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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the government challenges here where the . ready ready ready the hello, i'm sorry, i realize the, this is the news, our life from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes, thousands of demonstrations launch in london in support of palestinians on the siege and gaza students the universities across the us, including all that stance that in columbia account out in protest against the will mean mean want and goals are itself study to pilot studies,
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including women and children, have been killed and is reading from apartment over the past 24 hours. also coming up miss allen, time, send me the in alexandra township north of janice. but we many say they is, and much to celebrate a south africa commemorates the 2 years of democracy and peace of statements with all this, both these little reaction against west family and the premium need right now you can top so i cannot afford to let a slip up if they want to push off some of the mentions the city all the way in the type of ways to bring you the results laser the . so we begin with he quite in protests around the world that are continuing to unfold against israel's devastating war on gaza. student demonstrations in the us have spread beyond america. they are demanding that the schools divest from israel
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fox. they're a growing efforts by university officials and police to clear these demonstrations as alger 0 is john henry now reports from new york or another day, another group of pro palestinian students occupying yet another american university, demanding a ceasefire in gaza, end of free palestine. this in camp and at city university of new york was in its 2nd day on friday, a public institution joining a movement that started at elite private institutions. it is spread from campus to campus coast to coast from columbia university to the university of southern california, which has canceled its graduation ceremony over the protest. the occupations are rejected by university leaders and reviled by campus police whom students block from entering the territory they occupied with supported by the swelling ranks of
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students in palestine and advocates across the us including orthodox jewish supporters of the people of god. the 1st of all, i disturbs me from my court to see my own people perpetrating something that we've been doing is this very disturbing. on thursday campus police tried and failed to forcibly clear students from their camp of occupation. the interpreted city university of new york is a tranquil or even a success they've seen. but what people are worried about now is the new york police will come in and do what campus police putting the new york police department on friday preposition barricades. in portable light posts a harbinger students fear of a new wave of arrest that have swept universities across the nation by the hundreds
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. at each campus student organizers and university leaders negotiate demands, and it can't stand off the students wanting the investment of university assets from israel and anything that helps it wage war and does university leaders demanding their campuses. it's beautiful to see that there's some of the encampments and the young people are really, really starting to show up and support and demand of the schools are held accountable for their all your relationship with his rarely keeping us ation. as college presidents call him police to clear encampment after encampment the demonstrators build and rebuild in a stalemate that reflects a deeply divided american nation. john henry and l g 0. the latest demonstration is happening in london with thousands have been marching. accounts for riley has been cancelled citing security concerns. but
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a small event by a group called enough is enough which supports as rails actions is expected to go ahead. hi force. it joins us live from the site. was a protest in london. he's on the phone festival. what's the time out like in central london today? a but it's, it's a very large process yet again, i'm standing at the entrance to hide pocket. so i bought pulling away the products and instead of the post has now arrived in thousands upon thousands of people streaming cost varying banners and flags and chanting in support of gaza on palestine. as you say, the how being these 2 of the protests planned for today, one by the, the enough is enough group. the metropolitan police said that they had stationed offices in between the 2 protests. it was about maybe half an hour ago. but the march, the pro palestinian march went through that area and they were flags being waived
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by the pro, his real supporters. but as a separation was maintain that seen the most part by the police who are there at the scene. that was this of the protest or a work together. events cooled by the campaign against anti semitism whose head had had a confrontation with an old police officer a couple of weeks ago. that was cooled off because the group said they had received reports that hostile axes might threaten the safety of the people intending to march. so i put that to the head of the palestine solidarity campaign which is organized today's march. and he said he made the point that there were many jews among those marching today in favor of the ceasefire and in support of gaza. an hour a, to what extent, as they've been galvanized by the protest sweeping america. well, i think guess, does that make sense? many people have been pretty much every time. one of these big launches happens,
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there is the news for the actions and incidents inside guns or elsewhere that the people do pay attention to the coast. recently, we've had the discovery of that mass graves inside garza, and we've seen these very dramatic seems playing out across campuses of student process around the united states. and there was several students that we spoke to here, who was saying that they were proud of the students in united states. and it was an issue if she manatees, and that here in the u. k. they're awesome protests as well as universities, but the main outlet for the same kind of sentiments remains these very large scale marches really on a national level through the capital. sorry, source, it finds you very much with the demands of the university students really varies, but they all do have one common thing, which is the demand to divest from israel students at columbia university, a large,
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the demanding the university dropped that direct investment in companies doing business in with israel. these include microsoft, amazon, and google. those attending new york university want the closure of the school's telling these campus, cooling it, discriminant, tree students. so yeah, oh cool. now and university college long that have been asking that schools to cut ties with weapons manufacturers including lucky mos in a say. these companies are profiting from israel as war. meanwhile, us on it's a bunny saunders is criticized these writing 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu for a long see made about the student protests in the us. that's and you all who describe the demonstrations as horrific saying that campuses had been taken over by close on to submit take mumps. this was song his response. you know, mr. that's in yahoo. it is not anti semitic, or pro, from us to point out that in a little over 6 months, your extreme is government has killed $34000.00 pounds of citizens and wounded more
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than 78070 percent. the form of women and children. it is not anti semitic to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more than 221000 housing units in god's up leaving more than a 1000000 people homeless. almost half the population is the nets and yahoo! anti semitism is a bile and disgusting form of bigotry. that has done on speaker go home to many millions of people. but please do not insult the intelligence of the american people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of york screams and races. government well and gauze are itself has been no easing of israel's aerial bombardment. at least $32.00 palestinians were killed
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over the past 24 hours, including 8 children. thousands more were injured. emergency workers are trying to rescue, survive is buried under the rubble. that's off to a residential building was hit in the se or it comes in central. garza is ready. arabs also intensified over nights with 2 homes boomed in rasa in southern gaza. j if it was mission runs it who i. but as you can see, it's not a house but an entire block that was destroyed just to target a single house, even though it housed innocent people who was sleeping. they were all children and women in this and people sleeping in their beds. they would talk to it while they were sleeping soundly at home. there was no reason whatsoever for this blog to be targeted. not to see the dark i was, i'm joins us now from rough, signed southern gaza. what can you tell us about the strikes in minnesota or at camp in central gaza?
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yes, mary, i'm in fact said he used by the concentration of us strikes was very much one of the middle areas within this, the early hours of this morning guys. within the past couple of hours, the is very minute 3 had targeted multiple areas in the middle regions, including dr. a 3 palestinians, at least being killed in the vicinity of, of the wedge of kansas trip in the middle area. and where another 2 palestinians have been reported killed in almost a rock, a refugee come off to our residential house, was completely destroyed. and we can uh, on top of that see actually intensification of minute cheap them bought meant when a great refugee camp were one power city and has been killed in the past. oh, exactly what the number of injuries off to our residential house also was been slots into the ground. now people that have been reporting about the constant of fire and since it is very bombardment without, i'm usually talk to now and fight thing as since uh the, the hours of this morning we are talking about at least the 15 palestinians being
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killed in both areas. rough and both areas rough, i understand ross refugee camp including 8 children who have been attacked within the overnight strikes across the territory as new ongoing efforts have been made to by the civil defense and the mattress. the work is in order to recover the injuries from under the rubble of the destroyed areas despite the shortage of basic civil equipment. stock are essentially required. so in order to help them with the work, as we have been expecting more attacks within the coming hours as we have been constantly hearing the buzzing of it is very minute treat surveillance to drones in the western. and even in the southern parts of rough, i know we've had an explosion that we can completely here. it's 3, but the ration i in the area of roof i district in the past, off of the to tree. the thank you very much. target was in reporting to us from southern gaza. this o israel is wrong cause or is left the strips health care
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system and ruins the collapse of sanitation systems and a lack of clean drinking water is ceiling. the spread of disease, especially as temperatures start to rise. honey, my mood reports on this. after months of bombardment on suffering, the people of god that have been left within you in the beginning of each because the average be a hot in the field situation is very dark and the place is not suitable for living at to know toilets. no, it was a no sanitation facilities, just making it very difficult one toilet and one was designed for 5000 displaced individuals. people are in overcrowded spaces. and this has led to a spread of infectious diseases, very alien to us. even the health ministry cannot determine what these diseases uh the lack of showers in hand washing facilities means maintaining the proper hygiene is nearly impossible. beggining water m for waste management held the breed
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diseases, carrying mosquitoes and slice the number of those with malaria. the fever and other illness is rising, whole eligible diseases such as hepatitis and other infectious diseases are spreading quickly. vomiting and diarrhea are among the most whites but diseases among children. israel's war on gaza is also screening the management of medical ways, adequate sanitation and the supply of clean medical supply. and there is no sanitation or waste management when you live industries. there's no sanitation, tools, or equipment to help tools as simple as a broom or sweepers are not available if they are available, they are very expensive. for 7 months, we've had no work or salary and we can't afford buying these necessities. it's not just on sanitary conditions here that are creating health of problem sickness pressed on the problem of the conflict, we're not excited. the pressing on both dramatic stress disorders are building into a mental health nightmare for the people of dogs are. roles and tens bombing
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campaign has eliminated nearly co sourcing services and health care facilities. recovery will need a humanitarian aid organization. local authority is an international actors to work together. sanitation, waste management and health care, including mental health treatment, are all needed immediately. clean water would be start honey mode, which is the garza palestine. in the occupied, westbank is ready forces that are shot dead at 2 young palestinians. at the selim check point near jeanine, the victims were fortunately killed during fighting with soldiers. israelis late to prevented ambulances from reaching that bodies. the the south africa is mocking. 30 years of democratic freedom at the end of
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a pol tate rule, presidents around the post as defended as parties, records of governance during freedom day celebrations in pretoria. opinion polls show support for the governing african national congress is dwindling. had of next month. general elections. our task over the last 50 years has been to bridge the huge devise of well an opportunity in the country between black and white, between men and women. between the acid and rudo drama. we have done so not only to product the injustices of the past, but also that we may realize that for potential of any part on the in which every person has a stake in which every person has the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution. so we're covering the story from 2 locations. this house,
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i mean, the miller is at a township and john is bug 1st. so let's go to pretoria. john, how is it the celebrations? what's it like that jonah? well, there's still music and dancing going on down on the green in front of the union buildings here, south africans celebrating with some style ministry pageantry, a speech by the president. and so in that election, 30 years ago, the broad, nelson mandela to power and the african national congress around oppose the eloquently describing those events. he, of course, was intimately connected with the struggle against the pot tape for many years with the dismantling of a 5 day to eventually often negotiations with the then wide routing wide national party at the coast time when south africa came, terrifyingly close to civil war. so over i'm opposed to saying shackles with comstock speaking about the 27th of april 1994 freedoms bells rang across great
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country. he reminded people that the union buildings here when nelson mandela meant that it was nothing, no graduated in 1994 had for a 100 years. instead, instead stood as a symbol of oppression. and why cruel? now they stand as a symbol of freedom. he promised to continue to work towards the visions and ideals of mandela and the other founding fathers of the items, tvs like all the time but, and walter caesar. but of course many south africans would say those visions and ideals. and he alluded to it that in that segment of the speech, you just had to run a post a very far from being met. 32 percent unemployment. it is assigned to the world bank describes as the most on a cool on it, a sensor will run a pose that knows those concerns only 2. well, it is an election year. the amc is losing ground to other parties. he finished his speech by saying they saw that because democracy is young what we've achieved in
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this short 30 years. he's something of which all of us to be proud. this country is infinitely better than it was 30 years ago. joe. know how in pretoria, thank you very much. really? the miller isn't in the alexandra township and john is but what is the atmosphere like where you are? well, they are going to be much attention here being paid to freedom day itself. it's not the sacked as a full menu of the people around us. we spent a day speaking to them and while all of them do acknowledge some gains have been made, we heard lots of complaints. and what comes up over and over is the high unemployment rates, as well as the lack of housing. alexandra township has a number of informal settlements with in the township. made up a hard day to die in plastic sheeting and people have to do the best they can to provide themselves with some sort of shelter. now the government has provided
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millions of houses across the country, but the pace it isn't at the pace. if people would prefer the, is a full full of at least 2300000 houses and the government struggling to keep up. and so that's because many people know is struggling with ongoing power cuts the many rural areas. and also, townships that don't have running to the education system is also one way. there's a huge disparity between the rich and poor. so many critics would say they is a long way to go, despite people having democratic freedoms, the rights and the freedom to express themselves, the rights and freedoms, to go wherever they want. and whichever cities and towns they live in. and this was something if they didn't have a fit 2 years ago, but a many all critical and say the amc such any needs to step up if they want to continue to have the majority votes in south africa. thank you very much for me to
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miller in the township there in john is book. thank you. well, i'll be sikes joins us from cape town. he is a former judge at south for a constitutional court, and it was an anti, a pontiac to this. so it is wonderful to have you with us. mr. sykes. the t is off to winning the fight against a party. how do you feel on such an important day to feel very, very intense emotions, ottoman but i was there when nelson monday and it was for me and it is a magnificent day at, at, and you know, speaking to you and um, to see or receive the funds writing down, i'm garza, m y, i feel so proud about achievement. seems to be impossible thing. so i've actually got the issue seen so many tractable the racial domination. people driven off the land. the hospital was disenfranchisement,
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adidas tortured intakes in prison. and so, and it seemed we couldn't never get a country and we caught a country and i say those choose out, does it or do is that that is fine, is no issue. looks intractable, but we had to find a way and we did find a way, and it wasn't ultimately is providers that there's truth about it just through listening to the people. so i'm a main street proud with regard to country. i'm all set aside to south africa today . key is, it's a lot of room for improvement. we, we are not a fan society, we still vary on equal, you know, the same society. i wish i could walk around freely and not worry about the violence really another just society in many, many ways, but be on an open society and we do have a country. and for me, that's very important. we have a country, we caught a country which involved everybody. so that's my main feeling today. and the 2nd repeating is current. we use our constitution to get rid of the any quantities,
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ricardo constitutions for struggle and using our constitutions for struggle, that that's the way i am. as a, as an old, active as the became a judge. that's the way i think. we have to use our constitution now to deal with the new quantities to deal with the vitamins to deal with the understand this in our society. and so tell me, why is it not or even happening because sounds off for so i'll have great been struggling with these indeed the structural issues for a long time now massive socio economic games following up on tape. but still really this legacy of racism and segregation and poverty, very much presence in the country. i will call to you that the flushing just a little and then racism beam is deep stretches on disposition of land or access to education of health facilities on confidence. and, and these dates practiced, take
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a long, long time to overcome. you just have to look at the united states of america, the battle over races. and big was all the immense folks of that country that it's showing change. so that's the historical burden, but big to be quite candid, read caught on imagine states we've had close to the exercise political power. we've had lots of of a wrong positive being chosen because being corruption. and that's the move has influence. we completely different to the country with a few years ago, and we mustn't lose on there. and that's more of an action so for, and i'm so proud of that make sense and i'm so proud of the porch. i'm so proud of the fact of south africa, which used to be the country, the international community we're fighting for and is now a country that consent really ex, that very highly thoughtful lawyer is pretty international sykes. and i do the
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wonderful school because you have such great experience. and so you know, the struggle against upon st, near the cost you your life, you well, you were blown up by a farm and it causes you to lose. and um, so maybe just tell me a little bit about that. and then also you've spoken about the, the loneliness of a solitary confinement. so, you know, i suppose the, the sacrifices that you made on a, on a personal level and how that has affected you. the right, so the song, the confinement i never really got over in georgia by sleep deprivation. the bottom, that came years later when i was helping develop the trust assessed. i mean, you're an independent buyers and beats, and you can see my my short on though somehow blew away the heating. this was the subject, confinement, and i feel joyous, every feeling 5 to is watching. when they come for me, will they come today? will i be brave and i tried to kill me. i stopped by and i felt fantastic.
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nashville. feel that today. and then went on, got a note from recovery and hospital dad party comment, how be we with the band you have. so if you get a cup of tea on so we can apply, and in one is that the country we want, if we kept them off because she is a freedom that will be my soft vengeance and gives me all constitution was my sort of vengeance. and it gives me coverage that our constitution is working and, and i feel in that same side, proud to be a south african, i was mentioning the, the noise to be sent to the international court of justice, a pretty healthy international law through denouncing that. see the parties be helping international through just transition dealing with script is through reduction of 1000 down of coal mines by thursday, jobs, immacule, contribution internationally. you received huge support from the international community. and it's wonderful to see how the international community now is
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fighting for a just a shipment of, of the achievement of a free independence from better study and stay. and uh, make sure that means you can do. let me ask you, you, you began actually this interview by referring to that and so, you know, let me ask you, it was really a, it was a long and bloody road to freedom for south africa and many black students and active us thousands of them. i think the last that lies the daring to protest. we now see a global solidarity movement emerging. and palestinians looks and their own struggle against a occupation. do you encourage to buy what you see or do you feel that it could get? it could get worse before we see change. but what's so special now is just huge international attention of people speaking out over the
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world, people to speak to me on the inside of the outside, outside this route. the people have guards that have shown extraordinary explorica often low because the time of freedom is branding, very, very, very high. and i think there's such horrors, what's happening now if you're mad at t, just calling to allow this to continue. so in this change, aus is a terrible tragedy of the terrible tragedy. one gets hurt and that the people inside his final thoughts are if you are a people even call themselves sinus, you feel record continue in this way. it has to be a kind of a shipment that acknowledges the rights, the dignity of the pedestal your people. and that changed a hook arises because of the style of the shocking. so many people separate, found the inside severely as we got through it seemed impossible and so on. i
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forgot it seemed a black box. they would just one for the one side to when the i had to die. and that wasn't the way to go for the one side to in the other side doesn't have to die . you have to talk, you have to get together. you have to find a solution that richard funds as the dignity of everybody else change their gaze. women chanel throughout the world. and what's cool is the middle east bed, the dresser, me a lot of time. well, i'll be sikes. it was a pleasure to have you on the program today. thank you for joining us. a thank you . time for the weather now. he's running the east of kerry's where it's at this time the can you seen significant flooding recently, but we always tend to watch the coast of tens in a and more recent there's been significant rain on buildings of likely funding and existing funding. this is near doris salon, where the river has best its banks. it's a full funding, but least the outskirts of doris that i'm,
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it's not extensive. the funding is there with the site forecasts with doris salon for the next 3 days. there is a much better weather breezy southerly, but probably dry skies. and we watch this positive will because it's this wind, which device should become the southwest months. we didn't bring the rain into india. it's just starting that hasn't made it yet, obviously. and the head of it, we've had some really quite spectacular. wet weather is you know, the last to be going through afghanistan now, but they've been frequent. repeatable. cheryl isn't savvy rapiers, we'll find out what places in the middle east. this is just science side. medina. big down polls from thunderstorm sometimes for you, you have with them tend to produce as temporary and sometimes quite significant. so they, they were signed by the way. it was rescued. that of all shares will find his tone spitting each within the next 2 days. possibly reaching cats are again. so i have for you, want me to use our stock on board. israel is accused of deliberately blocking our
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ship. it's loaded with aid from reaching gaza. ukraine and russia talking each of his energy infrastructure in cross board in this side exchanges the indiana pacers leave it late and they're on the ice payoff game against the milwaukee box. he to is the year 2024. he's getting closer. great savings, a white youth squad now to the euro, early the adults to get up to 3 month free subscription or free sit until full experience. the great is supposed to be a big jump, the exclusive b b the
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come back online are the main stories. tens of thousands of people are marching in london to support the palestinians. accounts and launch has been cancel citing security concerns. while rescue teams have been digging for some live is off for a residential building was hit. i mean is say right, time and gone to story strikes have killed that. he's $32.00 people across this trip over the past 24 hours. and 2 young palestinians have been shot dead by his right forces in the occupied westbank. a been fighting with soldiers at the southern check points of the city of geneva. or an international aid organization says israel is deliberately preventing a ship carrying aid and international observers from reach and gone to the freedom for the telecom solutions as well as created the administrative roadblock to stop the vessel from leaving the porch in assemble on friday. so let's go to i said,
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bank who is live for us now from there. and so why, what have you heard? why you are about the, the did the delay in this little is movement. well, the organizes how the press conference head central is done both. no ships, concepts, sales without flying a flag, not 2 of those ships defying the sides of the republic of getting the best. so now over, i have to say that those legs have been removed, including from a cargo ship that has thousands of tons of age. now they say that this is a blatantly political move, an unusual what now organize is how the press conference that they said on thursday . there was a request from the authorities in getting a bustle for an inspection, which they said that was fine. but before the inspection had finished on friday afternoon, they were told that the flags were being removed. so those ships cannot set sale that they say the in the communications with the authorities, that the destination and the admission to gauze it was
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a reference full. so they will also about the cargo and the route, which is highly unusual. they say that usually these authorities are mainly concerned with the safety and standards of the vessels that are bearing the flags. so these ships kind of upset sale at the moment and there's no idea when they will be setting sale. now, some of those activists that was set to go on this mission to try to break the siege of gauze and deliberate that somebody not to preventative. and aids will be returning to their home countries and some of them are very disappointed. others are saying, so this isn't the end that they will continue to fight time and work to get those vessels get flagged for those vessels. so they can set set and try to break that seats. and here in istanbul that protests taking place is assistant. that's been taking place all week, trying to keep a full front of people's minds. this on goal is that the front states and the fees and this to, to still wants to set sale. now we've been speaking to actress a half and some of them are not saying that the best so is complicit with. is there
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a long this wouldn't cause that because they have caved in, depicts cold pressure. best muscle organizes a concern. this is the end and it will continue to work to try to make sure that the freedom to, to the real set cell. thanks very much. a side by with a nice, a for every range of devastates, of fonts of east africa in recent weeks. at least 200 people have died in floods in tons in the upper room. the and kenya, hundreds of thousands of also have been displaced. malcolm lab reports from catch other county south of the county and capital, nairobi the reins mostly come at night leave devastation in the morning. dozens of people have been killed in flash floods here in kenya. holdings and one day his mother was one of them. this is what remains of the home and her possessions. 6 people died here. this
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is exactly the phase. this is where we found them. the 40 of my mother's neighbors was trapped right across here and it seemed as though my cousin held her ankles with her head lost between her ties. people in the slums of the capital nairobi said the government some little to help president william route, so called an emergency meeting. earlier this week. i also asked the military and i'm happy they minute minister for defends is yeah. to provide some of the capabilities they have to support citizens. it's mostly can use red cross rescuing people and providing some food and shelter to those you've lost their homes. grace, why, why they told us nobody came to help her. and the ones that came gushing in and it keeps happening. other comments? id number, but definitely sometimes you can get food to eat for the day. so you just one meal in the evening. the whole time that comes from the upper house is, is a lot, it's read is lot. you cannot sleep at night and have to stay awake in case it comes
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again, ada. the base as thieves broke in and stole a neighbor's possessions when they fled for high ground. so she refuses to join the hundreds of thousands of people across east africa, has been displaced by the floods in the last month. scientists say that this kind of extreme weather is becoming more frequent because of climate change. and the weather full cost of the site is going to be more heavy rain here in the days ahead . malcolm web houses 0 country jada account. so you can yeah. we take you to germany now the far right as the parties launch days campaign for the european parliamentary elections in june. it's might in control of a c officer in a to one of his candidates was arrested on grounds for spying. for china. this is the 2nd time the anti immigration party is phase corruption. navigation is off there. now the candidate was accused of accepting bribes. sorry, and hard lab is a political analyst,
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and lecture at university joins us from violin. why is the fall right? doing so well? the way there is a lot of opportunity to structure for the photo h o d o be friends in germany and many other countries. and if i, it is on device even long time in germany, because now the alternative for germany, if i potty has a lot of scandals and it's leaking this past what and what is the implications then for the european parliament? all we likely to see a dramatic shift to the right to the we are going to see if the machine are shifted to the lights in model some so you don't see it in countries because of the ongoing topic of migration that generated glasses of c o p union and that's why there's
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a lot of accounts about his thoughts and to, to express that he saw the ocean to, let's say, stipulation the cartridge and the tech town to the far. right. all we already always seeing some sort of strategy being put in place or is it just the political landscape and disarray? yeah. so in defiance with mean, so to sort of stay on going migration crisis. uh richard its uh explode, stuck in. uh, oscar that was the boss, ethically up to claims. uh, we still have a lot of problems with fedex. h equalizers, and the consequences out of 20152016. and now we're talking about, so i'm integration and a smaller. you will need syndic amenities, and this is a very difficult boast, as indeed it seems, as i've heard it says, don't really care about corruption. know, spying for china allegations, as you say,
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the, the main issues many of them which is fueling support safety and it's counterparts not and elsewhere in europe is a, is migration. and that this would be an interesting case the i'd, steve was on device and then into knowing that was the secret meeting. i me sometimes i'd activities of it's a consequence that the show may need about a lot of the most toys on the streets. okay. you said 5 by it was the organized list is political parties and then the, if these are used to have close ties to russia. and now that it came to china case then business a re tuesday case because the candidate number of on the open elections from the i c is i q, boost to have stopped only the lowest, highest of china thought he employed as 5. what sign up and um, now basically the highest fee is at the moment dealing with
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a guy is management. the speech center, and connie dropped the candidates number, but i'm not sending him guys his name. he's supposed to be know the face of the come paid updates to check that too late already to change him out. so the highest the has to run the elections machine because at least it's already made in the spring. so, but it is a good situation for the pop and this a lot of the emotions. now the b team to talk to you. and the question is, what is not a stone? uh, that the is. and so i'll send this. but basically this bescham alpha o n a t t, and so i'm on, is this really trust photos. thank you so much for an hot that from the university of ice that in berlin of the
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ukraine is saying that it's shut down 21 of 34 missiles that were launched by russia intern no of and i attack most of the strikes targeted the countries energy facilities keeps saying that it also shot back with 2 oil refineries and rushes across the dollar region with drones, audio on site today, closing 5 that those kids love and square fine we. we've also said that it struck the construction ministry field in the same region john home and has more of this now from keys. secret is government said the on friday night, a mass me. so strike particularly targeted the countries energy network. the company d tech said that full of it from electricity pods had been attacked. and this has been a strategy from russia targeting ukraine's energy network, tugging the electricity in the country. there's also been around pub, ukrainian government says on a tax, opponent's railway lines. it says that russia is trying to attack its military supplies, getting to the front. now why the focus and the increase in these attacks?
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now there's 2 key timeframes. the 1st is may, the 9th, that since either russia celebrates its victory over germany and will, will, to but it's become a day of military celebration in general in the country and reportedly at the government that wants to see games before the made the noise. so we can celebrate them on that site. there's another key timeframe. and that's to do with the fact that there's been a $61000000000.00 a package approved by the united states to get towards ukraine. and so russia who's so the crating government says, wants to make as much advances lookout as much infrastructure as it can before the whitcomb rate and the ad default defenses in that package start to arrive in the country and it can protect them more. now, on the other side, the russian defense ministry said to the intercepted $68.00 drones that with going towards the country and particularly towards the crescent of the region. the governor, across an adult has said that they were trying to attack the oil refineries. that,
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that's also been a strategy for you trying to use. so as long range drones to go into russia and particularly to attack its energy network and it's energy supplies as this will continues to on home. and i would just say to keep you crime at google is once one of the safest countries in latin america. but in the last 10 years, it's had one of the highest mode rates in the region since taking office last year, present daniel on the bow, a decide war against the drug. cartels. recently one a referendum to impose harsher laws. but doing so won't be easy as to raise a ball reports from guy acute this is the tactic as motorcycle unit, carrying out to an operation in white jackie known to be the drug trafficking having a court order for us it. and then, you know, a has intensified police operations against drug guns, declaring the warrant coattails. we accompany the unit to an area known as j. c.
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named up to a police officer who went rogue and joined the criminal group. and then on the visa areas with chronic problems of consumption and sale of drugs. and then most of the action happens at night to me, the situation hasn't proved a bit too much, but it's still very complicated. here it was, it was once a quiet nation in the region, but in the last decade it has been taken over by drug related violence. we're told that hearing was a cube. the situation gets more violent when you get close to the river. and because criminal organizations are fighting for access to the river leads to which this country's major ports. and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. according to the police, many of these boats are involved in the trade. but fishermen tend to view police officers with suspicion, saying corruption is a common thing among the police force. and then the says,
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the security situation and whether or in the past year has gotten out of control alexi and the police because he equal it's all a disaster. i'm picking up troops when i'm here. the only thing i see is bad news this week, or fluid is detained, the leader of a powerful and give the country. unless i'm the president. no, i want to vote to reform the constitution and implement harsher law against those involved in the drug trade. but no boy serving a short term 18 months presidential term and he's unlikely he will have enough time to carry out major reforms. elections are happening early next year. land dates that will be see the, we will know the military on the streets is not the solution. and that it's unlikely that he'll be able to implement any reforms fast. but the presidents is convinced that security is what will guarantee his re election in 2025. and that's why the advertising this hotline policy, as the drug trade continues to transform,
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make, why the order many of the people living here are putting their face in the president's security plan, hoping it will succeed. pretty simple. i'll just see that was a key. it went on to the have for you, re on the draft close in on the low lead, gets high full that's coming out and support the test. the the call choose solutions that gives us know for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number, think about it as a person and yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education, we want to go. because the women and my country,
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they're not sweet to us. we are in the night all or 2. we are human beings on this earth to be trees and the coins. we are walking in the footsteps, our officers whatever has been done before, can be done even better. as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you of the the is there any forces of arrested moving 8000 palestinians in the occupied westbank
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since the beginning of the war on gaza? those has been released to talk about ill treatment, lack of food and medical negligence inside prisons. elders they were supposed to allow us to offer a 74 year old pot of sending activists from ramallah, who spent 6 months and on his way to jail. when he was released, somebody said they could barely recognize him. the committee mackenzie. we met at an automotive height. the visual probably has a compatible modem, understands the minimum, a visit this the name of the letter means has money. and then when can the point you had said you saw machine x and lucky to put the men in sound as you get the full complement. i'm now you can access the partial level farm and the fact you have been bundled off the actual woman north of
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pop by move. it's in the, in the head that he will have to do from manhattan. but board of pushed through all the others in, you know, can you walk in what have set up all to don't have to fiddle. she would, you can hit as to how bad the comments are to double back into the school system. you're going to set up an email on the 4th in the parcel, just click on this for the mortgage and so on. fine and know i have to look more into how these on the number of pop in the let me tell you that for i think what it today is we're in the hold for the us and do much. how do you solve? i know i didn't this probably sick daughter is and i'm hoping to tennessee said,
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since you know, she had a subdued, highly missed and i've had a lot of sit actual assets and it wasn't me to see them. no, no, my company is he is he and what i'm what i didn't need that he will assume jeanette a lie national coronado high a sport now with pizza battery and thank you so much. little have lost more ground in the permitting type of rain. so have to be helped with to, to drill by waste time. then for went into this one having lost 2 of the 3 d games and they went behind just before i saw jerry making a one move. the 2nd opened a robot soon to be away. so i went ahead for the 1st time in the past, will be able to little help from where can they be didn't last long become antonio heading in to make it to the conversation between the 2
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appear to get and listen to all the different ways of the come on there was to be no life, a real big from solar as it ended in a drawing in another huge glow sounds a bit through his eyes on the pavement. sally kuda, you pulled a step further away from the premium e trophy but a step closer to a pointing only slots as they next manage it. the dutchman, these boys to succeed $1212.00 through compensation deal with up to $11000000.00 was agreed with these current club finald. the pool will now take steps to finalize . a contract with the 45 year old, soft laid fine or to the either the be see tied last season. and the desktop this year. round the grid or full points away from a record expending 56. the legal title, coach, call events will also be made 9 changes to be signed for the match against rail stuff to you, that part of july 1st the 10th on goal of the 29 minutes. the 19 year old finding a target on these 1st leave start for the club. the good me 14 point scale of 2nd
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phase. barcelona with 5 games may affect funding and then picks chief thomas boxes, palestinian athletes will be allowed to compete at the fuse paris games even if they fail to qualify between $6.00 and $8.00, palestinian natalie so expected to take pods. qualification events for the powers games or ongoing for a number of sports and boxes that if no palestinian ethic qualifies on the field of play, some would be invited by the international olympic committee. the game starts on july, the 26th of to 5000 kilometer read through greece. the olympic flame is on the mix, blake of its journey, atlanta and carrying the flame, has set sail from athens full fronts. on the 19th century sailing ships cooled, the bedlam, it will save across the mediterranean sea and arrive on may the 8th, the moss. i hate over rebate, through france, leading to the opening ceremony in paris the minnesota. it's in the world. so one
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went away from the n. b a playoffs. second round off to 126109. when ever the phoenix suns, the world's valley, the series 3, nothing. it's actually the face time and franchise basic. this has the, the face folding, anthony edward stop scoring with $56.00 points on the nights and then it says it will be able to complete the scene, gainesville on sunday in the dallas mavericks and taking it to a meeting, a series of getting some essentials is hardly even coming to live in the fun inclusive school in 1921 points in that period. russell westbrook taking on the specifications 1st i'm new, don't it's. and then on page a, washington, facebook and washington post rejected for that system that happens the rest of the playoff game. final score, 10190 to the labs. losey 300 games against success is 3 years ago in a playoff series game for was on sunday. also in dallas the indiana pacers
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also to one up in a series against the milwaukee bucks who are without style. man, you want essentially to come 1st for 6 straight game because of the coughing dri, indiana taking game for the natalie, 1211185, east canada, and the hero for the late fall into 6 is remaining on the 12th. in the n h l. playoffs, the new york ranges are on the verge of reaching the 2nd round. that's also a $31.00. when ever the washington capitals and game 3 of a series of raises have the basically the n h l teams in the regular season. i know they need just one know when sort of balls to the next house where they're getting chips where the colorado avalanche really big. we're leading to one in the food do . but that's when colorado click seems to be a we have a nice way, 5 times when 16 also take a to one, we will see fix in the evans an oil is also had a big game. so when you,
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when they slash the los angeles kings 61, edmonton on out to wind up in the series of game theory and he sunday newton ok. and we'll finish with some golf that is a day to remember for lpga to iraqi austin, tim, the american, he's a 1st home in one. it happened at the to the latest events in los angeles to lead it into the food room. okay, that's what was mostly for me for the time being that you thank you for your time. i. so were you one quick story from us. hundreds of homes have been damaged, powerful tornadoes have piled through the midwest and part of the country. at least 3 people injured, 11000 homes without power in the state of nebraska. i'm close to sheriff reports. the moment of tanita touchstone in the us state of the town of ha ha to pick directed entire down the street. there's no houses down there of the street.
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there's no houses either. it just took everything in about 510 minutes and is gone . this is what's left of the cities airport after today, detached down here. the, the field was temporarily coast passengers been moved to storm shelter as an emergency crews took charge. it was one of separately reported entities, 5 states on friday, making it the most active day for tomatoes in the country in more than a year. the area is dealing with power outages and gas leaks. the state of oklahoma was also affected as twisters to 2 months of farm land, tougher trees, flattened tomes and overtone fee, cuz the national weather service has wont of pol system. so saturday, incentive plans, extending as far as texas consumption eve onto 0. let's set for this these out and i'll be back in a moment. was much more the days using creating those protests against the wall.
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because the now is the time to be directed to the creation of the humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do not is it was a policy that we, it was from us, particularly the city upfront on out to 0. 9 in america is a region of wonder, i'm joy tragedy, and yes of violet. but it doesn't matter where you are. you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition. the i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like, and it's my job defense life on how and why. very books know collins and public
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confrontation. young people across the u. k. a puts in their forties on the line to force attention to issues that my sister, that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. when every other week fails, die with action was to be left open for democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down. an honest people have generation changed on our to 0. it's a school day in taiwan. but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in one, in to return to class for parents needed share could cost more than $6000000.00. and this is just one of those, or this is public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before a completely collab. despite the 7.2 magnitude string to pos quick,
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the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan, is designed to prepare this, including its strict building the of thousands of demonstrates as much in london in suppose of palestinians on the siege in garza, the does the, this is algae. 0 live from doha students . so universities across the us including harvard, stanford in columbia account out in protest against the war. meanwhile, $32.00 palestinians including.


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