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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the, the content, the, [000:00:00;00] the alarm several then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this isn't useful life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. hundreds of university students across the us have been arrested so far as the movements against the wall and gas, it continues to grow across the country. the is really bombardment across the gaza strip has to live at least 27 palestinians,
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including 10 children this since saturday morning. angry and israel's thousands take to the streets and tell of eve calling for the resignation of 5 minister benjamin netanyahu. drilling a hole in front of the union buildings in for toria, with it being celebrations of south africa's 1st free and democratic election that broke nelson mandela and the african national congress to power. 30 years ago the it's 22 g and t. hundreds of university students across the us have been detained so far as riley is against the wall and gaza has been gathering steam spreading throughout the country. and police have carried out large scale arrests on campuses in recent days at times using chemical irritants and tasers to disperse students. some universities have have to cancel their graduation ceremonies while others have seen entire buildings occupied
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by protesting students. it's been a little over a week since students at columbia university began demanding that their school divest from israel students at harvard, at georgetown at mit and george washington university. the most prestigious in the country. then followed suit and protest spread from the northeast to campuses in michigan in texas and california. well houses here is phil, available is at emory university in atlanta. phil, you've been telling us about this, this protests that you described a little bit more said gathering more precisely a little earlier in this is emory university in atlanta. how's it going now? it's still the same. it's very, very calm. you know, this is nothing like those things that we saw on the 1st day when the police were cold. and when we had the emory police, we got lots of police state troopers moving in. this is a much common situation by design as well. i'm a say because they protest as a marketing this or selling it on social media very much is
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a chance to come here. show your solidarity cause any trouble bring a blanket. bring somebody to wait, like somebody to drink. right? some messages on some boards, right. some messages on the floor would choke very much make your points, but in a calm and peaceful way i, we thought how would tree readings we pods, motivational speakers? there that's all very much everybody. just talking about what it is that this conflict means to them. and how they can help in any way that they possibly can. and the lack of police is ready. no simple. you know, yesterday we sold one or 2 police cause and the distance we seen very little things like, seriously apart from the officer walking past or looking from a distance compared to the 1st i, when we had ordered those offices and that is a huge difference. i'm going to bring a, one of the organizers out, alexandra, i'm just talked to express what alexandra about, how you feel about what you're seeing. is that, i mean it's a smaller crowd than we've seen so far. yeah, definitely. um, i mean, today we're really focusing on community building and really bringing back the community and the school together. what happened on thursday with the police presence called by the administration,
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was really hard on us. and we saw how they're going to treat their students who peacefully protest her policy line and ending cop city. so today we're making sure that we bring back our community. we have our community guidelines, our unity statements, and we showed the university that we're going to be here until they die best until they grant amnesty to us. and until they show us that they care about their students. but could be a very long time, you know, i mean, you're talking about doing this everyday. mm hm. it looks on the surface of it, but the present isn't budging. so what we do if nothing changes, well, we're gonna keep coming out no matter what and did the school year like sure, it ends in may, but we are gonna keep coming no matter what, like this is our university, this is our campus. we pay to come here and to attend the school, and it's not fair that the administration gets to make all these decisions and put their students in harm's way when we are using our right or freedom of speech and our rights are protest. so it doesn't matter, essentially how they're going to react and what they're going to do because we're going to keep doing this. we've seen this all across university campuses and we all have to come together and make sure that we're doing what we can to help and the genocide and as a one of the things that really cool
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a lot of people's attention on 1st i was the fact but to members of stuff, professor, one of them is a professor were arrested yesterday we sold members that faculty members holding science, identifying themselves as faculty members. not so much of that now i, i use in touch with faculty members of a still supporting. yeah, absolutely. we have a lot of faculty members and textbook, especially the faculty for students, injustice and palestine. the organization in georgia. they have a lot of faculty that are come out usually when we like have a big presence of police. we request that they come out and they were here live with us last night when apd came out and asked us to leave the board. and they were using their bodies and their privilege physically to protect their students. and we have faculty and medical students struggling on graduate students. we do have like a lot of to be on campus now after what happened on thursday, and we're hoping that we'll continue to go around these under thanks very much. one thing though, we must mention is when those people arrest them. so i say those 20 are just like people. one of the ways that students will house college lots of different universities, but it's relevant because president biden is due to visit warehouse college in
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a couple of weeks about 2 or 3 weeks time as part of the graduation ceremonies. there is a lot of attention out on that visit because obviously a presidential visits bearing in mind the us administration's position and what is happening that also the fact that you have lots of students who wants to make that point of ari and century a time, a lot of people are questioning whether or not president biden should be making that visit at the moment. the white house is indicating nothing is changing, but of course, as these process protests continue, day after day, we have to wait. it'll be interesting to see if the president does actually come here to georgia. yeah, absolutely. there's still time before that happens, but we'll see if events force the white house to revisit that decision. phil of el reporting from atlanta, emory university. thank you very much, phil. we go to john now john henry and john you were at columbia previously. now you're at city university. in new york, you've been talking to protesters at multiple campuses. what are you finding today? what are you hearing as well,
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there's always concerned the police are going to sweep in at any moment. 0. so there was an email sent out while we were in princeton urging people to come here for reinforcements. as his campus police had initially tried to push protesters out of here, the protesters pushed him back. and then an interesting thing happened. i'm going to walk past the encampment here. and if my camera man can follow me, i will show you what's happening now. so the new york city police department put up, these are pre positioned those barriers. they're now taking them away. it also had portable light post and the concern was that that was. ready pre positioning for a possible rate, we don't know what this means, but the fact that they're taking them away might suggest that they have decided not to do that. but as you were saying a little bit earlier today, i was taught, i was at prince and, and i was talking to at talis, the inactive is named linda as our source. and she had
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a lot to say about what she felt about the student protests. here's a sample these young people are reaffirming and demonstrating that's tied to shifting on palestine that the palestinian people have solidarity. not just across the united states of america, but across the world. and these young people stand in the long tradition of student activism against the warrant, vietnam, against south african apartheid, and now for freedom and justice for the policy. so we had a 100 students interested in northeastern university at hundreds over the past week or so. i was at virginia research purchase. i didn't see anybody get arrested there . do you think there's a double standard here? there absolutely is double standards and american law enforcement and also with these university presidents. i mean, we are watching young people here who are engaging and safe and peaceful, protesting. they are young people that you don't even have to agree with. but they live in america and a democracy and they have the right to freedom of speech. and they are being brutalized by law enforcement who could be using their time for something else. and in fact,
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the fact that we are suppressing young people across this country only further emboldens them and continues these types of encampments and work for just how do you have any idea why not one major university president and supporting these students and these demonstrations. unfortunately, the way the university system is set up and they are beholden to their donors instead of being loyal to their students, the students are what make these universities university. they're supposed to be a place where we have an exchange of ideas where we hear multiple perspectives and we decide where we want and what position we want to take. and the universities have demonstrated that they have taken aside. and it is the side of genocide, the side of occupation, and these young people are rejecting that because they don't want that to reflect their values, which are equity and justice and freedom for all to it. every one of these encampments, they're always at risk of the police coming in, tearing down the dense,
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interesting some of the students. but the interesting thing that happens is every time police do that at one university or another, they rebuild where they are. and then they rebuild elsewhere, which is why we see new demonstrations springing up on campuses across the u. s. a . john henry, and always good to talk to you. that's a else, as you, as john henry at, at city university of new york. and mike, hannah is outside a student encampment at the george washington university. that is in the us, federal capital, washington, dc. it over the past 24 hours. the fence behind me here has been sealed. nobody is being allowed in to the area where the tents have been pitched this in order to ensure that it doesn't get to be good, then it is. now if you look over here, this, outside this on a street running alongside university square, more 10 said being pitched up here in both areas. police say they all here to
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monitor. they blocked off both sides of this road, running parts university square. but they insist that because the demonstration is peaceful because it has be no vitriolic language that they will just stay and monitor. they will not interfere this despite the fact that the university authorities awesome some 24 hours ago to move in the police declining to do so. and perhaps what's happening here is something that happened way back in june 2020. when dc police forcibly disperse, demonstrate is with but tons and to i guess something that was seen as very bad optics and something that's the police do not want repeated. hence this stand up as a tube at the moment. the university itself, though the thirty's here, have been threatening to suspend students. they are identifying them by the tags that students use to go into the main buildings next to the square. those are being identified as such. have being threatened with suspension,
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but the demonstration remains peaceful. the police remain in what is described as a watching mode, montana which is the era washington. now us president joe biden is said to speak at the annual white house correspondents association. dinner protesters are gathering outside the hotel that is hosting the supper demanding an end. israel's warrant garza hundreds of during this politicians and celebrities normally gather at this century old defense. meanwhile, more than 2 dozen palestinian during lists of calls this fellow during lists to boycott the white house correspondents association that are they say, the binding. the ministration is complicit and israel systematic killing of palestine, journalists since israel's war on guns. it began last october. the is really military has killed 142 media workers and journalists, 40 palestinian journalists, have been arrested by the is really military and the committee to protect her. and list says that 2023 was the deadliest year for journalists in
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a decade. 3 quarters of the during list killed worldwide were palestinians reporting on the war in gaza. is go live now to well shows us you have a time. see she have your at the protest outside the white house correspondents dinner. tell us what you're seeing. major solar sharing, we've never seen a white house correspondent sit up like basically the washington hilton where the president is the swig while i've been only applauded by the washington press, hold them national over us press cool, but these v i p 's are a dresser. 1 from a, a that evening 5 every, they have to run the templates and hundreds of protests is out here. shouting showed him on it and show him on the breaking bread when they're a 140 job. as a result is better for as long as they say, a bite piece to mississippi and the modem. and we're going to take, you want to be organized without regard to your other busy, right. how about it?
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it was one of these people good to go over to the problem. why are they being told that i should be ashamed of being here for the white horse bonnet center, supposedly, to honor journalists and industry are generally a 133 journalists have been killed, trying to report the turn, trying to break the paralysis of the media industry trying to showcase what's happening any event is happening inside the plug that the media continues to. i do misinformation this information into silence enterprise. people that are trying to share what is actually happening. we are out here protesting because we are demanding accountability from the dirt on the industry. the more the journalist from the white house of and everybody loves the table. this is done to the owner. is there a $133.00 ship? it is a trojan. symbolic is moving like this. we look at the relationship between the
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both of the stipends advisor, the opposite scenario media as the budget, ministration on the policy. and like, you've seen the peddling of misinformation that's happening on both sides. us things like the, you know, misinformation rather bad, a babies and all these atrocious art that i've been doing while lies around it or well supporting. how about all these things have been proven job absolutely. 0 researching 0 data 0 reality behind the media. the initial life never back to are telling their lives. we're seeing the same type of any of any inconvenience divided ministration work, whether it's flooded or blinking, constantly traveling this misinformation. and it's just the relationship between the journalism sector and the administration seems to be really connected on the wrong side of history on ensuring that the voice of the policy and the people who are not sharing. we are, for example, that there's editor royal notes from the media outlets that you can use the word genocide or you cannot talk about the present or murder. they have to be killed,
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they were not killed. and if the media to media is failing to be done, this don't seem to use any record of his deals when it comes to been talking. i mean, we've heard repeatedly, we've been doing, you know, the washington didn't work for a 180 some days like a cabinet in front of the us, like their 5th look at home today. 94 days weren't journalism particular why, why there just seems to be like suspending that critical drug. and when it comes to this, this problem where to think about the cameras like we were told that journalist were told not to happen. they were told by their editors that it would have center daughters, that they're there to hear more about the money and the industry supporting the people who support the networks. and the reporting goes counter to the whole idea of the government, accountable journalism. and there's a whole industry is accountable, peddling wise because people and i think german with a good care about the career,
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they care about their next steps and their career and their sizing the sector as we see right here. people want to be wine and dine, and they want to, you know, being in company with other people. and they will not often take the risk because it means it's a piece of for suicide and people don't want that and that is wrong there. thank you very, very, very much so like, would you be some movie? i'd be about 30 to be to phase or is a suppressive enough to say it's about it's going to enjoy the kind of ease and otherwise the progresses break branch were present binding to spikes components, a $140.00 drugs. this big deb as a result and some folks are bodies goals. depaula. thank you so much. yeah, thank you very much. fascinating interview there. we're going to stay with this topic and go to gaza and discuss this with our correspondent and who don't worry. i would remind you, since all of this is tied to israel's war and gaza with what's happening on the ground of the latest death toll that we have where at least $32.00 palestinians have been killed over
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a 24 hour period by the is really military and that includes 8 children. 15 people died when is really forces shelled at home in the state up camp in central gaza. at least 34388 palestinians had been killed since the beginning of this war. so now to l 0 his hand who dari hen, you are joining us over the phone from darrow bella and central gaza. you are one of the signatories of the letter that has called on the white house, the us white house, correspondents to we caught tonight's dinner. i don't know whether you were able to hear that interview, which you have. i'm going to keep it simple. you have been through something that in covering this war since day one, that very few journalists on earth of ever experienced. and that includes more correspondence. why don't you tell us what it's been like for you to cover this work? i don't know if i have the word to describe what i have been going to choose 10
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october 7. this is not something that has been ending. it has been continuous every single day for more than $200.00 days. we have been killed, displaced homeless, and we're not only reporting on this, but we're also living get with every single detail. we're living this war in all aspects of life. we have not being seen stuff with our families as dirt industry have not being able to eat well. we have been dehydrated, we have been not having offices. we have been reporting in one of the most harsh conditions like a reporter could go through and move his reporting despite losing a lot of colleagues and hers our, our sold in our hi, every single day. we have been a target. we have been constantly targeted by that is really air strikes and ask, is there any at shelling a week ago was tammy had
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a word colleague was targeted with an art or color and shelling. he got his leg amputated in the same exact moment at the the tanks, fiery, that's him. he lost his leg. he has been calling to leave the cause of june, but there has been no response because he needs medical treatment. all of the, the things we have been living in draining this are, are over, run me, are exhausting us. but we still continue because there has been a key 100 policy name journalists who i personally know that have been killed since october 7. and if they were here today with us, they would be reporting and they would be raising the voice of the voice gets touched. and is it a new genocide for more than 200 days? if you count during this and media workers, the number is
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a 142 killed since the beginning of the war. and is there any way whether it's for you or any other during list and guys at the moment to doing your job without taking an extraordinary risk? is there any way to do this in a way that is safe where you don't think in the morning? i don't know if i'm coming back home tonight. i don't know if i can. i can. i will continue this call with you. it's the to this extent, i don't know if i don't, i'm going to hang up this call and go and keep and wake up in the morning. there's no guarantee that upon this coming journalist, a policy, media worker or any other policy in community living in the call district, going to be targeted. we have been constantly being targeted. we are risking our lives. we're risking our lives to cause world what's currently happening. everyone has been relying on pallet,
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on palestinian journalist for video truck photos where we've been also being killed and like everyone is neglecting the fastest policy and reporting on the wow are, are, are i humans like you to you? and he collecting the facts that are human 3, have a stories to tell. we have person in lives we have comedies by causing the white house correspondents. dinner is a no brainer. i can't believe like, after 7 months of this genocide, we are convinced the people that they should buy carpet. and then they're like the root of all of this has been like a pressed institution that need to contend the fact that they are making money from reporting on the death of palestinians. and they refuse the name like they, they did to me refusing to name like the colors and, and night and, and like 3rd thank you. the humanizing policy names and the humanizing policy and
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stories every single day. okay. and, and this is like really hurting kind of thing. and also by letting me do it great. and him just so you know, um, as you say this and as we listen to your words, we're also seeing the pictures the live shot right now of this protest outside be at the hilton patel in washington. were biting this set to addressed or, and listed this dinner a few hours from now. now i believe so this so that, that its interest to your words are interesting and they're playing out over these pictures of protesters will basically agree with your point. and thank you so much for staying up for us. i know it's very late where you are almost 1 30 am and thanks for your work since the beginning of this 4 minutes you have as the is a during list. also a cigna tree of the open letter calling on colleagues to avoid called the white house correspondents association data. you are joining us live from vienna. the letter says med that for journalists to rub shoulders with the president is
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white washing. the administrative administration's role in genocide talk to us about that as well. 0. it's been 6 months of mass murder every day. it's really at this point in my mind, unacceptable to stay silent out of fear or, you know, professional concern while we're seeing journalists and gaza continued to be not just killed, but detain, tortured, and even their families killed. we know president biden will be speaking at the white house correspondents dinner tonight. we know he'll likely mention threats to journalists around the world. i do wonder and i wonder if our colleagues, that you know, my former colleagues that i'll just hear it yourself included. will he mention israel's murder of sharina bob late and the more than 100? 42. as you mentioned, boston and journalist and media workers who have been killed. and so, you know from me, the white house correspondents dinner. maybe some of your viewers might not know.
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it's really an embodiment of a big problem with us media. the trading of journalistic ethics for access and to attend in my mind is to normalize, as you said, to sanitize putting the letter and to whitewash the administration's role. i mean, principal journal is should boycott the white house correspondents annual dinner and solidarity. you know, journalism is eden's core. it's most powerful purpose is to hold the powerful to account. it's about a afflicting the comfortable income, comforting the afflicted it's um, it's just a word since you mentioned sherry and something i should say in the interest of full disclosure. um, we're at alice's who were directly impacted of course by the story should we not block away was one of our veteran reporters who was killed in the occupied westbank . it was well before this for at the time is real and said it wasn't then the investigation ended up showing, as we said from the beginning that it was indeed and is really sniper bullet that
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killed her. and there been multiple houses here during this who have been either killed or wounded in gods since the beginning of this war. um, so we are directly impacted by the story going back to, you know, the letter says western media has played an integral role in manufacturing consent for israel. explain that i mean, just to provide context to the truth. if you dropped suppose the western media is belligerently biased, in my opinion, coverage of god. i mean, it's not been discrete, it's been deliberate and disgraceful. especially the regards editing of talking points. uh, you know, the framing, the lack of contacts, the passive voice, as we've heard from some of your other guests tonight. but to explain that more simply, i mean, how can i put it a more children, serial as you know, were killed by israel and garza in just a 165 days, then were killed in all other global conflicts over the past 4 years. most of those
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conflicts where journalists were allowed, you know, international journalists, i should say we're allowed to cover it. i mean, the western media has explicitly and repeatedly framed october 7th as a terrorist attack. yeah, they've betrayed the dozens and dozens of october 7th, but israel has been on the scene. i've garza for more than 6 months now coming tens of thousands of civilians. i mean the over whelming majority, we know of those killed by israel, our children and women. so you know what, i appear in the interviews like this in the west. maybe this can also provide some explanation. i mean, i'm always expected to conduct the killing of it is really is october 7th, but western or is rarely guess are rarely, if ever asked on those same broadcast outlets in them, israel's killing of innocent civilians. and so i think that tells you all you need to know so. so in light of that, just before i let you go, i'm it real quick. since you would like to see the white house correspondents
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boycott this dinner. and there's no indication that there are boycotting, in fact, we're seeing them enter the room. we're seeing the light footage now. if you're a white house correspondent, imagine you had access to the us president. you were interviewing him. what would you ask joe? but i don't know if you'd be able to handle a simple question, but why don't palestinians deserve the same rights as any other human being, including israel is all right. okay, i'm gonna show you how building policy in america during list and still make or signature we have the letter that we've been talking about. thank you very much for your time today. thank you. of thousands of anti government protesters of in gathering once again in tennessee. those the government continues to face growing anger and discontent. demonstrators accused the government of dragging out the war. they've also been calling for early elections and for the prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu to resign. houses here as bernard smith has more from telling me the video. there's like this video released by how much of course there is really the 1st sign of life in terms of the service. i'm the director of the team and many of the 6 families field goals and reminder that there is any money to take those as rarely, cabbages, as opposed to a $1000000.00 in show kind of indication about typically takes all those strongly advise. it's a couple minutes. i'm sorry, you said that every time you go to a deal, the sabotage sample size you said is 0 and how much i'm not showed enough commitments to reaching
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a safe spot in the whole state to release out into the pressure on prime minister benjamin ben benjamin netanyahu these pages, gathering the calls very, i believe that people know who is delivery. so the and in the occupied westbank now is really forces have shot dead to young palestinians. it happened at the southern check point near jeanine. the victims were reportedly killed during fighting with soldiers. these release later prevented ambulances from reaching their bodies. a still a head on alpha 0, ukrainian, or russian to target each other's energy facilities with rocket and drones strikes
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the, the self ticket back to whether y as in australia at the moment there are shelves running up the queensland coast. there's something going on the bike, which means the wind direction probably contains a bit of code that came out from antarctica. and the roof shows in the west, not many, and not really weather one to 25 degrees in pest going up to 27. the temperature dropped him at one or in that one to about 70 was that cooler breeze coming on show but property no more not on their lower than that and use highland farm looking day on monday. gentle breeze mostly sunshine. 17 in christ church and still plenty of big potentially flashed for the shower was in southeast asia. the concentration company is going to be in borneo. so that's sunday and monday doesn't mean that nowhere else is susceptible with bone. it would be the focus and still in southern china, we have
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a huge sandstone of the top from exist existing affecting plunging glendon. they might briefly disappear on monday, but then it spread back down again for like monday and tuesday and the early a patch of right. and it went through shanghai on sunday is going to be in south korea and southern japan come monday. the story in india, not so much, one of the big charles, but a big heat, particularly in addition and west bengal. the. the, the latest news, as it breaks a lot are mazda gray, of yours more power city and bought it over 3 of the there i did. it is, are large. the last, you know, not a president and more with in depth for pools. the scale this summit was something they've never seen before from the house of the story, almost 500 me to come work is have been killed inside because this trip putting
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more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands rely on you will see the caught a duty and a growth using fruits. p, use the cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest the the you're watching else. as you're
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a reminder of our headlines. hundreds of university students across the united states have been arrested as protests against israel's one gaza, continued to spread across the country, thousands of students. so calling on their universities to cut ties with israel and protests continue in tennessee for thousands have been demonstrating against the government's handling of the war and calling for early elections. as a thousands of demonstrators have been marching in support of the palestinians, also in london, a counter riley was cancelled citing security concerns. but a smaller event by a group called enough is enough which supports this really actions. still went ahead and wondered how we fawcett followed, the marches progress. here's his report. so there's right now setting off a long, wide hold on destination. hyde park, as always, concerns about the latest phases of the war and going to get the timesheet for the
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sake of process. this is as well, the 1st box since the discovery spray, but i'll also hospital and the 1st since the dramatic scenes we've seen had conferences in united states, we spoke to some students here while ago we are proud to be doing this is bill morris. this thing among students, and i think it's getting to it's getting his friends in the whole states and are on the wrong thing for the identify. the semitism is also scheduled to be holding together at the same time that it said is the site i put these points
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to another account that protest by a pro is row group did take place though a group calling itself enough is enough station and a static demonstration alongside the pro palestinian march routes police concentrated as that area and cuts both protesting groups apart from each other. the pro palestinian group, then ending up here in hyde park, pull the reilly. they say that this, the 13th such national protest in london is the latest, but certainly not the last day and tends to continue with this action and support of gaza against the war party. close it out to 0. london is really forces have arrested more than 8000 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the beginning of the war and gaza. those who have been released talk about ill treatment,
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lack of food and medical negligence, while in prison houses 0, spoke to omar, a soft, a 74 year old palestinian activist from waller who spent 6 months and is really jail. when he was released, his family said that they could barely recognize him or the integrated mackenzie. we might add an automotive type. the visual probably has a compatible modem, understand the minimum of this the meet you quinn has money and then when can the point you had said, you saw an x and lucky to put them in incentive as you get the full complement. i'm glad you conduct the partial level farm and the fact you have to bundle it off the actual one,
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the north of papa move it's in the and in the head that he will have to do from manhattan. but board are pushed through all the others in, you know, can you walk in what have you set up? all you don't have to do at all. so you would, you can hit next. so how bad the actual job to back into the system. you're going to set up an email on the 4th in the parcel. this is for mortgage and so on. fine. and no one has a little bit more into how these on the number of pop in the let me tell you that's perfect. what it today is we're in the old for the us and different how do you solve? i know i didn't this probably security is and i'm hoping tennessee said, since, you know, as of june,
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had it me since i've had the sit actual assets and it wasn't me to see them know who low my company is. he is he and what i'm what company that he was through, janelle, a lie national coronado high. the, the other world news know south africa is marking 30 years since it's historic 1st democratic collection in 1994, which mark the end of a party president several run a pose that defended his governing african national congress is recreate during celebrations. but opinion polls suggest that support for the and see is dwindling ahead of next month's general election. joining ho has more from pretoria. it was a celebration of the events that ended upon the date of the civil war and gave birth to a new south africa. 13 years ago,
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president su rema pose said freedoms bills had run out to across the country that they jo oppression. a new nation rooted in quantity. human drive is among the greatest and a 2 friends of modern history. on the 27th of april 1994 millions of black south africans voted for the 1st time. the election swept nelson mandela and the african national congress to power what became known as the rainbow nation. we had just been a break freedom days, and we is my d. d. we invited them to come into the bay as we, as we are, as young as we are. we are central and south. and then since i was young, i know the events today. it is a goes to huge significance. they delivered the free and democratic society in
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which everyone now lives with right with justice, but not necessarily opportunities for the problem is that a better life through remains elusive for many in what the world thank list as the most on equal country on the one in 3 or unemployed infrastructure is crumbling, crime and corruption, rice in an election year with the amc losing ground to other parties, the president said he would continue to work towards the vision and the ideals of 1994. south africans have heard that probus many times before, jo whole elder, 0 victoria, and with more on what some south africans regard as the unfulfilled promises of 1994. for me. the miller reports from alexandra township in johannesburg to the governing african national congress has for years promised a better life fall into some extent,
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it's delivered. it's provided free basic education. it's also both millions of homes for people who don't have any. and it's also provided running water and electricity, especially in rural areas. but many here in the alexander township. most of do i had this book, few very different t they say enough hasn't been done. many of the homes here are in formal housing, both with corrugated sheeting with whatever material people can find, including plastic, to create some sort of shelter. housing here is hard to come by. it's a failure that is densely populated. now the government is having difficulty with a short full of at least $2800000.00 homes. and each other grows by at least a $180000.00 people use a more needs to be done. there's things that we can celebrate. the things that i feel we, we not yet at that point to celebrate one we, we not
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a liberated as blacks of africans. we still haven't gotten the freedom, the financial freedom for us. so that's how i know it hasn't changed. i have a few thoughts, put things with it like this. people are living with like these very promising applies. wow. so the africans acknowledge that they have been liberal rates that they have the right to vote. many, especially the areas like the say they haven't been liberated in terms of the economy. they have limited access and that and equality. this is one of the most an equal societies on earth, and they say the gap between the rich and what is only growing. so me the ultra 0 alexandra township to have his bug of nearly half of those under the age of $34.00 unemployed in south africa. one of them is valencia beloit who has been looking for a job since she graduated from university. this is her story in her own words. my name is val. it's jessica and finally i live in so it's and i me, i'm an input,
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so tester. can i study public relations from think the 18 so 20222022. i graduated and then after graduating i stayed at home during nothing's been applied for what, but nothing came up to me so useless. like i've just wasted. i know that it makes me feel like i'm not doing anything to clinton does nothing all day. i've been applying if you could see my sent in most in a day. i play move at 6 places, but to no response. a thing for me, me personally, if i could find a job my, my life would be more easier and then accessing what they said, department of labor has inter interested in spanish so that you can gain access to like the youth can gain access for them to find for me to find what can be more
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easy. i mean, i've applied for it's awesome, it's me being when i go to the system right now, the system itself is not working. and the thing is in this, and i don't know, i appreciate the opportunity to that the government has paid for me. and that's of this page for me for the, for me to go to school for free. if that's the that was the only thing that i'm grateful for the us do i do live in this country because of what the government is permission of life from uh 1994 to now and i haven't seen any change for me. the still ahead on algebra 0 tornadoes tear across the us, midwest, destroying hundreds of homes and cutting off power to thousands.
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unique perspectives. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government from time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era . the ukraine says it's shut down $21.00 of $34.00 misses that were launched by russia
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and an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facilities. and ukraine says that it targeted to oil refineries in russia's crescent adar region with drones early on saturday. the attack causing fire is that the facilities can. you've also said that it struck a military air field in the same region. houses here as john holman, has more from keith. the secret is government said the on friday night a mass me. so strike particularly targeted the countries energy network. the company d tech said that full of it from electricity pods had been attacked. and this has been a strategy from russia targeting ukraine's energy network, tugging the electricity in the country. there's also been around pub, ukrainian government says on a tax, opponent's railway lines. it says that russia is trying to attack its military supplies, getting to the front. now why the focus and the increase in these attacks? now there's 2 key timeframes. the 1st is may, the 9th,
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that since either russia celebrates its victory over germany and will, will, to but it's become a day of military celebration in general in the country and reportedly at the government that wants to see games before the made the noise. so we can celebrate them on that site. there's another key timeframe. and that's to do with the fact that there's been a $61000000000.00 a package approved by the united states to get towards ukraine. and so russia who's so the training government says, wants to make as much advances on lookout as much infrastructure as it can be full, the wisdom rate and the ad default defenses in that package start to arrive in the country and it can protect them more. now on the other side, the russian defense ministry said to the intercepted $68.00 drones that with going towards the country and particularly towards the crescent adult region. the governor across an adult has said that they were trying to attack the oil refineries, that, that's also been a strategy for you trying to use. so as long range drones to go into russia and
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particularly to attack its energy network and it's energy supplies. as this will continues to on home, and i would just say to keep you crying for you, your shop of oliver has more for moscow of the russian ministry of defense revolt at 6 to 60 korean tries attacked russia southern cross. and that the region and 2 more trainings or shopped on over the crime in peninsula, in the morning on saturday, in the causes of the region. these lobbyist, oil refinery, came on the talk, no casualties or serious damage was reported to that. so the try is, or johns, according to the original source hayes, but it took some time to find clients is to put time to find a bit oil, refinery and slot is caused by the u. a. these now the refinery partially suspended its work. also that's hogs in a different case. 5 people have been injured in it. come a cottage run. it's hot in the belgian road region which borders you crane. among those wounded was
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a 17 year old girl who received shrapnel wounds to have bach and um, she was hospitalized and also the drive. a one with the damage cause is in a serious condition, with the shop. no wound to the head. these days, russian energy facilities have repeatedly been targeted around wednesday this week, and ukraine in terms of tax them in the small lands region as a result to oil depos came on to find that one of the trends fell in the industrial zone and the city of liquids in the lip is region, so the methodological plan to astonish the you, korea, officials have said that destroying rushes, critical military imagery and transport infrastructure. and the mines most codes who f it's well, k is western allies, allegedly trying to convince you crane not to target it, rushes energy facilitates to prevent turbulence on the world energy markets. you lash above all of the ultra 0 most k driving these far right. a if the party has
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launched its campaigns of the european parliamentary elections in june, polls suggest that it could come in 2nd in europe, most populous country. but the party is mired in yet another scandal laughed to one of its candidates was arrested on accusations of spying for china. william peacock has more from berlin. see if these leaders have some reasons to be cheerful as they look into that campaign for the european elections that come with the 2nd in the polls expected to win most states than ever before. but, but also facing ever more scandals. and one man was conspicuous by his absence puts you need a team to a couple of tried to explain why they made canada that wasn't the next to me. i knew that i'd like to take this opportunity to think maximilian cost for saying that today shouldn't be about caught. caught, cox today is about the, the costs we add, the prod, you that puts out gemini 1st starts the tardiness and then the train were done
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because the $1.00 as if these top kinds of elections crowd was meant to be funding this campaign. but last monday, one of his members of staff was arrested by the juvenile facilities accused of spying for china, off too late for the party to change the list of candidates. and we have cross a, he went step down the f. d, as keeping him well out of the spotlight, not least since go himself is also being investigated on suspicion. he took money from china and russia outside the campaign. george n t f t protest is finalized yet another headaches of the party. yeah, cook, uh, one of them as prominent vegas is currently on trial excuse to deliberately using a nazi slogan that trial continues, but it's unfair how much f d vs will k. c as an adult for like many fall right? potties have established their own media system where they can reach several with us directly. and the question is whether the traditional vote as of the f
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d will be open to believe the allegations that's that in mainstream media, or whether they would only get the information directly from the steve themselves. so even with a slight dipping reason pulse the f d is still in 2nd place nationwide. ahead of every party within the cohen government coalition, william peacock, i'll just say that of ecuador was once one of the safest countries in latin america . but in the last 10 years, it's had one of the highest motor rates in the region. after taking office last year, president daniel and the boy declared war against drug cartels. and recently won a referendum to impose harsher laws. with cleaning up the streets is not going to be easy as theresa boat now reports from guy i q. this is the tactic as motorcycle unit, carrying out an operation english act known to be the drug trafficking, have unit one order for us it. and then, you know, a has intensified police operations against drug guns,
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declaring the war in good health. we accompanied the unit to an area known as j. c, named after a police officer who went rogue and joined a criminal group in the visa areas with chronic problems of consumption and sale of drugs. and then most of the action happens at night to me. the situation has improved a bit too much, but it's still very complicated here. it whether it was one's acquired nation in the region, but in the last decade it has been taken over by drug related violence. we're told that healing was a cube. the situation gets more violent when you get close to the river. it because criminal organizations are fighting for access to the river leads to which this country is major ports and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. according to the police, many of these boats are involved in the trade, but fishermen tend to view police officers with suspicion, saying corruption is a common thing among the police force. and then the says,
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the security situation and whether in the past year has gotten out of control alexi and the police because he equal it's all a disaster. i'm picking up troops when i'm here. the only thing i see is bad news with this week or 40, detain the leader of a powerful gang in the country unless on the president. no, i want a vote to reform the constitution and implemented how should laws against those involved in the drug trade. but no voice serving a short term 18 months presidential term and he's unlikely he will have enough time to carry out major reforms. elections are happening early next year. land that that will be see the, we will know the military on the streets is not the solution. and then it's unlikely that he'll be able to implement any reforms fast to the presidents is convinced that security is what will guarantee his re election in 2025. and that's
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why the advertising does hotline policy. as the drug trade continues to transform, why the order many of the people living here are putting their face in the president's security plan, hoping it will succeed. the so i'll just see to was it why don't of hundreds of homes have been damaged of so powerful tornadoes ploughed through the us midwest. at least 3 people were injured and some 11000 homes are without power. in the state of nebraska, michel sushi weeks has more. the moment of to need to touch down in the us state of the town of ha, ha ha to pick out a kit entire down the street. there's no houses down there of the street. there's no houses either. it just took everything in about 510 minutes and is gone. this is what's left of the cities airport after tomato touch down here. the, the field was temporarily coast passengers been moved to storm shelter as an
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emergency crews took charge. it was one of separate reported entities, 5 states on friday, making it the most active day for tomatoes in the country in more than a year. the area is dealing with power outages and gas leaks. the state of oklahoma was also affected as twisters to 2 months from land poplar trees flattened tomes and overturn feet. the national weather service has wont of pol systems to saturday in central plains, extending as far as texas. i'm a consumption eve entre 0 and 20. cambodian soldiers have been killed in an ammunition explosion to the military base. the blast happened in the southern come from the province. it was not immediately clear what caused the explosion, but the government has promised to pay compensation to the families of those were killed and injured. all right, that doesn't for me 0 any agent today,
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there's more information on our website as always, that's else 0. don't com. my colleague carrie johnson will be with you in just about to switch the right book. know collins and public confrontation. young people across the k a pushing that 40 on the line to full suspension of the issues that my to to that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down every other route. sales dive in action was to be left open for a democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country. as i was shut down and honest people have generation changed on out is era . this is the 1st one. they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the last 2 weeks
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the content, the conscience of university students across the us have been arrested so far as the movement against the war on guns. it continues to grow across the country. the carry johnston. this is alex, is there a lot from the also coming up protests for protest on the head of the white house correspondents attendance with calls for jen list. the boy called the events were
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present by the set to speak is ready bombardments, across the gauze. this trip is killed at least 2070 palestinians including 10


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