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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the stream mouse's era the on the services and use our on out to 0 for the back to go live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. thousands of people are on the streets of london in support of kind of scenes and accounting for an end to as well as on guys. police in the us detain at least 100 protesters that a university in boston, while the student led movement against the war straight across the country. also this our, these really yes, try case rock fi in. southern does that mean across the street has killed at least 32 protest scenes in the past 24 hours? many of them went in and i'm somebody the in alexandra township,
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newest of johannes. but we many say these and much to celebrate a south africa commemorate city. yes, of democracy i'm doing the controls go with the school. says living to lose ground in the premier league title race i'm being held to a to, to drove by west palms keeping inside and the table with just 3 matches less to play. the it is 15, g m t. thank you for joining. as we begin this news hour with the growing protests around the world in support of palestinians and against these routes war on garza, the latest demonstration is in london with thousands. i've been marching account or riley has been cancelled citing security concerns. but a smaller event by a group called enough is enough which supports these really actions is still going ahead in central london. let's go straight to our address here is harry fonts that
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were joins us from the march in london. london has of course, seen huge demonstrations in support of gaza, denise, past 6 months. how are you, how the protests today shaping up a good. so another very large turn out as you say, it's take its way through central london from parliament square and just outside the house, the parliament alone piccadilly and ending up here in hyde parkway. as you can see, there is this major riley going on and we've had a number of speakers rallying. the crowds here as you also say, that was this of the counter price as part of time pay. and it goes to the semitism whose lead had a high profile confrontation, a couple of weeks ago with a metropolitan police officer preventing him from across the street. in the midst of one of these protests, they were going to have a week together event. they closed it, but that was cooled off. they said because of strengths from potential hostile
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actors and something that the leader of the time to sit in. so there are 2 time who's talking now on the stage behind us said that they shouldn't have been worried about that. there are a number of jewish protest is here. indeed we've heard from some of them from the stage that was the, this of the stats. it could cause a demonstration by the not says they're not through the main body of this protest and watch through that area. police tempted to protest in groups away from each other. one person repeatedly arrested for what he shouted. i meant supposedly said racist comments against the jewish protest is the pro israel rather heavy. to what extent have the people that been galvanized by the protest in the us and it certainly be the same. it's been running through the various speeches we've
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been hearing from here. uh, for instance, just tossing on box, but it's a lot going to for some, some not mentioned each campus by name and saying how much the. 3 actions that were inspiring people here result, we spoke to a number of students around this process. we also said that they were proud of what was being done in the united states and not having the, the student process here in the u. k. one student we started to so that they will apply to the search process. so the reflection that you're seeing and you're not as guides as well as that. of course, this is also being inspired by what continues to take place in jobs and their role should be mentions of the mass graves that have been on in recent days as well. so the activism of the protests is on the news coming out of guys. it is continuing to bring it onto the stage. this is the 13th such demonstration on people here saying that they will continue despite cools from groups. despite the message,
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we have multiple police talking about the sheer scale of the estimates that the police have been having to go through to police these demonstrations and some causes on quotas to these posters, to come to an end, to protest, to see the leaders of these protest saying they will continue. thank you very much for that. that sounds easier. it's harry fawcett reporting that live from london. well, meanwhile, in the us, police have detained about a 100 people while clearing a protest camp at northeastern university in boston. the university says the protesters resorted to anti semitic slurs student demonstrations against the one guy that has spread across the us. happens and demonstrations that sprung up from the capital to both coasts. but they ongoing efforts by university officials and police, and the protests. while it's just over a week since students at columbia university in new york began demanding their
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school diverse from israel students at columbia, harvard georgetown, mit and george washington university began demanding the same process right from the northeast to campuses in sugar in texas and california. and we have a team of correspondents covering this story for us on this new our, across the us in atlanta, austin, in washington, dc. as 1st we go to john henry, who's at princeton university in new jersey. john prestigious, the prestigious, princeton university. of course, this is one of the us encampments. what's the scene like where you are literally, this is day 3 of the encampment here at princeton. and as you can see, it's a fairly small one compared to some of the other ones that we've seen in new york city and elsewhere. but here, as all across the country, these students are committed to staying and occupying this phase. and so far it seems to be a fairly peaceful seeing if we can see those yellow jackets. those are the campus
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security officers who are standing by, not swooping in uh to raid the students. but you also may notice that there are no permanent tents set up, and that's the red line that many universities have drawn. they view the tents as permanent structures and at new york university and elsewhere. they have swept in and torn those tents down and arrested students who've been in them. so one of the issues here is that the students want to occupy the space. they want to make their statement their demands against the university a divest, and they want them to divest in anything it has to do with israel or the war in gaza. and they, there's threat is we will stay here until that happens. the university is, don't want those permanent structures of as one of the, the lines that has been drawn fully. right? and this movement, as we said, is growing, drawn across the us. but they have also been a number of arrest. what's the latest on the? and that's right, in northeastern university in boston, they were more than
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a 100 and people arrested. that is just the latest. and what often happens is, you know, these, these demonstrations are largely peaceful. you can just see it behind me. nobody is agitating, uh, you know, there are no arguments going on. we've seen a few of those on campuses. we think we've really been a very few. and occasionally you'll have confrontation between protesters and counter protesters, but the university's seem to crack down on the speech of the protesters in particular and inexpensive that northeastern university one. there were accusations that the students in violated the code of conduct by some of the things that they said. and so it was a 100 people arrested there at emory versus a university in georgia that happened as well. and then in new york, new york university, columbia city, both of those have seen police crackdowns. the city university of new york has had
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threats have a crack down the campus. police tried to go in now they're in new york city, police who have set up a sort of pre positions, some barricades and stuff. so all of these things kind of live under the threat that they're going to be arrested. if you can imagine it costs $57000.02 pay tuition for princeton university, so they're very careful about their identities. that's why you see a lot of the students here wearing masks that some of them have asked us not to identify them, which we have respected. so those arrest or a very real and present threat across the country. following john, thank you very much for the update. that's john henry and live the in princeton university in new jersey. let's head over to washington dc. now in my kind of who's at george washington university in d. c. d c area college students, mike of launcher, own guys, a protesting camp. and tell us about what's happening at g w today. a
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yes indeed, behind me is a university square named exactly that university square. there's a few dozen people. him some state overnight and the tense behind me is a police presence, but it is limited and it's very clear that police are keeping a monitoring role. i spoke to an officer who's on the university square behind me that he said the police so just to, to monitor, i'll just step beside so you can see the layout of what is here. you see the tense . beyond that, there's the fence, which is not aligned with food, organizes that protein food to feed the demonstrators here, coffee for them. one organization, uh oh. and i said, pointing out that what they are protesting about the area that were protesting about people simply do not have food. so they are very lucky here. but i understand too that university authorities also d. c police to step in and remove the demonstrators from university property. such a d,
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c. police said no. they saw no evidence of any unlawful activity. they sold the gathering was peaceful and perhaps as well weighing in the back of the minds of d. c. police, all those have been since june 2020, when police took to the streets by talking this into a guess and demonstrate to the dispos demonstrates as during a black lives matter protest. so certainly the police have said very clearly that they do not want that kind of uptake to happen. kids as long as this demonstration remains peaceful, then they will not take any action. they will stay here and continue to monitor to ensure that it does state peaceful. thank you very much, mike. that sanchez here is my kind of reporting. they live from george washington university in dc. now the demands of the university students in the us differ from one another, but they do have a common theme of divesting from israel students at columbia university or long should be demanding. the university dropped their direct investment in company is doing business in school with israel. these include microsoft, amazon,
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and google. those attending new york university want the closure of their schools tel aviv campus calling it discriminatory students. that yale cornell and university college london has been asking their schools to cut ties with weapons manufacturers, including lockheed martin. they accuse a companies of profiting from israel as for well to discuss all this, i'm not joined by laurie brand, who is a professor of political science international relations and middle east studies at the university of southern california. thank you very much for talking to us and joining us on algae 0. i'll ask you about what's happening at us see a very shortly because if cancel the graduation there because of the protests, but i just wanted to get your thoughts 1st about why you think we're seeing such a huge momentum. now, with these protests, not just in the us, but in london us, we see what do you think is leading to this renewal of these on time all protests? is it the mass, the rest that we've seen faces like a new york or boston?
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well, i think you have to think of it in, in terms of the uh, the broader background, which is that if there's been a lot of programming on campuses since the beginning of the war and certainly dating before the war. i mean, campuses in united states have really become the place the focal points of palestine solidarity work over the last i'd say 1015 years. and so there are lots of campuses that have branches. the students were just as in palestine and similar sorts of organization. so they were in place with the beginning of the war. there was an attempt to organize programming to show films and universities dealt with those requests in different ways. and some places they tried to cost them in some places. they questioned successfully and others desert cases, faculty stood up and insisted that they go hadn't done in any case. the, the point is that there, there was a lot of work going on, a lot of attempts to protest and to express themselves in the period immediately after the war. but i think what happened at columbia university, the galvanized people in the, against the backs of, of course,
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of mass protests amongst the little civil society all around the world. the response has been indeed quite brutal in some places like columbia and boston university, northeastern in boston. as we saw, why do you think the colleges these big name colleges cracking down more aggressively? politics also at phase? absolutely. i mean, i think when we all saw what happened at the hearings at which 35 and the present is a 3 top universities testified and the way that they were treated. and then what sorts of policies were pursued thereafter. this was that expectations, i guess, that the republicans were held these hearings made of these people and that if they didn't tow the line that they were going to be accused of anti semitism. so i think when it came time for columbus, president who'd been invited to the original hearings but wasn't able to attend. when she appeared she wanted, i think to set a mark and say you're not going to treat me the same way. i'm not going to be
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a subject same sort of abuse as my predecessors were. but in fact she was and i think the, her response prior to her hearings, to the beginnings of protest on her campus which were, which were swift and which were brutal. she had this adventure, these hearings had in there after again, cracking down. so i think that when, when students saw that, they saw that response, there was a desire, we knew was already abroad or solidarity about palestine before and they saw students were really putting themselves on the line. and so more more students, i think, began to say we need to be out there, we need to be taking a stand in solidarity with what's happening. and that's what we're seeing right now happening right now on the question of anti semitism, which you mention, some jewish students have said they feel threatened on the campuses. is that the case? is that a legitimate concern today? what's the state of untie? semitism on american college campus. well, i think that one has exhibits what else to distinguish between the number of things . first of all, there are protests which are anti israel, anti war, and those are not anti semitic. there. on the other hand,
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there are expressions of anti semitism and windows find those on university campuses one find as those in other parts of american society. but it can't be allowed to be completed. and so for people who are calling any expression of sympathy for palestine, any does any call for an end to the war as an expression of anti semitism, which is what some american jewish organizations are doing, that's simply not acceptable. and so those are not expressions of epa semitism then that there's a question of how a lot i'll see pro israel students feel on campus because it's also important to note. there are many jewish students and many faculty who are ardent supporters of palestinian rights and have been in the forefront of these demonstrations on campuses as well as off campus. and so the attempt by some groups to, to a speak about use as if they're a model is the united states is simply not accurate by so when we talk about that i semitism, we can't talk about it in the same terms as opposition to israel. right. and we have to think about jews as a very diverse community, united states, many of whom do support post any advice, a very important point. you raised that, not the heart of the student protests is of course the idea of divesting from
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israel. do you think that campaign can succeed in what will be the invitations for companies like, you know, lockheed martin and other side to do business with israel? is that an achievable goal for these protests is the demand for making? i'm not sure. i think there is, as you mentioned in your, your opening there are different sorts of demands. some of them, the economics investment demands others have to do with cultural boycott us and where students and faculty are asking for cutting of programs, putting into programs that joint programs with israel universities. those seem to me to be more likely are targets in a short term. i think the development campaign is one, it's, it has a long history. it's been, i'm in ongoing for some time. it's painting and momentum. i don't know that these student demonstrations are going to, i guess i doubt that they're going to achieve in the short term what they're looking for. but i think what they're doing is they're building for their solidarity. they're there to match them. and they're demonstrating that there's
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a broad basis, right for pushing these demands forward. so i think that's what's really important, not trying to see what they're going to achieve them in the next, you know, months or 6 months. briefly laurie before we let you know your university university southern california cancelled his graduation speech. i mean his graduation family, the valedictorian speech was also kept and canceled. how, how do you think they handle that? how and, and you know, what does that mean for students who are still attending the university? well, i think they handled it really poorly. and the 1st of all, that's a violation of the academic freedom of this young woman. and then their attempt to try and correct themselves just got them in more trouble making more people unhappy . and they decided they were going to cancel the other speakers. probably worrying that they were going to either themselves say something in support of the valedictorian or that they themselves might pull out and be of further embarrassed, which is the university. so it's gotten, it's progressively worse. we reached a point a couple of days ago, where we had an encampment again, a peaceful encampment, just as your reports have been showing around the world,
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or at least around the united states and us universities. overwhelmingly peaceful and cabinets which some university is not all but my university. unfortunately, the one of them decided that they needed to send in a campus security backed up by lapd back to buy a metro, which is basically the people with the right here. so there has been a tremendous backlash not only from students, but also from faculty that's ongoing. there's a new enchantment which has as been established so that the situation that you will see is still not resolved. but i think that with a managed to alienate and anger, virtually everybody on campus. thank you so much for talking to us. thanks to sharing your thoughts and experience that laurie brand, professor of political science at the university of southern california, joining us funding use our. thank you very much right now let's uh, get the latest on the situation in gaza and is really a cost of kids, at least 32 palestinians in the last 24 hours, including 8 children, 15 people died when is ready for his child at home in the affair at camp in central guys, a number of nearby houses were done, make the army also bomb 2 homes overnight in russia,
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at least 34388 palestinians have been killed since the war began. this get the latest from honey my mode, who's our correspondent on the ground in rafa. southern gaza, honey. tell us about the latest strikes and thereafter, the, here's the labor went across the guns, service shots, the level of infinity that israel is having right now, despite the global protests, so us, on every level where universities, they are showing no signs of, of, of letting down and slowing down the attack just within the past hour, other residential home and eastern part of the problem was target in this void 6. be rewarded. killed right away from one family was super on the other displays. families inside the building were talking about a 3 story building full of display families of from the northern part of the central area and maurice in the city of find you and his work shoulder inside the residential lakes. that have been laughing completely. the scenes of civil defense,
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the crew of paramedics, are trying to hold people who might have survived these talks and over not a talked and reference city as well. 19 was reported also killed in multiple different locations, the eastern part of central. and also that was from part of the city itself. maybe that the treasure, the most of the tragic ears strikes that happen within the past 24 hours. is that no say that refuge account, but mainly been between the area of why the, the northern part of the account were in is frank destroyed an entire residential building and judging from the pods of the attack, not only the house that was destroyed but also the surrounding area 9 people reported skills. half of them are from one family, mostly women and children on several other were in a critical injuries on still to other people under the levels that that has caused shocking levels of destruction that is becoming quite visible everywhere in the refugee camp of. and this is how i wouldn't described the tragedy that i'm folders
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upon the account. and it says good item, my message to the world is enough with my message to every person with a conscience. would every person who claims to be a human being regardless of religion, race or politics is enough on earth in gaza has had its fill of blood and the occupation. what we can do is trust that god deep will look after us. and how many guys, house ministry says promising is across the street drinking on safe water. it's accusing israel of blocking shipments of coal rain use for trading. water and ministry is also unable to monitor water safety after the public health laboratory was closed. officials are engaged nationals not carrying organizations to help improve sanitation, saying raw sewage and accumulation of waste calls a house breaks. so honey, this lack of clean water is bringing of course, disease and suffering. tell us more about the conditions
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where the quite a catastrophic and not only in over a crowd, a drug test city where people are art friends and this a smaller space either in, in the city itself or inside a small residential homes or intense work where we we did a report around an area where people literally set it up as they are due at that point where a garbage is being collected and pile of it that between tens just causing the spread of infectious diseases. and also is just to creating a favorable conditions for deep disease carrying back stores like flies and mosquitoes. leading it though, and increasing the risk off of the spurting of infectious disease like a thing. the fever, as well as smell are yeah, that is already causing a lot, lots of problems, adding more pressure in the hospital. they're already insufficient in terms of medical a stop. it also exhausted, lack of the extremely like the medical supplies needed for that or intervention. maybe the worst of this, and that's one thing that hard to do, not rely on a daily basis, which is the drink water that is largely non and drinkable,
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a cabinet. it has caused several in the infectious diseases described everywhere. mainly you have a proper type of am, particularly among vulnerable women or children with those with, with the critical health conditions. and the, the, the cases are documented either by the minister of health or the world health organization to our, by the 1000, everywhere. and here we're able to, to document and see these cases. the problem is in the northern part and the city of hon units work, there is no health care sector at functional right now. all the hospitals are talking about, the vast majority of the hospitals have been pushed out of service completely and no medical. the stuff is operated no medical supplies, but also part of the ongoing construction of the smooth delivery of medical supplies. much needed right now for people to combat these difficult live living conditions and health challenges. honey, thank you very much for the update that sondra 0 is honey. my mode reporting a lie from rossa in southern garza. not a coordination of 8 globes that's trying to deliver supplies to guys. i is holding
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a protesting assemble for freedom for 10 accommodation says 2 ships carrying 5000 tons of life saving age unable to leave because they've been de registered by guinea. this how the vessels operate under that countries flag activists are accusing israel of putting pressure on the west african nation side. big as more from east on the organizes how the press conference has central is done. both now ships concept sales without flying a flag, not 2 of those ships of flying the sides of the republic of guinea best. so now over i have to say that those blacks have been removed, including from chicago ship that has thousands of tons of age. now they say that this is a blatant needs political move, an unusual one. now open, i just have the press conference here. they said there's a, there was a request from the authorities in gimme a bustle for an inspection, which they said that was fine. but before the inspection had finished on friday
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afternoon, they were told that the flags were being removed. so those ships cannot set sale that they say the in the communications with the authorities with the destination. the admission to gaza was a reference full. so that will also about the cargo and the route, which is highly unusual. they say that usually these authorities are mainly concerned with the safety and standards of the vessels, the bearing, the flags of these ships kinda upset sale at the moment. and there's no idea when they will be setting sale. now some of those activists that was set to go on this mission to try to break the seeds of goals and deliver that for me that for community hearing aids will be returning to their home countries and some of them are very disappointed other the same. so this isn't the end that they will continue to fight time and work to get those vessels get flagged for those vessels so they can set sail and try to break that seats and hit in istanbul. their protest taking place is a sitting document taking place full week, trying to keep a full front of people's minds. this will on garza and the frustrates and the fees
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and the this, the to the still wants to set sale though we've been speaking to active as a half and some of them. i'm not saying that the best always complicit with is there as long as wouldn't cause that because we have caved in the political pressure organize. it said that they would continue to lift. it tries to make sure that those ships set sail, try to break the siege of garza and deliver that commander to an age of vague data assembled the and the occupied westbank is really forces of shot dead to young palestinians. it happened that the solemn check points me a janine, the victims were reportedly killed during fighting with soldiers. these are, these leads are prevented ambulances from reaching their bodies the same as roddy has more from ro, my line the occupied westbank. with regards to the incidents engineering, we know that people have been marching in the street to protest of these deaths. now these rarely describe what happened as a firefight and we stay engaged these men and killed them. but the denial, even in
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a situation of dealing with the combat, a combatant by the israeli army, the denial of life saving 1st aid, which we do understand that they let them bleed out for an hour before they allowed ambulances to arrive a common practice by the israeli military in these occupied territories, that is a violation of international law and we saw protesting janine that followed in the aftermath of this incident. we know that there are been raids until occur. him as well. the rate ended just a few hours ago this morning. no doubt, a relief for the residence of poker. and the last time we saw major operations in the refugee camp there. it was a massive operation that lasted in around the area for a 3 days where they were trying to find a leader of a posting and resistance fighters battalion. someone who still remains at large. his death was reported was the dust cleared from that operation until for him, turns out he was still alive, remains of thorn in the side of us really military. now we've also just heard in the last hour that just north and west of the 2 villages are being currently rated
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by the israeli military bees raised carry on the numbers, the events, all the facts and figures to come out of a 10 to blend together. the death toll since the were beginning, garza here the occupied westbank is nearly $500.00. we've seen thousands of people entered thousands more detained. it's all these really forces arrested more than 8000 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the beginning of the war on gaza. those have been released talked about ill treatment, lack of food and medical negligence in prisons. i was just here a spoke to all my i saw for 74 year old policy. inactive is from ramallah, who spent 6 months in and these really jail, when he was released his time, he said they could barely recognize him. the committee mackenzie. we met at the and i wouldn't have had the restroom of we had the computer. and then i'm a be visible from the point of the letterman, me has money and then when can the point you had scheduled and it has just so many
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solutions. i'm lucky to put them in and soon as he gets here, a full complement i just, i'm now you can that's the partial level farm. and the fact you have to bundle it off the actual one, the north to pop up. we'll get some movie and a headache. yeah. just to kind of what have to do from mean have to but board of pushed through all the others in, you know, can you walk in what have you set up? all you don't have to do at all. would you can you, i'm not hit enough. so how bad the, how much actual job to back in the next 2 of them have the some of em email, almost sort of thing personal. just click on this for mortgage and so on. fine and
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know i have to look more into how these on the number of pop in the let me tell you that for i think what you have today is what in the old for the us and different how do you solve? i know i didn't this public shipyard i'm hoping to, tennessee said, since you left a shed as of june, had it me since i've had the sit as well as it's and it wasn't me to see them know who know my company is. he is he and what am what funny, that he will assume jeanette. a lie national know ahead still i had on this news our ukraine and russia target each of those energy facilities in cost for violence in sports. the indiana basis, leave it late and there and the pay off came again for me a walk in the box to have more coming up. they just stay with the
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the to buy the seasons taken. how would the knowledge in tina be should really to be honest as some snare around in the southern and these which you might expect for the strong wind tibits sunshine is prevalent with temperatures in the teens. then around the river, plato this time a bit to the north border, uruguay and brazil. significant rain sundry rate and quite likely with the k one small taking the temperatures down. but doing what you might expect to do this times. yeah. the seasonal range instead of ryans of nose in brazil and ecuador. i mean, if we're doing that, our warning is on the significant right. and that's where you like to find it stretches out through colombia to what's panama and costs to re coaches. take the temperatures back because being quite warm and costs costa rica recently in the forty's, hopefully we're back neck. and is it fair to match her brain in panama? and if you follow the line to the winds, we still got frequent jazz and his band yellow part of eco,
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probably cube by the southern bahamas in tex and k costs more than you might normally expect for this time of the year in the us. well, it's a familiar story for what is spring. you bring up a lot of moisture and we'll talk to the great plains. states eventually reach some code and you get significant thunderstorms. and major outbreaks of tornadoes anywhere from the texas up to iowa. that's a repeatable event. for the next 2 or 3 days, the, the latest news as a boeing, a military response for situation remain from nationwide with detailed coverage. it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals room and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full series of levi and, and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. now let me tell you
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about safari valley called result, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only elected very close here, like coming here, sits on to a large stairs place with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, restored to being gone of the the, you're watching the news hour on out to 0. a reminder about top stories,
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tens of thousands of people are marching in london in support of thomas to me and, and against the war on guys. account and march has been cancelled citing security concerns in the us police have detained about a 100 people wide, caring of protest comp at northeastern university in boston. university says the hotel, those resorted to on ty, somebody flags, student demonstrations against the war on guys or has sprayed across to us. and in gaza. is there any attacks of keels at least $32.00 modest simians in the last 24 hours, including 8 children, the ami farmed homes in the say, a lot of comp and in rough, at least 34000 $388.00 seems at been killed since october as to and to the days i've been used now in south africa is mocking 30 years since it's historic 1st democratic election in 1994, which mocked the end of apartheid. present to run a post i defended his governing parties record during freedom. day celebrations in
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pretoria. opinion follow suggest support for the african national. congress is dwindling. had of next month's general elections on a post that says the amc has made great progress. seems coming to power in 1994. our task over the last 30 years has been to bridge the huge devise of well an opportunity the country between black and white, between men and women, between the acid and rudo drama. as we have done so not only to products the injustices of the past, but also that we may realize that for potential of any part of me in which every person has a stake in which every person has the opportunity to make it meaningful
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contribution. and he nice, i'll just hear assignment a minute reporting from alexandra township in johannesburg to the governing african national congress has for years, almost a better life fall into some extent. it's delivered. it's provided free base to get you cation. it's also both millions of homes for people who don't have any. and it's also provided running water and electricity, especially in rural areas. but many here in the alexandria township, most of johannesburg, few very different t, they say enough, hasn't been done. many of the homes here are in formal housing, both with corrugated sheeting with whatever material people can find, including plastic, to create some sort of shelter. housing here is hard to come by. it's an area that is densely populated. now the government is having difficulty with a short full of at least $2800000.00 homes. and each other grows by at least
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a $180000.00 people here say more needs to be done. there's things that we can celebrate. the things that i feel we, we not yet at that point to celebrate one we, we not eh, liberated as blank set up for games. we still haven't gotten the freedom to financial freedom for us. that's how i know it has been changed. i have a few thoughts, put things with it, like this. people are living with like these very promising applies. wow. sold africans acknowledge that they have been liber rates that they have the right to vote. many, especially the areas like the say they haven't been liberated in terms of the economy. they have limited access and that and equality. this is one of the most an equal societies on earth, and they say the gap between the rich and what is only growing so many, the ultra 0 alexandra township to have his bug, as well as now speak to my voice. some see mind the deputy president of the african
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national congress veterans leak is life from janice bird. thank you very much, miss them. see my so being with us on alger 0, you were a 1st hand witness to south africa's transition and political transformation. you are on the front lines. what are your reflections on how your country has changed? and he said he is well, thank you very much for the invitation. the. the no dogs that have been very difficult times, but you know the stage to the 7th day from 9 to 9 and 4 is really nice to me or is of better they manage. so i'm wondering far as their long lines that to me the forms go to the voting booths, voting for the 1st time for many of us in that large, it was a period that we were always st. john's. we had actually gave
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us access to the freedom, the removal of the laws that the tenant would stay living with. well, well, hold on to base the color scheme. right? yes, they actually moved out. i was listening to, to the people who interviewed the happy just country. yeah. and let me talk about those difficulties because much of a was yes and an optimism of that period has subsides then south africa's days facing a great deal of challenges. there's widening and equality with the black majority continuing to live in poverty. 32 percent of unemployment. where did it go wrong? well, the, it's a number of scenes. and the 1st 15 years, i'm just making a rough estimation happen very well, and there was a lot of progress. we've had to clearly that that would have been actually related
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soon. a project era. a lot of systems were put in place. all the things that people talk about as access to education, free education up to a pre versity, a lot of those things happen and it happens that way. one cannot have but say there was a time when the moving parts you might but she was unfortunate incidence changing by elements that introduce the cultural state of java's phase. actually lives more on the 2 larger amounts of money being stolen. yeah. buy some of the that color just because we just know it and destroyed public institutions. that's a way to get. okay. we're late last year. in fact,
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he resigned. i understand from the a and c veterans me denouncing endemic corruption within the governing party. but i understand that you've since withdrawn that resignation. there is a narrative that has developed in south africa, that'd be a and see has done nothing for the country. do you agree with that? is the n c's record one of failure. and i'm said to me that there are lots of difficulties with still of a lot of what people just many more than should ever be. but i want each say the and she has done nothing. the things that have been talked about, that's a you go from that if you to be interviewed. i actually milestones that you meant to of them over see, the houses have been built. and the best way to go down to the population draws is higher than the, the provision of these services. but,
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you know, we, we, we have seen educational con, denied that we have the close uh, house facility that have been provided. you can call it nothing to do this right to you cannot call nothing. yeah. yeah. so the, so they have been some things that the party as a cheese, but none the less for the 1st time since it came to firing $94.00 opinion polls are indicating that the party might not receive the 50 percent. it needs of the national vote. a next months election, which would see it lose power unless it manages was forced to form a coalition with some of the smaller parties. do you think that the it is time for, for, for the and see now to do some sort of reality check what you may be doing in the lead up to this election and after the election, if they want to stay out or is it punched and this includes the attempt within the in see to do what we call a renewal deposit. precisely because of the difficulties that you pointing out
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and the most is that in so you may not a costly to present line and therefore phone governments as of the assistance of other boxes. i, i don't know if i'll bet you to very well, but we strive to continue as you would send the amc to ensure that the and the difficulties that people are experiencing. which to a very large extent caused by an introduction to the democracy and a half inches of the people that start writing challenges amc to to, to remove them. and the, and the confidence in the incident come to have moved out once that you stop. thank you so much for talking to us. some of us on the same line and see veteran or former treasurer of the african national congress. joining us a, a from janice,
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but we appreciate your time now, at least 20 soldiers have been killed and several others injured after an munition explosion income bonia. it happened at a military base in comp, on say provence province. it was not immediately clear what caused the expulsion of the ukraine says it's shot down $21.00 of $34.00 missed signs that were launched by russia in an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facilities. and ukraine says it target 2 oil refineries in rushes costs know to our region with drones early on saturday the a time calls $5.00 is that a ski and fly beyond square e find raise? you create also said it struck the cush fisher military assets in the same region down home and has more for me to increase governments at the on friday night
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a mass me. so strike particularly targeted the countries energy network. the company d tech said that full of it's from electricity pods had been attacked. and this has been a strategy from russia targeting ukraine's energy network, tugging the electricity in the country. there's also been a ramp up. ukrainian government says on a tax, opponent's railway lines. it says that russia is trying to attack its military supplies, getting to the front. now why the focus and the increase in these attacks? now there's 2 key timeframes. the 1st is may, the 9th that sits either russia celebrates its victory over germany in world war 2, but it's become a day of military celebration in general in the country and reportedly at the government that wants to see gains before the made the noise. so we can celebrate them on that side. there's another key timeframe. and that's to do with the fact that there's been a $61000000000.00
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a package approved by the united states to get towards ukraine. and so russia who's so the craning government says, wants to make as much advances lookout as much infrastructure as it can be full, the wisdom rate and the ad default defenses in that package start to arrive in the country and it can protect them more now on the other side, the russian defense ministry, said that it intersected $68.00 drawings that with going towards the country and particularly towards the crescent of the region. the governor of crossing the dog has said that they were trying to attack the oil refineries. that, that's also been a strategy for you trying to use. so as long range drones to go into russia and particularly to attack its energy network and it's energy supplies as this will continues to on home. and i would just say to keep you crime still ahead on algae 0 . tornadoes touched on across the us, midwest, destroying hundreds of homes,
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and cutting off our to thousands and heated exchange between little poles, manager and stopped paying homage, sol, as a spacing the titled race, you'll have the sizes for the last 2 weeks. so the,
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the total does not contain the services. so let me thank you. let me pull have law small ground and the primary title, right? so to being held to a, to, to draw by west time, then for when, since to this one, having office 2 is that allows for 3 lease gains and they went behind just full time jericho and make it one know,
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2 west times the full capes. but early in the 2nd off on her robots and equalizing to the wayside, the full vin went ahead for the 1st time in the match will be, it was a little help from west time, the both going any off the phone. sorry, i thought sadly didn't last mikaela antonio heading in to make it to, to you as in top for some how the seller and the conversation between the 2. a paid to get a little heated while the egyptian waited to come on, and with no lights her o x from sunlight, as it ended in the true and another huge price live, whose twinkle heights saw cell it was sent home and it didn't seem entirely cordial . i don't think about it really. so i said before and even we need to in our games, we didn't win the game to that doesn't improve alteration on my sickly they play. do they look like they're to lose 2 or 3 games? no, i don't think so. but right, was the adult angry or whatever ride would you want about that? i don't think about it. it's test. we have to in football games and let's see what
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that means in the end. let me pull a step further away then from the premie link, try for you, but a step closer to a pointing on the slots as the new manager that that document is points to succeed . call foster compensation deal with up to $11000000.00 was agreed with his current club finals, and for now take steps to finalize the contract with the 45 year old slot lead final to the editor of is the title law season on the dutch comp. vitiate. to right, which it also points away from a record extending 36 legged title coach carlo. and you'll see my 9 changes to, aside from the match against the associated autoglass going early goal of the game with the intrinsic 1st attempt on goal of to 29 minutes. the 19 year old finding the target on this 1st least thought the club, detroit and the 14 points clear of 2nd place ball selena with 5 games left olympics chief thomas box has promised to me and athletes will be allowed to compete with this. she has power as gains even if they fail to qualify between
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$6.00 and $8.00, supposed to be an athlete. so expect to take part qualification events for the powers game. so on going with a number of sports. and boss says that if know, posted and i take qualifies on the field of play, some would be invited by the international and committing the game starts on july. the 26th of to 5000 comments have reached through greece. the limping claim is on its next like of its johnny atlanta and carrying the flame has set sail from athens to frocks on the 19th century, saying, ship, cold, the balance. it will sail across the mediterranean sea and arrive on may the 8th. and most i had a relay through front sliding to the opening ceremony in paris to well for a little is currently an action. i think you madrid open against alex domino as the players look for places in the last 1670 had one. the last 2 meetings between the players, including last week's match at the boston, i was showing glimpses of his old self here as
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a traded breaks assess and improving 1st set that last it was for an hour of flight up and was out when it's in this high break, the 2nd set is currently underway. it was an upset image. it earlier is defined, a sister passed, crushed out in straight sets to tell good one title. this past has been an excellent form, having one, then one to call a mazda. and he was a runner up in boston in the last week. but he was on outdone by the prison in qualify hand losing 6463 and the with his tournament. industrial tex preparations for the straight friendship in title next month continue to go to plan. well, the one dropped just 2 games on highway to be seen. so on a cost to you in straight sets, 6161 sean sec, who finished runner off at this event last year. now facing side us. so the best total for prices for the final and for seed money, a secretary is also increase the last $16.00 ending, sliding stephens 7 much winning from whom were us open champion. stevens won the
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open to row and last week, but factory hit just 3. on the 4th, there is a c 16163 immunizations envelopes and one went away from the n. b, a play of 2nd round off for 126 to one or 9. when over the phoenix suns. what was now leave the series 3. nothing is actually the 1st time in front of my history. this is in the case of them. anthony edwards forwarding with 36 points on the 9th, and the sites will be able to complete the suite of the series in game for on sunday. the dallas mavericks have taken a to will need in the series against the los angeles texas korea and coming to live in the final volta growing 19 of his 21 points, not serious. also, westbrook, taking out his frustrations 1st on lucas don't change. then i'll teach a washington, westbrook and washington, both the check said for that 1st time that's happened to russell in a playoff game fund is when i won 90 to the my last 3 home games because that was 3
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years ago in a playoff series game flores on sunday, so i can tell you databases also to one off in the series against the milwaukee bottom to it without so much bye for 6 straight game because of all injury again and taking game 391212118 tyree's holly button. the hero with a late fall skit and 3 through with the 2 seconds remaining on the call in indianapolis, indiana tell playoffs. the new york ranges on the verge of reaching the 2nd round bounce off to 3. we went over to washington capitals and came 3 of the series. the ranges have the best record of who and h l teams in the regular season. and now they just one move in to advance to the next room. elsewhere the when to pick just one by the colorado avalanche winnipeg were leading to one in the 3rd period. but that's lou. colorado clicked in to get the avalon story 5 times tomorrow when 6 to but also take it to one lead. in this
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series an american go for brendan steel sunk 9, but he's around to to take the lead and lift both sides. and i'd like to see non depaul going into the final round one circuit and the sealants denny the winning pile and $4000000.00 in price that so useful for now, i'll have more freely to fully joe. thank you very much for that. now, hundreds of homes have been damaged. shafter pa, full tornadoes, crawl through the us, midwest. at least 3 people were injured and some 11000 homes without power in the state of nebraska. let me pull some sure revise the details at the moment of to need to touch down in the us state of the town of ma took it out at kit entire down the street. there's no houses down there of the street. there's no houses either. it just took everything in about 510 minutes and is gone. this is what's left of the city's airport after 10,
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a detached down here. the at the field was temporarily coast passengers been moved to storm shelter as an emergency cruise took charge. it was one of separate reported entities, 5 states on friday, making it the most active day for tomatoes in the country in more than a year. the area is dealing with power outages and gas leaks. the state of oklahoma was also affected as twisters to 2 months of farm land, tougher trees, flattened tomes and overturn feet. the national weather service has found a pulse of storms full saturday in center plains, extending as far as texas. i'm a consumption eve on 20 us. and that wraps up this new our on ology 0 reduced stay with us. so i'll be back in just a few minutes with mazda data. top stories, thank you for watching the
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pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double stand to all of us any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era very look on this and public confrontation, young people across the u. k. a puts in their forties on the line to force the attention of the issues that much to, to that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. what every other root sales guy with action was to be left open for democratic societies or wants to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down. an honest people have generation
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changed phone out to 0, call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person and yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education reward because the women and my country deadlock suite 2 on the we are nothing either ology, we are human beings and this has to be trees. and the holy we are walking in their footsteps are also us or whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords
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you to the thousands of people are out on the streets of london in support of products to meetings and calling for an end to his route on gosh, the play you're watching l g 0. live from bill. how with me for the back to the also ahead police in the us detained at least 100 protesters at a university in boston. while a student is a student that movement against the wall spreads across the country. and is really as try kids, raphael, 7 guys at the bottom and across the street, the scale at least 30 to find it seems in the past 24 hours. many of them women and children.


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