over a 100 people. so the attention you can't see it here doesn't look chance. it looks like a pretty com seen, but they're essentially over that deadline. the students we talk to say though, that's not what they're focused on. they're focused on their demands. so john, they are putting pressure on the university leadership. but there's also pressure from the other side, from donors to the university, front, parts of the political class. what can you tell us about that? yeah, this is, this is why i'm sure you've got the students pressuring on the one side. they want the university to, you know, stop their investments. on the other side you've gotten billionaire, just like
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a robert craft, the owner of the new england patriots football team, who says he's going to stop donating to the university. in the meanwhile, he's concerned about what key and others have described as an anti semitic attitude on campus is like this. and as a billionaire, he's a big down or any. so that's the only ones. the university is getting pressure from its donor base. there's a large middle eastern program here, and there's also a large jewish contingent of students. some of them are with the protesters, some of them are not. so the university is being squeezed by both sides. the university president has spoken to congress, tried to appease them with mixed results. yesterday we saw mike johnson, the leader of the house of representatives, come here and condemn these pro chastity with jeered by the students who are here. so how this is going to end? we don't know, but there surely a lot of pressure last time this happened was in 1968 when the president of this university had police come in and violently inject students after that,
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his term ended. this president is hoping for germans differently. yeah, absolutely. still a little under 10 hours before that deadline, but as you, as you eloquently explained at the top of your head date, that protest is there, don't really care about the midnight deadline. still, we'll be looking at that john, thank you so much. let's go back to patty, go hand, who's the george washington university in washington, dc. of course patty, what's happening where your as well, i'll just step out of the way real quick and let me show you the. so the cabin came up today this morning. they set up these tents, but it does intense a couple 100. i would say students and they've got provisions, they've got attempt over there for a bathroom. they say that they are not, in fact going to be leaving. i want to talk to one of the students, but i want to introduce you to is about mood. they don't, they do, excuse me. you know, you're in washington. these are 8 different universities from all over the
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washington region. you know how powerful the is really obvious. why do you think this not large group got huge group can actually make it different. again, it's, it's baby steps that started small, but as we seen in columbia, n y, u, u. s. c. these are university students that are taking up charge and saying to the university is that they go through that they pay into. they say that enough is enough, and they're making the demands very clear. there's setting the demands that they want transparency, that they want the students to be protected and we have the ability to free speech and a peaceful assembly. and that's what we're doing here. students. it's no different than any other university. it has been doing it in the past, and again we have certain demands. and what we see for the past 7 months is the ongoing genocide because of the videos that are coming out in the atrocity up to atrocities an indication that the university's care very little as we know, that they're complicit and the bidding of the dentist and was as is any other institution here in the us, this is just the latest protest here. your university g, w, a. tell us what it's been like to be
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a pro policy and active us because there's been a lot of issues with students being docks. there's been a lot of issues with you being told that you could what have you been threatened at any way? again, personally, i've had students stories and testimony is, and it is, it is disheartening to see that students, especially pro palestine students, are suffering as a consequence of docs. and we've got minutes with students here in the d. m. v. not just said you w, suffering as a consequence of the cyclical nature in which supporting palestine standing in the or in the face of imperialism. standing in the face of israel again in design instead of as well as continuing this ongoing, genocide has become such a hard hitting topic and it becomes destructive for the student body. but again, we say this in foreclosure is of the book transparency. we're still going to be out here. we're still going to be standing and we're still going to be mobilizing in the streets and our university is for a free and liberated for us the 1st be with this question. i've been a journalist for a long time and covered a lot of protests about a lot of different issues. does this feel different to you? i mean, we've had protests, as you mentioned, about israel on college campuses for awhile. is this any different?
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why do you think it's going to be different? again, what we're seeing and then, and then in hindsight, we would have not knowing that, well, what would happen most of these protests, what of influenced by this decision or biden's decision posts. the 2 votes that we were veto was in the un resolution for a cease fire, but what we saw was a 3rd vote after 3rd, but was actually absent people, right? they didn't vote against that in veto. and that's an indication that the student body as well as the youth in the united states and in the west or coercing this perspective, this new space, right? this creation of a, a fear in the, by the ministration for the november vote. and again, what we're seeing more so ever is when you have hyper police activity and these campuses, it's an indication that when you stand in the face of imperialism understanding the face of zionism, understanding the face of the united states and 2nd, clear demands that you met with police brutality, we saw this in n y u. we saw this with faculty being arrested in n, y, u, columbia students after the 2nd or 3rd, the 100 mass arrest students being arrested docs evicted suspended. and again,
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these are tactics used to silence students and there's no different historically, they've done it in the sixty's and, and they've done it with that to you part time movement now for south africa. and again, we're just learning from the past and restructuring, and many have told us that this move, it is very different, but you'd have continued the person in persevered. that's good. thank you so much for joining up 0. i appreciate it. so that is what we're hearing from a lot of students. they are starting to feel like they have more political might, especially with this upcoming election that set the i can tell you that the, the police department districts police department is mobilizing, we have a team just a few blocks from here. there dozens and dozens of police. busy the police officers, we believe are somewhere mobilizing, and so we're going to be staying on the scene to see if they in fact come in because the university says they cannot set up in cabinets, but they can't protest here. they can protest somewhere else on campus, but they can't set up these tests. so i will going to be here in the next couple of hours and we'll see what happens. all right, patty, go, hey,
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will be right there with you. thank you very much. the are reporting there from uh, from washington dc. it's still a head on alpha 0. find out what one of italy's most famous cities is doing to cut down the number of it's dave is the, the color we got. oh, i'm sorry. i'm certain whether it was a good positive here where to where the right, which was the eastern part. so losing that to struck the when the, the dustin cab has been drifting up from this, a hara got some good scattering, a shelves across central pos, lots of areas of light pressures. but of adults tend to assume fact. and then we got this where the system will these to what the systems thinking further south was and they will introduce what the weather into that west inside of here as we go through the next couple days, much needed cloud of rain coming into spain and portugal what will become more
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widespread do without it really across from south? because england? well, scotland pushing it across into northern not in and in fact across the republic as well. but it does tend to increase the unsettled across spain and portugal as we go through sas day notice and snow that to with apparently it's heavier rain coming into westland central past of france to west. and you just then central area somewhat, quite somewhat dry, somewhat brighter. on the 2 showers the just down to will southern parts of the bulk is but that eastern side of the med, lousy, fine, dry and settled with a good deal of sunshine sunshine to across northern parts of africa. just to jo, chatter of things for you here. and then the showers, the west africa started about surely drifting further north, the boss or a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from
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. i'm into the outer big language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w. w. w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the the that you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this. how this thing and officials and gaza had been presenting evidence that they say proves the is really military carried out. torture and summary executions in hon. eunice is coming. some
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bodies were covered in the mass graves of god, almost 400 bodies have now been exempt from sights of the master and i'll shift the hospitals. as students and faculty members from universities across the united states are continuing to protest and support of palestine are demanding their universities, financial ties with israel and divest from companies that they say enabled. the war on god is really forces have arrested 3 palestinian children at the java zone, refugee camp, which is north of ramallah in the occupied westbank. the children, ranging from ages 10 to 13, were arrested in your school run by the united nations. is really military can be seen forcing the children to board their military vehicles elsewhere in the occupied west bank. a funeral has been held for a palestinian teenager who was killed by his really forces mourners carried to the body of 16 year old holland. so they on a route through the streets of janine,
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he was shot in the chest during and it's really rate in ramallah. nearly 500 pallets, things have been killed in the occupied west bank since the warren guns. it began us and the war has led to renewed calls to boycott is really products for years. palestinians have urged international sanctions to be imposed in order to pressure israel to end its occupation. but for many in the occupied westbank, israel strangle hold on the economy, is a major obstacle for the boy comfortable it. abraham has more on this from bethlehem, living on occupied land settlement up that we don't want to buy the occupiers products known as the youngest member of the palestinian boy. what's campaign? she says it's a way of resisting the occupation. as i know about that, i am aware that as far as controls our lives and our economy of it's our electricity, water, and fuel our from them. so we can slowly bike up. but even if i inflect 35 percent losses on them, it's the least. i could do as is really the controls that economy,
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palestinians are left with little to no free choice. since the world goes up activist worldwide renewed pools for both quotes and sanctions against israel. arguing the best known violence approved play to major room in ending upper side in south africa. this libyan advert equates buying from companies that support is rules with funding the genocide against palestinians that has cost brands such as k, f, c, and starbucks at home, decent booklet campaigns, encouraged palestinians to support their national products such as this 4 year old . so the factory and then most of the occupied with competing with international brands was difficult. it's owners say what sales were boosted recent. soon there, so that would make its way to shops in jordan with book what's called our strong
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genetic this id. these really offer to complicate our process. they impose high taxes and delay the inputs and exports. they don't want the palestinians to be independent or to have an industrial economy. the only wants us to be work as independent as if the market palestinians do not control the borders that have to suffer is really restrictions on palestinian imports, exports and foreign currency. a more than a decade ago, a group of young men opened the 1st palestinian mushroom company to challenge is really domination of the market. a few years later, they were forced to shop the home. it wasn't to the consumers starting to not being published in mushrooms more than his reading my films that we started taking a percentage of the market. and that's, we started getting the instructions, including on holding up our imports did not work it to us, but with the holding of inputs for all materials in the port, which is, you know, it's the only way we can get things in one week with not really hold on anymore,
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but this is where the authorities have central control over at home made products like these. this is a local initiative to support small skin projects, making hand me to craft, intrude. for many boys, the thing is where the products also gives people the opportunity to support small project. any money that does not go to israel, they say, well instead help support a palestinian comedy survived the difficult economy conditions that he just needed the occupied last spring. he has sworn into a transitional governing council after months of gang violence. the ceremony was meant to take place of the presidential palace, but it was moved to the outskirts of the capital of port or prince. after police were unable to gain control of the area around the compound, criminal gangs control around 80 percent of the capital. but i'll show you as manuel right below is in mexico city and he sent us this update. the latest images that we're seeing out of port print suggest that there is still
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a large security force presence outside on the streets and for the prints. we recently spoke to our contact there on the ground, who said that earlier in the day there was active shooting, gang members shooting in the direction of the national policy. also suggested that there are casualties were working right now to try to independently verify how many people may have been killed in that finding. that took place in the early hours of thursday as this transitional counsel and haiti was being sworn in. now there is a lot riding on the backs of this transitional council, not least, of which is regaining control over the situation. in haiti, a worsening spiral of violence that's really gripped the country over the course of the last few months. one of the 1st orders of business was naming an interim prime minister now that the former prime minister, already a luxury who had announced that he was going to resign a month ago, has step down to make way for new leadership. that new and from prime minister is michelle petrik. well there, but where is a former finance minister for
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a former prime minister aria laundry. the focus right now is regaining control over the security situation in haiti. this is not an easy task for this transitional counsel who, which we should mentioned. it's been over a month at this point, since caribbean and latin american leaders had met to discuss the creation, the formation of this transitional counsel. we're only now seeing that be sworn in, so it's not only about this counsel swearing and a new interim prime minister and, and regaining control over the situation when it comes to security. the transitional council is also task with reading the country for national elections, essentially establishing a new legislative assembly and effectively rebuilding the country's judicial institutions. so again, not an easy task, especially considering this dire security situation playing out and hating a video and has closed one of its peace keeping bases in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the cobbler base and south cable province was handed to
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government forces on thursday. the congolese government asked you in troops to leave last year, accusing them of failing to protect civilians. new york's highest courts has overturn to the 2020 rate conviction of the former hollywood producer harvey weinstein. the court ruled that the trial judge should not have let women unrelated to the charges, testified at weinstein assaulted them. prosecutors have promised to seek a re trial. one scene is in prison in new york. he is expected to remain behind bars. however, because of a 16 year prison term handed down in california 2 years ago, it is showing when a human being always in his early seventy's now says, i've been in jail for, for, for 4 years or something i didn't do. and what was done was done in proper and that's a really think about where we all were 4 years ago. we were locked down a cove and think about how much licensed pass. and he's missed all of that. and
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he's got little kids. it leaves famous city of venice as trying a new scheme to reduce overcrowding. it is charging $5.00 for those who want to visit on busy days. not everyone is happy as soon as they go reports. it's a well famous oven one to build on a lagoon and a city desperate to stay afloat under the pressure of mass tourism. venice has long welcomed the flood of visitors that comes to it shows, but the passage of time and the crowds have taken the tow in a bit to control the damage to this unesco was heritage sites. the solution in the form of an entrance be a little more than $5.00 to stem. the tide of tourists system is very important because uh we are finding a new balance between the residents and the community and the dates. we 1st anyone wanting to pay a vis.


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