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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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see, in stations come down and many costs wells to understand how it affects our daily lives, outline forth how big a 12 level is labeled food insecure. counting the cost on outages in the the shooting voices grow loud. a protest against the war and caused a spread to universities outside the united states to australia, from either you can, the bulk of this is, i'll just say, rely from dell also coming up. that aid worker with the belgium development agency has been killed by and it's really as striking cause a delay. so to,
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for tailors set to leave, to care for gaza, caring, thousands of tons of age. the group of human experience is cooling for unimpeded access. and ukraine issues restrictions on possible so military age, men outside the country to address a shortage of troops from life. the thanks for joining us or begin with the voices of students across the university protests that were triggered by the war wrong cause that now growing into a course of disenchantment with government leadership across the globe is just over a week soon. students in columbia university began demanding that school divest from israel students to columbia, harvard georgetown, mit and george washington university began demanding the same protest spread from the north east to campuses in michigan, texas and california. now they've gone global university college, london. the empower cit, sales po, university,
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and all the way to the university of sydney, down in australia, where i live this hour in new york and washington will begin without us ever she hubbard times the these. the pictures inside george washington university come post west students have directed, attend, the city seems replicated, and all the universities across the country passing on flags and flown quite many of those involves. she have standing by outside the campus and she had to give us a sense of how diverse these products i saw given that republicans, even of the white house, have been criticizing these demonstrations for being quotes and to symmetric of our it's one of the, one of the many sources of outrage amongst protests as it was speaking to in fact we, we have a memory on here as well as promised one of the key organizers here for this process which accomplishes students from various universities in the range and not
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just in dc, but virginia and maryland. the we'll get to the issue of the conflation of the empty genocide values. how much is the festival? we've just been told that the authorities here are threatening road washington university students with suspension been pro now to the university of housing and the rest of a to leave this our. i'm sorry for other students from other universities like yours in georgetown were just simple arrest. what's your response now what we're going to be saying until our demands are met. point blank. so if they want to suspend us, if they want to rush, you know, we'll, we'll deal with that, but we're saying, and so our demands are, that's, that's the cut off for us to demand for the 2nd. but what are the reasons why the why joe says these demonstrations need to be despised? is because the, i'm the symmetric, what's your response that i've got? so i'm a jewish student and i believe that it's really the completion of zionism
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since you've used them. which is what is nancy symmetric and what is making situation less st. produce? we are fighting against feller colonialism. we are fighting against imperialism. we're fighting against legal, military occupation, apartheid and now genocide and fighting against a nation state is not the same thing as by the people. and i think it's really important to make that distinction as a to you. i believe that the completion of my identity with a live illegitimate nation state is making my life less safe. and it so obviously provable. right? i mean, what is a good way to pick up for, i guess the credit, why do you think they do it? even though we can put 30 cedar, they're just leaving these price. that's the road becomes. yeah, totally. so it is really a diversion so that we stop focusing on what's happening in the grounds. in the
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west bank. it is a way to re center the media re center attention to our college campuses, rather than focusing on the genocide that is currently happening on the ground specific things that you demanding them on. so we're demanding that towards washington university, dropped the charges and sanctions and then just placed on profile aside groups on campus. and we are also demanding that they disclose all of their investments and that they die best from any funds that are related to user viewing routes where you can see the rates coming from. because clearly because a lot of money involved in india and this. yeah, so students are really not situation pain. students are effectively funding this genocide through their own money and they have no state and where that money goes. and i think that's really where a lot of this rate comes from is knowing that we buy a part that we are playing and this kind of side, there's has to be something that we can do about it. so that's why we're here to
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invest. i guess we utilize your priorities and make you a lot of money from google and also that's in the other companies like things like you so much better serve at their house. it seems to be some type of ultimatum. it's been issued by authorities here for reckoning the students with arrested suspension. we'll uh, we'll be here. all right monday, thanks so that she helps you ever times the george washington university and the us capital. it took you now to new york and christian salumi standing by the columbia university. and just remind you of course, that's where these protests all begun and christian, any indication of any movement and ongoing negotiations between the university and students that there is. in fact, i've been talking to students this morning who are on the campus behind me, where were not allowed to enter today. and they tell me they have a lot going on there. been a lot of discussions and a deadline last night that was set in order to get the students to leave the
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campus by midnight was extended and allowed to roll over the university saying as well that progress was being made with the with the to go. she ations as they were ongoing, and we also know that the students have been getting a lot of visitors on campus. uh alexandro castillo cortes congresswoman from new york was here earlier today speaking with the students. she's been very critical of the administration, but speaking with the students has been difficult other than a couple of phone calls that i've been able to make because i think they are so involved in the negotiations. they've agreed to kind of keep things calm on the campus for now as things are going forward and they tend to work towards their demands. a lot of the excitement has been off campus here, where supporters have shown up in support of the demonstrators and also in support of israel and the captives as well. and we've been seeing cheated debates and
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discussions and sometimes people just yelling at each other off campus here. interesting to note that in addition to the pro israel demonstrators, there have been pro palestinian self described non sinus jews as well has time to make their support for the demonstration and for a cease fire known as well. that's a little bit of the feeling we have going on here today. we do hope to get a little more information inside campus in the next hour. hi, chris, it is not just a ivy league, columbia university joining practice there in new york. is there no, absolutely. not the city university of new york now also has a name kevin, on it's campus. this is a public university, columbia. of course, a private school ivy league, a lead university. it's referred to. people pay a lot of money to come here. and as opposed to city university, which is a,
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as i said, a public school, a lot of the students, there are the 1st and their families to get a college education is many immigrants who go there. it's been referred to as the common man. harvard university, lot of sympathy for the palestinian pause there as well. um and that's just choose the universities here in new york. we've also had new york, you know, new york university and the fashion institute of technology. believe it or not, where students stormed a building and set up signs intense insight there as well. so the demonstration does seem to be growing as efforts here at columbia are underway to com, things down and disperse and come to some resolution. they're getting support from outside chris and many things christmas to leave a lot for us the columbia university in let's take you to the french capsule, paris now,
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where french students have been occupying the main building of the sea of po university, demanding the institution cup, ties with his relevance, a live pictures of the demonstrations and around the streets surrounding sales for just it was attached to butler was that the protest she sent just a simple birthday you did inside powers this procedures. the university dozens of students demanding an in to israel's one garza outside of is charging for firms to help stop. what they say is a genocide. we are witnessing a genocide and as a student we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that student movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent, but the seals pool is famous and prompts for forming the countries politically. the students say it's essential for the university continues, is tradition of supporting human rights to the children.
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one of the universities, like there is another reason universe. we have a few demands, but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy and financial. there's already research with the work on that to understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide declared by the i c. j. and we want assessed with investigating prep partnerships to protest is relate to student demonstrations on wednesday, french can these period assisting moos, the student says with a pete 100 and symbolic there's a real we will not only and seems to be very wide and burn friend slides there was a silence process 9 voices. now we've reached another step with the police coming into our campus during the wednesday, the provision to take us out of the time. this is the next assignment of
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a silence. the must be broken, say the students palestinian roy. it's a be heard the parts department, which is 0 purse now i pretty much will posting an infant to his rescue from that dime. others with mouth to and just really ask dry, has died. teams are poor, she is on the new born sabrin root judah. she was pulled out alive, moments off to have pregnant mother was killed. sabrina's home was hit by and is ready as striking rafa on saturday. let's go to raw for now and gaza, where 51 people have been killed in the past 24 hours target resume is that for us and kind of like of course, and none of these growing demonstrations that we're seeing across the united states and then you are would be happening if it wasn't for the situation unfolding that in god's bring is up to speed on the latest strikes. then the
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yes, navy, in fact. so the situation on the grounds in the garza's tribe is heating, not one day the by uses as the is very ministry, has been escalating, their amended to a tax on set for areas, of course that there are 2. 1 of the latest wave of is getting a tax had target to tier residential house in the number of pots of roof districts applause. obviously i play an empty house that there is no, any casualties has been reported for yes, we can clearly hear the bombardments on the air strikes that these are very ministry has been carrying out in the past. oh, exactly. and the west trends, southern parts of the city of con eunice, we can completely feel its read the ration from our location here in rough off this area that they made a treat for, has operated and thought till now there is no need lead to off and as strikes by witnesses on the ground that the middle area has been reporting on. massive destruction being closed as a result of it used by the tax on the northern and western pond to bundle. so ross is specifically that at least 2 palestinians that have been reported killed violent
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as to why the area these very military had slots in the residential building. one palestinian has been killed with a number of injuries that been transferred to our locks the hospital to receive medical treatment. while we can clearly confirm that to be sent on areas of gauze and city had been also attacked specifically in as a, to a neighborhood where the is very ox new units have been attacking agricultural lands the at new any kind of scaling back of military attacks. of course, the gaza strip as promised, putting in so closely following all the latest developments regarding the potential assets being made by the addiction site in order to reach to a last chance deal before the potential manager. encouraging for roughly the district for palestinians here off completely terrified from xact idea where they are expecting a blue box could be really resulted from dr. hacked direct up. it was a rough up thank you. bye belgium has summoned this radium bus or offer an
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aide work and his child will kilobytes. where the forces in rough i've done that and about and his 7 year old son were killed in the house, sheltering displaced people. he worked for belgium's development agency. the 5 minutes to the side beginning was unacceptable and demanding an explanation. more than 200, a workers who have been killed by israel since the war and go has begun. well, i will just here i spoke to you on the phone best, so he's the managing direct to all of the belgium development agency and about he explains what happened. could he get that out and be some way killed as soon as the morning of the night from wednesday or thursday, there is an id of time on the house in the house of the house was a heavy around $25.00 people at the time. and what we know, 7 people died including a creek and the son, his wife was seriously injured. his father was killed, his brother, and these were also killed. and the social having 2 other young children. what is
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your student life? we've been working in plus tax for many years as a government agency. we'll obviously have contact with the or to receive them on both sides with an office in gibbons and then we walk into west buying and we walk in gether and get that we are in contact with the zip code yet. um, so we have a non prisons in guest. uh we have 22 uh stuff you can get. so including free international as you pulled up your household. uh 2 months ago. all of these as being compete with these quotes um in the uh, i'm not in the s 5, but the bomb being from the bronx. so office computer use a few and we complaints or review of the time to watch. do you say that people to receive a on, on the funding and know each one of our creeks? that's what killed 2 days ago from, i mean you still, francis and my me still for international corporation mets. we've the idea on both
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of the v as in brussels yesterday to ask for full explanation which we received easily and confirmed that it was indeed and tried the apologize for the loss or for could you get. so yes, we are going to be the contact is the easily id for 2 weeks and then special aid organizations as a, as well as deliberately preventing a shift. carrying aid and international observatory, reaching garza to freedom flit to the coalition, says as well as crazy down administrative ro brought to stone the vessels leaving the port in this tumble. the ship went okay for you for the inspection. delaying is fine friday. the puncher, you an explicit demanding, it's safe passage and unimpeded access to guys outside the bank has moved from that ship and the stumble or international freedoms. the to the us it's been called is that he's just that fail. the paperwork has been submitted to monitor and aid has been loaded and prepared. ready for the trip to gauze. organize the say that is the front to prevent this rest of the accident if you need vessels from departing. now
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it was a slide other positive of the so open i have to say is the destructor for rent. it's by pressuring is that country to remove it, so that we understand there will not be an additional inspection of this special organize of say, the confident it will cost. there will be in today of a few days. now this to the, to, this is tiring. $5500.00 tons of few months here and 8 people from 12 nation, including the grandson of nelson mandela on the door to us, jacob are already in trouble because is your try and break that fees and deliver this tremendous area in age. the confidence that it will take place, it will fail as long as it isn't any flexibility is a fair and i just split through this is taking place 14 years off to the last one left front of the switch. and it was also trying to break the fee deposit because intercepted by does that just brushing the memory of people here. but they say any challenges that they face, any potential danger they may face is nothing compared to what the other thing is
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a having to in your, in cause of that this, the, to, the, isn't just about breaking the siege isn't just about delivering to monitoring 8 is advised bringing more international attention to the whole on garza a default country to take action. i thought vague. essentially what you're going to do there is still a head. america's top diplomat meets china as president and aging for this little sign of a for relations. the one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render moody be taking increase of food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swaying, focused in key states? and will the media be able to come of a freebie unfairly, ongoing coverage,
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but in the, as an actions on, i'll just say around in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes witnessing you all who is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to know the state, possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera. now is the time to be directed to the creation of the humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do not, is, it was a part of it. we, it was from us, particularly that was very upfront on out as they are holding the powerful to account as we examine the us as role in the world on o g 0 the
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the, you're watching out just here. here's a reminder of our top story. is this our protests against the war in cause that have spread across the world, students and campuses in the us to some a diety, rallies in parts of europe, people being voicing and care and that governments for the support phase or belgium has some of these ready ambassador to offer an aide welcoming his 7 year old child with killed by his very forces in rough absorbing the mind works for belgium's development agency and international aid organization says israel is deliberately preventing and ship carrying aid and observe as i'm reaching garza to freedom flotilla commission says it's ready, officials have created an administrative role blog to some of the vessel from
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leaving a stone pool, the tea crane, where at least 2 people were killed and several wounded bike shelling and the rushing controls that you've done. you ask the local man, blame the credit in military for the stripe and key of us you have to comment question officials also. so you cranium strikes, code at least 7. now this is that these are cracking and southern class, so we'll have to move in to use a war. ukraine is struggling to recruit new troops. it's recently possible lowering the conscription age of 27 to 25. but on tuesday went even further issue a new passport. will savannah broad turn home and has the support from keith or ukraine struggling to buy men to fight its military? come on during the east. has said that in some sections of the front line, brushing policies out number, it's 7 to one. now it's governments announced
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a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new passports, a broad military age, but they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine. he wants them to come home is what the ukranian minister of foreign affairs to meet, throw cool level, wrote in a statement how it looks like now a man of conscription age went abroad. shoddy state. he doesn't care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work his way. a country is a will a wednesday, the oldest seem to go into instant effect to me, ukraine, impossible office in will. so there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland to go to pick up my possible goal. here is 6. i am yesterday we spent the night, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on the basis we went abroad. how can i be a draft don't j? if i went to broad legally not to tell you the neighboring ukraine supports the
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measure. and its defense minister said like wednesday, this country could help out. we talked about, we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to aid the ukrainians side by helping those who are subject to ministry service. go home. mr. is a test. i think that many of our compatriots feel outraged now when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. but will the measure increase ukraine's true numbers? alexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's begin with those models that i'm going to put along with . we need 3 things. one is the middle tree 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3 things need to add up so that were able to find the width is from a $61000000000.00 a package from the united states. now suddenly begin arriving in coming weeks. ukraine still missing meant with the john home,
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and i'll just say to keep you cry joined. russian tucker sees fine monitoring center and you're going to cut out a shut down. russian peacekeepers were deployed to the region in 2020. that was under a cease 5 deal with halted 6 weeks of fighting between zachary troops and ethnic on medians as a by john has since taken full control of the ones disputed and claim. your estate as me blinking is and did his 3 day visit to china, p and president c g paying say they came to find common ground. but during long meetings on friday, both sides with clear what laid disagree. i'm katrina you as well from aging us secretary of state antony blinking, set the goal of his 3 day trip to china with simple return to china this week. take stock of where we've made progress and where more needs to be done so that we can deliver tangible results, diabetes. but the tensions rising between vague and washington accomplishing that
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task would be anything but simple. in a meeting with the chinese president to a student being told, blinking us had often to fail to keep it's would say one thing and do another 2 countries, or should we putting this not rivals, both countries that should see common ground. well, reserving the difference is, is that a vicious competition those differences were made clear during a 5 and a half hour meeting between blinking and china is for administer earlier on friday when you want increasing negative fact is going to trigger a downward spiral and ties china's legitimate development rights has been unreasonably suppressed, an our court interest facing challenges. this included us trade restrictions designed to limit china access to its market and advance technologies. describing this as containment and not set competition. one also raised tie one as a red line issue for they jake warning against any moves that could be seen as us
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support. so the islands, independents, and said the bud and administration should not turn the asia pacific into a battle ground. so the 2 superpowers blinking race ton, his actions against philippine vessels in the south china sea, cooling them dangerous and pointing out to us his defense treaty with manila walkthrough. another major point of frustration for the us, china support for rush during its invasion. this is crazy. i reiterated our serious concern about the p r. c. providing components that are powering rushes, prove war of aggression against ukraine. he said this threatens not only ton, his relationship with the us, but with europe too. but there was some areas with the true side degree to deep incorporation, including in scheduling the tide of power from john spencer to the us. you know, it's official intelligence and increasing student exchange. no major breakthroughs, but enough to keep those of communication open until the next diplomatic inc.
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katrina, you. how does 0 okay, that's it for me in a box or whether it's next to the inside story questions whether the crank down or do a student protests against his fails will and gaza threatens free speech to stay with us. the, the hello, we are looking at some wet weather making its way towards the west and pulse, a saudi arabia over the next couple of days last the clear skies at present. but we will say some showers just gathering rod along at west side of bass. saudi, as we go through fast, a chance of a shower to, to west composite of yeah, i mean, where's the weather will close by the flooding. i suspect 10 to pots of afghanistan, some snow the over the high ground. stay going on into sunday. you can see that
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push a little further north with denise was couple temperatures around 12 celsius. what's the weather at that state also pushing it to central, positive saudi. again, the likelihood of some flash flooding as a result of that one or 2 shelves around the use, the side of it made nothing too much to speak of. and i think by the time we come to the 2nd half of the way can sunday desolate long as you try gaza. 2425 degrees with a chance of one or 2 showers just to the north of facts is a chosen one or 2 shelves. into northern parts, off morocco as to whether it's a sliding in here. but as you go through the next day, i'll say that sas day going on into sunday. but what's the weather creeping across the north coast of algeria? usual showers continued across central africa chavez to continue across that eastern side of africa. i think you'll be less. what should we say to? can you? the humanity has opened the gates of hell in those seats. he's having orlando's effects,
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as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people in power, investigate the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on just from coast to coast. i is rising in us universities against, as well as on gauze to fly across to students and demanding that schools, hotels links with as well. but how these protests become politicized. and this freedom of speech and the price, this is inside story, the .


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