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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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it is us precedent, you'll find the right to stand with this real with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the student protest spread across us universities denouncing the world guns are important to cut ties with israel under the support of the territory. and this is all just here a lot from the also coming out port should executed in buried alive causes civil defense officials present. evidence found mass graves when they're the 400 bodies
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have been recovered. the wells food program was of catastrophic consequences as well goes ahead with expensive and rough a toast to hate these future new transitional council stem can find the students in washington, d. c, or among the latest to join the ways of demonstrations and solidarity. we had a stein, a sweet thing across the united states. according from the end israel's world garza and caught toys was supporters of israel, the funding that universities with hundreds of students, a gathering at george washington university in us capital. most students from georgetown university march across the city to join the incumbent. the last few hours there been the confrontations with lisa marie goes to the atlanta on wednesday at more than $200.00 students were arrested in boston. essentially,
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austin, texas, are assessed over a week since students at columbia university in new york began the protest in modern ends to any further funding from companies. i think best in israel, students at harvard at georgetown mit and most recently, george washington university of demanding the se in the process of spreads across the country. 2 campuses in several different states including michigan, texas and california correspondence covering the public tests across the us audio test joey standing by for us to university of texas in austin. but 1st, let's go to add an fisher george washington university in washington dc. so i don't know what's the current situation where you are while they're there certainly are going criteria and it's going since about 6 o'clock when class is at the university stop. if you look behind me, you can see that there's quite a large crowd. they are not in cali square,
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and then not just from george washington university, but also from george telling us the american university. george mason university. several colleges have sent students alone here. now it was meant to be at 7 o'clock before, which is right now that the authority says that the incumbent had to be moved. and there was a possibility of the police going in to do that. as you can see behind me this very little sign of the police and the protest, there's a sale here inside. you see that there will be praying company to call one of the people who is here is billy colts. who came along this evening. why billie? why did you decide that you needed to be here? yeah, absolutely. you know, i'm a, do you see both of it and i think there's power and numbers. and i remember i go and not a student. i remember when i was in university, i was out protesting and it always mattered when people would show up to support us . and palestinian liberation is crucial and i think that's what you see across the country as a rise of students saying no to colonization, no to occupation. and the future of our world is going to be a future that has
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a free power assign, you know, and, and this is also personal for me. one of my dear friends has and has the right now we've been fundraising for her. and i just want to always show up to let her know that i'm supporting her from afar. do you think the authorities are paying attention even when there are numbers like this? and people who are not students like you coming out to meet your voices here? yeah, i mean i, i absolutely think childs will grow and attention and, you know, i think something we have seen repeatedly for months and months since october is the reality that, you know, our elected leaders aren't paying attention in the typical fashion when they're caught, when we are calling their offices, we are writing them letters and we're tweeting at them. they're not listening. you know this, this could have been solved and done with months ago. and it's going to take more and more disruption. i just want to underscore that disrupting daily life is so important right now. and that's how we're going to draw the most attention to bring palestine. i think the politicians are making you mistake, but under estimating the power of young people like a student and like yourself, oh absolutely. without
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a doubt they are absolutely making mistakes and they're undermining on the tool that the authorities wanted this. we're close. the 7, are you quite happy to stay here even with this, right. perhaps the police moving in. absolutely. i think now especially solidarity is so important and i think, you know, police come threatening to, to, uh, you know, disrupting the cabinet. but like i said, there's power in numbers and i don't think the students are going anywhere and i don't think the residents abuse. you should go anywhere either. billy, i really appreciate you taking the time. thanks very much. indeed for joining his live here. what i'll just see what is interesting as well that, that one of the speakers said that they were receiving messages from students in gaza. and the said, we see you, we hear you and we are grateful for your support while they are getting messages like this of the intent to days. the people here will stay until the authorities agree to their demands, to divest from countries involved with israel, to cot, links with companies and bolt with israel. and to make sure there's an amnesty for
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those who are organized protests like face and other campuses across the united states. and thanks very much indeed. mustang with this across hottie, jo castro joins as long as not from austin, texas harvey was unfolded there. and how's it looking now? is carrie? i think the quiet of this moment behind me, this is a actually the act of defiance that the student protesters here at the university of texas the austin, are using in contrast to what we saw yesterday when they were 57 people, including a journalist, the rest student arrested by state police after university of austin's president. and also the states governor ordered for these protests to be dispersed. and you'll see today there were even more people who came out and they were joined by now, university professors who are not only going those calls for,
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for israel to stop. it's more in gaza and for you to, to dive best in the weapons companies. and for any companies involved with israel, but now also for the president of u t's resignation. but i want to bring very quickly our to guess this is cuba and this is a rich. thank you guys so much. yesterday you were here talk about the feeling of that moment when we saw those rather violent arrest happening. contrast into what we're seeing today. as a policy and myself, it definitely feels very surveil even being serious, thinking about their state troopers with their forces. if it's just unbelievable that my rights as a student, my 1st amendment was not protected by our own president to see that he ordered for our students to get arrested. it was just unbelievable origin. what is the reason that you guys came out here in the 1st place? it was all about like the setup for goes like what's happening and goes. and also
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there has been like many histories in the u. t. like in the last semester, from what i know that my new policy new students have been around like um, harassed. and because of that, like seeing all of this and then what's happening in palestine. we're going to do a piece will set out which to i know to be more like a violent, i would say like, a war that was hopping all you teeth. because how it all started was that the president of p a c was telling everyone to like disperse, like back out so that no one gets arrested. but he was a, for a 1st when to get arrested like, without any reason that obviously that boiled our blood. and that just started this whole like violent, i would say like, a violent war here. so what does this protest where do you guys go from here? um right now we are putting a dye in um we're ready to get arrested. um, we know that the lawn is close at 10 pm, but we are ready to take that that accountability and you both have been telling me
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earlier that you think that the university of texas austin is very pro israel. what makes you believe that and why do you think that is so recently they've posted and it's really a block party for us to even have to sit out to be considered by live. and there's a schedule posted up before um to sit out of having like a pizza party of having, you know, for us painting and study break scheduled in between. this was posted before it even started. and the fact that the state troopers showed up before and even started to you know, arrest students kind of shows that our rights are not protected as far as the ends, as most ones that are not protected originally. are you seeing a double standard here as well? yes, like, i don't think i've ever heard like any jewish students get harassed or i feel like if there was a 100 harassment against any jewish student, then i feel like the university would like be quick. just take actions against that . but if it's like a palestinian or a muslim,
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nothing's going to be done by that. like we've seen for the president j arsenal statement and it has not helped anyone at all. like he's be saying that you have the types of matters symmetric, but it's just like we're seeing racism everywhere. like i don't think as a student here, i feel protected by what's going on. seeing all these situations here that we have to really redesign like what anti semitism really means, because to have a peaceful protests, a half a sit out is on say symmetric when it's not even about the jewish people it's, it's not right. what is it about semitism? now what is this protest about? this process is about the, the policy and people in the murder of the policy and people, it's about the government design is um that is taking place because it's, it's not about jewish people, it's all about religion. it's not about the people, you know, it's about the government that is murdered and 40000 palestinians. thank you guys so much. i really appreciate your time. and of course, that is of what's keeping the students coming out these behind me. they said that
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they are willing to defy the next deadline, but the university's president has put on them, which is at 1030 local time this evening that they must disperse. but they said they're willing to risk arrest again. and they're going to stay to make their voices heard, carry without live update for us that heidi, thank you. let's see, not on to and is a professor at new york university. he was recently arrested at one of the protests . he says n y u has been trying to silence, protesting and voices since october. there is an obvious bias amongst the political leads and the leads over this country and in the universities against palestinian lives. or let us say it's the palestine exception palestinian live, do not matter as much as is really lives. so the president of the university never use the word garza or genocide in all of the email exchanges that you sent. but of course the hostages in israel and the safety and so on and so forth. but it is
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a bias and it's also the corporatization of higher education, whereby university administrators are answerable and concerned about donors and boards of trustees, but are not concerned about faculty. and students the fact that they are willing to call the police to quash pro talestine sentiments just tells you who's side they stand on. they would never call the police to colacho pro is the pro there's for example, since october the university has try whenever students for just as in palestine, try to have a room to show film or to have something the anniversary says all for security purposes, we cannot have that and also there used to be 2 spots on campus where usually students want to express their opinion and protests and something called the camel stairs. and a building called some of those were shut down as well. the anger among students in america is now spread into europe's students. the sole ball in the universe in
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paris have been demonstrating and sort of down to the palestinians. police this 1st the protested, excuse at present in the hills of conclusion with israel con, that was delivering a major speech on european security at universe. because i can see, i don't know if it's stuck here or not, but just because this will continue as long as we don't have an open and serious discussion on the issue, we're not just shouting so that we can be heard. and that everyone takes our side or our position. we just want an open debate and the debate currently does not exist. so there's just the about the legend care. everyone is starting to see that there are universities that have been blocked because there's a genocide going on. so yes, it is important to do this. it is being done in the right way, but i hope that it really both and that it can be done in several different countries. and then one day we will reach the stage, which will block all universities. and then we could really support palestine or protests and support a ton of stains also held in it's in bologna and the lat. thursday's the
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restrictions for each side of the celebrations, not in the countries liberation from fascism and 1945. what on the ground and gaza palestinian officials have been presenting evidence, they say proves these very minute tree car without torture and summary executions and con eunice, the evidence comes from some of the bodies recovered from mass grades of nicer. and i was chief, a hospital comp pounds. now the 400 bought this haven't even seen. all right. assume the quotes from rafa and southern goza. this mother's creams evidence the moments before, as sounds body was pulled from a mass grave. then also hospital come down in con eunice to come home with them. how you from gauze of civil defense as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies, the fount i'm to, um, support them like that of how the affairs,
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a young girl discovered with her legs amputated with a novice. we found the body of it for number of children. we have the question is why do we have children and must graves child patient this tone in his crops? a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's dr. munoz teams have caused it. forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to to see about that you to know again, if not somebody still had the can you law on them, which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment in the most hospital dental it is, i believe it also has approximately 10 bodies of a phone, but their hands tied. i mean each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried alive by so they are asking for an independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the
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military dismiss accusations its forces buried bodies before the winter to come to compound. as baseless isabel, troops have pulled out of goes to main hospitals. in recent weeks, civil defense crews lights had dug up doses of corpses from 2 mass graves and the she felt medical center in gauze of 6 a while at least 392 buddies wed discovered in 3 different sites on the grounds of another hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. lunging if somebody is in constant english the by god, i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here in search since the day he went missing. and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me, is he alive or was he taking by the is read news or anything? now the u. s. is joining quotes from that, you're on the you and demanding an explanation from israel cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing goals of civil defense has asked for an independent investigation,
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connects the delegation, specializing forensic analysis. since most of the goal is this facilities have been destroyed, they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during, as well as raging loss or hospital. i'm to give the families of those being killed . the answers they were looking for. target cup as the out just the euro roof on palestine indoctrination and says it's important to to preserve forensic evidence when investigating mass graves in gaza. us off the gauze is civil defense, coal for independence, investigation into what happened, but not the hospitality con eunice houses. there is christian, silly me, was that the you end with this defendant to try the spokesman for the you and the secretary general and asked him about what comes next? what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go? for this, what would you, what would you advise on? i think it is important, or excuse me,
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the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how that will take place. it's unclear at this time, there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that shit parts of the organization, do you think can be of how well, i mean, there's definitely investigative traffic to those very right there. there, legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an inventor national investigation that has yet to happen in the meantime. it's important at all forensic evidence be well preserved. meanwhile, as well as war cabinets has been holding meetings to discuss the minute trees next moves and goes to the wealth food programs director in the gaza strip as well. and that's a full nitrous sold on rafa would kill tens of thousands of people. we have really
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concerns about any kind of in cushion interest for the to displace hundreds of thousands of people i've just driven through uh con eunice to get here um from one side of the gaza strip to the other and seen the level of destruction across the us on eunice, if that happens, roughly tens of thousands of people will die. if that happens in rafa. hundreds of thousands of people who displaced again more misery, more needs that we will need to have to try and resolve and meet it. is where the forces have arrested street testing in children that the child a zone refugee camp, which is no. so for him not occupied westbank, the children ranging from 10 to 13 years old, were arrested. and there was school run by the un is very, but a tree can be seen forcing that showed into both ministry vehicles elsewhere and
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occupied westbank. a funeral has been held for testing. and teenager who was killed buys very forces mona's car at the body of 16 year old. how that sort of man i route through the streets of janine he was shot in the chest or on his reading rate in the amount of really $500.00 pedestal news had been killed in the occupied westbank since the war and gossip began. that's what it had on the al jazeera, united nations lose. one of its peacekeeping faces in eastern democratic republic, a combat the, the hello. we have something of a multi day severe weather outbreak across the us setting across the central place
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. lots of plowed showing up here, big scattering of showers. couple of areas of low pressure rolling off the rockies fading across the plains, bringing some widespread showers, thundered down pools, gusty winds, law child bullshit, bang. we're looking to get to some very damaging conditions. severe storms over the next couple of days, whether the over to was the central northern plains easing up towards the midwest, chicago 14 degrees celsius on friday, solely wayne's will lift that temperature to around $24.00. and he made a handful sas stay ahead of that. just a loss you drive just around the eastern seaboard. well, winter weather united is coming back in across the rockies, up towards the pacific northwest with western parts of canada as well and noticed some lively showers just for a once again. because a good console, texas lobby showers, lingering to just around his spine, the honest been pretty wet. yeah. over the past few days it stays pretty wet as we go through the next few days. actually the way to weather coming down to was nicaragua, costa rica see one or 2 showers into jamaica,
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southern positive cuba for time as well. but allows you find try and sunny for the eastern islands. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on red crescent, and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back reminder of our main stories. now, students and faculty members from universities across the united states are continuing to protest. the support of kind of stock trust is cuts, financial advisor, as well on divest from companies they say in naples of oregon's palestinian officials have been presenting evidence. they say proves these very minute treat car without torch, summary, executions and comeliness. it comes from some of the parties are conflict from master grades and shape almost with compounds. any $400.00 is what a forces have arrested 3 palestinian children advertising refugee camp an occupied westbank children ranging from 10 to 13 years old or rested in their school run. by
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the way, it's already been a trick. i've seen forcing the children to board a miniature vehicles for a pot of students who work to facilitate a to the police have been killed. one is very striking. garza eric of assume has moved out from rafa. i think is very military, had targeted a groups, palestinians who were responsible in securing a d, a deliveries to the northern parts of gauze. the 8 of them have been killed them. they have been transferred to the are of hospital to be provided later for burial. but yet, the tech has been carried out in a tell in how a neighborhood as this is not the 1st attack from its kind that has been targeting a people who are securing 8 supplies in light of the ongoing repeated attacks on the police vehicles, palestinians in the northern part of gauze was started to organize local committees that are consisting of young men who are, will be responsible for delivering and securing a deliveries to the know the positive cause
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a just to guarantee that there was going to be no further state of k years after the repeated attacks against a policeman, bestbuy, yet the whose people have been attacked without any private warning. as we have been recording said, of military strikes, not only on 8, see cuz of the same time on a walk is and people often who are responsible for securing starts age to reach to the white house of intractable organizations in order to be late distributed to hundreds of thousands of palestinian families in the northern part of 2 or 3, where the vast majority of population have been cut off from receiving the much needed humanitarian supplies in the course of the past few months. hey, t has sworn in a transitional, a governing council after months of gang violence, harmony was meant to take place that the presidential palace. but it was moved to the outskirts of the capital of porn. the prince of the police were unable to gain
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control of the area around the compound. criminal gains control around 80 percent of the c. c ounces. here's my role that raffle though, has more not from mexico city, the latest images that we're seeing out of port a print suggest that there is still a large security force presence outside on the streets and for the prints. we recently spoke to our contact there on the ground, who said that earlier in the day there was active shooting, gang members shooting in the direction of the national policy. also suggested that there are casualties were working right now to try to independently verify how many people may have been killed in that finding. that took place in the early hours of thursday as this transitional counsel and haiti was being sworn in. now there is a lot riding on the backs of his transitional counsel, not least of which is regaining control over the situation. in haiti, a worsening spiral of violence that's really gripped the country over the course of the last few months. one of the 1st orders of business was naming an interim prime minister. now that the former prime minister arial henri,
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who had announced that he was going to resign a month ago, has step down to make way for new leadership. that new interim pregnant minister is michelle petrik bought their blood, where is a former finance minister for a former prime minister aria laundry. the focus right now is regaining control over the security situation in haiti. this is not an easy task for this transitional counsel who, which we should mentioned. it's been over a month at this point. since caribbean and latin american leaders had met to discuss the creation, the formation of this transitional counsel were only now seem to be sworn in. so it's not only about this council swearing and a new and from prime minister and, and regaining control over the situation. when it comes to security, the transitional counsel is also task with reading the country for national elections, essentially establishing a new legislative assembly and effectively rebuilding the countries judicial institutions. so again, not an easy task,
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especially considering this dire security situation playing out in haiti to you and has closed one of his peace keeping bases an eastern democratic republic of congo. the because of the he's in the south. the keys of the province was handed to the government forces on the 1st day, the congolese government off to you and troops to leave last year, accusing them of failing to protect civilians. an icon a report from because it's an eastern deal, so the lights have nothing to me so long as one is going to do. my husband was one of his men and mutari busy the progress of out of keeping by handling more about the pros over these a couple of busiest part of the middle school nissan for exit by the end of this year, following a demand by the company as government which caused it to be something effective for failing to come by them to groups, amenities them $2300.00 refused to renew it's monday. the primary responsibility
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for protection of civilian life. we use the government of d, f. c. and this is where they have to do in terms of the mending that the safety and security is taken care of by those who will have to fight. and we, we supposed to be the one that spoke on monday night and it to go see it end up going beyond if the peacekeepers are leaving it is not a problem because we are confident with our soldiers come up and we believe they will do a good job of securing our population. we need the government to bring investors, not phone soldiers to the country, studying unit after the 12 is associated, someone is going to start with the types from the north cable, and it totally doesn't work on these. got it. and the 1st thing, one of the activity movements of them $23.00 of 2 is by the government will be blocked by the governmental for wanda. and you've got the ever rebels also which stand killed a civilian icon on the democratic republic
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of cool. now the well famous italian city of bennett says, trying a new scheme to reduce overcrowding. it's charging $5.00 for tourists visiting on busy days, but it says it's on a gig, a reports, not everyone is happy. it's a well famous oven one to build on a lagoon and a city desperate to stay afloat under the pressure of mass tourism. venice has long welcomed the flood of visitors that comes to its shows, but the passage of time and the crowds have taken the tow in a bit to control the damage to this unesco wells heritage sites. the solution in the form of an entrance be a little more than $5.00 to stem. the tide of tourists system is very important because uh we are finding a new balance between the residents of the community and the dates. we 1st, anyone wanting to pay a visit to the floating city on such and busy days will need to download


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