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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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or what do you hear that 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divides the the, the answer of any age group to have you with this. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes to the protest spreading across us universities denouncing the war on gaza and calling to cut ties with israel and its supporters. the tortured, executed and buried alive does a civil defense officials present. the evidence found
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a mass graves for nearly $400.00 bodies have been recovered and the world food program warrens of catastrophic consequences. if israel goes ahead with the offensive and rough and this toast to hades, future good will. the new transitional council stem gang violence, the, the students in washington dc are among the latest to join the waves demonstrations in solidarity with palestine that are sweeping across the united states. they're calling to end israel's war on guns and to cut ties with supporters of israel or funding there. universities. hundreds of students are gathering at george washington university in the us capital. more students from georgetown university march across the city to join me in campus. and just in the last few hours, they have been confrontations with the police at emory university that is in
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atlanta. on wednesday, more than 200 students were arrested in boston, los angeles and austin, texas. it's been just over a week since students at columbia university in new york began their protests demanding to end any further funding from companies that invest in israel. students at harvard at georgetown at mit. and most recently, as we said, of george washington university or now demanding the same thing. those protests have spread across the country to campuses in several different states which now also include michigan, texas and california. well, our correspondents are covering the protest across the us. alan fisher standing by for us at george washington university in the federal capital. allen will come to you in a moment, john henry, and is at columbia university. and john will come to you 1st. you're in new york, so we see dozens, maybe more of the tents behind you. that encampment has been given a deadline. you told us at midnight local time to leave and the pack up the
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encampment. that clearly is not happening. that is not a student leader talked to reporters earlier and said they have 3 central demands. the university must disclose what its investments are. it must be the best of any investments in israel or anything that contribute to the war and gaza. and it must give amnesty to the students who have participated in these protests and in the words of that student liter. until those things happen, we're not going anywhere. and that includes the midnight deadline. people here, it's a very not paying attention to that deadline. they're paying attention to whether the university is responding to their demands. they feel like they've started this national conversation here and it campuses across the us and with the eyes of the world, looking at them, they want to push their case on guys, us and on us investment in israel and it's war and god. so we
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don't know exactly what is going to happen here at midnight talks are going on between the administration and those students. congresswomen hill. hon. no more. a muslim american member of congress was inside that compound earlier. her own daughter was arrested across the street at bonnet and college and suspended for participating in protests there. and omar said that she is supporting this movement . she wanted to show that support in person at the same university where like johnson, the speaker, the us house of representatives, or republicans came to condemn these pro chests just a day earlier. so we don't expect them to be leaving any time soon. 0. all right, so perhaps on, on surprisingly, democrats and republicans coming down on opposite sides of this campus, protest issue, john, you said the protesters, the students want university, obviously to respond to their demands the best from uh, universities,
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beg your pardon, from companies that have ties with this real etc university. going to do that. is there any sign a that's a question we don't have the answer to, but i think we can presume that so far the university has not agreed to those demands because the stand off continues that midnight deadline loans. we've been told that those talks couldn't go on past midnight. what happens to these protestors out here at that time? we don't know. we do know that a week ago on thursday that the university president called police in and had them clear out protesters interest a 100 of them. well, they came right back here as they have other places in meanwhile, those pro chest is spread across the country at northwestern university in chicago . my alma mater at the university of southern california. busy the new york times just now reporting they have cancelled graduation ceremonies due to security reasons because of this student uprising. so this isn't really meant that only
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seems to be growing, and the administration here has a decision to make, is it going to achieve the demands of their student? is it going to make counter demands, or is it just going to simply say no and try to sweep them out the same? john, thank you very much for that reporting. let's find out how george washington university is going to handle pretty much the same thing. alan fisher standing by there were seeing the tents and the encampment has been set up behind you. ellen, where things stand there. well, it's certainly become loaded in the last 40 minutes or so by just step aside. you can see. so there's certainly no more than about $200.00 protests. there's quite a lot of media, quite a few people who are on their way home, come to have a look some to express their support for what the students are doing. the students here at the same template as the students at columbia, they're looking for the university to dive based to declare what interests be
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having companies with linked to israel. and also they are looking to make sure that anyone who is involved in these protests will get around this the afterwards. so what we've also see in the last hour or so was the number of body is 1st of all be placed on the edge of the square. but they were very quickly, they moved, but they're not far away. they're just over the other side of the sea, ready to be put in place. the number of police in nearby streets has increased. we are told secret service one year as well, but they have cycled a way. they are no longer on site. a number of access is to the square hopping blog and then the building over my shoulder, the big building in the background there. that is where the police have set up, essentially a temporary command structure where they are talking about what they can do. they 7, a quote, which is in 55 minutes was given essentially as a deadline for the accompaniment to go away. it's not clear. then what do the administrator for the university will do? what is clear is that the metropolitan police department in, excuse me,
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the mtv here most, he's going to be called in to help because clearly numbers are just too big for george washington's own police to deal with. and the man has said that if the protest is ought to be moved, it is to be done peacefully. and a lot of the protest as you see, like john was getting it in new york. the people here are not planning to leave anytime soon as they are staying until the mines are met by the university. the ellen as you speak, we're watching live shots out of boston out of minneapolis out of los angeles. of course washington where you are john. just told us that there were similar protests in chicago, and there are others. there's austin in texas. oh, you, can you give us a sense of just how these universities are thinking about this? because this, this is a really tricky issue for them. on the one hand, they do have to respond to their student body's. this is getting a ton of media attention on the other. we know that some of the donors of pulling their funding and they're getting pressure from both sides of the political
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spectrum. a while i was speaking to one student in this way or not so long ago. and she believes that our part allows with what happened in the late seventies and early eighties. he was talking about has since had been involved in protesting against apartheid in south africa. and so he felt it was important to make a stand on what he sees as an important moral issue. so that is why he was here to add his voice to the protest. universities also had that problem back in the 1918 people were warned. well, if you put a lot of so it's not picked up, we will pull our funding. it is perhaps excuse me, slightly more acute here because there are donors with ties to israel. who me well say, well, we are no longer supporting a former universities. we are no longer supporting courses the, we would build the new arena that you need. we won't give you the new lecture whole,
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but you want. so it is a delicate balance because there are universities. we charge a lot of money for students to come here and have students say, well, we don't want to go there. there will always be a demand. and perhaps that's maybe what the universities are banking on, but this will be a temporary blip. and the soon they'll be able to make their way through, but you can hear people are very passionate about what they believe and they are not ready to leave any time soon. all right ellen, so sure, thank you very much for your reporting there at the just at the site of the george washington university in washington dc. thank you. and we can bring a note, beg your pardon, sit on m 2 and a professor at new york university, a poet, an acclaimed author. so you were recently arrested at one of the protests. you're joining us from new york today. can you start by telling us what happened? what was your experience? thank you for having me. i mean, last monday, our students that and why you start to their own and confident and solidarity with
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gaza and also to demand a day in diversity and diet. this from his early companies, and also shutting down the n y utilities and the administration of the university, just as it has been doing since october actually is always trying to shut down and sidelines and most of the voices of students so that they don't have any place on campus to protest, and many of us faculty who belong to faculty, for just as in palestine or all the ways we found a group to support our students and defend their rights. and on monday everything was was fine. there were all kinds of students that were, there's a jewish state, a, there was almost one prayer and everything was fine. but around the afternoon the diversity started to increase its presence. and before that, i should say that to put the barrier to prevent professors, the students from joining the students or on the plaza. but in the evening they brought in the n y, p d, or surrounding the area with many cars. and when we knew that they were going to
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a solving time for them to students, professors formed a double line, a barrier between them and the police. but the police, you know, i, p d, which drains with this really army and that of an office in interviews brought in a special unit best. let's specializes in fighting terrorism. they are asked in about 14 or 15 professors and tens of our students very violently. the clips online, you can see and took us and charge us with press passing, even though we were standing on our own campus. what do we work and teach and being with our students. and we have to appear before court. but of course, this is only and i should say that the next day the president have in your city, sent an e mail to patents. and i made a statement that was full of lines portraying these activities that is violent and accusing. the bar disappears, failed, and then to select statements which is on to of course. okay, so
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a couple of things here are, 1st of all the factual statement. you said the that then you n y p, the trains with these really place, i'm not in a position to say whether that's accurate or not. i just don't have information on that. but moving on from that, and you said the university and why you is always trying to shut down voices of students who are protesting in favor of palestine. why do you, why would you say that is well, i just want to say and come and look this public information out there about the relationship between n y p d and his early army. but since october, the university has tried whenever students for just as in palestine, try to have a room to show a pre own or do i have something then diversity says all for security purposes, we cannot have that. and also there used to be a 2 spots on campus where usually students want to express that opinion and protests and something called the camel stairs. and a building called those were shut down. there was another building. that's why the
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question is, why? because you, you live in new york, you work at this university, you're a member of the faculty. why do you think and why you does this? because there is an obvious bias amongst the political leads and the lead. so this country and in the universities against palestinian lives are let us say, is that by this time exception palestinian live and do not matter as much as is really lives. so the president of the university never use the word garza or genocide in all of the email exchanges that you sent. but of course the hostages in israel and the safety and so on and so forth. but it is the bias and it's also the corporatization of higher education, whereby university administrators are answerable and concerned about donors and boards of trustees, but are not concerned about faculty and students. the fact that they are willing to call the police to quash pro talestine sentiments just tells you who's site and
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they stand on. they would never call the police to colacho pro is the pro, there's, for example, is there, is there a conversation right now between either yourself or other members of the faculty and the leadership of n y u. i mean, outside of this protest and this confrontation is playing a very publicly right in the public like it are, their conversations between the faculty, let's say, and, and why you leaders as well. one of the problems with has as of october, is that the administration and the leaders do not to listen to us. they've never listened to us. but since monday there has been many letters from major scholars to day nursery. and even from some of the parents of students condemning the actions of the president, because this is unprecedented, at least, and then why use history to call the police. but there are a lot of rules now to condemn and to hold the administration and responsible and to
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ask you to apologize and to change its behavior and to go to one of the grandparents or one of the students who are arrested to stand on the right side of history and, and do it by doing all of the students and faculty are not going to be silent. those are the subjects they will continue to ask for the right to express their opinion on campus. whether i bought spa this time, or any other issue, i sent on to him professor at new york university, i'll just remind her of yours if you didn't catch the beginning of the interview that you were arrested on monday. during one of those protests in new york at n y u, thank you very much for your time and for speaking with us today. thank you for having me. thanks. a lot of the anger among students in the us is now spreading to europe . students at the sorbonne university in powers have been demonstrating in solidarity with palestinians. police dispersed the protestors who accused president amended and that call of collusion with israel. macklin was delivering a major speech on european security at the university. okay, as i can see,
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a whole set stone carolyn that i've had this christmas will continue as long as we don't have an opening, serious discussion on the issue. we're not just shouting so that we can be heard and that everyone takes our side or our position. we just want an open debate and the debate currently does not exist. so there's just the about what we're going to . everyone is starting to see that there are universities that have been blocked because there is a genocide going on. so yes, it is important to do this. it is being done in the right way. i hope that it really both and that it can be done in several different countries. and at one day we will reach the stage in which we will block our universities. and then we could really support palestine or protest and support of palestinians were also held in italy in bologna. and the lone thursday's demonstrations coincided with celebrations. marking the country's liberal ration from fascism in 1945 and on the ground in gaza. palestinian officials have been presenting evidence that
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they say proves these really military carried out torture and summary executions in hon. you this, it comes from some of the bodies recovered from mass graves that the nicer and i'll shift the hospital compounds. nearly 400 bodies have been a zoomed houses here. is tara cobb was whom reports from rough and southern gauze. this mothers creams evidence the moments before his son's body was pulled from a mass grave. then also hospital come down in con eunice. it took them home with them higher from gauze of civil defense, as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies, the fount i'm to, um, support them like that of how the affairs, a young girl discovered with her legs amputated with a novice. we found the body of it for number of children. we have the question is why do we have children and must graves child patient this tone in his crops?
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a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's book to him, why as teams have caused it, forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to, to see about that you to, you know, again, it's not somebody still had the can you law on them which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment and then also hospital dental. it is, i believe it also has approximately 10 bodies of a phone, but their hands tied. i mean each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried alive. but they are asking for an independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the military dismiss accusations its forces buried bodies before the winter to come to compound. as baseless isabel, troops have pulled out of gauze as to main hospitals in recent weeks. civil defense crews, lights had dug up doses of corpses from 2 mass graves and the she felt medical
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center in gauze of 6 a while at least 392 buddies wed discovered in 3 different sites on the grounds of nasir hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. lunging if somebody is in constant english by god, i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here in search since the day he went missing. and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me, is he alive or was he taking by the is read news or anything? and now the u. s. is joining quotes from the using the you and demanding an explanation from israel cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing goals of civil defense has asked for an independent investigation connects a integration specializing forensic analysis. since most of gomez's facilities have been destroyed, they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during,
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as well as raging loss or hospital. i'm to give the families of those being killed . the answer is there. we're looking for. tarry cup as the out just the euro roof, palestine the united nation says it is important to preserve forensic evidence when investigating the mass graves in gaza. that's after guise of civil defense called for an independent investigation into what happened now. so hospital in fun, eunice houses here is kristen salumi was at the un, which defenders i'll be spokesman for the us extra general. she asked him, what comes next? what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would you advise on? i think it is important, or excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation. how
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that will take place? it's unclear at this time. there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that shit parts of the organization. do you think can be of how well, i mean, there's definitely investigate traffic and we'll those very right there, there, legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an international investigation that has yet to happen. in the meantime, it's important at all forensic evidence, be well preserved in a meanwhile, israel's war cabinet has been holding meetings to discuss. the military is next moves in garza and the world's food programs director inside the gaza strip. has warned that a full military assault on rasa would kill tens of thousands of people. we have really concerned about any kind of in cushion interests or so to displace hundreds of thousands of people. i've just driven through uh con eunice to get here. um,
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from one side of the gaza strip to the other and seen the level of destruction across the us on eunice. if that happens, roughly tens of thousands of people will die. if that happens in rafa, hundreds of thousands of people will be displaced again, more misery, more needs that we will need to have to try and resolve and meet the deputy chairman for hamas and gaza, told l 0 that the group is still open for negotiations with israel, how the, the higher says a key condition however, is the withdrawal of these really forces from god. as mentioned in the fall of the we are engaging, serious and earnest negotiations in our stance is firm and true. we seek to reach a permanent ceasefire and incomplete withdrawal of israel's occupying forces from the entire gaza strip and then move towards a serious and real swap deal to which we would release all is really we hold
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captive, including the living ones and the bodies of those killed in exchange for agreement would be made through these tens, hundreds and thousands of 1000 prisoners from is really jails is really forces have arrested 3 palestinian children. these shall a zone refugee camp, which is north of ramallah and the occupied west bank. the children that ranged from ages 10 to 13, they were arrested in their school run by the united nations. and as you can see here, these really military were seen forcing the children to board their military vehicles elsewhere in the occupied west bank. now a funeral has been held for a palestinian teenager who was killed by his really forces. mourners carried the body of 16 year old holland slaymen route through the streets of janine. he was shot in the chest during and is really right into ramallah. nearly 500 pounds as things have been killed in the occupied westbank since the one guy. so began the
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donald trump so called hush money case in new york has hit the world's headlines as he becomes the 1st former us president to stand trial. however, a trump is also involved in another case that the supreme court, which could have deeper repercussions, the justices a hearing arguments about whether the enjoyed he enjoyed absolute presidential immunity. while he was in office, she have her time. she has won this from washington, stolen drums, law, or argue that us presidents are immune for prosecution for official acts conducted by a president while un office, unless they have been impeached and convicted by congress. while they're even from slower. i have to concede the personal actions committed by a president while an office ought liable for the prosecution. so there was much discussion as to whether this sort of allegations being leveled against donald trump. constance use official x plus selections of
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a candidates who wants to become president who wants to retain the presidency. trumps argument is that a president must be immune. otherwise, the opposition can boast to mail the president to do that bidding under the threats off indictment. once they leave office, the government is arguing that no one is above the law, the supreme court justices all to expect the rule before june. so once again, the question as to whether at least some of the trials the donald trump faces will even have become by the time the election rolls around, is once again unsafe. she ever time cl, do 0 washington. hey, t has sworn in a transitional care governing council. after months of gang violence, the ceremony was meant to take place in the presidential palace, but it was moved to the outskirts of the capital port or prince after police were unable to gain control of the area around the presidential compound, criminal games control around 80 percent of the city houses here as many well right below as more from mexico city on this,
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the latest images that we're seeing out of port a print suggest that there is still a large security force presence outside on the streets and for the prints. we recently spoke to our contact there on the ground, who said that earlier in the day there was active shooting, gang members shooting in the direction of the national policy. also suggested that there are casualties were working right now to try to independently verify how many people may have been killed in that finding. that took place in the early hours of thursday as this transitional counsel and haiti was being sworn in. now there is a lot riding on the backs of this transitional council, not least, of which is regaining control over the situation. in haiti, a worsening spiral of violence that's really gripped the country over the course of the last few months. one of the 1st orders of business was naming an interim prime minister. now that the former prime minister arial henri, who had announced that he was going to resign a month ago, has step down to make way for new leadership. that new interim pregnant administer
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is michelle petrik bought there. where is a former finance minister for a former prime minister aria laundry? the focus right now is regaining control over the security situation in haiti. this is not an easy task for this transitional counsel who, which we should mentioned. it's been over a month at this point, since caribbean and latin american leaders had met to discuss the creation, the formation of this transitional counsel were only now seem to be sworn in. so it's not only about this counsel swearing in a new and from prime minister and, and regaining control over the situation when it comes to security. the transitional counsel is also task with reading the country for national elections, essentially establishing a new legislative assembly and effectively rebuilding the countries judicial institutions. so again, not an easy task, especially considering this dire security situation playing out and hating still ahead on elsa 0. who exactly is an indian citizen,
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one of the most contentious issues in the world's biggest ever election. we'll have more on that in a moment. and harvey weinstein sexual assault case triggered the me to move, input of port has overturned his conviction. the the hello high pressure dominates the weather across australia. now. so i always loved the settled and studied quite the same fullness, even though i still spent cleaning of charlotte cloud coming in head. i'm drag some showers in this, we go on mall. so through friday, i think as we go on through the weekend, it does tend somewhat dry and brighter, if little breezy. having said that, some share was to just to run at least the side of austin, still a few showers into southern paso, wy, but nothing too much to speak of as thinking further southwards at east was heading
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tools available as we go on through saturday and sunday some of the picture for sunday as we go on for the costs of the diet. another try um, bright weather, but maybe one or 2 showers just slipping up towards that northeast corner of australia and you might have some right eventually pushing towards tasmania. now, right is pushing back towards southern parts of china. they will exacerbate the flooding that we have across the south of the country. so i'm pos, maybe seeing about a $100.00 to $200.00 millimeters afraid on that saturated ground. we do have but always wanting same force across the pots of southern china, and that will cause the flooding. southern little fish, not too bad this and warm sunshine up to the bicycle, one of 2 showers, 5 for the korean peninsula. and losey settled for japan. the devastation bundle. dish is usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable
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country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's on leave for the desperation, then leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid lease thinking country. we have the problem to be the rest of the work when the have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land. or you will cekada a duty and a growth using for p use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems, customer ridgecrest the
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the, you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this, our students and faculty members from universities across the united states are continuing to protest in support of palestine here demanding their universities cut, financial ties with israel and divest from companies that they say enabled a war on gaza. palestinian officials have been presenting evidence that they say proves these really military carried out torture and summary executions incentives . it comes from some of the bodies recovered from mass graves that the nicer and i'll ship a hospital compounds. nearly 400 bodies have been a k t has sworn in a transitional governing council after months of gang violence which forced prime
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minister ariel on reed to resign. the ceremony was held at the prime minister's office rather than in the presidential palace as police failed to gain control of the area around the compound. a palestinians who work to facilitate a deliveries have been killed in gaza. tara, a couple of whom has more on this from rough, i think is where the military had targeted a groups, palestinians who were responsible in securing a d. a deliveries to the northern parts of gauze, the 8 of them have been killed them. they have been transferred to the are of hospital to be prepared later for burial, but yet the tech has been carried out in a tell in how a neighborhood as this is not the 1st attack from its kind that has been targeting a people who are securing 8 supplies in light of the ongoing repeated attacks on the police vehicles. palestinians in the northern part of gauze was started to organize local committees that are consisting of young men who i will be
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responsible for delivering and securing a deliveries to the northern positive gauze. but just to guarantee that there was going to be no further state of k is off to the repeated attacks against a policeman. bestbuy yet the whose people had been attacked without any private warning. as we have been recording said, of military strikes, not only on 8, see cuz of the same time on a workers and people often who are responsible for securing start to age, to reach to the warehouses of attractive organizations in order to be late distributed to hundreds of thousands of palestinian families in the northern part of the territory where the vast majority of population have been cut off from receiving the much needed humanitarian supplies. in the course of the past few months. israel's army is carrying out operations along the border with lebanon, and there had been several airstrikes targeting areas in the villages of a mile shop, and the cora in the south of the country. so in
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a hood or has more from marsh and you'd new the border with israel. this is becoming a higher intensity conflict along the lab and on israel border, a different phase. so we're seeing an intensification of the fighting from both sides. israel carrying out the numerous air strikes on what it calls hezbollah targets along the border, saying that it is taking out a weapons the pose and going after. after fighters at the same time, has below 2, increasing the tempo of its operations. no longer just targeting along the border on tuesday, they targeted deep inside as well some 15 kilometers north of the city of africa. that is a coastal city. yes, but target was a military base, but it is an area where there are still civilian civilians have to take shelter in bunkers. so both sides really sending messages to each other hezbollah saying that it is ready to escalate. if israel continues, you know, to, to, to escalate on this side of the board,
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they're going after it's fighters and it's field commanders and targets it assassinations. what this world wants is for hezbollah to pull back. it's once he has the fighters to pull back from the border, but despite the thousands of strikes, hezbollah is still along the border, launching attacks from the border. so are we going to see a further escalation, as each tide tries to get a better, better position on the bargaining table? but what is clear is that this is going to remain an active front line. as long as the war on garza continues, because as well as says there will be no help to the fighting until there is a permanent ceasefire and gaza center for their elders either. so their loved or not the war on does it has led to renewed calls to boycott is really products for years. palestinians have urged international sanctions to be imposed in order to pressure his real to end its occupation. but from many in the occupied westbank, israel strangle hold on the economy as a major obstacle for the boy caught movement. that abraham has more from best man
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a living old occupied land. settlement up that we doesn't want to buy the occupiers products known as the youngest member of the palestinian boy cliff campaign. she says it's a way of resisting the occupation, as i know about that. i'm aware that as far as controls our lives and our economy of it's our electricity, water, and fuel our from them. so we can fully bike up. but even if i inflect 35 percent losses on them, that's the least i could do as, as, as really controls that economy. palestinians are left with little to no free choice. since the world goes up activist worldwide renewed pools for both quotes and sanctions against israel. arguing the best known violent the fruit played to me to rule in ending up per site in south africa. this libyan advert equates buying from companies that support is rules with funding the genocide against palestinians that has cost brands such as k, f, c,
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and starbucks at home. decent booked with campaigns, encouraged palestinians to support their national product such as this 4 year old. so the 1st 3 in middle of the occupied with competing with international brands was difficult. it's owners say what sales were boosted recently, soon there, so that would make its way through shops in jordan, with both quotes, the quotes are strong genetic this id, these really offer to complicate our process. they impose high taxes and delay the inputs and exports. they don't want the palestinians to be independent or to have an industrial economy. the only wants us to be work as independent as if the market palestinians do not control the borders that have to suffer is really restrictions on palestinian imports, exports, and foreign currency. more than a decade ago, a group of young men opened the 1st palestinian mushroom company to challenge is really donation of the market. a few years later,
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they were forced to shop the home. it wasn't to the consumers stuttering, demanding, put us in mushrooms more than is really mushrooms that we started taking a percentage off the market. and that's we started getting the instructions, including on holding up. our inputs did not work it to us, but with the holding of inputs for all materials in the port, which is, you know, it's the only way we can get things in when we could not really hold on anymore. but the authorities have little control over at home a products like these. this is a local initiative to support small skin projects, making head me to craft, intrude. for many boards, the thing is way the product also gives people the opportunity to support small project. any money that does not go to israel, they say, well instead help support the palestinian comedy, survived the difficult economy conditions that he just needed the occupied the spring, the
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to india now where the 2nd phase of the 7 stage general election will take place on friday. the issue of citizenship is critical in constituencies going to the polls in the northeastern state of us on the b. j. p. government has passed a controversial law based on religion. the indian government has failed to give visas to l 0 as correspondence to cover this story. so we are covering the election from outside the country and we consume sharif reports of the more than a decade. now, lots come on monday. it has been fighting to prove he's an engine citizen. the daily bridge worker was declared to 4 know by 5, you know, in india, as northeastern state, or for some in 2016 since then. he's been for years and detention and his country on be monday in since he was born in the states and he's not an undocumented
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immigrant tablets with a woman up on more than we've heard. there was something called the citizen amendment act, which is supposed to help us, but i don't understand what the c a is. one thing is certain i was born and a some my father and grandfather have documents here. monday lives among nearly 2000000 people in the some who are being excluded from a national registrar of citizens updated in 2019. the bgp says he can get an indian citizenship to recently enacted controversial know that sets of religion as a criterion. the citizenship amendment lo will see, provides a fast track to naturalization for seeks policies in those james, buddhist and christians who fled, have gone to some from the day she had focused on this for 2014. but it excludes muslims from these countries, citizenship and this is
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a contribution issue, as it seemed base of migrations of both hindus and muslims. it's now dividing voltage on it's make and religious grounds. as far as the minority, most little community is concerned. it's in know that if they have been creating a negative and negative is this that day on not part of the indies. enough culture is cutting a lot of political right zation when you're the see it from the perspective of electronic nomics. how about it? more than 4 years after the bills of approval in parliament, the government has implemented just ahead of this is general election. the problem this, the moraine devoted is seeking a system. the passage of the low let to violent protest in 2019 with critics saying it on the mind india, secular identity wisdom. so what are the low combined with the propose citizenship
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registry could be used to talk with them. do you think anyone was good? we have interested in uh, you know, the country were being screened as the majority like market started. like i've gotten this done like burning love this. i don't think so. the answer is very clear . he knows my, they have some, literally, just after us, it is mostly but such and most of the minorities within most the majority nations face persecution, to especially a neighboring country is like a furnace dawn and focused on but they won't be able to apply for citizenship and now many fear india status as a secure list aid will be put to test under this low on the consumption leave. on to see the just as a reminder, were covering the election from outside the country as the indian government has not granted visas. 2 elders here as during this, un peacekeepers have begun their departure from the eastern democratic republic of congo, the 1st bases of closed and south cable province. but there are fears about the
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government's ability to fill in the vacuum for your car reports. drawing down a decades long mission pakistani peacekeepers remove the you and flag and raise the democratic republic of the congo. colors is this you in base include capital is one of 14 and says keep your province set to close by the end of april. the eastern congo peacekeeping mission known as menu sco is ending this year at the request of the government. the woman leading that mission made it clear what that means. the primary responsibility paid for protection of civilian life with the government of d f. c. and this is where they have to do in terms of the mending that their safety and security ease taken cable by those who will have to fight. and we, we supposed to be the, the us presence has become increasingly unpopular here in recent years. it's a keys of fading to protect civilians from arm groups, but agencies and many locals,
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worried the condo. these forces aren't ready to replace some 15000 un forces. one of our, this is we all, regressing this decision of the government at this particular moment and pushing the new scope withdrawal from the country. we know that they supposed to leave one day, but to be honest, i don't think out government is really to take sole responsibility in terms of security. it's not possible to believe that it was done more than one and a half a 1000000 internally displaced. people living 9 comes across says, keep who province many has said violence, the neighboring north keepers for the government struggle to hold by consensus by the m 23 rebel group. but the government stephen says, is, should be solely responsible for security google. right? and i want to assure everybody here and then when i show me it is supposed to bring, has a government provide the security piece and also for many people here in the
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eastern dear see will be happy to see you and forces lease, but the violence that's played the region for decades, does not seem likely to end seeing for the a car, which is 0. the still ahead on alpha 0 getting on the fast lane to a bigger global market share. chinese car manufacturer is showcase their latest models. it'd be facing motor show and find out what venice is doing to cut down the number of its days visitors the the
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being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks.
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facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the all the new york's highest court has overturned the 2020 rates. conviction of the former hollywood producer harvey weinstein. it rules that the trial judge was wrong to
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allow testimony from women who were not named when the initial charges were brought against wednesday. you know, face is a possible re trial but is expected to remain in prison in new york. that's because of a 16 year sentence handed down. in another case in california, 2 years ago, that was a separate rape case that is showing when a human being who is in his early seventy's now says i've been in jail for, for 4 years because something i didn't do. and what was done was done in proper and that's a really think about where we all were 4 years ago. we were locked down the cove and think about how much license passed. and he's missed all of that. and he's got little kids, debbie hines as a trial lawyer and former baltimore city prosecutor, she explains why wines teams case was overturn it was, it was decision. is this for 3 decision which meant for judges validated to overturn it? and 3 did not the evidence that was presented by other witnesses,
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women who were not, whose charges were not brought. the court said that that was highly prejudicial. now, in all other cases, many other cases as prosecutors, and i'm a former prosecutor. we bring evidence sometimes to show a pattern and practice not to show that you were found guilty in those other in this case of women's testimony. but it just busters the fact that it shows a potential pattern in practice. what the highest court in new york said is that may be true, but it's so highly prejudicial. in this case, that we cannot consider that it did not harm his case. and so it was over turned on those grounds. it was a judgment call, is what the prosecutor made. i mean law its in park, it's not a science. so i'm not going to say that it was totally wrong. it could have been okay in another case. but this case was so widely known that the court likely said
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that no, you cannot do which in this case. so it was a decision that the prosecutors made. they, it's not necessarily that their case arrested on it. and as a former prosecutor, sometimes you just want to try to claim case and just make it as narrow as possible . and sometimes you want to bring in a wider range of evidence. and in this case, bringing in that wider range of evidence which of cases that he was not charged in caused the case to be overturn the indigenous people in brazil continued to march to demand that the government officially recognized their lands. they also want the government to protect their territories from criminal activities like legal mining and indigenous younger mommy group and brazil detained 12 people for allegedly mining illegally in the amazon on tuesday. the mummy community is the amazon's largest indigenous tribe living in relative isolation. as there be
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$300.00 electric vehicle models around display of the badging motor sho, china dominates the global markets. a battery powered cars and the country brands are expanding overseas. katrina, you reports from badging. the theme of disuse, aging, alter show is new here. new cars and many chinese also make us believe that this year is the one with chinese vehicles was to dominate the global market. so the scenario chinese automotive companies are increasing their investment, research and development, so that we are able to produce cheaper and better vehicles. that all the new people could afford to drive or china is already the world's biggest producer of costs and leads the battery powered industry. 60 percent of the world's electric vehicles for ease of sold and china earlier this year, homegrown brand b y d or the tesla is the world's biggest selling e. v maker, dozens of new electric vehicle models of being unveiled hey,
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over the next few days and emphasis on also visual intelligence, driving and smart connect. competition in china is increasingly fees with new players entering the market in recent months, including home appliance branch, show me that well, china is producing more vehicles. it's slowing. economy means they're all fuel sales, then hoped for one day that you know, until the future, the domestic demand for new energy vehicles is being sufficient to absorb the average increase in production as well. so this car manufacturers must pay attention to the overseas market. this has for some brands such as near to expand in europe and them at least the 27 percent tariffs have prevented chinese also makers from entering the us market. washington is under pressure to band them completely. with some american politicians calling twenties cause a threat to the us, auto industry and national security. during the visit to china this week, us ex 3 of the state anthony blinking raised concerns about china's trade policies
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. and what the bought in the industry should calls non market practices. it's a queues china of over capacity in several green industries and flooding the global market with on sadly subsidized quotes. china has dismissed the criticism, saying the us is trying to cook its development and suppressed its industries. katrina, you out a 0 meeting in paris, the famous with a who's lost its moolah, meaning windmill, and french officer, his blades broke off and take a look. authority say they don't know what caused the damage. parts of the signature is also broken during the incidents. the cabaret is one of power says most visited attractions and celebrates it's $100.00 and 30th. 35th anniversary this year. and the world famous italian city and then it says, trying a new scheme to reduce overcrowding. it is charging $5.00 the tourists visiting on busy days. as soon as the jago reports, not everyone is happy. it's
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a well famous oven one to build on a lagoon. and assisting, desperate to stay afloat under the pressure of mass tourism that is, has loan welcomed the floods of visitors that comes to it shows. but the passage of time and the crowds have taken the tow in a bit to control the damage to this unesco was heritage sites. the solution in the form of an entrance be a little more than $5.00 to stem. the tide of tourists system is very important because a, we are finding a new balance between the residents of the community and the dates. we 1st, anyone wanting to pay a visit to the floating city on such and busy days will need to download a queue. all code. total numbers will be limited. reservations are meant to be made online, but there are boots for those who don't have a smartphone. with the live local study in venice,
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you don't need to pay to do those who have hotel reservations raged on to 14 inspectors patrolling the main entrance points of the city on the account for those you've avoided paying the fee which can assign between $50.00 and $300.00 and it hasn't gone down well with some tourists when the pretty bad a to the private person on the budget to come here for an hour or 2 and enjoy the city. surely a shame source already for you to come to the country to visit a city in the city, your city, and then it's itself has only $50000.00 residents, but it welcomes $13000000.00 visitors a year. 2 sets of them come just for the day. the effects that tours of has on the city has long been a source of frustration for its inhabitants. cruise ships with band of to one calculated into adult. really for those who had been campaigning for years over the damage they close to the lagoon. but it is also,
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naturally of would have been put on the unesco will heritage and danger list. that's the you in body said the city was addressing the problems of mass tourism of a tourist destinations will be looking closely at the scheme if its success. it could be replicated elsewhere, but when it kept it, she knew venice is famous. florian cafe can set you back some team dollars. that might not dis wait too many from visiting san diego. i'll just sarah will leave you with incredible pictures from the mountains of iceland look at this japanese key jumper. roy you come by, ashi has an unofficially broken the record for the longest jump, the olympic champion, so a distance of 291 meters, reaching speeds of around a $170.00 a 100 and a 7. i beg your pardon, a $107.00, that's a bit more reasonable kilometers an hour. he was in the air for around 8 seconds, but because this was not under competition conditions,
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the governing body for ski jumping will not recognize. that's it from me carry. johnson is with you in about the indonesia is building a new capital city. deep in the jungles of borneo, the 1st part of the original open across the nation. but not everyone supports the idea. i mean, i get that from within when we have, we see this as an authoritarian decision on the one. 0, one east with deals indonesia moving a mega sitting on out to 0 a. we to look at the world's top business stores. how much is the rebuilding going to cost of who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses? we have just started seeing inspection coming down and how it affects the dives. how big a problem is going on? food insecurity. counting the cost on just these comp cheers solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn
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our backs on. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person person yourself and that person shares. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life and all the stages we want. we want to break because the women and my time sees the match sweep. we are not denies all of the we are human beings, and this has to be trees and the chloe we are walking in their footsteps. our officers claim that has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear. why have american evangelicals become israel? strongest backer. is us president joe find the right to stand with israel with no
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red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the student protest spread across us universities denouncing the world guns are important to cut ties with israel under the support of the terry johnston. this is sarah from also coming out port should executed in buried alive cause as a civil defense officials present evidence found mass grades when they're the 400
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bodies have been recovered. the wells food program was of catastrophic.


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