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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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or the student, how it has to grow like universities across the us denouncing the war on garza and cooling for ties to be cox with israel is just such a bother as far as with students. so say doing a c t in the state to go for an in to the one, the hello, i'm r m i z. this is al jazeera life from dell will. so coming up on the program, it's important at all forensic evidence the woofers view and wants evidence from the mass graves and gods that should be protected off the palestinian officials say
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they have proof that people with tortured and executed phase 2 of india's election gets under way nearly a 1000000000 people eligible to cost pallets in the next 5 weeks, the students across the united states are continuing to demand an end to the war on gaza. the sits in protests began at columbia university in new york, where late thursday night faculty back down of to having issued a midnight deadline for students to disperse protest as a demanding their institutions comp ties with companies that have links to israel shown hendern begins l coverage from york the stand off universities across the united states is forced a national confrontation over us policy on israel and its war on guns that the national divide is reflected at the epicenter of the protest movement on new york,
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columbia university campus is really flags and palestinian flags marketing the conflict, half a world away. demonstrators say despite hundreds of arrests here and across the country, and the university's calls for them to leave, they will remain in their encampment. they are demanding the university divest from investments with ties to israel, palm beach for ongoing. we are calling the park columbia university. since i best this closed it is provide m s b for all students and faculty disappointing in the movement for palestinian liberation. and those are central demands and until those on that we will not be going any way. we will continue to approach as muslim american congresswoman, johan omar, voice to her support for the demonstrators inside the or encampment on thursday. i mean, young people have always pushed our government to do better, whether it was through the civil rights movements and whether it's been to end the
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vietnam war. i. and i think that they are on the right side of, of history and pushing our country to not stay complacent in the genocide that's taking place. and also a sea of new is really flags silently appeared this week, meters from the student zone of occupation. that is drawn, the eyes of the world were alone, calendar protest or condemned the demonstration to stop the store does not have to pay the price. i do, i see this as the story, the protest intent encampments have spread from coast to coast from new york to suburban, chicago's north western university, to harvard and cambridge, massachusetts to the university of new mexico and dozens of campuses in
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between. students at columbia university have started a national conversation, whatever happens here, or at other campuses, those protests can get shut down in one place. but that conversation is spread. the campus is across the us and they say there's no stopping there. as the clock ticks down to the final weeks of classes, universities across the us are deciding whether to hold graduation ceremonies punctuated biking camp. protesters calls for justice john henry l. jersey or new york, the island. so sure. george washington university in the center of washington. d. c, the professors have been here for hours. the deadline set by the authorities of the university to clear the courtyard for people to leave has come and gone. and the numbers have been fairly consistent for several hours. the people here are very
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clear that they want the best day to start divesting of any interest that has then these really linked companies to make sure that that investments are open and public. and those who are protesting here face new rep, akasha, the protectors have been calling for change and the incest that they will stay here . even with the threat, a police action, even with the threat of arrest until the demands are met. all and for sure, i'll just do the washington, the police and the city of atlanta or of arrested or at least 17 students at emory university. dozens of students setup tens on the campus on thursday morning in support of palestinians. a police dismantled the cam, saying the students, what trespassing, at least one faculty member was among those arrested rules as being sold to darcy raleigh sprayed around well outside of the u. s. and the french capital. for example, students that broke the entrance of the sounds po university,
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sasha butler joins us live now from paris. tell us about the protests unfolding why you are you seen a demonstration inside the building for eventually sharing some authority with the people the i'm going to now one of those little bit more about the mom and why they can say feed is doing what you say for your students, you tell us about why you're here. i'm okay now we're here. we have been here since october. we have 3 major demands. so the administration, one thing to know that our school is a leading school when it comes to political sciences. when it comes to international relation and international. so it is important for us regarding what
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is happening right now in palestine to speak up. we have 3 to minutes to our university. the 1st one is that we want to organize a don't hold. we need the administration to have an active discussion with the whole student body. the 2nd demand that we have is for the university to cut ties for this university to cut ties a with the is rarely universities that it has a partnership with a. this is what the university actually did with russia a couple of years ago when we're shot invited ukraine. the 3rd demand that we have is that all investigation that are on a student's pro, policing, and active a students are canceled. one of the issues that some of the students, those have been talking about is the way the police and all sorts ease of responded to any pro palestinian protests. we see some student protests being played by police. do you feel the voices that have pro palestinian all being silenced? i mean, clearly, that's exactly how we feel. first, we feel silence because we are not heard by the administration. we have been demanding what i'm telling you since october now, plus,
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we have been under several threats every time we were organizing and events, some of the events were shut down, like there's a real global not only in small school, but worldwide and burn france quite barely to start the process. now we've reached another step with the police coming into our campus during the wednesday, the facing to take is out of the company. this is the next assignment. and how long do you see this particular movement going on? could be seen in the us it's, it's been getting on for awhile now. are you expecting the same sort of thing and phones, these purchase scripts for now we're thinking in a short term strategy, not in their long term strategy because we are occupying right now. but we know that we will stop occupying if the administration answers to our demands, if the administration talks to us and say that they're agree to what we ask them, then we will not block. we just want this dimension to be heard. so for now, we're still expecting meetings with the administration and see how we're going to sort this out. right. so see,
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thank you very much. indeed. one of the students protesting he has you heard. so he said that they've raised issues and demons around the world. also since october, for some of these protests that we're seeing and decisions have been happening just in the last few days. and they all hoping that the moms are going to be met. but for the time being, what you're saying is people in the street students in the building. and so now that's a style made if you like, by to you. thanks. natasha butler, bring us old racism, sans co, university and powers where a students mobilizing their in a pro palestine demonstration, as well as in protest happening in australia, demonstrations, the setting up tens that the university of sydney. we also saw students from other universities. they've been going that to show that support they've been shunting slogan similar to those voice in the us like goals for divesting from is radio link to companies. alex thomas is at the university of sydney for more on net. what's happening that in a slightly more civilized pace for australian size,
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a snapshot really of the of the process we seen elsewhere in the world. as i speak, probably a few dozen students in tens have settling down for that full nights, a protest to the university of sydney. all the colorful times. you can see behind me the flags, the signs, the banners, slogans, workmen, tools across the tom. i can start contrast to the historic buildings here at australia is oldest university going back more than a 170 years, although it is small and hasn't been going a long time. uh, organizes hey, it's telling me there is a lot of grounds will of opinion in the favor that was a much early room was not sanctioned by the university. maybe a 100 to 200 students challenging slogans. as you mentioned, similar to those we've heard elsewhere, crossing campus, getting to the main road, briefly, occupying that main road in stopping traffic before returning here. but really they
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say they're in it for the long hold and the university for now. i told her i see it, but as for the ultimate goal of students here, who wants the university to couple size with this, right, the establishment. i put that question to the university. they didn't address any financial backing from israel directly, but they told about academic collaboration saying this, we remain open to and encourage links with countries all over the world. we will only consider placing restrictions on aust, off engaging and collaborations with colleagues overseas. if the proposed activity was assessed as potentially unlawful, a tiny is a gaza. now what, how does need officials have been presenting evidence? they say prove these writing military count out torture and summary executions in hong eunice. united nation says it's important to preserve forensic evidence when investigating the mass graves found in gaza, palestinian officials of coal for an independent investigation into what happened
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at an officer hospital. i was just there as chris incidentally spoke to the spokesman of the inspector general stuff under jerrick and asked him about what comes next. what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would you advise on? i think it is important, or excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how that will take place. it's unclear at this time, there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that. which parts of the organization do you think can be of how well, i mean there's, there's only investigate traffic and we'll get those very right there. there, legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an international investigation that has yet to happen in the meantime,
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it's important at all forensic evidence be well preserved. belgium has some of these ready on boss that are off to an aide. work on his child with kills, buys riley forces and rough uh the pond and his 7 year old son were killed in a house sheltering for displaced. he works for belgium's development agency, for minister said beginning was unacceptable and is demanding an explanation. move in 208 workers have been killed and by israel since the wrong cause have begun. so the un agencies of palestinian refugee is unreal as says that diseases could spread quickly among the despised population of gaza. as temperatures start to rise, they all saying the shortages of water and the warming temperatures could lead to a health catastrophe. and the strip is issuing another appeal for the safe access of humanitarian aid to the area. well,
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honey mountain road joins us now from rossa in southern gaza. and so there is this very important warning about the sprite of disease and infection, but conditions already. it's so difficult and catastrophic industry. it's all we already seeing signs of a public health crisis. yes, absolutely. and already happen to during winter time, the cold weather and the flood that took place in certain areas, but the glory evacuations on work. if loved was more often happening, caused the spread of diseases and the contamination as people are, are crowded in very, very small spaces and evacuations on and also in residential homes. the are, are pretty much it providing a very uh, if the strong environment for the spread of not only it diseases that can be contained. but also infectious disease are going from one place to another. but
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also we have the destruction of waste management installations by this incense bombing campaign and the destruction also of medical the ways disposal centers across the gaza strip just restricts the, the process of collecting and, and this, the collecting of medical waste disposal and other ways to particularly solid ways, there are reports confirming close to 300000 tons of, of solid waste across the government is equally bad weather and in winter time or right now as the, the weather is getting a little bit warmer and each passing the, the past due to were very, very unusually hot and, and over crowded robust city were reports of the spread of that of a strong odor of the solid waste and in the roads. then all the, the rubble filled rose and particularly very close to that question centers widen the road the close to hospitals that have lived through the spirit of infectious diseases. their case is documented by the health ministry as well as the w and show of the spirit of habit type of say,
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and other contaminants and other infectious diseases. particularly among children and women. the most vulnerable groove in this war happened to be a from women and its children who are in constant need of medical attention and proper medical attention. but so far, given the, the situations and the lack of medical supplies and the inability of the medical staff to, to intervene and provide a life saving support a live saving intervention. the stipulation are increasingly becoming very difficult and risky right now. as the weather, temperature is a changing in the meantime, population that continuing to face as strikes, tell us about what's been happening and rough of a night. yeah. well the destruction of waste management installation are the, the direct byproduct of the ongoing, intense bombing campaign. because we're seeing when a residential, a block or residential layer being targeted and destroyed, it just causing great deal of damage to the surrounding area,
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including public facilities, high she, high's deans infrastructure, and it's grid. this multi layer of problems and misery that's been going on for the past 6 months. but, and the top of that we, we look at it will work as being the target, not this time of overnight attack. we're 18 worker 1000000000 development agency. and his son, a 7 year old son, were killed in inside a residential home. they were filtering in, but there's and then the past 45 minutes. constant gunfire from the naval forces at the shore of dollars off, directly targeting areas are the loss. evacuations on the wisdom part of a central area. in addition to the confirm report, we're getting off the red cross facility in golf that has been targeted and partially destroyed. with 3 people were killed. people were inside the red cross facility itself, filtering and fog where they've been sheltering inside the facility for the past couple of months. and since these really military keeps hurting people from one place to another, due to the intense bombing campaign,
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honey mountain with thank you so much. meanwhile, and international aid organizations as well as deliberately preventing a ship carrying much needed aid from reach and gauze. the freedom flit telecom solutions as well as created an administrative road blog to stop the vessel from leaving the ports and assemble the ship will now go through further inspection. delaying is planned friday to pot. you the most of that for you on the program. thousands of people are dead. thousands displaced of the heavy rains and floods and on day parts of the canyon, capital the the hello, see the usual showers continuing their requests. a good pa, sofa, se asia last of the heavier rain. still clinging on across indonesia. and we have
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seen some pretty wet weather just around us, y c and southern parts of java as well east java sinks and big down pools. what the weather will 10th and not a little further east, which as we go through sad stay system heavy, a bus to break, sliding out. so fast. sinatra, pushing across into bonia, scattering the showers all the way across into southern parts of the philippines. most of the philippines still see some very warm sunshine, warm sun. so i wanted to show is that to, into indo china wanted to show us into east impossible started, but from out to both is fine and dry, high pressure still very much dominating proceedings around our hi. we'll see if you coastal showers just coming into the northeast of uh you south wells pushing across into east composite of queens and i. but as you can see from most it is looking dry and several, the, some of the pictures that go on into sunday. similar pictures to go on into monday, but by, by them we could see some wet weather down towards the southeast and corner,
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making his way towards the sea island. but for the time being, basically this fine and sunny the devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's and leave the desperation, the living on a freedom is your life in the stock reality of climate change and a rapidly sinking country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and have it tomorrow, and they will have to learn from us. our address here is new series dying of life before land. the
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challenges, era, main stories, students and faculty members from universities across the united states are continuing to protest and support as kind of science, demanding the universities comp, financial ties with israel, and divest from companies they say, enabled a war on casa, since the process began, more than 550 students have been arrested across the country, the french students have blocked the entrance to the sales po. university empowers and solidarity with palestinians are asking that school to clean a condemn israel minutes reactions in concepts and the united nations. as it's important to preserve forensic evidence when investigating mass graves in gaza is off the cause of civil defense presented evidence. they say proves the is rainy ministry carried out torture and summary executions in hong eunice as well.
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israel's government has been advancing ponds for the construction of illegal sacraments in the in occupied east jerusalem since the beginning of the war on gossip these ponds of drawing some criticism from abroad and by palestinians who say the feeling increasingly courted to salute reports from occupied east jerusalem since october, the 7th, israel's government has accelerated the approval of several legal settlement projects in occupied east jerusalem. the 1st approvals in more than a decade. the housing ministry published plans for the construction of thousands of housing units in the palestinian neighborhoods. a bit slow fall far and suitable hit in the southern part of the city. what do you, the only thing to do with this neighborhood is to prevent is like to build on what we have seen as the last it empty land that these villages having like, think about a neighborhood like to buy one of those eventually laptops and they don't have any
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places to expense in the same time, so we must remember if i is not advancing palestinians, and what do you need to do with him? it's a bureaucratic process that could sometimes take up to 10 years for approval, but multiple ministries in the right wing government have given the go ahead during the war ongoing. so active is say the time between the settlements date of authorization and the public announcement was relatively short. something rights groups are calling on president it to see with the legal settlement projects advanced by the israeli government will be right here in the palestinian town a bit so far far, but it's rarely human rights organizations say that building on these lands will harm potential territorial continuity between bethlehem and occupied east jerusalem . making the realization of a 2 state solution, nearly impossible. palestinians here believe the land grabs are just one of many
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attempts to push them out. they want to expel us. we want to uproot every single proceed from that. and of course, they want us to go out to leave the area to have no space for us to starting to put it on a road and our next our next. and then to oblige the young people devised and other appears we have to live despite international criticism. israel's government continues to implement policies that violate international law and further deteriorate the livelihoods of palestinians have the son, who as ita, occupied east, jerusalem. and then in all the developments is righty as strikes of hit the outskirts of 3 southern bethany's towns in the early hours of friday. more than a $150.00 is ready, the shells will fight. and the attacks, the strikes destroyed 3 homes and damaged more than 35 others in the towns of
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shamarka 5 schubert and hold to cross board a fighting between his writing forces and hezbollah has escalated in recent days. the chinese far as energy and paying says he believes the us and china should be partners, not rivals. she emphasized finding common ground during talks with secretary of state, anthony, blinking in badging. the visit is an attempt to stabilize relations between the 2 superpowers. diplomatic tensions have risen in recent years. fonts. why was the military rivalry around the south china sea and the restrictions on us trade with china? so from one this katrina, you joins us live now from badging. so really the challenges in this relationship, taiwan, chinese supports of rusher and as you're saying, restrictions on trade, is this trip likely to ease any of those tensions?
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for both sides have been quite candid, saying that they're not expecting any major breaks. there is a list of disagreements is too long and the list of areas where there is consensus is to show the one the transform instead did meet with me blinking this morning was 5 hours and both sides said that it was a constructive meeting. if anything, it was a chance for both sides and the grievances, and indeed that's what happened. the us raised concerns about china, specifically it's support what it pulls, rushes, defense, industrial base by providing normally for western rates. lincoln said that this issue had threatened the foundation of us trying to relationship even though the kind of wasn't providing directly for within. so china has denied having anything to do with the bill. and there's also said that it's normal treatment most. she would not be interrupted in china for a spot raised. the issue of taiwan is red line issue. it said that the us not send mixed messages to try. one is for the independence or use type one is it will
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contain china in the in the pacific. what about the meeting with shane a love seat and paying it seems that this meeting was no no anywhere near as extensive as meat as big and reaching with one ear. but he did have very clear message full of linking. he said that although there were many issues to resolve on both sides, that there still would be further efforts that could be made. so quite a hurtful message, but also a still on what he said that the 2 sides not view each other as rivals adversaries . you said they should be viewed as partners, they should see common ground rather than engaging in 0 some competition. he also said that the us should keep its promises and deliver on results rather than saying one thing and doing another. and you said that considering the changes these nice communities experiencing the turbulence that it was more important than ever that support side strength and dialogue and also try to cooperate with possible and that
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this was what the international community expected from the to stupid house and badging katrina hughes. thank you. we moved to canyon now or east $45.00. people have died off to severe flooding hit. parts of the capital nairobi, days of floods across the country are for thousands of people to flee the homes in time neighborhoods as of much than many people are missing, present william roots, so housing, emergency meeting on the 1st day to address the crisis. more rain is expected now until sunday. well now india started the 2nd of it 7 phase general election across 13 states, nearly a 1000000000 people eligible to correspond as during the 6 weeks of voting, which started last friday. the issue of citizenship is become critical in the northeastern state of asylum. the b j. p. government has post a controversial know based on religion. otherwise put to, i wish i saw a john list and also has no lines. people told me why the citizenship amendment act
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has become important in this fight. the citizenship continues to be quite important. the law sending us out. but you know, the n d c a kind of send it often enough time. so the 1920 and you me has actually even in the 99 print to the elections, of the national and state conviction that i'd be able to run, that i understood that the decisive b g and it seems that of this eviction. it's also the id kind of cda sentiment in the family is not up to the for 7 that would be used in the holding the b j b. and i think the reason behind that light in the fact that the mind of the use
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the most of the day is that it was a kind of dubious and send them turned in the country. but essentially that has to be met him this to repeating the proper thing that yeah, you know, it's not exclusive on the listing. the best thing that even a human to validate, she should not be allowed to do children. yeah. yeah. so the difference. yeah. in the progress and do they, you know, in a way that was, that was of and gender separately, according that, you know, the kind of the politics has the estimates nation list of the sentiment and probably to go back to the end, the citizenship amendment that.


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