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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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adults to get up to 3 month free subscription or free set, top full experience, the greatest bolton event jump the exclusive b o b the city and saw the dentistry values spread outside the united states. students in australia, france, i'm the u. k. joining a drawing coal for ties to because with israel added support the time about this and, and this is audra 0 life from joe. have also coming up the lady's head of the tele set to leave to key for guys copying files of tons of aid. a group of you and x pads is calling for unimpeded access. dozens of people that data and files are
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being forced from their homes after heavy rains in floods inundate parts of the canyon capital nairobi. an ukraine has been to bring men of fighting age back home by issuing new rules, binding them from getting passports abroad. the we're going to begin with the increasing the global student led to movement against israel's war on gosh, are young people across the world. so they're demanding an end to 6 months of violence and the gaza strip. because governments and the united nations on doing enough students and parents are occupying the campus of the sales, whole university, demanding that the institute issue, a clear condemnation of israel's actions. the demonstrations of also being taking place in australia were dozens of students, a set up tents in front of the university of sydney, calling for an end. it's links with israel and the incumbents,
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and protests of expanded across colleges throughout the united states, with more than $500.00 arrests. now we're covering this story from 2 countries. this, i'll show you a couple of times, which is at george washington university in washington, dc. first we're going to go to natasha buffer and power as natasha. over the last few hours you've been telling us about these load. i'm pretty intense protests that have been happening that just talk us through. what's been going on. the outside, it seems to universe too, which is one of problems is most prestigious universities, many lives who needs have attended this university. and also mostly happening is dozens of students space inside the industry and also so inside the building i should say, engine street and those inside something with the bar cages in math since yesterday . so really 24 hours now and they say they are here to show us and the guarantee with palestinians to pull for an end to israel's $1.00. and they also have very
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specific to moms. so they universe and they want the university to cause any choices. they have the university, the funds that they might be getting from is what we've been speaking to students over the past 4 hours, how they feel about what they've done so about how long they going to say that you did inside perez's procedures. the university dozens of students demanding an end to israel's one garza outside of this challenging for firms to help stop. what they say is a genocide. we are witnessing a genocide and as a student we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that student movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent. the seals pool is famous in problems performing the countries 100 square feet. the students say it's essential for the university continues, is tradition of supporting human rights to the children.
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one of the universities, like there is another reason universe. we have a few demands, but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy and financial. there's already research for the work on that to understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide. the fair by the i c j. and we want it starts with investigating and prep partnerships. to protest is the latest student demonstrations. on wednesday, french sundays pay the $16.00 i move, the student says was a 100 and symbolic. there's a real google not only and seems to be very wide and burn friend slides. there was a startling process. 9 voice. now we've reached another step with the police coming into our campus during the wednesday,
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the provision to pick is out of the times. is this the next assignment of assignments, the must be broken, say, just students palestinian royce and to be heard. patricia butler, i'll just sarah purse. okay. we'll get across to she have her time. so whose life was in washington dc. she have we've been covering that they approach has been spreading across the u. s. they've gone to new york, atlanta, georgia, austin, texas. now they're at george washington university where you are talking about what's going on. it's friday morning here now after a night of room is of a police have been pulled the care out the account been to butler. it's still here . the 10 says still up, those you've dealt with here and it's not just been universities in colleges, in dc, but university colleges from virginia and maryland as well. that's so as defined as have any different really what appeared to be these barricades for the police to
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put up to employers the protest. this might be quite a, a good so i'm going to jump to one of the protest organized somebody. yeah. but suggested maybe you'll have to stay all through them. so yeah, yeah, no, definitely these barricades. why not? uh, a few hours ago. and so to them it's to kind of push us out, make us scared, but know for us it means that we're here to stay as long as possible. we've been here for about 30 hours now and we're hoping we could make it to $48.00. maybe even more or what are your demands? so our demands were d m b call alicia. so that includes tools for dc and maryland and virginia. i'm from georgetown and our demands to georgetown university as a george on university di best for companies that support job aside and support the killing of policy, the it, those companies for george todd our alphabet,
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which is like google and amazon, another japan we have is a working group for pals, student arab, a bus lab student, there have been many hate crimes before on palestinian spot air of students up the george out best pad. as of now nothing has been dod. cuz you have the students have the water port on them. have been chased around by id of soldiers and nothing has been done. so we really want towards town to do that, and those are our demands for georgia. and that our demand for g w is currently g w as part of shape student organizers to a bit organizing for palestine. so we are trying to get g, w to drop all those 2 of the presidents present by the says that these price strategies, symmetric than yahoo says use these capacity to nazis. nancy pelosi says, you'll controlled by the chinese, the russians, iranians. and what is the truth that i mean, that is completely outrage us. it's just not right just because at the end of the
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day were being called bod servers were being called dot to you. first, i believe, protest sick. i gets a job as talk when in reality the bots servers are the ones that are fund, pick the drivers side a lot. we get to a hot bed allowed to get it as of the city of civilian sac step couch, it's absolutely got ready. just add some people say this is outside so, but i also think that's already just too because at the end of the day this is a settler colonialist issue. it has nothing to do with religion. uh, my friend is actually sharing a camp, a tide with b, and this account is us. and for her israel, is it a big make a to look bad because it's real is commit genocide in the jewish states for me because ad types about it about so get a chance to speak to a bit later. all you can send the sort of threats, but the good thing about this in terms of rage, which is suggesting that people are going to try and stop me from getting
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a job even though especially familiar with streaming health and sounding as well. yeah, i mean, i'd be glad to have a day. that's something that the students are concerned about, especially up towards todd. but also our parents are really concerned about it too . but what, what i said at the end of the day, students are the change of the big the change of the future. as frankly, i'm scared. i don't want to work for a job who's going to not hire be because i sort of forget janice, i get out and like another adult for big big is a possibility of a rush to your all of us on this account. but we face a high, a high risk of arrested at the end of the day. i'm not going to work for a company who's not going to let me work for that because i stood up to get us started. got arrested because of that for me. the thank you. thank you so much. so now we wait. so we'll see why that is a gotten the grades bigger and terms to during the course of the day. and then we see why the threats will begin once again from the university of florida exams and the police chat. thanks very much indeed. she advertise you there in washington dc
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. elizabeth been saying, of course the protests have been spreading across the world. sonya guy, ego has been at a protest that university college in london has been undertaken by the university college london, and back with not just to arrange other options, but also a few patients as well. they recently also has a 30 full day occupation and one of the buildings as well. but with this particular demonstration, they all cooling up for you c o. 2, we think, and in fact, it's research collaboration, drones companies such as b a, e and the last page. this is part of the loan, the since since about, sorry, but we've been, we've been holding raleigh's woke house teachings and to try and hold you. so to account for that complicity, and it's all set aside to gain garza and most recently. and they said the re how to
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study for the day long occupation of a lot just as of right in the whole complex. and the 2 major reasons. the 1st being to hold you sale to account, and secondly, to agitate about the process and the struggle on, on to so politicized security body course as part of a growing movement of student bodies, action, cool, dispos. they do seem a part of the main protests that have been taking place in london, usually at the weekends as well. and they say that it is possible a learning process to. so allow people to understand this conflict. more and watch resides with the cost of it when they got jagow. how does the students in australia have not a protest march at the university of sydney? they've echoed calls elsewhere in the world for institutions to sever links with israel reporter alex thomas went to their account to the making the voices,
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the students, little stray as old as university, holding on it to cut ties with these rail. in spite of the campus protests in the united states to come up against the national guard, in some cases that has really inspired and i think, you know, brought a flame of inspiration and radicalism here in australia as well. we have seen no change and no ties caught from our government, no divestment from our university. so i think we really have to escalate this campaign. these tents does the, those flags and banners been draped across the university's loans. since tuesday, university officials are tolerating the camp for now, but of sense organized as a list of rules. there are thousands of 10 set and all those that represents only
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a fraction of the near 70000. the study at this university organizers say they have plenty of support and that are telling me to stay here for as long as they can. so fall city university is nothing gauging with students about its connections to israel. in a statement to out to 0, the university said we remain open to ending coverage links with countries all over the world. we would only consider placing restrictions on all stuff engaging in collaborations with colleagues overseas. if the proposed activity was assessed as potentially unlawful, that isn't enough for one students who would only give us a 1st name. it's at least closer to the most part personal to me. i mean i'm a palestinian, i was born in palestine and my family lives in palestine. i it, it's my land, it's my people, it's my country. the university has a responsibility as they did for south africa, are they divested from apartheid that they need to divest from the past side and
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genocide with israel. friday's march wasn't sanctioned. and although it was too small to pull, is much disruption. students remain determined to get the message across amex thomas elder, 0 sidney. please in germany have told pro palestinian protest has come to the side of the parliament to leave demonstrations showed support for palestine have set up dozens of turns. and berlin for nearly 3 weeks for you sir. the goods violated restrictions put on the account. we are here since already more than 2 weeks. we gather together in order to remind this boon to start the german volume in parliament and the german government that they are completed with an ongoing genocide. they want us to not have the freedom to congregate. they want us to not have the privilege to have an opinion they want to to not have the freedom of speech. and they want to not have the freedom to protest against the dentist type of our government and german taxpayer money is currently funding. so what on the
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grinding jobs are the botanist. any in house ministry reports that is there any forces have killed 51 people in the past 24 hours that i call those things donnie is not alive, forms off in the soft talk. just tell us what's being happening. well, generally the security conditions, of course, the territory deteriorates on a daily basis. as these by the ministry has been running up the military attacks that course multiple areas in the, the gaza strip. now within the past couple of hours, they use very many treat hot targets at a residential house. and so why is that neighborhood? it is a right to town that really kills one's palestinian along with those of injuries that have been transferred to a lot to the hospital to get medical treatment for the same time. to have been intensifying that tax. when i told true loans in the western sides of, i'm a say, right, a refuge account where at least 2 palestinians have to report a change of now these strikes continued even in the parcel here in rough law,
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where the under units have been bouncing the eastern parts of that area now as palestinians, completely following the negation that had been sent by the description intelligence to the is very territories to negotiate the expected military and cogent for roughly district. people are really terrified from the fact that the majority of causes population would, would gladly be on site if there is going to be any potential attack as that you spend a minute theresa trying to working on a plan that would guarantee the safety of civilians. but yet that was not being even guaranteed in the majority of areas that the military had operated before. but generally, within the past 24 hours, more strikes have to record it as more casualties among civilians have been rising . due to the fact that the military had been bounding was bishop houses without any prior warnings, as casualties amongst civilians today have been completely rising. as according to god's health ministry, at least $51.00 palestinians have for reported killed within the past 24 hours of
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drinking. the total number of victims being killed since october the 7th, to surpass me with that. 34000 palestinians being killed. 2 now thought god, what was him talking to us from the offer in the south of gaza? thank you. i the still ahead on obviously the phase 2 of india's election gets under way for nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to cause pilots in the next 5 weeks the the hello southern parts of china. now brace but yet more heavy re sundry down pools. as we go through the next couple of days, you can see the little plot systems pushing for oil on may you front, which will flick its way in as we go one through sas dice i pockets of heavy rain. when you do get a sundry down pool, you might well see 304050 millimeters,
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a frank coming down in next and no time you can see where the yellows to show up. sas they into sunday. the app as most storms around a similar area. pushing royce up into central and eastern positive china at that stage where the weather will make its way across the fall south of south korea pushing into southern parts of the japan. but you can see how it links all the way back yet more heavy right coming into the southern areas of china. so we are looking at the flooding the problems here. we go through the next couple of days for the south where we have go to scattering machines into the southern philippines as usual, showers that across so most traveling the equator. still clinging on some rain there, which is not a pos of indonesia, a little bit of weather, still clinging onto the southern posts of best for lanka, really across india, it's really about the heat white temperatures into the forty's for many. so what's the weather for the bond with west? the
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unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a site in any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you want find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era of the we want to go to 0 reminder about top stories. this in power springs,
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students will be knock. you find the main building of the seals full university in solidarity with palestine. dozens of students are demanding and israel's warning jobs. so they've been charging for funds to help stop what they call a genocide. students and faculty members from universities across the united states are continuing to protesters, reports about assign. they're demanding that the university's cut, financial tides with is and the best from companies they say, enables a on gosh. or since the process began, more than $550.00 students would be interested across the country. palestinian housman street says that is video tags of children 51 people over the past 24 hours the death toll since the war began. now stands at least 34305 people. an international aid organization says israel's deliberately preventing a ship carrying aid and international observers from reaching gossip. the freedom
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for tele correlation says israel has created what it calls on administer to a roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the port in as sambal ship will now go through further inspection. the lane is planned friday departure. you and x spots of demanding and safe passage, i'm unimpeded access to gaza. also, the bank has more funded shift in assembled. this is a national freedom. so to the us it's being called is that is to set sail. the paperwork has been submitted here and 8 has been loaded and prepared. ready for the trip to gauze. organize the say that it will just trying to prevent this rest of the accident if like shift these vessels from departing. now, if largest other public opinion. so what can i say is the fact of pro brent it's, what pressuring is that country to remove it so that we understand there will now be an additional inspection of this special organize of say, the confident it will cost. there will be in today of a few days. now this for the to this is tiring. $5500.00 tons of few months here
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and 8 people from 12 nation, including the grandson of nelson mandela. and the daughter of jacob are already in trouble because is your try and break that fees and deliver this tremendous terry an age that confidence that it will take place in rules that fails, as long as it isn't any flexibility to fair. and i just split through this is taking place 14 years also the last one left front of the switch. and it was also trying to break the feet of calls because intercepted by just reading ministry and service activities were killed. that just brushing the memory of people here, but they say any challenges that they face, any potential danger they may face is nothing compared to what the other thing is a having to in your, in gaza. and that this with today isn't just about breaking the siege isn't just about delivering to monitoring. 8 is advised bringing more international attention to the whole on garza a default country to take action. i thought vague essential is where it is that those have stormed archaeological sites. you got
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a novelist and the occupied westbank. is there any forces rated the injuries and prevented palestinians from leaving their homes before the settlers arrived? that have been a series of incursions into your engine sites june. the jury's holiday of passover, or is there any forces have at least 3 pot, assuming children, with whom they sent, arrested at the jealous own refugee account, which is north of ramallah and the occupied west bank. the children? what age between 10 and 13. they would arrested near the school run by the un is ready, military can be seen forcing the children to avoid military vehicles. is there any rates in the occupied westbank for being a near daily of commons since israel's war and gossip again last week to the, to your claim. now we're at least 2 people have been killed and several of been wounded by selling in the russian controlled. since you have done yet,
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the local mayor has blaming the training and military for the strike. but chief has yet to comment. russia officials also say ukrainian strikes and killed at least 7 others and sell felicia q 5 and solving prestone. after more than 2 years of war, ukraine is struggling to recruit new troops. it's recently passed a law loading the conscription age from 27 to 25. but on tuesday it went for issuing new passport. rules for men abroad. john home and reports from keith, the ukraine struggling to buy men, to fight its military commander in the east. who said that in some sections of the front line, brushing forces out number 7 to one. now it's governments announced a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new posts, boots abroad to military age, but they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine. it wants them to come home. this wasn't ukrainian minister of foreign affairs to meet throw cool level, wrote in a statement how it looks like now. and then of conscription,
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age went abroad. shoddy state doesn't care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work this way. a country is of will. when state the oldest seem to go into instant effects and the ukraine impossible office in will. so there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland to go to pick up my possible goal here is 6 am. yesterday we spent the noise, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on the basis we went abroad. how can i be a draft don't j? if i went to broad legally not to tell you this, i put a hole in neighboring ukraine supports the measure, and its defense minister said like wednesday, these country could help how we talked about, we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to aid the ukrainians side by helping those who are subject to ministry service go home. and if there's a test, i think that many of our compatriots feel outraged. now,
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when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine, but will the measure increase ukraine's truth numbers. alexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's begin with those models the put along with we need 3 things. one is the military 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3 things need to add up, so that were able to find the width ends from a $61000000000.00 a package from the united states. now suddenly begin arriving in coming weeks. ukraine still missing meant with the john home, and i'll just say to keep you cry, the voting and the 2nd stage of india's 7 phase general election is now complete photos
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and 13 states and union territories cost their balance among them. a southern states for the ruling beat jp hopes to make inroads. the indian governments failed to give visas to. obviously this correspondence to reporting the story therefore were coming from outside the country coming closer actually ripples as despite the heat wave in several states, these voters are determined to exercise the democratic right. 160000000 are eligible to vote in india. second phase of election across 13 states and union territories. it includes some phone calls of the governing policy attempt the body of b j. b, in states like a some projects on lots for these. who took for these and marsha was told to enable him for you about the how brycer in the last 10 years we've seen a lot of change. the government has alleviated economic distress, built better roads, and addressed issues like unemployment. since the beach i pay is coming to a pallet, we have not seen any hindu muslim conflict,
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a little. uh so the states of cadillac and cannot call you to not governed by the b t p head of the poles from this to moving to move the house set free campaign fridays in left is govern. kevin is the only state for the b. b has never won a seat this year. it hopes to change that the election commission has issued notices to the b, b, and opposition congress for violating october the rules of to complains by both parties from mr. green to moody, who seeking a 3rd. tim was accused of hate speech during the valley last week. jobs come i got parts are the only big. oh well the most basic lives there's no more did you start on the binding but of that that what he's doing? no live in a duck ongoing goes by b and cannot gus tech city and captain ben google go from side to congress,
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will discuss the beat and traffic crick locks a major issues. the region is home to some housing society companies. the cities post praise group is struggling to keep pace with development and seems to be an issue with young for we on that side. no, we don't even think that this is something you can fix. the test phase of those will be held on may 7th, nearly a 1000000000 people, the costs that balance and this election, which will end on june 1st and the results i expected a few days off to that and the consumption of these on to see how well that reminds you, we are coming to an extra from outside the country because the indian government is not drawn to visa to i'll just see this journalist. now, the largest ever joined the military exercises by the philippines and united states are underway in the disputed south china sea. the,
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i know joe is running for may. the 10th may involve more than 16000 military personnel. $250.00 french and australian personnel are also taking part china. it has warrant countries against operations in the area where the issue was discussed by the us secretary of state. i'm chinese president jiang diplomatic talks in beijing on friday. actually blankets visit is an attempt to try to stabilize relations between the 2 superpowers. both countries want to grow their incidence and the asia pacific region. for these meetings, i discussed the fear, sees dangerous actions in the south china sea, including against routine philippine maintenance, operations, maritime operations here the 2nd time to show freedom of navigation and commerce. and these waterways is not only critical to the philippines but to the us. and to every other nation in the no pacific and indeed around the world. that's why so many nations have expressed concern about the policies maritime maneuvers. i made clear that.


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