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tv   Witness This is Congo  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision. this key is you to the cell and carry johnston and de la, the top stories on out here. hundreds of university students across america have been detained so far as route is against the war on guns that have been gathering steam nice have car without non scale arrests on campuses in recent days. a times using it chemical everetts and since teases to disperse students. some universities have had to cancel the graduation ceremonies while others have seen entire buildings occupied by protesting students. meanwhile, philip l a has this report now from emory university in atlanta, georgia. so the feeling here is very much more of a festival,
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rather than the protests of the moment. i mean, i was just reading playing on this because there are hundreds of people here. they've all been encouraged to break blankets, make something to eat, something to drink, very much show solidarity for the people in garza without a cutting. and so i must protest in the sense of what we saw on the 1st day where the police got involved. so people to bring in blankets for bringing food and drink by putting up flags and fighters all over the quad head. which way we saw those process on 1st, like they're also being encouraged to right message of supports messages of support on the ground, which will do whatever they can just to show that the people who because i have no fee for government, i'm going to bring in mason, who's one of the organizers here? i'm make some you say all of these people here. it's a completely different atmosphere. so what we saw on the 1st day, right, right. yeah, um, thursday honestly was very traumatic. the police cracked down was completely violent and the inside of violence against completely people protest there's. so for the past 2 days we've kind of been winding down trying to rest. we here at emory, we believe that self care is part of resistance. as one of our alumni from the come
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to school, if the all you said rest, if there's a sense, what do you think is the end goal here? like what, what does it look like ideally to you guys? yes, so the end goal is really 3 demands that we have. number one that every disclose all their financial investments. number 2 that they divest from all is really companies. and number 3 that they provide continued amazon production to all the students that were on just the rest of that we've seen a significant lack of police here today. um, yes. could i? um, how does that come about? yes, i would say frankly that emory university has learned this lesson from thursday. there have been violent police crackdowns on completely peaceful demonstrations of students practicing their 1st amendment, the rights of speech and the right to protest. and for that reason, i think they've kind of just been keeping the police away from us. we are simply continuing to peacefully protest and demonstrate to and we're not violating any policies. we're kind of just here, community building and sending and solidarity with thoughts. fine. thanks very much . well, the university's position is uh, is,
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is quite untenable. say some of the protests is not just because the president, who was the man that settled 1st a, but the police were right to be here. but the protests were being organized by outside influences. he is now facing calls for him to go and fight a huge number of people. and one faculty held advice on friday during which sites so today, well mainly from motion. i have no confidence at the moment the president is refusing to move, but of course the protest is i've got that i'm goes in mind. us present, joe biden is due to speak of the annual white house correspondents association, dentists, hundreds of german this politicians on services have gathered at the century. oh, the event. meanwhile, outside the hotel that's hosting the dinner for testers. are demonstrating in the sort of doris, who is protestant ends in the besieged gauze, a strip and demanding an end to the warren guns. and on the ground in gaza is very forces have killed at least 27 palestinians,
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including 10 to children since saturday morning. the army targeted homes in news or at camp in central garza and in rough, at least 34388 palestinians had been killed since the war began. meanwhile, thousands of anti government protests had been gathering once again and tell of it as a government that continues to face growing anger and discontent demonstrates is accused the governments of driving out the will also been waiting for any elections. has any mister benjamin not to know who to resign? there's a headlines, mo, on a website that solves a 0. don't com and use continue, sir of to witness the
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the . 7 this is the, the phone for the digit thing it ended in by that is on the way that i'm a good idea to see. in fact, to that, i mean you have for assistant get issues game for 0 calling
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a kid. i'm the lovely different when i meet up the villa villa i guess the
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the the the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the to the security for security reasons to go. so
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i'm going to myself, go notice the symbol, the name to someone who is not the main cause of those to somebody's an alias. the street can tell you is that a high ranking officer in the converters aren't able to to do because the song, as long as lead us, what the results of what we do not have a betrayal. take sense of preventative. con louise, stagnation misery for the country as almost a new system of deadlines and national name. it is disorganized and courts
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because of these searches will sometimes leave the army to join the rainbow girls. the government financially negotiates with these ramos and then fits them back into the fun was higher ranking position than they had before. the rebels who started this guarantor call themselves to the 1023 george g. mccain is the acting leader. but they used to be a co nose now national the exercise because shown is to say that somebody's, you man, appreciate this. so basically from the show,
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how did the have done the rebel groups 3 time is and the code was always that it would bring stabilization to come on all levels on a social level and economic level. but no the fighting continues. the the,
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the the the, [000:00:00;00] the emergency, the was the one that i'm using you come on to come and isn't back down, commodity for us and it actually on, i think there's some data like this isn't fully kicked in with the p in some data. duncan is arctic, he's on doing it by new come on the system, but okay, so next he lost, it pretty does just have questions. and the lady, if you're going to is it's in just a 2nd. if you pull this up, what's going on in a moment to develop what the best way to ship, but to keep it down to the front. if the necessary exam since you down facility, you see like on this it has to be back easy. you're good, it must have sounded for us to do,
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but that's have kind of popped into something that has to be, but she had on 3 sheets. thank you. so the but it doesn't do, but we want them a new field for supplementary heat. the sea level of the p a lot more than what they've been using that default. they look to integrate digital. yeah. the congo in the heart of africa is 3 times larger than text. google is a james country. it has several monkeys waterways. and a lot of me, animals, especially here in the east do not call them as the letter in the waiting list. yeah, no. we
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live very lib liberal to their apartment. when it comes to our meeting with companies, it'd be duffy jr. road you cause kind of understand that the population does not benefit from the product. i'll find a way of the of the go. my is the center of the in their friends south keep brennan's. this is a strategic town in the region state economic homeland sir. more than a 1000000 people hit this as well, the natural resources. and this is where they are exported from boomers seats on lake keeper, and he's on the boat for one. it's so so close to the border if you've got the rebels have now steadily being waking me away from that base near the border with
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you've done that to me what's going on with the main city here. they are more than 450 tribes income and all of them on a representative here. this is a cubic feet, mineral rich parts of the country. it's also very, very far from contrast to the capital. so the government doesn't really reach it properly. the main power is the power of the guns and whoever controls that controls will say, potentially very lucrative deals. this is billy hasbrook father as soon as when the just outside go my is it is 1st this far as makes
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a good hide sort. anyone who wants to start general best you can come to collect the villagers assume that area under your control and have them explode minerals. and so then for you then you can buy guns, weapons and you can buy food. well the, then the m 23 rebels down more than 50 groups out the 5th today i decided to go into the forest and stuffs are a 1000000000 and a half people to for me. what do you mean to do? i'm going to single sit on say all the data night. i mean things you know, your product is single sign on say that the will package in now you're the
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one to the young blood is closed. i went to him. oh no one went to unload. you about guys sending me the somebody come up to me in the mail, which of course not be to come monday. no, my id is 3. 89 done by 7. see was on the phone that will do vicki. liquid will not allow me to stop what i'm ready for feet of designs, but why do you watch one of the movies? why do i she didn't want me to set the wow, cool. what then? what's the you may want to study what,
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what do you mean? you made it easy to do that. why don't why don't you definitely need my on to both of them. what thought to me to check what, what seemed on what the your wheaties. why not for the comedy on the bottom? it says people see the, you know, the go to the doctor shop number
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the, the bill is up to now. i don't care how well new some will she did it. the best thing today this comes, opens up really not you didn't. how do you really well, mind the not let me give it take you to use you based on me, me some direction. if the, if it is that was this and you've got you pulled up for much on this and you did it . i showed up in tears only for amazing, easy. no kidding. i had a phone and it was on for lack of one. went through the so many people
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lady got on the phone for this just to be shown. these don't fit the because you think it, but you know, the sooner the fit into buy a new level fit into the money to improve facilities and you get to see the or the keep going is leaving us. one of the letter is not the equal, doesn't have little answers, but they'll come up with me. they did a piece of clinical. what is, what do you need it? easy no. to click on getting the reset. fucking the,
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well, the new me i know to the political will, it isn't movies. it sounds like there's a lot of people who days you're in, dallas, i don't see this sunday by new. i'm think out of me when it's something that you would like to have taught is good news. you know, to see the research that the sure if i ask you in front of them, just shop find the we clearly put it in for the sale. to love it to bottle or if you see fit, i guess for the sheets particularly really worried about the eventful that'll say
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the very 1st thing that you saw happening and this one has been done before the 23 as threatening to take cold unless the government keeps them keep positions in this region. it's new quincy don't snap. these are rebellions of the power of human rights one to port joseph between lunda and m. 232 neighboring countries. rwanda and uganda. a beat accused of backing into a $23.00 run. the family, the noise,
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any involving visual evidence that i know folks because there's no type in the 6 of the just about 5 minutes ago. 23 bedroom through the streets without anyone helping them. retreat to undo end. these people stood by watching please not allow me to see that catastrophic collapsing around over the last few days. in particular. the head of the land policies was fine for allegedly because the, the vacuum, the rebels, the m 23 levels. like to see the comb
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could 12 days ago in return the government must agree to listen to and address the rebels grievances. everything will be the definitive company you know, anybody else provokes us. and we, we bought a couple of the people have lost trust in the government to protect the in regards to the international community. the stranger was never assign you a solution in your own country. let's see, sour independence. we've never been given a chance to govern our sales without interference from the outside. june 30th 1960 independence comes to the belgian congo. gang bod. let himself flies to the capital city. a valuable bill to break the bonds that had blinked his country and
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its african commenting about 75 years escape. so because he said he must be the 1st prime minister of school was an estimate priest. but the americans thought the communist tendencies the russians had given military and other aid. are these fired with west to gain influence in the congo for the americans during the cold war? the hard to find a man to get to read. and that is how that sort of mobiles in the army. he was known as the most breeding colonel mobile to force the russians to close their embassy leave. the congo booty was used by the c i, b. so the captain is to the detriment of the chapter begins in the dark and tragic history of the congo with the return of the post premier. i'm not following his
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capture by crack mendoza, a strong man cut on mobile to areas am on his 3rd arrest. one from what you went to on this gary is that who the support of the americans live between both the data sheet for 32 years. i grew up during that time when he came into power. in the beginning, i must say you was good, the, the economy of the country was true, very strong. the, the condo produced to many university graduates and the world are respected many of these communities, at least in those yours, congo,
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was still moving forward. a bit of a sudden the re looked as of the congo with the name of his. i remember most everything changed well here remained vital. i like to the west, the expelled all before and invest those that way. he when the list of the factories, all the big donations where acquired by computers colleagues. but they did not know how to run them through a new executives business new way, replace somebody united way, people not was in business. and where it is corruption, development can take seats, the
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blue to looted his country's diamonds and copper mines. he pocketed international ain't even offices. what house did this on? just a few kilometers away from president two's opulent lakeside filled up that same system, a square option as be comp time released entities even worse. the latest news as it breaks. another magic ray of years, more power, city and bodies over 3 of the their identities are largely lost and on, on a president in war with in depth reports that scale. this was something they've never seen before. from the heart of the story,
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almost 500 medical workers have been killed inside the gaza strip, putting more pressure on health care system that tens of thousands rely on you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p. use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the card and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on wordpress. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying, any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live?
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we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the carry johnston and the top stores on the address there. hundreds of university students across america have been detained so far as rather is against the war and goals that have been governing state police of the car without non scale arrests on campuses in recent days at times using technical edits, in some cases to dispose of students some universities have had to cancel that graduation services while others have seen and time buildings occupied by protesting students. are us present. joe biden is due to speak of the annual
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whitehouse correspondence association. dinner. hundreds of john, this politicians on celebrities have gathered that the central old event. meanwhile, outside the hotel that's hosting it in a protest is all demonstrating. and so the directive palestinians in the besieged goes a strip and demanding an end to the war and goes on the ground and goes, it is very forces of killed at least $27.00 palestinians including 10 children since the morning. the army targeted homes in this route to camp in central garza and in rough or at least 34388 palestinians have been killed since the war began in southern gauze and displaced palestinians. com send a referral, thanking student protest. as for the show of solidarity, they've been displaying messages of gratitude on the tense. i say that the spot crackdowns my university administrations and the police close to end the war had
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been heard by the people besieged in goss. i'm not that heavy up to the i'm not sure i have nothing in this idea came to us of seeing what was happening in the news, especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university for standing with us, with their humanity their hearts and their compassion, and we hope the world will stand united with them. we hope for the world to support them, you know, to arrest them and imprison them. meanwhile, thousands of anti government protests have been gathering once again intensively as a government that continues to face growing anger and discontent demonstrates as a choose the governance of driving out the will. so wouldn't be any minister engine knock, you know who to resign. well those, all the headlines then use continues of to we rejoined witness the statement this
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a g. a serena has spent most of his life on the war to use the fisherman just like others and his family. but things are different now from when he was a boy in 2022 long days, mcgarr would declared and endangered species. i'm the one out there that we have going on today. he's taking us to the band. so if the only stop leak in central den bode, yeah, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see the rain molnar, calling me about the power while the off the night the
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the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research. this block market street, not only indeed just was brian me, populations, but books public health address. because unlike captive read monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the
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the the big the janet, the bottom it is if you think you the ability to know i live, i'm like, oh you know, what was that in the truck pass on this. it didn't even dynamic when i'm asking for them or a little confused. the fact that it back to c p as in those you're going to please
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in on my way, i'll be late for around the going back. god, i need them by the list of lead to that progress, the progress of an independent cut. the funny thing is you're going to say they can do the same as here. i've seen the new thing that is a c t new. there's been new base on the from fix on it as long as you're not sure if you need it, you didn't know what to do and my to log in to find.
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* 2 the more on the singles to be democrat and republican government police are hearing complaints of village or west by i'm $23.00. within 23 was full. it's called a mon who has to be ranch. grace is the congolese ami with best pay and ranks. now it's talking about setting up its own government. connection of texas
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the, the human mission could do little to stop in 23 levels when they switch to the cities gomez view as a new batch of troops with a wide or offensive mandate. it could take months rent and then she was supposed to be in place during that time and $23.00 could make another attempt to take the big dumb and then from stoker 5 to run by the end to offset the intent was in place. that was one that the uh, the choice is the one uh we, we said these guys will be the inventory. oh the cable side gone to the single
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side, but the good not to might have it with the mens out of them. is that gonna be to mine? yeah. the 1st time i took it out to the wind up, you're gonna say you say you got them move and did 3 it was you know what, what do you know about the pick up zip is that i can look it up the
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the the and then i've got a bit of, of the budget as i said, if i do a bunch of the the on this the, the fact that the room supports of these rebellions with the crews ally,
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uganda is no secret for us. it's now for the past 20 years through our last thoughts comes to these regions. they have massacred many companies. so all the cleanings that they have done really turn to companies against their wonders. but especially against to say try it. but it doesn't get to know one, you have to do that though. what do you want me? one of the all these began when the kootenays of entered the reach and created a tribe or the
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one with the support of the badges. the to, to really crushing the who to, for almost 14 years this created and then the dash that to would eventually arrive the data room after the dental site. to see a regular lead, a for a gummy will received military training in america, our feeling and revenge killings. the majority of who to try fred across the board during the civil war and the growth mode in a 1000000 people across the border. it is, i years, it's the biggest exodus africa has ever seen. who, to, tennessee there's kids among these refugees and started brought things in return.
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wow. this is part of the reason number one that'd begin calling that involves of muddy seems to have other additions. i swear to run the engine side maps at the beginning of the cycle for task breaks accountable for 2 decades. rwanda always says the, i'm not involved by myself. i'm a witness. i know what i'm talking about. 3 rebel goods i joined where supported by who won the
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method. is it welcome or the sound of who was the name is in the mail of the the, the, the loan even though the moment duty of moving emitted by the fund love to the dependence
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on the the big on the,
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the the,
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the the, the, the, the the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the, the of the soldiers who made a decisive battle with scientists. vm 23 revenue in 23 saving. now, one of the findings is still the superior thought of the companies on the ebony supported by the us. the fact of rebels and to say like some of the disability. so give themselves up from uganda and one to the rebels. the string of defeats suggest any phones of pools installed in the democratic republic of
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congo is to, it's 20. you can see the rebels surrendered in the night into one of the whole, uganda revel military leaders. so sounding, they can't get the full model. you know,
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as the most of the guys are not the wow
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the this was the no no more. yeah. a messy. what do i see that says, the tentative on monday, the executives attempting to dictate the letter for us on both of these are an executive saturday condos who fan read. these are the good again, is of the
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for any man, the policy is a bit associated am, event restaurant. there was more than a month on the front of the somebody, somebody pulled on that. so basically when it's supposed to be the subject, agend distribute the senate budget is only about 2 part of the issue the the,
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the, the new ones you was, i guess it was an immediate move on, isn't it? i'm not allowed to do much do much back to you. so the idea is, as you want to say, the least fund immediate that finally the, it's the fund, directv. bless you 3 different out of the latter. you helped me so you can look at
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somebody who could. i set that up a meant to say, i let a blessed a the the training levels to connect him fairly much. so i'm very upset in barry's day to the returns he's on a battlefield. there was a book to read this or something for through the had a strong sense of patriotism. so that's how he deals the supply clarity with the
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people. even though he wasn't very distinguished, he was also very young. he wanted to be a source, and frankly, this was really we have very big weakness, michelle, but it was not the end of the case. my mother was just calling to see if there was an element of down to see so it has stopped him dead. any strikes
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cold is due by the made, especially if we need it was to month for to level the full click homeless. she needs funding your video. but if it's a lot forgiveness, get a dish and you love this or keep going by law is equal keep an arrow. is this one by friend or death? seizure loveliness. issue properties. c p u c. pull simpler, you don't do the monthly dispute. do you see points ended up with a bit and then it gives you a new live. what on easy points. you know that up for now. who, what can you pull it in?
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see, it shows up on the menu on the 1st opportunity was the for the typical spring setup in the us and canada is to draw a goal. fair right up the plane states which are flat and stuff, the guy until they meet the call coming down from the know, then you generate johnson's films. and in this case they have been very big nebraska and i went down to west texas and fell from boulder. to golf border, the charts is uh, they could be replaced on sunday or monday, january the risk travel was fairly easy. this big system and the top end of it still brings snag into central canada and in the west,
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the rockies full. so it's cold enough for business, but most of california is enjoying the sunshine, of course, kind of being built exactly. settled with environment sto, frequent shows what the potential for flash floods in haiti, dominican republic, puerto rico, possibly the legal dogs as well. and as you can see, orange talk suggest big charles, in colombia, and in panama, i think in panama, the right is wanting to the 9th and time which it falls critical the, the seasonal range from northern brazil across to ecuador, produced recently, once again, warnings of potential funding and equity go to the south. it's laquata. yes. there are still potentially big thunderstorms running on a typical front of the fastest presume. so that must be fine. the examination being proactive. today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's
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discussions. international filmmakers and will cross journalists bring programs to inform that inspire barnowski sierra the to hundreds of university students across the us. i've been arrested so far as the movement against the 1000 continues to great across the country. the carry johnston, this is i'll just share a lot from the whole set coming out. protests protest on the head of the white


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