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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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sites with confidence the . ready student protests spread across the us universities. they denounced a war on gaza, cool for times to be taught with israel, and it supports us more than $550.00 students have been arrested so far. the other ones are in jordan, this is out just here a life. and so also coming up more mass graves discovered in john's as palestinian officials present. what they say is evidence of is really crimes against humanity. but you are a subject states in china is 4 minutes to meet to patch operations, but amazing insists washington is suppressing is development or india's mamma election goes into it. second, the site is nearly
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a 1000000000 people are eligible to the students and faculty members from universities across the united states, continuing to protest in support of palestine that demanding the universities caught financial times with israel and divest from companies they say enabled the war on gaza when a deadline for students at columbia university, new york to leave their incumbent, has come and gone in the last hour. universities president told students in an e mail, the tools are making progress, and that room is the police coming to campus. a falls on 100 reports from new york . the stand off universities across the united states has forced a national confrontation over us policy on israel, and it's war on guns that the national divide is reflected at. the epicenter of the protest movement on new york, columbia university campus is really flags and palestinian flags,
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marketing the conflict, half a world away demonstrators. they just spike hundreds of arrests here and across the country. and the universities calls for them to leave. they will remain in their encampment. they are demanding the university divest from investments with ties to israel, palm beach for ongoing. so we are calling the park columbia university since i best disclose it if provide in this be for all students and faculty disappointing in the movement for palestinian liberation. those are central demands. and until those on that we will not be going any way. we will continue to approach as muslim american congresswoman, johan omar, voice to her support for the demonstrators inside the or encampment on thursday. i mean, young people have always pushed our government to do better, whether it was through the civil rights movements and whether it's been to end the
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vietnam war. i. and i think that they are on the right side of, of history and pushing our country to not stay complacent in the genocide that's taking place. and also to see if new is really flags. silently appeared this week, meters from the student zone of occupation. that is drawn, the eyes of the world were alone, calendar protest or condemned the demonstration to stop the store does not have to pay the price. i do, i see that this as the story, the approaches to intent encampments have spread from coast to coast from new york to suburban, chicago's northwestern university, to harvard and cambridge, massachusetts to the university of new mexico and dozens of campuses in
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between. students at columbia university have started a national conversation, whatever happens here, or at other campuses, those protests can get shut down in one place. but that conversation is spread the campuses across the us and they say there's no stopping there. as the clock ticks down to the final weeks of classes, universities across the us are deciding whether to hold graduation ceremonies, punctuated by and camp protesters, calls for justice john henry l. jersey or new york. or i know and so sure. george washington university in the center of washington d. c. the professors have been here for hours. the deadline set by the authorities of the university to clear the courtyard for people to leave has come and gone. and the numbers have been fairly consistent for several hours. the people here are very
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clear that they want the best day to start divesting of any interest that has then these really linked companies to make sure that that investments are open and public. and those who are protesting here face new rep, akash, it's the protest. there's have been calling for change and the and says that they will stay here even with the threat, a police action even with the threat of arrest until the demands are met. all the fisher, i'll just see the washington students and the faculties across america coating for divestment from israel. so let's take a look at what that actually means. well, universities and colleges have and diamond funds to finance research and scholarships. this money is invested in private equity and hedge funds, protest as on demanding the universe to stop investing this money in companies, the profit from israel as well, like um, manufacturer, lockheed martin or tech jobs amazon. google. we have contracts with is right. well, some of the action held across the us several decades ago was said to have help.
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and apartheid in south africa cools for divestment from israel. had been voiced in the past and 2009 a hampshire college divested from and is really related fund. but denied it was due to a boy called pressure of the demons to divest from his railroad direct new york university students. according to the close of a campus in tennessee saying it's discriminatory. i'll just say it was honda. joe cast a report from university of texas in austin, on the thames clashes between police and student protesters. wednesday, have transformed into this peaceful gathering which protest or say is in itself an act of defiance. police earlier arrested $56.00 demonstrators and one journalist that prompted still more protesters to come out on thursday. and they were joined by many university professors. they're demanding that you t austin, divest from weapons manufacturers and from companies that benefit is real. and now they're also demanding the resignation of the universities. president j. hartzell,
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who had ordered that the police cracked down on the protest. meanwhile, the texas governor of greg cabot, a republican who strongly supports israel, has taken credit for the plainest texas state police and says he'll send in the military next. the student protesters did not accusations of anti semitism and say they're here to speak out against the killing of palestinians in gaza and against the use of their tuition money to fund that efforts. to jo castro alger 0 austin, texas. what protests on gaining ground on campuses and other parts of the world in australia, protest as also set up tents of the university of sydney. students from other universities had been coming back to show their support. they've been chomping slogans similar to those voice in the us like, cool. so divesting from is radio link company as well to join live not by alex thomas. he's in sydney for us now. alex, so just bring us up to date them with what's been happening. the student protests that the hi, darren,
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we're at the university of sydney. yeah. in the center of town. and it's the oldest university here in australia and across, oh, she on and maybe $70000.00 students. love to have that higher education here. but only probably a couple of 100 to enough into very sort of peaceful, orderly, australian snapshot of these global pro palestinian student movements. and they was a riley to, to be held here a little bit earlier. but that was put on hold because of an unrelated buttons, right, which pulled out the police and not for the radi for the protests. but for this phone, for the seems to come to nothing. the police are still head of what needed as the students held them, all chopping down campus as you've been just a little bit earlier, repeating some of the slogans we seen in the usa and also saying shame, shame out. but now you see in relation to the australia employment as the ends of the album easy, but certainly some on ease, really yet the straightening government's policy towards the israel and gaza. and
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maybe suggestion that they haven't been strong enough in condemning the violence and the depths that so. 2 the students here, like all those that we've seen across the globe have setup. it's a tentative village tends because he bows and they've been here for 3 days now and say they're gonna stay here until they get fund commitment from the university that they all gonna cut ties with. is really institution sound. yeah. and alex, what's, what's been the reaction then from the university and even further afield, and it's been very laid back. yeah. i mean, maybe some reflections, australian media culture, the news is very localized. the country is a whole still getting a too big starting incidence that was there, posted on here, were now to say right. and we some weeks. so hasn't made headline news, but that has certainly been some coverage of its uh, the university itself quite laid back. uh they nice, they're based on initial statement when a temp winds up saying that they welcome a wide range of opinions and as long as the rest of it is respectful and is no hate
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speech, they have these things to continue. i did to austin directly about the links with is really institutions, typically, universities. i got this response. they said we remain open to and encourage links with countries all over the world. we would only consider placing restrictions on all stop engaging and collaborations with colleagues overseas. if the proposed activity was assessed as potentially unlawful. so at the moment doesn't seem at the universe, he's willing to balance a student, the mom's. but is that any stand off? it's certainly a little piece of do some of the things we saying elsewhere. all right to alex thomas, life for us, the incident alex, thank you you know, on the ground and gaza palestinian officials have been presenting evidence base a prove these really minute, tre, canada torture. i'm summary executions in hon. eunice. the evidence comes from some of the bodies exhibit from mass graves. at the all nessa, i'll ship a hospital compounds, maybe 400 body has had been recovered so far. all right. assume it for some rough and southern because this month is creams evidence
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the moments before as sounds body was pulled from the mass graves, the north or hospital come down in con eunice. they took them home with them. how young from gauze of civil defense as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies, the fount i'm to, um, support them. like that of how the affairs, a young girl discovered with her legs amputated with a novice, we found the body of it for number of children. we have the question is why do we have children and must graves child patient is told in his crops a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's dr. munoz teams have got that forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to to see about that you to get it
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over again. it's not somebody still had the can you law on them which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment and then also hospital canceled. it is, i believe, and also ahead of approximately 10 bodies were found with their hands tied. i mean each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people who we think might have been buried alive. so they are asking for an independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the military dismiss accusations its forces buried bodies before the winter to the compound. as baseless isabel, troops have pulled out of gauze to main hospitals. in recent weeks, civil defense crews lights had dug up doses of corpses from 2 mass graves and does she felt medical center in kansas city, while at least 392 buddies wed discovered in 3 different sites on the grounds of nicer hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. lunging if somebody is in constant english, the by god,
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i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here and search since the day he went missing. and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me, is he alive or was he taken by these readings or anything? now the u. s. is joining quotes from the union on the you and demanding an explanation from israel. cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing goal is a civil defense has asked for an independent investigation committee and then a gauge and specializing forensic analysis. since most of gone was those facilities have been destroyed. they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during is better rates than us or hospital. i'm to give the families of those being killed. the answer is they're looking for tari cup as the how does the rough rough, how this time? well, the united nations says it's important to preserve forensic evidence when investigating mass graves in gaza. soft guns and civil defense. cool for an
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independent investigation into what happened in the hospital and con eunice, i'll just say it was christine salumi was up to you and with stuff on the generic. the spokesman for the you and 2nd, a general announced about what comes next. what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would you advise on? i think it is important or excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how that will take place. it's unclear at this time. there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that. oh, shit, parts of the organization. do you think can be of how well, i mean there's, there's only investigate traffic and we've those very right there, there,
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legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an inventor national investigation that has yet to happen. in the meantime, it's important at all forensic evidence of the well preserved software. so frank here and i'll just say right, when we come back in the shadow of the guidelines. hate to governing council says the price of future for their country and why the united nations as close one of its peace keeping faces an eastern democratic republic of congo. more enough to stay with us, the hello. i would like you mostly. i was pushing across iran head towards i've done a style northern positive focused on the coast by the flooding as we go through the next couple of days. there's a good deal quieter across the right in financial a few shala's just around that western side of saudi arabia. they've become
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a little more widespread as we go through satch day one or 2 shows to up towards the black sea. we had a few showers for the the cost of wednesday night coming on into with the state just around that eastern side of the mad. it's broken the hating gaza. 24 celsius here over the next couple of days. it should stay allows the dry smell. if you try to across the northern parts of africa was one or 2 shelves just around the world in areas of algae area into tennis. yeah. that's now pushing back for the south, so it's clearing away from that eastern side of the mediterranean. that's still send me a possibility just around with the hall, right. as per usual, discussing the shows across the west africa, now they're tending to drift by the northwest as the seasonal range should do. mind to the seasonal rise, not quite as widespread across central positive africa as they should be. the heavier down polls will continue in 2 times in a good part of can you're seeing more heavy showers just around the slot. hit pos. i'm not whether pushing further north
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the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have to say and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government? from time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we, the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, [000:00:00;00] the, the,
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the welcome back to watching out. just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this, our palestinian officials have been presenting evidence base sites, prove these really minute treat canada torture on some of the executions in hong eunice and guns that evidence come from. some of the bodies recovered from mass graves of the on us the and i'll ship a hospital compounds maybe 400 bodies, so far exceeds students and faculty members. some universities across the united states are continuing to protest and support and kind of started that bonding that universities caught financial ties with israel and divest from companies they say unable to 1000. now the demonstrations of the latest, in a tradition of student protest dating back decades, reynolds has to be historical context. the term will allow convulsing college campuses around the country as part of the long history of
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campus protest dating back to the free speech movement demonstrations at the university of california berkeley. in 1964 and the mass of nationwide student protests against the war in vietnam during the sixties and seventies. just like in the present day, those protests raised profound questions about freedom of speech and the role of the university. the critical mission of universities is to advance knowledge and explore ideas. universities can't do their jobs. they can't be sanctuaries for that kind of austin to this of an controversial speech. over the decades, politicians and college administrators have often cracked down harshly on free speech. in 1970, i mean, campus outrage over president richard nixon is invasion of cambodia. suppression turned into lethal violence. the ohio national guard shot dead for students at kent state. their killings shocked the nation. the advocates for campus free speech. so
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universities cannot band expressions simply because some students, the alumni and wealthy donors don't like the message waving your pro palestinian flags are shouting, chance like from the river to the sea. palestine will be free or chance like intifada on their own political speech and the college and universities that are public universities bound by the 1st amendment cannot punish students simply for doing that. jewish students at several colleges have complained that the pro palestine demonstrations frightening them and make them feel unsafe. but experts say those claims aren't reason enough to smother free speech. the alleged harassment needs to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies the targeted student a right to an education. that's a very high bar. and justifiably, so, despite mass arrests, the campus protest movement is not subsiding, but spreading rapidly,
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broke recent us history. student protests have faced the opposition and even suppression. but in the end, many of them have changed american culture and policy. and that may be the case with these protests as well, rob reynolds out to xerox los angeles, to india now where the 2nd of the 2nd phase general election is taking place across the 13 states, maybe a 1000000000 people are eligible to cost balance during the 6 weeks of voting, which started last friday. the issue of citizenship is critical in constituencies going to the polls and the northeastern state of asylum. the b j. p government has passed a controversial know based on religion. so the government's failed to give that these as to i'll just say it was correspondence to report on the story that will with covering the election from outside the country when they consume sharif reports for more than a decade. now,
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lots come on monday that has been fighting to prove he's an engine citizen. the daily bridge worker was declared to 4 by 5 units in india is northeastern state of for some in 2016. since then. he's been 4 years in detention and his country on bail mundell and since he was born in the states and he's not an undocumented immigrant tablets with a woman, not a problem with that. we've heard there was something called the citizen amendment act, which is supposed to help us, but i don't understand what the c a is. one thing is certain i was born and a some my father and grandfather have documents here. monday is among nearly 2000000 people in the some who are being excluded from a natural registrar of citizens updated in 2019 the b j b says he can get an indian citizenship to a recent fee and that's a controversial know that sets of religion as
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a criterion the citizenship amendment lo, we'll see, provides a fast track to naturalization for seeks policies in those james, buddhist and christians who fled have gone to some from the base and focused on this for 2014. but it excludes muslims from these countries, citizenship and this is a contribution issue, as it seems, rates of migrations, of both hindus and muslims. it's now dividing voltage on it's nice and religious grounds. as far as the minority muslim community is concerned, it's a new that if they have been creating a narrative. and dave, is this that day on not part of the indigenous culture. it is good and a lot of police fuller, i zation when you to see it from the perspective of electronic dynamics, how much more than full use of to the bills of approval in parliament. the
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government has implemented just ahead of this is general election. the prime minister moving to body is seeking the system. the passage of the low let to violent protest in 2019 with critics saying it on the mind india, secular identity. most of them. so a lot of the low combined with the proposed citizenship registry could be used to talk with them. do you think any was good? we have echoes of being in a country where the stream is the measure to felix barcas on like of gun and stuff like burnwell this. i don't think so. the answer is very clear. he knows my they have some really just actress. ideas mostly, but certain, most the minorities, within most the majority nations face persecution, to especially a neighboring country is like a find a son and pockets phone. but they won't be able to apply for citizenship. and now many fear india state. this is a secure list,
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aid will be put to test under this low on the consumption leave on to see the the secretary of state and to me blink. and has met the chinese foreign minister. why he in beijing, the visits seen as an attempt to stabilize relations between the 2 superpowers. us trade restrictions on china as well as military rivalry around the south china sea and taiwan. about added to the tension which is 0 is katrina, you were thoughts. i'm a chinese company. we're trying to really hold sides lincoln visit. we'll inject some positivity into us trying to tie as the once a return of what it refers to as to san francisco vision with president star by the end and see just being met last year and in the us and agreed to stabilize this very important relationship but when you was that there are increasing negative factors that threatened to trigger a downward spiral in the ties, he said that agent legitimate, right? so being reason please press part of us on a number of front and that the us is a desire to put things back on track this in service either is being tested. but i
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think if you look at the language from either side, really, the difficulty is underscore, the high difference of 2 sides seem to be approaching this gap was used by badging, such as should future when, when, when it comes to this relationship. but on the other side from washington, this is clearly a rivalry, and they talk about managing competition and ahead of the us presidential elections in november. there is certainly no appetite for caring sauce. and one of the issues that blinking will raise or has raise during his trip is ukraine. the us as a curious china of what it says is supporting rushes defense. industrial base fire supplied me from the technology to aid in rushes in the price of aging denies the saying that his relationship with brush has nothing to do with the war. and also badging has sir, nor advertise, or no willingness at all to pull back from what it's called a rump. so look, relationship with most of hey, t has sworn in a transitional government council after months of gun violence,
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which forced prime minister ariel already to resign. the ceremony was held at the prime minister's office rather than the presidential palace, as the police failed to gain control to the area around the compound. obviously it was money roughly in haiti's capital poor to print a ceremony to swear in a new transitional presidential council was interrupted by the sounds of heavy gunfire on thursday, cause the members of the new council bowed to reign in the gang related violence that's pushed the country to the brink of social collapse and recent months. in the face of this unprecedented crisis, the entire population has recognized the urgency and necessity of taking a firm grip on the situation. to pull our country out of the spiral of despair and destruction. outside the walls of the ceremony, gang members, armed with automatic weapons,
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exchanged gunfire with police on criminals, roaming the streets freely off. in overpowering the police is a scene that's become all too common in the city. at least 2 people were killed during the fighting on thursday. this woman says her son was caught in the crossfire and till she adds that there are no safe places left in the country. when yeah, she was sent in water. she says the police here in here to run to the water when she will show it to him, to lack the police held him many times in his stomach and that i didn't know what to do to deserve this in the area where he grew up. everyone knew he was not a member of funding. gang international observers have applauded the successful swearing in of the transitional council. so i'm calling you to turning point for a crisis that is left more than 2500 people dead since the start of the year. one of the for as the waters of business of hades,
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new transitional council was the name of the interim prime minister michelle patrick. while they're a former finance minister who is taking the place of prime minister arial henri, who formalized his resignation. earlier in the day the general incense should be at the center of all consents and public decision and advisable competitor as to what, what strength name and consolidation. what has been achieved to contribute to the recovery. i thought beloved hatred though haitian gang leaders of promise to the rail, the efforts of the new transitional body council members say plans are in motion for the deployment of an international security force led by the government of kenya to help restore law and order in haiti. mind was it up a little alger 0. now indigenous people in brazil will continue to march to demand recognition of the land the annual gathering and the capital presently, a known as the free land campus. now into its full day,
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they run it outside congress to demand that the government of president lewis and ask a little bit of silver keep its promises and do more to protect that territories from legal binding deforestation. you know, all the indigenous jamante people in brazil, 6 members detained 12 people on tuesday for allegedly mining and legally on that territory. in the amazon. they handed them over to police. they say the mine has contaminate the water with mercury. the indigenous group of the amazon's largest and live in relative isolation. united nation invest code was one of its peacekeeping bases an eastern democratic republic of congo, the boot copy base and south keeper. the province was handed to government forces on thursday. companies. government asked you and troops to leave last year or choosing them of feigning to protect civilians. all 13500 of peacekeepers are


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