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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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talk what we do and also sarah is try to balance the stories, the goods, the bad, the id tell, it says it was, and the people allow us into their lives. they gave me 10 to minus. he asked me to tell this story. on the, on the cloud, which is tons of the call. so now is there a way to look at the world of business and economics this week global military spending is often only time high increasing and 5 geographical regions. so while nations racing to replenish desktops files, attentions escalate in the middle east, west of nations impose a new ground of sanctions against the wrong. will that impacts the nation dependency to wage war the tresses by?
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i'm excess of terrorists. italy's ancient city event is now charging entry fees, but when it helped protect unesco world hurricanes, so it rushes invasion of ukraine escalate and geo political tensions in the middle east. on china's ministry build up in the south china sea. the world is now facing a period of increasing stability nations right across the globe of boosting. pet defenses, ministry spending reached an old time high of $92.00 trillion dollars last year. and this dot com, international peace research institute. that cit pre says for the 1st time in 15 years, the increase is spread right across all 5 geographical regions. so let's take a look at, at the top 5 spend as respectively with the us, china, russia, india, and saudi arabia. now china, based in spending on its ministry for the 29th straight. yeah. raising it to an estimate to $296000000000.00 ratings,
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military build up and worsening tensions in the region. also have prompted his neighbors to dedicate more funds to the military's, and then at least sold the highest correct rates in a decade with saudi arabia. its top spend, the kingdom is followed by israel, which is increase 6 expenditure to $27.00 and a half $1000000000.00 for spending surge, mainly driven by israel's world gone. so while the war and ukraine was the main driver of your pin defense spending and russia's military expenditure, it searched around a $109000000000.00. by comparison, ukraine has the largest minute to budget at $65000000.00 and receives military aid for more than 30 countries among the united states, which is committed to $95000000.00 in for an aid for ukraine. israel and for other us allies is, are not normal times. they're not. the world is, is the stabilize. and it's a tinderbox. it's a, it's a dangerous time. a 3 of our primary adversaries, russia and iran in china,
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are working together and they're being aggressors around the globe and their global threat to our prosperity and our security. their advance threatens their free world and it demands american leadership. we turn our backs right now, the consequences to be devastating. well, joining us now from london and some pilot freeman, he's research coordinator at the campaign against alms traded previously. what for 9 years at cit, preassigned, welcome to counting the costs. so this report might not have come as a surprise, but what's, what's different about it and what are the main drivers? would you say of ministry spending in 2023 as well. it's one of the largest increases in global military spending in video tons in quite a long time. a 6.8 percent increase a lot bigger increase than most previously as the last time the military spending increased that much was 2009. and if you remember,
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that was he had just off to the global financial crisis that struck. and at that time, most major economies, us china, and most of europe and economies, were in putting in place stimulus packages. massive spending packages, including very often increased military spending to come to the effects of the recession. so that was a very unusual. yeah, this is the largest increase since then. and the previous largest increase was 2003 the, the rock more stopped it. so it's very much a war time. yeah. level of spending and the ukraine war continues to be the big driver of the increase in, in load military spending, what you said they will all of them. it's just as spiraling out of control other enough. um, all these agreements in place to try and stop it happening. and i would say so yes,
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the it is by are they out of control? and as for arms control agreements, there's very little less of the consent vention of forces in your treaty rushes, pulled out. nato's pulled out that. that's basically done. the, the new stop says lapse old. i'm countries are looking at increasing that nuclear arsenals, mobilizing the of us is talking about bringing intermediate right cruz, my silos nuclear weapons back to your up, which could be a very dangerous development in the asia pacific. wherever us and china are engaged in the long running arms race, that all no arms control agreements, convention logs control agreements. and there's not even been any attempts to make such agreements. so now it's relas is a q as
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a carry out of genocide and gaza. how can the humanitarian goals be protected? well, nations raised to all themselves. well, unfortunately, when countries go to war, they of the few international humanitarian law, all very often goes out the window, especially when the countries listen supporting the un arming them. as is the case of us germany, you guys mean is vile. failed to hold them to account the evidence that israel is committing war crimes, even genocide and gaza is overwhelming. the u. s. and european countries, all kind of laws that should start um sales to countries that are doing such things . yeah. they are pretending not to see for their own strategical political
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reasons. but they are pretending to not to see this and saying no, everything is fine. it's all self defense and it was the same $170.00 arrive via was bombing. yep. and um, the now the um, the, the civilian desk told from the bombing, it was very bad. it pales in comparison to what's happening now in garza. but the us and the u. k, and others continued to make excuses for saudi arabia despite the fact that it was repeatedly bombing civilians. of course, russia and ukraine pose badly made any pretence to the following international law. so unfortunately, humanitarian considerations seem to type, not even sex and place for full 5th place, wedding, what countries go to war and the us pushing to end the war on gauze while still
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supplying weapons, which is just double standards. a hi doesn't think that really pushing to end the war in god's them. they are making a show. they are using rhetoric, but they want to see and then to the war they have the liver lead for rage. if by with the stop supplying the arms, the munitions, the spat fox, the ball could not go on, they are not putting even any conditions on this. i age and on these items. and i think that the by the administration wants to appear to the world to a part of the electorate, but trying to end the war. in reality, there is no serious, meaningful effort to bring it to an end. if the us really wanted the war to end the war with end, right, and as we look forward into the coming months in years,
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do you think this up with trend in homage will continue of the fortunately yes, your the pm countries are still rapidly increasing the military spending, a lot of them are still well below the night, so target to 2 percent and that pledge to get that what were even higher the u. k has just pledged to reach 2 and a half percent of g. d. p by 20. so see which would be another lodging praise, but they probably outgoing turing government, but the government is likely to follow exactly the same policy. and oh, the part of the increase in, well, military spending last year was in europe. so the trend is, is likely to continue. of course, at some point the immediate russia ukraine will, will presumably come to an end of how long that is with no idea. um,
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i'm not might view some of the pressure, but it will still be an extremely time some hostile situation in your up as a site. the other end of the road be us trying the ohms vice in the i sure pacific shows no signs of left to go up. and fortunately, that doesn't seem to be any near tub threat to it's not turning into a hot wall, god willing, but the competition, familiar tree pension money in the region. and that for the increases in spending are likely to continue. all right, we'll leave with that some public friedman. thanks very much. thank you very much for having me. the know tit for tat, a time between iran and israel had raised periods of a wide,
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a war in the middle east. the us and his allies been posed more sanctions on terra on hoping to limit its ability to attack israel again. measures put the private ron and billions of dollars in revenues, but are on says that the economy is resilient. recent data, in fact, shows its exported more oil in the 1st 3 months of the them at any time in the past 6 years, but many of radians say that that's struggling veronica patricia as this report now on april the so the teams iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones towards israel, it was the single largest drug and strike carried out by any country. and the 1st time iran directly attacked israel. iranian officials say it was retaliation. israel's assault on the consulate in damascus on april, the 1st of our forces. punish designers presume and put it in its place. and this was an announcement to the whole world, to global powers, to design this regina that the nation of iran is ready. israel then hit by striking
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iranian targets and its closest allies, the u. s. u and the u. k was quick to impose fresh economic sanctions on iran and it's weapons manufacturers. washington says to ron must be held accountable and prevented from acting again. the country has been on the west and sanctions so yes, but the government says they've had little impact on oil exports. we've moved to 90 percent of its crude, shipped to china. still erodes economy is suffering from we growth. in february, inflation hit 40 percent. prices. it's tom food items such as meat, almost tripled, compared with the same month last year. there's been a rise in prices, especially dairy products, sections have impacts when a country is isolated, pressure and people get smooth on a specific cloth. if the society feels it more than others, 100 percent,
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if pensions escalated prices will rise more and more. the price of bins, she can meet all the fluids. it's increased by example for the sections. and this collisions with has an effect of people to livelihoods. people who are worried about it as tensions link kind of runs the economy with style and the consequences of a full scale with israel, veronica pedroza, i'll just sarah for counting the cost. well, joining us now from violating is muhammad overlays if i'm a good and he is a professor of economics of them, at least at the phillips university, taught ma bug muhammad, welcome 1st stop. what do you make of this new round of sanctions against the wrong? on the new or on the sanction reduce the risk, simply decided in the us government after eat on the knees. dry company is aiming to basic you restrict even further. you're not in order to explore especially to the chinese customers. however,
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as you also showed in your report in china and very much it benefiting from the receiving boys from you on that, no other sanction county such as i see i'm a save the mediums of dollars discounts and the much of the, the oil explore to, to to china or not to, to the office. your child is the so called dark fleet. those dark shipping lines basically all engage the part of the shaggy economy of 3, the or a and it is quite difficult with the us government to trace the, these, it basically in former and trading the boy between your, in china and a from technical perspective where one can say the significance of his stature causing dad, i need to pick the benefits of these new round of the sanctions. also on to the uh, depending on the goals of the centers of the sanction, to do it, to change
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a bureau, you don't need a government to pay this under sanctions shows that basically the contract product, the and that makes it easy and call them and, and the more willing maybe to also engage him to call for the, the more sanctioning pose of this country. so given that around so you should be able to sac event the sanctions and increase its all exports. i do think that by the ministration will go to further sanctioning a low well, i mean, and we are in the election us and one should basically also i'm sure that the us administration, that would be a cost benefit analysis. this unexpected costs of increasing additional size filling you wrong, especially not only in dusty which is also affecting the chinese economy goals would also know a result to more political change change in between china us on $1.00 side, on the other side. a good deal also as
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a positive increasing shot to the old markets, we'd share at the end. the cost would be transferred to the us consumers and the indies, the election year reach a us the basically phase competition. we can buy them to tom. this is a very central issue, the inflation rate, digitally production rate. it will gasoline price in the us would give a commercial side to so i would leave that. given the current condition being for single, these new around the sanction is a quite less likely a view. like i said, when iran says it's managed to shield itself in the sections and is resilient its economy is resilient. do you think that's totally true across the board? the oh well even as the shown that basically as to why the painful sanctions that we looked at the obama sanction 2012 and up to the g . c, p. o, a and a half day deadline for the state of sanction. and the drum uh on the wrong,
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reduce the immediate and they give you a fix on are you gonna call them? your goal is to dp girls. girls domestic production has declined significantly. reading the 1st 3 years of this sanction, but then we call it slowly. and so and the running and situation is like here at pearson, we did significant back pain, which is basically to bother you twice. i just said to add to use the sickness, right? so i, at the end, develop a situation as reviews, a bought the equipment because we as i, as the, as has shown some significant resistance. okay, so, so the economy is missing and what about from the point of view of the man and woman in the streets? how they affected by the sanctions? that's true. i mean let me talk about, they quoted me costs of the sanction long shoot. this afraid the short term effects media attention, fixed on long term effects. as we have seen then that the short term effects is
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obviously busy. both the negative girls rate recovery has this started in the years after the dis, sanctions imposed on the wrong because the new ways of doing business as identity by the union government. however, it is still at the u on you, and call them using a in a bad the equally beyond compared to the piece i can pay you. so inflation also as being reported to as increased substantially when we look at the 10 percent inflation rate before obama sanction now, it is more than 40 percent. the evaluation of done in car se has also made much up the impulse, much more expensive, transferred to the consumer price is the higher price would be paid by the rodney as in the market. so all these factors increase the economy also increase in giving media of them in the long term. of course, the cost would be much more substantial because we need to take into account the fix of sanction or education that has only $1.00 man on the loss of human capital,
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the wrong to these all mediation, that'd be all savvy. so in dad's in saying they need to fix the sanction is something negative, right? and this is something that the people also realizing the daily life. but the question whether that has resulted to subsidize your changing your on demand behavior. and we cannot trace that in a substantial way, so the political behavior has not changed much on the design scans and the, the government has find a way to bypass the saying, what impact do the sanctions in any potential sanctions in the future have on their rounds ability to wage war, do you think i the uh well the initiating. yeah. and if the financing, the war of course, there is an issue that we don't see that in the union agenda. so i'm to initiate the war. but if your questions about, you know, the funding,
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get all kinds of military adventures into regions that, that's a much depends on the domestic and external fact on domestic situation. the beyond this sanction is steve and the find on available to basically the following. the emily to the patient is quite limited in each outpatient and development to increase the taxes in order to cover some parts of these budget. if we've done the sanctions so economy, the indicators are not showing that the country is ready for or is a but for long term military at all kind of conflict with the specific neighbors the, the region on the other side, the, the one that basically needs a kind of match mobilization any long or for these type of activities as the years under this sanction has resulted and mismanagement. this is also something that one should acknowledge that the sanctions long factor about the quality of
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governance and mismanagement in utilities and other fact or. and that most of the working for tense and so these mass mobilization of rodney as to a support these type of activities has also the good agent or the rest and years. you're talking about the trust between this, the society and for my institution as that has been recon, especially after the product is still 2022 under my life. freedom and the all these factors basically indicate that the situation to initiate such adventures is not. that is not available. okay. appreciates your analysis of my having those if i'm a good. thank you. thank you very much. i to know that it is a unesco welled heritage sites and more than $30000000.00 tourists come each year and most visits is to the floating cynthia venice. and it's me that just for the day, many residents and not complaining about pollution and rise, the rent fueled by the excess of tourist on now this has become the world's 1st
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city to charge a day trip is around $5.00 entry to try and cut a tourism payment system is now being built in a time limited pilot program. visitors will need to download a q all code that may be checked by controllers transgresses risk fines start to get 10 times the entrance fee, the city of time. it was also considering introducing a similar fat and many cities right across the world and pays taxes to limit the number of terrace that includes possibly in the end the island of bali. so to take this on joining us from vienna is claudia don. it's out. she is a professor in tourism, it's a stain dependency at the university at the institute, i should say, of terrorism at crims university. claudia, welcome at what do you make of this new charge in venice? hello, thank you very much. well, of course, what we're seeing in van is not really surprising here. ben is has been battling
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over tourism too much tourism for quite a few years now. last year bad news was close to being put on the unesco wealth heritage. a list of danger, which means that the, the city of ben is, would be endangered. and of course would, we're also seeing is increasingly more tourists and on busy days nearly doubled the amount of tourist in venice as we have residence. so um the, the, the entrance fee that is uh, introduced now, is of course not surprising after other measures like banning crew ships. this is, this is not the new. okay. the advantage is trying to, i want to see and can see why they do it yet. but how is it likely to go down with tourist you think of yeah, i think that actually it will not deter torres to visit vendors in the future because i don't think that 5 years will actually put you off to visit venice if
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you've always wanted to visit banners, but of course what might happen is that the tours might be more leveled out throughout the year because of course venice is asking for discharge only on 20 mist 9 days a year, which are the busiest days. and so maybe taurus find that too much of a hassle and go on a lot of day. but in the end, i don't think that this will reduce the number of taurus what it rather does is it actually creates another symbol for um, for showing that venice is turning a little bit into a feat park. we're really going down to root all these notifications here of charging entrance to city. that is actually someone else's home. yeah, advantage of coal some residence. so the more attention needs to be paid to boosting the resident population in improving services for residences, as opposed to focusing on tourism as a fat point, isn't it? yeah, of course. and we see this all around to well,
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of course in venice it's extreme and of course what the government is saying with an entrance fee or with tourism tax is that we're using this for the residents. but i can also understand that residents cannot see the actual changes in our lives when they're trying to take the boat in the morning or when they're trying to to have a coffee somewhere. we're really, we really need to drastically reduce the amount of torres, and i think we can only do that by actually reducing over consumption, reducing excess of reducing flights. and there needs to be more drastic measures than this of a terrorism is increasing around the world. isn't it, was it becoming such a thing? which um, well, we've seen various sectors that have given rise to this phenomenon, particularly before the corporate pandemic factors such as on the supply side, we have all the cheap flights. we have the sharing economy with air
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b and b that has exploded. we have a new markets traveling that we haven't seen traveling before. but also on the demand side we see new developments. so with the, with obviously with the influence of social media on tourism, we've seen increasingly more people wanting to go to these honeypot sites and actually trying to consume a destination from a perspective that they're taking, taking pictures of it. and this has, this combination has left to really dangers mix and over tourism has increased the immensely over the years. also because government has not put the residents 1st, but they've put the towards 1st and they've put economic income 1st step towards brings to destinations. of course claudia don't as well. thank you. thank you. and that is all show for this week to get in touch with us or next for me to close
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out jobs and do use a hash tag h a see to see when needed or troubleshooting algebra comes to the house's or it is . our draft is multi online course, dot 0 dot com slash cdc. that will take you straight to our page, which is loads of individual reports linked to the product site. so that's it for this edition economy, the cost on the clock and the whole team to join us. the news went out. is there a company right on the in depth analysis of the days headlines, those the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i ask how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes? witnessing yahoo is trying to stay indefinitely as 5 minutes to the know the to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america. the
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crux of the matter is new jazz choice of ministry partners, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks, another mazda gray of yours more power, city, and bodies, over 3 of the, the identities are largely lost in on, out of president in war with in depth reports the scale. this was something they've never seen before. from the heart of the story, almost 500 medical workers have been killed in spite because trip putting more pressure on the health care system that tens of thousands rely on a pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is
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troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the in the center. i bet you didn't have the
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of hundreds of university students across the us have been arrested. there's a movement against the guns that continues to grow across the country. the don jordan, this is out. is there a life from dell also coming up approaches for palestine outside the white house correspondents, dinner with coles for john list of boy company event, which was attended by us president. your advice? is there any bombardments across the gaza strip us to let loose the 27th that estimates including 10 children since not that amount? plus i'm drawing a hole in front of the union buildings in pretoria where they've been celebrations of south africa's 1st free and democratic election. the.


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