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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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al jazeera, the hundreds of university students across the u. s. had been arrested so far as the movements against the war and cause it continues to grow across the country the carry johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from also coming out. protests protest on the head of the white house correspondents, dinner with clothes for janice. the boy presidents 5 about the is very bombardments, across the gaza strip. is killed at least the 22nd palestinians, including 10 children since saturday morning during the hall in front of the union
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buildings in pretoria. with it being celebrations of south africa's 1st free and democratic election, the pro, nelson mandela and the african national congress to power. 30 years ago, the hundreds of university students across america have been detained so far as routers against the one guns that have been gathering steam spreading throughout the country. and these have car without non scale arrests on campuses in recent days times using chemical irritants and tases to disperse the students. some universities have had to cancel their graduation services while others have seen in time buildings occupied 5 protesting students. let's just over a week since students at columbia university big gun demanding the school divest from israel students at columbia, hoford's georgetown,
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mit and george washington university began demanding the same. the protest spreads from the northeast to campuses in michigan, texas, and california. we have a team of correspondents covering this story for us in the us, but lanta and washington dc. but 1st to john henry, who's at the city university of new york, you go after more than a week of this, there's a sense of normalcy. like you would have it say, a refugee camp. if you look around of all of these tense remain, those are where people live and sleep by day. and then if you look over on the other side, behind this monument here you've got speaker, it is one after the other who come out and sort of encourage people, remind them why they're here. and the entire time. ready they're trying to make sure the police don't come in and sweep this all away. and the rules are different . at each camp we went to princeton university earlier today because they tried to
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play by their rules. they are, they didn't put up tents, they were masks these, they were worried about being identified. they don't want to be kicked out. and they didn't use microphones because that's against university room. but here and it most other can. they simply don't play by the university's rules, and that's kind of the point of an occupation. earlier we spoke to linda sar sewer . she is a well known palestinian american, a speaker. and she had a lot to say about what she thought about what these students are accomplishing. here's a sample. these young people are reaffirming and demonstrating that the tide is shifting on palestine that the palestinian people have solidarity not just across the united states of america, but across the world. and these young people stand in the long tradition of student activism against the warrant, vietnam, against south african apartheid, and now for freedom and justice for the policy. so we had a 100 students interested in northeastern university at hundreds over the past week
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or so. ready i was at the january 6th purchase. i didn't see anybody interested there. do you think there's a double standard here? there absolutely is double standards in american law enforcement and also with these university presidents. i mean, we are watching young people here who are engaging and safe and peaceful, protesting. they are young people that you don't even have to agree with. but they live in them oregon of democracy and they have every right to freedom of speech. and they are being brutalized by law enforcement who could be using their time for something else. and in fact, the fact that we are suppressing young people across this country only further emboldens them and continues these types of encampments and work for just hours. do you have any idea of why not one major university president and supporting these students and these demonstrations? unfortunately, the way the university system is set up and they are beholden to their donors instead of being loyal to their students, the students are what make these universities university. they're supposed to be a place where we have an exchange of ideas where we hear multiple perspectives and
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we decide where we want and what position we want to take. and the universities have demonstrated that they have taken aside. and it is the side of genocide, the side of occupation, and these young people are rejecting that because they don't want that to reflect their values, which are equity and justice and freedom for all. so this has become the ribbon of daily life here. and they live at risk of arrest at all times about a 100 people were arrested in the, in the past 24 hours, there been over 615 people arrested over the past week or so. but when that happens, and when they clear out these chance, the students simply rebuild in the same place as they have at columbia and new york university where they build elsewhere, as we saw earlier at princeton. but my number is outside of students in continents at the george washington university in the us capital it over the past 24 hours. the fence behind me here has been sealed. nobody is being allowed in to the area
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where the tents have been pitched this in order to ensure that it doesn't get to be good, then it is. now if you look over here, this, outside this on a street running along side universe be square more 10 said being pinched up here in both areas. police say they all here to monitor. they blocked off both sides of this road, running parts university square. but they insist that because the demonstration is peaceful because there has been no vitriolic language that they will just stay and monitor. they will not into fear this despite the fact that the university authorities awesome some 24 hours ago to move in the police. the trying to do so, and perhaps what's happening here is something that happened way back in june 2020 . when dc police forcibly disperse, demonstrate is with but tons and to i guess something that was seen as very bad
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optics and something that's the police do not want repeated. hence this stand up as a tube at the moment. the university itself, though the thirty's here, have been threatening to suspend students. they are identifying them by the tags that students use to go into the main buildings next to the square. those are being identified as such. have been threatened with suspension, but the demonstration remains peaceful. the police remain in what is described as a watching mode, montana which is the era washington will feel as though has this report from the protest. emery universe, to atlanta, georgia. the feeling here is very much more of a festival, rather than the protests of the moment. i mean, i was just reading playing on this because there are hundreds of people here. they've all been encouraged to break blanket spring. somebody's 8, something to drink. very much show solidarity for the people in garza without a cutting and so i must protest in the sense of what we saw on the 1st day where
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the police got involved. so people to bring in blankets for bringing food and drink by putting up flags and fighters all over the quad. hey, which way we saw those process on 1st, like they're also being encouraged to write message of supports messages of support on the ground, which will do whatever they can just to show that the people who because i have no fee for government, i'm going to bring in mason, who's one of the organizers here? i'm make some you say all of these people here. it's a completely different atmosphere. so what we saw on thursday, right, right. yeah. um, thursday honestly was very traumatic. the police cracked down was completely violent and the inside of violence against completely people processors. so for the past 2 days we've kind of been winding down trying to rest. we hear emory, we believe that self care is part of resistance. as one of our alumni from the come to school of the ology ceteris is a sense. what do you think is the end goal here? like what, what does it look like ideally, to you guys? yes, so the end goal is really 3 demands that we have. number one that every disclose all their financial investments. number 2 that they divest from all is really
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companies. and number 3 that they provide continued atmosphere production to all the students that were on just the rest of that we've seen a significant lack of police here today. um, yes, could i? um, how does that come about? yes, i would say frankly that emory university has learned this lesson from thursday. there have been violent police crackdowns on completely peaceful demonstrations of students practicing their 1st amendment, the rights of speech and the right to protest. and for that reason, i think they've kind of just been keeping the police away from us. we are simply continuing to peacefully protest and demonstrate. and we're not violating any policies. we're kind of just here, community building and sending and solidarity with thoughts fine. it's very much, well, the university's position is uh, is quite untenable. say some of the protests is not just because the president, who was the man that settled 1st. i but the police were right to be here. but the protests were being organized by outside influences. he is now facing calls for him
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to go and fight a huge number of people. and one faculty held advice on friday during which sites so today. well mainly from motion. i have no confidence at the moment the president is refusing to move, but of course the protest is i've got that i'm goes in mind for more than 1000 demonstrators validate that the university of texas a campus in austin on friday. what followed was the rest of dozens of people accused on later released for trespassing. we spoke to one student at the college who tells us why has vowed to continue the protest. i my name is mustafah, yas, i'm a 3rd year at u t. also last ice of engineering, my father is from sherman texas and my mothers from novice palestine. i grew up in dallas, texas, and all that, but i've travelled to and from the 1st day of my entire life. i love both places. i'm proud of where i'm from. over here. i get to choose to go to process over there
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every single day. you're fine for your own human rights. music rights in general, the, our main goal is the open people's eyes get the university texas to divest stop sending light. israel is divest from companies that profit off of war like raytheon and lockheed martin. i do not support how much i know i'm not anti semitic. i have lots of jewish friends. yeah. i made it easy for them. my brothers. and i don't believe in the right occasion of the jewish people or i don't believe in terrorism or anything like that. i know where my values are on. know what my morals are. i know what i stand for the band is 600 degrees. that's my main. uh, my 1st love my passion. when i'm on stage, i feel confident, powerful. and when i'm fighting for this,
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when i'm letting people hear my voice, when people see my face, it's 4 in palestine and calling for divestment. people are starting to see now and i'm optimistic about that. there's never been eyes on it like this before ever. my entire life has never been people. i never cared about it this much and it's only going up from here. a load. utah is a ph. d student at cornell university and organize that with the co now it coalition for mutual reparation. he spoke about some of the implications of the process. so having on students like we've had death threats, we've had people, it was what brings lots of july. we've had police video in taking pictures of us last be played in the video in the most area place on campus, but other students taking pictures of lots of books, us many about palestinian. i'm with spring students. how out now one can every missions will be pro palestinian what some of the kinds of questions that i will
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ask them for the semester. i might not get paid over the summer. i might have to graduate later than expected this this semester that i'm taking and i've tried to what somewhat hard of mist everything else may not count to my degree. and i have to repeat it. that's quite a serious thing. and they talk it to the, my understanding people who are precarious positions such as students on visas. and so it seems like the tactic we decides what is the target to visible people and people and prepares positions. why? i think that's the case because people, i mean, the target is full suspensions, right? i've not done anything extraordinary than anyone else and then come with. there's been people who have been me. i've been by my side every step of the way as has been coming and started and then not targeted them in southern gaza displays part of students that come send a rafter off banking student protests is full that show solidarity. they've been displaying messages of gratitude on the tense. they say that despite clement downs, by university administrations, and the police,
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close to any level has been heard by the people besieged and got so i'm, i'm not, that's how they had to for the i'm not sure i had enough with this idea came to us of seeing what was happening in the news, especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university for standing with us, with the humanity, their hearts and their compassion. and we hope the world will stand united with them. we hope for the world to support them, you know, to arrest them and imprison them for us. president joe biden is due to speak. the annual whitehouse correspondence association, dennis hundreds of journalists, petitions and celebrities have gathered that the central own event. meanwhile, outside the hotel that's hosting the data for testers, all demonstrating in solidarity with palestinians in the besieged congress. that them on the an end to the war on guns that i'm moving to doesn't posting engine.
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it's of close to a fellow chatting this to boy called the white house correspondents association, dinner. they say the by the administration is consistent in israel's systematic kenning of palestinian janice. well since those rose war on guns that began last october, is there any minute tree is killed? 142 media workers in journalist for the policy engine. this have been arrested by these very ministry and the committee to protect janice as that 2023 was a dentist. yeah. for sure. this in a decade. 75 percent of those killed worldwide palestinians reporting on the war on gone. so she have a tendency such as this report from outside the protest in washington dc. it was obviously the white house correspondent is going to like this before. protest is outside, hundreds of them changing the word, shape appeared. 10, these are all dressed up in the evening finery, the birds gabbert here, cried judas. but john lift stellar drum is to go in and break bread with joe,
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but there's policies they all do have contributed to the depths of so many drug lists and goals that are turning this event should be ashamed of themselves. there's been over 200 these genocide over 30000 palestinians, 100 pounds. and a 140 journalists have been targeted by the is really government murder. because they're telling the truth. they're telling the truth about the fact that that is really government. hispanic hospitals had gone on a science and intentionally started me the people and instead of speaking out against that and having any, your listing integrity, we're having dinner and laughing with fighting with providing millions of dollars to the is really government for them to fund this genocide and they've said nothing, and actually it's manufactured consent amongst the american public for the john to find a policy and they should be ashamed of themselves. and we're here to let them know that line dog outside the washington health and the representation level. the bloodied black jackets of the drum is killed by the israelis. and yet even this is
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very power. they didn't have an effect on the attendance of the us press score and sides. chapter transfer the elders era, washington. so the head, hair, analysis, era, ukraine and russia targets each of those energy facilities. we broke it and drove and strikes the last quite possible this early and significant weather that went through southern china in the form of flow directions. my keep going to meet with the seasonal ryans, i should do really. and even as this thing resolved into more assistance, however, we got moving and found some environment save sunday looks west and shanghai was a return to big potentially funding charles, just west of hong kong mondays,
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a day off for you until the shelves don't spread down and then i say cheryl's, i mean these big funds to produce behaviors as well, along with a lot of rain and that rain, the modifies will equally reach, southern part subsides career and southern japan. during monday, in southeast asia, there's still a potential from big thunderstorms of flooding in borneo may be in job and some auction, but that seemed quite so much of a risk here. and though we do have shares in the northeast of india, i've got some pretty spunky ones up around the whole lot social media, right. but the main story is the south asia is course is the pre monsoon heat. and for addition, westbank goals that's taken temperatures up to the regular values, certainly well above. the average coupling may be a good example of 55 and obviously average. so it goes up to $42.00 and stays the hoffman. she meet the conditions, the
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unique perspectives. why is it the doctors didn't get to have the site analysis? the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government from time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on out to the era the, the book about the headlines for you
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hundreds of university students across the united states has been arrested as protests against israel's one guns that continue to spread across the country. thousands of students quoting on the 1st is to cut ties with israel. the us present to speaking at the annual white house correspondents association. do not want outside of students in the test this onto mine an end, as well as listening to what i didn't have to say. that's what they put down. and so this book's not for me book be here is reminder of folks like what's going on in congress is political fear. that's not true. congress or theater. they have thrown out alarm board a long time ago. all
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my friends in the press and fox news. some of the plans that i know taken off of your questions. no comment. of course the new york times issued a statement blast to me for quote, active it effectively avoiding independent journalist. hey, if that's what it takes to get to do, you're trying to say i'm active and effective. i'm doing it is a strong independent journalist for millions of people actually listen to like howard stern. and i know you're looking around and saying this guy's been doing this for 50 years. he's had his moment. give him something to give someone else a chance to say that i say, lauren,
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ignore the critics. barnes, a great friend is that a community is play me over the years on saturday, 58 and who the hell says i'm not a real job create work or is that even more communities mattress joke about me like the funny guy and we can update michael shay, he's alert scrolling, let's go ahead and did you did such an incredible job in your state of view? well, you should be, we can do. we can not clearly you're, you're the funny one with me. i'm a lot of folks on a serious note. a decision amount and you know column. i have another the con, the both find spent. exams. i got to spend some time on us present. try by and
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speaking at the white house correspondents association. dinner a dressing agend this while protests against the war on jobs and take place outside that fire stick. just as a doctor. she rushed to ground area. we spent a hand who's already over the phone. she joined us from the office in central gaza . she spoke about the conditions, palestinian janice in gaza facing if i have the word to describe what i have been going through is 10 october 7. this is not something that has been ending. it has been continuous every single day for more than $200.00 days. we have been killed, displaced homeless, and we're not only reporting on this, but we're also living get with every single detail. we're living this war in all aspects of life. we have not being seen stuck with our families as dirt. and if you have not been able to eat well, we have been dehydrated,
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we have been not having offices. we have been reporting in one of the most harsh conditions like a reporter could go through and move his reporting despite losing a lot of colleagues. and it hurt our, our sold in our high every single day. we have been a target. we have been caused to be targeted by the is really air strikes and it's very me selling a week ago, sammy had our colleagues was targeted with an artillery showing he got his leg amputated in the same exact moment. the tanks fired him, he lost his leg, he had been calling to leave the cause of chip, but there has been no response because he needs medical treatment. all of the, the things we have been living in june and they are over, run me, are exhausting us. but we still continue because there has been at least 100 policy
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named journalists who i personally know that have been killed since october 7. and if they were here today with us, they would be reporting and they would be raising the voice of the voice. just touch me is missing a new genocide for more than 200 days on the ground in gaza is rarely forced as of killed at least 27 palestinians including 10 children since saturday morning. the army talk is at times in the red camp in central gauze, a 100 and roughly at least 34388 palestinians have been killed since the war began . the south africa as mocking of 50 years since its historic 1st democrat took election in 1994, which month the end of apartheid precedence around the plaza defended his governing
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african national. congress has recommend doing celebrations. so now how has more inventory it was a celebration of the events that ended upon the date of the civil war and gave birth to a new south africa. 13 years ago, president su rumble posts said freedoms bills had run out to across the country. that cost all the jo oppression. a new nation rooted in quantity of human size is among the greatest and a 2 friends of modern history. on the 27th of april 1994 millions of black south africans voted for the 1st time. the election swept nelson mandela and the african national congress to power. what became known as the rainbow nation. we, i just spend a break freedom days and we is my
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d d. we invited them to come into the bay as we, as we are, as young as we are. we, i just sent us out. and then since i was young, i know the events of 30 years ago still viewed significance. they delivered the free and democratic society in which everyone now lives with rights, with justice, but not necessarily opportunities for the promise of a better life. the rule remains elusive. for many and what the will bank list as the most on equal country on the $1.00 and $3.00 are unemployed infrastructure is from blake crime and corruption rice in an election year with the amc losing ground to other parties. the president said he would continue to work towards the vision and the ideals of 1994 south africans to put that promise many times before.
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jo, how elder 0 victoria made the celebrations. many south africans complain that there are unfulfilled promises from that historic 131994. wait a minute, reports not from adams on drug township in john has been to the governing african national congress has for years, almost a better life fall into some extent. it's delivered, it's provided free base to get you cation. it's also both millions of homes for people who don't have any. and it's also provided running water and electricity, especially in rural areas. but many here in the alexandria township, most of joanna's book, few very different tea they say enough hasn't been done. many of the homes here are in the formal housing, both with corrugated cheating, with whatever material people can find, including plastic, to create some sort of shelter. housing here is hard to come by. it's an area that
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is been sleep populated. now the government is having difficulty with a short full of at least $2800000.00 homes. and each other grows by at least a $180000.00 people here say more needs to be done. there's things that we can celebrate. the things that i feel we, we not yet at that point to celebrate one we, we not a liberated as leg setup. we didn't, we still haven't gotten the freedom, the financial freedom for us. that's how i know it has been changed. i have a few thoughts, put things, and it was like this. people are living with a group like this very promising applies. wow. sold africans acknowledge that they have been liberal rates if they have the right to vote. many, especially the areas like the say they haven't been liberated in terms of the economy. they have limited access and that's an equality. this is one of the most an equal societies on earth, and they say the gap between the rich and what is only growing so many the ultra 0
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alexandra township to have his bug. the ukraine says it's shot down $21.34. mr. was that was done once by russia, then overnight the tut, most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facilities. and ukraine says it targeted to oil refineries and rushes across the dock region, the dressings at the on site today. it's that close to 5 as the facilities shown home, it has more not from keith. ukraine's government said the on friday night a mass me, so strike, particularly targeted the countries energy network. the company d tech said that full of its them electricity pods had been attack.


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