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tv   People Power A Crude Mistake P1  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 5:30am-6:01am AST

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plans, they created some further turbulence in vietnamese politics. jessica washington ultra 0. heavy rains have devastated parts of east africa in recent weeks. floods in tons in the app or indian kenya of kills at least 200 people and destroyed thousands of homes. welcome web reports. now the rains mostly come at night leave devastation in the morning. thousands of people have been killed in flash floods here in kenya. holdings upon those mother was one of them. this is what remains of the home and her possessions. the 6 people died here, the press, this is exactly the phase. this is where we found them. the 40 of my mother's neighbors was trapped right across here. and it seemed as though my cousin held her ankles with her head lost between her ties. people in the slums of the capital
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nairobi say the government some little to help president william root so called an emergency meeting. earlier this week. i also asked the military and i'm happy they minute minister for defends is yeah. to provide some of the capabilities they have to support citizens. it's mostly can use red cross rescuing people and providing some food and shelter to those you've lost their homes. grace, why, why they told us nobody came to help her and the ones that came gushing in and it keeps happening. i think how much id number but to decorate, sometimes you can get food to eat for the day. so you just one meal in the evening, the whole time that comes from the upper house is, is a lot, it's read is lot. you cannot sleep at night and have to stay awake and case it comes again. ada ray says, thieves broke in and stole a neighbor's possessions when they fled for high ground. so she refuses to join the hundreds of thousands of people across east africa,
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has been displaced by the floods in the last month. scientists say that this kind of extreme weather is becoming more frequent because of climate change. and the weather full cost of the site is going to be more heavy rain here in the days ahead . malcolm web houses 0 country jada account. so you can yeah. a series of tornadoes of devastation in the us states of nebraska. this one was films that touched down beside highway 15 in butler county. houses were badly damaged in a suburb of alcohol. and the cities airport was also affected. 3 people were injured and about 11000 households were left without power across the state. or there's concerned use of to people in policy statement. the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president,
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you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the during the 2023 un climate conference delegates agreed to the establishment of a loss and damage funds to assist bundle countries affected by kind of while him at the store for 6 hours in sufficient. and that's on the screen with the difference between the global move, largely responsible for excess global carbon emissions and aspirations of developing countries in the south facing the was of the consequences. countries like you've done, which is banking on oil context facing scripts and over the environmental and human rights. and people in power investigate
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the the, the end of 2023 in due by a fabulous city of glow, with carbon heavy wealth like so many in the rich nations of the world. nearly 100000 people gathered to take part to comp 28. the climate conference charged in effect with saving the world. the stakes not have been higher. humanity has opened the gates of hell or in those seats. these are being orlando's
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effects. least stokes freedom is watching crops getting the way by flats swamping temperatures spawning disease. as the starting fires rate, but the very same day that gutierrez delivered that urgent call for action. at least one leader in the global nose appear to fit in the opposite direction. for what we're announcing today, it is a break from the pulse, a more pragmatic propulsion it unrealistic approach. we can never allow carbon budgets to be set in the same way again. but soon i didn't just slow down moves towards mid 0 days. what some so is a screeching hungry turn. i know, but we brand new oil and gas in the north sea for many, in the global sense, suffering in a crisis created launch lead by fossil fuel growth in the north, such back tracking dispute with despair and dying. the, the global most,
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the opportunity to get probably, why the and what the movie, what is, what did they do? what does it weigh unplugged wrist that little bit, if you discover it, is just that efficient is the global noise has the monday as they probably did it with the stuff i roomed mobile cells is really what that to me. what's the re, how of the deal is that so cope $28.00 had to confront, to critical problems. not just how to reduce the emissions that threatens humanity, but also how to convince the rich nations of the north to seriously address globally inequality would they didn't. if people who came here to put a laser desk and they have and support for the test or the real materials for free, they're not going to come with just doing that. or let's say you pull you up why you pre, i've slept. but so what if do abc do for you?
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we have to push the noise to before they know what the know, what we, i bring them in the f. one thing i do the must provide this little so in the, in the delegates degree for the 1st time that there was a need to transition away from fossil fuels. and they also agreed to create a loss and damage fund. but even comp 28. so i own friendly president, send you the caution and agreement is only as good as its implementation, as we are what we do not what we say. so what does the lawson damage funds need to do and refunding as part of an international team have academic looking for an answer? what's needed is, is not a fund for recovering from damages after an extreme event or after store what's needed is funding for investments in low carbon infrastructure and in energy in
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a way that doesn't make convent change. worse, the countries of the global north are the ones who are historically responsible for creating the kind of crisis in the 1st place. meanwhile, the global sales countries are now needing to mitigate far more rapidly and leap frogging the fossil fuel infrastructure that the rest of the roads in the global north has had the benefits from to the scan of funding. of course, if we look at the global so that a whole is going to run into the hundreds of billions, if not truly, and the current sledges are miniscule compared to what is needed. but if the develop nations of the world will not accept that responsibility to the poor nations of the global set, as opposed to nowhere. so that's the question more clearly, cuz then here the, this is the albertine between in west and you've got
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a beautiful french out place one of the most important areas of the best that to you in the world and how to menu from here. the river, no crushing spectacularly done electricity following some national towards the tranquillity of lee complex, and the fair tile to rent the displace isn't my mazda. i was born here, the civic, going to send it to me. what are you and but as the rains failed and seasons become unpredictable, the people of this land facing existing show threats and not just from the climate crisis, because their homes being changed forever. any results that actually close that crisis in the 1st place, oil that i will, wayne came to the street talking about how it is going to lift people
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from the pool, but that their region is gunned landlocked and handled by international debt in ports. oh, that's petroleum. products exhaust expense, it's president of nearly 40 years, you know, during the 70. so the oil as a potential saved here. but if you can, to keep control you've gunned, he argued, was construct its own oil refinery, develop its own petrochemical industry, and ensure that it's foiled benefits. it's people not for an interest in this in 2 months, he was still at school when 12 years ago. government officials are running on his village looking for a place where they can build ad, find that a knocking mon daddy's on the line that they wanted to take good by the district
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was the answers to home. some 7 sites and people, mostly subsistence farmers. suddenly confronted with a devastating choice, relocate to a place of the government's choosing or except below value cash compensation for giving up their homes. over the next decade, it would become clear that for these people, at least you can just oil was nothing less than a scourge. commercially viable fields were 1st discovered in 2006, extending from underneath lake albert to the precious diversity of murchison falls and national park. by trinity, trinity majority of rights to the largest of the fields to link were held by french oil giant to attack the energies. google operate the projects they also share ownership of the smaller kingfisher field with its operates as soon as the chinese
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national offshore oil company. the foot keys are in the development, is the stations you guns and national oil company task, find the 70 was managing. you can just commercial oil interest including the refinery. gilbert coming is, you know, chief commercial officer. our role is to ensure that the value that's being created in the petroleum sector is protected and the state participates and gets some of that value. but from the start, there was a disagreement to kind of introduce, wanted to get the oil out of the country by building the wells longest feature pipeline capable of transporting you. candice think lexi crude to the coast of export to foreign markets. president 70 c later because there's no degree as my daughter, friends,
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where are you taking our pipeline for what she did this definitely got really good energy needs to be there and we, we support. i always said it was if i put a new solution, was after the whole trip but biplane. good. luckily i'm going to be treated as nor does he live up in the window and i'd be the government determined to build the refinery to begun pressurizing locals and come by late to get out of the way and didn't bid to limit compensation payable for lost crops they issued from egypt, they told us in order you live 4 cups that the con, tickling done 3 months or 6 months. the ruling left many families like innocence,
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short of cash, and on the even to pay school fees. most of will have had some group leave school that didn't come. paula, president mas 70 was under increasing pressure to back down on these opposition to the idea of a trans national oil pipeline. so that's why we sit on the idea, whole refined that on the pipeline. so going pretty much like but let it be what despite is compromise on the pipeline is plans for the refinery remains intact. meanwhile, the village is with the aid from their conditional homestead, doing newly constructed resettlement area. many say the new village is completely unsuitable. this isn't my house basically way, whether it'll fit in to try to deprive that's from our college. i know a type of number for women and children,
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even the daily task of collecting firewood, or water has become difficult and sometimes dangerous. because even what i mean, what direction, you know, between auction, you know, cuz i'm a for the software women not being left in the window for us looking for firewood being different up. they also face challenges growing enough food channel or so. so to the past, the man yeah, pressure to california as somebody is kind of calm. i say we give them nice solomon . yes. if the house isn't nice but they i cannot eat in the house. or are you confident that people moved or given you housing the confidence, they're happy. we start process. yes. the size category can yes, sofa. we have not encountered a specific grievance that has not been results. things are seen rather differently
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here. but the one great irony kind of be ignored. i slowly live in the sense of a government. that's why i dislike. i let it find out how much of that is not to say that nothing has changed. this is the mazda plan for the color. they've got the industrial pock previously called about an industrial park on did, you could buy the, the place innocent and his community once called home. that's a new name and has been changed beyond recognition the q and one of the move to move the country guns and government is building international airport. it's 3.5 kilometers runway capable of handling the largest freight plains in the world. to funded the parts $318000000.00 from the partition government and $43000000.00 from stands at charter bank. and
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then we're not expected to have different other lights on industry. we're in this area here to help us because we sort of have scores, we sort of have a different corporate. but most importantly, this will also be the beating costs of the whole elder team oil project fits here. the crude will arrive by fee decides from this. and then governments, king fisher fields for onward transfer. this over here which is located in that direction, is the beginning of the east africa and crew, or pipeline 1443 kilometers propaganda at 2 to assign. yeah, to tonga, where the quote would be exported to the johnson and my kids. so to town go their way and he coaxed the east african crude oil pipeline. one side of the big compromise with president in the 70 is now under construction.
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the pipeline will be sent by troops mentioned in good condition fields extracted via dozens of well pads, linked by hundreds of miles of transportation pipes and even more new roads. there are 2 central processing plants, so cps one under construction, that's a nukes kingfisher field. and an even bigger cbf operations by to tile energy is a tuesday, and those who pump crude to the ico pipeline and on to foreign markets. and then of course, there's the new airport. and this way, why, why is this at the runway being built in the middle? the face is of course, the purpose of this airport is to import equipment that are support in construction of the fighters. the problem is that the refinery ms. seventy's original proposal. the 2nd element in is the compromise that the airports principal is on that still
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shows no signs of being built or even financed. until the displaced people have combined a not, it's hard to take. we had our trees. yeah. we had our photos that we had swamps today by the eclipse, from the airport to meet that period. so what has happened to the refinery? the problem is getting the oil light to the ground is not cheap. and uganda has been either the technical nor financial capacity to do that domestic. so as you've done as an economist, i'll be back on my end explains, let me 70. only one way to turn without the made. yes, it's difficult to pull off a successful i put just so the fact that you have natural resources is not enough. you actually need the own company. but anyone investing huge sums on the infrastructure needed to extract oil, expect lucrative tons, and as quickly as possible. if you go from there, then you have
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a much longer capital recovery period, so it becomes and viable for that. so you have to think about this difficult or trying to sell enough which connected as we speak with saving, you know, being we've looked out with the good if i play the 4th. so despite to 7, he's been compromised with the oil giant's pipeline is government remains committed to the refinery on the tenant by no less than 3 failed attempts to raise the capital to funded the vendor refinery. due to an extremely important asset both strategically, nationally and commercially. without having problems of that, it is not easy to raise funding to raise the entries, find this finished printing if they have been previous challenges of potential joint venture partners. uh, looking at the project and not be interested. what we can say right now is that we
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will either do it ourselves, or we will get to joint venture funding. we will do it through their own funds, or we will go into the market. what is not negotiable? is that the exam to refine? it will be developed and will be commissioned. does that sound like a time to use it? it does. it sounds like a lot of a plan. it sounds like they, they still have no idea where they're going to go to a joint venture partners' in terms of developing so while progress sold on the refinery plans for the pipeline procedure to pace to run a called a joint venture company was set up with his head office in the to tell building in london to telling the cheese which held 62 percent of the shares. soon. 8 percent. did you gun to tons or near 15 percent, each plant was the funding would come from a mix of equity and then to raise your gun to share that investment president 70
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a to throw himself on the masses of the international market. where is he going to be to the money to do what he wants to order that the monday morning was the 98 by st. you from what the 100 the passing is going to come from the north did that was on the conditions. do you think he has the capacity to get to good them? to make matters worse, the oil markets was entering a perfect storm of instability. in 2020 oil prices collapsed. need to bends back within a couple of years. but as the global energy transition government most expect started to predict some ongoing price decline over the mid to long term. back in compiler, luminous began circulating, the town was secretly renegotiating its deal with you. gun. economists have said that this is only going to make sense for the totes out in
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a scenario where oral prices are declining. if it's hard. so we negotiate production sharing agreements and understands the shift the risks onto, onto uganda was due to people know the deals that have been struck with the top i'm, i must say to you that these no trust finance the government, the few the to disclose the i would miss the, the signing was the tab with a single voice. i need the kids to disclose the critics. few you gun to share the profits while the cost of servicing it's for and dance grow when it comes time over. now, sharing that the benefits of that at least the resources that global sales countries find out, that most the benefits, the opinion bits say do, don't too familiar with industry. on the 8th, we can see the oil and gas to be
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a catalyst. it's also funds because what we're doing here is investing to receive a return on investment. and so our role is to ensure the commercial value is captured. what is that realistic given the realities of the global market? and you can this dependence on the old giants to get the oil light and the ground. the chief executive of u candace oil industry regulator, is an extra bundle discount. it's an extremely powerful corporation. is a problem trying to regulate an organization as big and as strong as that. we've heard twitch the entire project will collapse. do you really have to sort of in the power to control them? it's not a matter of control or it's regulation. the sides of the car is also a good thing, because in these times of financial difficulty, you need a company as a financially pol ford as to what are the same through these financial challenges.
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we enjoy a relationship with the company so far that would the corporate citizen, one of the authorities, responsibilities isn't showing the projects affected people known as perhaps, properly compensated by the all companies. the authority took us to meet 2 of them . to do my leaving with the money i got from the government of uganda, 2000 energies. today, emily works is to can funds could solve it in mays and runs of groups seducing connie for sale. i really appreciate the, the government of your going to together to does the energies for the walk. they are doing new gun. thank you. next we were taken to meet john milton using to solve a cutting, supplied by total. his farm is going from one to over 20 acres. we came to work with you me to tell, pick a golf and i love your team is only taking me. it was clearly emily and john are
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very happy. so much to the to town. also features emanations their corporate publicity. while in a corporate video featuring project affected farm is to tell detailed the precise number of people who will be relocated as a result of the project. as with any major infrastructure project, relocations will be required. in the case of the to land and e called projects, 764 households will be re homed, representing approximately 5000 people. so are all the pops really as happy as emily and john, and all the figures supplied by to tell really accurate. these are very different numbers, the kind of walk you have to be the or the got sick. if you fail to and that's part of counting predict affected people. we would worry way that you can do the other more difficult things. this is the easiest thing. anybody can do on this project,
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counting people, what project affected a. so if you can kind of project deflected people, you shouldn't be working in the auto sector. best not to scroll down from the video on to tells website then. because already the relocation figures are different, the households have increased and the number of people affect it is gone from 5 sites to nearly 19000 and it doesn't stop there. this is an official government, an oil company, resettlement action plan, one page a 138 a table reveals that they actually expect of a 31000 people to be affected by the to think of part of the operation of the total told us that numbers may change over time due to several factors, but international n g o's, including human rights watch, suggest the real number of people affected by the entire project is in excess of a 100 sites. i reject completely. the number is that on 10000
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people in part 2 of our investigation, we will talk to somebody. we will find those bits in a contested figures. the quote is not being supposed to be treated like insulated was that like this? the a humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mike oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake part 2 of 200 jersey to
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it's a school day in taiwan. but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in one in to return to class prepared as needed, share a quick cost more than 6000000 toilets. and this is just one. this does or this is public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before it completely collapses. despite the $7.00 magnitude strings at the old quaker, the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is disaster prepared this, including strict building codes. hodge, i mean to be used as the i, r c suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double stand to all of
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us any, any one in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era, the universities across the united states, a run by protests against israel is 1000 the most intricate demonstrations in europe and beyond the iron jordan. this is obviously, or a life coming up. and is there any aspect in a residential building in southern thousands of kills at least 5 palestinians? the desk told in 24 hours has gone past 50 summit station and was across as on the
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streets of gaza. and we were to pose on how disease is spreading image fields of color and she's on a chair and aid for god's us.


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