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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the 2 strings, if the queen, the damage, is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is designed to prepare this, including it's strict building codes. the of thousands of demonstrates as much in london in suppose of palestinians on the siege. in garza, the does the, this is al jazeera life from doha students . so universities across the us, including harvard, stanford in columbia account out in protest against the war. meanwhile, 32 palestinians, including women and children,
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have been killed in his writing phone. baldness and calls are in the past 24 hours the time. send me the in alexandra township and most of janice bucks, we many say they is and much to celebrate. a south africa commemorates the 2 years of democracy. the thousands of people are marching in london in solidarity with the palestinian people in gaza. accounts are riley has been cancelled citing security concerns. but a small event by a group called enough is enough which supports israel's actions, is expected to go ahead. how it falls. it joins us now from the protest. i am logged in and the tell us about so the people who are out there today, harry well, that's right. they've arrived here now. most of them, at least in hyde park to this, right. it's the fed to search national,
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processed through the streets of london since the beginning of the war in october. and as you say, that was a accounts, a demonstration, or a war together event. as it was branded, it was going to be held by the time paying against anti semitism whose leader had a very high profile encounter with metropolitan police officer a couple of weeks ago when he try it's across the roads and the same time is a public pro palestinian not just started because it is open the jewish appearance about to be a problem. they were going to have this council demonstration. it was cancelled because they said look that well, correct. so actually as far as style actors, there might have been danger, like some of those people taking part, something that they need on the sign some a diety, con pain, which is organize today's much to me said was, was not going to happen. but there are many dues on this, not as well. so that was all the separate kind of it. i'm station stationary.
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demonstration by the sure enough is enough. i, there was a concentration in metropolitan police officers point to the modest i separation get 2 groups. the test is, as you can say, is probably $5.00 to the professors have now arrived here and i talked to this major, right. all right, thank you very much. i suppose it will latest from that, and he will march taking place in central london. we won us police detained about 100 people while clearing a protest. compet northeastern university in boston university says the protest is resulted to do some messic slugs. student protests have spread across the country and around the world, demanding that schools divest from israel. but there are growing assets by university officials and police to see of the demonstrations, as john henry now explains in his report from new york. another day,
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another group of pro palestinian students occupying yet another american university, demanding a ceasefire in gaza, end of free palestine. this in camp and at city university of new york was in its 2nd day on friday, a public institution joining a movement that started at elite private institutions. it is spread from campus to campus coast to coast from collab, the university to the university of southern california. which has canceled its graduation ceremony over the protest. the occupations are rejected by university leaders and reviled by campus police whom students block from entering the territory they occupied. which supported by the swelling ranks of students and pell is standing. and advocates across the us, including orthodox jewish supporters of the customization i disturbs me to my core to see my own
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people. perpetrating something that we've been doing is this very disturbing. on thursday campus police tried and failed to forcibly clear students from their camp of occupation. the interpreted city university of new york is a tranquil or even suggestive scene. but what people are worried about now is that new york police will come in and do what campus police putting the new york police department on friday preposition barricades. in portable light posts a harbinger students fear of a new wave of arrest that have swept universities across the nation by the hundreds . at each campus student organizers and university leaders negotiate demands and it can't stand off the students wanting to investment of university assets from israel in anything that helps to wage war and does university leaders demanding their
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campuses. it's beautiful to see that there are some of the encampments and the young people are really, really starting to show up and support and demand that a schools are held accountable for their relationship with his rarely keeping his agent as college presidents, calling police to clear encampment after encampment the demonstrators build and rebuild in a stalemate that reflects a deeply divided american nation. john henry and l g 0 new york. despite the crackdown students at columbia university, a promising to maintain their encampment until that demands a met. kristen salumi reports from the campus. after 10 days, the encampment here at columbia university is still going strong, alumni and other supporters of the demonstrators are dropping off food. faculty volunteers are guarding the entrance to the and cabinet and the students themselves
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remain here. day and night, they're holding kitchens that involved muslim and jewish students together. all of this, while negotiations are continuing with the administration, but it's clear at this point the university doesn't want a repeat of what happened when they called in the police and arrested more than 100 students that's just brought out more in demonstrators here at columbia university and all around the country as well. it also provokes criticism from the faculty. the school senate earlier criticized the administration and a formal statement for its clamp down on the students, which they see as a violation of what the university stands for, for a free speech. and the right to speak out that said the university is also facing pressure from students who say they feel uncomfortable and at least one major donor
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who has announced that he's angry about what the school is doing here and has pulled his support. kristin salumi alger 0 new york and also been protests in the city of austin and heidi joe castro is the university of texas. you d. austin's president. j. hartzell is facing costs for his resignation. after the brutal police cracked down to remove protesters from campus earlier this week. but now 3 days after those arrest hartzell says he is quote, grateful for this current protest in support of palestine. and he gave no indication that he would call for more police intervention. that's despite student protesters breaking curfew last night, and they're back today holding a peaceful demonstrations. there's been music and speakers and arts, and they're calling on you t austin, to divest from mit weapons manufacturers and from companies that benefit israel.
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and they say they're not buying the words of appeasement from the university president. they say that they feel there's a double standard on campus that goes back for years with little or no protection for most of the students when they face discrimination. and the university move to protect your students when this protest started. in fact, some of the protesters here are jewish themselves and they told me this has nothing to do with anti semitism. yet every thing to do with protesting palestinians in gaza and protest leaders want to return to that message front and center heidi to castro alger 0 austin, texas. meanwhile, inside gauze are itself, the bombardments has shown, no signs of easing. all the settings has been killed, including 8 children, thousands more have been injured. emergency workers are trying to rescue, survive is buried under the rubble of to a residential building was hits in the say, right comp in central gaza is really arabs also intensified with 200 forms in rasa
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. installed in gaza or honey. my lou joins us live now from ross. i tell us what happened during the se, right? yes. well, as really, it is price continue to do to pound across the gaza strip, but mainly concentrated this particular area. the northern part of that, unless i right review time and the area between why do you hunt down the refugee cabinets? so that has been relentlessly attack and targeted for that's not the only place that it was a target, just over not attacked across from the city. and just within the past 45 minutes. and you can probably hear the buzz sound of a drawing that is not only here to annoy people and grind down their mental and physical admit health the by continuing to to, but also fire in crockett that out a residential home. and they've been part of, of our city, that's another neighborhood killing at least 2 people and several other injuries arriving to a non jock hospital dot com. this is where the tragedy took place,
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where its massive explosion by a tox yet, when fired bonds are and missiles out for the dental buildings where in civil defense the crew at paramedics is probably going to hold benson bull survivors or from the revel. this is an eye witness, describes the approx. it is just a place that doesn't say right, refuge account message to the world is enough enough with my message to every person with a conscience. every person who claims to be a human being regardless of religion, race or politics is enough on so in gaza has had its fill of blood and the occupation. what we can do is trust that god deep look off dress policy and health ministry, one on saturday that the conditions in gauze are, could feel and academic. many people don't have access to clean water then now forced to live near rule sewage and rubbish, honey. my move spoke to despise people about the struggles that facing after
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months of bombardment on suffering. the people of god that have been left within you in the beginning, the vision because it should be a honda for the situation is very di and the place is no suitable for living at to know toilets. no, it was a no sanitation facilities, just making it very difficult one toilet and one war to science of 5000 displaced individuals. people are in overcrowded spaces. and this has led to a spread of infectious diseases, very alien to us. even the health ministry cannot determine what these diseases uh the lack of showers in hand washing facilities means maintaining the proper hygiene is nearly impossible. stagnating water and pour waste management held the breed diseases, carrying mosquitoes and flies, the number of those with malaria. the fever and other illness is rising, whole eligible diseases such as hepatitis and other infectious diseases spreading quickly. vomiting and diarrhea are among the most widespread diseases among
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children. israel's war on gauze is also straining the management of medical ways, adequate sanitation and the supply of clean medical supplies. and she went to the original sanitation or waste management. when you live in the street, there's no sanitation tools or equipment to help. tools as simple as a broom or sweepers are not available. if they are available, they are very expensive. for 7 months, we've had no work or salary and we can't afford buying these necessities. it's not just on sanitary conditions here that are creating health of problems, sickness, stress, and the problem of the conflict. we're not excited. the pressing on post traumatic stress disorders are building into a mental health nightmare for the people of dog roles intends bombing, campaign has eliminated nearly all social services and health care facilities. recovery will need a humanitarian aid organization, local authorities and international actors to work together. sanitation,
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waste management and health care including mental health treatment. our old needed immediately clean water, would be to start and even more. outage of the garza palestine. meanwhile, protests and broken out in the occupied westbank office. the killing of 2 young palestinians by is riley forces. one is paid tribute to the victims and marched in the city of jeanine. the 2 men were shot dead of the night by his right. the soldiers that they sell in check points. and they to prevent the ambulances from reaching that bodies. and now the developments of freedom so to the coalition, trying to carry a to gauze or a saying to of that ships caught me this time pool because they've been de registered by guinea pus. now the ships upright under the flank of guinea bas now and activists are choosing israel was putting pressure on the west african country . organizers say they'll continue what to ensure that freedom flip flip. phillip will eventually set sail still have for you 13 years on from its 1st
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democratic election. south africa is kind of breaks freedom day. many say the governing amc his fails and of up to its promises the or coming to the fluffy end of the rainy season for south east asia. but it's by no means over. we get concentrated areas of big thunder storms and in the fall across i would say once again, boeing is going to be at risk along with still it weighs a bit less. so sumatra opens, humanise. you ought to be honest. java as well. but north of all this, we've had significant early season rain in southern china. you've seen pictures the extensive funding and it's not finished off this, right. it's moving up towards shanghai and a bit beyond you've got moving funds domes in glendale, gong g as well, which will temporarily affect hong kong as well, but they don't,
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sylvia and we tend to disappear on monday last, they return on tuesday. so the system is pulsing in the night, it's coming back is getting g c from west and trying and spreading down towards the side of the head to be the re, from shanghai is going to south korea. and something japan barely went to not many shuttles in india, the measurements, but a few big ones recently. and there are a few in the middle face as well. but again, not a huge number, no heats the thing, as you might expect, pre monsoon heat or warning site for this year. and westbank go with temperatures and call closer up into the low voltage above where they should be. in pakistan he sort of thing big, active thunder stones in the north of the thing. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of suck thoughts and emotions to donation spends on projects. and we
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ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the welcome back. reminder of the main stories. now thousands of people are marching in london in support of palestinians and against the war on garza thousands of launching veterans and other cities around the wild accounting launch was council because of security concerns. trust me,
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teams have been digging for saliva is off to a residential building, was hit ending as their accounts for these types of tools that used 51 people in gaza in the past 24 hours. so young palestinians have been shot deadlines. really forces in the occupied westbank a been fighting with soldiers that be selling check points near the city of geneva . south africa is mocking 30 years of democratic freedom and the end of a pod. tate rule presents around the post that has defended his policies record of governance during freedom day celebrations in pretoria. but the opinion polls are showing that support for the governing african national congress is dwindling ahead of next month. general elections. so wait a minute has moved from alexandra township. and john, his bag to the governing african national congress has for years promised a better life pool. and to some extent, it's delivered. it's provided free base to get you cation. it's also both millions of homes for people who don't have any,
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and it's also provided running water and electricity, especially in rural areas. but many here in the alexander township. most of do i had this book, few very different t. they say enough hasn't been done. many of the homes here are in formal housing, both with corrugated sheeting with whatever material people can find, including plastic, to create some sort of shelter. housing here is hard to come by. it's an area that is densely populated. now the government is having difficulty with a short full of at least $2800000.00 homes. and each other grows by at least a $180000.00 people. here's a more needs to be done. there's things that we can celebrate. the things that i feel we, we not yet at that point to celebrate one we, we not eh, liberated as blacks of africans. we still haven't gotten the freedom to financial
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freedom for us. so that's how i know it hasn't changed. i have a few thoughts, put things in there like this. people are living with like these very promising applies. wow. so the africans acknowledge that they have been liberal rates that they have the right to vote. many, especially the areas like the say they haven't been liberated in terms of the economy. they have limited access and that's an equality. this is one of the most an equal societies on us and they say the gap between the rich and what is only growing so many develop, ultra 0 alexandra township to have as bug a i r i spoke to l. v sykes, a form of judges. south africa's constitutional court as an anti a party activist. he said the stories of his personal sacrifice in the fight for south africa's political operation should give palestinians hope of success of the size. the confinement i never really got over in georgia by sleep deprivation.
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the bottom that came years later when i was helping develop the justice of streaming, you're an independent magazine visa and you can see my my short on though. so now i blew away the happiness of the subject, confinement and i feel joyous, every feeling reply to is waiting. when they come for me, will they come today? will i be brave? and i tried to kill me. i survived and i felt fantastic, and i still feel that to day and then went on got a note while i'm recovering and hospital died, body committed helping me with the vantage. you as well. you get a cut of the all so we can apply the and when i is that the country we want, if we kept them up to see it freedom, that will be my soft vengeance and kidney. our constitution was my sort of insurance and it gives me coverage that our constitution is working and why i feel us upfront about treatment. it seems to be impossible. and so i've actually got the issue seen so many tractable. the racial examination. people driven off the land, the hospital was disenfranchisement indeed as tortured and exiled in prison. and so
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it seems we could never get a country and we caught a country and i say those 2 ounces here view as the battle stein is ro issue looks intractable, but we had to find a way and we did find a way, and it wasn't ultimately is providing through the vote, it's just through listening to the people. so i'm immensely proud with regard to country and ma, satisfied the south africa today. key. this is more than room for improvement. we, we, we are not as fast as i to be. so very an equal, you know, the same society. i wish i could walk around freely and not worry about the visors . i hope arises because of the style of the shocking. so many people say profoundly sad, severely as we got through it seemed impossible in south africa, it seemed a beloved boss. it would just one for the one side to when the other had to die.
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that wasn't the way to go from the one side to when the other side doesn't have to die. you have to tool, you have to get together. you have to find a solution that richard sconces the dignity of everybody. and i seems to have these women chanel throughout the world. and let's close the middle east that do give me a lot of time. the ukraine is saying it shut down at $21.00, especially for missiles that were launched by russia and an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facilities. he was also saying at target to 2 oil refineries in russia's crescent region with drones early on saturday, causing pfizer ill ski and start v underscore fine res. i struck co shift military field in that same region as well. john, home and has moved from t's ukraine's government said the on friday night a mass me. so strike particularly targeted the country's energy network. the
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company d tech said that full of bits from electricity pods had been attacked. and this has been a strategy from russia targeting ukraine's energy network, tugging the electricity in the country. there's also been around pub, ukrainian government says on a tax on its railway lines. it says that russia is trying to attack its military supplies, getting to the front. now why the focus and the increase in these attacks? now there's 2 key timeframes. the 1st is may, the 9th, that since either russia celebrates its victory over germany in world war 2. but it's become a day of military celebration in general in the country and reports as late as the government that wants to see guys before the made the noise so we can celebrate them on that side. there's another key timeframe. and that's to do with the fact that as soon as $61000000000.00 a package approved by the united states to get towards ukraine. and so russia who's
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so the craning government says, wants to make as much advances, look out as much infrastructure as it can before the whitcomb rate and the ad for defensive in that package. start to arrive in the country and it can protect the more. now on the other side, the russian defense ministry said to the intercepted $68.00 drones that with going towards the country and particularly towards the crescent region. the governor across an adult has said that they were trying to attack the oil refineries. that, that's also been a strategy for you trying to use those long range drones to go into russia and particularly to attack its energy network and its energy at supplies as this will continues to on home. and i would just say to keep you crime in germany as far as the pond, he has launched its campaigns of the european parliamentary elections in june. both suggested could come in 2nd in europe's most populous country. smart and control this, the officer, an aid of one of its candidates,
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was arrested on grounds for spying, for china. this is the 2nd time the anti immigration policy is faced corruption allegations of to another account that it was accused of accepting bribes. we go to echo now. one is one of the safest countries in latin america, but in the last 10 years, it's had one of the highest motor rates in the region since taking office last year . president daniel no, but the cold war against the drug, cartels. and recently one a referendum to impose harsh laws. but doing this won't be easy as to raise a bar or force from got killed. this is the tactic as motorcycle unit, carrying out to an operation english act known to be the drug trafficking, have unit one order for us to do. and then, you know, a has intensified police operations against drug guns, declaring the war and go tells we accompany the unit to an area known as j. c. named after a police officer who went rogue and joined
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a criminal group. and then on the visa areas with chronic problems of consumption and sale of drugs. and then most of the action happens at night to me. the situation has improved a bit too much, but it's still very complicated here. it whether it was one's acquired nation in the region, but in the last decade it has been taken over by drug related violence. we're told that hearing was a cube. the situation gets more violent when you get close to the river. and because criminal organizations are fighting for access to the river leads to which this country's major ports. and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. according to the police, many of these boats are involved in the trade. but fishermen tend to view police officers with suspicion and saying corruption is a common thing among the police force. and then the says, the security situation and why the in the past year has gotten out of control
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alexi and the police because he equal it's all a disaster. i'm picking up troops when i'm here. the only thing i see is bad news this week, or fluid is detained, the leader of a powerful gang in the country, unless on the president. no, i want to vote to reform the constitution and implement how shared laws against those involved in the drug trade. but no voice serving a short term 18 months presidential term and he's unlikely he will have enough time to carry out major reforms. elections are happening early next year. landscape that will be see the we will know the military on the streets is not the solution. and then it's unlikely that he'll be able to implement any reforms fast, but the presidents is convinced that security is what will guarantee his re election in 2025. and that's why the advertising does hotline policy. as the drug trade continues to trends for make one or many of the people living here are putting their face in the president's security plan,
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hoping it will succeed the so i'll just see to was it, why don't we want to now return to the occupied westbank and the thousands of arrests since the beginning of the war on gaza. those has been released have spoken about that ill treatment for lack of food in the absence of medical cat inside prisons. i'll just there a spoke to amar stuff, uh, 74 year old palestinian activists from ramallah, who spends 6 months in his writing jail. when he was released, his family said they barely recognized him the, the beauty, mackenzie. we might have an hour might have had the visual of we had the computer below. my mom does tend to milam a visit this the equipment has money. and then when can the point you have federal and that's just so many solution. i'm lucky to put them in and soon as you
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get the full complement of value. okay, that's the partial level farm and the fact you have to bundle it off the actual woman. no, i think papa located in the and in the head that he had to see kinda what had to do from manhattan, but buddha pushed through, i'll be honest. and you know, can you walk up all to go ahead to fit off? would you, can you, i'm not hit enough. so how bad the actual job back in the school system, you're going to set up an email. i'm gonna forward it to the parcel multitude your info on flight.


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