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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the these business uptake these me roy thought of on the dashboard to use the, [000:00:00;00] the now i'm about this and then this is the news on life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, a student, protests grow and universities across the us. the announcing the war on gaza, i'm demanding that ties the charts with is well i'm just as a butler in power as with students,
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they've been staging as fits in to show that some authority with palestinian people . it's important at all forensic evidence of the well preserved view and once evidence from the mass graves in gaza to be protected after public. stanley and officials say they've got to prove that people were tortured and executed us equity and states meets china as president. she didn't trying to patch up for relations. amazing, says washington is suppressing its development and key to statements with useful. caleb williams has been picked 1st and the nfl dropped dakota back caves to chicago based on what was originally breaking the fluids the so it's 10 g m t and we're going to start with a growing student like movement against israel's war on guys are those attending universities across the united states continuing to demand an end to the war on garza,
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the city and protests began at columbia university in new york. were faculty backed down late thursday night after high the issue, the midnight deadline for students to disperse, both as to say, they want their institutions to cut ties with companies that have links to israel. john henson begins that coverage from new york. the stand off universities across the united states has forced a national confrontation over us policy on israel and its war on guns that the national divide is reflected at the epicenter of the protest movement on new york, columbia university campus is really flags and palestinian flags marketing the conflict, half a world away, demonstrator se, just spike hundreds of arrests here and across the country. and the university's calls for them to leave. they will remain in their encampment. they are demanding
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the university divest from investments with ties to israel or ongoing as we are calling the park columbia university says i best disclose it if provide in this be for all students and faculty disappointing in the movement for palestinian liberation. and those are central demand in until those on that we will not be going any way. we will continue to protest. muslim american congresswoman, johan omar voiced her support for the demonstrators inside their encampment on thursday. i mean, young people have always pushed our government to do better, whether it was through the civil rights movements and whether it's been to end the vietnam war. i. and i think that they are on the right side of, of history and pushing our country to not stay complacent in the genocide that's taking place. and also to see if news really flags silently appeared this week,
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meters from the student zone of occupation that is drawn the eyes of the world were alone calendar protest or condemned the demonstration to stop the. # to tell you the kind of the way this, that the story, the approaches to intent encampments have spread from coast to coast from new york to suburban, chicago's north western university, to harvard and cambridge, massachusetts to the university of new mexico in dozens of campuses, in between students at columbia university have started a national conversation, whatever happens here, or at other campuses, those protests can get shut down in one place. but that conversation is spread the campuses across the us and they say there's no stopping there.
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as the clock ticks down to the final weeks of classes, universities across the us are deciding whether to hold graduation ceremonies, punctuated by and camp protesters. calls for justice john henry and l jersey or new york. a lot of students and faculties across america say they want what they're calling divestment from israel. now, universities and colleges having diamond funds to finance research on this scholarships and that money is often invested in private equity or hedge funds protests as a demanding that the university stop investing this money in companies. they say profit from israel's war like arms manufactured or lockheed martin or tech jones, amazon and google with contracts in israel. my similar action was held across the us several decades ago against the apartheid government in south africa. and 2900 cottage stopped investing in a fund linked to the israel, but it denied it was due to boycott pressure. new york university students are also
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calling for the closure of their schools tel aviv campus saying it's discriminatory how digital costs were reports from the university of texas in austin. the 10s clashes between police and student protesters wednesday have transformed into this peaceful gathering which protest or say is in itself an act of defiance. police earlier arrested $56.00 demonstrators and one journalist that prompted still more protesters to come out on thursday. and they were joined by many university professors. they're demanding that you t austin, divest from weapons manufacturers and from companies that benefit is real. and now they're also demanding the resignation of the universities. president j. hartzell, who had ordered that the police crack down on the protest. meanwhile, the texas governor of greg cabot, a republican who strongly supports israel, has taken credit for the plainest texas state police and says he'll send in the
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military next. the student protestors deny accusations of anti semitism and say they're here to speak out against the killing of palestinians in gaza and against the use of their tuition money to fund that efforts. to jo castro, alger 0, austin, texas. the police in the city of atlanta have a rest of, at least at 17 students at emory university. does a student set of 10, some of the campus on thursday morning and support upon a citizens, police, dismantled account and the same the students for trespassing. at least one faculty member was among those arrested. while the solidarity values spread outside the united states and the french capital students blocks, the entrances of the ceiling says, whole university dash or boston is joining us now. live from power, so they're going to be comparisons aren't there with the protests in the us. talk us through what's been happening there. yes, i do name also students a dozens of blocking sitting in and this was to just mention the 1st to sales for
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i'm going to bring you right quickly to speak to one of the students who's having a great time to joining me to tell us a bit more about what's going on, why you're here. yeah. so we've been here since october, actually in this company is doing things, mobilizing this to the community and the professor community to us administration to break their complete silence on the situation happening in palestine. even before it's over 7, and since 3 days have been occupying our school, we went to one building. they called the cops on us. we had to get out. so now we, we went to the historical main building. we occupied the whole night. we slept there. i left this morning that my comments were still inside, and there was a big relocate of the school by now. we have a few demands, but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy. and financial, there's already research with the work on that. so i understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of financial genocide. the grid by the i c j . and we want assessments, investigate and prep partnerships. one of the things one students was saying to me
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was, know when we do things like this, the police come in and they have the time, do they feel like probably about a senior voices are increasingly so it's not something that the students you think . yeah, i think we came to a point where it's, it's seemly hard to talk about alice. since we talk about the right of policy and people, the problem is in the french tradition, we are a country, it's human rights. we wonder that youth, where is that? where does that, what did i go? where are people? but i think the more refreshing happens, the more people are mobilizing, meaning that we were maybe 300 before and over 600 because the cold, the cups inside of people are serious. and they sort of question, why did they come to come? why was a peaceful protest, i feel like calling the pumps. and i think people are the understand that we see this world that doesn't respect international law. that is an inspection rise. it doesn't expect to the national terminates or in law, and we're here to say it and they're scared of us. so we were continuing to have them as a man. so i was gonna say, just say find me, are you looking to stay? yeah, you're looking to continue just sits in. i'm just going to go. yeah. so i don't
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know if you heard that. like 30 seconds ago, they declared that they installed tense inside of those key. they're trying to get people in to enter. so it is continuing. there's ongoing negotiation with the president of the school. they're hearing us, they don't give us the answers we want. so until they don't give us the answers we want, we'll see. all right, here's didn't pay much and a thank you very much indeed for that. so many small by you'll paid so it's not station said that purchase has been game on just looking for a few days now. and i think one of the most prestigious universities in ministry hoping this is that the beginning of a way or similar, purchased in all the educational institutions across the country. that's about the impact as bizarre. so thank you. with the student protests are also happening in australia, demonstrates has their setup tens for the university of sydney students. some other universities have been going there to show their support and they've been chatting
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slogans similar to those voice in the us like calls for divesting from is really linked to companies. not ex thomas. is that the university of sydney for more than the student movement, their a slightly more civilized, peaceful, australian size, a snapshot really of the, of the process we seen elsewhere in the world. uh, as i speak, probably a few dozen students in tenants have settling down for that full nights, a protest to the university of sydney. all the colorful times. you can see behind me the flags, the signs, the banners slogans. working in tools across the tom. i can start contrast to the historic buildings here at australia is oldest university going back more than a 170 years. although it is small and hasn't been going a long time. organizes hey, it's telling me there is a lot of ground sort of opinion in the favor that was a much earlier room that was not sanctioned by the university. maybe
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a 100 to 200 students, challenging slogans. as you mentioned, similar to those we've heard elsewhere, crossing campus, getting a to the main road, briefly occupying that main road in stopping traffic before returning here. but really they say they're in it for the long hold. and the university for now, a toner icing it. but as for the ultimate goal of students here, who wants the university to come own size with his id establishment? i put that question to the university. they didn't address any financial backing from israel directly, but they talk about academic collaboration saying this, we remain open to winning college links with countries all over the world. we would only consider placing restrictions on oste off engaging and collaborations with colleagues overseas. if the proposed activity was assessed as potentially unlawful, a belgium has some of these ready and boss that are off to an aide worker was killed in the rafa. belgium's development minister said the 33 year old i've done enough hon and his 7 year old son. what among the casualties in and is really air
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strikes? he was part of belgium's 8 efforts in the gaza strip. was you on the island? is the secretary general of in the region refugee cancel. he's joining us not from being rude. thank you very much indeed for being with us yet another aid worker being caught up in the fighting. and guys, of course we have seen the cases of the world kitchen um 8 workers who were also co, tough and not talk to us about what your team is on the ground and what aid workers are feeling when they hear stories like this. one of my colleagues sunday, crowding dog 6. the comments inside us. uh ask for sharon t that is it's in really got the record in cute should wait a minute. now what it says intent is nurses, doctors,
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teachers. it's been discriminative now poor miles, many miles with the aid where there's also being ration and going at mr. michael, you have to forgive me because we do have a slight problem or had a slight problem with your feedback, but we're going to keep going for the moment because i want to ask you when terms of the works that your agency, the norwegian refugee council is doing on the grinding guys are given to that workers are being caught up in, in this fighting. are you having to adapt the way that you deliver aid in guys, or what kind of precautions? a fanny can you take in order to try to limit the amount of exposure that your workers have? the romans with this release. we do, uh go on the same time,
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we have limited movement from south wind noise and we have concentrated much amount of work in the, in the, the, the large population center in the south. we are the single operations in the area. and of course it's, it, is it, the human at hand works that where and when people need the most dangerous of the greatest. so long message has been to be as rise, the americans and the as you're supporting them. but we need every community. she's not just the opposite notification. oh that's me. communication. went by the townhouse. yes. this is i. yes, you for the yes, no one will talk to you and we need real time communication, which we do the,
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the kitchen corner to try to call for $10000.00 to try the on the website. it 2 times rallies and then so we need re time communication. also with the germans share, you said that your teams were focusing on the situation, at least in part of the situation in the science. and of course, there's a lot of attention being paid, paid to the potential is rarely advanced on rafa in your assessment how, what are you worried? all you that's if that advance happens if the israel continues to attack or off up with so many people crammed into such a small space that the humanitarian crisis there is going to become irreversible. this is kathy with reverse and but no, that would be the amount of civilians to post the terminals and many will not be
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for the, for the to really a feature where i mean that i cannot attend the caps that are going to be set top the science areas and so while it's not happening so many of the time is also say we offer the displacement repository. this wasn't supposed to be the same price. what not. so our message to the government and to the supervisor, to be honest to this, like the space is, is the following. your channel and now are you at all in the richard utah and brought us in a big break is displacement. come on. one additional point. i'm not really going to stop in and then yesterday i'm solving them, especially on the student piece across the board, the uh,
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from level as far as from the, as really the principals that they just installed the base and invasion. oh, it would become less for so in the entire region including and so let me to, i, i understand as you say, that you were in there to look at the, the effect of the impact of the that's come part of the conflict on the communities . they are just focused through what kind of what people are. they are telling you about the way that they are being affected by this. this bombardment is going backwards and forwards across the lebanese border, as they are, they are used to sing already. the communities in the south and is not well known that this has been incompetent. i'm going out for 6 months. every single day there is you're watching, i'll just say to we're bringing your life coverage from beijing and china of us,
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secretary of state, i'm to the blinking who's speaking often meetings with president. she jan paying and i hope to improve relations with china. less less and then for a series of candid and constructive conversations, i have been with president she and other senior officials. i made clear our policies and intentions and identified issues a shared interest where we might work together. those discussions which were followed by additional senior level, visits and meetings between our governments help lay the foundation for productive summit between president biden and presidency in san francisco. at the end of last year, our leaders agreed on concrete steps to cooperate on issues that matter. to our p and matter to the world and reduce the risk of misunderstanding and miscalculation in the month since then, we focused intensively on advancing those commitments. return to china this week.
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take stock of where we've made progress and where more needs to be done. so that we can deliver tangible results for the american people. that's been the focus of our meetings over the last few days. we present a sheet with director and for mr. wong. he, with the minister of public security long shall, hong, and the shanghai party secretary gen g. since the woodside summit, we've advanced our cooperation on fentanyl and other synthetic drugs, the number one killer of americans between the ages of 1845, specifically the p r c. is issued a public notice the industry staking enforcement actually get some companies that produce precursors. those are the chemical ingredients that make up synthetic drugs . and the us and china has set up a joint account or a college working group to collaborate on policy making. and on law enforcement and to share a technical expertise. thanks in large part to the working groups efforts. chinese
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providing information to international law enforcement that can be used to track and intercept illicit drugs. and the features that are to governments recently agreed to share best practices. i'm posing loopholes in our financial systems that the drug traffickers and other criminal enterprises used a lot of money. so this is important progress, but more needs to be done. in my discussions, i underscore the importance of the p r c, taking additional action in particular by prosecuting those who were selling chemicals and equipment used to make fentanyl meetings, international commitments to regulate all of the precursors that are controlled by the young commission on our chronic drugs and disrupting alicia will elicit financing networks. since the woodside meeting between the presidents, we've also resumed direct military to military communications at multiple levels. something that i made a top priority from my meetings and visioning last year. u. s. and p r. c. defense officials met for 2 days at the pentagon in january earlier this month, or 2 countries, air and naval forces held talks, painted,
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insuring safer interactions. last week, secretary defense austin had his 1st video call with mr. fence dungeon. direct open, clear lines of communication like these are critical to avoiding miscalculations. as i pleased to announce that earlier today, we agreed to hold the 1st us pierce. he talks on artificial intelligence to be held in the coming weeks. we'll share our respective views on the risks and se concerns around advanced di and how best of matters. we also spoke about ways that we can continue to grow people and people ties between our countries. particularly educational exchanges are governments of interest in creating open and welcoming conditions for these programs, which as long and rich both of our countries. um, do you know i had a chance to meet yesterday with a few dozen american and chinese students for learning side by side at the end while you're showing high program,
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as well as another joint us p r c university programs in china. i heard how the experience has deepened their knowledge inside and outside the classroom and force ties that will last well beyond their shared educational experience. while there are more than 290000 chinese students in the united states, they're sure the 900 americans studying here in china. and that's a significant drop from a decade ago when we had about 15000 americans studying here, a presidency. she said that he wants to significantly increase the number of americans studying here in the coming years. and that's something that we support. we have an interest in this because if our future leaders, whether it's in government, whether it's in business, civil society, climate, tech, and other fields, if they're going to be able to collaborate. if they're going to be able to solve the problems, if they're going to be able to work through our differences, they'll need to know and understand each other. language culture history. when i told him, if you actually caught a counterparts of this visit as if they want to attract more americans here to
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china, particularly students. the best way to do that is to create the conditions that allow learning to flourish anywhere. a free and open discussion of ideas, access to a wide range of information, ease of travel, as confidence in the safety, security, and privacy of the participants. now, even as we seek to deepen cooperation where our interest, the line united states is very clear, right about the challenges posed by the p r c. and about our competing visions for future america will always defend our core interest and values. and my discussions today, i reiterated our serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes through war of aggression against you. frank tried as the top supplier of machine tools, micro electronics, nitro, cellulose, which is critical to making munitions and rocket proponents. and other use items
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that moscow is using to ramp up this defense industrial base defense industrial base that is churning out rockets, drones, tanks, and other weapons. the president put in his using to invade a sovereign country to demolish its power grid and other consider the end of the structure to kill innocent children, women and men. russia would struggle to sustain its assault on ukraine without trying to support. and my meetings with nato allies, early as month and with our g 7 partners just last week. i heard that same message fuel impressions, defense, industrial base, not only threatens ukrainian security. it threatens european security vision cannot achieve better relations with europe while supporting the greatest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. as we told china for some time, ensuring transatlantic security is a for us interest in our discussion today. i made clear that if china does not address this problem,
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we will also express our concern about the pos he's unfair trade practices and the potential consequences of industrial over capacity for global and us marcus, especially in a number of key interest industries that will drive the 21st century economy by solar panels, electric vehicles, and the batteries, the power of the china alone is producing more than 100 percent of global demand for these products, flooding markets, undermining competition, putting it risk, livelihoods, and businesses around the world. now, this is a movie that we've seen before, and we know how dense with american business shuddered and american jobs last president biden will not let this happen on his watch. we'll do what's necessary to ensure that american workers to compete on a level playing field americans actions are not aimed at holding back trying this development. nor are we be coupling our economies secretary young and said during
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her recent visit, that would be disastrous for the global economy, including for the united states. we want chinese economy to grow sort of the american businesses and investors here. several of whom i had the opportunity speak to in shanghai. but the way china grows matters, as i told by counterparts. that means fostering a healthy economic relationship where american workers and firms are treated equally. and fairly. today's meetings, i discussed the purest, these dangerous actions in the south china sea, competing against the routine philippine maintenance operations, american operations. now the 2nd time to show freedom of navigation and commerce and these waterways is not only critical to the philippines but to the us. and to every other nation in the no pacific, and indeed around the world. that's why so many nations have expressed concern about the purities maritime maneuvers. i made clear that while the us will continue to work to de escalate tensions or defense commitments to the philippines remain
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are flat, are referred to us as one china policy and stress, the critical importance of maintaining peace and stability across the taiwan strait . to raise the cases of american citizens who are roughly detained and those who are subject to exit bands present by then i will not rest until their back with their families where they belong. i also raise concerns about the erosion of hong kong is autonomy and democratic institutions. as well as transnational repression. ongoing human rights abuses, insurance on it to that. and a number of individual human rights cases. we spoke about press, freedom and access. i appreciate that the fear c granted short term basis to a number of the foreign journalists were here. so they could cover this visit in my meetings by encouraged by feel she kind of course to feel the commitment that they made. the 2021 to provide equal access to our 2 countries needed organizations. united states will continue to assist on reciprocity and this issue. just as we do
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for our business, cross cultural exchanges and many other areas. we also discussed a range of regional and global prices where china can play a constructive role. i encourage trying to use this influence to discourage wrong and its proxy. it's from expanding the conflict in the middle east and depressed to young young to end this dangerous behavior and engage in dialogue going forward. we'll continue our high level discussions on these, and other issues. all of the policies that the united states has pursued over the past 3 years at home and around the world are driven by a singular objective. delivering to the american people. meeting the challenges that they face. creating the opportunities, the basic building a future where they and their children and their children's children are secure, free, prosperous, unhealthy. so that's what moto as motivated,
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the historic investors that we base in our competitors back home and, and we have it reinvigorate our alliances. and our partnerships around the world. and that's the same for objective animated by meetings in china over the past few days and will continue to guide us as we manage a relationship that is so consequential for our 2 nations and for the entire world . with that type, just like some questions. the 1st question goes the in marla with bloomberg one the us was taking endless measures to suppress china's economy and warn the growing negative factors could be rail the effort by presidents by and then she to stabilize us. trying to ties. do you think the bite and administration is pledge to increase tara, the threat of new sanctions and actions like the pro into chinese ship building could push the us in china back into a period of dangerous volatility separately? did you make any headway in terms of actually getting china to agree to reduce economic support for us as defense industry? and if not, is the us ready to move forward with sanctions and separately,
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given north korea is, is also sending massive shipments of munitions to russia. did you bring that up with your chinese counterpart and did you get any chinese corporation there? and finally, just on tick tock. did that come up in conversations today and how do you expect china to respond to? thanks. not sure, i got all of it, but i'll try you. thank you. on the last question. no tick tock did not come up. so i can answer that one very quickly, look on economic relationship. let's put this in perspective. as we remain, the united states remains the largest market for chinese products of any country around the world. and our own tre relationship remains very significant. in fact, china is our 3rd largest trading partner after our near neighbors, canada, and mexico. and as i heard from the american businesses, american investors in shanghai. the remains of very strong interest in working in this market, provided that we have a level playing field and
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a fair shot. when we do, we do very well. but when we're looking at the question of tasks, 301 measure 6, that are what we're focused on is practices engaged in by china that are unfair and, and then undermine our businesses and our workers. and this question of over capacity is the one that is front center and china is responsible for one 3rd global production, but 110th of global demand. so there's a clear mismatch. and when you have products that are produced here and produced in a way that's heavily subsidized, heavily supported in other ways. and that allows those products then to be sold at low prices and sometimes the low market prices in other countries pushing businesses from those countries out of out of business. and having potentially
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devastating effects on community sun workers, our businesses, that's something that we have to will and are standing against. but the other important thing is it's not just us. this is the concern that i've heard around the world and notably from european partners. and this came up and conversations just a week ago when we had a meeting of the of the g 7. so. so this is not about containing china. it's not about cutting off trader investment again, as you've heard secretary yelling, say this is important to us and many other countries all are, but we want to ensure that it proceeds fairly. and in a way that doesn't have these un, under effects on, on our industries, on our workers, and in our, and on our companies. and again, that's something that shared across the world when it comes to trying to support for russians defense, industrial days. all i can tell you is,
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i was extremely clear about our concerns in some detail, but we'll have to see what action is follow from that. now, i think china has demonstrated in the past when it comes to russia and ukraine, that it can take a positive action. you'll recall that uh well over a year ago, we had concerns that brush was considering the possible use of nuclear weapons. and i believe the china as voice was important, and at least at that time moving russia away from that that possible course of action. but now it is absolutely critical that the support that is providing not in terms of weapons, but components for the defense industrial base. again, things like machine tools, micro electronics, where it is over womanly, the number one supplier to russia. that's having a material effect in ukraine and against ukraine, but it's also having a material effect in creating
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a growing threats that rush opposes to countries in europe as something that has captured their attention in a very intense way. and as i said to the doctor, thanks for the next question. one, lou with the paper, cynthia victory, m. while new from the papers we have the intensive interaction between china and us at various level. i think those sy summit last november as with you intensive interactions with chinese officers and people during your visit with the us the election agenda gradually dominating american politics. there's the need for various potty to demonstrate the strunk. spins on china to secure votes, leading to negative sentiments and action regarding china. so in this context, how can we see guard and they fix effectively implement the acumen made by both
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sides during the dispute rate. also minimizing the influence of campaign style rhetoric and fostering mall who dwelt to stabilize. i know us relations. thank you . thank you. in my job, i don't do politics. i focus on policies. and that's what i've been doing here at present and finds instruction. trying to carry forward the agenda and the agreements that were reached between president biden impreza, she in california at the end of last year. and that's where my focus is. and that's where it will remain in the months ahead. and as i said a few moments ago, we've seen important progress on that agenda in the time since the meeting between the 2 presidents, including our counter narcotics, including our military to military ties, communications, including now on the dialogue that we just announced on artificial intelligence as
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well, as on people's people exchanges and connections between our countries, also vitally important coming out of the california meetings as president by to make clear that we continue to communicate clearly about our differences at the very least, to minimize the chance with miscalculation misunderstandings. and that's also exactly what i did on this visit and we'll continue to do. and that's simply what's required, which is to continue to advance our interest in our values, which has nothing to do with election cycles and everything to do with what's important of the american people. samuel lewis with the writers. thank you. um is this extra you mentioned that you think the china can play a more constructive role? compact constructive role in global crises to keep talking about in the middle east . and you had a conversation with, with mr. wong, the earlier this month,
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around the time of the when iran, israel, tensions are already ramping up. i wonder if you have an assessment of the role that china has played. and you know, whether, whether it's sufficient in the actions that the chinese government is taking sides and this summer, posts that the palestinian groups about a mice had a meeting here and by engaging while you are here, i wonder if that's an area where you would welcome some chinese involvement and while we're on the middle east, i think we kind of know some of the images that have been coming out from back in the us from university campuses. so it's quite striking to see, you know, students and some of the violence in, in these process. but, but the students all across the country coming out and, and expressing the outrage of what's happening in,
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in gaza. all you taking on boards, those protests, you know, what do you say to young people, young americans who you know, see this as, as a moment when they need to speak out against that government. so 1st on the middle east, i think i've talked to foreign minister warranty at least half a dozen times on the since since october 7th, including of course today. but also in previous meetings we had a phone conversations, etc. and yes, i think this is an area where china can use the relationships it has the influence, it has to try, for example, to prevent the conflict from escalating from spreading. and we had a good conversation when tensions were particularly acute, follow a proceeding,
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and then immediately following around is unprecedented attacks on israel 10 days or so ago. and i think the relationships again that the china has kennedy positives and trying to so tom to inches prevent the escalation, avoid the spread of the conflict and we agreed that we'd remain in regular and regular touch on this. and that's certainly my, uh, my intention. so i'm, i'm not aware of the, the meeting you refer to, i think you said between the time and the loss. so nothing to say on that in terms of the approach us back home. but again, i'm not, it's not my practice. the comment on domestic shop matters, but book people have strong, passionate feelings about what's happening in gaza and in the middle east.
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that i very much understand. and when we see the perfect human suffering and the depth of children, women and men were caught in this cross fire from us. it's making it's got rich. it's i've said before, and we want to do everything we can to bring it to an end. and in our own country, it's the hallmark of our democracy that our citizens make known their views, their concerns, their, uh, their anger at any given time. and i think that reflects the, the strength of the country, the strength of moxy. now, as i've also said before, this could be over tomorrow. it could have been over yesterday because then over months ago, if i'm austin, put down its weapons. stop hiding behind civilians released the hostages and
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surrendered. but of course just chosen not to do that. and it is also notable that there is silence. it's about a mouse. it's as if it wasn't even part of the the story. but i've also said repeatedly, i say the way is real, goes about ensuring that october 7th never happens again, matters for family and we're working every day to try to minimize the damage this done to innocent people and to make sure that they have the assistance and supports they need and for the final question, you'll find us new decker with dpi. thank you. and my question was basically, you just asked, but i'm, i'm doing this. thank you. i'm just, i'm just, i'm just, i'm just going to ask another one. and you said that you also am require
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countries in europe to m. yeah. kind of a join the the plans to provide a prevent china from i am supplying a military or do we use clips to russia? what do you expect from these countries in which, how should they ex, now it's not what uh, what we expect of them is there for fund concerns about the actions that i've done for the 2 g m 2, you're working. i'll just say that we're bringing a lot of coverage all the types of price range from health by us out on the state to ads, and he blame him to the us embassy around razor and lincoln. frank has annual assigned to to try to improve release and loss for move china, particularly in relation to many years trade as well as trying these relationships and links to russia. taiwan discussing that the, the relationship with the front of the dream for the timeline. strange, and so when you come with an awful lot of ground of invite,
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just at the end of that sort that he was talking about the situation in the middle east, china's ability to bring some sort of in and include us within the, the middle east. he was talking about the situation, these guys are particularly describing the pictures that were coming out of there as got to, i'm seeing, but blaming hom, us for not getting done instructions earlier. and therefore, who says longing? because it's like she's referring to the homeless, let her talk in southern israel on october. the 7th, we're going to go to katrina. you who's joining his live stock foundation. that was a great deal that he covered in this press conference. he started off very with a very positive tone, talking about the fact that they were building on the meeting that happened between president aging thing and president joe biden at the, till the woodside meeting in california back in november and talk to us about what you picked out from that, as i say, it started off pretty positive, but then got into some more serious and more determined subjects. well i guess it makes sense that as
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a blinking started off this press conference talking about some positive issues where there is consensus because the whole point of this trip is try to stabilize this really rocky relationship. and there are many disagreements which i'm sure will come to later, but he did mention that there had been some concrete progress uh, made on a few issues you mentioned on sentinel and others, static drugs at staging agreed to take action on stem. the tide of pre cuz the chemicals into the us and that it would um, continue to work with washington minutes. cotton, not narcotics team. but also he mentioned that the washington really wants more to be done once trying to be more aggressive in prosecuting those involved. and also to, to really take more steps to be more transparent about what it's doing to do with that issue. also he talked about the resumption of military to military communications, saying that this was for school, for avoiding miscalculations. that, that's the defense ministers of both countries have recently spoken and that this was a good step forward, especially considering that there had been
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a hyphen activities in the south trying to see involving board military. he also said that there would be a new event, a us china event to discuss all the visual intelligence and regulating that as that industry moves forward and in the safest way possible. so you said that would be helped me over the next few weeks and then you'll see the law suspension that sports like to watch when increasing people to people and educational exchanges as well. yeah, but as you mentioned, of course katrina, they're just just briefly, if you could, there are areas of significant disagreement, not least, of course, in russia's involvement, at least trade involvement with regard to what he described as a jewel use items, setting them to, to russia. obviously, china is link smith and north korea as well, and we refer to the course to china's influence within the middle east. that's what the she's concerned that and to me blinking seems or to change with
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reasons of aging is china's relationship with russia and how that was affecting the war crane. he said that he's really concerned that chinese support to russia in the form of not western rates, specifically, but normally the technology or machine to link, etc. that was happening to prop up its invasion of ukraine. and he said that this says no, certainly harming its relationship with us, but this is also harming its relationship with europe. so we really made that point clear that she was trying to, to back down from that the other hand, the aging has so nor sides of wanting to, to really uh, withdrawal from its solely partnership with moscow. another issue he mentioned was important. so many piece maintaining pieces to buildings out trying to stay in the taiwan straits and he wants to console. so a less than what he polls the course of moves by badging in those those areas continue to thank you very much. indeed, that's good to an issue you talking to us and from vision or returning to the board
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on guys with the united nations and says it's important to preserve forensic evidence when investigating mass graves in gaza, non softer guys, a civil defense called for an independent investigation and what happened at naso hospital in con eunice, just as krist instead of me off the spokesman for the you and the secretary general about what comes next or what should they do with that information? they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would you advise on? i think it is important, or excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation. how that will take place. it's on clear this time there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that. oh, shit, parts of the organization. do you think can be of how well, i mean there's,
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there's only investigate profitable. i those very right there, there, legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an inventor national investigation that has yet to happen. in the meantime, it's important at all forensic evidence of the well preserved with the evidence for the ones calling to be preserved, which comes from some of the bodies exempt from mass graves at both nasa and all shape a hospital compounds. nearly 400 bodies have been recovered so far that a couple of zoom reports from rafa in southern gaza. this month is creams evidence the moments before his son's body was pulled from a mass grave at the north or hospital coming down in con eunice to come home with them. how you, from gauze of civil defense as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies,
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the fount i'm to, um, support them. like that of how the affairs, a young girl discovered with her legs amputated with a novice, we found the body of it for number of children. we have the question is, why do we have children and must graves child patient this tone in his crops? a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's dr. munoz teams have caused it. forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to to see about that. you to know, again it's not somebody still had the can you law on them, which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment and then also hospital canceled. it is, i believe. and also ahead of approximately 10 bodies were found with their hands tied. i mean each for the forensic examination, for 20 bodies, for people we think might have been buried alive. so they are asking for an independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the
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military dismiss accusations its forces buried bodies before the winter to come to compound. as baseless is very troops have pulled out of goes to main hospitals. in recent weeks, civil defense crews lights had dug up doses of corpses from 2 mass graves and she felt medical center in kansas city. while at least 392 buddies wed discovered in 3 different sites on the grounds of another hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. plunging. if somebody is in constant english, the by god, i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here and search since the day he went missing. and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me, is he alive or was he taken by these readings or anything? now that u. s. is joining quotes from the union on the you and demanding an explanation from israel. cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing garza civil defense has asked for
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an independent investigation, connects a integration specializing forensic analysis. since most of gong has this facility's have been destroyed. they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during, as well as raging loss or hospital to give the families of those being killed. the answers there were looking for target cup as the out just the euro roof on palestine are assigned to this board. here's these are for all. thank you very much . as expected to taylor williams is being picked 1st in this use, nfl dropped. he's heading to the chicago bays and what was a wrinkled, breaking day for coats of backs, rapper eminem, welcome. the crowd. and these hometown is a wrinkle. $250000.00 fans packed out downtown detroit. the spectacle. in 2024. the chicago bears
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literally down to the 22 year old who won the prestigious husband 1st thing in 2022, awarded to college football based player is widely regarded as one of the most tenants of the college football players. when we do these 22 prospect, yeah, i didn't know how it was going to react pneumonia. i was trying to think through it in my head throughout the process. uh, but nothing feels better than actually being in the moment. actually getting that call. and you're not in so nervous. i didn't feel any of that. i was, i was, i was, i was anxious and ready to go. this is great to get the call back and walk out the walk out there in stage. and just finally back from the team is, is honestly what i'm excited for. i go out there i and to my job, i'd be a great team, a 1st and foremost i handle business on and off the field and then and then and then i go to work. i enjoy, i enjoy what i do. i love what i do. i'm in there with my guys and my guys are seeing me this. they see how hard i work there guy, there to be and we go get it. williams is not the only calls back to make some big
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news. the 2023 high school when a jayden daniels was pretty sick and by the washington come on. those 12 drake made was been selected by the new england patriots. crawford select. michael junior. well the. 6 is the 1st to say the least. the 4th quarter back on the board is michael. 6 schools of x was selected him until up 12. so the 1st time in nfl history, the atlanta falcons moved full michael pen x junior. was the most surprising the franchise had only the son could cousins in the off season, which guarantees the veteran $100000000.00 sorta is sticking around and to be in between now and full time champion liberal. and james and he's, los angeles lake is on the brink of illumination from the playoffs that's off to
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the defending champions. denver nuggets this the 112105 gain, 3 when the on thursday, then, but now the, the series 3, nothing knowing the a team has ever come back from that kind of a difference that's in the playoffs. in golden school in 29 points, while nearly all kitch added 20 full points, all these on it's an 11 straight wind for denver overlay because of manchester says he have sent out another big title statement as they haven't brightened full no, to go within one points of premier the leaders also. so if you're looking to make an 18 games on beef in, in the leaves, they sold 3. and the 1st of the 1st was given, the billing is 1st ever hated. go full site and then to twice as he took his premium e. tell you the season for 16 goals before who then otherwise 40, so still retain the games that convincing victory for pay body and aside a keep some family in the title, driving seats. i still haven't came in and lives, we know that we the,
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we know we throw in the chance to fight them to the end. so of course, the pressures that otherwise we can not performing the due until 5 minutes left. and until next week i can see as all the suppose these familiar of faces, thank you very much indeed. not voting. and the 2nd of india is 7 phase general elections on the way among the areas voting or southern states for the ruling b, j. p. hopes to make progress, the indian government has failed to give these as to all diseases correspondence to report in the story therefore, but covering the election from outside the country across from shelby for police. despite a heat wave in several states, these voters are determined to exercise the democratic right. 160000000 are eligible to vote in india, 2nd phase of election across coding states and union territories. it includes funds from holes of the governing policy attempt, the body of the b j. b in states like a some projects on multiple days will to produce and model sure. go sold to unable
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hip. we have our donetta have riser in the last 10 years. we've seen a lot of change. the government has alleviated economic distress, built better roads, and addressed issues like unemployment. since the beach i p is coming to a pallet. we have not seen any hindu muslim conflict, a little uh, so in the states of cadillac and cannot call you to not governed by the b t p. head of the poles from this to moving to move the health set free campaign fridays and left his cup and canada is the only state for the b. b has never won a seat this year. it hopes to change that the election commission has issued notices to the b jeep and opposition congress for violating october rules often complains by both parties from mister maureen to moody, who is seeking the 3rd. tim was accused of hate speech during the valley last week
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. jobs did come. i got parts are the only big. oh well the most basic, what is it all more? did you start a new finally getting the that that what he's doing? no. living a duck, the ongoing goes by, be in canada, gus tech city, and kept to ben. google go from side to congress, will discuss the beat and traffic crick locks a major issues. the region is home to some housing society companies. the cities post praise group is struggling to keep pace for development and seems to be an issue with young voters. we on that side. no, we don't even think that this is something politicians can fix the test phase of those will be held on may 7th, nearly a 1000000000 people, the costs that balance and this election, which will end on june 1st and the results i expected a few days off to that,
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the consumption of these on to 0. just to remind you were covering the election from outside the country because our correspondence having been given visas to report on the story from inside the country monday. i'm just gonna be here in a couple of minutes. stay with the business, latest a sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination in due by the the business latest to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the student protest, grow at universities across the us denouncing the war on garza and demanding ties the cots with israel, the hello, i'm r m i z. this is al jazeera life from dell. how also coming up on the program.


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