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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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of the hundreds of university students across the us have been arrested as a movement against the guns that continues to grow across the country. the don jordan, this is out. is there a life from don't also coming up approaches for palestine outside the white house correspondents, dinner with goals for john list, a boy company event which was attended by us president you about is there any bombardments across the gaza strip us to let loose the 27th that estimates including 10 children since the bus drilling
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a hole in front of the union buildings in pretoria with it being celebrations of south africa's 1st free and democratic election, broke nelson mandela and the african national congress to power. 30 years ago, the hundreds of university students across america have been detained so far as riley is against the war. one of guns that happened gathering pace spreading throughout the country. police, i'm tired of lots get arrests on campuses and recent bags at times using chemical within some phases to display students. some university is about to cancel that graduation ceremonies, but others have seat and time building is occupied by protesting students out there . with john henry reports and princeton university in new jersey for students occupying college campuses across the united states,
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the price of pro test can be high. there are the arrests, a 100 of them on saturday at northeastern university in boston. and more than 600 over the past week, including 2 here at princeton university, talk about guns and culture. i mean, this is the kansas shut down any discussion and really ranging discussion of this. i mean, for many of these positions, history began on october the 2nd this we didn't begin on october. the 7th is actually led to october, the 7th. and this is what students want to discuss. then there is the academic price at princeton were captured. protesters look on. many students were masks to protect their identities, which still play by the university's rules, no amplifiers, no sleeping in no tents, including the massive tent the university put up for an upcoming event. next to the
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protest encampment. soon as they're taking some big risk and things protests, if they violate university rules, they can be expelled in here at princeton commissions, over $50000.00 a year. and for many of them it's in education. they've been looking forward to all their lives. you know, that speaks to how passionate people are about it. i mean, we're willing to put that on the line. and we also know that we have power in numbers, palestinian active as linda as our sources. there's an irony and lead universities in scaling ethical values and students and then punishing them for exercising those values. they are young people that you don't even have to agree with, but they live in america in a democracy and they have every right to freedom of speech. and they are being brutalized by law enforcement who could be using their time for something else. and in fact, the fact that we are suppressing young people across this country only further emboldens them and continues these types of in cap mentioned work for justice. because that is what appears to be happening in new jersey,
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new york. and it dozens of universities from coast to coast when college presidents calling police to arrest demonstrators and tear down, protest encampments. the students rebuild the old ones and build new ones on new campuses. john henry and l g 0, princeton, new jersey. i'll just here was mike kind of sent us this update from outside of students in cumberland, george washington university in the us capital. over the past 24 hours. the fence behind me here has been sealed. nobody is being allowed in to the area where the tents have been pitched this in order to ensure that it doesn't get to be good, then it is. now if you look over here, this, outside this on a street running along side universe be square more 10 said being pitched up here in both areas. police say they all here to monitor. they blocked off both sides of this road, running past university square. but they insist that because the demonstration is
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peaceful because there has been no vitriolic language that they will just stay and monitor. they will not interfere this despite the fact that the university authorities awesome some 24 hours ago to move in the police declining to do so. and perhaps what's happening here is something that happened way back in june 2020. when dc police forcibly disperse, demonstrate is with but tons and to i guess something that was seen as very bad optics and something that's the police do not want repeated. hence the stand up attitude at the moment. the university itself, though the thirty's here, have been threatening to suspend students. they are identifying them by the tags that students use to go into the main buildings next to the square. those are being identified as such. have been threatened with suspension, but the demonstration remains peaceful. the police remain in what is described as
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a watching mode, montana which is the era washington and phillip it allows this report on the protests at emory university in atlanta, georgia. so the feeling here is very much more of a festival, rather than a protest to the moment. i mean, i was just reading playing on this because there are hundreds of people here. they've all been encouraged to break blankets, make something to eat, somebody to drink very much show solidarity for the people in gaza without would have turning. and so i must protest in the sense of what we saw on the 1st nights where the police got involved. so people to bring in blankets for bringing food and drink by putting up flags and fighters all over the quad head. which way we saw those process on 1st, like they're also being encouraged to write message of support the messages of support on the ground, which will do whatever they can just to show that the people who because i have no fee for governmental good bringing mason who's one of the organizers here, i'm make some you say all of these people here. it's a completely different atmosphere. so what we saw on thursday, right, right. yeah,
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um, thursday honestly was very traumatic. the police cracked down was completely violent and the inside of violence against completely people processors. so for the past 2 days we've kind of been winding down, trying to rest. we hear emery, we believe that self care is part of resist. ready as one of our alumni from the come to school, if the all to ceteris is a sense, what do you think is the end goal here? like what, what does it look like ideally to you guys? yes, so the end goal is really 3 demands that we have. number one that every disclose all their financial investments. number 2 that they divest from all is really companies. and number 3 that they provide continued amazon production to all the students that were on just the rest of that we've seen a significant lock of police here today. um, yes, could i? um, how does that come about? yes, i would say frankly that emory university has learned this lesson from thursday. there have been violent police crackdowns on completely peaceful demonstrations of students practicing their 1st amendment, the right to speech, then the right to protest. and for that reason, i think they've kind of just been keeping the police away from us. we are simply
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continuing to peacefully protest and demonstrate and we're not violating any policies. we're kind of just here, community building and sending and solidarity with thoughts. fine, thanks very much. well, the university's position is, uh, is, is quite untenable. say some of the protest is not, is because the president, who was the man that settled 1st a, but the police went right to be here. but the protests were being organized by outside influence is he is now facing calls for him to go inside a huge number of people. it was faculty how's advice on friday during which sites? so today? well mainly from motion. i have no confidence at the moment the president is refusing to move, but of course the protest is i've got that i'm goes and minds. well, i'm gonna do a tom is a ph. d student at cornell university. he spoke about the implications, the protest i having on other students. we've had death threats. we've had people with wall slip ratings, lots of july. we've had police video and taking pictures of us was to be played in
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the video in the most area place on campus, but other students taking pictures of the books, us many about palestinian. i'm with spring students. how out now one can every missions will be pro palestinian what some of the consequences that i will ask them for the semester. i might not get paid over the summer. i might have to graduate later than expected this this semester. but i'm taken, and i've tried to work somewhat hard to miss everything else, may not count to my degree. and i have to repeat it. that's quite a serious thing. and they talk it to the, my understanding people who are precarious positions such as students on visas. and so it seems like the tactic we decides what is the target to visible people and people and prepares positions. why? i think that's the case because people, i mean, the target is false, suspensions, right? i've not done anything extra ordinary than anyone else and then come to there's been people who have been me. i've been by my side, every step of the way it says and come in and started and then not targeted them.
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so meanwhile, in southern gaza, despised palace, bonanza comes in the roof of thanking student protest as for the show of solidarity . they've been displaying messages of gratitude on that tense. i say that despite the comp downs by universities and the police schools to end the war had been heard by the people besieged and gossip. and i'd have to have, you have to the, i'm not sure i have nothing in this idea came to us of seeing what was happening in the news, especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university for standing with us, with their humanity, their hearts, and their compassion, and we hope the world will stand united with them. we hope for the will to support them, you know, to arrest them and imprison them. i'm not sure. but yes, president joe biden has spoken at the annual white house correspondents dinner, but made the mention of israel as one gaza. that's despite demonstrations outside the hotel. let's hosting the dinna denouncing the bite and administration is handling of the war. hundreds of journalists,
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politicians and celebrities have gathered up a century o event. but more than 2 dozen palestine john list cool for their colleagues, the boy called the white house correspondents dinner. they say the bottom administration is complicit in israel. a systematic cling of public opinion, members of the press since as well as well on guns that began last october. there's really been a tree, has killed a 142 media workers. at least 40 pallets to me and john list have been arrested by the is right, the ministry and the committee to protect general. it says that 2023 with a deadly su for those in the profession and a decade. 75 percent of those killed worldwide with palestinians reporting on the war because she has her times he sent us this report from outside the protest in washington dc. it was obviously the white house correspondents gonna like this before. protest is outside. hundreds of them challenging the word shape of your 10 . these are all dressed up in the evening finery. be those gathered here at craig
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zoo this, but john lift stellar drum this to go in and break bread with joe biden. there's policies they all do. how contributed to the depths of so many drug lists and goals that are attending this event should be ashamed of themselves. there's been over 200 days genocide, over 30000 palestinians, 100100140 journalists. had been targeted by the is really government murder because they're telling the truth. they're telling the truth about the fact that they're just really government hispanic hospitals and gone in an age science and intentionally start making the people. and instead of speaking out against that and having any journalistic integrity, they're having dinner and laughing with fighting with providing millions of dollars to be is really government for them to funds. and they've said nothing. and actually it's manufactured consent amongst the american public for the genocide and they should be ashamed of themselves and we're here to let them know that lined up outside the washington health and the representation level. the bloodied black
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jackets of the drum is killed by the is riley's, and yet even this is very power. they didn't have an effect on the attendance of the us press boy inside chancey out. is there a washington with any of you spoke to him tell. couldn't it be over the phone in central gaza? she told us more about the conditions palace to me and john listened gauze facing so if i have the word to describe what i have been going to is 10 october 7, this is not something that has been ending. it has been continuous every single day for more than $200.00 days. we have been killed, displaced homeless, and we're not only reporting on this, but we're also living get with every single detail. we're living this war in all aspects of life. we have not being seen our families as dirt and if you have not been able to eat well, we have been dehydrated. we have been not having offices. we have been reporting in
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one of the most harsh conditions like a reporter could go through and move his reporting despite losing a lot of colleagues and hurt our our sold in our high every single day. we have been a target, we have been cost and p targeted by that is really air strikes and is remy shelling a week ago? sammy had our colleague was targeted with an artillery showing he got his leg amputated in the same exact moment. the tanks fired him, he lost his leg, he had been calling to leave the cause of chip, but there has been no response because he needs medical treatment. all of the the things we have been living in june and they are overwhelming our exhausting list. but we still continue because there has been a key 100 policy in june and as to why preston and know that have been killed since
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october 7. and if they were here today with us, they would be reporting and they would be raising the voice of the voice gets touched. and he is missing a new genocide for more than $200.00 days. stock or salt break here. and i'll just say it right when we come back, ukraine and russia targeted each other's energy facilitates rockets and trend strong. this morning. the spring rain in the middle east. it's still going, but it stretches in a line of clive as you can see from west and yemen right up towards the tough to you and talk here is quite likely to be pretty. i'm cousin tennis down bow, a noisily breeze. the shadows elsewhere tend to move through, produced re fi, some flooding west inside. he's been
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a good example of them. sunday will probably take it further east to was ringing up . and then the area or the collapsing really is tom. do you have it? if anything is breathing, it's expanding and collapsing, expanding again, i think binding to choose to, to shout risk stretches from mecca. all my as to as bob. right. and stephanie mitchell and the week that's where the showers show up and these restaurants are what's in the front as well. mostly not big, but some of them are particularly ones in saudi arabia, in east africa. the funding in kenya is a little bit tempered and the feds in nice towns may have gone off shore now. but notice the breeze. it takes sherry rain up towards something in somalia. i'd like to give some good news to the science of this because there's been precious visual right in the heart of south africa in the last month. and they should have been some, well suddenly dusty, a few sheriffs like ones in southern mozambique and maybe in the central part of south africa. i'll take you to monday and you don't see any improvement at all of the
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humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mighty oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to one of 2 on the jersey to the the the welcome back to watching out. just a quick reminder about top stories here. this our hundreds of
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university students across the us of interested as protest against as well as war and gaza continued to spread across the country. thousands of calling on the universities to comp ties with his ram. yes, president joe biden made no mention of the war and the cause of the white house correspondents dinner. protests outside the hotel is hosting the supper engine, housing. the bikes administration, sampling of thousands of on government protest as have been gathering once again in tennessee. as the government continues to face growing anger and discontent, demonstrators accused the government of dragging out the war hoops of including the early elections and for these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. i was your name is ben. it's me as more from tennessee in the video, there's like a video release about how much of course there is really the 1st sign of life in
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terms of the service and the director of the team and many of the 6 families reminder that there is any money to take those as rarely coverages, as opposed to a $1000000.00 and show an indication about typically 6, although strongly advise it's a couple minutes. i'm sorry you said that i have the deal, the sabotage on both sides. he says, is there on how much i'm not showing no commitment to reaching the same spot in a whole state to release out into the pressure. i'm prime minister benjamin bit benjamin netanyahu. these pages gathering the calls very. i
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believe that people know who is deliberately saving, so i'll just tell me some of the world news now in south africa as month or 2 years since it's historic 1st democratic election in 1994, which month the end of apartheid president serial. and my post a defended his governing african national congress. his record during celebrations on saturday. but opinion polls suggest support for the amc is dwindling. had of next month, the general election on the whole as more inventory it was a celebration with the events that in the deposit of the civil war and gave the bus to a new south africa, 13 years ago, president to run the post said freedoms bills had run out to across the country. that's a low to high school. they jo oppression. a new
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nation rooted in quantity of human size is among the greatest and a 2 friends of modern history. on the 27th of april 1994 millions of black south africans voted for the 1st time. the election swept nelson mandela and the african national congress to power what became known as the rainbow nation. we had just signed a break freedom days and we is at my d. d. we invited them to come into the bay as we, as we are, as young as we are. we are 10 plus south. and then since i was young, i know the events to 30 years ago still viewed significance, they delivered the free and democratic society in which everyone now lives with rights, with justice, but not necessarily opportunities for the problem.
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is that a better life? the role remains elusive? for many and what the world thank list as the most unequal country on the one and 3 are unemployed infrastructure is crumbling, crime and corruption, rice in an election year with the amc losing ground to other parties. the president said he would continue to work towards the vision and the ideals of 1994 south africans. to put that promise many times before. jo, how l g 0 pretoria. what i mean, the celebrations many south africans complained that there are uncontrolled premises from that historic vote in 1994 to 0. somebody. the miller reports not from alexander township in john, his but to the governing african national congress has for years promised a better life fall into some extent. it's delivered. it's provided free base to get you cation. it's also both millions of homes for people who don't have any,
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and it's also provided running water and electricity, especially in rural areas. but many here in the alexander township. most of do i had this book, few very different t. they say enough hasn't been done. many of the homes here are in formal housing, both with corrugated sheeting with whatever material people can find, including plastic, to create some sort of shelter. housing here is hard to come by. it's a barrier that is densely populated. now the government is having difficulty with a short full of at least $2800000.00 homes. and each other grows by at least a $180000.00 people. here's a more needs to be done. there's things that we can celebrate. the things that i feel we, we not yet at that point to celebrate one we, we not eh, liberated as blakes of africans. we still haven't gotten the freedom to financial freedom for us. so that's how i know it has been changed. i have a few thoughts,
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put things in there like this. people are living with like these very promising applies. wow. sold africans acknowledge that they have been liberal rates that they have the right to vote. many, especially the areas like the say they haven't been liberated in terms of the economy. they have limited access and that and equality. this is one of the most an equal societies on us and they say the gap between the rich and what is only growing so many the ultra 0 alexandra township to have his bug as well. many half of that it was under the age of $34.00 unemployed in south africa. one of them is valencia below you, who's been looking for a job. since you graduated from university, this is how story. my name is my name is jesse and finally i live in. so it's in amelia, unemployed. for the 2nd, i study public relations from 2018 to 2020 to 2022. i graduated and then after graduating i stayed at home during nothing's been
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applied for work, but nothing came up. uh 20, so useless. like i've just wasted. i know that it makes me feel like i'm not doing anything to contribute. there's nothing all day. i've been playing, if you could see my friend in most, in a day, i play move at 6 places, but to no response. a thing for me, me personally, if i could find a job that my life would be more easier and then accessing what they said, department of labor has inter interested in assist bonnie so that you can gain access to like the youth can gain access for them to find for me to find what can be, what is i mean i've applied for it's awesome. it's me being when i go to this, this team right now. the 1st name itself is both working and the thing is in this,
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and i don't know, i appreciate the opportunity to that the government has paid for me. and that's of this page for me for the, for me to go to school for free. if that's the, that's the only thing that i'm grateful for the us that i believe in this country because of what the government is permission of life from a 1994. so now that i have is the name change for me. the ukraine says that jump down 21. the 34 missiles that were launched by russia in an overnight attack. most of the strikes targeted ukraine's energy facilities. and ukraine says it targeted to order to find risk and rushes crescent. all region with drones. early on saturday, the attack caused several fires of the facilities. i'll just say it was done home
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and has more from the ukraine and capital. the cranes government said the on friday night a mass me. so strike particularly targeted the country's energy network. the company d tech said that full of bits from electricity pods had been attacked. and this has been a strategy from russia targeting ukraine's energy network, tugging the electricity in the country. there's also been a ramp up ukrainian government says on a tax on its railway lines, it says that russia is trying to attack its military supplies, getting to the front. now why the focus and the increase in these attacks? now there's 2 key timeframes. the 1st is may, the 9th, that since either russia celebrates its victory over germany in world war 2, but it's become a day of military celebration in general in the country. i'm reportedly at the government that wants to see gains before the made the noise. so we can celebrate them on that side. there's another key timeframe. and that's to do with the fact
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that there's been a $61000000000.00 a package approved by the united states to get towards ukraine. and so russia who's so the craning government says, wants to make as much advances, knock out as much infrastructure as it can before the weapon rate and the ad, the phone defenses in that package start to arrive in the country and it can protect the more. now on the other side, the russian defense ministry said to the intercepted $68.00 drones that with going towards the country and particularly towards the crescent adult region. the governor of crescent adult has said that they were trying to attack the oil refineries. that, that's also been a strategy for you trying to use those long range drones to go into russia and particularly to attack its energy network and its energy at supplies. as this will continues to on home and i would just say to keep ukraine's it's germany's far right after the party has launch discount pain for the european parliamentary
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elections in june. hold suggest it could come in 2nd in europe as the most populous country. but the policies might and yet another scandal off to one of its candidates was arrested and accusations of spying for china. william pico, come on out from bowie. if the leaders have some reasons to be cheerful as they launched that campaign. so the, you repeat the elections that come with the 2nd in the polls expected to win most cities than ever before. but that also facing ever more scandals. and one man was conspicuous by his absence puts you need a couple of try to explain why that made kind of that wasn't the misdemeanor. i knew the schedule. i'd like to take this opportunity to think maximilian class for saying that to date shouldn't be about caught. caught, cox today is about the d because we add the prod, you that puts out germany 1st arts, then the tod do. and then the drain. when done, you post the one as if these top kinds of it for the elections crowd was meant to
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be funding this campaign. but last monday, one of his members of stuff was arrested by the juvenile facilities accused of spying for china, off too late for the party to change the list of candidates. and we have cross a, he went step down the f. d as keeping him well out of the spotlight. not least since crow himself is also being investigated on suspicion. he took money from china and russia outside the companion. n t f t protest is i'd like you to know the headaches of the party. yeah, cook, uh, one of them as permanent vegas is currently on trial accused of deliberately using a nazi slogan. that's trial continues, but it's unfair how much f d versus okay. c, as in that to you for, for thoughts on like many fall right. parties have established their own media system where they can reach several with us directly. and the question is whether the traditional vote us of the f d will be open to believe the allegation says that in may.


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