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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the student protest, grow at universities across the us denouncing the war on garza and demanding ties. the costs with israel, the hello, i'm r m i z. this is al jazeera life from doha, also coming up on the program, solidarity rallies of sprite outside the united states, and the french capital students blocks the entrance of the sales po university. it's important at all forensic evidence,
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be well preserved. the one wants evidence from the mass graves in garza to be protected, often has seen officials say they have proof that people were tortured and executed . the us secretary of state needs tried his prize and shooting pain to patch up relations. the staging says washington is missing its development the as we begin this hour without help story grubbing student led movement protests against israel's will on gaza. those attending universities across the us, a continuing to demand an end to the war, sits. and protests began at columbia university in new york with faculty back down late thursday night off to having issued a midnight deadline for students to disperse. which has to say they want their institutions to cut ties with companies that have links to israel. ology or is john
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henry begins out coverage now from new york. the stand off, the universities across the united states has forced a national confrontation over us policy on israel, and it's war on guns that the national divide is reflected at. the epicenter of the protest movement on new york, columbia university campus is really flags and palestinian flags, marketing the conflict, half a world away, demonstrator se, just spike hundreds of arrests here and across the country. and the university's calls for them to leave. they will remain in their encampment. they are demanding the university divest from investments with ties to israel or ongoing. so we are calling the park columbia university. so the best this close it is provide in this be for all students and faculty disappointing in the movement for
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palestinian liberation. and those are central demand in until those on that we will not be going any way. we will continue to protest muslim american congresswoman, johan omar voiced her support for the demonstrators inside their encampment on thursday. i mean, young people have always pushed our government to do better, whether it was through the civil rights movements and whether it's been to end the vietnam war. i. and i think that they are on the right side of, of history and pushing our country to not stay complacent in the genocide that's taking place. and also to see if news really flags silently appeared this week, meters from the student zone of occupation that is drawn the eyes of the world were alone. calendar approached test or condemned the demonstration to stop the. # you have to pay
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the price i do, i see that this as the story, the approaches to intent encampments have spread from coast to coast from new york to suburban, chicago's northwestern university, to harvard and cambridge, massachusetts to the university of new mexico in dozens of campuses, in between, students at columbia university have started a national conversation. whatever happens here or at other campuses, those protests can get shut down in one place. but that conversation is spread the campuses across the us and they say there's no stopping there. as the clock ticks down to the final weeks of classes, universities across the us are deciding whether to hold graduation ceremonies punctuated biking camp. protesters calls for justice john henry and l jersey or new
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york to my knowledge. so sure, george washington university in the center of washington dc. the professors have been here for hours, a deadline set by the authorities of the university to clear the courtyard for people to leave has come and gone. and the numbers have been fairly consistent for several hours. the people here are very clear that they want the you to best date to start divesting of any interest. it has in these really linked companies to make sure that that investments are open and public and those who are protesting here face new rep of caution. the protectors have been calling for change and the incest that they will stay here, even with the threat, a police action, even with the threat of arrest until the demands are met. all and for sure, i'll just see you to washington. meanwhile, police in the city of atlanta, the rest of at least 17 students at emory university,
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thousands of students that top 10, so on the campus on thursday morning in support of palestinians. police dismantled the comp saying the students with trespassing. at least one faculty member was among those arrested. well now we go to power. as friends, students have been the occupying the main building of the sounds. probably university in of protest of solidarity with palestine. i was you, there was a tasha butler was that with them as well as the sign it in the street. the university, the assistant is yesterday and they say they're going to stay among the the city and to have their own state. and
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the time is ready, universities some of the banners. so we can see it when the say things like in to this is janice or the presidency. because what happens with the test? hi, principal newton students. they come in and they say, this is another example. the voices that will save in student protests in australia demonstrates as the setup tens, the university of sydney students from all the universities have been also heading that to show the support they've been jumping slogan similar to those voice in the us like, cool. so divesting from is re linked to companies. alex thomas is
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a university of sidney from on what's going on, or a slightly more civilized pace for australian size, a snapshot really of the, of the process we seeing elsewhere in the world. as i speak, probably a few dozen students in tens have settling down for that full nights, a protest to the university of sydney. all the colorful times. you can see behind me the flags, the signs, the banners slogans, residential across the tom. i can start contrast to the historic buildings here at australia is oldest university going back more than a 170 years, although it is small and hasn't been going a long time. uh, organizers, hey, it's telling me there is a lot of ground sort of opinions at in the favor that was a much early room was not sanctioned by the university. maybe a 100 to 200 students, challenging slogans. as you mentioned, similar to those we've heard elsewhere, crossing campus,
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getting over to the main road, briefly occupying that main road and stopping traffic before returning here. but really they say they're in it for the long hold and the university for now. i told her right now, but as for the ultimate goal of students here, who wants the university to come own size with his right, the establishment. i put that question to the university. they didn't address any financial backing from israel directly, but they told about academic collaboration, saying this, we remain open to winning college links with countries all over the world. we would only consider placing restrictions on all staffing gauging and collaborations with colleagues overseas. if the proposed activity was assessed as potentially unlawful belgium has some of these riley on boston, often aid worker was killed and rough. uh. the development minister said set for the 3 year old adult and upon and his 7 year old son were among the casualties and in his riley as strike. he was positive belgium's 8 efforts in gaza. honey,
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my mood has more on this from rafa of this ongoing repeated us hodges, this carries in organizations, deepening the sense of shatter safety and security for the workers. and it's important to point out not only to work as being the target, deliberately targeted by this really military. but we've seen a speakers as well as the some of the incidents that took place in the northern part of people gathered around the traffic circles waiting for an aid for flowers, for example, or other survival goods are necessarily needed for them. and we're a talk deliberately victoria, some of them is the flower massacre. and within the past, the 3, the 3 weeks that the talk on the w. c. k. employees in the western part of the central area just toss the beer and the, the products that discouragement as well for these aid workers to continue doing their work on the ground. the belgian aid worker who was filtering along with his
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family members inside this residential home along with other 25 other people all display as of from northern part gone beyond more recently the central area mainly from those i rep is you come in this building was killed along with a 7 year old son. it just another incident, another indication that there's really military issue and no signs of slowing down . continue with the ongoing instruction and restrictions, but more attractive. who right now is the deepening sense of, of shattered safety. not only for traumatized population, but for those people are trying to help and deliver aid to the united nations is saying it's important to preserve forensic evidence when investigating mass graves in gaza. this off to gauze is civil defense, cold for an independent investigation into what happens. it's nicer hospital in hong eunice just there was kristin salumi off, the spokesman for the inspector general. so found your week about what comes next. what should they do with that information?
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they say they need the forensic examination. where should they go for this? what would you, what would you advise on? i think it is important will be, excuse me, the circumstances to ensure that any potential evidence is kept in a way that is not compromised. we've called for an international investigation how that will take place. it's on clear this time there are certain bought parts of this organization that have the authority to do that. oh, shit, parts of the organization. do you think can be of how well, i mean there's, there's only investigate profitable those very right there, there, legislative bodies of this organization that could create and call for an inventor national investigation that has yet to happen. in the meantime, it's important at all forensic evidence of the well preserved and the evidence of the lands cooling to be preserved comes from some of the bodies exempt from mass
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graves, a both nasir and a shift the hospital compounds. nearly 400 bodies have been recovered, sofa tag, i assume reports on this from rough. i in southern gaza, you get this mother's creams evidence. the moments before as sounds, body was pulled from a mass grave. then also hospital compound in con eunice to come home with them. how you, from gauze of civil defense as showing videos and pictures to a room full of reporters. he wants the world to see the dozens of bodies, the fount i'm to, um, support them like that of how the affairs, a young girl discovered with her legs amputated with a novice. we found the body of it for number of children. we have the question is why do we have children and must graves child patient is told in his crops a man with his hands tight bolt to the head. in the past week's dr.
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munoz teams have got that forensic evidence from nearly 400 bodies. the report finds signs of summary executions and physical to to see about that you to know, again, it's not somebody still had the can you law on them which shows they have a patients who are receiving treatment in the most hospital canceled it is i believe. and also ahead of approximately 10 bodies were found with their hands tied . i mean each for the forensic examination for 20 bodies, for people who we think might have been buried alive. so they are asking for an independent investigation to check the findings and document them. the is where the military dismissed accusations its forces buried bodies before the winter to come to compound as baseless isabel, troops have pulled out of gauze to main hospitals in recent weeks. civil defense crews, lights had dug up doses of corpses from 2 mass graves and the she felt medical center in gauze of 61. at least 392 buddies wed discovered in 3 different sites on
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the grounds of nicer hospital. more than half of them have yet to be identified. lunging if somebody is in constant english, the by god, i can no longer bear it everyday. i come here and search since the day he went missing. and every day i come 2 or 3 times to search please, whoever knows any information about him. she told me, is he alive or was he taking by the is read news or anything? now the u. s. is joining quotes from the union on the you and demanding an explanation from israel. cooling the discoveries deeply disturbing goals or civil defense has asked for an independent investigation connecting and then a geisha and specializing forensic analysis. since most of gong has this facility's have being destroyed, they are hoping to find the full image about what happened during, as well as raging loss or hospital. i'm to give the families of those being killed . the answers they were looking for. tarry cup as the out just the euro roof on
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palestine and international aid organizations as well as deliberately preventing a ship carrying aid and international observers from reaching gaza. the freedom for telecom solutions as well as created an administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the portion is done full. the ship will now go through further inspection, delaying its planned friday departure. you an express at the monitoring it's safe passage. us are small still to bring you on the program. we're looking at phase 2 of india's election, which is underway. nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to cost pilots in the next 5 weeks. the guns july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days,
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resident of the coming to the deaf and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian capital mind lead, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life. including its own garza, the last picture on, on the post colonial was the scars of european imperialism. run the nowhere most. so then in the democratic republic of congo, wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial. yet instant insights through the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriotic ministry come on. witness presents. this is come on a jersey, the cheering disliked, the more fossil fuels. we burn, the higher the planet. we're closing from the action age workers weren't directly
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targeted. i'll just say it was teens across the world, bring you closer to the heart of the story. the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome mat. wonder the main stories. students and faculty members from universities across the us are continuing that protesting support on a site at the marketing the universities comp, financial ties with israel, and divest from companies they say, enable the war on concepts and supports has started more than 550 students have been arrested across the country. well, those that protest and solidarity with the palestinians are also taking place in
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australia. dozens of demonstrations, the setup tens in front of the university of sydney calling for an end to that schools, links with israel and are on the top story. the united nations is saying it's important to preserve forensic evidence when investigating the mass graves in gaza . that's off the gauze of civil defense presented evidence. they say proves he is writing military carried out torture and summary executions in hong eunice. now the chinese prize engineering things as he believes the us in china should be thought as and not rivals. she emphasized finding common ground during talk to the secretary of state on to the blinking invading visit is an attempt to stabilize relations between the 2 superpowers. diplomatic tensions have risen in recent is sponsored by was the ministry rivalry around the south china sea and the restrictions on us trade with china. of mol, on this is katrina. you joins us live now from badging. so is the number of
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difficulties in this relationship around the taiwan, the restrictions on try to do mentioning and china support for russia. what has emerge sofa from these meetings, particularly when blinking was speaking a bit earlier on of the whole this entire 3 day visit was about making progress in stabilizing ties, and according to and you need blink. and you did just give a press conference in between, you said that there were some steps taken to build on the progress made by job. i didn't miss you didn't pay you a loss. met in san francisco last year to stabilize this very important relationship. so he started off, i mentioned you some of the outcomes that he was able to achieve during his visit. he said that portside had agreed to work together on sentinel and stemming the tide of because the drugs into the us, the stem that price is a trying to re, to take more steps to stop this happening and also prosecute those involved. he
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also said that since the meeting happening, that happened between, but i didn't, and she didn't think that the chinese and us military's had resumed military to military posts. and that recently the defense ministers has spoken. and you said that to go a long way to avoid any miscalculation that could lead or spiral into the conflict . and last, like you mentioned, that both sides would work together on the machine regulation and sharing best practices. and that would be confidence in the coming weeks. and the both sides will say increase the people to people and students stages. so those are the wheels that humans. what about this tension of a trade and china making some very strong statements with wine. you saying that china is a judgment development rights has been unreasonable, be suppressed, and alco interest facing challenges. that's right, so we one of the chief concerns, expressed by blinking during his time. kid was not what the us has referred to as
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non market practices. a conducted bike aging. he's accused telling us over capacity specifically in green industries and reading solar panels, wynn palms, electric vehicles, and said that china is industrial policies leading to the flooding of the global market with all sufficiently subsidized foods. and that this threatens jobs in america and as well as other countries. now when you had come out during about $5.00 of tools to dismiss these, these accusations saying that the us is, or the hyping claims of or the capacity. and you also said that the steps of the us has taken a restricting trade of closing sanctions, entire some chinese companies that this amount to suppression and the clothing of time is development and not to say competition. another of sticking points that was raised was afraid of us as race concerns about training provided, trying to providing lessons, but what it's called as
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a non vsl technology to age and rushes rule assets. now as we blinking mentioned that this was probably not only a potentially, it's really super to us but also to the $0.10 relationship with your. but on the other hand, badging has denied having anything to do with the will and says it sees no reason as to why trade between russia and china should be just katrina. you invite jane. thank you. us losing and india a 2nd, a set of 87 phase general election is on the way voters in 13 states and union territories are costing the pallets among them. a southern states where the b j. p . hopes to make inroads. the indian government has failed to give these as downstairs correspondents to report on the story so, but covering the election from outside the country. uncle sam sherry for reports. despite the heat wave in several states,
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these voters are determined to exercise the democratic. 560000000 are eligible to vote in india. second phase of election across 13 states and union territories. it includes funds from holes of the governing policy attempt. the party of the b j b in states like a some projects on lots for the will to, for the and model. sure. also to enable him for you bought the have riser in the last 10 years. we've seen a lot of change. the government has alleviated economic distress, built better roads, and addressed issues like unemployment. since the beach i p is coming to a pallet. we have not seen any hindu muslim conflict, a little. uh so the states of cadillac and cannot go, you're not governed by the b t p head of the poles from this to moving to move the health set free campaign fridays and left his govern. cancer now is the only state for the b. b has never won a seat this year. it hopes to change that the election commission has issue notices to the b,
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b and opposition congress for violating october rules off to complains by both parties. from mister maureen to moody was seeking the 3rd. tim was accused of hate speech during the valley last week. jobs did come. i've got parts are the only big. oh well the most basic. what is it all more, did you start a new finally getting rid of that that what he's doing? no living. i duck ongoing goes by, be in canada, gus tech city, and kept a bundled golf from side to congress. will discuss the beat and traffic crick locks a major issues. the region is home to some housing society companies. the cities post praise group is struggling to keep pace for development and seems to be an issue with young voters. we on that side? no, we don't even think that this is something called
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a vision config. go into the test phase of goals will be held on may 7th, nearly a 1000000000 people will cost that balance in this election, which will end on june 1st and the results i expected a few days off to that and the consumption of these on to see how a lot of course continue on coverage of this very significant election in india, though it will be happening from outside the country. because again, the indian government has denied algae there. john les visas. we want to take it, it can, you know, where east 45 people have died of to severe flooding, hit parts of the capital my road, the thousands has been forced to flee the hundreds of users. malcolm webb is it, one of the flooded areas is in full settlements like this one, the worst affected is often children who a smaller, unlike the most vulnerable to being swept away, can use red cross. thousands of people have been killed in the rental down. pause
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across the buddha and neighboring tons, any of the government says more than 150 of the people have been killed in across the whole region. hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced from the homes. this is all since last month in a rainy season, not by to rent drill down poles, which you attributed to the el nino effect of a pacific ocean climate cycle. it brings warm, a see temperatures once every few years, closing heavy rains here in east africa. and in the whole of africa now these photos of 80 season late last year and which around $300.00 people were killed across the region. following one of the round in decades affecting somalia, ethiopia, and kenya, climate scientists say these extreme weather events are increasing because of climate change in here in kenya. right? so we'll say west and because of rapid development and oven areas,
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those of informal sacraments like this and large commercial buildings without adequate drainage to cope with the torrential downpours malcolm web out to zebra. i see we have a kenya as well. that's it for now, they'll be much more. he is coming up in about 25 minutes time with rob. he'll be back here with you. the weather is next and then inside story the the hello. welcome to look at the international forecast. we are keeping showers in the full cost along the spouse of frame, per se, and pulse of china for the facility future. here's the menu front, and you can see how it could come to the squads itself to hold just across that southeastern corner of china. more heavy down poles coming in across those flat hit pos that sets right to ground. and i think it shows we quanch's intentions, like wherever
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a few days ago. but y'all still the never less than one or 2 suppose over the next few days. could see as much as a 100, maybe to 15200 millimeters. afraid not to have to the question with some of the live you down pool is maybe saying 50 millimeters of right in a 3 hour time. so last sunday, the sat was never too far away. that's monday. the shell was never too far away. being a repeat performance, i think it will be that way into the middle console for next week. so really pool conditions coming through here. so that was by uh monday to make my way into the korean peninsula and also into southern positive japan where they could be on the heavy side, one or 2 showers to into southern parts of the lanka. much of a south asia is hot and dry. that intense heat wave continues particular for addition pushing up to west bengal. notice a few shells crawling across the pond north of pakistan of the
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guns july 20. 14. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days, resident of the coming to the death and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian capital mind lead, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life. including its own garza, the last picture on, on a global outcry after the discovery of mass graves into gaza hospitals. israel is under pressure to provide answers, but will it and how will it be held to account? this is inside store the hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much enjoy them. more bodies have been


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