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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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on a fringe of slice and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapidly sinking country. you have the problem to day, the rest of the work and have it tomorrow. and they will have to learn from us, which is here is new series dying of life before land. the, the student voice is grow loud, a protest against the war in gaza spread outside the united states to australia from the u. k. the on the bulk of this is al jazeera life from dough, also coming up, and i work with the belgian development agency as being killed by industry the strike in casa delays. it's a flip taylor sense and leave took a for gaza carrying thousands of tons of
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a group of view and experts is cooling for an pdf of texas. ukraine issues restrictions on passports for military age meant to address a shortage of troops in the front line. the thanks for joining us were begin this news with the voices of students across the world university process with triggered by the war on gaza. now growing in the course of this and sherman with governments, leadership across the globe is just over a week since students at columbia university began demanding a comp ties with this around the exception. no further funding from this way. the government students at columbia, harvard georgetown mit and george washington university began demanding the same and the price of spread across the united states from the north east to campuses, and michigan, texas and california. and now they've gone global university college,
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london, and i paris in paris. i've seen this poll university and all the way down to the university of sydney in australia, where we are live this hour in new york, washington. i'm paris, where we begin. without there is natasha. butler and natasha, we have seen over the course of the last few hours, protest, some counter protest. how of things gathering pace the in the french capital, the piece to the right i'm so it's a situation where you have all skills. all students are notified as being purchases . you've seen here in the street outside the university house for a long time. now, all those are cases themselves in the university. some of them will be not as nice . they say they don't want to leave. they say they are here to says on the darcy of sending people. so what we sort of see is a small counterpart that's fine, is ready. you can use, i hope all seduce, not these 2 sides. so let's do 10,
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seems that the police report, we see a heavy police presence next to me what they moved and it was, it's a separate those 2 side for folks now have play far, possibly street for what we don't know is whether it's the police are now in order to evacuate some of the students that are actually to the post women who have no like the 3rd that you did inside terraces, prestigious, yes. oh university. dozens of students demanding an end to israel's would garza outside to others, charging for firms to help stop. what they say is a genocide. we are witnessing a genocide and as a student we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that student movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent. seals, po is famous and problems for forming the countries politically. the students say
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it's essential for the university continues, is tradition of supporting human rights to the children. one of the they have is a you is the seems like there is another, is raising universe. we have a few demands, but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy and financial. there's already research with the work on that to understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide declared by the i c j. and we want it starts with investigating and prep partnerships to protest is when they to student demonstrations. it's wednesday french. can these pay? the $16.00 i move, the student says was a pete 100 and symbolic. there's a real google not only and seems to be very wide and burn friends quite. there was a silence. proposed 9 voices. now we've reached another step with the police coming
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into our campus during the wednesday, the provision to pick is out of the times. is this the next assignment of silence? the must be broken, say the students palestinian royce and to be heard the parts department. i'll just sarah purse. okay, let's take you from the, from the french capital institute. i just h, as in washington, dc. i'm the scene inside the campus of george washington university. susan is that like many of the campuses across the united states setting up tends to protest against israel school on gaza. students from different universities of joint forces in the us capital form george washington university and also georgetown university . but outside george washington university. compass is all correspondence. she have a time to use the monitoring developments that she have. i would you describe the growing sensitive, and i mean, clearly it was
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a great deal of outrage, but not just did what it's called a genocide in gaza, but also the reaction from university or far if he's once again, we've just got another note from george washington university who say the individuals that remain on university yard and any type of joint or trespassing on private property. we will put you disciplinary actions against the g w students involved and these are the authorized demonstrations, the continued to disrupt university operations. this is a real disruptive kind of home. we have to say this is very clearly demarcated as the main away from the main thoroughfare. there's no real disruption, and yet this is how it's been characterized by the manager. we can see that there's no disruption. everyone's walking around, traffic is moving freely, but it's probably been car tries as disruptive. i full of trespasses. these are old school students. many of us do to some dw, but also from other students in the region, not just in dc,
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but also virginia and maryland. as well as obviously the president by d, that's blue label. these purchased the symmetric which is completely bizarre to those who are here, not least because there's so many so many jewish members of the community here as well, who are leaving the process at this point. i was going to say that we're going into a, one of the jewish protests here, who's very, very cool of the last minute she dropped out. so what i really do need is acute it in the next hour, and then we'll get, we'll hopefully be able to talk to her because this whole idea of this is conflation of anti semitism. with the outraged genocides, i'm being outraged at the break units about slower and the legal occupation i'm pulling for them to killing is a privilege just here in universities is also a problem on capitol hill. and it's, it's, it's clearly designed to be legitimize protests. are people who are simply off for the killing to stop and she vs, that's
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a sentiment seems to be shed by many critics of these protests across the country, conflating criticism of israel with anti semitism. she have a tendency in washington dc. thank you. let's take you to new york and kristin slew music club the university. of course that is where was the student process originally began and there was a deadline. wasn't that kristin midnight on friday for these protests to come to an end for the times to come down? that's been and gone. and so what next? yeah, they 10 of the demonstrations here at columbia university and the gaza solidarity and cabinet remains intact on the campus behind me were not allowed on the campus at this time, which will be able to go later today. i have spoken to members of that encampment. however, and they tell me that they are. 2 continuing just with their demonstration and continuing with negotiations with the university administration,
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that's what led to putting off that deadline that was given by the administration initially in an attempt to have them clear the campus by midnight last night. they said there is progress being made and so the discussions will continue before calling in any sort of authority to try to uh, to try to remove them. most of the excitement we've seen so far today has actually been off campus. there were a demonstrations here outside the campus in support of israel. people waiting is really flags and showing posters of the houses calling for them to be brought home. and they've got heated, at times with another group, self described, anti zionist jews who came to demonstrate as well. again, these groups are not directly connected to the university. however,
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very spirited debates and attempts to show support for either side outside of the campus as well. one more thing going forward today, here at columbia, the president of the university, my new shop fee, is expected to face a censure, a resolution the students senate, which consist of faculty and students is expected to vote to criticize her handling of the demonstrations. not only for calling in the police to have them arrested to have to demonstrate as arrested, but also her testimony before congress, which many of the faculty members say did not protect them or accurately represent what they are teaching and feeling here on campus. all right, christmas leave me with the latest for new york. thank you. oh and other news belgium has some in the is ready on bus, the optimal aid work and his child for kilobytes really forces in rough i'm. i've done about him and his 7 year old son were killed in the house sheltering displaced
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people who work for belgium's development agency. the following minutes of the country says the kenning was unacceptable as demanding an explanation. more than 208 workers have been killed by as well since the war on guns that began. well, i was just here a spoke to john van vets, a, he's the managing director of the belgium development agency and about he explains what happens. could he get that out in any some way? cute says the morning of the night from wednesday or thursday. there is an id of time on the house in the house of the house was a having a wrong 25 people at the time. and what we know, 7 people died including a creek and the son, his wife was seriously injured. um the father was killed in brother and these were also killed. and the social having 2 other young children. what enjoy the student life we have been working in plus tax for many years as
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a government agency. we'll obviously have contact with the or to receive them on both sides. we have an office in gibbons and then we walk into west buying and we walk in gather and you know that we are in contact with that with zip code yet. um, so we have a long prisons in guest. uh we have to $22.00 steps. we can get that including free international as you pulled up your household. uh, 2 months ago. all of these as being compete with these quotes um in the uh, the s 5, but the bumping from the prompts. uh so office computer gives a few. uh and we complaints already at the time to watch. do you say that people to receive uh on, on the funding and no, uh it's 104 codecs. uh, that's uh west kids um 2 days ago might be still francis and my, me still for international corporation mets. we've the ease of id on by. so the v as in brussels yesterday to ask for for explanation, which we received
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a piece of and confirmed that it was indeed and tried the apologize for the loss or for could you get. so yes we are getting in contact is the is what i need for 2 weeks, an apartment to a palestinian incidents who was rescued from the dying mother's womb. after this ready strike has died. all team supported on the new born sabrin roo judith. she was pulled out a live moments off to have pregnant mother was killed. spring time was hit by and it's randy. i strike on rafa on saturday. sorry. i got losing reports on the latest . it's rarely strikes on rough or to put it in the past couple of hours that you just really mail it to you have targeted and hit several areas in the gaza strip. now, one of the latest hot target to a residential house and it is mostly rocked refugee camp where at least one palestinian has been killed with unimproved casualties being reported. the undo, speaking wounded, have been now receiving medical treatments and unlocks the hospital. but yet the
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abutment according to eye witnesses that we have been contacting them within the past couple of hours. they have been reporting and confirming the fact that the majority. busy of a great and alongside with the white, the town has been widely targeted that residential house was hit and it's a white neighborhood for one palestinian as will have been, has been killed alongside that. on a requote true lands and a bridge refuge account was a massively hedge, while here in russell as be happy hearing loud explosions in the eastern parts of the city due to the isabel artillery bombardments in that area. um, its ongoing ongoing hovering over the is very surveillance of drones in the western side of roughly a district. now this kind of military activities and miniature intelligence gathering keeps going on the ground here in roughly the district. and every single day, specifically that we have been recruiting a police direct tax at nights where there was the vast majority of families that being targeted work completely civilians as the casualties amongst the children. a
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woman was completely high and unprecedented. while these attacks continued the situation in hospitals and rough ourselves to be critical, as they are apparently uh, functional as they are trying to provide medical treatment for the wounded people who are arriving to the hospital as on a daily basis. still had allowed just a rough america's top diplomatic meets china, is presidents and paging this little sign of a sole invitations the the hello southern parts of china. now brace but yet more heavy rain sundry down pools as we go through the next couple of days. you can see the little plot systems pushing for oil on may you front, which will flick its way in as we go one through sas dice i pockets of heavy rain.
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when you do get a sundry down pool, you might well see 304050 millimeters of frank coming down in next and no time you can see where the yellows to show up fast they into sunday the app as most storms around a similar area. pushing royce up into central and eastern positive china at that stage where the weather will make its way across the fall south of south korea pushing into southern parts of the japan. but you can see how it links all the way back yet more heavy right coming into the southern areas of china. so we are looking at the flooding the problems here. we go through the next couple of days for the south where we have go to scattering machines into the southern philippines, the usual showers that across so most traveling the equator, still clinging on some right. and they're just out of pos, of indonesia, a little bit of weather, still clinging onto the southern posts of bus for lanka, really across india, it's really about the heat white temperatures into the forty's for many. so what's the weather for the bond with west?
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the has been at the forefront a progressive change, the locked in america. this time the slides remain high as, as violence against gender and sexual minority. i come to one osiris to these 2 young women were taken different routes to establish grace of freedom and equality . welcome to generations haines of level fairies attempts to understand and talents the ideas that move like use around the world. generation changed on our or the the
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quarterbacks you without a 0. is there a mind about top stories this? our belgium has some of these rating on bass of the author, an aide work and, and his 7 year old child killed by so many forces. in rafa i've done a bond work for belgium's development agency and protests against the war. and guys that have spread across the world from students from campuses in the us to solid, our, to values info to your people have been expressing anger against the governments for that's cool. to, to start the mountains off the university. students differ from one another, but they do have a common theme of divesting from israel. students at columbia university allows the demanding the university drops that direct investment in companies doing business in or with israel. these include microsoft, amazon, and google. that was attending new york university wanted the closure of the school's tele vive compass cooling. discriminatory students to yale and cornell have been asking that schools to comp ties with weapons manufacturers,
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including lockheed martin accusing the companies of profiting from his round school students in paris. so, okay, buying the campus off the steps for university simonton institution issue a clear condemnation of his rouse actions. well, they have also being processed at university college london. so you're good to go as the support for the british capital, the and that has been undertaken by the university college, london. we're not just to arrange other action is but also occupations as well. they recently also has a 30 full day occupation in one of the buildings as well. but with this particular demonstration, they all cooling a full e c o 2, we think, and in fact, it's research collaboration, drones companies such as b a, e and the last page. this is paul the loan. uh, since since october we've been,
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we've been holding raleigh's woke house teachings and to try and hold yourself to account. so i can put in as i've satisfied the game, garza and most recently, i may say the read how to, sorry for the long, bulky patience of the light, just as of right in the hot compass and the 2 major reasonings besides being to hold you. so to account and secondly, to educate about the public financial goal on, on to so select the size, the student body costs as part of a growing movement of student bodies. the actual cool dispos. they do seem a part of the main protests that had been taking place in london, usually at the weekends as well. and they say that it is possible a learning process to, to allow people to understand this conflict. more and watch resides with the cost of it. so the guy, yeah, go out. is there an international aid organizations? israel is deliberately preventing
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a ship carrying aid and international observers from reaching cause. i'm the freedom flotilla. coalition says israel has created an administrative roadblock to something that i saw from leaving the port in this town boat. the ship will now go through further inspection, delaying its planned friday to punch you. you are the explosive, demanding it safe passage and unimpeded access to gaza. that's i bake has more from the ship and it's tumble or international freedom. so to the us it's been called is that it's just that fail. the paperwork has been submitted here and 8 has been loaded and prepared. ready for the trip to gauze. organize the say, the is the front to prevent this rest of the accident. it's like shift these vessels from departing. now it was the side of the republic of geneva, so organized to say that is the destructive for rent. it's by pressuring is that country to remove it, so that we understand there will not be an additional inspection of this special organize of say, the confident it will cost what's there will be in today of a few days. now this to the, to this is tiring,
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5500 tons of few months here and 8 people from 12 nation, including the grandson of nelson mandela on the door to us. jacob are already in trouble because is your try and break that fees and deliver this tremendous area in age. the confidence that it will take place, it will fail as long as it isn't any flexibility to parents. this is taking place 14 years off to the last one left front of the switch. and it was also trying to break the fee deposit because intercepted by the ministry of service. the activists were killed, that just brushing the memory of people here. but they say any challenges that they face, any potential danger they may face is nothing compared to what the other thing is a having to in your, in gaza. that this with today isn't just about breaking. the siege isn't just about delivery to monitoring his advice, bringing more international attention to the whole on garza a default country to take action. i thought vague the central
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the let's take you to you. okay. now we're at least 2 people were killed and several wounded by selling in the russian controlled city of done yet. the local mat blamed the ukrainian military for the strike. the key if is you have to comment. russian officials also say ukrainian strikes killed at least 7 others, and some of these are correct. you've got southern cuts on are often more than 2 years of war. ukraine is struggling to recruit new troops is recently possible. lowering the conscription subscription age from 27 to 25 on tuesday when even further is showing you possible cement abroad. john holeman has this report from keith. the ukraine struggling to buy men to fight its military. come on during the east. has said that in some sections of the front line, brushing policies out number, it's 7 to one. now it's governments announced a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new passports abroad to
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military age, but they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine. he wants them to come home is what the ukranian minister of foreign affairs to meet, throw cool level, wrote in a statement how it looks like now a man of conscription age went abroad. shoddy state doesn't care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work this way. a country is a will a wednesday, the oldest seem to go into instant effect to me, ukraine, impossible office in will. so there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland to go to pick up my possible goal. here is 6. i am yesterday we spent the night, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on the basis we went abroad. how can i be a draft don't j? if i went to broad legally and they'll tell us the neighboring ukraine supports the major. and it's defense minister said like wednesday,
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these country could help how we can talk, but we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to ada ukrainian side by helping those who are subject to ministry service. go home. mr. is a test. i think that many of our compatriots feel outraged now when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. but will the measure increase ukraine's true numbers? alexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's begin with those models that i'm going to put along with . we need 3 things. one is the middle tree 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3 things need to add up so that were able to find the width is from a $61000000000.00 a package from the united states. now suddenly begin arriving in coming weeks. ukraine still missing meant with the john home, and i'll just say to keep you cry. i joined russian tucker sees fine monitoring
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center in a going to cut about a shut down. russian peacekeepers were deployed to the region in 2020. that was under a cease fire data which halted 6 weeks of fighting between a very troops and ethnic comedians. as a by john has since taken full control of the ones disputed enclave us next year. states had to me blinking has ended his 3 day visit to china and he and present gigi ping say that keen to find common ground. but during long meetings on friday, both sides with clear about what they disagree on. katrina you has moved from by g, us secretary of state antony blinking, set the goal of his 3 day trip to china with simple return to china this week. take stock of where we made progress and where more needs to be done so that we can deliver tangible results, diabetes. but the tensions rising between vague and washington accomplishing that task would be anything but simple. in a meeting with the chinese president to
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a student being told, blinking us had often failed to keep it's would say one thing and do another 2 countries that should be putting this not rivals, both countries that shows the common ground. well, reserving differences, instead of vicious competition. those differences were made clear during a 5 and a half hour meeting between blinking and china is for administer earlier on friday when you want increasing negative fact is jordan to trigger a downward spiral and ties. china is legitimate development rights has been unreasonably suppressed, an our court interest facing challenges. this included us trade restrictions designed to limit china, access to its market and advance technologies. describing this as containment and not set competition. one also raised tie one as a red line issue for they jake warning against any moves that could be seen as us support. so the islands, independents,
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and said the bud and administration should not turn the asia pacific into a battle ground. so the 2 superpowers blinking race ton, his actions against philippine vessels in the south china sea, cooling them dangerous and pointing out to us his defense treaty with manila walkthrough. another major point of frustration for the us, china support for rush during its invasion. this is crazy. i reiterated our serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes, prove war of aggression against ukraine. he said this threatens not only ton, his relationship with the us, but with europe too. but there was some areas where the 2 sides agree to deep incorporation, including instead of being the tide of power from drugs pension to the us, you know, it's official intelligence and increasing student exchange. no major breakthrough was enough to keep those of communication open until the next diplomatic inc.
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katrina, you to 0. the largest ever a joint military exercises between the philippines, the united states that come in the underway of the disputed south china sea. the annual drills run until may the 10th and involve mold and $16000.00 military personnel, along with more than $250.00 french and australian forces. china is warmed countries against operations in the area. a flooding, coal is by weeks of heavy rain is killed at least a 155 people in tons in the department says more than 200000. other people have been affected with crops, homes and infrastructure, destroyed tons. and he is one of several countries across east africa grappling with the impact of the el nino, where the pots and prosecutors in guatemala rated the offices of saves the children after complaint about possible violation of migrant children's rights. they say the raid was to search for documents that might support accusations of child trafficking involving the charity to brazil now and go over low expected land
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reforms is seen a wave of protests that activists from the landless work is moving. so presently, the desilva has not done enough. the conservative dominated congress is accusing him of citing would protest as well. i can't, i can't house the story. thousands marching across pursuit demanding land reforms. the protests marked the 40th anniversary of the longest standing peasants movement in latin, america's largest country. since the beginning of april, members of the land, this worker's movement where the m. s. t have organized 30 land occupations in 13 states, establishing camps like this one. i think the whole global view and the size, we are doing our duty pressuring the government to enforce our rights, preserves democratic constitution stipulates that unproductive line should be expropriated, and distributed to those who need it. so they can grow food and not go hungry. this land 300 kilometers away from the city of.


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