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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 27, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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and then a to continue the service of the news. our own out is 0 for the back. people live in don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. police in the us detain at least 100 protesters that a university in boston as a student led movement against the war on guys i sprayed across the country under a 100 at princeton university, one of the newest in cam. it's for students approach asked as being a record of universities across the us and he's really s y case 557 dies on broadman defaults to st. pet scale at least 32 in the past 24 hours. many of them
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women and children. also the silent, growing anger and frustration in israel with thousands, a gathering in tennessee, calling for the resignation of prime minister benjamin miss young. i'm drawing a hole in front of the union buildings in pretoria with it being celebrations of south africa's 1st free and democratic election, the prose, nelson mandela and the african national congress to power 30 years ago. i'm trying to get as real as go with the sports roughly madell gets the biggest when it has come back so far. the 22 time grand slam champion these i like the middle in the drange for his 1st victory over top of 2012 in nearly 2 years. the thank you for joining us. we begin in the us ways to, to, in demonstrations against the war on guys i have spread across the country, encampments and demonstrations have sprung up from the us capital to both coasts.
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but they ongoing efforts by university officials and police to enter the protests. police are detained about a 100 people. why sharing a photo found, but he submitted versity in boston. a very strong phase of protesters resorted to untie some medic slurs just over a week. now since students at columbia university in new york began demanding the school divest from israel. students at harvard's georgetown, m i t n. george washington university. have also began demanding to say the protests have sprayed from the northeast of campuses in michigan, texas, and california escalade to john henry and who was at princeton university in new jersey. this is one of the us encampments, john, tell us about what's happening. hopefully i'm going to be talking a little more quietly than i usually do. and that's because i have a microphone on, but linda, so sort of the palestinian activists who's speaking behind me does not. and that's
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because at princeton university, they don't allow the students to amplify their voices, they don't allow them to, we're at 10. so that's a university 10 back there behind me. and they don't allow them to sleep here. so what they've been doing is coming here in shifts and occupying this space consistently over the past 3 days. and the 1st day, a couple of students erected a tent and they were arrested and taken away. so that is the fine line. students here are trying to walk at other universities, of course, they are simply defining those rules and that some of those students are being arrested. but also some of them are negotiating with the management of those universities and are holding their space that's happening at columbia. where there were a 100 arrests last week, it's happening at new york university and elsewhere across the country. and of course, they are dozens and dozens of universities where students have set up these protests fully yet, right? the movement is clearly growing, but they've also been a number of arrest. you mentioned columbia last week,
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and today at in the last few hours, they've been a rice at northeastern university in boston. it's right in north eastern about a 100 students were arrested and that was one of the larger arrest. we've seen more than 650 students arrested in the past week alone at these demonstrations. and they don't just risk arrest students here at princeton, for example, if they violate the rules, they risk exposure. it costs $57000.00 intrusion a year to go here and for many of them, this is an education they've been hoping for all their lives. i spoke to a professor here, one for car shopping history professor who brought his class out here the other day . and you told me he thinks there's an irony in, in the fact that the university is instilling values and the students ethical that use when they practice them. in his words, the school punishes them. so that is, is kind of the find why, you know, we also have talked to people who, who have,
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who say that this is a pro homeless route and so each hurting both sides. this is an open university. people are allowed to come through it and that's what we're seeing here. we can see a lot of people in this crowd are not students. thank you very much for that, john henry. and by for say, in princeton, new jersey, and from princeton university, we had to george washington university in the heart of the us capitol. my kinda is the air force. mike, what's the seem like where you are? well, it's noisy at the moment here is just being a news conference with several of the organizes that me speaking, making clear their intent north tip a k to this area. and at the moment this about a 100 students a little more than a 100 students who in can't in that sense, beyond that and now that is called university square. and i'm like, what is happening at other universities like princeton, this is a public university. so effectively,
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this is all public space. now the university administrators are well aware of this, as all the police administrators did also police to come in 24 hours ago and remove these 10. so of a d. c. police declined to do so. they insisted that the demonstrations are peaceful and as long as they remain so they will not interfere. now, some of the students have told us to the university is taking rotella tree methods . it has suspended a number of the students to be demonstrating. it identifies them when they leave the square behind me and going to one of the adjoining buildings to the bottom for example, and that they would need to log in on the system. they have been being identified by that blogging. but nonetheless, the students insist they are going to remain here. the police maintain at the moment at the job is to stand here and observe to take no action whatsoever, while these demonstrations remain peaceful. mike, thank you very much for that. that sounds there is my kind of reporting from george
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washington university in the us capital. and a thousands of demonstrators are being marching in support of palestinians in london account to ronnie was cancelled citing security concerns. but a smaller event by a group called enough is enough, which supports these really actions still went ahead in central london. how are you? faucet followed the marches progress through the bridge. so there's latest the wide hold of destination. hyde park, as always, concerns about the latest phases of the war, and going to get the timesheet for the sake of process. this is as well the 1st box since the discovery that spray that i'll also hospital and the 1st serves the dramatic scenes we've seen at conferences and united states. we spoke to some students here. i said while ago we are proud to be doing this is bill morris, this thing among the students and i think it keeps getting to it's, it's getting
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a spread lab and the whole states are on the wrong honey song against by the semitism is also scheduled to be holding a box together at the same time. it's a cost all is the safe side. so i put these points to send 0 by is ralph to another account of protest by of pro is relative. did take place though, a group calling itself enough is enough station. and a static demonstration alongside the pro palestinian march roots police
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concentrated on that area and cuts most protesting groups apart from each other, the pro palestinian group. then ending up here in hyde park, pull the reilly. they say that this, the 13th such and actually processed in london is the latest, but certainly not the last day and tends to continue with this action in support of gaza against the war party. suppose it was a 0 london protest. installing diety with policy means in gaza, have been taking place across germany as well. when peacock attended, a riley in berlin, up the 1000 people. now it was 70, strange and heavy, but in north a huge demonstration. by some sound there's nothing like a hundreds of thousands of people who are wanting to stay in london. 7 which is a passive in general motors demonstrations and very often, even today we go live with germany, small ones, invisible. i'm beg of you on the people. the reason being held recap the week of
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the week. what people want is the same. every demonstration they want to see for now, and they want people to stop sending us through as well. cuz typically germany, that's the 2nd biggest, via obama 3 as well. people say if they stop sending them would make a big difference. they might get some good news next week on tuesday. the case with nick, your language was against germany in the hague. of international court of justice is going to be the fast routing on tuesday about wherever the month urgent measure to be taken, including stuffing the sales of items. now they're going to happen. what is notes? bismark is a heavy police presence even by germans. then 280 police officers here. they say that's because as to what happened yesterday, that worried about basic information in terms of disorder yesterday refilled. meanwhile, on the ground in gaza is really forces of kayla at least $27.00 palestinians, including 10 children since saturday morning. uh the ami targeted homes in new
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sarah camp in central garza. and in a rough or at least $34300.00 policy ends up being killed since the war began. uh, let's go to honey. my mood for an update on the situation on the ground. he's in rafa. southern gaza, honey. tell us about these latest strikes and their aftermath as well. i want to start to talk about the ongoing constant room was that it's been going on for hours right now. it has been causing a great deal of kind of getting concerned very intimidating here for people who are running away from the heat inside the 10 sun residential homes where they have been children trying to be out into 3. just do have a better, a little bit of an a quiet evening, but they are very intimidated by the presence of these isn't particularly the we know these drones are also a talk is wrong to keep firing missiles at the house. there is a residential home just within the past couple hours. just early hours of this
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evening got residential home in eastern part of the city was targeted. 7 people reported killed all from one family and there is still several others from missing under the rebels. as we were told by a civil defense who members in and by paramedics that also people from the surrounding areas. but this attack and not only destroyed this residential home, but also costs for internal displacement already displays the traumatized population. the people work inside the building happened to be displaced families from the northern parts garza city, imo, reason the from how do you understand the center of the area? i'm not in a separate attack. there's really mandatory as talk the light off refuge account is more residential, all been targeted and more of the public facilities preventing public facilities enough for right now. if you're talking about pulse scares, set facilities or schools, or other privately own as a facility, they're not,
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they're not visiting anymore because of the, the trails of destruction caused by the bombing. but a residential homeless, targeted 9 people are reported, killed was still, people are being pulled from under the levels and transferred to a lot of hospital. this is how a person and i just described the more of the talk from this residential home were 9 people reported, kills the center of the message to the world is enough with my message to every person with a conscience which every person who claims to be a human being regardless of religion, race or politics is enough on earth in gaza has had its fill of blood and the occupation. what we can do is trust that god deep look off, dress us when alone, and guys as health ministry, honey says polish to me is across the strip of drinking on safe water. it's accusing israel of blocking shipments of chlorine use for treating water. the ministry's also unable to monitor water safety after the public health laboratory was closed. officials are keyed into international humanitarian organizations to
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help improve sanitation, phase raw sewage and accumulating waste both health risk honey. this lack of clean water is bringing disease and suffering. tell us more about the conditions in places like rafa where you offer exam the full and drove by city not only through over crowded city right now with 1500000 displays. people have been filtering here, but we're looking at over friday. the spaces, whether it's the pano, a managed and operated shows, or these are on or was schools that people are taking them out, directed you from the ongoing bombing campaign, but also other residential homes and every pocket of lendy where people set up their tents. these areas lack basic infrastructures. i said there has, there is no way that they can deal with the, at the miles of the, of solid ways that are all in the hospital medical ways that is not being treated
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well. not being that they can do areas that is not very close to where people are staying on this. all, let's do the causes and the spread, the causing the spread of infectious diseases. but more tragic right now is the water that people have been to drink and not only there's unlimited access to clean water, but also of what's available is contaminated. and the fact is ready, military is still blocking the entry of the chlorine for treating water. just make it a very difficult leading into the spread of the happy tides as they and other infectious diseases, particularly among children and one of the cases inside the hospital. just in briefly talking to a doctor who describes the which is very difficult. it's reading them, but some of the, uh, the, the, the, the cases coming to the hospital, it's hard to treat them hard to say because of the lack of medical supplies and their 1000 of these cases be documented by world health organization. right now this report is very consistent with the warning the being uh, described. and it said that within the past month and since the beginning of this
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were that were gradually moving into more catastrophic situation, people are not dying of the fall in bonds. they're dying of these diseases. the are spreading of like fire everywhere. yeah. a desperate situation. no doubt it for the people of casa honey. thank you for bringing us the latest and from a rough of the thousands of on government protests is a gathering once again in tennessee versus the is where the government continues to face growing anger and discontent. demonstrators accused the government of dragging out of war. they also calling on early elections and for the prime minister benjamin this the out to resign. let's go live to benet smith, who is at the protest, one of the protesting genevieve. so more anti government demonstrations this saturday. how big are the crowds and how much pressure are they putting on the prime minister and the government? the following? is there a weekly occurrence now? these protests, they started before october, the 7th. i was there this time last year when they were protest against the pond
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though the whole of how judges were points to the supreme court. i stop, it's no longer percept october 7th and now that picking up my menus. and again, the main practice tonight is actually finished while i'm standing, and then they officially sanctioned will. and then some people peel around the corner on the stand in front of the defendants ministry for a bit longer, protesting that the not as big as they were last year. but the gathering momentum and now increasing in size is the weeks go on. most the people calling the resignation of the government, the resignation, the prime minister, and a new election. they believe the benjamin netanyahu. many people a deliberately prolonging the war so that it can avoid an election which old polls say he will most certainly live uh, and a new video of the captive has been released by him offices on wayne. because some pre gauge and the families of the captive. so been reacting to the spanish
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the yeah, the families of those 2 men savings latest video released by how much of express the obvious relief for the 1st sign of life, of the loved ones since october, the 7th. and they've said to the government time is running out, we need our prime minister to accept any deal fast. there is this feeling that this current round of negotiations, if they don't receive a reach a deal for the release of hostages is going to be a long time before the tools are. it's any intent stage. again, a recognition that those these rarely hostages in the south of kaiser as much as risk from any is riley attack on rasa. is the palestinian still sheltering now an indication of how delicate and difficult those negotiations as come from an adviser to kansas prime minister majid ansari who's given you supposed to have the interview to his riley media? and in the interview, he said that when both sides a close to
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a deal best sabotaged from both of them, he says, is relevant, how much of a showing a not showing enough commitment to reaching i see spot on a hostage release deals with the categories clearly revealing that frustration of how difficult has been to get both sides to reach the furnace smith with the latest they have from tennessee. thank you, ben. it's in the occupied westbank. now. is there any forces of shot dead to young palestinians? it happened at the solemn check point to the janine, the victims were reportedly killed during fighting with soldiers. these are these later prevented ambulances from reaching their bodies zane. but as robbie has more from ro, my line the occupied westbank or with regards to the incidents engineer and we know that people have been marching in the street to protest of these deaths. now these railways describe what happened as a firefight in which they engaged these men and killed them with a denial even in a situation of dealing with the combat, a combatant by the israeli army. the denial of life saving 1st aid,
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which we do understand that they let them bleed out for an hour before they allowed ambulances to arrive a common practice by the israeli military in these occupied territories. that is a violation of international law. and we saw protesting. janine that followed in the aftermath of this incident. we know that there are been raids and telegram as well. the rate ended just a few hours ago this morning. no doubt, a relief for the residence of poker. and the last time we saw major operations in the refugee camp there, it was a massive operation that lasted in around the area for a 3 days where they were trying to find a leader of the palestinian resistance fighters battalion. someone who still remains at lars. his death was reported wants to, does cleared from that operation until for him. turns out he was still alive, remains of thorn in the side of the israeli military. now we've also just turned in the last hour that just north and west of ramallah to villages are being currently rated by the israeli military bees raised carry on the numbers, the events, all the facts and figures to come out of a 10 to blend together. the death toll since the war began and gods are here in the
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occupied west back is nearly 500. we've seen thousands of people entered thousands more, detained the data, and they sent out of world news in south africa's marketing 30 years since this historic 1st democratic election in 1994, which marks the end of apartheid. present state of our my post, i defended his governing african national congress, his record during celebration. but the opinion polls suggest support for the a and c is dwindling ahead of next month's generally election. during a whole has more from pretoria it was a celebration of the events that ended upon the date of the civil war and gave birth to a new south africa. 13 years ago, president su rema pose said freedoms bills had run out to across the country. that they jo oppression,
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a new nation rooted in quantity. the human side is amongst the greatest c n. a 2 friends of modern history. on the 27th of april 1994 millions of black south africans voted for the 1st time. the election swept nelson mandela and the african national congress to power what became known as the rainbow nation. we, i just spend a break freedom days and we is my d d. we invited them to come into the bay as we, as we are, as young as we are, we are central ourselves. and then i think that this other person is young. i know the events of 30 years ago still viewed significance. they delivered the free and democratic society in which everyone now lives with rights, with justice, but not necessarily opportunities for the problem
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is that a better life, the rule remains elusive for many and what the will bank list as the most on equal country on the one and 3 are unemployed. infrastructure is from blake crime and corruption rice. in an election year with the amc losing ground to other parties. the president said he would continue to work towards the vision and our deals of 1994 south africans. to put that promise many times before, jo, how l g 0 pretoria, and with more on what some south africans regard as the unfulfilled promises of 1994 finding that miller reports from alexander township in johannesburg to the governing african national congress has for years almost a better life fall into some extent it's delivered. it's provided free basic education. it's also both millions of homes for people who don't have any. and it's
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also provided running water and electricity, especially in rural areas. but many here in the alexander township, most of johannesburg, few very different t, they say enough hasn't been done. many of the homes here are in formal housing, both with corrugated sheeting with whatever material people can find, including plastic, to create some sort of shelter. housing here is hard to come by, it's a barrier that is been sleep populated. now the government is having difficulty with a short full of at least $2800000.00 homes. and each other grows by at least a $180000.00. people here say more needs to be done. there's things that we can celebrate the things that i feel we, we not yet at that point to celebrate one we, we not a liberated as blank set up for games. we still haven't gotten to freedom the financial
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freedom for us. that's how i know it has been changed. i have a few thoughts, put things with it like this. people are living with like these very promising applies. wow. sold africans acknowledge that they have been liberal rates that they have the right to vote. many, especially the areas like the say they haven't been liberated in terms of the economy. they have limited access and that and equality. this is one of the most an equal societies on earth, and they say the gap between the rich and what is only growing so many the ultra 0 alexandra township to have his bug on joining us now. and i'll just 0 is mr. zack. yeah, cool. who's a former judge at the constitutional court of south africa, his life from deb. and thank you very much. me so yeah, cool for being with us on algae 0. you were intimately the thank you for having you're welcome. you were intimately connected very connected to the struggle against apartheid and to south africa as transition and political transformation. you were responsible for the bill of rights of the 1st constitution. what are your
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reflections on how your country has evolved in these past 30 years? the 1st uh, the millions of people responsible for an oil change and i did some work for that extent. but as far as uh, democracy concerned, we have our democracy and stop actually goes to the sides. asked to amazingly and wonderful. i still remember those days were nice to go to the soup to show the neighboring country and i saw x give a fever or a re i said this is my country. and now i see african people or the us. yes. so this particular day about the constitution, most was one of the pretty great boss is given about the me things one
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of the glove box that told me that only show it to me a government stolen so much money that equals that not be possible that they haven't really is, are people still starving the disability only because money is being sold or so suddenly i big becomes a bar. sure. but i leave that to you now. right. well, front of you, i think i think this from what we've heard from the people we've been speaking to in south. i've got this is certainly one of the big challenges, the corruption issue that the countries facing. and there is this narrative that's develops that the a and see the african national congress has not done much for the country for 2 years on. would you say that that is the case and what could be n t be doing now,
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given that we have elections coming up in a month, you know, what could they be doing for to improve the lives of south africans? i think that is the day now my view and i think that what we need is a political party which connected to the cross joshua values of the studio to deal with the policy of treason. and so let me go around the glass and to empty cut option. and i'm to have a project of potty who does that conflict get up to the band no show took, giving me what about the and see perhaps forming a coalition with some of the smaller parties. because i mean, if, even if there is disappointment with the and see it remained still the favorite party by, by many south africans, including a black south africans so that the toner,
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these were of a bad use if they say no. and they stick by the deal really they really respected a listing bite and they say creepy pharmacy and they say we 45 the product, the will freeze them. and that's how we go. i'm comfortable with that, but i'm truly, i use that. i have no hope for our country as well. thank you for sharing of use with us. we. we appreciate your time on tuesday or mr. zach echoed former a former judge at the constitutional court of south africa joining us. thank you, deb, and thank you for your time or you you me? still ahead on. ouch is sierra ukraine and russia target each of those energy facilities in cross border violence. pass on patrol and against the drug games in
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ecuador buddies of president using the search and violence as a spring board for re election and in support. team databases leader may have came again from the box still have to do so i was calling about the we are not free of client and released and no one came about to expect that we should be heading in that direction, but no. extensively cloudy, indicating right in the van, talking, talk to you and further south inside to arrive you. now for the full cost to sunday, this is an improving situation. there are a few shares in revenue, dental, jordan, western jordan as well. most significant weather. again, with the rain coming back into is stumbled much if turkey is fine, but it's not exactly but dry to the east of this. and they're all by many shells in
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the room. but the remains of the last lot know over i've done this time and those impacts on it produced some very big dime polls. but let's skip surf to the rectory and put into the and this blue and the case on sunday. developing sandstone. she's coast half cold, flesh things around, but the narrow neck and the moving east has become a bit more extensive, maybe on monday or tuesday or wednesday or 5th. it's not getting dry in short, and that supposed to us the gulf states as well as well. so still start to get in kenya, that'd be warnings of funding of the coast of terms of name. but generally speaking is going to be something small. the what the west is, whether it's in east africa, or i think of the next day or the same for the south. and this applies to most of the southern africa. we all show through voltage drive just the wood and there's not a great deal of relief in the immediate forecast. the latest news as a boeing
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a military response for situation we mean kind of nationwide with detailed coverage . it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals room and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full series of levi and, and the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests. virtually every day. a rifle, no cartons and public confrontations. young people across the k a puts in their forties on the line to force the attention of the issues that my sense is that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. when every other route fails, die with action was to be left open to a democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country. as i was shut down and honest people have generation changed. phone out is era the
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the me watching the news out on algae 0, a reminder about top stories in the united states. police have between the 500 people, why? pro discount, but northeastern university in boston as to the demonstrations against the war on guys or has been spreading across thousands of on government. protesters are gathered once again in tennessee, demonstrated cities where the government is dragging out the war and guys and accounting for any elections and the resignation of prime minister mission. yeah. and is really a taxing guys. i have came at least 27 palestinians, including 10 children and military bombed homes, in new se, about county, and in rough. now i coordination of 8 groups that's trying to deliver supplies to
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guys i is holding a protest and the sample for freedom to obtain a coordination of phase 2 shapes carrying 5000 tons of life sitting ada unable to leave because they've been de registered by getting to be sol, the vessels operate on the back countries. flag activists are accusing israel of putting pressure on the west african country as big as more from the symbol. the organizers how the press conference a central is done, both now ships, concepts, sales without flying, the flag, not 2 of those ships are flying the sides of the republic of guinea best. so now over i have to say that those legs have been removed, including from a cargo ship that has thousands of tons of age. now they say that this is a blatant need glitch, couldn't move an unusual one. now open eyes have the press conference and they said there was a, there was a request from the authorities in give me a bustle for an inspection, which they said that was fine. but before the inspection had finished on friday
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afternoon, they were told that the flags were being removed. so those ships cannot set sale that they say the in the communications with the authorities with the destination. and the admission to gaza was a reference full so they will also about the cargo and the route, which is highly unusual. they say that usually these authorities are mainly concerned with the safety and standards of the vessels, the bearing, the flags of these ships kinda upset sale at the moment. and there's no idea when they will be setting sale. now some of those activists that was set to go on this mission to try to break the siege of goals and deliver that for me not to preventative and age will be returning to the home countries and some of them are very disappointed or the same. so this isn't the end, they will continue to fight time and work to get those vessels get flagged for those vessels so they can set sail and try to break that seats and hit in istanbul . their protest taking place is a sit and that's been taking place full week, trying to keep a full for the people's minds. this will on garza and the frustrates and the fees
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and the this the to still wants to set sale though we've been speaks to activists here. and some of them are not saying that the best always complicit with. is there as long as wouldn't cause that because they have caved in the political pressure. organizers say that they will continue to work. it tries to make sure that those ship set sale to break the siege of garza and deliver that secure manner to an age of vague data assembled the to is there any forces of arrested more than 8000 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the beginning of the war on guys, those has been released talk about ill treatment, lack of food, and medical negligence and presence. i'll just hear a spoke to on my, i saw a 74 year old policy inactive is from ramallah. we'll spend 6 months in a nice, really jail. when he was released, he saw me said they could barely recognize him. of the integrated
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mackenzie. we might add an automotive head. the visual probably has a beautiful mom. this plan to milam a visit this the, me a letter we, me, i has money and then when can you click a button? you have them and it has just so many an x i left you to put them in in sam hip, get the full complement. i'm now you can that's the partial level farm . and the fact you have to bundle it off. last, old woman, north dakota, we'll get some movie and in the head that he will have to do from manhattan. but board of pushed through all the others. and you know, can you walk in and set up all you don't have to do at all. so you would, you can hit next. so how bad
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the comments are short job to mac in the, in the, to the set up an email almost sort of in the parcel. just click on this for multi the info on flight, and no one has a little bit more into how this on the number of thought being you let me tell you, the fact is what it today's way in the old for the us and different how do you solve, i know i didn't, this probably isn't good. i'm hoping tennessee said you would love to show us june, had it me since i've had successful assets and it wasn't me to see them. no, no, my company is here. while i'm on the you want us to generate a lie. national coronado high. the the, the crane says its shut down 21 of 34 missed size that were launched by russia an
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overnight to talk. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facilities, and he says it targeted toy refineries in russia's crossman region with drones early on saturday. the a time cost $5.00 is that the facilities ukraine also said it's drunk, a military field in the same region. john home, it has small from key ukraine's government said the on friday night a mass me. so strike particularly targeted the countries energy network. the company d tech said that full of its them electricity pods had been attacked. and this has been a strategy from russia targeting ukraine's energy network, tugging the electricity in the country. there's also been a ramp up. ukrainian government says on a tax, opponent's railway lines. it says that russia is trying to attack its military supplies, getting to the front. now why the focus may increase in these attacks? now there's 2 key timeframes. the 1st is may, the 9th,
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that since either russia celebrates its victory over germany and will, will, to but it's become a day of military celebration in general in the country and reportedly at the government that wants to see gains before the made the noise. so we can celebrate them on that side. there's another key timeframe. and that's to do with the fact that there's been a $61000000000.00 a package approved by the united states to get towards ukraine. and so russia who's so the craning government says, wants to make as much advances lookout as much infrastructure as it can be full, the wisdom rate and the ad default defenses in that package start to arrive in the country that can protect them more. now, on the other side, the russian defense ministry said to the intercepted $68.00 drones that we're going to woods at the country and particularly towards the crescent of the region. the governor of crossing the dog has said that they were trying to attack the oil refineries. that, that's also been a strategy for you trying to use those long range drones to go into russia and
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particularly to attack its energy network and it's energy supplies. as this will continues to on home, and i would just say to keep you crying. and julia chapel of oliver has the russian reaction from moscow of the russian ministry of defense report at $6.00 to $60.00 korean tries attempt to russia, southern cross and of the region until more trainings were shopped on over the crime in peninsula in the morning on saturday, in the cause of that region, these lobby underscore refinery came on the top. no casualties or serious damage was reported that so the try is or johns according to the original source hayes. but it took some time to find, find has to put time to find a bit oil refinery in slot is caused by the u. a. these now the refinery partially suspended its work also that tugs in a different case, 5 people have been injured and it kinda causing, trying to talk in the belgian road region which borders ukraine. among those
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wounded was a 17 year old girl who received shotuko wounds to have bach and um, she was hospitalized and also the drive a one of the damage cause is in a serious condition with a truck no wound to the head. these days, russian energy facilities have repeatedly been targeted around wednesday this week, and ukraine in terms of talk to them in the small lands reach. and as a result is to oil depos came on to find that one of the trends file in the industrial zone and the safety of liquids in the lip is region. so the metallurgical plan to establish that you, korea, officials, have said that destroying rushes, critical military imagery and transport infrastructure undermines most of those who f it's well, k is western allies, allegedly trying to convince ukraine not to target russia's industry, facilitates to prevent turbulence on the world energy markets, you lash above all of the ultra 0, most k in germany's fluoride. if the party has launch its campaign for the european
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parliamentary elections in june, po, suggested could come in 2nd in europe's most populous country. it's might in controversy after an aid of one of its candidates was arrested on accusations of spying for china, troy, and hoc that'd be the political am miss. and electra at i'd shot university. he says, voters have become disillusioned with mainstream political parties and that's led to the rise of the far right. we are going to see if the sheets or sheets to the lights in model stuff. so you don't see it in countries because of the ongoing topic of migration that generated glasses of c o p union. and that's why there's a lot of accounts about his thoughts and to, to express that he saw the ocean floor. so he's typically politics, you know, counseling defiant with me, consults the ongoing migration crisis. uh,
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it says uh, explode t like in, oscar that was um gosh, ethically up to queen. uh, we still have a lot of problems with it, etc closes and the consequences out of 20152016 now we're talking about so each equation is a smaller you will need sending communities. and this is a very difficult both is indeed the i stables on device and then into knowing that was a secret meeting. me sometimes i'd activities or is it going to been said the and so we need about a lot of statements twice on this. please. ok, so far behind i was organized from lift is political parties and then the, if these are used to ask a lot of ties to russia, and now that it came to china, today's to, to ecuador now, which was one,
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is one of the safest countries in latin america, but in the last 10 years, it's had one of the highest motor rates in the region. after taking office last year, president dining and the board to fit war against drunk cortez and reset the one i referendum to impose hoshal loss. but doing so won't be easy, as long as they are a city, simple reports now from black you this is a tactic as motorcycle unit, carrying out to an operation english known to be the drug trafficking. having a quite a lot of precedent then you know, a has intensified police operations against drug guns, declaring the war and coast health. in the summer, we accompanied the unit to an area known as j. c. named after a police officer who went rogue and joined a criminal group. and then on the visa areas with chronic problems of consumption and sale of drugs from them. most of the action happens at night to me. the situation has improved a bit too much, but it's still very complicated here. it whether it was one's acquired nation in
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the region. but in the last decade it has been taken over by drug related violence . we're told that healing was a cuba situation, get some more violence when you get close to the river. it because criminal organizations are fighting for access to the river. it leads to which this countries major ports, and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. according to the police, many of these votes are involved in the trade. but fishermen tend to view police officers with suspicion, saying corruption is a common thing among the police force. and then the says, the security situation and why the in the past year has gotten out of control alexi and the police because he equal it's all a disaster and i'm picking up troops when i'm here. the only thing i see is bad news this week, or fluid is detained, the leader of a powerful gang in the country,
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unless on the president. no, i want a vote to reform the constitution and deemed amend. how should last against those involved in the drug trade, but no voice serving a short term 18 months presidential term and he's unlikely he will have enough time to carry out major reforms. elections are happening early next year. the lions dates that will be see the, we will know the military on the streets is not the solution. and that it's unlikely that he'll be able to implement any reforms fast. but the presidents is convinced that security is what we'll guarantee is re election in 2025. and that's why the advertising, this hub line policy. as the drug trade continues to transform, make one or many of the people living here are putting their face in the president's security plan, hoping it will succeed. the symbol of the seed was checking in quite a few i had on algae 0. i hate to exchange between nipples manager and stop
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a amount of sunlight as a slip in the titled race. so we'll have the details coming up next to the 4 countless refugees. english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a young tree onto the same is brother's life. as he sofas the sold to provide for his family. this the phone scare us with this on that just the government. now which is
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the the, the sports is joe foley. thank you. raphael adel has that his biggest when since returning to tennis, pacing a top 20 opponent for the 1st time since 2022. as he saw of alex domino in straight sets. the madrid open, the middle has won the last 2 meetings between the players, including last week's match at the boss. when i thought the dial was showing glimpses of his old self. here they traded breaks. the said in a grueling 1st set that last to do with 18 minutes to fly it up without when it and the time right around the manager did it means it on what stone and it was treated
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to a most to full display from the full team time friendship and champion who admitted last week, we're playing the next friend. so i'm, if he's not ready to 766363. he shows that the science of good, min b as in the family is, is not the i, i really believe that that means haven't been an issue for, for the last 3 years. more of the physical issues now. so i'm in the fight. i'm able to play awakes in a row, and if i'm able to play tennis, so then i, i going to see if i can lower the price. i could be no, but that's not the, that's not the case yet. just step by step on the you know, let's see how folly recall that there was an upset imagery. the iris desanto surpassed, crushed out in straight, says to t other montecito as fast house in an excellent form. having won the month to call him austin. he was a runner up in boston and last week and he was out done by the presenting, qualify, hit leasing 646. and what is tournament you can stream things preparations for us,
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the straight to friendship and title next month to continue to go to plan the wells . number one dropped just 2 games on her way to be to sit on acosta and straight. says 61612, i'm sorry to finish. run off with this event last year now faces thought a so deepest total for placing close to finals a fish said maria suck 3 is also 3 to the last 16 and being slow. and stephen's 7 match winning run from the us open champion. stevens won the open darrow and last week. but zachary hitt just 3 and 4 stars as the 16163 auster borrowers into the last 16 image rate of to being taken to 3 sets by layla fernandez for the number 8. see some release as it was the 1st time receiving. she's $12.00 consecutive matches and she'll say 9 cd elaina austin co now living full of law small ground and the premier lead time to raise those to being held to a to, to drove by west time that before went into this one having us to sell offering the
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3 me games and it was behind just a little hard time. jericho and mason one know as the west has been full hit back early in the 2nd hawks, andrew roberson seems to be away. so i will then went ahead for the 1st time in the match with a little help from west temple, probably in a cell phone. sorry, i didn't last time you heading in to make it to the cellar of the conversation between the 2 piece to get a little pieces to come on because it ended a to wholesale. it was sent telling me that it didn't seem entirely cool. i don't think about it really. so i said before, and even we need to in our games who didn't win the game to that doesn't improve all his enjoys, you know, my sickly they play. do they look like never lose 2 or 3 games? no. i don't think so, but right,
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was the adult angry or whatever. right. well, the one to about that i don't think about it, it's tests we have to in football games and let's see what that means in the end to some of the side, rivals evanson, when that 3rd game in a row is a friend for the one. now on his eyes, this is shepherd united, relegated back down to england, 2nd to edison concerning the premier league spaces for another season as a dresser, gay side. and the big chief thomas boxes published in united states will be allowed to compete with this. he has power as gains even if they failed to qualify between 6 and 8. palestinian athletes are exposed to take port clarification events for the powers games are ongoing for a number of sports. and boss says that if no palestinian acetate qualifies on the field of play, some would be invited by the international and pick committee. the game starts on july, the 26. after 5000 kilometer route through greece fil a big flame is on the next leg of its journey. atlanta and carrying the flame has set sail from athens for
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fronds on the 19th century. saving ship called the bell and it will sail across the mediterranean sea and arrive on may the 8th them all say at a relay through from slating to the opening ceremony in the mean, it's such a 10 moves. one went away from the m. b a playoff 2nd round after 126 to what i 9, when over the phoenix suns. wills. now leave the series 3. nothing is actually the 1st time in franchise history. this is in the case of them as the edward sub flooring, with the 6 points in the night, ministration will be able to see some places sleep for the series in game full on sunday in dallas mavericks have taken a t one lead in the series against the los angeles clippers harvey i've been coming alive and the final cost is $4.00. 19 of his 20 on points in that period. russell westbrook taking out his frustrations 1st. somebody could don't check. and then on p. j. washington westbrook and washington, both subject to that wonderful one in 190 to the man who lost 300 games against
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because it's 3 years ago in a playoff series. game pose comes from indiana. pacers also to one off in the series against the knolls. he talked to without somebody else for 6 straight game because a tough injury, indiana taking game 3. not really 121 to one. i see tyree's holly bus in the here with the late last. get them free through the less than 2 seconds remaining on the phone. here in the n h l. playoffs, a new ranges are on the verge of reaching the 2nd mountains. the free one went over the washington capitals and gave the 3 of the series the right just had the press rent for the fuel and a chelsea in the regular season. and now they just one move into the phone to the next family american. go for brendan steel, some 9 buddies around to to take the lead in this both send an ad light is on 14, on the part that we need to find around one story chasm using sunny li, the winning plan on $4000000.00 in price. and the canyon teenager has
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broken the world. her code for the rose mile 19 year old and manual one young me finished in 3 minutes and 54.5. 6 seconds was compressed to save you over the distance race. in jimmy, when young he is predominately an 800 me to run a winning silva over that system at last you as well, the athletics japanese. all right, that is all useful for now have we'll see you later fully. oh, thank you very much for that. now, hundreds of homes have been damaged, shopped, or powerful tornadoes, pallets with the us to mid west. at least 3 people were injured and some 11000 homes without power in the state of nebraska. let me pull some trace as of this, the moment of tinita touchstone in the us state of nebraska. the town of ha, ha ha, took it out at kit entire down the street. there's no houses down there of the street. there's no houses either. it just took everything in about 510 minutes and
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is gone. this is what's left of the city's airport after tonight detached down here . the, the field was temporarily coast passengers been move just on shelters and emergency clues def charge. it was one of separate reported entities, 5 states on friday, making it the most active day for tomatoes in the country in more than a year. the area is dealing with power outages and gas leaks. the state of oklahoma was also affected as twist as to 2 months of farm land, tougher trees, flattened tomes and overturn fee cuz the national weather service has loaned us paul system so saturday, in central plains, extending as far as texas consumption. he's on to see the best fit for me for the back to both serial venue is with you next on out. just in the
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the humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on. that's just one of the biggest selections of 2024 in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states. and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage in the selections on tuesday or
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forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is cobalt. who owns the mind? how would they explain and how would they govern the dreams in the usa of electric s u. v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candle is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o. n age, your wealth cekada a duty and a growth using for the p. use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revise wells and increases systems cost on request
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the police in the us detain at least $100.00 protesters that a university in boston. as the students lead movement against the war continues across the country, the officer of any age good to have you with us. this is now is your life from don't also coming up. it is really airstrikes hits rasa in southern gaza. the bombardment across the strip is killed at least $32.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours a growing anger and frustration in israel.


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