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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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yeah, this is for the original from across the nation, but not everyone supports the idea. maybe i could pass along with them when we had, we see this as an authoritarian decision who's on the 101 east where deals indonesia moving a mega sitting on out to 0, the the hello on the pocket. this is the news on life. some type of coming up in the next 60 minutes. shooting voice is grow louder. protest against the wind garza spread to universities outside of the united states to from them. so you can, australia i'm sure advertising. see of the george washington university campus in washington dc where for testers remained to find spike threats of arrest. delays
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here. so for the to the set to leave took a if a guys are carrying thousands of tons of aid, the group of you and experts is cooling for unimpeded access. ukraine issues restrictions on passports for military age, man outside the country to address a shortage of troops to the home and support the tenants. role number 3 carlos outcries has made a winning star to his clay court season. the spaniard who has been suffering with injury, put on a dominant performance in his quest for record 3rd consecutive majority. the thanks for joining us. so we begin this to use uh, with the voices of students across the world university protests that would trigger and find a war on guns. and now growing into a course of different charlotte with governments i leadership across the globe is just over weeks. and students at columbia university began demanding that school
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divest from israel students to columbia, harvard georgetown, mit and george washington university began demanding the same protest spread from the north east to campuses in michigan, texas and california. and now they've gone global now university, college, london and empowered, sales po, university and all the way to the university of sydney in australia as well. we have reports from around the world from sidney, london, paris, and berlin. and we are live this out in austin, texas, and washington dc from where we begin, where we begin with, i'll just, there's a, she have a tendency, i'm, she have opponents of these protests say they're a wash with the anti semitic slogan, slogans. what have you been seeing and hearing where you are right now where it was with pizza, it's lunchtime. yeah, and everyone is eating. it's a very calm atmosphere. it's a very good natured out this. are there any moments of, of tension was whatever,
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but to protest his way back the one with his right. the flag, one of them came over here and saw the shot in your old jew, hey, 00 jesus. and the to the fizzles out pretty quickly. but really not any of these are you hate, has them that actually jewish, many of them, if i were just talking to one of the main organizes in the last hour who was talking about one of them, one of the causes of our outrage is this confliction between anti semitism and i'm being an opponent off the sort of violence of israel isn't using else in gaus. he says, bob, so it's out the semester because this address that because he's due if she should be supporting his findings in, in gaza. another for that has been issued by the authorities here. this is an account with us all the universities in the region. so that's d, c, virginia, and maryland. and so the, the, the latest ultimatum from g, w total, she university is students of dw, how you spell suspension being thrown out of this due to the housing and arrest. if
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you're not an adult once again about the student, then that is something you with a rest now. yeah, we haven't seen any move, declare security and cap months yet, right now. i'm in fact, best of luck. it's one of the reasons why they think is because we're all here, that there's such an amount of solidarity from, from the students who are now surrounding us as well. and that, that hopeful the about may keep, keep the authorities at bay for now, but not the same sort of that springs victory. all that we're seeing from university administrators across the country to students are simply expressing their opinions, which i thought is what you're supposed to do in universities. but apparently not when it comes to this issue. i'm sure i'm talking about known students. i mean, you're there in washington dc or many of miles away from the white house, how representative of public sentiment all the demonstrations on university campuses, campuses off the rule. as i said, washington itself, the scene is for a show of hands. he will demons the right. i'm actually
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in some ways the authorities, especially universities, when it comes to say black lives matter or for all the issues that i oh yes, you lose time for freedom of speech is just this issue for some reason raises the hackles probably perhaps because of the models that are being made, which is directly at the don't a toss of washington dc, they'll just a congress but also for the university's pacific 0 big, very clear. the thing that we want you to divest from companies that are profiting from, from is right of the operations, google, amazon, and all the companies obviously the, the best. he makes a great deal of money from what we have to do, steve. just put all of the paying all fees are going to paying for these really well, which and effectively that house the store. as far as public opinion is concerned, that's pots. another reason why we're saying, subs, vitriol, think, opinion pose a know pretty consistent that the majority, republicans, democrats, independents, are against what these are. these are doing against us funding. and yes, that's never reflected in the actual political process in congress who just waving
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3 more weapons. another reason, perhaps why we're saying such a bit. uh, what was your rational response from, from the powers that be here in washington? because that losing the argument about suppose what, you know, quite expensive, that's why they want to get rid of tech talk, but don't, don't controlling the narrative anymore. they can control it on facebook because each other don't take talk. so basically, i mean, i've been talking to all the campuses, but apparently for this particular issue that for patrick or table, freedom of speech. does anyone, does any one message that as welcome, as far as that goes up? all right, she how many things she everytime see that in washington dc. let's go now to austin, texas and heidi joe castro, the course of the protests in austin, of being particularly hated several students accused of criminal trespass in recent days. how do you think it was a sense of the direction that these protests of taking the i mean it's sort of been like a whiplash reaction to be honest, you're correct. on wednesday,
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this was seen of some pretty violent confrontations between police officers who were ordered here to crack down and what had started as a very peaceful protest of you t austin students and others trying to protest for palestinian rights. and we saw those 57 a rest occurred. well, since then, and since all the blow back that the university's president and the texas state governor received, there's been a very different shifting tone. in fact, we just got a letter written by the university's present a heartfelt of the community saying that yes, it was a rough day that day on wednesday. but that he had a clear indication. he said of the time that he thought these protesters were following what he called a pattern that was happening across the country. namely, we saw it happen in columbia days earlier, and that's why he ordered the arrest. and then he went on to say that he was, quote, grateful that this peaceful protest which you still see behind me continues saying that the university did condone it. what was missing though,
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was any sort of apology, which is what protesters and professors have been demanding some even pushing for hartzell's resignation. but that's why i wanted to bring in our guest. this is elijah caliber so much thanks to you for joining us as a protester. what do you think of this change in tone and the way that the university is now whiplash? responding to you guys? yeah, i'm a jewish individual. i'm a student here at the university of texas at austin. and i believe died hartsville and out his actions were just a point on wednesday. i was a protest, sir, and i was actually physically injured when cots tried to break their way into the protests. i was pushed by person on horseback, one of the state troopers and i actually sprained my ankle because of that. but overall, since reactions were very powerful, we either called for heart soul to eat it, as you said, issue an immediate apology or outright read resign. i believe that both add it and hard, so need to take a very strong sense to take full responsibility for what occurred on wednesday. but
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also it's important to say that ad, it is for full blame on this. this was political posturing in order to claim that this won't be another columbia. you want to put the foot down with full force if they did not do what they did. this would've been a very peaceful sit. and if you look at the p c's agenda for what was supposed to occur on that day, people are supposed be doing arts and crafts on the lawn. so this is just a points on all levels. and i think even people that would have been otherwise by standards got into the protests because they saw the infringement of civil liberties of their fellow students. and i think many of my friends that like that as well. and greg abbott, who is a republican governor here, some have said he wants to even be a running may perhaps to trump, is kind of upcoming presidential election. he has actually called on you guys, you, you to students protesting to be expelled from school because he says that you are being anti semitic and you just mentioned, you are jewish american yourself. you have have you witness any or felt any anti semitism? i have not, i think what needs to be 1st of all done is him expelled at the about the box. i think 1st and foremost, that's very important for the rights of students on campus that was the most vile expression of repression of free speech. i've seen in my entire life and i got to
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witness it 1st hand from the protesters. i did not experience any so of any anti semitism from anyone. if anything, if you will, if there's probably footage of it, i'm hugging my policy and brothers and sisters the entire time where there is a where there is a family. and overall the only violence i experienced was not for the protesters. it was from the police. thank you, eliza will have to leave it there. but it is of course, important to focus on the whole reason that this approach has begun in the 1st place is you t, austin, students are calling on university to divest. it's $52000000.00 of its endowment that is invested in weapons manufacturers and they're also calling on that investment in any company that benefits is real. nice. all right. how do you many, thanks to you and your guess, how does your culture in austin, texas that let's go to new york now because how correspondence on 100 is made it onto the campus and the income with the protesting comments that have city university is one of the public institutions in new york. john, what are you seeing and hearing the,
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the welding this is in the harbor. this is in harlem, and it's a very open uh, city university. you can just look around. we're able to go into the encampment here in columbia. it's a little different and one of the things that makes this campus different is that this is a, a very small, the democratic campus. it causes about $7000.00 to attend school here per year, compared that was $66000.00 for colombia. so different clientele, a, it's really lower income by and large and you can feel that difference in the way they just allow us to sort of walk all through the campus. you can see up there on that stairwell there, of just a number of people there marching behind those people whose backs you see there. but if you look around, you can, you can see the same kinds of things that we see it, other universities. these are all tents,
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that's where the students sleep at night and there's kind of a festive atmosphere. if you look in this direction here, my camera man is turning in. you can see that there's food and there's a, there's a sort of atlas fear of, you know, celebration, but also solidarity by the city. security forces is just a day ago trying to come in here that i shouldn't say city the, the campus security force, not the city police came in and the protesters pushed them back. but now what you see is there's a police car there, there, barricades next to that police car, that's the n y p d. the new york police department have pre positioned here, and that is a light stand over there so that if they want to clear this area at night, they have the equipment to do so. now we normally don't trade in rumors,
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but there have been rumors on social media and that mayor eric adams wants to close this down and override the university president. didn't want to do that with new york city police. but now that we see these pre positioned, new york police assets, it's gain credibility. and people here are very concerned that they're going to come in in force in week this off the campus. and they're determined not to let that happen. course we've seen hundreds of arrests more than $500.00. it campus is all over the us. and the concern is that this one might be next me. yeah, we can see the policy and flag flying, very high component of the behind you that joan joan, 100 many things like 1st there in new york. okay, so that's the picture in the united states. now the picture in europe empowers students have been occupying the main building of this science po university. these are life pictures of the scene that they're being demanding institution cup ties
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with this right. now just as the tasha butler has been that she sent us this report card that you did inside power says prestigious, the university dozens of students demanding an end to israel's would garza outside to others, charging for firms to help stop. what they say is a genocide we are witnessing a genocide and as a student we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that student movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent. seals, po is famous and problems for forming the countries politically. the students say it's essential for the university. it continues this tradition of supporting human rights to the children. one of the universities, like there is another great universe. we have a few demands,
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but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy and financial. there's already research with the work on that to understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide declared by the i c j. and we want it starts with investigating prep partnerships. to protest is the latest student demonstrations on wednesday, french sundays, pay to $15.00 lose. the student says was $800.00 and symbolic. there's a real, we will not only and seems to be very wide and burn france quite very deciding. proposed 9 voices. now we've reached another step with the police coming into our campus during the wednesday, the provision to pick is out of the times. is this the next assignment of silence? the must be broken, say the students palestinian royce and to be heard the parts department. i'll
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just sarah, purse students at australia is the oldest university. it was so cooling for tides with this route to be 7th officials as see the university on thing, gauging with students about his connections to israel yet. but officials have sent the protests, organize as a list of rules. university said without any consider placing restrictions on stuff engaging with colleagues overseas. if the activities were deemed to be potentially unlawful. or sorry, personal to me. i mean, i'm a palestinian. i was born in palestine and my family lives in palestine. i it, it's my land, it's my people, it's my country. the university has a responsibility as they did for south africa, they divested from apartheid that they need to divest from the past side and genocide with israel. and it's not just students who are getting involved. protest is come to outside. jimmy's parliament to being told by police,
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they need to leave demonstrate to showing support for part of sign of set up dozens of times outside the bonus tag. please say the grape as being repeatedly violated restrictions put on the cam pushes being left for maybe 3 weeks now. okay, well let's go to where all of this matters most to run for in southern guns are where 51 people have been killed just in the past 24 hours to eric i was in is that for us a tire echo? of course, of these global protests that a gathering pace of universities around the world. oh, focusing on what is happening that in gaza and a huge loss of life could bring us up to speed on these lights. it strikes the impact of the videos that of the, just as a protest continued. and the majority of the us universities. now the situation on the ground in gauze is getting really difficult in the an hourly phases. now we can
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really recruit in the past couple of hours more as twice that targeted residential houses in the middle areas. specifically, you know, mostly rock refugee come for a place to palestinians have for a full list of killed with a number of injuries a month. typically into a right not receiving medical treatments in the middle areas, hospitals bought the facts on the ground that witnesses on the ground. people have to report a single mass confrontations and flashes that we must fight. isn't that use very so just in the adjacent areas to the area where it's one of the closest areas to the new core we deal with that as well. it has a recent place, tablets in the middle areas of the gaza strip in order to control the movement of citizens between the north and the southern parts of the gaza strip. now we have been hearing the ongoing whole ring of the fight to death of the east really meant it to you, which had targeted in the past couple of hours, a residential house into another part of roof district. now this area has been hit as it was a clear house that was destroyed with new casualties. that being reported by yes,
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palestinians at this ongoing attacks. they are completely suffering from ongoing shortage of basic human attorney and supplies. under the same time. they are trying to give more appeals to gone to civil defense in order to recover the bodies of per month of the jeep rays of the houses that being destroyed, where different signs of life the for some palestinians walk into apart. so gals of civil defense are facing the problem in terms of extracting the bodies from onto the ground of from under the rubble of this. these houses are due to the lack of equipment as they have been announcing that will they will try to do the best to recover new bodies as they do now. there is no, any late top on fighting as there is to. hundreds of people are still messing on. some of them have been under the russell for more than 5 months of confrontations on the grounds. tara can many things to them to. this will permit your pot of send you an infant who is rescued from head. and by this way,
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a mountain is ready as try has died. team support, say it on the new born sabrin, arrow judah. she was pulled out alive, moments off the pregnant mother was killed. sabrina's home was hit fine is randy strike on rafa on saturday. view and has given an update on this investigation into stuff at own right used by israel or being involved in a mass of type of 7th attack on what provides education, health and a to palestinians in gauze. israel's accusations for some countries to pull the funding, but later some of those governments resumed the cash transfers. 8 staff members remain under investigation by awhile us. one case was closed as new evidence was provided by as well to support the allegations against the staff member. we are exploring corrective administrative action to be taken in that persons case. also, 3 cases were suspended by o r u. s. as the information provided by israel is not sufficient for allow us to
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proceed with an investigation on why is now also considering what administrative action to take. while these uh 3 k, 3 people are under investigation regarding the 7 cases that were brought to our attention since january 1 case has also been suspending, suspended the case itself by why it was has been suspended, pending receipt of additional supporting evidence. the remaining 6 of those cases are currently under investigation. deborah is on those live for us at the united nations with more that so as we had the, gabriel's some cases piece are being close, suspended, paused, others are still active. i think more details of the direction this overall can you investigation discovery as well. it's still ongoing the spokesperson for the secretary general that you just heard speaking there said that
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a team of investigators from the o i o s. the opposite internal oversight services will be going back to israel in may. so this investigation is still very much a moving forward. i think what's important about this is that the u. n. has long said that the spokes person has long said the secretary general and tony of gutierrez, has never received any evidence from israel on these claims that these unreal staff members allegedly took part in october 7th. i believe the legs are really the head of unreal. his said he's never received any evidence either, but we were really waiting for the o i o s report because they are the ones sort of this internal audit, a body of the one that's really doing the investigation on this. and so it was really interesting to see if they were getting any evidence from these rallies. and again, while the investigation is not complete, there are signs that the answer that question is no uh,
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with this one individual that his credit he or their case. i don't know if it's a he or she, their case has been completely closed because of no evidence provided by the israelis. and then for other cases, a suspended suspended means that they could be reopened. if the israelis provide more evidence, but as of up till now they have not. so clearly this investigation is moving forward. but so far is really is continue to have not provided any evidence. at least that has been made publicly to the o i o. s a or to the un that they were implicated in these allegations to taking part and october 7th. okay. with the very latest for me you and in your gabriel as on day. thank you. us and this national aid organization says israel is deliberately preventing a ship carrying aid, an international observance of reaching garza, the freedom flotilla. coalition says the israel has created an administrative
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roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the port in this tumble. the ship will now go through further inspection, delaying its planned friday to punch. are you an expos that demanding its safe passage and unimpeded access to gaza? i saw a big house move from that ship and it's tumble the international freedom. so to the assets being cold is that is just that sales the paperwork has been submitted. if you find it here and 8 has been loaded and prepared. ready for the trip to gauze . organize the say that it will just trying to prevent this rest of the accident if like shift these vessels from departing. now, if largest other public opinion organize us, say that is the destructive for rent, it's what pressuring is that country to remove it, so that we understand there will not be an additional inspection of this special organize of say, the confident it will cost. there will be in today of a few days. now this to the, to this is tiring. $5500.00 tons of few months here and 8 people from 12 nation, including the grandson of nelson mandela. and the daughter of jacob are already in
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trouble because it's a try and break that fees and deliver this tremendous terry an age that confidence that it will take place in rules that fails as long as it isn't any flexibility is a fair. and i just split through this is taking face 14 years off of the last one left front of the switch. and it was also trying to break the feet of causes intercepted by just reading ministry, effected suppression, the memory of people here. but they say any challenges that they face, any potential danger they may face is nothing compared to what the other thing is that having to endure in gaza. and that this with today isn't just about breaking the siege isn't just about delivering to monitor and age. his advice, bringing more international attention to the whole on garza a default country to take action. i started back to central america. support for is around the end in particular, it's influential. evangelical christians have been, i'm wavering, despite the brutality of this war and gaza around 11000000 evangelicals in the us.
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but they've turned into a powerful political lobby as a pool of israel sensitive and the belief at the sight of his route was connected to the return of jesus christ. i also side a quotes in the bible, is one congressman told university of columbia as president joined a hearing. are you familiar with genesis 123? probably not as well as you are homeless man. well, it's pretty clear it was the covenant that god made with abraham. and that cabinet was real clear. if you blast israel, i will bless you. if you curse israel, our curse you. and then in the new testament, it was confirmed that all nations would be blessed through you. so you do not know about that. i have heard that now that you've explained it. yes,
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i've heard that if they are familiar. uh, do you consider that a serious issue? i mean, do you want columbia university to be cursed by god of the bible? definitely not. okay. well that's good. because reduce frank bozeman, who is a fellow jeanette associate professor till the school of theology. he joins his phone till the end of the evidence. so we'll welcome to you. so let's start with the basics. if we may, why are so many american evangelicals so fiercely supportive is of israel is a purely from scripture a yes. what is the see a reasons, thanks for being here. by the way, it's the 1st one of the capricious belief that use of the physical grants to the promised land give and bond golf to dots chose the 2nd one is the general impression release of the continued existence of christianity in the home. that is better secure by the israel states than by 500 bucks and governments. the 3rd is
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the general impressions. see, choose control over the entire lands requirements for, for, for it. again, point processing features for the governor saying because abraham is caused by golf and you bless. abraham is best buy golf and the full the reason is that you have an old precious pringle as long as a false religion with the steps which isn't being much more complicated that you won't have a fake and 2 jesus masters. but the last jesus wasn't, you falls a sense of purposes so of having to have the pressures believes that the holy next event, jesus christ was the problem that is given bind off to the jewish people. right? yeah. for the jewish people have. right. so, so that is to say, a logical basis. and this is of course, the problem is that this is where i, religion, and politics blood because conservative evangelicals of long helped prop the republican party, supportive israel. how have previous republican leaders such as donald trump
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navigated use this relationship? yeah. what was interesting enough about 80 percent of the americans who congenital photos for some of the do so again. and it will true stage, the trunk was never so much occupied in real politics with helping israel. so it was more like his rhetoric. he knew fairly well that defending israel in his campaign would give him the felt of the f, a general. but dark gives you as a general questions. if you look at the politics that's d e actually did when you well office, you did talk so much for helping paul, defending israel bunch. his wife's president mike fence. he's also invest in just a suggestive number. stein during the trucking industry should have golf, has some trends to say israel and my on fail was from all the programs says, and israel has a physical claim to the land of israel. so trump may not have done so much concrete
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key to, to help israel all the israel ele, uh, interest bits, the, the no, i don't watch that kind of ref, oregon, which is the bus. ok, right. to be on the side of israel based on typical crimes. there is a cause and extremely bitter irony here in that process again, christians make up a sizable part of the why the arab christian community in the middle east. those are motto to even joe, the cole christians, a tool given that they're essentially religiously on the same side as your well, i think, does it not a lot of the questions will look think so much about they're, they're seeing in as code or the 1st in gaza and all the traveler tories because like stuff on the radar, it's not something that is fairly well known by the public and a full. if you're thinking about it as a christian also, isn't that for jericho ration, then it's not
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a method that you'll have one provision for the all religion to know what at this the and this the and this there are just one and the same entity to talk about this much more complicated, technical and a half ago, each situation in the middle east has been more complicated. the complicated things tend to do very sadly when it comes to elections and politics. trying baldwin, theologians had associate professor up to a bug school of theology being really interesting to have you on the program. thank you. good a. so i tell you without, is there a still a head remembering historic days but study is on of south africa, always heading to the polls with disillusion and equality. highly agend plus, the countdown begins, the olympic flame is handed over to paris. organizes a head of a 68 a torch. we like the
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color we are looking at some wet weather, making its way towards the west and pots of saudi arabia over the next couple of days. last the clear skies at present. but we will say some showers, just gathering rod along at west side of the saudi, as we go through fast, a chance of a shower to into west composite of you. i mean, where's the weather will cost by the flooding? i suspect 10 to pots of i've kind of done some snow the over the high ground. stay going on into sunday. you can see that pushes a little further north with denise was couple temperatures around 12 celsius. that's the weather at that stage. also pushing it to the central pos are savvy again, the likelihood of some flash flooding as a result of that one or 2 shells around the use, the side of the med, nothing too much to speak of. and i think by the time we come to the 2nd half of the way can sunday desolate law as you try gaza. 2425 degrees was a chance of one or 2 showers. just to the north of facts is
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a chosen one or 2 shelves. into northern parts of morocco as to whether it's a sliding in here. but as we go through the next dial, say that sas day going on into sunday by way of weather creeping across the north coast of algae area. usual showers continue across central africa chavez to continue across that eastern side of africa. i think you'll be next. what should we say? but can you on the examination being proactive. today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. right now, if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options a way to the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution. on alger 0,
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hod he came in to be used as the oil, c software, the casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the the you're watching, i'll just say right. his reminder of our top story is this our protests against the war in guns. i have spread across the world from students and campuses and the us
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to sold a diety rallies in parts of europe. people have been voicing and given that governments for the support of israel, this is the scene in the french capital, powers of signs of science for university protest is back on mass. the non solve the university students differ from one another, but they do have a common theme of divesting for me as well. students in columbia university a largely demanding the university drop that direct investment and companies doing business in or with israel. these include microsoft, amazon, and google, new york university students, one of the closure of the schools tel aviv compass students in yale and cornell, have been asking the schools to come ties with weapons manufacturers, including lockheed martin students. we've just seen them that in paris. so occupying the campus of this science po, university, demanding the institution issue, a quote, clear condemnation of his rouse actions that some producer of
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a quin now he's the executive director of the scholars at risk that work has been defended. non for profit corporation based in new york university, which seems to protect scholars. and of course the freedom to think i'm question and indeed share ideas. if i won't welcome to you. so students have different universities may, as i mentioned, that being demanding, slightly different things. if they have institutions, what would you say was the overall can feature looking demonstrations across the us and now your a well, 1st thank you for having me. i would say the overarching features that we have the most diverse generation of young people in higher education, right? now they are looking at the world, so they have their values, they see injustice, and they're trying to figure out how to enter into this world as thoughtful adults to, to live their values in the face of that. so yeah, their demands are different in different places. a by and large, what you see is young people doing exactly what they want them to do. to apply
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knowledge, apply, fax, apply their values and figure out how to make the world a better place. and a calling for it also seems to be kind of shed dissolution, but not only with the leadership of these institutions, the universities themselves, but also with, with national leaders as well. is this a generational thing? and you know, i certainly think that's fair. i mean, i have to speak mostly from the higher education space. i think we have leadership struggling and frankly to know how to respond to this southern or blossoming of collective action. but certainly we also have actors outside of a higher education space who have no desire to see the deepening of understanding to see rich this course. they're clearly trying to use these protests for partisan purposes for their own particular agendas. and that makes the job of leadership much more difficult. so i wonder what sort of pressure is now on these particular universities? what impact will the demands for divestment from is there any companies, weapons,
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manufacturers, or companies simply with links to israel have on the way in which universities raise capital now and the future as well. i think it demands for development, of course, are not in any way new for universities. and historically, of universities initially responded saying that's none of your business. how we raise the money to pay for the services and activities of our university. and i think universities over the years i've learned that that's just not a good enough answer because universities aren't just corporations. they are private companies, they're values based entities. and so the constituents of that campus, whether it's the students, the faculty, the alumni, the donors, the trustees, they have a right to understand how the university is paying for itself and as a business, whether it's putting its name on t shirts and sweatshirts, whether it's selling its brand for continuing education, or whether it's investing money to grow its endowment and how it does it can be
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interrogated for whether that lives up to the values that the university status are itself. of course, the concern that many students have is that these companies, in some way will have and you influence over the way in which universities are run and what people can say and what people can. what i do this can be freely shed. how do you quantify, how do you measure that possible influence as well? of course, it's very difficult to measure any direct causation, but we have seen over the last year or so some very high profile attempts of large donors to try to specifically shape by calling for the firing of faculty members by calling out individual students to be have their job offers, resend it, and so forth. so those types of x terminal pressures are violations of cor university values, the about their violations of autonomy, their violations of academic freedom. now of course, this is assuming that the expression going on campus is non violent is not
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targeting one anti semitism discrimination in violent acts or threats. those are protected, but what we see is outside powerful entities, not looking for that distinction and really just trying to impose their agenda. probably, quinn, executive director of the scholars are risk that work has been really great to hear your thoughts on this. thank you. the to you great, now we're at least 2 people were killed and several wounded by showing in the russian control, the city of dun yeske, the local med blame, the ukrainian ministry for the strong. but key if has yet to comment, russian officials also say you creating strikes killed at least 7 others and stuff for reason quarter i q for southern class on often more than 2 years of war. ukraine is struggling to recruit new troops is recently possible loading the
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conscription age from 27 to 25 on tuesday when even further issuing new possible roles from an abroad. it's on home and has this report from keith of ukraine struggling to buy men to fight its military command or in the east. has said that in some sections of the front line, brushing policies out number, it's 7 to one. now it's governments announced a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new passports abroad to military each man because they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine. he wants them to come home. it's what the ukranian minister of foreign affairs to meet through a cool level wrote in his statement how it looks like now a man of conscription age went abroad. shoddy state doesn't care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work this way, a country that was a wednesday, the oldest seem to go into instant effects and the ukranian possible office in will
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. so there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland to go to pick up my possible go here at 6 am. yesterday we spent the night, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on the basis we went abroad. how can i be a draft don't j if i went to broad legally, not to tell you this, but the neighboring ukraine supports the measure. and its defense minister said like wednesday, these country could help out. we talked about, we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to aid the ukranian side by helping those who are subject to ministry service. go home. mr. is a test. i think that many of our compatriots feel outraged now when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. but will the measure increase ukraine's true numbers? alexi headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's begin with those models. the put
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a little more we need 3 things. one is the middle tree 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3 things need to add up, so that were able to find the weapons from a $61000000000.00 a package from the united states. now suddenly beginning arriving and coming weeks, ukraine still missing meant with the john home. and i'll just say to keep you correct. so south africa was preparing to mock freedom day on april the 27th. so 2 years after its 1st democratic vote when nelson mandela's amc swept to power 3 decades on with the economy, sluggish, and a 3rd of people out of work. many argue the amc has failed to deliver on the vision of a new open and inclusive society with opportunities for a little while as another milestone election looms. john hall reports from the town of home and scrawl in south africa. so it's not because of the drought,
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the water is delivered by truck to more than a $100000.00 residents in this area. code humans crow here. they blame the mismanagement and neglect the government, the government to take a picture on us because we're suffering with the water product. i mean, don't you think that by now they should be fixing these problems? i think so. but then the problem with our government is that a the financial stability in this country is very low. legged, it is with finances. i don't think i will government disagree before whatever they have doing, whatever they are doing, i think benefits them. this is a huge community, how months crowd just north of the capital pretoria that doesn't have access to reliable clean water. and that's just one public utility that he's failing. millions of south africans. so 2 years after the 1st pre election in this country, nelson mandela's a in c one and then slide victory in that election. but the post about
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a promise of a better life, pearl was never going to be easily met. corruption took root any qualities, widened unemployment now stands a told and 30 percent. and put a service delivery has become the target to the public and as rubbish, piles up. and the electricity counts out the main problem with a i'll come to use uh, info then. and especially when you get to issues of attendance, you get the people to attend this, but the government is never following up to make sure that the projects are off hand. so we have for example, the issue of we, by the way, a lot of meetings wait at least to fix, but only about 5 percent of the white stuff. because there was a time when the taps ran clean and how months cross before the misuse of funds intended for the repair of roy reservoir. while one other cult oh and nice and some other friends better. just as they was a time when the future seemed brought to before 94,
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i was so excited about the coming government. much do you think the enough progress has happened and i don't see in i don't see anything with another election looming party is a competing when a common theme that something in what used to be known as the new south africa. he's broke joe, the whole elder 0 in humans, crowd still head still allowed to 0, hammering home that point to landless communities in brazil, demand reforms, so they can have a permanent home liberal. and james in the los angeles lakers are on the brink of n b, a, playoff elimination, details coming up in sports. the business latest is brought to you believe, i guess this outlined my on one of your jobs makes more than plates.
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the business like just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads the on
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the the top of photo, his car needs. thank you so much. tennis world. number 3, carlos alvarez made a winning start to his clay court season. the 2 time defending champion who withdrew from monte carlo and barcelona because of injury research his match with alexander, shes chang, code to reach the 3rd round at home favorite in fittings, december 1st player in tournament history, to win 3 titles in a row. meanwhile, defending women's champion arena slept blankets arrived, a real a scare the world number 2 needed $0.03 to overcome a poland. magda lynette after winning the 1st set. then at 4 speed, deciding 3rd set for the reigning australia. open champion, clenched victory after 2 hours. and 12 minutes, several like is on a record time,
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a 3 titles and richard and will number 4 atlanta road. the keynote has also reached the 3rd round and madrid. the catholic star beat woochie ever on the study of italy and straight fence. the 2020 to wimbledon champion has already won 3 v a 500 titles . this year a page of rocca has been appointed. the new president of the spanish football federation, spiking under investigation for corruption. the 70 year old has filed the position and in term capacity since taking over from luis ruby alice, it was banned from fee for, for 3 years, for his on solicited case of jenny, her mo. so during the celebrations of spain's world cup victory, rocca was indicted on april. the 12th for corruption case affects the large part of the spanish football for the federation, including ruby alice, they've both denied any wrong doing spain as co hosting the world cup in 2030 for our nord manager, ernie slot is told dodge media that his club is negotiating
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a deal with liver pull that will see him on the anti outside. so it has been with fe north since a 2021. and he has won the dutch lee and kept in his time there. let me pull 0, you know, hop is leaving at the end of the current season then slot has hinted and he is indeed the front runner to replace for german. yeah, it did take care of all of allowing us to switch. yes. so i am confident that things work out because i think a very good offer is already being made. then the decision for the club will be whether to accept it on us and that is completely justified, of course. and on the other hand, i also think that there will be some gratitude on that part for the past 3 years. and a balance will have to be found in terms of transfer fee, even just as expected. caleb williams has been picked 1st and this year is nfl draft. he's heading to the chicago bears on what was a record breaking day for quarterbacks, rapper. i'm an ad welcome to proud in his hometown as a record 250000 fans packed at downtown detroit for the spectacle. really
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in 2020 the chicago bear with them in depth with 22 year old who won the procedures. heisman trophy in 2022 award is college football that's player is widely regarded as one of those. how is it college football players for your last week where they yeah, i didn't know how it was going to react in the moment. i was trying to think through it in my head throughout the process. but nothing feels better than actually being in the moment. actually getting that call and you're not in so nervous. i didn't for any of that was i was, i was, i was anxious. i'm ready to go. this is great to get the call back and walk out the walk out there in stage. and just finally be back on the team is, is honestly what i'm excited for. i go out there i and to my job i'd be a great teammate. first and foremost, i handle business on and off the field and then and then and then i go to work. i enjoy, i enjoy what i do. i love what i do. i'm in there with my guys and my guys are
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seeing me this. they see how hard i work there guy, there to be and we go get it. what you're here scouts say is how much does the guy both football, how big it is easy to put ball williams is kind of what we call the right character . um, you saw a baby he showed up at the draft with the one of his fingernails page and silver to match his girlfriend's dress of fordable ground for the draft is kind of like to see improper for most of these college, these college players. and he's a very bright personality, so the question is, will he heck her down and, and play quarterback. he had the advantage of having a pretty good quarterback coaches had coaching call a to see follow from oklahoma to us see during his college career. so i think he showing that he can actually make, make those plays. the question is, how quickly can you adjust to the nfl? well, williams is not the only corner back to make some big news. jayden daniels will pick was picked 2nd by the washington commanders,
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while drake may was then selected by the new england patriots chasing josh island. and they got a b, a made a profit and select michael junior. well there. 6 that is the 1st to say the least 6 quarterbacks reflected in the top 12 and the 1st time in nfl history. the atlanta falcons moved from michael penn next junior and was most surprising franchise had already signed to work husbands in the off season, which guarantees veterans $100000000.00. so the m b a now and 4 time champion. le bron james and his alley lakers are on the brink of elimination from the playoffs. that's after the defending champions. denver nuggets dished out a 112 to 105 getting 3 went on thursday. denver now leave the series 3. nothing. no one b team has ever come back from that kind of a deficit to the playoffs. aaron gordon's point 29 points by nickel, i'll get you out of 24 points of his own. it's an 11th street when for denver over
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the lakers 20 for you and you say use one of them at a time at this point. you know, the lows go home, so we need to come up with the mindset. let's, let's get one force again 5, and then we go from there. so as long as you still have life that you always have believe. just think you play to the wheels fall off. and then i was always about for me as the mindset and i know it's not next to me feel the same way because it's an astro isn't the colorado rockies are getting ready for a 2 game. regular season series in mexico city after fans ready rondon. lexi and capital and tickets are sold out with both games on saturday and sunday. immediately baseball has already stage games outside of the us and canada this year . i'm a little bit claim that will burn through the summer games have been handed over to pairs organizers. a had a $68.00 day towards relay, had over took place and the ceremony in athens at the side of the 1st modern olympics in $1896.00, aflame. we'll leave on saturday. a board and 19th century french sail boat for the
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port of mercy. for heading to paris for the opening ceremony on july, the 20 fix the all right, and that is all used for, for now. back to me. thanks a lot. 5. 0, before we go into zillow and go over long expected land reforms. this thing a wave of process, the activists from the landless workers movements they present literally, the silver hasn't done enough. well, the conservative dominated congress is accusing him of sizing with protests as well . they can't get to cab has the story, a thousands marching across pursuit demanding land reforms. the protests mark the 40th anniversary of the longest standing peasants movement in latin, america's largest country since the beginning of april, members of the land, this workers movement where the m. s. t have organized 30 land occupations in 13 states, establishing camps like this one, i think, the whole global view and the size. we are doing our duty pressuring the government
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to enforce our rights and preserve democratic constitution stipulates that unproductive line should be expropriated, and distributed to those who need it. so they can grow food and not go hungry. this land 300 kilometers away from the city of realtors and narrow used to be a sugarcane plantation. now the old church serves as the community kitchen. he subjected, you know, made us associated, you know, where to go. after family was evicted, she hopes to build her new home. here, the government has responded by announcing it would invest over $100000000.00 to settle. $73000.00 families by the end of the year. but activists from the landless workers' movement say it's not enough and the quality remains of pressing issue in brazil, nearly half of the countries arable land is controlled by just one percent of agricultural, told these and the farm lobby wheel, significant power and congress. its representatives have
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a choose the left us government of siding, but squatters and have proposed to bill allowing the police to expel them without a traditional warrant. we believe in property rights and therefore we understand that the laws in brazil should be strengthened in a way to um, you know, not allow this kind of movements through happen. people like they need us to box onto the present has enough wealth to accommodate both the haves and the have nots . like herself, she spent 3 years in a camp similar to the one she's now helping build before settling into her career at home. today cheer and so living by selling organic fruits and vegetables at the local market. monica, and give all just sierra compass that was great, that causes brazil. all right, that's it for me and the focus to yvonne here will be here at guiding you through the next few hours of news, including those ongoing demonstrations against israel's war ogazio
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u. s. campuses. and that also campuses across the these are the mythologies on the drum as they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is ready. the ministry presents it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets of clinic cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces . it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies in charge for is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use the law on the street right now. look, it's easy to move around. i think i would say more could be different. and
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exploring. going to change the situation and not listen. we had 70 percent more business before people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in gaza. now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is most important, which is not going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out of there. now let me tell you about safari valley. you called result the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only
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look, just very close here, like come in here, sits on to play with a large stairs place with a look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody value equal, restored to me and gone. the student voices roll louder, campus protests against the war and guns and spreads the university's outside the united states. to france, the u. k. and australia, the castro in austin, texas, where students continue to protest is really warn gaza. and what.


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