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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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he is only elected very close by common. he sits on with a large 3rd space with a look in my private now thinks royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal resulted in gun. the student voice is role louder, campus protests against the war and gaza spreads the university's outside the united states. to france, the u. k. and australia, the castro in austin, texas, where students continue to protest is really warrant that. and what they say is their universities complicity the
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i'm sort of any a good to have you with us. this is alice is your life from the also coming up in a worker with the belgian development agency has been killed by and is really arrow striking garza a flip to the set. the leaves are key for gaza with thousands of tons of aid, delayed, a group of you and experts is calling for unimpeded access. and ukraine issues restrictions on passports for military age, men outside the country to address a shortage of troops at home. the beginning, this is our, with the voices of students across the world university protests that were triggered by the war on gaza. now growing into a chorus of distant chestnuts with governments and leadership across the globe. it's just over a week since students at columbia university began demanding their schools divest
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from israel's after that students of columbia, harvard georgetown, mit and george washington university. to name just a few followed suit protests spread from the northeast to campuses in michigan, texas in california. and now they've gone global at university college, london and in paris that cl spoke university and even all the way to the university of sydney in australia. but we're live this hour in austin, texas, and washington dc. from where we begin with ours. you guys, i was just curious, you have a time, see if she how you're going to tell us what's going on around you in just a moment. if i can also get you to address the accusations of anti semitism, these really government says these protests are anti semitic along with some american politicians. even some of these universities, donors. i wonder how the crowd there is responding to that the why does so, why does this despise them?
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saying that these are obviously the organizers purchasing the, the 2nd some of them in the law. so that would be in our report that's coming up, pay them. so the jew, it is okay to quote, a little more careful with complaints in resistance to the legal person involves the west bank. we've already said that we come up here and now you see those funds from consideration when people who address themselves. although being pulled, obviously loved it, separate tested against what's the deductible it also says as opposed to the other side. so gotcha, i'll be so much as you see. that sort of said, i do wonder whether it's such a desperate streaming but it be, i think one of the reasons is one of the reasons why they, what you found, took to be closer to the messages that we don't see if you don't see them in your old times bbc and elsewhere, but most of the, the younger generation. um,
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because i get the news, roswell, from very soon, egypt takes off it elsewhere and they themselves reduce the costs. are they all going to sink through the? i'm talking about explain why we don't so reaction to the praise as problem, bullet issues with all the rest you administered, losing all the rent for the merits, as we were told to go to for the university, columbia, capitol hill, dirty clothes. and we bought the robot real bridge, charge of it. there's the military industrial complex called me assignment. others move it be because really lobby, you know, who all set. and we just said, if you want our money, then you could help me to set them up for your signature. and that's why, for some reason why that's why you're saying you ever decide to go with the side of the data is the 3rd piece because they know that's, that's where the, you know,
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the black lives matter rather figure things out to normal. i think i'm really worried though the business is very meaningful. they've lost without their loss control and that's where the cost is gone. the job lives from the she has to have her time. see of course live from the george washington university in washington dc . thank you. very much, let's pass through new york now, where students at columbia university who have set up a, an encampment on campus there have now listed their demands list to this. the protesters and negotiations with columbia are ongoing. as a reminder, quad organizers have 3 demands. one, divest all finances, including the endowment from corporations that profit from is really a part time genocide and occupation in post time to complete transparency for all of columbia financial investments. 3 amnesty for all students and faculty disciplined or fired in the movement for a palestinian liberation, or and,
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or stay in new york, but now going to a different university. that's new york city university else is here as john engine is there. john, you're about to show us what's happening around you and explain the situation there . can you also address the fact that city university is a public institution and why that is significant? what i think that shows a use that as a public institution is going to very low to a 100. what that means that is there a whole different income level and that speaks to the bread of this approach and smooth man, you've got people. it all these the lead universities across the u. s. put some public universities like this one. this is the 1st free university in the united states, and now the division is up to $6000.00. but as far as it can get up to 1670000 . so this really just represents the red, the income level and of this approach has moved to raise. you can see there's
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a lot of march and going on here like you see it. many of these other events, but what you're also seeing here is because this is an open campus using people of all ages, not just people walk through life coming here as well. some of them may be older students, but some of them are just people from the neighborhood who may have wandered fine over here, over the weekend, bumped through a couple of people under way. you can see the encampments where people are living in a chance, and that's what we're seeing and other universities as well. this is the way of saying we are occupying the site we're spending the night in the home is place. if you look beyond those chance, you can see a bunch of barricades across the street and there's an n y p d car traveling right by right now, why is that important?
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because again, go the campus security police to hated to sweep through here and clear this area out. the protesters push them back to the day. the new york police department is established. the president does barricades were set up, they're buying new york police and there's a big light stand as well. what does that work? well say if at night you weren't routing area with a lot of police and they wanted to see where they were going. you are wrecked one of those lights, most of what you're seeing here is the positioning of a lot of police department. the concern is that this will be the police come in and arrest people. we know that's happened across the nation. we've got more than $500.00 arrest at events like this. so that could be or is this place might be next. all right, john henry and reporting from a city university in new york. thank you very much. it's 3 pm where you are, middle of the afternoon. we'll zip across the us to austin, texas. now,
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houses here is heidi joe castro is there at the university of texas in austin. so heidi, show us around you and also i'm curious to know how this particular university leadership is dealing with these protests. some have decided to negotiate with students. we saw that in columbia, some of decided to send in law enforcement. what's happening where you want to spend a little bit of all of us 0 here at the university of texas in austin. we're obviously the protesters have returned to the plaza that's in front of their tower to continue. now this is their thursday and the university response. well, on wednesday there was a total police crime down here where they were $57.00 protesters arrested since then, almost all have had their charges dropped and they never today's president j hard. so who ordered the clearing of those professors on wednesday and now had a parent complete $180.00 and
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a new letter to the 10 me city that was sent out last night he said that he was grateful for the presence of these pro palestinian protesters. he has been facing immense backlash for the police crack down, but also in the fall state troopers here, we saw trending across social media, media, videos of students being dragged away and he's even been facing calls for his resignation . but nowhere in his statement has there been any sort of apology for what happened . there just appear to be a note of appeasement, saying that this type of protests which does remain peaceful, may continue to exist. and speaking to the students here, many have told me that while they're also now protesting for their right to free speech and for the charges against those who had been arrested to be dropped. they said it's unfortunate, but that is some of the headline now when really the message they've been wanting
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to get across is that they want the university to divest in weapons manufacturers. you can see the, the, the, the writing here, $35000000.00 of the cheese and endowment going to weapons manufacturers and money. also to other companies that the students to hear help israel, they want the university to divest. and they want to speak up for the palestinians who are facing the war in gaza. and in the rest of israel and their id. thank you very much for your reporting there from the university of austin in texas is 2 pm where you are. so they're still most of friday afternoon to go. we'll see how that develops over the coming hours. thank you very much, heidi show castro in paris. now students who've been occupying the main building of the procedures, cl, spoke university, demanding the institution customized with israel as we just heard the same as the demands in austin houses here is natasha. butler has been there. she sent us this report, or are they you did inside powers this prestigious,
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the whole university. dozens of students demanding an end to israel's. when garza outside of is challenging for firms to help stop. what they say is a genocide. we are witnessing a genocide and as a student, we are in the process of shaping our own political awareness. and we know that student movements and voices have marked history. so this is why we can't stay silent. the seals pool is famous in problems for forming the countries and it's going to meet the students say it's essential for the university, continues this tradition of supporting human rights to the children that they have. is the universities like there is another great universe we have a few demands, but one of them is to start investigating all of the ties they have with the state of israel, which is academy and financial. there's already research for the work on that to
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understand how these really universities are complicit in the case of potential genocide. the crew by the i c j and we want it starts with investigating and prep partnerships. to protest is the latest student demonstrations. on wednesday french can these play the 16 i move, the student says was a 100 and symbolic there's a real google not only and seems to be very wide and burn friends quite very decidedly proposed 9 boys. now we've reached another step with the police coming into our campus during the wednesday, the motivation to pick is out of the time the next assignment assignments must be broken, say the students palestinian royce and to be heard especially popular. i'll just say era parse. students at australia is oldest university, are also calling for ties of israel to be severed officials,
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they're at sydney university, have not responded directly to students demands, but they've sent for the test organizers, a list of rules that they must abide by the universities. a university said it would only consider placing restrictions on staff in gauging with colleagues overseas. if their activities were deemed to be potentially unlawful. it's not just students who are getting involved. protesters kept outside germany's parliament or being told by police that they need to leave demonstrate as showing support the power. stein have set up dozens of tents outside the bundle. stag police say the group has been repeatedly violating restrictions put on the camp, which has been there for nearly 3 weeks. so this is based on what's happening in the gaza strip. so let's go on the ground. the ross are now in gaza to get the latest. there are 51 people had been killed. the past 24 hours houses eurostar cowboys, whom is live. sorry. what are you learning?
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well, generally as palestinians following the protests and the american universities that have been also subjected to unprecedented bombardments in the past couple of hours where they use very 5 to jet top target to their residential house in the northern parts of brooklyn district in the south with new casualties being reported as sounds to be an empty building that was completely destroyed. and within just a half an hour ago, the is verified to get to talking to another house on the facility of russell crossing in the southern part of roughly district for 2 palestinians at least being in good of these injuries have been transferred to on the to our hospital to medically be treated bought again. this area of this area is witnessing mass bombardment and the past couple of hours with ongoing constance hovering will fight to get some surveillance to drones in the multiple areas of roughly district. but again, at least as we palestinians have been killed in the vicinity of us calling in the
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southern parts of con, you, in a city, as we could clearly hear the proration of vast attacks from our notation right now in a rough off on the same time and this is on the ground, have the reporting on constant onto the reboot apartments in the know the cost of the say rocks refugee come along side wouldn't own a great uh, refugee comes down with these. harry is the minutes we had been recently carrying out a military operations within its vicinity as the cause of their military m. e. invest in encouraging in the and the area alongside also with the curriculum that they have recently established in the middle. a areas of the treasury that generally divides the gaza strip into 2 main parts. the nose on the south end, the aim of the military road has, has been established is to control the military movement of residents on the ground . people here at the same time, a following at this ongoing bombardment over the latest political developments regarding the efforts being made by
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a regional mediators in order to get the last chance deal before the military and cogent of rough. i should be practically started on the ground where the majority of not only palestinians, but neighboring countries are really worried about the negative from the vacations what for resulted from such attack, where the goal is this trip population here are really have new on the other place this is this ignited as a safe zone in order to take as a refuge. atara couple assume in rough thank you very much. stark premature palestinian infant who was rescued from her dying mother's womb after and it's really s drake has now died. our teams had reported on the newborn sabrin over to the she was pulled out the live mode himself to her pregnant mother was killed. sabrina's home was hit by and is really your strength on the rough uh, on saturday. belgium has some in the is really in bassett, or after an aide work or in his child were killed by his really forces in rough
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until out in the bond. and his 7 year old son were killed in a house sheltering displaced people. he worked for the belgians development agency . the foreign minister said that the killing was unacceptable and just demanding an explanation. a still a head on alpha 0. america's top diplomat meets china as president, engaging but there is little sign of a saw in relations. the fellow it is set to turn model across the western pilots. if you're probably for the next couple of days, it said to be a little bit chilly. recently we have got clap and brain that'll tumble this way. and from the atlantics they, they were the systems just ganging up. they're going to continue making the way 58th, which is that happens, we squeezing that heat. how does that east side of here? i'll show you what's going on here. then somebody isn't feeling very much on the rise. 21 south just here. there's a full team for london,
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16 the full power. she got one into sunday as temperatures to start to nice. that way up getting up to 24 invalid. and by the time we do come to tuesday could be $27.00 degrees that he continues to district a little further east with london. paris could be up to 17 or 18 degrees. so feeling a little more like it shipped to jerry. right. and we'll continue templates way in from those western pos we have got some heavier rain coming back in across the west . central areas of frogs. the fact that the wet weather stated mindful life makes its way across by rams topical southern parts of the front as we go one through west close a sunday. but that is that fine, dry weather across central pos we've plenty of sunshine. there's plenty of sunshine to cross northern parts of africa. lot of lifted. dustin said, i'm sure it was for west africa. the
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devastation finalizations usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world. displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's on leave for the desperation, then the, the on a freedom just life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapidly sinking country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and have it tomorrow. and they will have to learn from us address here is new series dying of life before land the to watching else as 0. reminder of our headlines this, our student protests against the war and gaza has spread across the world from
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campuses in the us to solid arity rallies and parts of europe and in australia. students have been voicing their opposition to israel's war. on god's belgium has something to be is really ambassador house or an aide worker, and his 7 year old child were killed. vice really forces in russell. i'm telling them hon. works to belgians, development agency, and international aid organization says israel is deliberately preventing a ship carrying aid and international observers from reaching gaza. the freedom flotilla coalition says israel has created what it calls an administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the port that is stumble. the ship will now go through further inspection, delaying its planned friday departure. un experts are demanding its safe passage and unimpeded access to gaza. of israel's government has been advancing plans for the construction of illegal settlements in occupied east jerusalem since the beginning of the war on gaza. those plans have drawn criticism both internationally
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and by palestinians who say that they feel increasingly cornered and also who reports from occupied east jerusalem. since october, the 7th, israel's government has accelerated the approval of several legal settlement projects in occupied east jerusalem. the 1st approvals in more than a decade to the housing ministry published plans for the construction of thousands of housing units in the palestinian neighborhoods. a bit slow fall far and suitable hit in the southern part of the city. what do you, the only thing to do with this neighborhood is to prevent is like to build on what we're seeing as the last it empty land that these villages having like, think about neighborhoods like to buy one of those eventually laptops and they don't have any places to expense in the same time. so we must remember, if i is not advancing palestinians, and what do you need to do with him? it's a bureaucratic process that could sometimes take up to 10 years for approval,
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with multiple ministries in the right wing government have given the go ahead during the war ongoing. so active is say the time between the settlements date of authorization and the public announcement was a relatively short something rights groups are calling on president it to the legal settlement projects advanced by these really government will be right here in the palestinian town a bit. so far, far, but it's rarely human rights organizations say that building on these lands will harm potential territorial continuity between bethlehem and occupied east jerusalem . making the realization of a 2 state solution nearly impossible. palestinians here believe the land grabs, are just one of many attempts to push them out. they want to expel us. we went to a brute, every single student from that. and of course, they want us to go out to leave the area,
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to have no space for us to starting to put it on a road and our next our next. and then to oblige the young people devised and other appears we have to live despite international criticism of israel's government continues to implement policies that violate international law and further deteriorate the livelihoods of palestinians have the son who as ita, occupied east jerusalem, the ukraine at least 2 people were killed and several, a wounded by showing in the russian control city of done yet. the local mayor there are blamed the ukrainian military for the strike. but keith has yet to comment on this. russian officials also say ukrainian strikes killed at least 7 others in the upper reach, encore,
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a fever and in southern her son. after more than 2 years of war, ukraine is struggling to recruit new troops. it has recently passed along, lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25, but on tuesday went further issue a new passport. rules for men abroad. john home and reports from keith. the ukraine struggling to buy men to fight its military commander in the east has said that in some sections at the front line, brushing forces out number 7 to one now it's governments announced a new controversial measure. it will stop issuing any new possible. it's a broad military aged man because they'll only be able to get them back in ukraine . he wants them to come home. this wasn't ukrainian minister of foreign affairs to meet throw cool level, wrote in a statement how it looks like now a man of conscription age went abroad. shoddy state doesn't care about it. survival and then comes and wants to receive services from the state. it doesn't work this way. a country is a will a wednesday,
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the oldest seem to go into instant effect to me, ukraine, impossible office in will. so there are tens of thousands of ukrainian men of military age in poland to go to pick up my possible goal here is 6 am. yesterday we spent the night, but no one's giving us a possible. what do we do now? this is a fight against draft dodgers, but they didn't ask us on the basis we went abroad. how can i be a draft don't j? if i went to broad legally not to tell you this, the neighboring ukraine supports the measure. and its defense minister said like wednesday, this country could help how we talked about we've already suggested for a long time that we're able to aid the ukrainians side by helping those who are subject to ministry service. go home. mr. as a test, i think the many of our compatriots feel outraged now when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe in here all the time about how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. but will the measure increase ukraine's truth numbers. alexi
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headman is a military analyst and was a major in the army. let's begin with those models the put along with we need 3 things. one is the military 8 that we've already got from out part is to is the mobilization of troops and 3 powerful fortifications to repel the russians. these 3 things need to add up so that were able to find the width is from a $61000000000.00 a package from the united states. now suddenly begin arriving and coming weeks ukraine still missing meant with the john home. and i'll just say to keep you cry. a joint russian turkish ceasefire monitoring center in the corner of car box has shut down. russian peacekeepers when deployed to the region back in 2020, that was under a cease fire deal which halted 6 weeks of fighting between those very troops and ethnic armenians. as a by john has since taken full control of the once disputed enclave. us secretary of state anthony blinking has ended his 3 day visit the china he and
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president choosing, paying said that there came to find common ground. but during the long meetings on friday, both sides were clear about what they disagree on. katrina, you reports from aging us secretary of state antony blinking said the goal of his 3 day trip to china was simple. i returned to china this week to take stock of where we made progress and where more needs to be done. so that we can deliver tangible results. diabetes. what the tensions rising between vague and washington accomplishing that task would be anything but simple. in a meeting with the chinese president to a student being told, blinking us had often failed to keep its would say one thing and do another 2 countries, or should we part in this not rivals. both countries issues the common ground. well, reserving differences instead of vicious competition. those differences were made clear during a 5 and a half hour meeting between lincoln and china as for administer earlier on friday,
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when you want increasing negative fact is going to trigger a downward spiral and ties. china is legitimate development rights has been unreasonable, a suppressed an our core interest facing challenges. this included us trade restrictions, design to limit china, access to its market and advance technologies. describing this as containment and not set competition well, also raised tie one as a red line issue for they jake warning against any move that could be seen as us support. so the islands independence and said the but in administration should not turn the asia pacific into a battle ground. so the 2 superpowers blinking race ton, his actions against philippine vessels in the south china sea, cooling them dangerous and pointing out to us his defense treaty with manila walkthrough. another major point of frustration for the us, china support for rush during its invasion. this is crazy. i reiterated our serious
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concern about the p r. c, providing components that are powering rushes, brutal war of aggression against ukraine. he said this threatened is not only ton, his relationship with the us, but with the europe too. but there was some areas with a true side degree to deep incorporation, including instead being the tide of power for drugs been shown to the us in our special intelligence and increasing student exchange. no major breakthroughs, but enough to keep those of communication open until the next diplomatic inc. katrina, you know, to 0. 2 british man accused of spying for china had been granted baylof to appearing at us the court in central london form of parliamentary research for christopher cache. and his co accused, christopher berry appeared briefly at westminster magistrates court. they are charged with breaching the official secrets act by providing information that could be useful to an enemy. their preliminary hearing will be held at the central
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criminal court of england and wales that is on may 10th the largest ever joint military exercises between the phillip.


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